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In the absence of the de novo purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway in parasitic protozoa, purine salvage is of primary importance for parasite survival. Enzymes of the salvage pathway are, therefore, good targets for anti-parasitic drugs. Adenylosuccinate synthetase (AdSS), catalysing the first committed step in the synthesis of AMP from IMP, is a potential target for anti-protozoal chemotherapy. We report here the crystal structure of adenylosuccinate synthetase from the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, complexed to 6-phosphoryl IMP, GDP, Mg2+ and the aspartate analogue, hadacidin at 2 A resolution. The overall architecture of P. falciparum AdSS (PfAdSS) is similar to the known structures from Escherichia coli, mouse and plants. Differences in substrate interactions seen in this structure provide a plausible explanation for the kinetic differences between PfAdSS and the enzyme from other species. Additional hydrogen bonding interactions of the protein with GDP may account for the ordered binding of substrates to the enzyme. The dimer interface of PfAdSS is also different, with a pronounced excess of positively charged residues. Differences highlighted here provide a basis for the design of species-specific inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The unique beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase in Plasmodium falciparum, PfFabZ, is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and catalyzes the dehydration of beta-hydroxy fatty acids linked to acyl carrier protein. The structure was solved by single anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing using a quick-soaking experiment with potassium iodide and refined to a resolution of 2.1 A. The crystal structure represents the first structure of a Plasmodium beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase with broad substrate specificity. The asymmetric unit contains a hexamer that appears as a trimer of dimers. Each dimer shows the known "hot dog" fold that has been observed in only a few other protein structures. Each of the two independent active sites in the dimer is formed by equal contributions from both subunits. The active site is mainly hydrophobic and looks like an L-shaped tunnel. The catalytically important amino acids His 133 and Glu 147' (from the other subunit), together with His98', form the only hydrophilic site in this tunnel. The inner end of the active site tunnel is closed by the phenyl ring of Phe 169, which is located in a flexible, partly visible loop. In order to explain the acceptance of substrates longer than ~C-7, the phenyl ring must move away to open the tunnel. The present structure supports an enzymatic mechanism consisting of an elimination reaction catalyzed by His 133 and Glu147'. 3-decynoyl-N-acetylcysteamine, an inhibitor known to interact with the E. coli dehydratase/isomerase, turned out to interact covalently with PfFabZ. A first model of PfFabZ with this potent inhibitor is presented.  相似文献   

Adhesion of erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to human host receptors is a process associated with severe malarial pathology. A number of in vitro cell lines are available as models for these adhesive processes, including Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells which express the placental adhesion receptor chondroitin-4-sulphate (CSA) on their surface. CHO-745 cells, a glycosaminoglycan-negative mutant CHO cell line lacking CSA and other reported P. falciparum adhesion receptors, are often used for recombinant expression of host receptors and for receptor binding studies. In this study we show that P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes can be easily selected for adhesion to an endogenous receptor on the surface of CHO-745 cells, bringing into question the validity of using these cells as a tool for P. falciparum adhesin expression studies. The adhesive interaction between CHO-745 cells and parasitized erythrocytes described here is not mediated by the known P. falciparum adhesion receptors CSA, CD36, or ICAM-1. However, we found that CHO-745-selected parasitized erythrocytes bind normal human IgM and that adhesion to CHO-745 cells is inhibited by protein A in the presence of serum, but not in its absence, indicating a non-specific inhibitory effect. Thus, protein A, which has been used as an inhibitor for a recently described interaction between infected erythrocytes and the placenta, may not be an appropriate in vitro inhibitor for understanding in vivo adhesive interactions.  相似文献   

