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Most restriction endonucleases bridge two target sites before cleaving DNA: examples include all of the translocating Type I and Type III systems, and many Type II nucleases acting at their sites. A subset of Type II enzymes, the IIB systems, recognise bipartite sequences, like Type I sites, but cut specified phosphodiester bonds near their sites, like Type IIS enzymes. However, they make two double-strand breaks, one either side of the site, to release the recognition sequence on a short DNA fragment; 34 bp long in the case of the archetype, BcgI. It has been suggested that BcgI needs to interact with two recognition sites to cleave DNA but whether this is a general requirement for Type IIB enzymes had yet to be established. Ten Type IIB nucleases were tested against DNA substrates with one or two copies of the requisite sequences. With one exception, they all bridged two sites before cutting the DNA, usually in concerted reactions at both sites. The sites were ideally positioned in cis rather than in trans and were bridged through 3-D space, like Type II enzymes, rather than along the 1-D contour of the DNA, as seen with Type I enzymes. The standard mode of action for the restriction enzymes that excise their recognition sites from DNA thus involves concurrent action at two DNA sites.  相似文献   

Orthodox Type IIP restriction endonucleases, which are commonly used in molecular biological work, recognize a single palindromic DNA recognition sequence and cleave within or near this sequence. Several new studies have reported on structural and biochemical peculiarities of restriction endonucleases that differ from the orthodox in that they require two copies of a particular DNA recognition sequence to cleave the DNA. These two sites requiring restriction endonucleases belong to different subtypes of Type II restriction endonucleases, namely Types IIE, IIF and IIS. We compare enzymes of these three types with regard to their DNA recognition and cleavage properties. The simultaneous recognition of two identical DNA sites by these restriction endonucleases ensures that single unmethylated recognition sites do not lead to chromosomal DNA cleavage, and might reflect evolutionary connections to other DNA processing proteins that specifically function with two sites.  相似文献   

Sites of transposon Tn7 insertion in the Escherichia coli chromosome were examined, and two distinct classes of target sites differing in nucleotide sequence were identified. The target site choice was found to be determined by Tn7-encoded transposition genes.  相似文献   

Several type II restriction endonucleases interact with two copies of their target sequence before they cleave DNA. Three such enzymes, NgoMIV, Cfr10I and NaeI, were tested on plasmids with one or two copies of their recognition sites, and on catenanes containing two interlinked rings of DNA with one site in each ring. The enzymes showed distinct patterns of behaviour. NgoMIV and NaeI cleaved the plasmid with two sites faster than that with one site and the catenanes at an intermediate rate, while Cfr10I gave similar steady-state rates on all three substrates. Both Cfr10I and NgoMIV converted the majority of the substrates with two sites directly to the products cut at both sites, while NaeI cleaved just one site at a time. All three enzymes thus synapse two DNA sites through three-dimensional space before cleaving DNA. With Cfr10I and NgoMIV, both sites are cleaved in one turnover, in a manner consistent with their tetrameric structures, while the cleavage of a single site by NaeI indicates that the second site acts not as a substrate but as an activator, as reported previously. The complexes spanning two sites have longer lifetimes on catenanes with one site in each ring than on circular DNA with two sites, which indicates that the catenanes have more freedom for site juxtaposition than plasmids with sites in cis.  相似文献   

Before cleaving DNA substrates with two recognition sites, the Cfr10I, NgoMIV, NaeI and SfiI restriction endonucleases bridge the two sites through 3D space, looping out the intervening DNA. To characterise their looping interactions, the enzymes were added to plasmids with two recognition sites interspersed with two res sites for site-specific recombination by Tn21 resolvase, in buffers that contained either EDTA or CaCl2 so as to preclude DNA cleavage by the endonuclease; the extent to which the res sites were sequestered into separate loops was evaluated from the degree of inhibition of resolvase. With Cfr10I, a looped complex was detected in the presence but not in the absence of Ca(2+); it had a lifetime of about 90 seconds. Neither NgoMIV nor NaeI gave looped complexes of sufficient stability to be detected by this method. In contrast, SfiI with Ca(2+) produced a looped complex that survived for more than seven hours, whereas its looping interaction in EDTA lasts for about four minutes. When resolvase was added to a SfiI binding reaction in EDTA followed immediately by CaCl2, the looped DNA was blocked from recombination while the unlooped DNA underwent recombination. By measuring the distribution between looped and unlooped DNA at various SfiI concentrations, and by fitting the data to a model for DNA binding by a tetrameric protein to two sites in cis, an equilibrium constant for the looping interaction was determined. The equilibrium constant was essentially independent of the length of DNA between the SfiI sites.  相似文献   

