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The use of multiple cues in mate choice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An increasing number of studies find females to base their mate choice on several cues. Why this occurs is debated and many different hypotheses have been proposed. Here I review the hypotheses and the evidence in favour of them. At the same time I provide a new categorisation based on the adaptiveness of the preferences and the information content of the cues. A few comparative and empirical studies suggest that most multiple cues are Fisherian attractiveness cues or uninformative cues that occur alongside a viability indicator and facilitate detection, improve signal reception, or are remnants from past selection pressures. However, much evidence exists tor multiple cues providing additional information and serving as multiple messages that either indicate general mate quality or enable females that differ in mate preferences to choose the most suitable male. Less evidence exists for multiple cues serving as back-up signals. The importance of receiver psychology, multiple sensory environments and signal interaction in the evolution of multiple cues and preferences has received surprisingly little attention but may be of crucial importance. Similarly, sexual conflict has been proposed to result in maladaptive preferences for manipulative cues, and in neutral preferences for threshold cues, but no reliable evidence exists so far. An important factor in the evolution of multiple preferences is the cost of using additional cues. Most theoretical work assumes that the cost of choice increases with the number of cues used, which restricts the conditions under which preferences for multiple cues are expected to evolve. I suggest that in contrast to this expectation, the use of multiple cues can reduce mate choice costs by decreasing the number of mates inspected more closely or the time and energy spent inspecting a set of mates. This may be one explanation for why multiple cues are more common than usually expected. Finally I discuss the consequences that the use of multiple cues may have for the process of sexual selection, the maintenance of genetic variation, and speciation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict between the sexes has been studied in various taxa and in various contexts. When the sexes are in conflict over mating rates, natural selection favors both males that induce higher mating rates and females that are more successful at resisting mating attempts. Such sexual conflict may result in an escalating coevolutionary arms race between males and females. In this article, we develop simple replicator-dynamics models of sexual conflict in order to investigate its evolutionary dynamics. Two specific models of the dependence of a female's fitness on her number of matings are considered: in model 1, female fitness decreases linearly with increasing number of matings and in model 2, there is an optimal number of matings that maximizes female fitness. For each of these models, we obtain the conditions for a coevolutionary process to establish costly male and female traits and examine under what circumstances polymorphism is maintained at equilibrium. Then we discuss how assumptions in previous models of sexual conflict are translated to fit to our model framework and compare our results with those of the previous studies. The simplicity of our models allows us to consider sexual conflict in various contexts within a single framework. In addition, we find that our model 2 shows more complicated evolutionary dynamics than model 1. In particular, the population exhibits bistability, where the evolutionary outcome depends on the initial state, only in model 2.  相似文献   

Signa are structures of the inner wall of the female corpus bursae (structure where males deposit a spermatophore during copulation) of many Lepidoptera that assist in tearing open spermatophores. In this paper, three hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of signa are proposed. The first hypothesis considers natural selection pressures arising from ecological changes that favor an increase in oviposition rate as the force behind the evolution of signa. The other two hypotheses involve sexual selection. The second hypothesis proposes that sexually antagonistic coevolution is responsible of the evolution of signa: According to this hypothesis, the inverse relation between the length of the female's refractory period and the amount of ejaculate remaining in her corpus bursae, observed in most Lepidoptera studied, selects in males a decreased rate of spermatophore digestion (e.g. a thicker spermatophore envelope or a higher chitin content) that increases the length of the refractory period beyond the female's optimum; in response, females evolved signa as a counteradaptation to restore the female's optimum by increasing the rate of spermatophore digestion. The last hypothesis considers that signa may have evolved as a female device for cryptic choice of males based on the ability of these to influence the length of post-copulatory female refractory period. The different hypotheses make different predictions of the sequence of appearance of specific ecological factors and novel phenotypic traits through evolutionary time. Therefore, testing the relative importance of the hypotheses requires a formal comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Female mate choice by multiple male traits is an important current topic in animal behavior. However, the relative importance among the multiple cues in female choice is not explored in most cases. Female guppies Poecilia reticulata use both the color saturation of orange spots and the total length of males as mate choice criteria. In the present study, we used digitally modified video playbacks to examine the relative importance of these two male traits to female mate preferences. We initially examined the effective difference in the color saturation of orange spots as well as that in total length between two stimulus male images. Females only showed a strong preference for a bright male image (compared to the dull image) when the difference in color saturation was large (91% versus 25%). Conversely, females only exhibited a preference for larger size when they were presented a choice between two relatively small male images (total length 26.0 mm versus 23.0 mm). When two male images in which both the two traits were modified were presented to females, they prioritized male images possessing higher color saturation of orange spots, indicating the color saturation of male orange spots to be a more important factor than the total length in their mate choice. The color saturation of orange spots may convey more reliable information about the males to the females than their total lengths. These findings imply that females may rank multiple male criteria depending on relative benefits or costs derived from their mate choice based on each criterion.  相似文献   

