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In cooperatively breeding species, helpers typically providefood to offspring, and distribute food throughout the broodor litter. However, in the communal breeding banded mongoose(Mungos mungo), some group members escort individual pups duringtheir period of dependence, and escorts consistently associatewith the same pup, although not all pups have an escort. Theaim of the present study was to determine whether group membersactively care for pups, pups benefit from association, and escortsor pups maintain association. Adult banded mongooses provision,protect, carry, groom, and play with pups. Although escortsfed pups more than did nonescorts, escorted pups were neitherlarger nor in better condition than were nonescorted pups atthe end of the association period. Nevertheless, escorted pupswere more likely to survive the association period than werenonescorted pups, providing evidence that carers confer beneficialeffects on their recipients. However, the recipients are unlikelyto be the genetic offspring of the escort because it is thepup that maintains the pup-escort association, and escorts,rather than showing a preference for provisioning their pairedpup, follow a "feed the closest pup" rule. Although carers gainindirect fitness benefits through increasing survival of relatedpups, the lack of kin discrimination means carers are unableto maximize their fitness by preferentially escorting theirown offspring or the offspring of closer relatives.  相似文献   

Vivid begging displays are common in species with parental care [1, 2]. They are usually seen as the way that rival offspring selfishly compete over parental investment [3], and individuals are expected to respond to the begging of rivals by increasing their own begging intensity [4, 5]. Here I show the opposite - that potential rivals gain direct benefits from begging by littermates, so that begging behavior becomes a collective enterprise, similar to other cooperative activities. I investigate begging in communally breeding banded mongooses (Mungos mungo), where each pup forms an exclusive relationship with a single helper (its "escort"), minimizing competition over food allocation. Escorts were influenced by the total signal emanating from a litter, so that pups who begged at low rates received more food as litter size increased. Focal pups increased their begging when litters were experimentally reduced or littermates were induced to beg at low rates, but they received food at similar rates and showed reduced weight gain - indicating that they were paying a higher cost for a similar reward. These results suggest that offspring can benefit from companions despite conflicts over the allocation of parental investment [6, 7]. Such benefits provide an explanation for observed variation in the expression of parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   

Sex differences in responsiveness to begging in a cooperative mammal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In species where young are provisioned by both parents, males commonly contribute less to parental care than females, and are less responsive to variation in begging rates. Similar differences in the care of young occur among adults in cooperative breeders, but fewer studies have investigated whether these are associated with differences in responsiveness. Here, we present results from a playback experiment investigating responsiveness to begging in the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperatively breeding mammal. Although increased begging rate raised the feeding rate of adults of both sexes, there was no consistent tendency for females to be more responsive than males. However, when we examined changes in the proportion of food items found that were fed to pups (generosity), we found that females were more responsive than males to increased begging rate. These results can be explained in terms of sex differences in dispersal: in meerkats, females are philopatric and receive considerable benefits from investing in young, both directly, by increasing group size, and indirectly, by recruiting helpers if they inherit the breeding position. In addition, they emphasize that generosity provides a more sensitive measure of responsiveness to begging than feeding rate, as it accounts for variation in foraging success.  相似文献   

Lack of competition for food items in banded mongoose litters allows pups to benefit from more demanding siblings, suggesting that in this species begging may not be entirely selfish.  相似文献   

Offspring food allocation by parents and helpers in a cooperative mammal   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
In cooperatively breeding species, helpers and parents commonlyface two decisions when they find a food item: first, whetherto feed the item to a young group member or to eat it themselves;and second, which offspring to feed. Little is known aboutthe factors that influence these decisions in cooperative mammals,though optimal foraging theory provides a basis for a rangeof predictions. In this article we describe pup feeding behaviorby helpers and parents in a cooperative mongoose, the meerkat(Suricata suricatta). When meerkat pups begin accompanyingthe group, they beg food from older group members, who digup dispersed prey items. As predicted, the probability of aprey item being fed to a pup shows a positive relationship with prey size and a negative relationship with pup distance.Meerkats apparently follow a "feed the nearest pup rule" andare more likely to feed the nearest pup if it is hungry. Hungrierpups beg more and follow older group members more closely.Across all age categories, females feed pups more frequentlythan males, both in terms of the relative frequency of feeds,and the proportion of prey biomass found by each individualthat is fed to pups. Females also feed female pups significantlymore than male pups, while males feed pups of both sexes equally.These sex biases in feeding contributions may result from femalegroup members benefiting more than males from higher pup survival,and in particular higher female pup survival, because femalesare the philopatric sex.  相似文献   

