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Ichnological analysis of the upper Ypresian–lower Lutetian interval at the Gorrondatxe section (W Pyrenees, N Spain), reveals a relationship between sea-level dynamics and the eco-sedimentary factors influencing trace fossil assemblages. The 600 m thick section of deep-sea turbiditic deposits contains 41 ichnospecies belonging to 28 ichnogenera, which are typical of the Nereites ichnofacies, and mostly of the Paleodictyon ichnosubfacies, suggesting deposition in a basin plain to fan-fringe setting. The trace fossil diversity and abundance fluctuate, irrespective of turbidite frequency. These ichnological features are strongly affected by trophic level changes related partly to sea-level dynamics according to the sequence stratigraphic interpretations for the studied section. Temperature, oxygenation and substrate changes are also considered as relevant factors. Increased ichnodiversity, particularly among graphoglyptids, coincides with moderate oligotrophy and stable ecological conditions. Eutrophisation, lowered oxygenation and drop of temperature, typical of low sea level, can reduce ichnodiversity.  相似文献   

Fossil grass pollen is common in Late Tertiary sediments and its rare occurrence in the Early Tertiary led to the belief that its presence is restricted to Tertiary sediments. A literature survey shows that rare occurrences of Graminidites spp. have been reported from Campanian–Maastrichtian strata worldwide. All reported Graminidites spp. have been studied by transmitted light microscopes, which are inadequate to resolve their fine exine sculpture. Graminidites sp. occurs in the Maastrichtian Scollard Formation of Alberta, Canada, and is studied here with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. A new species, G. ulkapites, occurs at the initiation of a temperate climate in the area. It occurs in post‐dinosaurian beds locally but in pre‐Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary strata, which implies that grasses could also be present in dinosaur inhabitations. Grass phytoliths, reported from dinosaurian coprolites from the Maastrichtian Deccan Intertrappean sediments of India, indicate that grasses were ingested by dinosaurs even if not included in the dinosaurian diet. A plot of worldwide Senonian occurrences of Graminidites spp. on a late Maastrichtian palaeogeographic map demonstrates that the data are inadequate to reveal the place of origin or migratory pattern. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 235–248.  相似文献   

The trunk canal of fishes is contained within a series of lateral line (LL) scales. To categorise LL scale structural types, and determine their distribution, an analysis of original data was undertaken using light and scanning electron microscopy in combination with a literature survey from over 1,000 species representative of most orders of bony fishes. Our categorisation of LL scales is based on the relationship between the tube, or ossified trunk canal segment, and associated scale. Tubular‐Scalar LL scales consist of a distinguishable tube and elasmoid scale in scale pockets. Four types occur only in species with elasmoid scales. Integrated LL scales do not develop in scale pockets, and their tube is enclosed or extended by a non‐elasmoid scale or spines. Integrated 1 and 2 LL scales co‐occur with ganoid and calcidermoid scales, and Integrated 3 LL scales occur when common scales are absent or elasmoid. Tubular LL scales are tubes only, occurring mainly in scaleless species or with calcidermoid and elasmoid scales. Non‐Tubular LL scales are composed only of a scale, co‐occurring mainly with cycloid scales. There is consistency of LL scale type in many orders, families and genera and the presence of different types within taxa can be meaningful.  相似文献   

The palaeoecological significance of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts is illustrated by various examples. Genetically fixed and ecologically triggered character traits are distinguished. A summary is given regarding intraspe-cific variability, cyst size and shape, wall thickness, size and shape of the calcitic wall crystals, paratabulation, and archeopyle morphology based on the knowledge, which has been accumulated during the last two decades. Diversity and characteristic cyst associations from different localities are compared. Information on sea level changes, water temperature, oceanographic distribution, and nutrient conditions can be gained from the investigated character traits of calcareous dinoflagellates.   相似文献   