Why females assess ornaments when choosing mates remains a central question in evolutionary biology. We hypothesize that the imperative for a choosing female to find a mate with nuclear oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes that are compatible with her mitochondrial OXPHOS genes drives the evolution of ornaments. Indicator traits are proposed to signal the efficiency of OXPHOS function thus enabling females to select mates with nuclear genes that are compatible with maternal mitochondrial genes in the formation of OXPHOS complexes. Species-typical pattern of ornamentation is proposed to serve as a marker of mitochondrial type ensuring that females assess prospective mates with a shared mitochondrial background. The mitonuclear compatibility hypothesis predicts that the production of ornaments will be closely linked to OXPHOS pathways, and that sexual selection for compatible mates will be strongest when genes for nuclear components of OXPHOS complexes are Z-linked. The implications of this hypothesis are that sexual selection may serve as a driver for the evolution of more efficient cellular respiration.  相似文献   

Female mate choice can be hypothesised in most nocturnal primates, since females show a higher investment in their offspring than males. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate if female grey mouse lemurs perform mate choice and whether age, relatedness (to the male), or male advertisement call activity systematically influence their decisions. A two-way mate choice design was developed in which females could choose between two males. Mate choice was deduced from the time spent in proximity to the males and from mating behaviour. During oestrus 12 of 17 females participated actively in the experiment and all of them showed either a significant spatial (n=11) or behavioural (n=1) preference for one male. In four cases copulations were observed. The influence of age on female mate choice was not statistically significant. In the cases with copulations, however, females mostly preferred the older male. This might indicate a preference for older age as an indicator of experience, fitness, and/or status. The influence of relatedness on female mate choice could not be definitely clarified. However, results imply a mechanism of kin recognition on the basis of familiarity. In the majority of choices, females preferred the male with higher trill call activity. Since trill call activity correlates with the relative dominance status of males, these results suggest an importance of the male dominance status for female mate choice in grey mouse lemurs. Altogether our findings indicate that females use a complex of different cues to choose their mates.  相似文献   

Parasite‐mediated models of sexual selection predict that females should avoid parasitized mates, thereby generating selection on male traits revealing health. The strength of this selection, however, may depend on the prevalence of parasitism among females if their infection status alters their mate preferences. We evaluated the effects of a socially transmitted parasite on male traits and female behaviour in spadefoot toads. Parasitized males were larger and in better condition than unparasitized males. Moreover, better condition males produced longer calls. Unparasitized females preferred longer calls indicative of good‐condition males that are more likely parasitized. By contrast, parasitized females as a group possessed no preference for call duration. Presumably because of reduced selection by these parasitized females, male mating success was not associated with any measured traits. Thus, when females are parasitized, sexual selection on condition‐dependent traits is potentially reduced.  相似文献   

