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In Mono Lake (California), a large saline lake, chlorophyll concentrations in the euphotic zone increased from 4 to 45 µg l–1 between July and October 1979. These seasonal changes in chlorophyll are detectable on imagery obtained with the multispectral scanner on Landsat. Computer-compatible tapes of Landsat images were normalized for solar zenith and corrected for atmospheric scatter and absorption to obtain Landsat band 4 emittances (W m–2 str–1) of 13.4 ± 0.5 when chlorophyll was 4 µg l–1 and 4.6 ± 0.3 when chlorophyll was 45 µg l–1. Lake wide, spatial heterogeneity of chlorophyll of 2 µg l–1 in July and 8 µg l–1 in October was not detectable on the Landsat imagery.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in hypersaline Mono Lake, California was measured over the three year period, 1983–1985. The maximum chlorophyll-specific rate of carbon uptake (Pm B) and the light-limited slope (alpha) were derived from laboratory measurements of photosynthesis vs. irradiance (P-I) relationships. Annual estimates of primary production were 340–540 g C m-2 yr-1. Production was two to three times higher during the spring of 1983 than in the springs of 1984 and 1985; higher standing biomass of algae occurred in 1983. While Pm B rates followed water temperatures and varied over 40-fold over the year, integral primary production varied less since periods of high Pm B occurred when algal biomass was low. Sixty-eight percent of the seasonal variation in the Pm B was explained by a regression on temperature (53%), chlorophyll a (12%), and the carbon:chlorophyll a ratio (3%). Light-saturated and light-limited rates of photosynthesis generally covaried, evidenced by the strong seasonal correlation between Pm B and alpha. Sixty-one percent of variation in alpha was explained by a regression on Pm B, temperature, grazing, water column stability, and self-shading. There was no correlation of carbon uptake with ambient levels of inorganic nitrogen. The regression coefficient of the dependence of Pm B on the seasonal temperature trend was much larger than that determined from individual samples incubated at several different temperatures; this indicates that uptake is limited by more than low temperatures in the spring. Regression equations including only temperature, chlorophyll and depth were sufficient to estimate patterns of seasonal and year to year variation in integral primary productivity.  相似文献   

Melack  John M.  Jellison  Robert 《Hydrobiologia》1998,384(1-3):21-39
Mono Lake is a large, saline lake, located in the North American Great Basin and is subject to large variations in freshwater inflow as climatic conditions and diversion schemes have changed; consequently, major variations in chemical stratification occur. A transition from monomixis to meromixis occurred from 1994 to 1995. Lake-wide surveys of temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, ammonium and chlorophyll profiles, Secchi depth and light attenuation, and Artemia monica abundances conducted throughout 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 document the contrasts between monomixis and meromixis. During the monomictic conditions in 1993 and 1994, the lake thermally stratified in March and mixed to the bottom by December, the hypolimnion became anoxic in late March and the water column was oxygenated to the bottom by December. During meromictic conditions in 1995, 1996 and 1997, the absence of holomixis during winter resulted in persistent anoxic conditions beneath the chemocline, an accumulation of ammonium in the monimolimnion and depletion in the mixolimnion, and low mixolimnetic chlorophyll concentrations in the spring and autumn. A comparison of the density differences between 2 and 28 m due to thermal versus chemical stratification indicated thermal stratification predominated in 1993 and 1994, while in 1995, 1996 and 1997 chemical stratification dominated the density