Begging is a complex display involving a variety of different visual and auditory signals. Parents are thought to use these signals to adjust their investment in food provisioning. The mechanisms that ensure the honesty of begging displays as indicators of need have been recently investigated. It has been shown that levels of corticosterone (Cort), the hormone released during the stress response, increase during food shortage and are associated with an increased begging rate. In a recent study in house sparrows, although exogenous Cort increased begging rate, parents did not accordingly adjust their provisioning rate. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Cort might affect the expression of other components of begging displays, such as flange color (a carotenoid-based trait). We experimentally increased levels of circulating Cort and investigated the effects of the treatment on (1) the flange coloration of the nestlings, (2) the behavioral response and (3) the parental allocation of food and (4) nestling condition and cell-mediated immune response. We found that Cort affected flange coloration in a condition-dependent way. Cort-injected nestlings had less yellow flanges than controls only when in poor body condition. Parental feeding rate was also affected by the Cort treatment in interaction with flange color. Feeding rate of Cort-injected nestlings was negatively and significantly correlated with flange color (nestlings with yellower flanges receiving more food), whereas feeding rate and flange color were not correlated in control chicks. We also found that nestlings injected with Cort showed a weaker immune response than controls. These results suggest that, indeed, Cort has the potential to affect multiple components of the begging display. As Cort levels naturally raise during fasting, parents have to take into account these multiple components to take a decision as to optimally share their investment among competing nestlings.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1995,49(1):1-10
Male meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, were tested with unrelated pups to determine the social factors that affect the initiation of paternal responsiveness and the inhibition of infanticide. Adult males were initially more responsive to pups if they had been reared as neonates with their fathers rather than with unfamiliar males. Decreased aggression and facilitation of paternal responsiveness occurred most reliably after extensive exposure to pups, even if exposure had occurred more than 2 months before testing. Unlike house mice, neither copulation nor exposure to females enhanced male responsiveness to pups. Given that male meadow voles only nest with females and young during the colder parts of the breeding season, it may be adaptive for paternal responsiveness to be triggered by pup exposure, rather than by some aspect of earlier contact with the female.  相似文献   

Biparental male hamsters, Phodopus campbelli, act as midwives during the birth of their litter and are highly responsive to an experimentally displaced pup. They also have high peripheral concentrations of estradiol, a hormone with known roles in maternal behavior. Surgical castration during the gestation of their first litter was used to investigate the source of that estradiol and the functional role of testicular sex steroids in paternal responsiveness. In Experiment I, castration reduced both testosterone and estradiol concentrations, confirming that the testes were the primary source of estradiol. However, neither paternal responsiveness nor multiple measures of reproductive success were altered by the castration. Aggression directed towards an intruder, however, was reduced by castration. In Experiment II, removal of prior experience with birth or pups also failed to alter paternal responsiveness in castrated males. Although the present results do not preclude a role for local estradiol synthesis in the brain, results do not support an association between high circulating estradiol in males and their paternal behavior.  相似文献   

Competition between young of the same brood or litter is of particular interest in the fields of behavioural and evolutionary ecology, because the competing individuals are likely to be closely related, where evolutionary theory predicts a greater degree of cooperation. Studies of cooperative breeding species typically concentrate on who contributes care to rearing young, and assume a passive role of the young. Relatively, little attention has been devoted to considering how intralitter competition between young affects the distribution of care in cooperative breeders. In banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) groups, the majority of pups each form a stable exclusive one-to-one association with an adult group member (its 'escort') that is its principal care provider. This paper presents experimental evidence that each pup aggressively defends access to its escort, preventing other pups approaching, and therefore monopolizes the care provided by its escort. Each pup travels with the group and follows its escort, around which its exclusion zone is fixed: a form of mobile territoriality. This represents a novel system of care of young in a mammal species, but has general implications for the study of the distribution of care of young, particularly in cooperative breeding species. Parents and helpers may provide biased care to young, not due to preference but due to the competitive actions of the young within the brood or litter.  相似文献   