It is known that females prefer males with larger and/or brighter orange spots in many populations of the guppy Poecilia reticulata. However, female preference for male orange spots varies among populations and changes within several years when they are introduced into new habitats with different environment. Guppies were introduced into Okinawa, Japan, more than 20 years ago and were subjected to natural and sexual selection for a long period. The female preference for orange spot patterns of males was examined by the dichotomous choice experiment for a feral guppy population of the Hiji River, Okinawa. We chose full-sibling males as a pair of stimulus males that were simultaneously presented to a test female, because sibling males should resemble each other. To create different orange spot patterns between stimulus males, one male of the stimulus male pair was fed carotenoid-supplement food such as algae and another male was fed low-carotenoid food. High-carotenoid-treatment males showed not only brighter coloration of orange spots but also larger spots than other males as a result of this dietary-manipulation. In the dichotomous choice experiment, females preferred the high-carotenoid-treatment males. In addition, logistic regression analysis clarified that brighter coloration of male orange spots was the most important factor for female mate preference. This finding suggests indirect benefits of female preference for male orange spot patterns if the male foraging ability for algae were heritable.  相似文献   

In addition to other potential causes, immigration into locally adapted populations has been suggested to maintain the genetic variance in fitness that is necessary for the good-genes hypothesis. Using population-genetic simulations, the present contribution shows that co-occurring local adaptation and migration can maintain genetic variance in fitness. In combination with an effect of local adaptation on condition and condition-dependent sexual signaling, such a scenario therefore enables the evolution and maintenance of female choice for locally adapted males. The simulations show that this mechanism can also work when choice is costly, and that the potential benefit is similar to that in other good-genes mechanisms. As a consequence of female choice in favor of locally adapted males, differentiation between populations can be expected to increase due to the decreased effective gene flow between populations. Based on such effects, choice of locally adapted males has the potential to play an important role in speciation and adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Sexual selection (defined as the change in genotypic or phenotypic frequencies of mated versus total population frequencies) and sexual isolation (defined as the deviation from random mating in mated individuals) show different evolutionary consequences and partially confounded causes. Traditionally, the cross-product estimator has been used to quantify sexual selection, whereas a variety of indexes, such as Yule V , Yule Q, YA , joint I , and others have been used to quantify sexual isolation. Because the two types of estimators use different scales, the effects of both processes cannot be monitored simultaneously. We describe three new related statistics that quantify both sexual selection ( PSS ) and sexual isolation ( PSI ) effects for every mating pair combination in polymorphic traits, as well as measure their combined effects ( PTI = PSI X PSS ). The new statistics have the advantage of providing information on every mating pair combination, quantifying the effects of sexual selection and isolation in the same units, and detecting asymmetry in sexual isolation. The ability of the new statistics to ascertain the biological causes of sexual selection and sexual isolation are investigated under different models involving distinct marginal frequencies, mate propensity, and mate choice coefficients. We also studied the use of classical isolation indexes applied on PSI coefficients, instead of on raw data. The use of the classical indexes applied to PSI coefficients considerably reduces the statistical bias of the estimates, revealing the good estimation properties of the new statistics.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory asserts that females are well adapted to sense signals indicating the quality of potential mates. One crucial male quality parameter is functional fertility (i.e. the success of ejaculates in fertilizing eggs). The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis (PLFH) predicts that functional fertility of males is reflected by phenotypic traits that influence female mate choice. Here, we show for Nasonia vitripennis, a parasitic wasp with haplodiploid sex determination and female-biased sex ratios, that females use olfactory cues to discriminate against sperm-limited males. We found sperm limitation in newly emerged and multiply mated males (seven or more previous matings) as indicated by a higher proportion of sons in the offspring fathered by these males. Sperm limitation correlated with clearly reduced pheromone titres. In behavioural bioassays, females oriented towards higher doses of the synthetic pheromone and were attracted more often to scent marks of males with a full sperm load than to those of sperm-limited males. Our data support the PLFH and suggest that N. vitripennis females are able to decrease the risk of getting constrained to produce suboptimal offspring sex ratios by orienting towards gradients of the male sex pheromone.  相似文献   