differences. Ammonium, the limiting nutrient in Mono Lake, was lower in the upper mixed layer throughout 1996 and 1997 compared to the monomictic years, 1993 and 1994. During 1996 and 1997, the annual maxima in Secchi depths were among the deepest observed during the past 19 years, and reflected the lower phytoplankton abundance caused by decreased availability of nitrogen as a result of strong chemical stratification and the absence of a period of holomixis. In both 1996 and 1997, maturation of the spring generation of Artemia was slowed, peak abundance of the first generation of adult Artemia was a month later and percent ovigery, fecundity, and body size were reduced as compared to 1993 and 1994.  相似文献   

Mono Lake is a closed lake located in central California, east of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It contains dissolved carbonates, sulfates and chlorides at high concentrations. Due to its high salinity, Mono Lake was sometimes compared to the Dead Sea. However, it appears that Mono Lake water and vicinity abound with life. In this work, the fungal flora living in this extreme ecosystem was studied for the first time. Soil, tufa, water and sediment samples were also analyzed for their mineral and salt composition. Results showed that water was particularly rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorus and boron. Soil and sediments contained very high levels of calcium and magnesium, but also barium, boron and strontium. Sodium, phosphorus and iron levels varied in a large extent from one to another sample. Neutral to very alkaline pH were recorded. Water samples were found sterile in the conditions chosen for fungi isolation, while sediment, soil and tufa samples led to the isolation of a total of 67 fungal species (from 23 samples), belonging to various taxonomic groups. From our results no clear effects of the chemical parameters of the samples were observed on fungal life apart from the pH. The methods chosen did not allow the isolation of extremely halotolerant species. We isolated in this work a series of ubiquitous species, suggesting that a selection of resistant and/or adaptable strains of some common species could have occurred. Depending on the medium and the temperature of isolation, it can be hypothesized that some species were present as dormant structures, while some others, isolated at pH 8 on a medium enriched in Na and Ca, could be in a growing form adapted to alkaline and saline conditions. This work contributes to a better knowledge of the mycobiota present in the Mono Lake's ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Laser-PAM described in this paper is an adaptation of the PAM 101 fluorometer (Heinz Walz, Effeltrich, Germany) designed for remote sensing and non-invasive laboratory measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. It is based on a 5 mW laser diode, emitting at 638 nm, and a Fresnel lens coupled to the ED-101 detection unit. Due to these modifications, measurements can be performed at a distance ranging from 0.3 to 2 m. The ED-101 detection unit has been modified to perform simultaneous measurements of both modulated fluorescence and light reflected by the leaf. Reflected light showed a good estimation of the photosynthetically active radiation measured exactly at the same area as the fluorescence. A particular advantage of the Laser-PAM fluorometer is its suitability for remote measurements under field conditions. Simultaneous fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements, performed on grapevine leaves, are reported as an example of an application for the Laser-PAM. