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从中华双扇蕨(Dipteris chinemis)中分离得到一个新的对映贝壳杉烷型二萜和反式桂皮酸的二聚体:16β—hydroxy-17-[(Z)-p-coumaroyl]-ent-kauran-19-oic acid,命名为dipterinoid A(1)。同时首次从该植物中分离得到其他13个已知化合物。  相似文献   

Morphological variation during the gametophyte development process of Dryopteris chinensis ( Bak.) Koidz. was observed. The results show that the development process of D. chinensis can be divided into spore germination, filament formation, plate formation, prothallus formation, sexual organ formation and apogamety. The spores are bilaterally symmetric, monolete, surface with ridge fold ornamentation, elliptical in polar view, and approximately semicircle-shaped in equatorial view. The spore germination type is of Vittaria-type;the filaments with a length of 3-7 cells, not branched or occasionally branched, with single or double row cells; mature prothallus is symmetrically cordate, and the development type of prothallus is of Aspidium-type, with long unicellular clavate trichomes distributed on the surface and in the margin;with antheridium but archegonium is not observed, belongs to apogamety. One prothallium of D. chinensis produces one embryo, and young embryo can be generated within one month after the formation of antheridium; there are a lot of unicellular trichomes and some multicellular trichomes on the young embryo of sporophyte.  相似文献   

采用光镜观察,对中华刺蕨和长耳刺蕨配子体发育进行了观察研究.结果表明:中华刺蕨和长耳刺蕨的孢子和配子体发育特征相似,孢子均两侧对称,单裂缝,孢子萌发方式为书带蕨型;配子体经丝状体、片状体发育为心形原叶体,毛状体多产生于幼原叶体生长点两侧边缘,为多细胞棒状,原叶体发育方式为槲蕨型;幼原叶体阶段即可产生精子器,而颈卵器只产生于大型心形原叶体生长点下方,性器官发育类型为薄囊蕨型,卵受精后发育成孢子体.该研究结果支持秦仁昌将刺蕨属和实蕨属独立为实蕨科的观点.  相似文献   

汪盛  刘恩德  夏漪  戴锡玲 《植物研究》2015,35(4):499-503
研究了重金属铅对水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子萌发及其对水蕨配子体发育的影响。结果表明:随着铅浓度的增加,水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子的萌发率逐渐降低;在低于10-4 mol·L-1的环境中,水蕨孢子可以正常萌发;在低于10-5 mol·L-1的环境中,中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子能正常萌发;水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨的孢子都对铅具有一定的耐受性;铅对水蕨配子体的发育存在一定影响,铅使水蕨配子体呈不规则的心脏形,多发育为雄配子体;精子器凹陷入原叶体边缘;配子体细胞中叶绿体分布不均匀。本研究为铅污染土壤的植物修复筛选后备植物。  相似文献   

光照强度对水蕨孢子萌发及配子体性别分化的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
孙鑫  朱旋律  张莹  戴锡玲 《植物研究》2010,30(2):170-173
研究了不同光照强度条件对水蕨孢子萌发以及配子体性别分化的影响。结果表明:2 000~4 000 lx的光照强度条件有利于水蕨孢子萌发,4 000 lx光照条件下孢子萌发最快。光照强度约为4 000 lx时最有利于使水蕨发育为两性配子体。光照强度约为1 000 lx时最有利于使水蕨发育为雄性配子体。为水蕨的人工栽培和分子生物学研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

深圳双扇蕨(Dipteris shenzhenensis)是仅在深圳分布的极度濒危(CR)植物。对该种占优势群落进行植物群落学研究分析,结果表明:深圳双扇蕨群落共有维管植物49科73属85种,优势种有深圳双扇蕨大头茶(Gordonia axillaris)、谷木叶冬青(Ilex memecylifolia)、竹叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis neglecta)、吊钟花(Enkianthus quinqueflorus)、豺皮樟(Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia)、芒萁(Dicranopteris pedata);植株个体随着树木高度增加而减少,呈现“倒J”型分布,是亚热带地区明显特点;各生活型物种多样性及均匀度指数呈现“中间高两头低”的态势;对相同地区不同群落物种多样性指数进行T检验,证明不同群落之间多样性水平无显著差异,同属生态演替的稳定阶段;生态位分析揭示了深圳双扇蕨在群落中的生存状态,说明该种并非广布种,对环境要求苛刻且对资源竞争力差,在群落演替中存在灭绝风险;种间联结分析揭示了该物种与其他优势草本的种间关系,找到了可能的互补与竞争植物。  相似文献   

利用MS培养基、改良Knop’s培养基、自来水和蒸馏水分别培养水蕨中等大小孢子,同时利用改良Knop’s培养基培养不同大小的水蕨孢子,观察记录不同条件下水蕨孢子萌发和性别分化情况。实验表明,二级孢子(赤道轴120~140μm)萌发率最高;一级孢子(赤道轴〉140μm)萌发最有利于使水蕨发育为两性配子体,三级孢子(赤道轴〈120μm)萌发最有利于使水蕨发育为雄配子体;MS培养基和改良Knop’s培养基相对于自来水和蒸馏水有利于水蕨孢子萌发;各培养基中水蕨两性配子体比率排序是MS培养基〉改良Knop’s培养基〉自来水〉蒸馏水,而雄配子体比率排序与之相反。此结果为水蕨的引种保护、人工繁育和分子生物学研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

