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Staphylococcus aureus is the source of a large number of hospital-acquired infections, of which many are serious and can lead to death. Iron is critically important to the survival and growth of the bacterium, and complex, multistep mechanisms are present to fulfill the necessary iron requirement. Isd proteins located on the wall and membrane of S. aureus have been proposed to function in heme acquisition. We report characterization of the S. aureus heme-binding protein IsdE, the lipoprotein component of a membrane-localized ABC transporter that is believed key to receiving heme from cell wall-anchored Isd proteins. Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) data, which greatly extend the results from our initial study of IsdE in bacterial cell lysates (Mack, J., Vermeiren, C., Heinrichs, D. E., and Stillman, M. J. (2004) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 320, 781-788), probe the ligand and redox properties of the bound heme. The MCD data show that IsdE, when overexpressed in E. coli, binds either ferric or ferrous heme but that the largest fraction is low spin ferrous heme. Studies of mutants allowed identification and characterization of the ligands in the fifth and sixth position on the heme iron as histidine, proximally, and methionine, distally. This histidine-methionine heme-iron ligation is unique to heme transport proteins. The smaller fraction of ferric heme in the protein is not bound by methionine, allowing for access by strong field ligands, such as cyanide. Electrospray ionization mass spectral data are reported for the first time and show that only one heme ligand binds per IsdE protein molecule. These data also show there is little change in the conformation of the protein between the heme-bound and heme-free species, indicating that the heme-free IsdE adopts a structure essentially independent of the heme. The mass spectral data clearly show that IsdE reversibly unwinds under denaturing conditions to form at least two distinct, heme-free conformations.  相似文献   

We report the first characterization of the in vivo porphyrin scavenging abilities of two components of a newly discovered heme scavenging system involving iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins. These proteins are present within the cell envelope of the Gram-positive human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. IsdC and IsdE, when expressed heterologously in Escherichia coli, efficiently scavenged intracellular heme and resulted in de novo heme synthesis in excess of 100-fold above background. Magnetic circular dichroism analyses showed that the heme-binding properties of the two proteins differ significantly from one another. IsdC bound almost exclusively free-base protoporphyrin IX, whereas the IsdE protein was associated with low spin Fe(III) and Fe(II) heme. These properties provide important insight into the possible mechanisms of iron scavenging from bound heme by Isd proteins.  相似文献   

The reactive nature of heme enables its use as an enzymatic cofactor while rendering excess heme toxic. The importance of heme detoxification machinery is highlighted by the presence of various types of these homeostatic systems in Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. A number of pathogens possess orthologs of the HssRS/HrtAB heme detoxification system, underscoring a potential role this system plays in the survival of bacteria in heme-rich environments such as the vertebrate host. In this work, we sought to determine the role of this system in protection against metalloporphyrin heme analogues identified by previous studies as antimicrobial agents. Our findings demonstrate that only toxic metalloporphyrins maximally activate expression of the Staphylococcus aureus heme detoxification system, suggesting that the sensing mechanism of HssRS might require a component of the associated toxicity rather than or in addition to the metalloporphyrin itself. We further establish that only a subset of toxic metalloporphyrins elicit the oxidative damage previously shown to be a significant component of heme toxicity whereas all toxic noniron metalloporphyrins inhibit bacterial respiration. Finally, we demonstrate that, despite the fact that toxic metalloporphyrin treatment induces expression of S. aureus heme detoxification machinery, the HrtAB heme export pump is unable to detoxify most of these molecules. The ineffectiveness of HrtAB against toxic heme analogues provides an explanation for their increased antimicrobial activity relative to heme. Additionally, these studies define the specificity of HssRS/HrtAB, which may provide future insight into the biochemical mechanisms of these systems.  相似文献   