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Particulate elemental ratios (C:N, N:P and C:Chl a) of seston in hypersaline (70–90 g kg–1) Mono Lake, California, were examined over an 11-year period (1990–2000) which included the onset and persistence of a 5-year period of persistent chemical stratification. Following the onset of meromixis in mid-1995, phytoplankton and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were substantially reduced with the absence of a winter period of holomixis. C:N, N:P and C:Chl a ratios ranged from 5 to 18 mol mol–1, 2 to 19 mol mol–1 and 25 to 150 g g–1, respectively, and had regular seasonal patterns. Deviations from those expected of nutrient-replete phytoplankton indicated strong nutrient limitation in the summer and roughly balanced growth during the winter prior to the onset of meromixis. Following the onset of meromixis, winter ratios were also indicative of modest nutrient limitation. A 3-year trend in C:N and N:P ratios toward more balanced growth beginning in 1998 suggest the impacts of meromixis weakened due to increased upward fluxes of ammonium associated with weakening stratification and entrainment of ammonium-rich monimolimnetic water. A series of nutrient enrichment experiments with natural assemblages of Mono Lake phytoplankton conducted during the onset of a previous episode of meromixis (1982–1986) confirm the nitrogen will limit phytoplankton before phosphorus or other micronutrients. Particulate ratios of a summer natural assemblage of phytoplankton collected under nitrogen-depleted conditions measured initially, following enrichment, and then after return to a nitrogen-depleted condition followed those expected based on Redfield ratios and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The densities of alkali fly larvae and pupae were measured in relation to depth and substrate type at six locations around Mono Lake. Samples representing a mixture of different bottom features were taken to a depth of 10 m (33 ft) using SCUBA. This is at or near the depth limit of fly larvae and pupae. The biomass of larvae and pupae on hard substrate were maximum and approximately equal at depths of 0.5 m and 1 m, substantially lower at intermediate depths of 3 m and 5 m, and over an order of magnitude further reduced at 10 m. Densities of flies on hard or rocky substrates (mainly calcareous tufa deposits), were significantly greater than those found on soft substrates such as mud or sand, at all but the greatest depth surveyed.Bathymetric maps of the areas of hard and soft substrate occurring at different lake depths were used to estimate the fly population size over the whole lake, based on the density distribution of larvae and pupae with depth on different substrates. The mapped areas of soft and hard substrates were also calculated for different lake levels, and applying the same procedure, a population model comparing the abundance of flies at different lake levels was developed. This habitat-based population model predicts that the abundance of the alkali fly is maximized at 6380 ft (1945 m) lake surface elevation. Most of the tufa substrate submerged at this lake level will become exposed and unavailable as habitat as the lake declines to 6370 ft (1942 m). In late 1991, the lake level was just over 6374 ft (1943 + m).  相似文献   

I evaluated the use of global remote sensing techniques for estimating plant leaf chlorophyll a + b (Cab; μg cm−2) and water (Cw; mg cm−2) concentrations as well as the ratio of Cw/Cab with the PROSAIL model under possible distributions for leaf and soil spectra, leaf area index (LAI), canopy geometric structure, and leaf size. First, I estimated LAI from the normalized difference vegetation index. I found that, at LAI values <2, Cab, Cw, and Cw/Cab could not be reliably estimated. At LAI values >2, Cab and Cw could be estimated for only restricted ranges of the canopy structure; however, the ratio of Cw/Cab could be reliably estimated for a variety of possible canopy structures with coefficients of determination (R2) ranging from 0.56 to 0.90. The remote estimation of the Cw/Cab ratio from satellites offers information on plant condition at a global scale.