In some species, dependent offspring join foraging providers and beg for food. Mobile offspring might benefit from evolving begging signals adapted to the different situations they are exposed to, but this possibility has been ignored. In cooperatively breeding meerkats (Suricata suricatta), dependent offspring use a repertoire of several begging calls when joining foraging adults. We found that these calls can be differentiated on the basis of their acoustic structure and that pups adjusted the use of specific call types according to the social context. Pups continuously gave "repeat" calls when they accompanied foraging adults, and playback of these calls increased provisioning by the adults. When pups saw adults with food, they switched from repeat calls to vigorous "high-pitched" calls; adults also preferred to "feed" loudspeakers broadcasting high-pitched calls rather then loudspeakers broadcasting repeat calls. The elaboration of different begging calls might reflect an adaptation to a situation where dependent young must solicit food from potential feeders while at the same time directing feeders to bring the prey item to themselves and not to another begging pup. Here we show that mobile but dependent offspring adapt to different contexts in a mobile feeding system by using a repertoire of begging calls.  相似文献   

The relationship between begging behaviour, chick nutritional state, and parental distribution of food within broods was studied in 4- and 5-chick magpie Pica pica broods under natural conditions. Three components of the begging display (duration, latency, and posture) were highly correlated with each other and also with the emission and duration of begging calls. Begging performance was strongly influenced by the food intake of nestlings during the preceding 1-h interval, indicating that begging may reliably reflect the nutritional need of nestlings. Daily growth during the preceding day, as well as average cumulative food intake by the brood during the preceding 24 h, seemed not to affect begging in a similar way. Begging signals employed by hungrier nestlings involved a higher degree of muscular activity, thus supporting the prediction that nestlings in greater need should employ more costly signals. Overall, those nestlings who begged more tended to obtain more food, but the relationship between feeding success and begging behaviour was weak due to a high variation between broods in the way that parents seemed to respond to variations in begging behaviour. Possible causes for this variation, and its implications for the evolution of reliable begging displays, are discussed.  相似文献   

While investment in territory defence is expected to be influenced by its benefits, the additional role that costs may play is rarely considered. Here, we quantify both benefits and costs of repelling prospecting males in cooperative meerkats, and demonstrate that both are required to explain the substantial variation in individual contributions to the defence observed. Males benefit more from repelling prospectors than females, as males may lose dominance and be expelled during intrusions. Accordingly, males invest the most in repelling prospectors. We also show that males experience an associated cost in the form of reduced weight gain and, as such, heavier males contribute more to chasing prospectors. Finally, we show evidence of a cost not restricted to individuals engaged in chasing: both males and females reduce their contributions to feeding dependent pups when prospectors are present, resulting in a reduction in pup weight gain in this context. Males appear to adjust their contributions to chasing in light of this cost, chasing at lower rates when their group contains dependent young. Our findings support the view that investment in cooperative behaviours can be attributed to benefits and costs, and highlight the additional importance of considering trade-offs in investment between cooperative behaviours.  相似文献   