Gaudin CF  Grigg JC  Arrieta AL  Murphy ME 《Biochemistry》2011,50(24):5443-5452
Iron is an essential requirement for life for nearly all organisms. The human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is able to acquire iron from the heme cofactor of hemoglobin (Hb) released from lysed erythrocytes. IsdB, the predominant Hb receptor of S. aureus, is a cell wall-anchored protein that is composed of two NEAT domains. The N-terminal NEAT domain (IsdB-N1) binds Hb, and the C-terminal NEAT domain (IsdB-N2) relays heme to IsdA for transport into the cell. Here we present the 1.45 ? resolution X-ray crystal structure of the IsdB-N2-heme complex. While the structure largely conforms to the eight-strand β-sandwich fold seen in other NEAT domains such as IsdA-N and uses a conserved Tyr residue to coordinate heme-iron, a Met residue is also involved in iron coordination, resulting in a novel Tyr-Met hexacoordinate heme-iron state. The kinetics of the transfer of heme from IsdB-N2 to IsdA-N can be modeled as a two-step process. The rate of transfer of heme between the isolated NEAT domains (82 s(-1)) was found to be similar to that measured for the full-length proteins. Replacing the iron coordinating Met with Leu did not abrogate high-affinity heme binding but did reduce the heme transfer rate constant by more than half. This unusual Met-Tyr heme coordination may also bestow properties on IsdB that help it to bind heme in different oxidation states or extract heme from hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a common hospital- and community-acquired bacterium that can cause devastating infections and is often multidrug-resistant. Iron acquisition is required by S. aureus during an infection, and iron acquisition pathways are potential targets for therapies. The gene NWMN2274 in S. aureus strain Newman is annotated as an oxidoreductase of the diverse pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase (PNDO) family. We show that NWMN2274 is an electron donor to IsdG and IsdI catalyzing the degradation of heme, and we have renamed this protein IruO. Recombinant IruO is a FAD-containing NADPH-dependent reductase. In the presence of NADPH and IruO, either IsdI or IsdG degraded bound heme 10-fold more rapidly than with the chemical reductant ascorbic acid. Varying IsdI-heme substrate and monitoring loss of the heme Soret band gave a Km of 15 ± 4 μm, a kcat of 5.2 ± 0.7 min−1, and a kcat/Km of 5.8 × 103 m−1 s−1. From HPLC and electronic spectra, the major heme degradation products are 5-oxo-δ-bilirubin and 15-oxo-β-bilirubin (staphylobilins), as observed with ascorbic acid. Although heme degradation by IsdI or IsdG can occur in the presence of H2O2, the addition of catalase and superoxide dismutase did not disrupt NADPH/IruO heme degradation reactions. The degree of electron coupling between IruO and IsdI or IsdG remains to be determined. Homologs of IruO were identified by sequence similarity in the genomes of Gram-positive bacteria that possess IsdG-family heme oxygenases. A phylogeny of these homologs identifies a distinct clade of pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductases likely involved in iron uptake systems. IruO is the likely in vivo reductant required for heme degradation by S. aureus.  相似文献   

