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蒋凯文  潘勃  田斌 《生物多样性》2019,27(6):689-16
豆科是被子植物中仅次于菊科和兰科的第三大科, 包含约791属, 19,325-19,560种, 其中许多分类群具有重要的经济价值。自《中国植物志》出版以来, 随着分子系统学的不断发展, 不少豆科属的范畴发生了变动。本文结合国内外的多项研究成果, 以1998年完整出版的《中国植物志》豆科相关卷册中的属为基准, 对近年来国产豆科植物的属的分类学变动进行了整理和总结, 包括32个分类学处理以及4个新记录属, 以期为未来国产豆科植物的分类学研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Q1.硬木是不是红木?硬木指质地细致坚硬的木材(即阔叶材)。硬木是大概念,红木是硬木中约定俗成的一类木材,这两个概念并不一致。2.红色的木材就是红木吗?红色的木材不一定都是红木,红木心材的材色也不全红色的。《红木国标》中共列出5属(紫檀属、黄檀属、柿属、崖豆属和铁刀木属)及AAQQ  相似文献   

该文报道了中国广西豆科(Fabaceae)植物新分布记录属,即镰瓣豆属[Dysolobium (Benth.) Prain],同时描述了该属的分类学特征,并提供了镰瓣豆[D. grande (Benth.) Prain]的引证标本、地理信息和图片。  相似文献   

降香黄檀是我国海南特有乔木树种,俗称花梨木,黄花梨,是我国最常见的珍贵红木品种,排位仅次于檀香紫檀和酸枝木,国家二级重点保护野生植物,濒危树种,分布在海拔700米以下的干旱林、荒坡贫瘠地。人工栽培生长快,栽培容易,经济价值高,降香黄檀不仅木材和药用价值非常高,既耐干旱又耐高温,耐瘠薄,木材优良,品味独特,经久耐及,资源稀缺,经济价值高,市场前景好,是一个很值得推广的珍贵树种。根据降香黄檀对土壤、气侯、栽培技术要求,本文主要介绍了降香黄檀引种四川省宜宾市宜宾市明威乡白塔村基地示范栽培技术,包括介绍降香黄檀主要用途和栽培效益、苗木培育、林地选择、土地整理、苗木栽植、养护管理病虫草害防治等,为降香黄檀在宜宾市其他乡镇的推广种植提供技术参考。  相似文献   

2000年国家质量技术监督局发布实施了国家标准GB/T 18107-2000《红木》。该标准明确规定了红木定义:紫檀属、黄檀属、柿属、崖豆属及铁刀木属树种的心材,其密度、结构和材色(以在大气中变深的材色进行红木分类)符合《红木》标准规定的必备条件。此外,上述5属中本标准未列入的其他树种的心材,其密度、结构和材色符合《红木》标准的也可称为红木。红木家具承载了中华民族的历史文化,自明清以来,它在中国家具史上独领风骚,一直被誉为家具中的经典。改革开放以后,随着国民经济的高速发展,人民生活水平大幅度提高,红木制品从宫廷走到普通老百姓家,市场欣欣向荣。但是,福兮祸之  相似文献   

中国黄檀属植物(豆科)二新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2种黄檀属植物,即绒叶黄檀(Dalbergia velutina Benth.)和卵叶黄檀(D.ovata Graham ex Benth.)在中国云南的分布新记录。  相似文献   

2000年国家质量技术监督局发布实施了国家标准GB/T 18107-2000《红木》。该标准明确规定了红木定义:紫檀属、黄檀属、柿属、崖豆属及铁刀木属树种的心材,其密度、结构和材色(以在大气中变深的材色进行红木分类)符合《红木》标准规定的必备条件。此外,上述5属中本标准未列入的其他树种的心材,其密度、结构和材色符合《红木》标准的也可称为红木。红木家具承载了中华民族的历史文化,自明清以来,它在中国家具史上独领风骚,一直被誉为家具中的经典。改革开放以后,随着国民经济的高速发展,人民生活水平大幅度提高,红木制品从宫廷走到普通老百姓家,市场欣欣向荣。  相似文献   