朝鲜蛾眉蕨配子体形态发育的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张正修  戴绍军 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1882-1893
蕨类植物通过孢子萌发形成独立生活的配子体,配子体能够形成精子器和颈卵器,进而通过受精作用形成新的孢子体。孢子萌发是蕨类植物生活史过程中配子体世代向孢子体世代转变的关键步骤。同时,此过程不仅受到多种环境因子的影响,也是研究细胞核极性移动、细胞不对称分裂、假根极性生长等独特的细胞学事件的良好模型。迄今为止,人们已经研究发现多种环境因子对约200余种蕨类植物孢子萌发有影响。总结了环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发影响的规律如下:(1)孢子萌发除了受到光照强度影响外,主要受光质的影响,光质的影响主要表现为4种方式:①孢子萌发受红光刺激与远红光抑制像开关一样调控;②孢子萌发不受远红光抑制;③孢子萌发受蓝光抑制;④孢子只能在黑暗条件下萌发。(2)重力作用会影响孢子细胞核移动,进而影响孢子细胞发育的极性。(3)赤霉素(GA)能增加孢子萌发率或帮助孢子打破休眠。成精子囊素与GA作用相似,启动或促进孢子萌发。而脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸(JA)和乙烯等其它激素对孢子萌发的影响相对较小。(4)不同植物孢子有着各自最适的萌发培养基条件,如不同种类孢子对MS培养基中无机盐含量、蔗糖含量、pH值的要求不同。孢子外被中的Ca2+、Mn2+和Mg2+,培养基中的Cd2+和La3+,以及孢子接种密度、萌发空间CO2含量也会对孢子萌发造成影响。(5)多数蕨类植物孢子在15-30℃可以萌发,最适萌发温度为25℃。(6)4℃和液氮储藏可以延长孢子寿命并保持较高萌发率。  相似文献   

双扇蕨科是一个自然的类群,为单型科,有8种。中国产3种:中华双扇蕨Dipteris chinensisChrist、双扇蕨D.conjugata(Kaulf.)Reinw.和喜马拉雅双扇蕨D.wallichii(R.Br.)T.Moore。云南产2种:中华双扇蕨和喜马拉雅双扇蕨。其中,喜马拉雅双扇蕨为云南分布新纪录。文中列出了国产种类的分类检索表,并均附有彩色图片。  相似文献   

The growth and gender in the gametophyte of Blechnum spicant L. were strongly affected by its origin, spore or mature homogenized gametophytes, and also by the addition of plant growth regulators to the culture medium. Spore-derived gametophytes cultured in Murashige and Skoog liquid medium were females and heart-shaped, whereas those derived from mature homogenized gametophytes were shorter and male or asexual (1:3) because of the release of antheridiogen to the culture medium. In the latter, maleness was especially increased by the addition of BA. This cytokinin is a strong inductor of maleness in homogenized cultures; however, even though BA influenced sexual organ formation in spore-derived gametophytes, it does not change the␣female sexual pattern that these gametophytes have. Separate male and female populations of gametophytes were obtained in this work.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative variation in seven morphological characteristics (leaf length and width, leaf length/ width ratio, flower, petal and stomata length, and number of chloroplasts in guard cells) were studied in Petunia hybrida plants regenerated from anther tissue culture and belonging to four different classes of ploidy (2n, 2n–3n, 3n–2n, 4n–8n). Results showed that leaf size is not a good characteristic for discriminating between plants of different ploidy — flower and stomata characteristics being more adequate for this purpose. After applying stepwise discriminant analysis the association chloroplast number — leaf length/width ratio — petal length was verified to be more appropriate for the discrimination of ploidy classes.  相似文献   

为建立菜心(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis var.utilis)的快繁技术体系,以花药和子叶-子叶柄为外植体进行组织培养研究。结果表明,花药培养以选取未开放的花蕾为宜,且花柱略高于花瓣,此时小孢子多数处于单核靠边期。菜心花粉的萌发率不高,且秋冬季的花粉比夏季的萌发率高。菜心花药愈伤组织诱导培养基为:MS+1.0 mg L–1 KT+1.0 mg L–1 2,4-D+3%糖+6 g L–1琼脂+8%椰乳,不定芽诱导培养基为:MS+2.0 mg L–1 6-BA+0.5 mg L–1 NAA+1.0 g L–1活性炭+2%糖+6 g L–1琼脂或MS+2.0 mg L–1 ZT+0.5 mg L–1 IAA+0.5 g L–1 AgNO3+1.0 g L–1活性炭+2%糖+6 g L–1琼脂。花药培养的不定芽诱导率为36.7%,不定芽培养出现褐化现象,不能形成再生植株;而以子叶-子叶柄为外植体培养获得的植株再生率可达80%。  相似文献   