The continental mollusc fauna of Sandelzhausen (Southern Germany, Early/Middle Miocene, MN5) is presented and shown to consist of 66 snail and 3 bivalve taxa. Previous ecological interpretations were partly based on poorly preserved material and are shown to be erroneous. Within a series of quantitative samples, ecologically four mollusc communities can be distinguished (two each for terrestrial and freshwater molluscs), highly indicative of ecological conditions and changes in the landscape surrounding the fossil site as well as the locality itself. Open scrub-lands with temporary waters, as indicated by forms such as Granaria and the dominance of lymnaeids, are steadily replaced with damp forests with abundant litter and rotting wood surrounding a perennial lake with small tributaries. These more favorable conditions are indicated by an overall increase of mollusc diversity, rising abundance of planorbids, and presence of restricted forms such as Drepanotrema (intolerant to droughts) as well as certain forest dwellers such as Gastrocopta and hygromiids. Molluscs are highly sensitive to environmental changes, which is reflected in the fossil record of Sandelzhausen.   相似文献   

Quantitative character variations of xylem cambial derivatives during secondary growth of the trunk are described for five representative mangrove species: Rhizophora stylosa (Rhizophoraceae), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Rhizophoraceae), Kandelia candel (Rhizophoraceae), Sonneratia alba (Sonneratiaceae) and Avicennia marina (Avicenniaceae). Two variation patterns in tracheary element length were revealed among these species. For R. stylosa, A. marina and S. alba, both vessel elements and fibers showed an increase in length during the early stages of secondary growth, then tended to be constant in later growth. In the other two species, little change occurred in the length of either vessel elements or fibers throughout the thickening growth period. Variation patterns in tracheary element length appeared to correspond with the different mangrove species' adaptations to their habitats. In addition, these five species exhibited diverse variation patterns in quantitative characters of the rays as well as in other quantitative characters of the vessels and fibers during secondary growth of their trunk.  相似文献   

Abstract. The tridentate pedicellariae in all species of Diadema and Echinothrix recognized by Mortensen, plus species described later (to include D. palmeri and two color morphs of E. calamaris) were examined to identify diagnostic species characters, and to determine whether such characters are useful in inferring phylogenetic relationships between species. Nineteen morphological characters were measured and analyzed, and species‐specific characters were identified. The morphometric data were then transformed using gap coding and a parsimony analysis was undertaken. The resulting cladogram for the tridentate pedicellariae present in species of Diadema was compared with the mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of Lessios et al., with a good level of congruence observed. Very narrow forceps‐like tridentate pedicellariae were found to be basal among Recent species, present only in D. setosum and D. palmeri. Members of D. palmeri were found to be unique within the genus, having both the forceps‐like form and a broad form of tridentate pedicellaria. The very narrow forceps‐like form is absent in all subsequent divergent species, while the broad form of tridentate pedicellaria in D. palmeri is basal to the broad forms in D. antillarum, D. mexicanum, D. paucispinum, and both the broad and narrow forms of tridentate pedicellaria of D. savignyi. The greatest similarity was found between the broad forms of tridentate pedicellaria in D. antillarum and D. mexicanum. These species were also found to have narrow forms of tridentate pedicellaria that showed a reasonable level of association to one another and to the rostrate form in D. ascensionis. Since the work of Mortensen, D. ascensionis has been shown, using mitochondrial DNA, to be nested within D. antillarum. The results of this study show that the tridentate pedicellaria in D. ascensionis are distinctly different from all other forms within the genus, to the extent that they belong to a rostrate subclass. This indicates that, among Diadema species, the tridentate pedicellariae are one of the first morphological characters to diverge in genetically isolated populations. Unlike the tridentate pedicellariae in Diadema, the different forms of tridentate pedicellariae in E. calamaris and E. diadema showed a stronger association intraspecifically than between forms interspecifically. The small forms of tridentate pedicellaria of the white and brown color morphs in E. calamaris showed a high level of association, while the large forms showed only a moderate association, far lower than would be expected between color morphs of the same species. This suggests that they are either subspecies or recently diverged separate species. This study demonstrates the taxonomic value contained within the characters of the tridentate pedicellariae for both differentiating species (even subspecies) and inferring phylogenetic relationships between species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The spine morphology of all established species of Diadema and Echinothrix, including 2 color morphs of E. calamaris, were examined externally and internally via transverse sectioning to identify diagnostic species features and to assess the morphological relationship between species. Forty‐nine different morphological characters were measured and analysed using ordination by multi‐dimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis. Specimens of Diadema paucispinum and D. setosum had very distinct spine structures. In D. paucispinum, the spines were more robust than those of other species of Diadema. This was evident in the spine's internal structure, with large, closely packed solid wedges, a small axial cavity, and rings of trabeculae throughout the spine's length. The spines in D. setosum were distinctive because of their length in relation to test size and the reduced flaring of their verticillations. The spines of other members of this genus were very similar to each other. Without careful sectioning, the spines from specimens of D. antillarum, D. ascensionis, D. mexicanum and D. savignyi were difficult to differentiate. The internal structures of spines for each species did, however, possess a combination of features that differentiated the species. Such features included the shape, orientation, and number of solid wedges, the presence or absence of spokes and rings of trabeculae between the solid wedges, and the presence or absence of tissue within the axial cavity. Individuals of Diadema palmeri also had spines morphologically similar to other species, however, the red pigmentation of these spines (in life and when preserved) made them easily distinguishable. The spine structures of the 2 species of Echinothrix were starkly different, while the white and brown color morphs of E. calamaris had morphologically distinctive ambulacral and interambulacral spines. The blunt, open‐tipped interambulacral spines, with reticular tissue present in the axial cavity of the white color morph, were easily distinguished from the pointed, closed‐tipped spines, with a hollow axial cavity found in the brown color morph. Such differences indicate that the brown color morph is either a subspecies or a separate species. Taken together the data show that each species has significant morphological differences in the structure of the spines. It is evident from our data that spine morphology is a useful tool to differentiate these commonly confused species.  相似文献   

