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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition among the elderly population that leads to the progressive central vision loss and serious compromise of quality of life for its sufferers. It is also one of the few disorders for whom the investigation of its genetics has yielded rich insights into its diversity and causality and holds the promise of enabling clinicians to provide better risk assessments for individuals as well as to develop and selectively deploy new therapeutics to either prevent or slow the development of disease and lessen the threat of vision loss. The genetics of AMD began initially with the appreciation of familial aggregation and increase risk and expanded with the initial association of APOE variants with the disease. The first major breakthroughs came with family-based linkage studies of affected (and discordant) sibs, which identified a number of genetic loci and led to the targeted search of the 1q31 and 10q26 loci for associated variants. Three of the initial four reports for the CFH variant, Y402H, were based on regional candidate searches, as were the two initial reports of the ARMS2/HTRA1 locus variants. Case-control association studies initially also played a role in discovering the major genetic variants for AMD, and the success of those early studies have been used to fuel enthusiasm for the methodology for a number of diseases. Until 2010, all of the subsequent genetic variants associated with AMD came from candidate gene testing based on the complement factor pathway. In 2010, several large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified genes that had not been previously identified. Much of this historical information is available in a number of recent reviews (Chen et al., 2010b; Deangelis et al., 2011; Fafowora and Gorin, 2012b; Francis and Klein, 2011; Kokotas et al., 2011). Large meta analysis of AMD GWAS has added new loci and variants to this collection (Chen et al., 2010a; Kopplin et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2011). This paper will focus on the ongoing controversies that are confronting AMD genetics at this time, rather than attempting to summarize this field, which has exploded in the past 5 years.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, The retina is a light-sensitive highly-organized tissue,which is vulnerable to aging and age-related retinal diseases.Specifically,progressive retinal degeneration leads to visual function deterioration and vision impairment in the elderly(Lin et al.,2016).In diseases such as age-related macular degeneration(AMD),retinitis pigmentosa(RP)and diabetic retinopathy(DR),pathological process lacking effective treatments profoundly and negatively impact on the quality of life in the elderly(Lin et al.,2016;Chen et al.,2019).Thus,an in-depth molecular assessment of the mechanisms driv-ing retinal aging is of urgent scientific and medical importance.  相似文献   

Many neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and others often occur as a result of progressive loss of structure or function of neurons. Recently, many groups were able to generate neural cells, either differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or converted from somatic cells. Advances in converted neural cells have opened a new era to ease applications for modeling diseases and screening drugs. In addition, the converted neural cells also hold the promise for cell replacement therapy (Kikuchi et al., 2011; Krencik et al., 2011; Kriks et al., 2011; Nori et al., 2011; Rhee et al., 2011; Schwartz et al., 2012). Here we will mainly discuss most recent progress on using converted functional neural cells to treat neurological diseases and highlight potential clinical challenges and future perspectives.  相似文献   

Health consciousness has increased the desire of people around the world to consume functional foods. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are one among these beneficial and important health supplements without which a general predisposition to degenerative and stress related disorders can occur. Saudi Arabia has shown an alarming increase in obesity (Al-Nozha et al., 2005), diabetes (Alqurashi et al., 2011), and cardiovascular disease (Al-Nozha et al., 2004) in the last few decades mainly due to nutritional transitions and lifestyle alterations (Amuna and Zotor, 2008). Lack of nutrient dense foods and the prevailing food related disorder of obesity (Popkin, 2001; Prentice, 2014) especially render egg as a choice food to be value-added for attaining nutritional security in Saudi Arabia and in effect reverse the increasing incidences of lifestyle diseases. Nutritional intervention through a commonly consumed food product would be an important step in improving the health of the people, and reducing health care costs. As eggs are a frequently consumed food item in Saudi Arabia, enriching them with omega-3 fatty acids would be an excellent way to alleviate the existing problems. A significant deposition of omega-3 fatty acids in the eggs was observed when the diet of hens was supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids from either flaxseed or fish oil source. Inadequacy of omega-3 fatty acids could thus be rectified by producing omega-3 enriched eggs from hens supplemented with flaxseed or fish oil source, and thus contribute toward better health choice of the consumer.  相似文献   

