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Extralimital traits—evolutionary innovations that represent unprecedented departures from the phenotypic norm in the clade in which they arise—are often thought preferentially to evolve in island-like settings, but accumulating evidence indicates that they also arise in highly diverse, competitively rigorous ecosystems. In order to evaluate the origins of extralimital traits, I reconstructed the history of all ecological and shell-morphological innovations in Miocene to Recent shallow-water molluscs from the two great modern tropical marine realms, the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) and Atlantic-eastern Pacific (AEP), with the expectation that the more diverse IWP would show a higher incidence of innovation. Of the 66 innovations I identified, 53 (80%) are IWP and 13 (20%) are AEP in origin. Data on the numbers of living species in 26 molluscan clades in the two tropical realms indicate that the species ratio (AEP to total number of species 0.32 ± 0.115) exceeds the innovation ratio (AEP to total innovations 0.21). The per-species frequency of innovation is therefore significantly higher in the IWP. None of the innovations is unique to endemic taxa on oceanic islands. I suggest that warm, large, highly productive environments are more conducive to the establishment of new ecological roles and phenotypic states than are smaller, less productive, more island-like settings; and that diversity need not be correlated with either high productivity or evolutionary opportunity for innovation.  相似文献   

An 18-month-study of 40 saline wetlands, ranging from 6 to 336 g l−1, on the west and southern coasts of Eyre Peninsula yielded 88 species of invertebrates, some aquatic plants and a fish. The invertebrates are taxonomically diverse and include 38 crustaceans, 28 insects, 12 molluscs and significantly an aquatic spider, a nemertean, two polychaetes, two sea anemones, a sponge and a bryzoan. Most were tolerant of wide fluctuations in salinity, there being 51 halobionts, 21 halophils and only 16 salt-tolerant freshwater species. Many invertebrates are restricted to the thalassic springs where marine molluscs dominated. Athalassic wetlands were dominated by crustaceans and were of two basic types—coastal and continental. There is evidence of the former evolving biologically into the later, and for some lakes to be still in transition. There is also evidence of increasing salinity in recent decades and already two lakes exhibit severe secondary salinity. Like other salt lakes in Australia the fauna is regionally distinctive. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Alternatives to species-level identification have been advocated as one solution to the problem of selecting marine reserves with limited information on the distribution of marine biodiversity.This study evaluated the effects on selection of candidate sites for marine reserves from using the higher-taxon approach as a surrogate for species-level identification of intertidal molluscs and rocky reef fishes. These effects were evaluated by determining the percentage of species included in candidate reserves identified from genus-, family- and order-level data by a complementarity-based reserve selection algorithm, and by testing for correlations between the irreplaceability values of locations. Candidate reserves identified from genus- and family-level data of intertidal molluscs included a similar percentage of all species as the reserves identified from species-level data. Candidate reserves selected from genus- and family-level data of rocky reef fishes included, respectively, 3–7% and 14–23% fewer species than reserves selected from species-level data. When the reserve identification process was constrained by a practical planning limit (a maximum of 20% locations able to be reserved) the reserves selected from genus- and family-level data of intertidal molluscs, and genus-level data of rocky reef fishes, included a similar percentage of species as the reserves identified from species-level data. Irreplaceability values of locations for species, genera and families of intertidal molluscs were highly correlated, and irreplaceability values of locations for species and genera of rocky reef fishes were highly correlated. This study suggests that genus- and family-level data for intertidal molluscs, and genus-level data for rocky reef fishes, are suitable surrogates for species in the identification of candidate sites for marine reserves.  相似文献   