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of microbial assemblages from samples of Mono Lake water collected in July 1994 and in April and July 1995 were obtained by analyzing DNA via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. The microbial assemblage was vertically stratified and distributions of individual ribotypes were coherent with temperature, salinity, irradiance and dissolved oxygen distributions at the beginning of the study in July of 1994. The lake mixed completely during the winter of 1994–1995 and was beginning to stratify thermally by April 1995. Water column gradients were weak and oxygen was depleted at depth. The microbial assemblage was uniformly distributed throughout the water column except at 20 m, where one band dominated. The microbial assemblage was vertically stratified again by July 1995. Partial sequences (134–160 bp, except one of 83 bp) obtained from DGGE bands revealed affinities to known organisms, but only one potentially exact match was found. With a few exceptions, the same ribotypes were present on all sampling dates; there was no evidence for a marked seasonal succession in microbial community composition, despite the dramatic changes in limnological conditions that accompanied the winter overturn. A band that was ubiquitous in samples from the oxycline and hypolimnion in July of both years was found throughout the water column in April. This sequence could be attributed to the chloroplast rRNA gene of an unusual phytoplankter, the green alga Picocystis salinarum.  相似文献   

Zooplankton populations in Lake Tahoe and other large lakes often exhibit considerable variability due to changing predator assemblages and interactions between littoral and pelagial regions. Wind-induced advection of Emerald Bay populations of Bosmina longirostris into Lake Tahoe was hypothesized to be the mechanism for Bosmina's reappearance in the main body of that lake in late 1978 following an absence of more than three years (Threlkeld 1981).Landsat satellite imagery is examined here to determine if a significant spatial-temporal interaction in water quality in Emerald Bay and Lake Tahoe consistent with this hypothesis occurred during the period when Bosmina reappeared. Densitometer measurements of Landsat MSS band 4 and 5 images were compared by ANOVA; significant station-season interactions were detected, and enlarged Landsat film images revealed plumes, streaks and other surface features which may have been associated with the hypothesized mixing events in Lake Tahoe. A major limitation of this method is the need for pre-flyover water truth data for interpretation of detectable surface features.  相似文献   

The surface elevation of Mono Lake, California, rose 2 m and mixed-layer salinities declined about 5 g kg–1 during the 3 years (1995–1997) following the decision to restrict water diversions out of the Mono Basin. Abundant (18000 m–2) Hexarthra jenkinae de Beauchamp were noted in pelagic samples in October 1997 after three decades of absence or very low abundance. Abundance subsequently increased to 100000 m–2 in December 1997 before declining to low numbers through 1998 and 1999. The re-appearance of Branchionus plicatilis Müller in pelagic samples occurred in September 1998. B. plicatilis areal abundance increased to 15000 m–2 in October–December of both 1998 and 1999 but was low throughout the rest of the year. Both rotifers were noted in nearshore ponds, but were only abundant in those with salinities below 53 g kg–1. During 1998–1999 when the salinities of the upper water column were 73–75 g kg–1, less saline shoreline habitats may have been seeding the offshore rotifer populations.  相似文献   

随着人口的持续增长, 人类经济活动对自然资源的利用强度不断升级以及全球气候变暖, 全球物种正以前所未有的速度丧失, 生物多样性成为了全球关注的热点问题。传统生物多样性研究以地面调查方法为主, 重点关注物种或样地水平, 但无法满足景观尺度、区域尺度以及全球尺度的生物多样性保护和评估需求。遥感作为获取生物多样性信息的另一种手段, 近年来在生物多样性领域发展迅速, 其覆盖广、序列性以及可重复性等特点使之在大尺度生物多样性监测和制图以及评估方面具有极大优势。本文主要通过文献收集整理, 从观测手段、研究尺度、观测对象和生物多样性关注点等方面综述了遥感在生物多样性研究中的应用现状, 重点分析不同遥感平台的技术优势和局限性, 并探讨了未来遥感在生物多样性研究的应用趋势。遥感平台按观测高度可分为近地面遥感、航空遥感和卫星遥感, 能够获取样地-景观-区域-洲际-全球尺度的生物多样性信息。星载平台在生物多样性研究中应用最多, 航空遥感的应用研究偏少主要受飞行成本限制。近地面遥感作为一个新兴平台, 能够直接观测到物种的个体, 获取生物多样性关注的物种和种群信息, 是未来遥感在生物多样性应用中的发展方向。虽然遥感技术在生物多样性研究中的应用存在一定的局限性, 未来随着传感器发展和多源数据融合技术的完善, 遥感能更好地从多个尺度、全方位地服务于生物多样性保护和评估。  相似文献   