The fertilizer industry is lucrative, though it faces environmental challenges. The amount of nitrogen applied to crops far exceeds the nitrogen utilized by crops leading to excess nitrogen in the form of nitrates, gaseous ammonia, and nitrogen oxides (DeRossa et al., 2010). This excess nitrogen can spread into groundwater contaminating drinking water and causing excess algal growth. Developments in nanotechnology may alleviate some of these environmental challenges. Although there are examples of nanotechnology being utilized for fertilizer products, none of these methods are able to respond to the specific nutrient needs of the plant. This project aims to produce a nanofertilizer product that can synchronize the release of its nutrients with the uptake of nutrients by the plant (DeRossa et al., 2010). Aptamers are synthetic molecules of DNA or RNA that can form 3-D shapes, which are capable of strongly and selectively binding a target of interest. Aptamers have been found to have binding affinities similar to, if not surpassing, those of monoclonal antibodies (Sultan et al., 2009). The goal of this project is to use polyelectrolyte microcapsules containing aptamers in their walls that are specific for key plant signals. This will allow the delivery of nutrient molecules from inside the microcapsules only when required by the plants. Root exudate specific aptamers are being developed using SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands through Exponential enrichment) from a random DNA pool, as well as from an existing aptamer pool. These aptamers will act as molecular recognition probes in the development of an intelligent fertilizer system. Progress from these selections will be presented.  相似文献   

Despite progress in modelling human drug toxicity, many compounds fail during clinical trials due to unpredicted side effects. The cost of clinical studies are substantial, therefore it is essential that more predictive toxicology screens are developed and deployed early on in drug development (Greenhough et al 2010). Human hepatocytes represent the current gold standard model for evaluating drug toxicity, but are a limited resource that exhibit variable function. Therefore, the use of immortalised cell lines and animal tissue models are routinely employed due to their abundance. While both sources are informative, they are limited by poor function, species variability and/or instability in culture (Dalgetty et al 2009). Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are an attractive alternative source of human hepatocyte like cells (HLCs) (Medine et al 2010). PSCs are capable of self renewal and differentiation to all somatic cell types found in the adult and thereby represent a potentially inexhaustible source of differentiated cells. We have developed a procedure that is simple, highly efficient, amenable to automation and yields functional human HLCs (Hay et al 2008 ; Fletcher et al 2008 ; Hannoun et al 2010 ; Payne et al 2011 and Hay et al 2011). We believe our technology will lead to the scalable production of HLCs for drug discovery, disease modeling, the construction of extra-corporeal devices and possibly cell based transplantation therapies.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, The rapid emergence and persistence of the pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) has had enormous impacts on global health and the economy.Effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are urgently needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic,and multiple vaccines have been found to be efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19(Polack et al.,2020;Wu et al.,2020;Jones and Roy,2021).We have developed a traditional beta-propiolactone-inacti-vated aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted whole-virion SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV),which elicited protective immune responses in clinical trials (Wang et al.,2020;Xia et al.,2021).The vaccine has been granted conditional approvals or emergency use authorizations (EUAs) in China and other countries.  相似文献   

Lake Sentiz and Lake Chozas are two small water bodies in the Province of León (NW Spain). The former is mesotrophic and the latter went from oligotrophic to turbid in 1997, due to introduction of an invasive allochthonous crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Rodríguez et al., 2003, Rodríguez et al., 2005, Marchi et al., 2011a, Marchi et al., 2011b). We set out to study health status of the two ecosystems by the joint use of different but correlated ecological indicators, supplementing the values obtained by monitoring campaigns. We examine three scenarios: (1) Lake Sentiz, (2) Lake Chozas before and (3) Lake Chozas after the biological invasion. We evaluate eco-exergy, emergy and eco-exergy–empower ratio, three holistic ecological indicators based on the thermodynamics of far-from-equilibrium systems. When structural changes take place in ecosystems it is recommended to apply holistic thermodynamic indicators as presented in Jørgensen et al., 2010a, Jørgensen et al., 2010b. We propose their joint application for a complete overview of the monetary value of natural capital, because they provide information added to statistical analysis and direct measurement. The aim is to determine which of these indicators best represents the effects of eutrophication and perturbations caused by alien species in the two freshwater systems. The eco-exergy–empower ratio gives the best results, since it clearly indicates lake efficiency in transforming direct and indirect solar energy inputs into organization. The eco-exergy (work capacity) results are used to estimate ecosystem services and quantify the economic value of lake natural capital. Calculation of ecosystem services on an eco-exergy basis provides good indications of monetary gains or losses possible in perturbed systems, including eutrophic or invaded ecosystems. This is not surprising, because work capacities include all possible services offered by ecosystems, not only the services actually used by humans. Eco-exergy and the eco-exergy–empower ratio can be guidelines for the calculation of ecosystem services, although they give only a partial indication of the environmental costs and benefits of a given level of information. The present results suggest political and economic considerations and solutions, and are a useful example for organisations involved in environmental management of pollution and biological invasions by exotic species.  相似文献   

