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三唑磷水解酶基因为研究发现的一个新的广谱有机磷水解酶基因,通过PCR从有机磷降解菌株Ochrobactrum sp. Mp4总DNA扩增了tpd,将tpd定向克隆到pBBRMCS5载体上,构建重组质粒pTPD,在辅助质粒pRK2013 的帮助下,通过三亲接合将pTPD转移到模式菌株Pseudomonas putida KT2440中,获得的工程菌Pseudomonas putida KT2440DOP可以降解多种有机磷农药及芳香烃化合物;KT2440DOP的有机磷水解酶活较出发菌株MP4提高了一倍左右,且遗传性状稳定。  相似文献   

【目的】从Pseudomonas putida KT2440基因组中,钓取低特异性L-苏氨酸醛缩酶基因(lta E),构建重组大肠杆菌。研究目标酶的酶学性质,和关键氨基酸位点突变对酶活和温度稳定性的影响。【方法】以P. putida KT2440基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增出lta E基因,构建重组表达质粒p ET28a-KT2440并转化Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3),获得重组菌E. coli BL21 (DE3)/p ET-KT2440,利用Ni~(2+)柱亲和层析纯化低特异性L-苏氨酸醛缩酶(LTA),对关键氨基酸位点Thr206和Lys207实施定点突变。【结果】SDS-PAGE结果表明LTA在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达,分子量为40k Da左右,与理论值大小相符。Ni~(2+)柱亲和层析纯化LTA,获得单一条带。利用双酶耦联法测得LTA酶活为5577.3U/mg,最适反应温度为50°C,最适p H为8.0。在温度低于45°C,p H 5.0-9.0时,重组酶较稳定。LTA酶的Km和kcat值为23.95 mmol/L和19216.6 s–1。Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)金属离子对LTA有明显的促进作用,而Ni~(~(2+))、Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Fe~(2+)等对酶有明显的抑制作用。该酶在叔丁基甲基醚溶剂中具有良好的耐受性,在叔丁基甲基醚中保存1h后仍保留90%以上的酶活。Thr206Ser突变明显提高了酶对温度的稳定性。Lys207对酶催化功能是必需的,该位点突变对酶活都是致死的。【结论】克隆并表达P. putida KT2440的LTA酶,研究了酶学性质,通过定点改造提高了酶的温度稳定性,筛选获得一种酶耐受性好的有机溶剂,为LTA酶在有机溶剂中高效稳定催化β-羟基-α-氨基酸奠定了较坚实的研究基础。  相似文献   

【目的】以苯、甲苯和苯乙烯为唯一碳源,从工业石油废水中筛选苯系物降解菌,分析其降解特性,探讨底物间相互作用对降解情况的影响。【方法】经生理生化和16S r RNA基因分析进行菌种鉴定,采用顶空气相色谱法测定苯系物含量,通过细胞的疏水性、乳化能力、排油圈及透射电镜观察分析菌株降解特性。【结果】经鉴定该菌为Pseudomonas putida,命名为SW-3菌株。最适降解条件下,单位菌体对苯、甲苯和苯乙烯的最大降解速率分别为0.072、0.035和0.019 g/(L·h),苯系混合物的总降解率达79.99%。底物降解实验表明,苯可促进甲苯和苯乙烯的降解,而苯乙烯则能抑制甲苯的降解。菌株的吸附、摄取和降解特性的研究发现,菌株SW-3在自身分泌的表面活性剂的协助下以耗能的方式运输苯。【结论】菌株SW-3具有产生表面活性剂和降解苯系物的能力,且底物间的相互作用能够显著影响菌株对不同底物的降解。  相似文献   

有机磷农药降解菌及其基因工程研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙兰英  花日茂  唐欣昀 《激光生物学报》2010,19(2):278-284,F0003
有机磷农药是目前我国使用量最大的农药,对农业的发展有重要的作用,但同时造成了严重的环境污染.利用微生物及其产生的降解酶来降解农药是行之有效的方法.随着分子生物学技术的深入利用,农药的微生物降解已在基因工程领域取得了很大进展.本文综述了有机磷农药降解微生物的筛选、降解酶和基因的克隆、基因工程菌的构建以及应用等几个方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