Li Z  Huang Y  Ge J  Fan H  Zhou X  Li S  Bartlam M  Wang H  Rao Z 《Journal of molecular biology》2007,371(4):1075-1083
The malonyl coenzyme A (CoA)-acyl carrier protein (ACP) transacylase (MCAT) plays a key role in cell wall biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other bacteria. The M. tuberculosis MCAT (MtMCAT) is encoded by the FabD gene and catalyzes the transacylation of malonate from malonyl-CoA to holo-ACP. Malonyl-ACP is the substrate in fatty acid biosynthesis and is a by-product of the transacylation reaction. This ability for fatty acid biosynthesis enables M. tuberculosis to survive in hostile environments, and thus understanding the mechanism of biosynthesis is important for the design of new anti-tuberculosis drugs. The 2.3 A crystal structure of MtMCAT reported here shows that its catalytic mechanism differs from those of ScMCAT and EcMCAT, whose structures have previously been determined. In MtMCAT, the C(beta)-O(gamma) bond of Ser91 turns upwards, resulting in a different orientation and thus an overall change of the active pocket compared to other known MCAT enzymes. We identify three new nucleophilic attack chains from the MtMCAT structure: His90-Ser91, Asn155-Wat6-Ser91 and Asn155-His90-Ser91. Enzyme activity assays show that His90A, Asn155A and His90A-Asn155A mutants all have substantially reduced MCAT activity, indicating that M. tuberculosis MCAT supports a unique means of proton transfer. Furthermore, His194 cannot form part of a His-Ser catalytic dyad and only stabilizes the substrate. This new discovery should provide a deeper insight into the catalytic mechanisms of MCATs.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) is a glycolytic enzyme with ill-defined oligomeric state. In order to obtain insight into the correlation between oligomerization and the catalytic function of this enzyme, the crystal structure of GPI from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtGPI) has been determined at 1.95 Å resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains an apparent dimer. The core fold of protomer and the interprotomer spatial arrangement of the dimer are similar to those of already reported crystal structures of other GPIs. The active site is located on the dimer interface, and putative catalytic residues are well conserved among the GPIs. These results suggest that the observed dimeric state of TtGPI in the crystal is biologically relevant and that this enzyme uses a common catalytic mechanism for the isomerase reaction. Gel-filtration chromatography, chemical cross-linking, sedimentation equilibrium by analytical ultracentrifugation, and dynamic light-scattering experiments indicate that TtGPI exists in a dynamic equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric states in solution. Several factors potentially contributing to the thermal stability of TtGPI protomer were identified: (i) a decrease in denaturation entropy by the shorter polypeptide length and by amino acid composition, including the increased number of proline residues and a higher arginine-to-lysine ratio; (ii) a larger number of ion pairs; and (iii) a reduction in cavity volume. From these results, it is suggested that transient dimer formation is sufficient for the catalytic function and that the TtGPI protomer itself has intrinsically higher thermal stability.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) is the major protein component on the surface of the merozoite, the erythrocyte-invasive form of the malaria parasite Plasmodium. Present in all species of Plasmodium, it undergoes two distinct proteolytic maturation steps during the course of merozoite development that are essential for invasion of the erythrocyte. Antibodies specific for the C-terminal maturation product, MSP1-19, can inhibit erythrocyte invasion and parasite growth. This polypeptide is therefore considered to be one of the more promising malaria vaccine candidates. We describe here the crystal structure of recombinant MSP1-19 from P.falciparum (PfMSP1-19), the most virulent species of the parasite in humans, as a complex with the Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody G17.12. This antibody recognises a discontinuous epitope comprising 13 residues on the first epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain of PfMSP1-19. Although G17.12 was raised against the recombinant antigen expressed in an insect cell/baculovirus system, it binds uniformly to the surface of merozoites from the late schizont stage, showing that the cognate epitope is exposed on the naturally occurring MSP1 polypeptide complex. Although the epitope includes residues that have been mapped to regions recognised by invasion-inhibiting antibodies studied by other workers, G17.12 does not inhibit erythrocyte invasion or MSP1 processing.  相似文献   

Staining with 3,3' diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB) is a common method used for the detection of peroxidases. Using this histochemical staining method in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy, we observed oxidation of DAB that was localized to a discrete set of organelles displaying morphological similarity to small (75-90 nm diameter) versions of higher eukaryotic microbodies or peroxisomes. These single membrane bounded organelles were characterized by an asymmetrical matrix capable of oxidizing DAB to an electron dense inclusion. Oxidation of DAB was further found to be dependent upon hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a substrate. Given a lack of peroxisomal import proteins and enzymes, it is unlikely that these represent conventional peroxisomes. Rather, they likely represent specialized organelles containing endogenous peroxidase or pseudo-peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

Splicing of eukaryal intron-containing tRNAs requires the action of the heterotetrameric splicing endonuclease, which is composed of two catalytic subunits, Sen34 and Sen2, and two structural subunits, Sen15 and Sen54. Here we report the solution structure of the human tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit HsSen15. To facilitate the structure determination, we removed the disordered 35 N-terminal and 14 C-terminal residues of the full-length protein to produce HsSen15(36-157). The structure of HsSen15(36-157), the first for a subunit of a eukaryal splicing endonuclease, revealed that the protein possesses a novel homodimeric fold. Each monomer consists of three alpha-helices and a mixed antiparallel/parallel beta-sheet, arranged in a topology similar to that of the C-terminal domain of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii endonuclease. The dimeric interface is dominated by a beta-barrel structure, formed by face-to-face packing of two, three-stranded beta-sheets. Each of the beta-sheets results from reciprocal parallel pairing of one beta-strand from one subunit with two other beta-strands from the symmetric subunit. The structural model provides insights into the functional assembly of the human tRNA splicing endonuclease.  相似文献   