Measuring the influence of mycorrhizas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
'The view that nutrient acquisition by most plants growing in natural ecosystems is mediated by mycorrhiza-forming symbiotic fungi is now largely accepted' (Read, 2000). Is this bold claim really true for the whole suite of mineral nutrients that plants require? The case is strongest for nutrients that are not very mobile in soil, especially when present in growth-limiting amounts, and phosphate (P) is the classic example. Arbuscular mycorrhizas are by far the most widespread mycorrhizal symbioses, and the ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to take up soil nutrients such as P and transfer them to the host plant is an area of intense research. However, there is great variation in the extent to which AM plants benefit in measurable terms from the symbiosis under a given set of environmental conditions, and a paper in this issue, by Koide et al ., addresses this problem (Koide et al ., pp. 163–168). The variability is especially apparent in the field, thus obscuring the possible roles of mycorrhizas in community structure and succession (Fitter, 1985; McGonigle, 1988).  相似文献   

During a plant''s lifecycle, the availability of nutrients in the soil is mostly heterogeneous in space and time. Plants are able to adapt to nutrient shortage or localized nutrient availability by altering their root system architecture to efficiently explore soil zones containing the limited nutrient. It has been shown that the deficiency of different nutrients induces root architectural and morphological changes that are, at least to some extent, nutrient specific. Here, we highlight what is known about the importance of individual root system components for nutrient acquisition and how developmental and physiological responses can be coupled to increase nutrient foraging by roots. In addition, we review prominent molecular mechanisms involved in altering the root system in response to local nutrient availability or to the plant''s nutritional status.In natural and agricultural soils, the ability of plants to quickly and efficiently acquire nutrients may determine their competitive success and productivity. Because mineral elements interact differently with themselves and other soil constituents or are carried by water out of the rooted soil volume, their availability to plants may decrease and lead to nutrient deficiency. Under these conditions, plants activate foraging responses that include morphological changes, such as the modulation of root system architecture (RSA) or root hair formation, and physiological changes, such as the release of nutrient-mobilizing root exudates or the expression of nutrient transporters (Gojon et al., 2009; Hinsinger et al., 2009; Gruber et al., 2013). These responses are often spatially coupled to increase the root-soil interaction zone and improve the ability of the plant to intercept immobile nutrients. Noteworthy, although not discussed herein, symbiosis or associative rhizosphere microorganisms can also alter the RSA and enhance the foraging capacity of the plant (Gutjahr and Paszkowski, 2013). Here, we provide an update on the morphological responses induced by plants to forage sparingly available nutrients and some of the underlying molecular mechanisms known to date to be involved in RSA adaptations to nutrient availabilities.  相似文献   

Garcia et al. (2011) recently discussed early human dispersals into the Iberian Peninsula, describing several putative lithic artifacts (Martínez et al., 2010) recovered from layer 7 of the Vallpara díssection (Madurell-Malapeira et al., 2010) in Terrassa (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain). According to the authors' opinion, such evidence (1) fills a gap in the chronology of early human occupation in Iberia, (2) indicates that these populations had primary and early access to carcasses, and (3) confirms that early human populations were equipped with advanced cultural traits enabling them to survive in unfavourable climatic conditions. We argue below that the record of human activity at Vallparadís (Martínez et al., 2010;Garcia et al., 2011) is doubtful and even that if confirmed, a chronological gap would remain (contra Garcia et al., 2011). Additional remarks on assertions by these authors on the Vallparadís geology, taphonomy and paleonvironment are also provided.  相似文献   

通过研究非洲鲶鱼(Clarias gariepinus)的生长和营养利用来探讨其维生素C的需求量。平均体重为6.02g±0.4g的鲶鱼幼鱼被放置在60cm×45cm×45cm的玻璃缸中,每缸10条鱼,每个处理设3个重复。5组饵料中粗蛋白的含量均为40%,并测定且其基础饲料中维生素C的含量。在第1、2、3、4和5组中,其饵料中维生素C多聚磷酸酯的添加量依次为0(对照)、50、100,150和200mg/kg。每天用这些饵料喂鱼两次,分别在格林尼治时间的9:00和16:00喂食。鲶鱼幼鱼每周称重一次,以便进行统计分析。通过其生长和营养利用效率进行生物学评估。结果表明,特定生长率、食物转换率、蛋白质效率和食物效率在所有组中彼此间都有显著差异。综合所有实验结果看,添加维生素C多聚磷酸酯150mg/kg的第4组,幼鱼的生长和营养利用效率最好。  相似文献   