Although the strength and form of sexual selection on song in male crickets have been studied extensively, few studies have examined selection on the morphological structures that underlie variation in males’ song, particularly in wild populations. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to measure sexual selection on the shape, size and symmetry of both top and bottom tegmina in wild populations of sagebrush crickets, a species in which nuptial feeding by females imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males. The size of the tegmina negatively covaried with song dominant frequency and positively covaried with song pulse duration. Sexual selection was more intense on the bottom tegmen, conceivably because it interacts more freely with the subtegminal airspace, which may play a role in song amplification. An expanded coastal/subcostal region was one of the phenotypes strongly favoured by disruptive selection on the bottom tegmen, an adaptation that may form a more effective seal with the thorax to prevent noise cancellation. Directional selection also favoured increased symmetry in tegminal shape. Assuming more symmetrical males are better able to buffer against developmental noise, the song produced by these males may make them more attractive to females. Despite the strong stabilizing selection documented previously on the dominant frequency of the song, stabilizing selection on the resonator that regulates dominant frequency was surprisingly absent. Nonetheless, wing morphology had an important influence on song structure and appears to be subject to significant linear and nonlinear sexual selection through female mate choice.  相似文献   

Human mate preferences have received a great deal of attention in recent decades because of their centrality to sexual selection, which is thought to play a substantial role in human evolution. Most of this attention has been on universal aspects of mate preferences, but variation between individuals is less understood. In particular, the relative contribution of genetic and environmental influences to variation in mate preferences is key to sexual selection models but has barely been investigated in humans, and results have been mixed in other species. Here, we used data from over 4000 mostly female twins who ranked the importance of 13 key traits in a potential partner. We used the classical twin design to partition variation in these preferences into that due to genes, family environment, and residual factors. In women, there was significant variability in the broad-sense heritability of individual trait preferences, with physical attractiveness the most heritable (29%) and housekeeping ability the least (5%). Over all the trait preferences combined, broad-sense heritabilities were highly significant in women and marginally significant in men, accounting for 20% and 19% of the variation, respectively; family environmental influences were much smaller. Heritability was a little higher in reproductive aged than in nonreproductive aged women, but the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual display traits or preferences for them in response to divergent natural selection will alter sexual selection within populations, yet the role of sexual selection in ecological speciation has received little empirical attention. We evolved 12 populations of Drosophila serrata in a two‐way factorial design to investigate the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of female mate preferences for male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Mate preferences weakened in populations evolving under natural selection alone, implying a cost in the absence of their expression. Comparison of the vectors of linear sexual selection revealed that the populations diverged in the combination of male CHCs that females found most attractive, although this was not significant using a mixed modelling approach. Changes in preference direction tended to evolve when natural and sexual selection were unconstrained, suggesting that both processes may be the key to initial stages of ecological speciation. Determining the generality of this result will require data from various species across a range of novel environments.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were very sensitive to the absence of their mate on the spawning ground, particularly females during the last hour before oviposition. The improvement of behavioural chaining just before viposition might elicit the accurate timing of synchronized gamete release for successful fertilization. While the reproductive behaviour of the opposite sex could largely affect breeding activity, relative mate size appeared to be the prevailing sexual motivation factor in this species. Even in the absence of courtship, large mate size may constitute a supra-stimulus inducing an increase in spawning behaviour of the other sex. Females with smaller males delayed their first spawning activity, took longer to spawn and made more nests than those with large males. However, female egg retention was not influenced by relative male size.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of a female sexual ornament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the evolution of sexual ornaments, and particularly that of female sexual ornaments, is an enduring challenge in evolutionary biology. Key to this challenge are establishing the relationship between ornament expression and female reproductive investment, and determining the genetic basis underpinning such relationship. Advances in genomics provide unprecedented opportunities to study the genetic architecture of sexual ornaments in model species. Here, we present a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of a female sexual ornament, the comb of the fowl, Gallus gallus, using a large-scale intercross between red junglefowl and a domestic line, selected for egg production. First, we demonstrate that female somatic investment in comb reflects female reproductive investment. Despite a trade-off between reproductive and skeletal investment mediated by the mobilization of skeletal minerals for egg production, females with proportionally large combs also had relatively high skeletal investment. Second, we identify a major QTL for bisexual expression of comb mass and several QTL specific to female comb mass. Importantly, QTL for comb mass were nonrandomly clustered with QTL for female reproductive and skeletal investment on chromosomes one and three. Together, these results shed light onto the physiological and genetic architecture of a female ornament.  相似文献   

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