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将"小组学习"模式应用于基础医学课程"医学免疫学"的教学,在理论课堂采用案例导学、问题导学、角色转换导学和专题讨论导学,实践教学过程针对课堂实验、实验选修课和大学生创新创业项目进行层次化导学。综合运用思维导图、问卷星、成长袋等多元化教学方法和手段,编写思政案例库进行专业课课程思政,结合小组过程性考核进行多元化考核评价。该模式通过培养学生自主学习能力、小组合作能力、实践能力、创新能力和人文素质,为培养高素质、高能力的应用型医学人才奠定基础。该教学模式得到了绝大多数学生的认同,可为基础医学及其他相关课程的开展及高校人才培养提供思路和参考。 相似文献
残留物分析是西方上世纪七十年代发展起来的考古标本功能分析技术,现今已经在我国得到了初步发展和应用,但由于考古标本年代、埋藏环境、器类等方面的差异,针对不同标本的残留物分析手段也不尽相同,旧石器时代考古标本因其年代和性质上的特殊性成为了残留物分析的难点。西方目前已有许多通过各种试验方法进行的旧石器石制品残留物分析实例,而我国至今对旧石器时代石制品的此方面研究还没有先例。本文以水洞沟遗址石制品植物残留物处理为例,简要介绍旧石器时代石制品的植物残留物实验室处理流程、观测方法及注意事项。 相似文献
采用项目化学习的策略,结合象山本土特色,将本节内容的学习转换为一个小型的学科项目化学习活动,以帮助同伴养护“红美人”柑橘植株为主题,通过自主查阅资料、走访调查、实验探究的研究历程,培养学生分析、论证、实验设计与实施等能力,发展学生的生物学学科核心素养。 相似文献
基于能量属性的植物功能群划分方法探索——以内蒙古锡林河流域草原植物群落为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
植物功能群(plant functional groups, PFGs) 是具有确定的植物功能特征的一系列植物的组合,是生态学家为研究植被对气候变化和干扰的响应而引入的生态学概念.目前功能群研究中最核心的问题仍在于决定植物功能群划分的植物特征的选择上.以内蒙古锡林河流域草原植物群落为例,选取3个草原类型(羊草草原、大针茅草原和羊草草甸草原)及其退化梯度系列(未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化),在对植物热值进行分析测定的基础上,依据植物的能量属性-单位重量干物质在完全燃烧后所释放出来的热量值,采用人为分段的方法对草原植物进行了能量功能群的划分(高能值植物功能群、中能值植物功能群和低能值植物功能群).并探讨了这种能量功能群划分方法在草原植被动态研究中的客观性与可行性. 相似文献
以地方高等院校“微生物代谢调控”课程教学改革为例深化教学改革和提升本科人才质量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以湖南科技学院为例,研究分析了地方高等院校目前在"微生物代谢调控"教学工作中存在的问题,针对生物工程专业特点,做出以下改进:优化知识结构以突出能力培养,重视绪论作用以激发学生学习兴趣,更新教学方式以践行"以学生为主体"的理念,改革考核体系以锻炼知识综合运用能力;并对最近五个年级的学习成效做了归类分析。结果表明:通过此次教学改革,学生对"微生物代谢调控"课程的学习兴趣、学习热情和学习成效均有明显的提高,较好地完成了本课程在我校生工专业人才培养目标中应达到的效果。 相似文献
Christal JL Hubbard GB Dick EJ Brasky KM Jagirdar J 《Journal of medical primatology》2008,37(2):63-66
BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic bronchitis is a recently described, relatively benign condition in humans that is characterized by a corticosteroid-responsive chronic cough and sputum eosinophilia without the abnormalities of airway function seen in asthma. The exact cause of this condition is currently unknown, however has been associated with various occupational exposures in humans. It has also been reported to progress to irreversible airway obstruction. This disease has been reported in dogs and horses, but not in non-human primates. METHODS: Gross examination of an otherwise healthy 13-year-old, colony-born Macaca mulatta, which died of severe non-responsive respiratory distress revealed that the lungs were markedly inflated and moist. RESULTS: Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections from the lungs contained widespread accumulation of eosinophils, sloughed epithelial cells, and mucus centered around bronchioles and adjacent airways. There was no evidence of mast cell infiltration of peribronchiolar smooth muscle, goblet cell hyperplasia, or basement membrane thickening. CONCLUSIONS: This ruled out recurrent episodes as would be expected in asthma, favoring the diagnosis of an eosinophilic bronchitis-like lesion. We report a first case of eosinophilic bronchitis-like features in a M. mulatta. 相似文献
《Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy》2020,25(2):174-177
