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This study investigates factors determining variation in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (φN) in seven slow- and fast-growing Poa species from altitudinally contrasting sites. The species and their environmental origin were (in order of increasing relative growth rate): two alpine (Poa fawcettiae and P. costiniana), one sub-alpine (P. alpina) and three temperate lowland perennials (P. pratensis, P. compressa and P. trivialis), as well as one temperate lowland annual (P. annua). Plants were grown hydroponically under identical conditions with free access to nutrients in a growth room. Photosynthesis per unit leaf area measured at growth irradiance (500 μmol m−2 s−1) was slightly higher in the slow-growing alpine species. At saturating light intensities, photosynthesis was considerably higher in the alpine species than in the lowland species. Carboxylation capacity and Rubisco content per unit leaf area were also greater in the alpine species. Despite variation between the species, the in vivo specific activity of Rubisco showed little relationship to relative growth rate or photosynthetic rate. Both at light saturation and at the growth irradiance, φN was lowest in the slow-growing alpine species P. fawcettiae, P. costiniana and P. alpina, and highest in the fast-growing P. compressa and P. annua. The proportion of leaf nitrogen that was allocated to photosynthetic capacity and the in vivo catalytic constant of Rubisco accounted for most of the variation in φN at light saturation. Minor variations in intercellular CO2 partial pressure also contributed to some extent to the variations in φN at light saturation. The low φN values at growth irradiance exhibited by the alpine species were additionally due to a lower percentage utilisation of their high photosynthetic capacity compared to the lowland species. Received: 28 May 1998 / Accepted: 28 March 1999  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The major objective was to identify plant traits functionally important for optimization of shoot growth and nitrogen (N) economy under drought. Although increased leaf N content (area basis) has been observed in dry environments and theory predicts increased leaf N to be an acclimation to drought, experimental evidence for the prediction is rare.


A pedigree of 200 full-sibling hybrid willows was pot-grown in a glasshouse in three replicate blocks and exposed to two water regimes for 3 weeks. Drought conditions were simulated as repeated periods of water shortage. The total leaf mass and area, leaf area efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf area, EA), area-based leaf N content (NA), total leaf N pool (NL) and leaf N efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf N, EN) were assessed.

Key Results

In the water-stress treatment, shoot biomass growth was N limited in the genotypes with low NL, but increasingly limited by other factors in the genotypes with greatest NL. The NA was increased by drought, and drought-induced shift in NA varied between genotypes (significant G × E). Judged from the EANA relationship, optimal NA was 16 % higher in the water-stress compared with the well-watered treatment. Biomass allocation to leaves and shoots varied between treatments, but the treatment response of the leaf : shoot ratio was similar across all genotypes.


It is concluded that N-uptake efficiency and leaf N efficiency are important traits to improve growth under drought. Increased leaf N content (area basis) is an acclimation to optimize N economy under drought. The leaf N content is an interesting trait for breeding of willow bioenergy crops in a climate change future. In contrast, leaf biomass allocation is a less interesting breeding target to improve yield under drought.  相似文献   

SAP1-1 and SAP1-2 were isolated from the male reproductive buds of willow (Salix discolor, clone S365). SAP1-1 differs from SAP1-2 based on a few nucleotide substitutions, but the sizes of their full-length cDNAs are identical. The deduced amino acid sequences of SAP1-1 and SAP1-2 were 98% similar and contain the same C-terminal amino acid motif “GYGA” like that of PTAP1-2 from Populus trichocarpa. The expression patterns of SAP1 in various parts of the male reproductive buds of S. discolor implicate this gene in the formation of the inflorescence meristems, bracts, and floral meristems. To characterize the functions of SAP1, we assessed Arabidopsis thaliana transformed with 35S∷SAP1-1. A total of 52 transgenic T1 lines were obtained, and a 3:1 segregation ratio was obtained in the T2 generation of each line. In the T3 generation, five homozygous transgenic lines were obtained, which were used for further analysis. Screening of transgenic lines was greatly facilitated by the detection of GFP expression starting with germinating seeds. Phenotypes of the homozygous transgenic lines included early flowering, conversion of inflorescence branches to solitary flowers, formation of terminal flowers, and formation of flowers with greater number of petals, stamens, and pistils. Northern analysis showed similar expression levels in all five lines. This study provides the first functional analysis of an APETALA1 (AP1)/SQUAMOSA (SQUA) homolog from a dioecious species and suggests that SAP1 is a homolog of the AP1/SQUA gene.  相似文献   