Absorption, magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), and electrospray mass spectral (ESI-MS) data are reported for the heme binding NEAr iron Transporter (NEAT) domains of IsdA and IsdC, two proteins involved in heme scavenging by Staphylococcus aureus. The mass spectrometry data show that the NEAT domains are globular in structure and efficiently bind a single heme molecule. In this work, the IsdA NEAT domain is referred to as NEAT-A, the IsdC NEAT domain is referred to as NEAT-C, heme-free NEAT-C is NEAT-A and NEAT-C are inaccessible to small anionic ligands. Reduction of the high-spin Fe(III) heme iron to 5-coordinate high-spin Fe(II) in NEAT-A results in coordination by histidine and opens access, allowing for CO axial ligation, yielding 6-coordinate low-spin Fe(II) heme. In contrast, reduction of the high-spin Fe(III) heme iron to 5-coordinate high-spin Fe(II) in NEAT-C results in loss of the heme from the binding site of the protein due to the absence of a proximal histidine. The absorption and MCD data for NEAT-A closely match those previously reported for the whole IsdA protein, providing evidence that heme binding is primarily a property of the NEAT domain.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus has adopted specialized mechanisms for scavenging iron from its host. The cell-wall- and cell-membrane-associated iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins (IsdH, IsdB, IsdA, IsdC, IsdDEF, IsdG, and IsdI) allow S. aureus to scavenge iron from the heme in hemoglobin and haptoglobin-hemoglobin. Of these, IsdE chaperones heme to the ATP-binding-cassette-type transmembrane transporter (IsdF). IsdH, IsdB, IsdA, and IsdC contain at least one heme-binding near transporter (NEAT) domain. Previous studies have shown that ferric heme is transferred unidirectionally in the sequence IsdA-NEAT (Tyr-proximal amino acid)?→?IsdC-NEAT (Tyr)?→?IsdE (His). IsdA-NEAT does not transfer heme directly to IsdE. To challenge and probe this unusual unidirectional mechanism, the double mutant IsdE(M78A; H229A)-IsdE(MH)-was constructed and used in studies of heme transfer between IsdA-NEAT, IsdC-NEAT, and IsdE. This study probed the specific requirements in the heme binding site that enforce the unidirectional property of the system. Significantly, heme transfer from holo-IsdE(MH) to apo-IsdA-NEAT now occurs, breaking the established mechanism. The unique unidirectional heme-transfer properties now function under an affinity-driven mechanism. Overall, the heme proximal and distal ligands must play a crucial role controlling a gate that stops heme transfer between the native IsdE and IsdA-NEAT. We propose that these amino acids are the key control elements in the specific unidirectional protein-protein-gated release mechanism exhibited by the Isd system.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus has adopted specialized mechanisms for scavenging iron from its host. The nine cell wall and membrane-associated iron regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins (IsdH, IsdB, IsdA, IsdC, IsdDEF, IsdG and IsdI) allow Staphylococcus aureus to scavenge iron from the heme in hemoglobin and haptoglobin-hemoglobin. Of these, it is IsdE that chaperones the heme to the ATP binding cassette-type transmembrane transporter (IsdF). IsdH, IsdB, IsdA and IsdC contain at least one heme binding Near Transporter (NEAT) domain. Previous studies have shown that ferric heme is transferred unidirectionally in the sequence IsdA-NEAT (Tyr - proximal amino acid) → IsdC-NEAT (Tyr) → IsdE (His). IsdA-NEAT does not transfer heme directly to IsdE. In this paper we investigated PPIX transfer through the core cell wall proteins of the Isd system (IsdA-NEAT, IsdC-NEAT and IsdE) with FePPIX-dimethylester, and the metal substituted CoPPIX and MnPPIX using ESI-MS, UV-visible absorption and MCD spectroscopy. IsdA binds each of the rings but the subsequent transfer properties to IsdC-N or IsdE are not the same as found with heme. FePPIX-DME transfers from IsdA-N to IsdC-N but neither protein transfers the ring to IsdE. IsdA-N does not transfer CoPPIX to IsdC-N or IsdE. IsdA-N does transfer MnPPIX to both IsdC-N and IsdE. Significantly, it is possible that since CoPPIX and FePPIX-DME bind to IsdA-N, the lack of transfer to IsdC-N and subsequently to IsdE for CoPPIX could prove to be used as a potential disruption agent to the S. aureus heme transfer system and may identify a possible anti-microbial.  相似文献   

Aminoacetone formation by Staphylococcus aureus   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Carotenoid Formation by Staphylococcus aureus   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The carotenoid pigments of Staphylococcus aureus U-71 were identified as phytoene; zeta-carotene; delta-carotene; phytofluenol; a phytofluenol-like carotenoid, rubixanthin; and three rubixanthin-like carotenoids after extraction, saponification, chromatographic separation, and determination of their absorption spectra. There was no evidence of carotenoid esters or glycoside ethers in the extract before saponification. During the aerobic growth cycle the total carotenoids increased from 45 to 1,000 nmoles per g (dry weight), with the greatest increases in the polar, hydroxylated carotenoids. During the anaerobic growth cycle, the total carotenoids increased from 20 nmoles per g (dry weight) to 80 nmoles per g (dry weight), and only traces of the polar carotenoids were formed. Light had no effect on carotenoid synthesis. About 0.14% of the mevalonate-2-(14)C added to the culture was incorporated into the carotenoids during each bacterial doubling. The total carotenoids did not lose radioactivity when grown in the absence of (14)C for 2.5 bacterial doublings. The total carotenoids did not lose radioactivity when grown in the absence of (14)C for 2.5 bacterial doublings. The incorporation and turnover of (14)C indicated the carotenes were sequentially desaturated and hydroxylated to form the polar carotenoids.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of life-threatening infections in the United States. It requires iron to grow, which must be actively procured from its host to successfully mount an infection. Heme-iron within hemoglobin (Hb) is the most abundant source of iron in the human body and is captured by S. aureus using two closely related receptors, IsdH and IsdB. Here we demonstrate that each receptor captures heme using two conserved near iron transporter (NEAT) domains that function synergistically. NMR studies of the 39-kDa conserved unit from IsdH (IsdHN2N3, Ala326–Asp660) reveals that it adopts an elongated dumbbell-shaped structure in which its NEAT domains are properly positioned by a helical linker domain, whose three-dimensional structure is determined here in detail. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and heme transfer measurements indicate that IsdHN2N3 extracts heme from Hb via an ordered process in which the receptor promotes heme release by inducing steric strain that dissociates the Hb tetramer. Other clinically significant Gram-positive pathogens capture Hb using receptors that contain multiple NEAT domains, suggesting that they use a conserved mechanism.  相似文献   