同源重组法构建多功能农药降解基因工程菌研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
构建遗传稳定的多功能农药降解基因工程菌可以为农药污染的生物修复提供良好的菌种资源,然而,构建遗传稳定且不带入外源抗性的基因工程菌是一个难点。通过以受体菌的16S rDNA为同源重组指导序列、sacB基因为双交换正筛选标记构建同源重组载体,二亲结合的方法将甲基对硫磷水解酶基因(mpd)整合到呋喃丹降解菌Sphingomonas sp.CDS1染色体的16S rDNA位点,分别成功构建了含1个和2个mpd基因插入到rDNA位点且不带入外源抗性的基因工程菌株CDSmpd和CDS-2mpd。同源重组单交换的效率为3.7×10-7~6.8×10-7。通过PCR和Southern杂交的方法验证了同源重组事件。基因工程菌遗传稳定,能同时降解甲基对硫磷和呋喃丹。甲基对硫磷水解酶(MPH)的比活在各生长时期均高于原始出发菌株,比活最高达6.22 mu/μg。  相似文献   

透明质酸(Hyaluronan, HA)是由葡萄糖醛酸和N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖为双糖单位交替连接而成的粘多糖物质。目前构建基因工程菌成为提高产量和改善品质的重要手段。本文从发酵菌种、操纵子、关键酶和工程菌构建等方面,综述了链球菌HA生物合成的分子机理,分析了当前生产中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida DLL-1是一株甲基对硫磷(MP)高效降解菌株,同时对MP具有趋化性。cheA基因是菌株趋化信号转导过程中负责编码组氨酸激酶的基因,为了研究菌株趋化性在农药原位降解中的作用,通过基因打靶的方式使P.putida DLL-1染色体上单拷贝的cheA基因失活,成功地获得了MP的趋化突变株P.putida DAK,突变株与野生菌株生长能力没有显著差异。通过土壤盆钵试验(MP浓度为50mg/kg),发现在灭菌与未灭菌土壤中趋化突变株对MP的降解能力低于原始出发菌株DLL-1约20%~30%,说明菌株DLL-1趋化性的丧失会减慢其对农药的降解,趋化性在农药的原位降解过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

有机氯农药降解菌的特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从西洋参种植基地的土壤中分离得到一株可以降解有机氯农药的细菌,鉴定为荧光假单胞菌同型小种F(Pseudomonasfluorescens biotypeF),并确立了该菌的最适培养条件:温度30℃,pH值7.0,氧气浓度(间接以摇床转速表示)200r/min。西洋参种植实验表明该菌具有较强的降解有机氯农药的能力,对三年生西洋参的一年生长期内BHC总量的降解率达36.27~49.90%,DDT总量的降解率达25.19~35.61%。  相似文献   

有机磷降解菌的筛选及其促生特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】从环境中筛选高效有机磷降解菌及研究其促生机制。【方法】利用蒙金娜有机磷培养基筛选有机磷降解菌,用生化实验对其促生特性进行研究,且通过盆栽实验筛选对黄瓜苗有促生作用的高效有机磷降解菌。【结果】从草坪根周筛选到35株有机磷降解菌,选择5株代表性菌进行黄瓜盆栽实验。结果表明G3-6有机磷降解能力最强,溶磷圈直径(HD)与菌落直径(CD)比值为3.28,且对黄瓜苗的促生效果优于其他菌株。与CK相比,G3-6可提高黄瓜苗鲜重71.53%、干重69.78%和株高33.55%;与阳性对照枯草芽孢杆菌F-H-1相比,G3-6可提高黄瓜苗鲜重2.52%、干重21.14%和株高8.27%。相关分析结果表明降解有机磷能力在促进植物生长过程中可能发挥着比其他功能更重要的作用。16S r RNA序列分析初步鉴定G3-6为假单胞菌属。【结论】假单胞菌G3-6除具有较强的有机磷降解、分泌IAA和铁载体能力,对黄瓜苗也有较好的促生作用,是1株潜在的具有广阔市场应用价值的高效促生菌。  相似文献   