Parental food provisioning and offspring begging influence each other reciprocally. This makes both traits agents and targets of selection, which may ultimately lead to co‐adaptation. The latter may reflect co‐adapted parent and offspring genotypes or could be due to maternal effects. Maternal effects are in turn likely to facilitate in particular mother‐offspring co‐adaptation, further emphasized by the possibility that mothers are sometimes found to be more responsive to offspring need. However, parents may not only differ in their sensitivity, but often play different roles in postnatal care. This potentially impinges on the access to information about offspring need. We here manipulated the information on offspring need as perceived by parents by playing back begging calls at a constant frequency in the nest‐box of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). We measured the parental response in provisioning to our treatment, paying particular attention to sex differences in parental roles and whether such differences alter the perception of the intensity of our manipulation. This enabled us to investigate whether an information asymmetry about offspring need exists between parents and how such an asymmetry relates to co‐adaptation between parental provisioning and offspring begging. Our results show that parents indeed differed in the frequency how often they perceived the playback due to the fact that females spent more time with their offspring in the nest box. Correcting for the effective exposure of an adult to the playback, the parental response in provisioning covaried more strongly (positive) with offspring begging intensity, independent of the parental sex, indicating coadaptation on the phenotypic level. Females were not more sensitive to experimentally increased offspring need than males, but they were exposed to more broadcasted begging calls. Therefore, sex differences in access to information about offspring need, due to different parental roles, have the potential to impinge on family conflicts and their resolution.  相似文献   

In 1950, Tinbergen described the elicitation of offspring begging by the red spot on the bill of parent gulls, and this became a model system for behavioural studies. Current knowledge on colour traits suggests they can act as sexual signals revealing individual quality. However, sexual signals have never been studied simultaneously in relationship to parent–offspring and sexual conflicts. We manipulated the red-spot size in one member of yellow-legged gull pairs and observed their partners'' feeding efforts in relationship to offspring begging. In the enlarged-spot group, partners doubled their effort compared with the other groups. Furthermore, in the reduced-spot group, partners provided food in relationship to offspring begging, contrasting with the fixed effort of the partners of enlarged-spot gulls. Manipulated gulls, independently of treatment, provided food in relationship to chicks begging only when the partner''s investment was low, and performed a fixed effort when the partner''s contribution was high. Results demonstrate that the red spot in yellow-legged gulls functions as a sexual signal and indicate that parental rules are plastic, depending on the information on offer. Previous evidence and this study indicate that this signal is used by all family members to adjust decision rules. The incorporation of sexual signals in parent–offspring interactions can be crucial in understanding intra-familial conflicts.  相似文献   

Phodopus campbelli has an extensive paternal behavior repertoire whereas the closely-related Phodopus sungorus is not paternally responsive to a displaced pup. For the first time in a naturally paternal mammal, male estradiol and progesterone were determined during two critical phases: (1) the transition from sexually naive male to paired, expectant father that occurs in the absence of stimuli from pups (sexually naive males, paired males on G8, G12, G15, or G17 of the 18-day gestation) and (2) after pup stimuli became available to the males (paired males on days L1, L3, L5, or L12 of pup development). Hormone concentrations in naive males and between G17 and L1 (as stimuli from the birth and the pups became available to males) were also compared. Paternal responsiveness was tested on L3-L5 and confirmed species differences. Hormone concentrations in naive males were similar in the two species and males of both species had estradiol concentrations as high as fertile adult females. However, in direct contrast to predictions, estradiol concentrations were stable in P. campbelli males but increased before the birth, fell across the birth, and increased over pup development in P. sungorus males. Progesterone concentrations in P. campbelli males increased from G17 to L1 whereas a decrease had been predicted. Testosterone dynamics were consistent with previous studies. Either hormonal facilitation of paternal behavior is a hyper-variable trait that has evolved differently in different species, or, more probably, peripheral hormone concentrations are inadequate to explain the role of sex steroid hormones in paternal behavior.  相似文献   

Pituitary-adrenal and behavioral responsiveness to rat pups which had been handled or shocked was assessed in mothers at Days 2, 9, and 16 postpartum. Mothers were exposed to these pups either directly where mother-infant contact was permitted or indirectly (pups placed in a wire mesh basket) where mother-infant contact was prevented. Handled and shocked pups elicited differential pituitary-adrenal responsiveness when mother-infant contact was prevented following pup treatment. Mothers responded more to shocked than to handled pups. While pup treatments elicited different patterns of maternal behavior, direct mother-infant contact subsequent to pup treatment eliminated the differential pattern of pituitary-adrenal responsiveness. These findings were discussed in terms of a parallel between behavioral and pituitary-adrenal indices of maternal responsiveness and the proposed role of maternal mediation in early experience effects.  相似文献   