Kim KS 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,9(3):179-181
Recent publications in Cell Stem Cell (Son et?al., 2011; Ambasudhan et?al., 2011), PNAS (Pfisterer et?al., 2011), and Nature (Caiazzo et?al., 2011; Pang et?al., 2011; Yoo et?al., 2011) report that functional neurons can be directly generated from human fibroblast cells without going through the pluripotent state.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine exposure in utero leads to a variety of higher‐order cognitive deficits, such as decreased attention and working, and spatial memory impairments in exposed children (Piper et al., 2011; Roussotte et al., 2011; Kiblawi et al., 2011). As with other teratogens, the timing of methamphetamine exposure greatly determines its effects on both neuroanatomical and behavioral outcomes. Methamphetamine exposure in rodents during the third trimester human equivalent period of brain development results in distinct and long‐lasting route‐based and spatial navigation deficits (Williams et al., 2003; Vorhees et al., 2005, 2008, 2009;). Here, we examine the impact of neonatal methamphetamine‐induced neurotoxicity on behavioral outcomes, neurotransmission, receptor changes, plasticity proteins, and DNA damage. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:131–141, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent theories suggest that herbivores forage across many scales and that foraging decisions are driven by the distribution of nitrogen. However, experimental tests of these predictions across large landscapes are rare and difficult. Pretorius et al. (2011) present an elegant experimental design to test how patch size, local nutrient density and total nutrient load are detected by foraging African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Colophospermum mopane shrub veld in South Africa. This experiment should serve as a model for investigations of how herbivores detect and respond to high nutrient patches of different size; it also raises questions for further research, such as the fate of high nutrient patches as elephants disperse nutrients from them in urine, faecal material and carcasses deposited elsewhere in the landscape.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Ten-eleven translocation(Tet)enzymes play important roles in DNA demethylation involved in various biological pro-cesses including stem cell pluripotency and differentiation,and tumorigenesis(Dawlaty et al.,2013;Wu and Zhang,2017).Tet2 deficiency or mutation leads to severe hematopoietic defects or myeloid malignancies in mice(Delhommeau et al.,2009;Ko et al.,2010;Moran-Crusio et al.,2011).Restoration of TET2 blocks aberrant self-re-newal and leukemia progression in patients possessing TET2 mutations(Cimmino et al.,2017).DNA methylation-based biomarkers,or"epigenetic clocks",link developmental and maintenance processes to biological aging(Horvath and Raj,2018).Interestingly,age-associated TET2 mutations have been found to drive myeloid dysfunction,cancer and cardiovascular disease(review(Ferrone et al.,2020)).Nevertheless,there has been lack of direct evidence demonstrating that Tet2 mutations or deficiency can actually accelerate aging.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Cumulative evidence supports the role of early-life viral infections,especially respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)and human rhinovirus(HRV),as major antecedents of childhood asthma(Lemanske,2002;Jackson et al.,2008).In this study,the x TAG respiratory viral panel FAST(RVP FAST)assay,a multiplex polymerase chain reaction(PCR)-based method(Arens et al.,2010;BaladaLlasat et al.,2011;Gharabaghi et al.,2011;Selvaraju,2012),was used to investigate the association of infec-  相似文献   

Pigeons were studied in an extension of a study by Aum et al. [Aum, S., Brown, B.L., Hemmes, N.S. 2004. The effects of concurrent task and gap events on peak time in the peak procedure. Behav. Process. 65, 43-56] on timing behavior under a discrete-trial fixed-interval (FI) procedure during which 6-s intruded events were superimposed on peak-interval (PI) test trials. In Aum et al., one event consisted in termination of the timing cue (gap trial); the other was a stimulus in the presence of which subjects had been trained to respond under an independent random-interval (RI) schedule of reinforcement (concurrent task trial). Aum et al. found a disruption of timing on concurrent task trials that was greater than that on gap trials. The present study investigated history of reinforcement associated with intruded events as a possible explanation of this earlier finding. After training to peck a side key on a 30-s PI procedure, discrimination training was conducted on the center key in separate sessions; red or green 6-s stimuli were associated with RI 24s or EXT (extinction) schedules. During testing under the PI procedure, three types of intruded events were presented during probe trials--the stimulus associated with the RI (S+) or EXT (S-) schedule during discrimination training, or a gap (termination of the side-keylight). Intruded events occurred 3, 9, or 15s after PI trial onset. Effects of reinforcement history were revealed as substantial disruption of timing during the S+ event and relatively little disruption during the S- event. Intermediate effects were found for the gap event. Results indicate that postcue effects are at least partially responsible for the disruptive effects of the S+ event.  相似文献   

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