This note reports on an extraordinary polygamous population of Salix acmophylla from Nahal Dishon, Israel. Remarkably, all individuals in this population are bisexuals, that is, they all contain typically female catkins (with some or without any male florets), typically male catkins (with some or without any female florets) and mixed catkins. The proportions of these three catkin types in populations are 36.3%, 46.8% and 16.9% respectively. The fertility of these willows was found to be poor: no mature seeds were found at all and mean pollen stainability was low as 15.6%. The possible reasons for this semi-sterility are discussed.  相似文献   

Alt  D.  Jacob  S.  Rau  N.  Wirth  R. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):427-429
For many years a widespread disorder has occured with Picea pungens glauca in nurseries near Hamburg, with chlorotic and sometimes necrotic needles at the tip of current shoots. From a survey investigation, a pot trial and a field trial it was concluded that K deficiency was the cause of the disorder, and that it was probably aggravated by oversupply of N.  相似文献   

The development of the floral bud, especially the ovule and seed coat, of Sinomanglietia glauca was observed. Floral buds were covered by eight to nine hypsophyll pieces. The hypsophyll nearest the tepal was closed completely and characterized by two arrays of densely stained cells with dense cytoplasm, which split longitudinally at flowering. The perianth consisted of 16 tepals arranged in three whorls. The gynoecium was composed of numerous apocarpous carpels; the ovule was anatropous with two integuments. Embryogenesis was of the Polygonum type, and the endosperm was nuclear. The inner integument degenerated during seed development. The seed of S. glauca had an endotestal seed coat comprised of a sclerotic layer derived from the inner adaxial epidermis of the outer integument and a sarcotesta derived mainly from the middle cells between the inner and outer epidermis of the outer integument. The embryo developed normally, so embryogenesis is not the cause of difficult regeneration.  相似文献   

The effects of glutamine-based dipeptides, glutamine and casein hydrolysate, as well as the deletion of organic nitrogen, were investigated during white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] somatic embryogenesis. There were no differences in the fresh weight increase of the tissue masses grown on initiation medium with different combinations of organic nitrogen. This was also the case for subsequent growth on kinetin medium, except that glutamine alone produced a significantly lower fresh weight increase than the other organic nitrogen combinations. Without organic (i.e. with only inorganic) nitrogen in the medium, the fresh weight increase was significantly less than with organic nitrogen on both initiation and kinetin medium. No differences were found between the dry/fresh weight ratios obtained with the various nitrogen treatments. The number of mature embryos produced per gram fresh weight when cultured in the absence of organic nitrogen was significantly higher than that obtained in its presence. There were no differences in the total number of mature embryos produced in cultures grown with various organic nitrogen combinations or without organic nitrogen. There were large clone differences with respect to the number of mature somatic embryos per gram tissue and the total number of somatic embryos produced. Hence, nitrogen type influences culture growth rate but not the number of mature somatic embryos produced. The latter was clone dependent.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate  相似文献   

Pinus banksiana andPicea glauca inoculated or not with the ectomycorrhizal fungusSuillus luteus were grown in a sandy loam soil containing a range of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations. Ectomycorrhizal colonization rates were significantly reduced on Pinus and Picea seedlings by the heavy metals, particularly Cd and Ni. Needle tissue metal concentrations were lower in ectomycorrhizal seedlings at low soil metal concentrations. However, at higher soil concentrations, heavy metal concentrations of needle tissue were similar in ectomycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. The growth of nonmycorrhizal seedlings exposed to heavy metals was reduced compared to those inoculated withSuillus luteus. Apparently ectomycorrhizal colonization can protect Pinus and Picea seedlings from heavy metal toxicity at low or intermediate soil concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn.  相似文献   