Mycolic acids are long chain alpha-alkyl branched, beta-hydroxy fatty acids that represent a characteristic component of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall. Through their covalent attachment to peptidoglycan via an arabinogalactan polysaccharide, they provide the basis for an essential outer envelope membrane. Mycobacteria possess two fatty acid synthases (FAS); FAS-I carries out de novo synthesis of fatty acids while FAS-II is considered to elongate medium chain length fatty acyl primers to provide long chain (C(56)) precursors of mycolic acids. Here we report the crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein synthase (ACP) II mtKasB, a mycobacterial elongation condensing enzyme involved in FAS-II. This enzyme, along with the M. tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl ACP synthase I mtKasA, catalyzes the Claisen-type condensation reaction responsible for fatty acyl elongation in FAS-II and are potential targets for development of novel anti-tubercular drugs. The crystal structure refined to 2.4 A resolution revealed that, like other KAS-II enzymes, mtKasB adopts a thiolase fold but contains unique structural features in the capping region that may be crucial to its preference for longer fatty acyl chains than its counterparts from other bacteria. Modeling of mtKasA using the mtKasB structure as a template predicts the overall structures to be almost identical, but a larger entrance to the active site tunnel is envisaged that might contribute to the greater sensitivity of mtKasA to the inhibitor thiolactomycin (TLM). Modeling of TLM binding in mtKasB shows that the drug fits the active site poorly and results of enzyme inhibition assays using TLM analogues are wholly consistent with our structural observations. Consequently, the structure described here further highlights the potential of TLM as an anti-tubercular lead compound and will aid further exploration of the TLM scaffold towards the design of novel compounds, which inhibit mycobacterial KAS enzymes more effectively.  相似文献   

Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH), owing to unique structural and kinetic properties, is a well known target for antimalarial compounds. To explore a new approach for high level soluble expression of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH) in E. coli, PfLDH encoding sequence was cloned into pQE-30 Xa vector. When transformed E. coli SG13009 cells were induced at 37 °C with 0.5 mM isopropyl β-d-thiogalactoside (IPTG) concentration, the protein was found to be exclusively associated with inclusion bodies. By reducing cell growth temperature to 15 °C and IPTG concentration to 0.25 mM, it was possible to get approximately 82% of expressed protein in soluble form. Recombinant PfLDH (rPfLDH) was purified to homogeneity yielding 18 mg of protein/litre culture. rPfLDH was found to be biologically active with specific activity of 453.8 μmol/min/mg. The enzyme exhibited characteristic reduced substrate inhibition and enhanced kcat [(3.2 ± 0.02) × 104] with 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (APAD+). The procedure described in this study may provide a reliable and simple method for production of large quantities of soluble and biologically active PfLDH.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium falciparum cysteine proteases falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 are hemoglobinases and potential antimalarial drug targets. The falcipain-2' gene was identified recently and is nearly identical in sequence to falcipain-2. The product of this gene has not been studied previously. The mature protease domain of falcipain-2' was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and refolded to active enzyme. Functional analysis revealed similar biochemical properties to those of falcipain-2, including pH optima (pH 5.5-7.0), reducing requirements, and substrate preference. Studies with cysteine protease inhibitors showed similar inhibition of falcipain-2 and falcipain-2', although specificities were not identical. Considering activity against the presumed biological substrate, both enzymes readily hydrolyzed hemoglobin. Our results confirm that falcipain-2' is an active hemoglobinase and suggest that falcipain-2 and falcipain-2' play similar roles in erythrocytic parasites but that, for promising cysteine protease inhibitors, it will be important to confirm activity against this additional target.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening (HTS) of small-molecule libraries against pharmacological targets is a key strategy of contemporary drug discovery. This study reports a simple, robust, and cell-based luminescent method for assaying antimalarial drugs. Using transfection technology, we generated a stable Plasmodium falciparum line with high levels of firefly luciferase expression. A luciferase assay based on this parasite line was optimized in a 96-well plate format and used to compare with the standard [3H] hypoxanthine radioisotope method. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) of chloroquine, artesunate, artemether, dihydroartemisinin and curcumin obtained by these two methods were not significantly different (P > 0.05, ANOVA). In addition, this assay could be performed conveniently with a luminescence plate reader using unsynchronized stages within as early as 12 h. Furthermore, the luciferase assay is robust with a Z′ score of 0.77-0.92, which suggests the feasibility for further miniaturization and automation.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) reduce methionine sulfoxide (MetSO)-containing proteins, back to methionine (Met). MsrAs are stereospecific for the S epimer whereas MsrBs reduce the R epimer of MetSO. Although structurally unrelated, the Msrs characterized so far display a similar catalytic mechanism with formation of a sulfenic intermediate on the catalytic cysteine and a concomitant release of Met, followed by formation of at least one intramolecular disulfide bond (between the catalytic and a recycling cysteine), which is then reduced by thioredoxin. In the case of the MsrA from Escherichia coli, two disulfide bonds are formed, i.e. first between the catalytic Cys51 and the recycling Cys198 and then between Cys198 and the second recycling Cys206. Three crystal structures including E. coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis MsrAs, which, for the latter, possesses only the unique recycling Cys198, have been solved so far. In these structures, the distances between the cysteine residues involved in the catalytic mechanism are too large to allow formation of the intramolecular disulfide bonds. Here structural and dynamical NMR studies of the reduced wild-type and the oxidized (Cys51-Cys198) forms of C86S/C206S MsrA from E. coli have been carried out. The mapping of MetSO substrate-bound C51A MsrA has also been performed. The data support (1) a conformational switch occurring subsequently to sulfenic acid formation and/or Met release that would be a prerequisite to form the Cys51-Cys198 bond and, (2) a high mobility of the C-terminal part of the Cys51-Cys198 oxidized form that would favor formation of the second Cys198-Cys206 disulfide bond.  相似文献   