对国内外关于母草科(Linderniaceae Borsch,Kai Müller&Eberhard Fischer)系统分类学的研究进展进行了综述,整理和总结了中国母草科植物的分类学变动情况。通过收集中国数字植物标本馆、中国国家标本资源平台、《中国植物志》、Flora of China及《中国生物物种名录》物种分布信息,分析了中国母草科植物的分布格局。结果表明,母草科主要由传统玄参科母草族、腭母草族的类群及原苦苣苔科的侧母草属所构成,共22属220余种,中国分布有8属43种,其中15种为中国特有种。在中国,广西与广东分布的母草科植物最为丰富,新疆、青海和宁夏无母草科植物分布。研究更正了中国母草科植物属的范围及地理分布,以期为母草科植物未来的分类学与生物多样性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

黄河中游湿地植物分类学多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在黄河中游湿地自禹门口至汾河入河口之间设置了13个样地进行植物调查,并将植物物种系统分类学中的分类学差异性指数应用到研究区域物种多样性的测度中。结果显示,样地内共记录植物75种,隶属于2门3纲18目23科61属;按所含物种数的多少统计,在门水平上主要分布在被子植物门(73种),在纲水平上主要分布在双子叶植物纲(57种),在科水平上主要集中在豆科(Leguminosae,11种)、菊科(Compositae,14种)和禾本科(Gramineae,11种),在属水平上主要集中在藜属(Chenopodium,3种)、胡枝子属(Lespedeza,3种)、蒿属(Artemisia,3种)和香蒲属(Typha,3种);一年或两年生植物最多,地上芽植物、地面芽植物和地下芽植物次之的生活型谱特征总体上反映了黄河中游湿地夏季高温多雨、冬季寒冷干旱的气候特征。用平均分类学差异指数(Δ~+)和分类学差异变异指数(Λ~+)对13个样地植物分类学多样性特征的分析表明,Δ~+和Λ~+的理论平均值分别为84.25和425.43;运用双变量分析法将Δ~+和Λ~+进行组合分析,发现汾河入河口样地(S12)的期望值较小,河津市汾河25号坝样地(S8)、闸西侧样地(S9)和万荣县西范控导工程西侧样地(S10)的期望值较大,说明样地S12的物种分类学多样性较大且物种分布较为均一,样地S8、S9、S10则与之相反。Pearson检验结果显示,平均分类学差异指数(Δ~+)、分类学差异变异指数(Λ~+)与Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、Simpson指数、Patrick指数间均无稳定的相关关系(P0.05)。  相似文献   

中国科学院院士王文采,是我国著名的植物分类学家,长期从事有花植物分类学研究。王文采院士在毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)、苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)、紫草科(Boraginaceae)、荨麻科(Urticaceae)等植物系统分类学研究中倾注了大量心血,修订了毛茛科翠雀花属(Delphinium)、唐松草属(Thalictrum)、铁线莲属(Clematis)等多个属的分类系统。2019年6月,王文采院士开始对中国银莲花属(Anemone)进行分类学修订,并于2020年7月完成了《中国银莲花属新分类》的整个编写工作。  相似文献   

Summary  Preparation of a catalogue of the plants of Colombia requires 30 new combinations in Stenostephanus Nees and five in Justicia L. to bring nomenclature up to date. Three new names Justicia littoralis J. R. I. Wood, J. albicans J. R. I. Wood and J. magdalenensis J. R. I. Wood are coined for Jacobinia lindaviana Rusby, Chaetothylax leucantha Leonard and Justicia disparifolia J. R. I. Wood respectively. The genus Pelecostemon Leonard is considered to belong to sect. Chaetothylax (Nees) V. A. W. Graham of Justicia L. Several species of Stenostephanus from Colombia and Venezuela are treated as synonyms of earlier species.  相似文献   