An increased electrofishing sampling effort will increase detection probabilities of riverine fishes. In this study, a repeat‐sampling approach was used in small to medium‐sized Ontario (Canada) rivers to estimate: (i) species‐specific detection probabilities of freshwater fishes, (ii) the number of sampling events required to confidently detect species, and (iii) the power of timed‐search surveys to detect future distribution (or occupancy) declines. Wadeable habitats at 36 sites were sampled with a backpack electrofisher on four separate dates during the summer low‐flow period in 2013 and 2014. Forty‐two species were collected, including three species of conservation concern (American eel Anguilla rostrata Lacépède, 1802, channel darter Percina copelandi Jordan, 1877, northern sunfish Lepomis peltastes Cope, 1870), and two recreationally important species (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802 and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu Lacépède, 1802). A hierarchical Bayesian modelling approach was used to estimate detection probabilities and site occupancy for 18 species at four levels of effort: 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 s. In all cases, species detection was imperfect. Search effort had a positive effect on estimates of detection probability and site occupancy and the power to detect declines in future distribution. Detection probabilities ranged from 0.11 to 0.66 with an effort of 250 s, and 0.27 to 0.92 with an effort of 1,000 s. For 13 species, detection and power to detect changes in distribution were significantly improved by increasing sampling effort from 250 to 750 s or 1,000 s. For the channel darter and northern sunfish, three replicate sampling visits (of 750 or 1,000 s duration) are recommended for confident detection.  相似文献   

During the past 50 years development of farming practices caused tremendous changes in European agricultural landscapes and many insect species became increasingly restricted to protected areas. Yet little is known about long-term trends of insect diversity and community composition in these often small reserves. We performed a comparative study on changes in orthopteran communities of protected dry grasslands in East Germany, which had been surveyed in the 1960s. Applying the same sampling techniques, we revisited 26 of the original sites in 2008 and 2009. Nearly all sites are controlled by conservation policies and changes in vegetation composition were relatively small, although some sites showed shrub encroachment. Changes in orthopteran diversity were not significant. Community composition showed minor changes which were correlated with evidence of woody plant encroachment as derived from historical and recent aerial imagery. The frequency of some Caelifera species decreased from the 1960s to 2008/2009 with one species inhabiting bare soils (Myrmeleotettix maculatus) showing the strongest decline. Some Ensifera, especially two species inhabiting open woodland and scrub (Tettigonia viridissima, Phaneroptera falcata) showed positive trends. Nevertheless, three different regions (each belonging to a different German federal state) had shown distinct orthopteran assemblages in the 1960s, and these were equally different 40 years later. We conclude that the orthopteran fauna of Central European protected dry grasslands showed small changes in species composition, and overall diversity remained rather constant during the past 40 years, which is in accordance with the minor changes in the surrounding landscape. Consequently, the applied conservation management practises—mainly sheep grazing and trimming—are largely effective.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that drive species richness and composition at multiple scales is of crucial importance for conservation. Here we evaluated how habitat heterogeneity—at the local and landscape scales—affects the diversity of ants in the Brazilian Cerrado. The Cerrado is a biodiversity hotspot that is characterized as a mosaic of habitats, including savannas of variable structure (the dominant vegetation), grasslands, and forests. We sampled ground-dwelling ants in four habitats, representing a gradient of increasing tree cover and decreasing grass cover. Twelve sites, distributed along two degrees of latitude, were sampled. Our sampling revealed a highly diverse and patchily distributed fauna comprising 150 species (from 44 genera), of which nearly 40% were found in only one site. On average, we found fewer species in the least structurally complex habitat. However, there was relatively little variation in species density among the remaining habitats despite strong differences in vegetation structure among them. Ant species composition varied markedly among sites and such differences were related to variations in vegetation structure but not to inter-site distances (latitude). Similar results were obtained when overall ant species richness (γ diversity) was partitioned additively into three components: α1 (diversity within sampling sites), β1 (diversity among sites within the same habitat type), and β2 (diversity among sites from different habitats). The β2 component contributed much more to γ diversity than did the remaining diversity components, indicating that conservation of the Cerrado ant fauna depends on the maintenance of habitat diversity.  相似文献   

The European Union requires member states to monitor the conservation status of water bodies designated under the Habitats and Species Directive. In the UK, macrophytes were identified as useful indicators of conservation status but it was recognised that sampling methods required assessment before nationwide survey work began. At eight lakes, which varied in size (0.9–2797 ha) and trophic status (oligotrophic–eutrophic), we tested a method which uses a combination of three techniques (boat transects, wader transects and perimeter strandline searches) to characterise repeat sectors (six or fewer). The combination of techniques used at a particular lake depended on the accessibility of each sector, the safety of applying the method, expediency and target flora. Species richness and abundance were recorded. By applying indicator metrics/rules to data produced by the method it was possible to categorise the conservation and trophic status of the lakes. Power analysis revealed that the data were statistically robust and could potentially be used to track significant, lake-specific changes in macrophyte flora through time. This analysis also revealed a decreasing return in statistical certainty with increased sampling effort (number of sectors sampled). Little additional certainty was added when more than 4 sectors were sampled per lake. The wader transects proved the most practical means of collecting quantitative data while perimeter surveys were an efficient means of adding useful supplementary semi-quantitative data. Boat surveys, although useful in some situations, particularly in assessing deeper water vegetation, were more time consuming than wader surveys. The potential applications and limitations of these methods are discussed and further tests suggested.  相似文献   