Cyclobalanopsis glauca is a dominant species in mid-subtropical forest, and usually plays an important role in forest ecosystems. However, it often suffers redundant precipitation or water stress, which often concurs with high temperature, nutrient depletion and strong irradiance. The study presented in the paper hypothesized that soil water exerted strong influence on leaf gas exchange and traits. The objective of this study was to clarify the effect of soil water changes on photosynthetic characteristics and leaf traits and their relationships of C. glauca seedlings growing on nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor soil at three water levels. The study measured the specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen content, chlorophyll concentrations and photosynthetic light response curve. Its results showed that there were no differences in leaf size, leaf dry weight, SLA, leaf dry matter content, Leaf nitrogen concentration and Leaf chlorophyll between the two soil nutrient treatments, while these parameters differed significantly among different water levels for either of the treatments. There were large variations in leaf photosynthetic parameters and leaf traits among the different water treatments, indicating different response patterns of C. glauca seedling and its adaptation to the different soil water conditions. There were no significant differences in light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax) and apparent quantum yield (Ø) between the nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor soils, which indicated that the C. glauca seedlings could maintain similar capacities in different soils that differed in nutrient condition. As to the relation between the photosynthesis and leaf traits, the Amax and PNUE were positively correlated with the SLA, respectively, but the SLA had significant negative relationship with the leaf N (P<0.01) in nutrient-rich soil. In contrast, both Amax and PNUE were significantly negatively correlated with the SLA, respectively (P<0.01); and the SLA was not significantly positively correlated with the leaf nitrogen concentration of the nutrient-poor soil (P>0.05). The specific leaf areas (SLA), nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations as well as other photosynthetic features were influenced in a coordinative manner by the soil water. The relation among the Amax, PNUE and the Nmass, SLA could be described as a binomial equation and a liner negative regression for the nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor soil, respectively. In conclusion, soil water was more constraining factor than the soil nutrient to the photosynthesis of C. glauca seedlings, nutrient-rich soil could offset some negative influence resulting from soil water deficit on LSP and LCP. Factors affecting the variations of photosynthetic characteristics and leaf traits of C. glauca seedlings differed between the nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor soils.  相似文献   

We compared the potential for compensatory growth of two grass species from the Mongolian steppe that differ in their ability to persist under grazing: the rhizomatous Leymus chinensis and the caespitose Stipa krylovii, and investigated how this ability might be affected by drought. Plants were grown in a greenhouse under wet and dry conditions and subjected to a clipping treatment (biweekly removal of 75–90% of the aerial mass). Leymus exhibited a much stronger compensatory growth after clipping than Stipa. Leymus showed a significant increase in its relative growth rate (RGR) after clipping, while for Stipa RGR was negatively affected. Clipped Leymus plants maintained leaf productivity levels that were similar to undamaged individuals, while leaf-productivity in clipped Stipa dropped to less than half of that of the controls. In Leymus, there was less compensatory growth under dry than under wet conditions, while in Stipa the compensation was increased under drought. This difference probably reflects the fact that Stipa is more drought-tolerant than Leymus. The greater compensatory growth of Leymus compared to Stipa mainly resulted from a greater stimulation of its net assimilation rate (NAR), and its greater capacity to store and reallocate carbohydrates by clipping. The greater increase in NAR was probably the result of a stronger reduction in self-shading, because Leymus shoots were much denser than those of Stipa, which resulted in a higher increase in light penetration to remaining leaves after clipping. The results of this study suggest that the greater ability of Leymus to persist under grazing is the result of its larger capacity for compensatory growth.  相似文献   

From an eight by eight factorial crossing with Salix viminalis, 40 of the 64 families obtained were selected for further analysis. Fourteen seedplants from each of these 40 families were planted in two pairs of contrasting environments: sand and clay soil, and low and high nutrient supply. The material in the soil contrast was harvested after 1, 4 and 6 years of growth. The material in the nutrient contrast was harvested each year for 3 years and analysed after the first and the third harvests. The correlation between number of shoots and weight in the clay environment changed from being negative in the first harvests to positive at the last harvest, compared with the sand environment where this correlation was positive in all years. In the nutrient contrast this correlation was positive at the last harvest in the high nutrient environment, but no correlation could be detected in the low nutrient environment. The differences in correlations between environments may be due to a different allocation of nutrients in the plants, depending on whether the plant is under stress or not. The data suggests that the genetic relationship between growth components is the same over age and environments when the plants are grown without stress.  相似文献   