柯为 《生物工程学报》2006,22(3):456-456
有机磷农药,因其具有杀虫效率高,防治范围广,成本低等特点,而成为我国目前使用量最大的农药,对农业的发展有着重要作用,但同时它也造成了严重的环境污染。利用微生物或酶制剂来降解有机磷农药,是近年来从事酶基因工程研究人员的又一重大课题。在我国,继研发基因工程植酸酶、乳糖酶等酶制剂取得重要突破并实现规模化生产之后,中国农业科学院生物技术研究所范云六院士、伍宁丰研究员课题组,在有机磷农药降解酶制剂基因工程研究方面也取得了重要进展。  相似文献   

Ferulic acid is a renewable chemical found in lignocellulose from grasses such as wheat straw and sugarcane. Pseudomonas putida is able to liberate and metabolize ferulic acid from plant biomass. Deletion of the hydroxycinnamoyl‐CoA hydratase‐lyase gene (ech) produced a strain of P. putida unable to utilize ferulic and p‐coumaric acid, which is able to accumulate ferulic acid and p‐coumaric acid from wheat straw or sugar cane bagasse. Further engineering of this strain saw the replacement of ech with the phenolic acid decarboxylase padC, which converts p‐coumaric and ferulic acid into 4‐vinylphenol and the flavor agent 4‐vinylguaiacol, respectively. The engineered strain containing padC is able to generate 4‐vinylguaiacol and 4‐vinylphenol from media containing lignocellulose or Green Value Protobind lignin as feedstock, and does not require the addition of an exogenous inducer molecule. Biopolymerization of 4‐vinylguaiacol and 4‐vinylcatechol styrene products is also carried out, using Trametes versicolor laccase, to generate “biopolystyrene” materials on small scale.  相似文献   


Ferulic acid is a fraction of the phenolics present in cereals such as rice and corn as a component of the bran. Substantial amounts of waste bran are generated by the grain processing industry and this can be valorized via extraction, purification and conversion of phenolics to value added chemical products. Alkaline alcohol based extracted and purified ferulic acid from corn bran was converted to vanillic acid using engineered Pseudomonas putida KT2440. The strain was engineered by rendering the vanAB gene nonfunctional and obtaining the mutant defective in vanillic acid metabolism. Biotransformation of ferulic acid using resting Pseudomonas putida KT2440 mutant cells resulted in more than 95?±?1.4% molar yield from standard ferulic acid; while the corn bran derived ferulic acid gave 87?±?0.38% molar yield. With fermentation time of less than 24?h the mutant becomes a promising candidate for the stable biosynthesis of vanillic acid at industrial scale.  相似文献   

Lignocellulose‐derived hydrolyzates typically display a high degree of variation depending on applied biomass source material as well as process conditions. Consequently, this typically results in variable composition such as different sugar concentrations as well as degree and the presence of inhibitors formed during hydrolysis. These key obstacles commonly limit its efficient use as a carbon source for biotechnological conversion. The gram‐negative soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is a promising candidate for a future lignocellulose‐based biotechnology process due to its robustness and versatile metabolism. Recently, P. putida KT2440_xylAB which was able to metabolize the hemicellulose (HC) sugars, xylose and arabinose, was developed and characterized. Building on this, the intent of the study was to evaluate different lignocellulose hydrolyzates as platform substrates for P. putida KT2440 as a model organism for a bio‐based economy. Firstly, hydrolyzates of different origins were evaluated as potential carbon sources by cultivation experiments and determination of cell growth and sugar consumption. Secondly, the content of major toxic substances in cellulose and HC hydrolyzates was determined and their inhibitory effect on bacterial growth was characterized. Thirdly, fed‐batch bioreactor cultivations with hydrolyzate as the carbon source were characterized and a diauxic‐like growth behavior with regard to different sugars was revealed. In this context, a feeding strategy to overcome the diauxic‐like growth behavior preventing accumulation of sugars is proposed and presented. Results obtained in this study represent a first step and proof‐of‐concept toward establishing lignocellulose hydrolyzates as platform substrates for a bio‐based economy.  相似文献   