The articular facet of a superior articular process of the sacrum is directed backward, inward, and upward with marked variations. 4 angles characterize the orientation of this facet: a) The relative angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the upper end-plate of the sacrum, measured in a sagittal plane. b) The absolute angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the horizontal plane, measured in a sagittal plane. c) The tilted part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a plane parallel to the upper end-plate of the sacrum. d) The horizontal part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a horizontal plane. These 4 angles are determined by characteristic straights within the articular facet and certain reference planes (upper end-plate of the sacrum, horizontal plane, sagittal plane). Only 2 intersecting straights suffice for an adequate determination of a geometrical plane; therefore, if we know the relative angle of tilt and the tilted part-angle of opening, we are able to construct or to calculate the absolute angle of tilt as well as the horizontal part-angle of opening by using the range of inclination of the sacrum. The shape as well as the orientation of the articular facets at the superior articular processes of the sacrum do not depend on the inclination of the pelvis nor on the inclination of the sacrum nor on the range of the lumbosacral angle. Only the absolute angle of tilt shows a reference to the inclination of the sacrum because the relative angle of tilt shows a certain constancy. The orientation of the articular facets is slightly influenced by static moments, but considerably determined by dynamical requirements. At spines with irregular numbers of praesacral vertebrae, the orientation of the lumbosacral articular facets do not differ from the orientation of these facets at spines with the regular number of 24 praesacral vertebrae. This, however, does not prove right at spines, that have a lumbosacral "transitional vertebra". Such lumbosacral transitional vertebrae detract much from the stability of the lumbosacral region of the spine.  相似文献   

The importance of hydrostatics for ectocochleate cephalopods and for the reconstruction of their lifestyle as well as the implications of hydrostatics and further physical conditions for the ontogenetic shell formation process are discussed. The method used by some authors of merely assuming neutral buoyancy is criticized as not allowable, since even in case of the theoretically possible condition of neutral buoyancy the obligatory vertical shell orientation in orthoconic forms would definitely preclude a horizontal swimming capability. The often presumed neutral buoyancy follows from an old misunderstanding with regard to the original function of the phragmocone, which was modified and amplified only in the course of evolution. The idea of a benthic lifestyle of fossil ectocochleate cephalopods in a gastropod-like fashion is maintained and extended to further palaeozoic forms.  相似文献   