IntroductionWe describe a 35-year-old male patient showing a myeloid sarcoma (MS) of the tongue as the first manifestation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). The MS can appear in all parts of the human body, but it is extremely rare in the tongue.Clinical caseThe main symptoms were a pain in the tongue, asthenia, gingivorrhagia, fever. We found a tumor in the tongue, which was irregular in size and located in the posterior region of the right lateral edge of the tongue. The diagnosis of MS was made by the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical study, while the definite diagnosis of APL was confirmed by the molecular test. The treatment of APL was based on the administration of trans-retinoic acid 45 mg/m2 daily continuously and daunorubicin 60 mg/m2 every other day for 4 doses, with a favorable therapeutic response to APL and MS.ConclusionPromyelocytic myeloid cells can infiltrate many organs extramedullary, such as the tongue, and this might precede bone marrow infiltration. The early identification of myeloid sarcoma allows to carry out an early treatment of the APL. 相似文献
天山北坡区域生态承载力与可持续发展——以阜康市为例 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
应用生态足迹法剖析位于天山北坡的新疆阜康市近20多年来承载力变化及对可持续发展的影响,结果表明:20世纪90年代以来市场对煤炭等本地优势资源需求和重新配置加速了本区域快速工业化进程,工业化的结果引导了能源消费迅速增加和城市化发展,生物资源消费快速增加,生态消费足迹逐年显著增加.20多年来,林地人均承载力提高而草地和农耕地人均承载力下降,土地总承载力略有下降.在工业迅速发展、城市化的带动和刺激下,能源和草地消费足迹急剧增加,生态由赢余转为赤字并呈现出赤字快速增加的趋势.草地需求旺盛导致了草地掠夺经营的现状愈演愈烈,生态风险逐渐向草地倾斜,已构成该区域可持续发展的最大障碍因素.天山北坡草地承载和可持续发展与牧业落后生产方式紧密联系,也与人们的认识观念有关,实现草地生态的逆转需要全社会的关注和支持. 相似文献
基于生态系统服务价值损益的生态安全格局演变分析——以辽宁沿海瓦房店市为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
生态系统服务是区域生态安全的底线,科学评估其价值变化是合理规划区域土地利用和构建生态安全格局的重要基础,既有研究尚未综合评估多种生态系统服务来判定区域生态基底,目前开展的静态评价也难以反映区域生态安全格局动态变化过程。以辽宁沿海地区——瓦房店市为例,综合运用CASA、RUSLE等模型,并结合生态经济法对2000年和2014年生态系统服务价值进行了科学评估,并依据评估结果构建研究区两期生态安全格局。结果表明:①14年间,除营养物质循环变化不明显外,其余各项生态系统服务价值均呈现不同幅度的损失,其中以水源涵养价值下降趋势最为明显。各土地利用类型来看,林地生态系统服务价值损失达8.74亿元,占损失总量的40%,为各地类之首;②两期单位面积生态系统服务价值均呈现出水域(含海域)高于陆地,山地高于平地的空间分布,且这种不均匀分布趋势在2014年更为明显;③两期生态源地面积分别为1111.40 km~2和356.96 km~2,生态廊道总长度分别为136.63 km和231.43 km,呈环状分布于源地之间的生态系统服务价值高值谷内。生态系统服务价值的损益情况可对区域生态安全格局构建产生重要影响,研究结果可为瓦房店市城市开发边界与生态保护红线划定提供科学参考。 相似文献
Ole Kilpinen 《Physiological Entomology》2005,30(3):232-240
Abstract. The behavioural responses of the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae , to three host-related stimuli, vibration, heat and CO2 , are studied in light and dark. Although D. gallinae usually feeds on host-blood at night, it can also be day active after a few days of starvation. However, the immediate response of the mites to CO2 in daylight is to freeze and remain motionless. Even with simultaneous presentation of an activating stimulus (heat), the mites freeze in response to CO2 . In the case of subsequent vibrations, they start moving but only for the duration of the vibrations. After 2 min, the freezing response disappears and the level of activity is significantly higher than for mites stimulated with vibrations alone. The freezing response is interpreted as a defence against being eaten by the host that apparently is close enough to breathe on the mites. At low-light intensities, where the birds are unable to see the mites, there is no freezing response, but only a synergistic effect of heat and vibration on the level of activity. The frequency of vibration most efficient in eliciting movement during the freezing response is found at 2 kHz with a threshold value of 35 µm s−1 peak-peak, suggesting that D. gallinae is more sensitive to substrate-borne vibrations than some insects (e.g. honeybees) known to use vibrations for intraspecific communication. 相似文献