Free Flow Electrophoresis (FFE) is a liquid-based isoelectric focusing method. Unlike conventional in-gel fractionation of proteins, FFE can resolve proteins in their native forms and fractionation of subcellular compartments of the cell is also possible. To test the efficacy of the FFE method, the native cytosol proteome of a bacterium, Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was fractionated by FFE and the spectrum of protein elutes was characterized in association with 2-dimentional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Major native proteins of P. putida KT2440 were eluted in the range of pH 4.8 approximately 6.0 in FFE, whereas the denatured proteome of P. putida KT2440 was widely distributed in the rage of pH 4 approximately 10 in the 2-DE analysis. In addition, one of the three FFE major fractions, which was eluted at pH 5.0, was further analyzed using 2-DE/MS-MS. Then, the pH range of identified proteins eluted in 2-DE/MS-MS was 4.72 approximately 5.89, indicating that observed pi values of native cytosolic proteomes in FFE were narrower than those of denatured cytosolic proteome. These results suggest that FFE fractionation and 2-DE/MS analysis may be useful tools for characterization of native proteomes of P. putida KT2440 and comparative analysis between denatured and native proteomes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida KT2440-JD1 is able to cometabolize benzoate to cis, cis-muconate in the presence of glucose as growth substrate. P. putida KT2440-JD1 was unable to grow in the presence of concentrations above 50 mM benzoate or 600 mM cis, cis-muconate. The inhibitory effects of both compounds were cumulative. The maximum specific uptake rate of benzoate was higher than the specific production rate of cis, cis-muconate during growth on glucose in the presence of benzoate, indicating that a benzoate derivative accumulated in the cells, which is likely to be catechol. Catechol was shown to reduce the expression level of the ben operon, which encodes the conversion of benzoate to cis, cis-muconate. To prevent overdoses of benzoate, a pH-stat fed-batch process for the production of cis, cis-muconate from benzoate was developed, in which the addition of benzoate was coupled to the acidification of the medium. The maximum specific production rate during the pH-stat fed-batch process was 0.6 g (4.3 mmol) g dry cell weight(-1) h(-1), whereas 18.5 g L(-1) cis, cis-muconate accumulated in the culture medium with a molar product yield of close to 100%. Proteome analysis revealed that the outer membrane protein H1 was upregulated during the pH-stat fed-batch process, whereas the expression of 10 other proteins was reduced. The identified proteins are involved in energy household, transport, translation of RNA, and motility.  相似文献   

6-Hydroxynicotinate can be used for the production of drugs, pesticides and intermediate chemicals. Some Pseudomonas species were reported to be able to convert nicotinic acid to 6-hydroxynicotinate by nicotinate dehydrogenase. So far, previous reports on NaDH in Pseudomonas genus were confused and contradictory each other. Recently, Ashraf et al. reported an NaDH gene cloned from Eubacterium barkeri and suggested some deducted NaDH genes from other nine bacteria. But they did not demonstrate the activity of recombinant NaDH and did not mention NaDH gene in Pseudomonas. In this study we cloned the gene of NaDH, ndhSL, from Pseudomonas putida KT2440. NdhSL in P. putida KT2440 is composed of two subunits. The small subunit contains [2Fe2S] iron sulfur domain, while the large subunit contains domains of molybdenum cofactor and cytochrome c. Expression of recombinant ndhSL in P. entomophila L48, which lacks the ability to produce 6-hydroxynicotinate, enabled the resting cell and cell extract of engineering P. entomophila L48 to hydroxylate nicotinate. Gene knockout and recovery studies further confirmed the ndhSL function.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida is a metabolically versatile saprophytic soil bacterium that has been certified as a biosafety host for the cloning of foreign genes. The bacterium also has considerable potential for biotechnological applications. Sequence analysis of the 6.18 Mb genome of strain KT2440 reveals diverse transport and metabolic systems. Although there is a high level of genome conservation with the pathogenic Pseudomonad Pseudomonas aeruginosa (85% of the predicted coding regions are shared), key virulence factors including exotoxin A and type III secretion systems are absent. Analysis of the genome gives insight into the non-pathogenic nature of P. putida and points to potential new applications in agriculture, biocatalysis, bioremediation and bioplastic production.  相似文献   

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