Detailed information on year-round distribution, seasonal abundance and inter-annual trends of a given species is essential for any conservation effort. However, for most odontocetes this knowledge is rather limited. Therefore, area-specific management or conservation plans are often difficult to argue for. This is also true for the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), although it is the most common cetacean species in the North Sea. Knowledge of the current status of local stocks as well as fine scale information on the temporal use of certain areas by the species is incomplete. One area of concern is the southern North Sea where the abundance of harbour porpoises has declined in the twentieth century. Recent studies using stranding data and observations from seabird surveys indicate a comeback of the species along the Dutch and Belgian coast. However, data on other regions of the southern North Sea is sparse. Between 2002 and 2004, we undertook 25 aerial line transect surveys (11,000 km on effort; altitude = 250 and 600 ft) in a 2,500 km2 coastal area off Eastern Frisia, Germany including a small portion of Dutch coastal waters. The data were g(0) corrected using a double platform approach and analysed with distance sampling software. A total of 426 harbour porpoises were sighted, including eight calves. Densities ranged between <0.1 and 1.62 individuals/km2 with peaks in February and July 2003 as well as February and May 2004. The results of our study show that harbour porpoises are present in the coastal part of the southern North Sea even during their reproductive period. However, they seem to appear in lower numbers and much more irregular than in other areas, for example off Northern Frisia. The results of this study support the recent findings that despite a decline in the mid-twentieth century, harbour porpoises are now at times quite abundant in the southern North Sea. The underlying factors of this ‘return’ should be investigated using a combination of surveys and satellite telemetry.  相似文献   

In order to assess the potential for molluscan conservation of a protected area considered representative of regional megafauna, we sampled molluscs inside and outside Lopé National Park in Gabon. In the northern part of Lopé National Park, 116 stations were surveyed and 71 species collected. Outside the park, 37 stations yielded 96 species, including 71 in Lastoursville, a small limestone area where molluscs are significantly more abundant than in other collecting sites. Lastoursville is among the richest sites known for molluscs in Africa. Overlap between sampling areas was limited, with 20.0% of the species found only in Lopé National Park, and 40.8% of the species found only outside. This suggests that Lopé National Park does not protect the whole molluscan diversity of central Gabon. Given the high levels of allopatric diversity of tropical land snails, conservation strategies cannot be the same for snails and for wide-ranging vertebrates. Protecting small areas with a high abundance and diversity of molluscs would be less expensive and as efficient for molluscan conservation as protecting large tracts of rainforest. Despite limited general knowledge of central African molluscs, robust estimates of site-specific diversity can be produced. Limestone areas harbour a remarkable biodiversity: sites such as Lastoursville would be ideal candidates for small protected areas dedicated to the conservation of land snails, and would complement the role of large protected areas.  相似文献   

Tropical reefs shelter one quarter to one third of all marine species but one third of the coral species that construct reefs are now at risk of extinction. Because traditional methods for assessing reef diversity are extremely time consuming, taxonomic expertise for many groups is lacking, and marine organisms are thought to be less vulnerable to extinction, most discussions of reef conservation focus on maintenance of ecosystem services rather than biodiversity loss. In this study involving the three major oceans with reef growth, we provide new biodiversity estimates based on quantitative sampling and DNA barcoding. We focus on crustaceans, which are the second most diverse group of marine metazoans. We show exceptionally high numbers of crustacean species associated with coral reefs relative to sampling effort (525 species from a combined, globally distributed sample area of 6.3 m(2)). The high prevalence of rare species (38% encountered only once), the low level of spatial overlap (81% found in only one locality) and the biogeographic patterns of diversity detected (Indo-West Pacific>Central Pacific>Caribbean) are consistent with results from traditional survey methods, making this approach a reliable and efficient method for assessing and monitoring biodiversity. The finding of such large numbers of species in a small total area suggests that coral reef diversity is seriously under-detected using traditional survey methods, and by implication, underestimated.  相似文献   