Responses to soil flooding and oxygen shortage were studied in field, glasshouse and controlled environment conditions. Established stools ofSalix viminalis L., were compared at five field sites in close proximity but with contrasting water table levels and flooding intensities during the preceding winter. There was no marked effect of site on shoot extension rate, time to half maximum length or final length attained. When rooted cuttings were waterlogged for 4 weeks in a glasshouse, soil redox potentials quickly decreased to below zero. Shoot extension was slowed after a delay of 20 d, while, in the upper 100 mm of soil, formation and outgrowth of unbranched adventitious roots with enhanced aerenchyma development was promoted after 7 d. At depths of 100–200 mm and 200–300 mm, extension by existing root axes was halted by soil flooding, while adventitious roots from above failed to penetrate these deeper zones. After 4 weeks waterlogging, all arrested root tips recommenced elongation when the soil was drained; their extension rates exceeding those of roots that were well-drained throughout. Growth in fresh mass was also stimulated. The additional aerenchyma found in adventitious roots in the upper 100 mm of soil may have been ethylene regulated since gas space development was inhibited by silver nitrate, an ethylene action inhibitor. The effectiveness of aerenchyma was tested by blocking the entry of atmospheric oxygen into plants with lanolin applied to lenticels of woody shoots of plants grown in solution culture. Root extension was halved, while shoot growth remained unaffected. H Lambers Section editor  相似文献   

The leaf cuticular waxes of six Salix clones (one Salix miyabeana, one Salix dasyclados, one Salix eriocephala, two Salix purpurea, and one interspecific hybrid of Salix eriocephala x interior) with different biomass productivities were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Total wax content ranged from 6.3 to 16.8 microg cm(-2), and two distinct patterns of wax were measured. The wax from leaves of S. dasyclados 'SV1' differed from all other clones and was dominated by fatty acids (42%), high concentrations of n-alkanes (25%) and n-alcohols (28%), with low n-aldehyde content (4%). All other clones produced cuticular wax dominated by n-alcohols (32-51%), particularly 1-hexacosanol, with fatty acids (14-37%) and n-aldehydes (19-26%) present in lower abundances. Clones of Salix grown under identical environmental conditions produce noticeably different amounts of cuticular wax. In contrast to previous studies of Salix, total wax content was independent of biomass productivity, measured as basal area, suggesting that wax production is not directly linked with woody biomass production by shrub willows under these site conditions.  相似文献   

Summary In white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings grown in five forest soils from New York State, net photosynthetic capacity (Amax) plant-1 was correlated with total foliar N plant-1 (r 2=0.57), but was more highly correlated with total foliar P plant-1 (r 2=0.82). There was no relationship (r 2<0.01) between Amax [g leaf]-1 and foliar N [g leaf]-1 for the pooled data set, but there was a significant (P<0.001), but weak (r 2=0.20) positive relationship between Amax [g leaf]-1 and foliar P [g leaf]-1 across all soils. However, within two of the five soils leaf N concentration was a significant (P<0.05) determinant of photosynthetic capacity. Due to differences in soil nutrient availabilities a large range in foliar P:N ratio (0.02–0.15) was observed, and the proportion of leaf P:N appeared to control Amax [g leaf N]-1. Whole plant nitrogen (NUE) and phosphorus (PUE) use efficiencies were well correlated with whole plant P:N ratio. In addition, NUE was well correlated with Amax [g leaf N]-1 and PUE was well correlated with Amax [g leaf P]-1. However, NUE was not well correlated with PUE, and Amax [g leaf N]-1 was not well correlated with Amax [g leaf P]-1. These results indicated that P and/or N limitations were important components of photosynthetic nutrient relations in white pine grown in these five soils and suggest that both P and N and their proportions should be considered in analyses of photosynthesis-nutrient relations.  相似文献   