F factor TraY, a ribbon-helix-helix DNA-binding protein, performs two roles in bacterial conjugation. TraY binds the F origin of transfer (oriT) to promote nicking of plasmid DNA prior to conjugative transfer. TraY also binds the P(Y) promoter to up-regulate tra gene expression. The two plasmid regions bound by TraY share limited sequence identity, yet TraY binds them with similar affinities. TraY recognition of the two sites was first probed using in vitro footprinting methods. Hydroxyl radical footprinting at both oriT and P(Y) sites indicated that bound TraY protected the DNA backbone bordering three adjacent DNA subsites. Analytical ultracentrifugation results for TraY:oligonucleotide complexes were consistent with two of these subsites being bound cooperatively, and the third being occupied at higher TraY concentrations. Methylation protection and interference footprinting identified several guanine bases contacted by or proximal to bound TraY, most located within these subsites. TraY affinity for variant oriT sequences with base substitutions at or near these guanine bases suggested that two of the three subsites correspond to high-affinity, cooperatively bound imperfect inverted GA(G/T)A repeats. Altering the spacing or orientation of these sites reduced binding. TraY mutant R73A failed to protect two symmetry-related oriT guanine bases in these repeats from methylation, identifying possible direct TraY-DNA contacts. The third subsite appears to be oriented as an imperfect direct repeat with its adjacent subsite, although base substitutions at this subsite did not reduce binding. Although unusual for ribbon-helix-helix proteins, this binding site arrangement occurs at both F TraY sites, consistent with it being functionally relevant.  相似文献   

The development of external sensory organs on the notum of Drosophila is promoted by the proneural genes achaete and scute. Their activity defines proneural cell clusters in the wing imaginal disc. Ectopic expression, under control of the GAL4 system, of the proneural gene lethal of scute (l'sc) causes the development of ectopic bristles. Persistent ectopic expression of l'sc is not sufficient to impose a neural fate on any given cell. This implies that mutual inhibition, mediated by the Notch signaling pathway, occurs among the cells of the ectopic proneural cluster. Consequently, the dominant, quantifiable phenotype associated with ectopic expression of l'sc is modified by mutations in genes known to be involved in neurogenesis. This phenotype has been utilized to screen for dominant enhancers and suppressors that modify the number of ectopic bristles. In this way, about 100 000 progeny of EMS or X-ray-treated flies have been analyzed to identify autosomal genes involved in regulation of the neural fate. In addition 1200 chromosomes carrying lethal P-element insertions were screened for modifiers. Besides mutations in genes expected to modify the phenotype, we have isolated mutations in six genes not known so far to be involved in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Two properties of phytotropins, their ability to bind to 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) receptors located on microsomal vesicles isolated from Cucurbita pepo L. hypocotyls, and to stimulate auxin (indol-3-yl acetic acid, IAA) accumulation into such vesicles by blocking its efflux from them, were assessed in double labelling experiments using [2,3,4,5-3H]1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid and 3-indolyl-[2-14C]acetic acid. Two sites of differing affinities and activities on IAA accumulation were found. 1-N-Naphthylphthalamic acid was found to have high affinity (KD at 10-8mol·l-1) for one site and low affinity (KD at 10-6 mol·l-1) for the other, whereas 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid displaced NPA with high efficiency (KD below 10-8 mol·l-1) from both sites. Other phytotropins had intermediate affinities for either site. Occupation of the site with low affinity for NPA stimulated auxin accumulation, while occupation of the high-affinity site with a phytotropin did not interfere with auxin accumulation into vesicles.Abbreviations IAA Indol-3-yl acetic acid - NPA 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid - PBA 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid W.M. was supported in part by an allowance from CSIRO and in part by a fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; he acknowledges the friendly hospitality of the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry. The authors thank R. Hertel (Freiburg) for valuable discussion.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is a copper-containing ferroxidase with potent antioxidant activity. Cp is expressed by hepatocytes and activated macrophages and has been known as physiologic inhibitor of myeloperoxidase (MPO). Enzymatic activity of MPO produces anti-microbial agents and strong prooxidants such as hypochlorous acid and has a potential to damage host tissue at the sites of inflammation and infection. Thus Cp–MPO interaction and inhibition of MPO has previously been suggested as an important control mechanism of excessive MPO activity. Our aim in this study was to identify minimal Cp domain or peptide that interacts with MPO. We first confirmed Cp–MPO interaction by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR analysis of the interaction yielded 30 nM affinity between Cp and MPO. We then designed and synthesized 87 overlapping peptides spanning the entire amino acid sequence of Cp. Each of the peptides was tested whether it binds to MPO by direct binding ELISA. Two of the 87 peptides, P18 and P76 strongly interacted with MPO. Amino acid sequence analysis of identified peptides revealed high sequence and structural homology between them. Further structural analysis of Cp’s crystal structure by PyMOL software unfolded that both peptides represent surface-exposed sites of Cp and face nearly the same direction. To confirm our finding we raised anti-P18 antisera in rabbit and demonstrated that this antisera disrupts Cp–MPO binding and rescues MPO activity. Collectively, our results confirm Cp–MPO interaction and identify two nearly identical sites on Cp that specifically bind MPO. We propose that inhibition of MPO by Cp requires two nearly identical sites on Cp to bind homodimeric MPO simultaneously and at an angle of at least 120 degrees, which, in turn, exerts tension on MPO and results in conformational change.  相似文献   