太湖春季水体固有光学特性及其对遥感反射率变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吸收特性和后向散射特性是水体重要的光学特性,同时也是建立生物光学模型的基本参数。利用2009年4月太湖春季实测数据,结合生物光学模型推导了太湖春季水体颗粒物后向散射系数,在此基础上分析了太湖春季水体的吸收特性和后向散射特性,并利用经验正交分解方法对遥感反射率变化的影响因子进行了分析。结果表明:(1)非色素颗粒物是影响太湖春季水体吸收特性的主导因子,色素颗粒物和CDOM对总吸收(不包含纯水)的贡献相对较小,且色素颗粒物在梅梁湾湖区的包裹效应明显大于其他湖区。(2)颗粒物后向散射系数与总悬浮物和无机悬浮物具有很强的相关性(相关系数均在0.88以上),与有机悬浮物的相关性相对较弱(相关系数均在0.73以下),且水体中多次散射对水面总辐亮度有较大的贡献,平均贡献率高达93.46%。(3)利用经验正交分解方法将遥感反射率变化光谱分解成3个正交因子,3个正交因子总共解释了约99%的遥感反射率变化信息,其中,第一正交因子解释了93%的变化信息,第二和第三正交因子分别解释了5%和1%的变化信息。通过对各正交因子与水体不同组分的吸收和后向散射系数进行相关性分析得出,颗粒物的后向散射对水面反射光谱的形成具有非常重要的影响,太湖春季水体遥感反射率的变化主要取决于无机颗粒物的吸收和后向散射,有机颗粒物对遥感反射率的变化影响较小。  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of larval, pupal, and adult stages of the alkali fly Ephydra hians Say were examined in relation to location, benthic substrate type, and shoreline features at Mono Lake. Generation time was calculated as a degree-day model for development time at different temperatures, and compared to the thermal environment of the lake at different depths.Larvae and pupae have a contagious distribution and occur in greatest abundance in benthic habitats containing tufa (a porous limestone deposit), and in least abundance on sand or sand/mud substrates. Numbers increase with increasing area of tufa present in a sample, but not on other rocky substrates (alluvial gravel/cobble or cemented sand). Standing stock densities are greatest at locations around the lake containing a mixture of tufa deposits, detrital mud sediments, and submerged vegetation. Shoreline adult abundance is also greatest in areas adjacent to tufa. The shore fly (ephydrid) community varies in composition among different shoreline habitats and shows a zonation with distance from shore.The duration of pupation (from pupa formation to adult eclosion) becomes shorter as temperature increases. The temperature dependence of pupa development time is not linear and results in prolonged time requirements to complete development at temperatures below 20 °C. About 700 to 1000 degree-days are required to complete a generation. Degree-days of time available in nature declines by 10 to 50% at depths of 5 and 10 metres relative to surface waters (depending on the extent of mixing), resulting in fewer possible generations. Essentially no growth would be expected at 15 m, where temperature seldom exceeds the developmental minimum. It is concluded that reduced substrate availability and low temperatures may limit productivity of the alkali fly at increasing depths in Mono Lake.  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感的小麦冠层叶片色素密度监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯伟  朱艳  田永超  马吉锋  庄森  曹卫星 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4902-4911
作物叶片色素状况是评价植株光合效率和营养胁迫的重要指标,冠层叶片色素密度(单位土地面积叶片色素总量)的实时无损监测对作物生长诊断、产量估算及氮素管理具有重要意义。以包括不同品质类型(高蛋白、中蛋白和低蛋白)的多个小麦品种在不同施氮水平下的连续2a大田试验为基础,研究了小麦叶片色素密度与冠层高光谱参数的定量关系。结果表明,叶片色素(叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b和类胡萝卜素)密度随施氮水平增加而提高,不施氮处理的叶片色素密度随生育进程而下降,施氮处理的叶片色素密度呈单峰曲线,品种间存在明显差异。群体叶片色素密度的敏感波段主要分布在可见光区,而红边区域导数光谱表现更显著。光谱参数VOG2、VOG3、RVI(810,560)、SRE/SBE和SDr/SDb等与叶绿素密度关系较为密切,线性方程决定系数R^2均在0.858以上,而与类胡萝卜素密度关系减弱,决定系数R^2低于0.780,且参数间差异较小。经独立试验资料的检验表明,VOG2、VOG3、SRE/SBE和SDr/SDb对不同色素的估测结果较好,预测相对误差RE低于17.6%,虽然对叶绿素b的准确性稍低。总体上,光谱参数VOG2、VOG3、SRE/SBE和SDr/SDb与小麦群体叶片色素密度关系密切,特别是对叶片叶绿素a和叶绿素a+b的密度可以进行准确可靠的实时监测。  相似文献   

抚仙湖叶绿素a的生态分布特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
2001年5月、8月和9月,对云南抚仙湖水体、沉积物、沉积物与水界面的叶绿素a,浮游植物的优势种类、细胞密度的分布和时空变化及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。采用分光光度法测定叶绿素a浓度。结果表明,水体叶绿素a浓度的分布存在着明显的季节变化,真光层中的动态变化尤其显著,且光照强度对水体中叶绿素a浓度的分布起主导作用。在观测的3个不同季节中,表层叶绿素a浓度,秋季最高,平均为(2.27±0.12)μg/dm3;春季次之,为(1.85±0.20)μg/dm3;夏季最低,为(1.38±0.15)μg/dm3。分析水体中营养元素的分布特征及其与叶绿素a之间的关系,表明磷是抚仙湖浮游植物生长的主要限制因子。沉积物叶绿素a浓度的垂直分布存在明显差异,其浓度在表层和次表层较高,并随沉积深度的增加而降低;浮游植物的分析表明,硅藻门的小环藻是抚仙湖沉积物中叶绿素a的主要来源。而上覆水中叶绿素a浓度与真光层叶绿素a浓度相当的原因,则可能是由水底微型藻类的再悬浮和浮游植物的沉降聚集而导致的。  相似文献   