The facultative pathogen Staphylococcus aureus colonizes the human anterior nares and causes infections of various organ systems. Which carbon, energy, and phosphate sources can be utilized by S. aureus in nutrient‐poor habitats has remained largely unknown. We describe that S. aureus secretes a glycerophosphodiesterase (glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase, EC, GlpQ, degrading the glycerophosphodiester (GPD) head groups of phospholipids such as human phosphatidylcholine (GroPC). Deletion of glpQ completely abolished the GroPC‐degrading activity in S. aureus culture supernatants. GroPC has been detected in human tissues and body fluids probably as a result of phospholipid remodelling and degradation. Notably, GroPC promoted S. aureus growth under carbon‐ and phosphate‐limiting conditions in a GlpQ‐dependent manner indicating that GlpQ permits S. aureus to utilize GPD‐derived glycerol‐3‐phosphate as a carbon and phosphate sources. Thus, S. aureus can use a broader spectrum of nutrients than previously thought which underscores its capacity to adapt to the highly variable and nutrient‐poor surroundings.  相似文献   

Addition of sublethal doses of d-cycloserine to growing cells of Staphylococcus aureus induces the rupture of the cell wall along an equatorial ring, thus allowing the liberation of protoplasts.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus actively acquires iron from human hemoglobin (Hb) using the IsdH surface receptor. Heme extraction is mediated by a tri-domain unit within the receptor that contains its second (N2) and third (N3) NEAT domains joined by a helical linker domain. Extraction occurs within a dynamic complex, in which receptors engage each globin chain; the N2 domain tightly binds to Hb, while substantial inter-domain motions within the receptor enable its N3 domain to transiently distort the globin’s heme pocket. Using molecular simulations coupled with Markov modeling, along with stopped-flow experiments to quantitatively measure heme transfer kinetics, we show that directed inter-domain motions within the receptor play a critical role in the extraction process. The directionality of N3 domain motion and the rate of heme extraction is controlled by amino acids within a short, flexible inter-domain tether that connects the N2 and linker domains. In the wild-type receptor directed motions originating from the tether enable the N3 domain to populate configurations capable of distorting Hb’s pocket, whereas mutant receptors containing altered tethers are less able to adopt these conformers and capture heme slowly via indirect processes in which Hb first releases heme into the solvent. Thus, our results show inter-domain motions within the IsdH receptor play a critical role in its ability to extract heme from Hb and highlight the importance of directed motions by the short, unstructured, amino acid sequence connecting the domains in controlling the directionality and magnitude of these functionally important motions.  相似文献   

香芹酚抑制金黄色葡萄球菌生物被膜的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】生物被膜是细菌的一种自我保护形式,可以增强细菌对药物及宿主免疫应答的抵抗力,引起细菌耐药性和持续性感染。【目的】探究香芹酚对金黄色葡萄球菌生物被膜的作用机制,为开发新型抗生物被膜药物提供可靠的理论依据。【方法】通过结晶紫染色法检测香芹酚对供试菌株生物被膜形成的抑制和对成熟生物被膜的清除作用;使用刚果红平板法探究香芹酚对供试菌株生物被膜形成过程中细胞间多糖黏附素(polysaccharide intercellular adhesion,PIA)合成的作用;通过分光光度法检测香芹酚对胞外DNA (extracellular DNA,eDNA)分泌的抑制作用;利用RT-PCR技术检测香芹酚对供试菌株的生物被膜相关基因icaA、cidA和sarA转录水平的影响。【结果】香芹酚对生物被膜形成的抑制和生物被膜的清除均有较强作用效果。256μg/mL香芹酚抑制PIA合成和e DNA释放的效果显著。香芹酚可通过抑制相关基因转录从而抑制生物被膜的形成,当64μg/mL的香芹酚作用后,sarA的转录水平降低了60.44%±2.91%,cidA的转录水平降低了76.48%±1.67%,icaA的转...  相似文献   

Two nitroxide radicals (TEMPO, I; OXAN, II) and a spin labeled penicillin (III) were reduced by Staphylococcus aureus. A short induction period preceded zero order reduction of these substrates leading to a Km of 8 × 10?4M, 6.67 × 10?5M and 5.7 × 10?4M and Vmax of 106, 26 and 11 μ mole/min mg bacteria for I, II and III, respectively.  相似文献   

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