Summary TheDrosophila chorion is produced normally in isolated follicles in Robb's chemically defined culture medium. The complex architecture of the shell developed in vitro from follicles as young as early stage 10 is completely normal morphologically. In addition, the time required for in vitro development closely approximates that observed for in vivo development. Comparisons of insect culture media developed by Robb, Grace, Schneider, and Echalier show large variations in their ability to supportDrosophila chorion development.  相似文献   

鹅毛竹大小孢子及雌雄配子体发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜、透射电镜、石蜡切片,对鹅毛竹的花芽分化、大、小孢子及雌、雄配子体的发育进行了详细观察.结果发现:鹅毛竹花药具4个药室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层4层结构组成,花药壁发育为单子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型,小孢子母细胞减数分裂中的胞质分裂为连续型,产生左右对称型小孢子.鹅毛竹成熟花粉大多2细胞型,都具1个萌发孔.鹅毛竹子房为单子房,子房1室,侧膜胎座,一个倒生胚珠,双珠被,薄珠心.大孢子母细胞由一个雌性孢原细胞直接发育而成,大孢子四分体呈线型,合点端一个大孢子分化为功能大孢子,由功能大孢子经过3次有丝分裂形成8核胚囊,发育类型为蓼型,位于核点端的3个细胞核进行多次分裂形成多个反足细胞.至此,成熟胚囊形成.并就鹅毛竹不结实的原因进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid (DH) genotypes from a genetic mapping population of Brassica oleracea were screened for ease of transformation. Candidate genotypes were selected based on prior knowledge of three phenotypic markers: susceptibility to Agrobacterium tumefaciens, shoot regeneration potential and mode of shoot regeneration. Mode of regeneration was found to be the most significant of the three factors. Transgenic plants were successfully obtained from genotypes that regenerated multiple shoots via a distinct swelling or callus phase. The absence of tissue culture blackening (associated with genotypes that formed callus) was found to be critical for transformation success. Transgenic shoots were obtained from genotypes that regenerated via an indirect callus mode, even when susceptibility to Agrobacterium was low. The most efficient genotype (DH AG1012) produced transgenic shoots at an average rate of 15% (percentage of inoculated explants giving rise to transgenic plants). The speed and efficiency of regeneration enabled the isolation of transgenic shoots 5–6 weeks after inoculation with A. tumefaciens. This line was also self-compatible, enabling the production of seed without the need for hand-pollination. A genetically uniform DH genotype, with an associated genetic map, make DH AG1012 highly desirable as a potential model B. oleracea genotype for studying gene function. The possibility of applying the same phenotypic tissue culture markers to other Brassica species is discussed.  相似文献   

The plastids in the cells of the tapetum in anther of Oenothera are involved in the development of male sterility (mst). We combined nuclear homozygosity for each of the two mst genes with the four different plastomes of Oenothera and demonstrated that in both cases the sterile anther phenotype is independent of the plastome. The experiments provide additional information on competition between megaspores and embryo sacs in the ovule.  相似文献   

扩增了西施舌日照、连云港、北海、漳州4个野生群体、四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊各1个群体共73个样本的NAD5基因片段,测序获得了480bp核苷酸序列,分析核苷酸的多态性,旨在评估福建漳州西施舌与日照、连云港、北海西施舌之间的分化水平。结果:从73个序列中共检测到44种单倍型(Hap),其中西施舌4个群体有29种Haps,四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊分别有10种和5种Haps,漳州群体与北海、日照、连云港群体单倍型有明显差异;将西施舌分为北海、日照、连云港组(GP1)和漳州组(GP2)2个组,分析核苷酸差异,GP1与GP2间的T、A、G含量差异极显著(P0.01)。GP1与GP2间的遗传距离与组内(GP1、GP2)遗传距离之比为25.1—41.8,四角蛤蜊与中国蛤蜊之间的遗传距离与种内个体间遗传距离之比为24.4—36.7,GP1、GP2间的差异达到了四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊种间差异水平,而日照、北海群体间的遗传距离只有0.009,北海与日照群体地理位置虽远,但遗传差异则很小;AMOVA分析显示漳州西施舌发生了极显著遗传分化(FST=0.966—0.978,P0.01)。  相似文献   

Summary The early morphogenesis of the eye-antennal disc ofDrosophila in response to 20-hydroxy ecdysone involves the curling of the eye anlagen dorsally over the antenna. During this process, the area of the peripodial membrane is substantially reduced. The peripodial membrane is taut at this stage, and if it is cut the curling of the disc cannot continue, and the eye anlagen returns to its original position within one minute of the operation. In contrast, cutting the columnar epithelium between the eye and antennal anlagen does not disrupt curling, but actually facilitates it. During curling, the cells of the peripodial membrane appear healthy, and exhibit basal extensions. We suggest that the curling of the eye is mediated by the conversion of cuboidal peripodial membrane cells into pseudostratified columnar epithelium at the edges of the peripodial membrane. Subsequently, cells of the peripodial membrane secrete first a pupal cuticle, and then an imaginal cuticle.  相似文献   

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