In vitro selections of stabilized proteins lead to more robust enzymes and, at the same time, yield novel insights into the principles of protein stability. We employed Proside, a method of in vitro selection, to find stabilized variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase from Escherichia coli. Proside links the increased protease resistance of stabilized proteins to the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Several libraries of TEM-1 β-lactamase variants were generated by error-prone PCR, and variants with increased protease resistance were obtained by raising temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration during proteolytic selections. Despite the small size of phage libraries, several strongly stabilizing mutations could be obtained, and a manual combination of the best shifted the profiles for thermal unfolding and temperature-dependent inactivation of β-lactamase by almost 20 °C to a higher temperature. The wild-type protein unfolds in two stages: from the native state via an intermediate of the molten-globule type to the unfolded form. In the course of the selections, the native protein was stabilized by 27 kJ mol− 1 relative to the intermediate and the cooperativity of unfolding was strongly increased. Three of our stabilizing replacements (M182T, A224V, and R275L) had been identified independently in naturally occurring β-lactamase variants with extended substrate spectrum. In these variants, they acted as global suppressors of destabilizations caused by the mutations in the active site. The comparison between the crystal structure of our best variant and the crystal structure of the wild-type protein indicates that most of the selected mutations optimize helices and their packing. The stabilization by the E147G substitution is remarkable. It removes steric strain that originates from an overly tight packing of two helices in the wild-type protein. Such unfavorable van der Waals repulsions are not easily identified in crystal structures or by computational approaches, but they strongly reduce the conformational stability of a protein.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of chain topology and amino acid sequence in directing the folding of a (betaalpha)(8) TIM barrel protein of unknown function encoded by the Bacillus subtilis iolI gene (IOLI) were assessed by reversible urea denaturation and a combination of circular dichroism, fluorescence and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy spectroscopy. The equilibrium reaction for IOLI involves, in addition to the native and unfolded species, a stable intermediate with significant secondary structure and stability and self-associated forms of both the native and intermediate states. Global kinetic analysis revealed that the unfolded state partitions between an off-pathway refolding intermediate and the on-pathway equilibrium intermediate early in folding. Comparisons with the folding mechanisms of two other TIM barrel proteins, indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase from the thermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus (sIGPS) and the alpha subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), reveal striking similarities that argue for a dominant role of the topology in both early and late events in folding. Sequence-specific effects are apparent in the magnitudes of the relaxation times and relative stabilities, in the presence of additional monomeric folding intermediates for alphaTS and sIGPS and in rate-limiting proline isomerization reactions for alphaTS.  相似文献   

Nishida T  Orikasa Y  Ito Y  Yu R  Yamada A  Watanabe K  Okuyama H 《FEBS letters》2006,580(11):2731-2735
The colony-forming ability of Escherichia coli genetically engineered to produce eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) grown in 3mM hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) was similar to that of untreated cells. It was rapidly lost in the absence of EPA. H(2)O(2)-induced protein carbonylation was enhanced in cells lacking EPA. The fatty acid composition of the transformants was unaffected by H(2)O(2) treatment, but the amount of fatty acids decreased in cultures of cells lacking EPA and increased in cultures of cells producing EPA, suggesting that cellular EPA is stable in the presence of H(2)O(2) in vivo and may protect cells directly against oxidative damage. We discuss the possible role of EPA in partially blocking the penetration of H(2)O(2) into cells through membranes containing EPA.  相似文献   

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