Pollen assemblages closely reflect the local vegetation that characterizes the salinity status, providing useful analogs for paleoecologxical reconstruction in regional deposits. Palynological evidences of surface sediments from the Coringa mangrove wetland were correlated with the physicochemical and sediment salinity records to observe the relationship between them. The statistical analysis of the data obtained here revealed a marked horizontal salinity gradient from north to south.. In this study, ordination (detrended correspondence analysis) of palynomorph groups has identified a salinity gradient of 1.1 to 3.0 PSU from the north to the south in the wetland. High palynomorph deposition and lower salinity are observed along channel margins due to the mixing of estuarine water during the rainy season. The mudflats along the transects show a lower diversity of plants in the pollen record and high total dissolved solids (TDS) than commonly found in the coastal wetlands. The presence of scrubby halophytic vegetation in the upper saltmarsh and oligohaline-freshwater vegetation in the low tidal saline marshes is a zonation pattern related to the localized influence of freshwater conditions. Palynomarine Index (PMI) reveals the highest freshwater/tidal inundation along Ramannapalem due to the presence of numerous riverine channels while the remaining part of the wetland has restricted tidal inundation leading to the conversion of mangrove forests to salt pans and paddy fields. Thus, the health and productivity of the mangrove ecosystem are also governed by hydrodynamics, catchment land use, water discharge in the channels, and tidal flushing.


Stanton, Robert J., Jr., Dodd, J. Robert & Alexander, Richard R. 1979 01 15: Eccentricity in the clypeasteroid echinoid Dendraster: environmental significance and application in Pliocene paleoecology. Lethaia . Vol. 12, pp. 75–87. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
The echinoid Dendraster lives in the northwest Pacific in environments ranging from open exposed coast to protected embayment. Water energy and the abundance and quality of food along this environmental gradient are correlated with test size and eccentricity of the apical area, so that larger and more eccentric specimens occur on the open coast than in bays. Study of Dendraster in Pliocene strata of the Coalinga California region indicates that these morphologic characteristics provide valuable information for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Lateral and temporal environmental gradients within a broad Pliocene embayment and the location and size of the bay entrance can be determined on the basis of Dendraster eccentricity and size. Several species and subspecies of Dendraster in the Pliocene of the Coalinga region, described largely by differences in eccentricity, are probably not valid taxa but are merely ecophenotypic expressions of the laterally and temporally variable environment.  相似文献   



Palaeoecological data are crucial for comprehending large-scale biodiversity patterns and the natural and anthropogenic drivers that influence them over time. Over the last decade, the availability of open-access research databases of palaeoecological proxies has substantially increased. These databases open the door to research questions needing advanced numerical analyses and modelling based on big-data compilations. However, compiling and analysing palaeoecological data pose unique challenges that require a guide for producing standardized and reproducible compilations.


We present a step-by-step guide of how to process fossil pollen data into a standardized dataset compilation ready for macroecological and palaeoecological analyses. We describe successive criteria that will enhance the quality of the compilations. Though these criteria are project and research question-dependent, we discuss the most important assumptions that should be considered and adjusted accordingly. Our guide is accompanied by an R-workflow—called FOSSILPOL—and corresponding R-package—called R-Fossilpol—that provide a detailed protocol ready for interdisciplinary users. We illustrate the workflow by sourcing and processing Scandinavian fossil pollen datasets and show the reproducibility of continental-scale data processing.

Main Conclusions

The study of biodiversity and macroecological patterns through time and space requires large-scale syntheses of palaeoecological datasets. The data preparation for such syntheses must be transparent and reproducible. With our FOSSILPOL workflow and R-package, we provide a protocol for optimal handling of large compilations of fossil pollen datasets and workflow reproducibility. Our workflow is also relevant for the compilation and synthesis of other palaeoecological proxies and as such offers a guide for synthetic and cross-disciplinary analyses with macroecological, biogeographical and palaeoecological perspectives. However, we emphasize that expertise and informed decisions based on palaeoecological knowledge remain crucial for high-quality data syntheses and should be strongly embedded in studies that rely on the increasing amount of open-access palaeoecological data.  相似文献   

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