Genomics as a means to understand bacterial phylogeny and ecological adaptation: the case of bifidobacteria 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ventura M Canchaya C Fitzgerald GF Gupta RS van Sinderen D 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2007,91(4):351-372
The field of microbiology has in recent years been transformed by the ever increasing number of publicly available whole-genome
sequences. This sequence information has significantly enhanced our understanding of the physiology, genetics and evolutionary
development of bacteria. Among the latter group of microorganisms, bifidobacteria represent important human commensals because
of their perceived contribution to maintaining a balanced gastrointestinal tract microbiota. In recent years bifidobacteria
have drawn much scientific attention because of their use as live bacteria in numerous food preparations with various health-related
claims. For this reason, these bacteria constitute a growing area of interest with respect to genomics, molecular biology
and genetics. Recent genome sequencing of a number of bifidobacterial species has allowed access to the complete genetic make-up
of these bacteria. In this review we will discuss how genomic data has allowed us to understand bifidobacterial evolution,
while also revealing genetic functions that explains their presence in the particular ecological environment of the gastrointestinal
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Emilie C. SnellRood Dimitri Smirnoff Hunter Cantrell Kaila Chapman Elizabeth Kirscht Elizabeth Stretch 《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(23):16374
Bioinspiration is a promising lens for biology instruction as it allows the instructor to focus on current issues, such as the COVID‐19 pandemic. From social distancing to oxygen stress, organisms have been tackling pandemic‐related problems for millions of years. What can we learn from such diverse adaptations in our own applications? This review uses a seminar course on the COVID‐19 crisis to illustrate bioinspiration as an approach to teaching biology content. At the start of the class, students mind‐mapped the entire problem; this range of subproblems was used to structure the biology content throughout the entire class. Students came to individual classes with a brainstormed list of biological systems that could serve as inspiration for a particular problem (e.g., absorptive leaves in response to the problem of toilet paper shortages). After exploration of relevant biology content, discussion returned to the focal problem. Students dug deeper into the literature in a group project on mask design and biological systems relevant to filtration and transparency. This class structure was an engaging way for students to learn principles from ecology, evolution, behavior, and physiology. Challenges with this course design revolved around the interdisciplinary and creative nature of the structure; for instance, the knowledge of the participants was often stretched by engineering details. While the present class was focused on the COVID‐19 crisis, a course structured through a bioinspired approach can be applied to other focal problems, or subject areas, giving instructors a powerful method to deliver interdisciplinary content in an integrated and inquiry‐driven way. 相似文献