Drought has dramatic negative effects on plants' growth and crop productivity. Although some of the responses and underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, there is increasing evidence that drought may have a negative effect on photosynthetic capacity. Biochemical models of leaf photosynthesis coupled with models of radiation transfer have been widely used in ecophysiological studies, and, more recently, in global change modeling. They are based on two fundamental relationships at the scale of the leaf: (i) nitrogen content-light exposure and (ii) photosynthetic capacity-nitrogen content. Although drought is expected to increase in many places across the world, such models are not adapted to drought conditions. More specifically, the effects of drought on the two fundamental relationships are not well documented. The objective of our study was to investigate the effects of a long-term drought imposed slowly on the nitrogen content and photosynthetic capacity of leaves similarly exposed to light, from 3-year-old lychee trees cv. Kwa? Mi. Leaf nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrate concentrations were measured along with gas exchanges and the light-saturated rate of photosynthetic electron transport (J(max)) after a 5.5-month-long period of drought. Leaf nitrogen content on a mass basis remained stable, while the leaf mass-to-area ratio (LMA) increased with increasing water stress. Consequently, the leaf nitrogen content on an area basis (N(a)) increased in a non-linear fashion. The starch content decreased, while the soluble sugar content increased. Stomata closed and net assimilation decreased to zero, while J(max) and the ratio J(max)/N(a) decreased with increasing water stress. The drought-associated decrease in photosynthetic capacity can be attributed to downregulation of photosynthetic electron transport and to reallocation of leaf nitrogen content. It is concluded that modeling photosynthesis in drought conditions will require, first, the modeling of the effect of drought on LMA and J(max).  相似文献   

Summary The effects of CO2 enrichment on the growth, biomass partitioning, photosynthetic rates, and leaf nitrogen concentration of a grass, Bromus mollis (C3), were investigated at a favorable and a low level of nitrogen availability. Despite increases in root: shoot ratios, leaf nitrogen concentrations were decreased under CO2 enrichment at both nitrogen levels. For the low-nitrogen treatment, this resulted in lower photosynthetic rates measured at 650 l/l for the CO2-enriched plants, compared to photosynthetic rates measured at 350 l/l for the non-enriched plants. At higher nitrogen availability, photosynthetic rates of plants grown and measured at 650 l/l were greater than photosynthetic rates of the non-enriched plants measured at 350 l/l. Water use efficiency, however, was increased in enriched plants at both nitrogen levels. CO2 enrichment stimulated vegetative growth at both high and low nitrogen during most of the vegetative growth phase but, at the end of the experiment, total biomass of the high and low CO2 treatments did not differ for plants grown at low nitrogen availability. While not statistically significant, CO2 tended to stimulate seed production at high nitrogen and to decrease it at low nitrogen.  相似文献   

Qing  Liu  Yunxiang  Li  Zhangcheng  Zhong 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):107-113
The effects of moisture availability on clonal growth and biomass investment in the bamboo Pleioblastus maculata were investigated over a four-year period by transplanting Pleioblastus maculata clones into soils with different levels of moisture availability in the field. The results showed that: (1) The higher the moisture availability, the greater the total biomass of P. maculata clones. Although fewer culms are produced at the higher moisture levels, mean tiller biomass is greater. (2) Under different levels of moisture availability, obvious differences in the total rhizome length (p < 0.01), spacer length (p < 0.05) and the sizes of bamboo culms (height, p < 0.01; diameter, p < 0.01) were observed. Thus, the higher the moisture availability, the shorter the rhizomes and the larger ramets. (3) In microhabitats with low moisture availability, bamboo allocated more biomass to underground organs, which promotes elongation of rhizomes and increases root production, thereby helping to capture underground resources essential to growth. In microhabitats of high moisture availability, the biomass is primarily allocated to the aboveground growth of ramets. (4) We suggest that soil moisture availability effects the foraging strategies of bamboo, that bamboo plants growing with low moisture availability produce longer rhizomes (that is, more, although shorter, spacers) with more biomass allocation than plants in high moisture and have a better ability to forage to increase the probability of locating adequate moisture patches. Also, longer length distance between shoots (that is, longer spacers) in high soil moisture than in low is adapted to avoid intense competition from faster growing aboveground growth in high moisture patches.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content of Cypripedium flavum were studied at different leaf ages. The photosynthetic capacity changed significantly with leaf age. Net photosynthesis and chlorophyll content peaked when leaf age was 60 days, decreasing at 30, 90 and 120 days. Stomatal conductance showed the highest value at 60 days, while mesophyll conductance decreased with increasing leaf age. Both leaf nitrogen content per unit area and leaf nitrogen content per unit mass decreased with increasing leaf age. The age-dependent variation in photosynthetic capacity could be linked to the changes in biochemical efficiency, leaf nitrogen content and CO2 diffusion limitation.  相似文献   