Wood anatomy ofCoriaria was surveyed to clarify generic features on the basis of 14 species collected from various regions of the World to cover the whole range of geographic distribution and habitual variation. Wood anatomy ofcoriaria is considerably uniform, and the species share a combination of the following features: 1) pores are thin-walled, polygonal in outline and mostly in multiples; 2) vessel elements and libriform fibers are very short; 3) perforation plates are exclusively simple; 4) intervessel pits are alternate; 5) vascular tracheids are present; 6) wood parenchyma is vasicentric and sometimes confluent; 7) rays are heterogeneous and large. Its species differ in several characters, such as distinctness of growth rings, pore size, pore patterns, type and abundance of wood parenchyma, and distinctness of storied structure. Comparisons among species indicate that the species of the Northern Hemisphere show a tendency toward having semi-ring porosity, while those of the Southern and Western Hemisphere have diffuse porosity. The other infrageneric variations appear to be related to different habits of the species rather than to geographic distribution. Small trees mostly have confluent and vasicentric parenchyma composed of fusiform cells and distinctly storied tissues, while shrubs and herbs have less abundant parenchyma which is vasicentric and comprises strands of two to four cells and indistinctly storied tissues.  相似文献   

Four collections of three species ofTrimenia and one collection ofPiptocalyx were studied; early-formed and later-formed wood was analyzed for oneTrimenia. Liquid-preserved material permitted analysis of mucilage and starch storage in wood ofT. neocaledonica andP. moorei. BecausePiptocalyx is scandent whereasTrimenia is arborescent, wood differences relative to evolution of a climbing habit could be examined.Piptocalyx contrasts withTrimenia in having wider vessels, more numerous per mm2, resulting in a conductive area five times greater per unit area than that of theTrimenia woods averaged.Piptocalyx has appreciably fewer bars per perforation plate and thus much greater conductive area per perforation plate than have the species ofTrimenia. Rays inPiptocalyx are much taller and wider than those ofTrimenia. Wood ofTrimeniaceae is highly primitive in its scalariform perforation plates, scalariform lateral wall pitting on vessels, relatively long vessels elements, and heterocellular rays. Imperforate tracheary elements are septate nucleate fibertracheids (or even libriform fibers) rather than tracheids, but loss of borders on pits (and thus lowered conductive function of the imperforate tracheary elements) can be explained by the development of these elements into starchstoring cells. Some fiber-tracheids inT. neocaledonica are enlarged mucilagecontaining cells. Details of vessel structure inTrimeniaceae are similar to those ofMonimiaceae (s. s.), but similarity to some other lauralean (annonalean) families may be found: in mucilage presence,Trimeniaceae resembleLauraceae rather thanMonimiaceae. Wood ofTrimeniaceae may be regarded as highly mesomorphic, corresponding to the moist habitats in which all of the species occur.  相似文献   

Buddleja cordata is an evergreen species of wide distribution in Mexico that is represented by shrubs and trees. Wood variability of B. cordata was evaluated in relation to plant size as well as latitude, altitude, soils, and climatic data. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) showed that two canonical correlations are significant (Wilks' λ, p<0.0001) and explained 76% of total variance. Redundancy analysis revealed that the first pair of canonical variates are significant, thus the canonical variate, named distribution, represents a gradient of maximum temperature of the warmest period, annual temperature range, and latitude in its area of distribution; whereas the canonical variate named wood represents vessel density, fiber length, and plant size, best associated to the environmental gradient. Vessel density expressed by its distribution in latewood and porosity type showed that ring-porosity is common in individuals from high latitudes. Temperatures below zero or lack of rainfall during several months might induce porosity variability in B. cordata as suggested by CCA, but was not related to phenology since the species is evergreen along its latitudinal range. Plant size was also influenced by extreme temperature and rainfall. Shorter plants are distributed in the northern population or driest sites located in north-central Mexico, and in addition, fiber length followed an allometric relation with individuals' height. Wood characters in B. cordata as for simple perforation plate, helical thickenings, type of intervascular and vessel-ray pits, scanty paratracheal parenchyma, and heterogeneous type IIB rays were not correlated with plant size, climate, and soil parameters or species distribution. These features are common with other species of Buddleja.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We analysed data on the arrival dates of four species of leaf warbler (genus Phylloscopus) collected in Tatarstan between 1957 and 2004. There was no evidence over the whole period that the warblers returned to their breeding sites significantly earlier, mainly because local temperatures for April and May, months when the majority of birds arrived from their wintering grounds, did not increase significantly. However, arrival dates of two species (Chiffchaff P. collybita and Willow warbler P.trochilus) were strongly related to local temperature in April, and that of Greenish warbler P. trochiloides to that in May. As expected, arrival dates for the three species wintering in Africa (Chiffchaff, Willow and Wood warblers P. sibilatrix) correlated positively with one another (P < 0.01 in all cases), but were not correlated with arrival dates of Greenish warbler (P > 0.5 in all cases), a species wintering in the Indian sub-continent.  相似文献   