Line-transect sampling is a strategy commonly used to assess richness and abundance of large diurnal vertebrates in tropical forests, but the relationships between the sampling effort (measured as transect length in km) and the accuracy of the estimates based on the field data have rarely been investigated. Using data from 17 distinct surveys in French Guiana, we demonstrated that 85 km of transect are sufficient to extrapolate species richness whatever the forest type and the disturbance level of the habitat. Concerning species abundances, reliable estimations were obtained after 40–90 km of transects for large birds, howlers, tamarins, and agoutis. In contrast, relative abundances of capucins, sakis, and ungulates, were still not stabilized after 100 km but can still be reliably assessed with this effort. These species have larger home range than the former, and the accuracy of abundance assessment may be related to use of space. Since species with small area requirements regularly use their entire home range, abundance prediction with a moderate sampling effort may be facilitated. On the contrary, species with large home ranges may exhibit strong seasonal habitat partitioning, therefore decreasing the accuracy of abundance estimation on a low-effort survey. This analysis provides the first evidence of the minimal efforts required to assess large vertebrate richness and relative abundance of some species in a neotropical rainforest. We encourage similar works on other sites, to collect additional information on the influence of forest productivity and species assemblage composition on the minimal required sampling effort. This would permit confident extrapolations of species richness and abundance in other Neotropical forests and may provide efficient guidelines to integrate the predictive analytical tool developed in this work in future biodiversity management plans.  相似文献   

Conservation shortcuts such as umbrella species have been long used for regional protection of species whose distributions are poorly known. Although the European large carnivores—brown bear, gray wolf, and Eurasian lynx—might seem to be robust candidates as umbrella species, their actual effectiveness has been challenged. We used 10-km resolution distribution maps of mammals (n = 10) and birds (n = 55) of European conservation concern in the Romanian Carpathians, and a temporal sequence of land cover maps (1990, 2000, and 2006) to examine: (1) the spatial overlap in distribution between large carnivores and bird and mammal species of conservation concern, (2) changes in forest cover for the Romanian Carpathians during the post-communist period in relation to the distribution of species, and (3) priority conservation areas using carnivores as umbrella species. Approximately 55% of the bird and 80% of mammals species included in this study would potentially benefit from using large carnivores as conservation surrogates. The changes in forest cover during 1990–2006 were concentrated in the Eastern Carpathians, where up to 45% of the forest per mapping unit was clearcut during the study period. Implicitly, the areas of occupancy of the background species were most disturbed by clearcutting in the Eastern Carpathians. We propose that the large carnivores could act temporary as umbrella species in areas that are still relatively undisturbed, such as Southern and Southwestern Carpathians. This alternative conservation strategy will allow time for (1) the new established protected areas to start efficiently and (2) the forestry practices to switch from mostly uncontrolled clearcutting, lacking landscape scale management to ecologically-based practices.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overall bioinvasion impact assessment on the scale of a large marine region—the Baltic Sea, as defined by the Helsinki Commission. The methodology is based on a classification of the abundance and distribution range of alien species and the magnitude of their impacts on native communities, habitats and ecosystem functioning aggregated in a “Biopollution Level” index (BPL) which ranges from ‘no impact’ (BPL = 0) to ‘massive impact’ (BPL = 4). The assessment performed for nine Baltic sub-regions revealed that documented ecological impact is only known for 43 alien species out of 119 registered in the Sea. The highest biopollution (BPL = 3, strong impact) occurs in coastal lagoons, inlets and gulfs, and the moderate biopollution (BPL = 2)—in the open sea areas. The methodology was also used to classify species into alien (BPL = 0) versus ‘impacting’ species (BPL > 0), which can be divided into ‘potentially invasive’ (BPL = 1) and ‘invasive’ (BPL > 1) ones. No clear correlation between the number of established alien and impacting species was found in the sub-regions of the Baltic Sea. The methodology, although requiring a substantial research effort, proved to be useful for interregional comparisons and evaluating the bioinvasion effects of individual alien species.  相似文献   