The effect of the intensity of odour signals has rarely been investigated in the regulation of odour-guided behaviour in young mammals. This series of experiments used the mammary pheromone (MP) of the female rabbit to assess the influence of stimulus concentration on neonatal pup responsiveness. The MP is a single compound isolated from rabbit milk that releases in pups the typical head searching and oral seizing behaviour. The pups (n = 621) were exposed to graded concentrations of the MP in bioassays varying in stimulus delivery conditions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that in aqueous dilutions the MP efficiently elicits behavioural responses only within a limited range of concentrations (from 2.5 x 10(-9) to 2.5 x 10(-5) g/ml). Experiment 2 yielded the same outcome with highly purified MP delivered in dynamic conditions with a gas chromatograph. Finally, Experiment 3 used deodorized milk as the solvent of the MP; despite this change in the physico-chemical context of stimulation, similar results were reached.  相似文献   

The relationship between parental responsiveness of bank vole males and their body weight, testes mass, and plasma and gonadal testosterone levels were examined. Two groups of voles were studied: Group I consisted of 14 breeding pairs where females gave birth to young within a month after formation of pairs, and Group II represented 13 pairs without offspring and signs of pregnancy in females. Males in Group I, unlike those in Group II, had contact with pups before the tests on parental responsiveness. In Group I, males were found to have larger testes and to exhibit a higher level of care-giving activity (pup retrieval) as compared to males in Group II. Both the plasma and gonadal testosterone levels in males exhibiting pup retrieval were revealed to be significantly higher than those for males exhibiting infanticide. Thus, promiscuity, competition for receptive females, and a higher level of testosterone secretion, which are characteristic of bank vole males during the breeding season, are not out of the realm of possibility of the males to care of young. Our findings suggest that factors promoting parental responsiveness in bank vole males are sensitization due to contact with pups and an increase in testosterone secretion. Obviously, there is a need to reexamine the role that testoster-one plays in regulating rodent paternal behavior.  相似文献   

Current models of parent-offspring communication do not explicitly predict the effect of parental food supply on offspring demand (ESD). However, existing theory is frequently interpreted as predicting a negative ESD, such that offspring beg less when parental supply is high. While empirical evidence largely supports this interpretation, several studies have identified the opposite case, with well-fed offspring begging more than those in poorer condition. Here, we show that signalling theory can give rise to either a negative or a positive ESD depending on the precise form of costs and benefits. Introducing variation among parents in the cost of care, we show that the ESD may change sign depending upon the quantitative relation between two effects: (i) decreased supply leads to increased begging because of an increase in marginal fitness benefit of additional resources to offspring, (ii) decreased supply leads to reduced begging because it is associated with a decrease in parental responsiveness, rendering begging less effective. To illustrate the interplay between these two effects, we show that Godfray's seminal model of begging yields a negative ESD when care is generally cheap, because the impact of supply on the marginal benefits of additional resources then outweighs the associated changes in parental responsiveness to begging. By contrast, the same model predicts a positive ESD when care is generally costly, because the impact of care costs on parental responsiveness then outweighs the change in marginal benefits.  相似文献   

Phenological trends provide important indicators of environmental change and population dynamics. However, the use of untested population-level measures can lead to incorrect conclusions about phenological trends, particularly when changes in population structure or density are ignored. We used individual-based estimates of birth date and lactation duration of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) to investigate energetic consequences of changes in pupping phenology. Using generalized linear mixed models, we first demonstrate annual variation in pupping phenology. Second, we show a negative relationship between lactation duration and the timing of pupping, indicating that females who pup early nurse their pups longer, thereby highlighting lactation duration as a useful proxy of female condition and resource availability. Third, individual-based data were used to derive a population-level proxy that demonstrated an advance in pupping date over the last 25 years, co-incident with a reduction in population abundance that resulted from fisheries-related shootings. These findings demonstrate that phenological studies examining the impacts of climate change on mammal populations must carefully control for changes in population density and highlight how joint investigations of phenological and demographic change provide insights into the drivers of population declines.  相似文献   

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