Aim We explore the utility of newly available optical and microwave remote sensing data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and QuikSCAT (QSCAT) instruments for species distribution modelling at regional to continental scales. Using eight Neotropical species from three taxonomic groups, we assess the extent to which remote sensing data can improve predictions of their geographic distributions. For two bird species, we investigate the specific contributions of different types of remote sensing variables to the predictions and model accuracy at the regional scale, where the benefits of the MODIS and QSCAT satellite data are expected to be most significant. Location South America, with a focus on the tropical and subtropical Andes and the Amazon Basin. Methods Potential geographic distributions of eight species, namely two birds, two mammals and four trees, were modelled with the maxent algorithm at 1‐km resolution over the South American continent using climatic and remote sensing data separately and combined. For each species and model scenario, we assess model performance by testing the agreement between observed and simulated distributions across all thresholds and, in the case of the two focal bird species, at selected thresholds. Results Quantitative performance tests showed that models built with remote sensing and climatic layers in isolation performed well in predicting species distributions, suggesting that each of these data sets contains useful information. However, predictions created with a combination of remote sensing and climatic layers generally resulted in the best model performance across the three taxonomic groups. In Ecuador, the inclusion of remote sensing data was critical in resolving the known geographically isolated populations of the two focal bird species along the steep Amazonian–Andean elevational gradients. Within remote sensing subsets, microwave‐based data were more important than optical data in the predictions of the two bird species. Main conclusions Our results suggest that the newly available remote sensing data (MODIS and QSCAT) have considerable utility in modelling the contemporary geographical distributions of species at both regional and continental scales and in predicting range shifts as a result of large‐scale land‐use change.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Hematocrit (Hct), plasma sodium ([Na]pl), chloride ([Cl]pl) and osmotic concentration (Osmpl); volume and concentration of 1.0MNaCl induced salt gland secretion (SGS); and weights of osmoregulatory organs: kidneys, adrenal glands, and salt glands and nonosmoregulatory organs (liver and heart) were determined in nestling California gulls, Larus californiens (CG), on Krakatoa Islet, Mono Lake, California.
  • 2.2. The mean Hct was 40.0% + 1.0%, the mean [Na]pl and [Cl]pl were 153.9 ± 0.9 and 110.1 ± 0.5 mM (n = 22); and the mean Osmpl was 323.6 ± 1.3 mOsm/kg (n = 18).
  • 3.3. In CG nestlings with a mean age of 10 days (n = 7), the mean SGS [Na] was 719 ± 19 mM and the birds secreted 81 ± 18% of the injected fluid containing 59 ± 13% of the injected Na. By the mean age of 23 days (n = 7), mean SGS [Na] was slightly higher (790 ± 30 mM than in younger birds (P < 0.05), but the percentage of secreted fluid (54 ± 10%) and Na (42 ± 6%) tended to be less.
  • 4.4. In 18 CG nestlings mean organ weights (% body weight) were: kidneys 1.52 ±0.06%; salt glands, 0.13 ±0.01%, and adrenal glands 0.07 ±0.01%.
  • 5.5. Nestling CG had significantly greater Hct (P < 0.001), [Na]pl and [ci]pl (P < 0.001), Osmpl, (P < 0.005), and adrenal gland weight (P < 0.01), compared to nestling glaucous-winged Gulls (GWG), L. glaucescens (Hughes, 1984), which nest under cooler, moister conditions. CG kidney weight was smaller (P < 0.001); salt gland weight and salt excretion were the same as GWG.

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