The conservation status of small breeding areas of the Goosander (Mergus merganser merganser) in Central Europe is unclear. Geographic isolation of these areas suggests restricted gene flow to and from large North-European populations. On the other hand, migrating Goosanders from northern Europe join the Central European breeding population for wintering. To evaluate the conservation status of the small breeding areas we assessed the genetic structure of M. merganser populations in Europe by examining two nuclear marker systems (microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNP) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region sequence variation for Goosanders in 11 sampling areas representing three of five distinct breeding areas and two subspecies (M. m. merganser and M. m. americanus). Overall population differentiation estimates including both subspecies were high, both based on mtDNA () and nuclear markers (θ ST = 0.219; 95% CI 0.088–0.398, SNP and microsatellites combined). Within Europe, mtDNA revealed a strong overall () and significant pairwise population differentiation between almost all comparisons. In contrast, both nuclear marker systems combined revealed only a small overall genetic differentiation (θ ST = 0.022; 95% CI 0.003–0.041). The strong genetic differentiation based on female-inherited mtDNA but not on biparentally inherited nuclear markers can be explained by sex-biased dispersal and strong female philopatry. Therefore, small breeding areas in Europe are endangered despite large male-mediated gene-flow, because when these populations decline, only males—but due to strong philopatry not females—can be efficiently supplemented by migration from the large North European populations. We therefore propose to manage the small breeding areas independently and to strengthen conservation efforts for this species in Central Europe.  相似文献   

As part of an on-going effort to conserve endangered and endemicScrophularia takesimensis (Scrophulariaceae), we analyzed its spatial distribution patterns by applying an index of dispersion, plant-to-all-plant distances, and the varying quadrat size method. Three indices — Dispersion, Morisita, and Standardized Morisita — all revealed clumping with small aggregates, and distances between aggregates were more or less regular. The asymptote level occurred at a distance of 20 to 30 m; the distance showing 90% of cumulative frequency coincided with 20 to 21 m; 95%, 24 to 25 m; and 99%, 31 to 32 m. The 20 m× 20 m and 40 m×40 m quadrats contained 25 and 40 plants, respectively. We conclude that this number of individuals and size of area are the minimum required for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the pattern of species richness of obligate subterranean (troglobiotic) beetles in caves in the northwestern Balkans, given unequal and biased sampling. On the regional scale, we modeled the relationship between species numbers and sampling intensity using an asymptotic Clench (Michaelis–Menten) function. On the local scale, we calculated Chao 2 species richness estimates for 20 × 20 km grid cells, and investigated the distribution of uniques, species found in only one cave within the grid cell. Cells having high positive residuals, those with above average species richness than expected according to the Clench function, can be considered true hotspots. They were nearly identical to the observed areas of highest species richness. As sampling intensity in a grid cell increases the expected number of uniques decreases for any fixed number of species in the grid cell. High positive residuals show above average species richness for a certain level of sampling intensity within a cell, so further sampling has the most potential for additional species. In some cells this was supported by high numbers of uniques, also indicating insufficient sampling. Cells with low negative residuals have fewer species than would be expected, and some of them also had a low number of uniques, both indicating sufficient sampling. By combining different analyses in a novel way we were able to evaluate observed species richness pattern as well as identify, where further sampling would be most beneficial. Approach we demonstrate is of broad interest to study of biota with high levels of endemism, small distribution ranges and low catchability.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish biodiversity is quickly decreasing and requires effective monitoring and conservation. Environmental DNA (eDNA)‐based methods have been shown to be highly sensitive and cost‐efficient for aquatic biodiversity surveys, but few studies have systematically investigated how spatial sampling design affects eDNA‐detected fish communities across lentic systems of different sizes. We compared the spatial patterns of fish diversity determined using eDNA in three lakes of small (SL; 3 ha), medium (ML; 122 ha) and large (LL; 4,343 ha) size using a spatially explicit grid sampling method. A total of 100 water samples (including nine, 17 and 18 shoreline samples and six, 14 and 36 interior samples from SL, ML and LL, respectively) were collected, and fish communities were analysed using eDNA metabarcoding of the mitochondrial 12S region. Together, 30, 35 and 41 fish taxa were detected in samples from SL, ML, and LL, respectively. We observed that eDNA from shoreline samples effectively captured the majority of the fish diversity of entire waterbodies, and pooled samples recovered fewer species than individually processed samples. Significant spatial autocorrelations between fish communities within 250 m and 2 km of each other were detected in ML and LL, respectively. Additionally, the relative sequence abundances of many fish species exhibited spatial distribution patterns that correlated with their typical habitat occupation. Overall, our results support the validity of a shoreline sampling strategy for eDNA‐based fish community surveys in lentic systems but also suggest that a spatially comprehensive sampling design can reveal finer distribution patterns of individual species.  相似文献   