Competition among six wood decay fungi was studied using 15×15 mm wood blocks placed in 250×250 mm plastic trays filled with unsterilized sand or clay. The wood blocks were preinoculated with Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref., Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schw. ex Fr.) Parm., Phanerochaete sanguinea (Fr.) Hjortstam, Coniophora sp. DC. ex Me"rat, Armillaria borealis Marxmuller and Korhonen and Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.) Kummer before they were combined in all possible combinations in the trays. Two methods were used, one with all wood blocks inoculated, and one with sterilized non-inoculated wood blocks distributed between the inoculated ones. Wood blocks preinoculated with the six species were also used in a pairwise competition test. Following incubation for 9 months in darkness at 21°C, mycelia were reisolated and identified. R. bicolor was most successful at invading through the soil and replacing other species in the wood blocks. P. sanguinea, Coniophora sp. and H. capnoides also had some success.  相似文献   

Lars W. Chatrou  Ping He 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):181-203
The neotropical genusFusaea is revised on the basis of almost 400 herbarium collections. The number of species is reduced to two, asF. decurrens R. E. Fr. is put into synonymy underF. longifolia (Aubl.) Saff. Three striking, newly observed characters are reported. An unknown type of coherence of styles is described. Wood anatomically, small rhombic crystals in the ray cells of the wood provide a novelty for Annonaceae. The axes of the rhipidiate inflorescence are, unlike other Annonaceae, not oriented in one plane by addorsement of the prophyll, but the angle of displacement is only 80–90°. This paper is a revised version of chapter 4 in He, 1997.  相似文献   

The influence of age, gender and sexual activity on both hepatic levels of some trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Se) and the activities of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was investigated in Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and Algerian mice (Mus spretus). Animals were taken from a riverside community of an unpolluted area of central Portugal. Adult A. sylvaticus presented the highest hepatic mean concentrations of Cu and Mn, whereas adult M. spretus had the highest Fe concentration in the liver. Moreover, an influence of age on the contents of Fe, Zn, and Mn has been observed in A. sylvaticus, whereas in M. spretus an influence of gender and sexual activity was only detected on Zn levels. In contrast, enzyme activities were not influenced by the studied variables, despite a tendency for an increase in SOD activity in sexually active M. spretus. GST activity was species dependent, whereas SOD activity was similar between species. These findings were analyzed regarding the relationship of both essential trace elements and the two antioxidant enzymes with physiological and metabolic pathways related to life cycles in the two species of mice. Results enhanced the understanding of A. sylvaticus and M. spretus as biological models, allowing their future use as bioindicators of environmental toxicity.  相似文献   

Due to being a virtually monomorphic wader species, migration dynamics and sex-related migration patterns in the Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) have rarely been investigated. We captured spring migrants at an important stopover site in northeastern Austria. Birds were individually color-marked, and sex was determined by an analysis of DNA from tail feather material. Among temporary residents (birds seen again after day of capture), males migrated on average 3 days earlier than females. However, since sexes did not differ in fat score, the length of stay and the proportion of transients (birds not seen again after day of capture) and temporary residents, we suggest that males and females adopt similar migration strategies in the spring. The large number of transients captured as well as shorter stopover durations in later temporary residents indicate that Wood Sandpipers minimize time at this stage of their northbound migration. Temporary residents earlier in the season exhibited lower fat stores than later ones. Nevertheless, since the fat stores of transients and temporary residents were similar even after the progress of the season had been accounted for, we assume that Wood Sandpipers may afford to exhibit individual flexibility in migration strategy and the use of stopover sites, especially early in the season. This variability may be a necessary adaptation to cope with possible varying environmental conditions at dynamic and unpredictable inland stopover sites. After having reached North Mediterranean regions, mean body mass of spring migrants gradually increases during successive stopovers, indicating that Wood Sandpipers follow a ‘hopping’ migration strategy. This emphasizes the high conservation value of even small artificial mudflat pools as important stepping stones in order to maintain a continuous network of wetland habitats for this continental migrant.  相似文献   

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