A three year fertilization experiment was conducted in which nitrogen (N series: 20 g N m–2 yr–1), phosphorus (P series: 4 g P m–2 yr–1) and potassium (K series: 20 g K m–2 yr–1) were added to a mixed vegetation of Erica tetralix and Molinia caerulea. At the end of each growing season the percentage cover of each species was determined. At the end of the experiment percentage cover of each species was found to be positively correlated with the harvested biomass. In the unfertilized control series the cover of Erica and Molinia did not change significantly during the experiment. In all fertilized series however, especially in the P series, cover of Erica decreased significantly. The cover of Molinia increased significantly in the P series only.In the fertilized series the biomass of Erica and total biomass per plot did not change significantly compared with the control series. In the P series the biomass of Molinia increased significantly.It is suggested that with increasing phosphorus or nitrogen availability Molinia outcompetes Erica because the former invests more biomass in leaves which in turn permits more carbon to be allocated to the root system, which thereupon leads to a higher nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Non-mycorrhizal plants of the alpine sedge, Kobresia myosuroides, take up the amino acid glycine from nutrient solutions at greater rates than NO inf3 sup- or NH inf4 sup+ . The amino acids glutamate and proline were also taken up at high rates. Total plant biomass was twice as high after 4 months of growth on glycine, compared to NH4NO3, with significant increases in both root and leaf biomass. By taking advantage of differences in the 13C signature of air in the growth chamber and the glycine used for growth, a two-member mixing model was used to estimate that a significant amount of the glycine was taken up as intact molecules, enough to contribute 16% of the total carbon assimilation over a 4-month growing period. Glycine uptake was inhibited when roots were exposed to N2 in place of air, and when the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) was added to the root solution. From these results it is concluded that glycine uptake occurs through active transport. Glycine uptake exhibited a Q10 of 2.0 over the temperature range 5–15° C, with relatively high rates maintained at the lowest temperature measured (5° C). Roots of Kobreasia were not capable of taking up NH inf4 sup+ at measureable rates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a plant whose non-mycorrhizal roots cannot take up NH inf4 sup+ . Measurements of three N fractions (NO inf3 sup- , NH inf4 sup+ , and total amino acids) in the soil pore water were made over two growing seasons in two Kobresia dry meadows using microlysimeters. At the West Knoll site, which is characterized by soils with average amounts of organic matter, the dominant forms of N in the soil pore water were NO inf3 sup- and NH inf4 sup+ (0–450 mol L-1). Amino acid concentrations were generally less than 20 mol L-1 at this site. At the East Knoll site, which is characterized by soils with higher than average amounts of organic matter, amino acids were generally present at higher concentrations (17–100 mol L-1), compared to NO inf3 sup- and NH inf4 sup+ . The most abundant amino acids were glycine (10–100 mol L-1), glutamate (5–70 mol L-1), and late in the season cystein (5–15 mol L-1). The results demonstrate that this sedge, which dominates dry meadow communities in many alpine ecosystems, is capable of taking up intact amino acids as a principal N source, and has access to high amino acid concentrations in certain alpine soils. Such uptake of organic N may accommodate plant N demands in the face of slow alpine N mineralization rates due to cold soil temperatures.  相似文献   

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