The latter half of genetic recombination is mediated by proteins that recognise the structure of the four-way DNA junction, and manipulate this structure. In solution the four-way junction adopts a stacked X-structure in the presence of metal ions. The folding is brought about by the pairwise coaxial stacking of helices in a right-handed antiparallel X-shaped structure. The four-way junction is cleaved by structure-selective resolving enzymes that have been isolated from a wide variety of sources, from eubacteria and their phages through to mammals. In addition, another class of proteins accelerate the branch migration of the junction. These proteins all appear to be divisible into a component that recognises structure and another that carries out a reaction on the junction. Thus the ability of structure-selective binding to the four-way DNA junction is a key feature of enzymes important in genetic recombination.  相似文献   

Comprehensive clone sets representing the entire genome now exist for a large number of organisms. The Gateway entry clone sets are a particularly useful means to study gene function, given the ease of introduction into any Gateway-suitable destination vector. We have adapted a bacterial two-hybrid system for use with Gateway entry clone sets, such that potential interactions between proteins encoded within these clone sets can be determined by new destination vectors. We show that utilizing the Gateway clone sets for Francisella tularensis and Vibrio cholerae, known interactions between F. tularensis IglA and IglB and V. cholerae VipA and VipB could be confirmed with these destination vectors. Moreover, the introduction of unique tags into each vector allowed for visualization of the expressed hybrid proteins via Western immunoblot. This Gateway-suitable bacterial two-hybrid system provides a new tool for rapid screening of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Bernt K  Liang M  Ye X  Ni S  Li ZY  Ye SL  Hu F  Lieber A 《Journal of virology》2002,76(21):10994-11002
We have developed a new class of adenovirus vectors that selectively replicate in tumor cells. The vector design is based on our recent observation that a variety of human tumor cell lines support DNA replication of adenovirus vectors with deletions of the E1A and E1B genes, whereas primary human cells or mouse liver cells in vivo do not. On the basis of this tumor-selective replication, we developed an adenovirus system that utilizes homologous recombination between inverted repeats to mediate precise rearrangements within the viral genome resulting in replication-dependent activation of transgene expression in tumors (Ad.IR vectors). Here, we used this system to achieve tumor-specific expression of adenoviral wild-type E1A in order to enhance viral DNA replication and spread within tumor metastases. In vitro DNA replication and cytotoxicity studies demonstrated that the mechanism of E1A-enhanced replication of Ad.IR-E1A vectors is efficiently and specifically activated in tumor cells, but not in nontransformed human cells. Systemic application of the Ad.IR-E1A vector into animals with liver metastases achieved transgene expression exclusively in tumors. The number of transgene-expressing tumor cells within metastases increased over time, indicating viral spread. Furthermore, the Ad.IR-E1A vector demonstrated antitumor efficacy in subcutaneous and metastatic models. These new Ad.IR-E1A vectors combine elements that allow for tumor-specific transgene expression, efficient viral replication, and spread in liver metastases after systemic vector application.  相似文献   