Natural small, xeric hill prairies in forested landscapes throughout the Midwest United States often contain high diversity and unique species of some organisms because of their unusual landscape context and microclimate. We measured the diversity, richness, and abundance of the bee communities of five hill prairies located in northeastern Iowa and we compared these to values for large prairie preserves in northwestern Iowa, using a Monte Carlo resampling approach to standardize sampling effort between habitat types. We also measured the diversity and richness of the flowering forb communities at the hill prairies and we quantified percentage of the landscape at a 1 km radius in different landscape elements. Bee diversity at the five hill prairies spanned the range of diversity values for large prairies preserves, so although the hill prairies are small (<5 ha), their bee communities are not uniformly depauparate compared to larger western prairie preserves. Bee diversity was significantly related to flowering forb diversity, and may have been influenced by landscape features within 1 km—particularly the percentage of agricultural row crops and open water, which may negatively affect bee diversity at the sites. Iowa’s hill prairie bee communities were largely composed of widespread eastern species, although about 10% of the bee species have more northern or western ranges and appear to be taking advantage of the region’s unique habitat features. Given the dependence of the bee communities on the plant diversity of the sites, management of the plant community to maintain its diversity will also likely benefit bee diversity.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, has somemetabolic traits typical of marine bivalve molluscs, andsomethat are apparently unique. Cvconsumption is rapid when thevalves are open, but may become and remain zero for days onclosure. Rates of nitrogen-excretion are similar to those ofother marine bivalves; the chief end-products are ammonia (65–70%) and amino acids (5–21 %), but small amountsof urea and uric acid are regularly found. Deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA) of marine molluscs has a low content of the base-pair,guanine-cytosine (GC); oyster DN'A has thelowest GC (about 28%) of nine species studied. There are six sterols, the majorone cholesterol, and there is evidence of changes in steroidmetabolism with the gonadal cycle. Aminotransferase activitiesof marine bivalves are proportional to rates of loss of aminoacids, suggesting that the enzymes function to assure continuousreplenishment. The oyster isunique in its extraordinarily lowrate of conversion of alanine to pyruvate. Most of the intermediatesand enzymes requiredfor complete oxidation of glucose have beenfound in some species of Crassostrea, but anaerobic glycolysisproduces more succinic than lactic acid. A partial explanationlies in ready reversibility of succinate and laclate oxidoreductases.  相似文献   

Habitat composition and connectivity within a stream vary with changing flows but the influence of changing flow on habitat use by fish is not well understood. Meso- and microhabitat surveys were used to investigate habitat use by bullhead (Cottus gobio Linnaeus) in response to discharge variation in a small tributary of the Upper Severn, England. Mesohabitat mapping surveys were carried out over a range of summer flows (0.016–0.216 m3 s−1) and were coupled with direct underwater observations (snorkelling) of fish location. Five mesohabitat types—glides, runs, riffles, chutes and pools—were present in the reach at all flows surveyed and ‘backwaters’ were found at three flows. The macro-morphology of the reach comprised six riffle–pool sequences divided into 27 mesohabitats with the maximum diversity (23 mesohabitats) at intermediate flows (Q 43) and only 15 mesohabitats at Q 95. Despite low numbers of fish (N = 78), bullhead displayed a strong association (51% of the fish) with glides—relatively deep habitats having high rates of velocity increase with flow. However, 54% of the fish were observed in two large, persistent mesohabitats, a glide (34%) and a pool (20%), both located below a faster flowing mesohabitat. Habitat use curves based upon micro-habitat data showed bullhead favoured low velocities (<0.30 m s−1), depths less than 0.30 m and a cobble substratum. This study illustrates the value of cross-scale investigations in linking fish ecology, flow and physical habitat variability and suggests mesohabitat size, persistence and arrangement may influence fish distribution.  相似文献   

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