The development of external sensory organs on the notum of Drosophila is promoted by the proneural genes achaete and scute. Their activity defines proneural cell clusters in the wing imaginal disc. Ectopic expression, under control of the GAL4 system, of the proneural gene lethal of scute (l'sc) causes the development of ectopic bristles. Persistent ectopic expression of l'sc is not sufficient to impose a neural fate on any given cell. This implies that mutual inhibition, mediated by the Notch signaling pathway, occurs among the cells of the ectopic proneural cluster. Consequently, the dominant, quantifiable phenotype associated with ectopic expression of l'sc is modified by mutations in genes known to be involved in neurogenesis. This phenotype has been utilized to screen for dominant enhancers and suppressors that modify the number of ectopic bristles. In this way, about 100 000 progeny of EMS or X-ray-treated flies have been analyzed to identify autosomal genes involved in regulation of the neural fate. In addition 1200 chromosomes carrying lethal P-element insertions were screened for modifiers. Besides mutations in genes expected to modify the phenotype, we have isolated mutations in six genes not known so far to be involved in neurogenesis. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

A system has been developed for facile generation and characterization of mutant lac operator sites, free of competing pseudo operator sequences. The interaction of lac repressor with these sites has been investigated by the nitrocellulose filter binding assay. The equilibrium binding affinity for each of three single-site changes was reduced by more than three orders of magnitude relative to the wild-type operator under standard assay conditions. The free-energy changes associated with single base-pair substitutions are not additive. We propose that adaptations in the recognition surface of the repressor involving significant trade-offs between electrostatic versus non-electrostatic interactions and between enthalpic versus entropic contributions to the binding free energy occur, in order to achieve the most stable complex with a given DNA sequence.  相似文献   

The human APOBEC3A (A3A) cytidine deaminase is a powerful DNA mutator enzyme recognized as a major source of somatic mutations in tumor cell genomes. However, there is a discrepancy between APOBEC3A mRNA levels after interferon stimulation in myeloid cells and A3A detection at the protein level. To understand this difference, we investigated the expression of two novel alternative “A3Alt” proteins encoded in the +1-shifted reading frame of the APOBEC3A gene. A3Alt-L and its shorter isoform A3Alt-S appear to be transmembrane proteins targeted to the mitochondrial compartment that induce membrane depolarization and apoptosis. Thus, the APOBEC3A gene represents a new example wherein a single gene encodes two proapoptotic proteins, A3A cytidine deaminases that target the genome and A3Alt proteins that target mitochondria.  相似文献   

Sagasti A 《Neuron》2007,55(3):345-351
Many anatomical and functional features of nervous systems are asymmetric about the left-right axis. These asymmetries can exhibit either random or invariant laterality at the population level. Recent studies in fish and worms provide insight into the developmental mechanisms used to create both types of asymmetry. These studies reveal diverse and molecularly complex strategies for developing asymmetric nervous systems.  相似文献   

Recently, it was revealed that restriction endonucleases widely used in genetic engineering and molecular biology are diverse not only in DNA sequence specificities but also in mechanisms of their interaction with DNA. In the review type IIE and IIF restriction endonucleases which require the simultaneous interaction with two copies of their recognition sequence for effective hydrolysis of DNA are considered. Crystal structures of these enzymes and their complexes with DNA as well as stepwise interaction with DNA, mechanisms of catalysis and enzyme-mediated DNA looping are discussed. A novel type of DNA-protein recognition was found for type IIE endonucleases when two copies of the same DNA sequence specifically interact with two different amino acid sequences and two structural motifs located in one polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

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