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Chromatic variability of tepals in species of Crocus L. of South-eastern Alps.—The anthocyanidins causing the color of tepals of some species of Crocus L. in the Italian South-eastern Alps were determined and characterized. The genus Crocus of this region is represented by four entities: C. napolitanus Mord. & Loisel., C. albiflorus Kit. ex Schult., C. reticulatus Stev. ex Adam. and C. weldenii Hoppe ex Baker.

The distribution of anthocyanidins in the four entities confirms the existence of a systematic distance among the species belonging to Reticulati and the species belonging to Anulati. Two anthocyanidins, i.e. delphynidin and petunidin, which are always present in other entities, have not been found in C. weldenii; this species is characterized by the only presence of malvidine.

The anthocyanidins assume therefore in this case a chemotaxonomic meaning.  相似文献   

Questo lavoro vede la luce con un ritardo di circa otto anni, per le difficultà inerenti lo stato di guerra. A causa delle stesse ragioni, le collezioni dei lieviti isolati e studiati è andata perduta; ma data la frequenza e la relativa loro costanza nel substrato d'isolamento, non dovrebbe essere difficile reisolarli, se desiderato.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch Anwendung der Explantationsmethode vonMangold wird der Rumpfschwanzteil der Medullarplatte in vitro explantiert, um die Evolutionsfähigkeiten der isolierten Medullaranlage und die Entwicklungskorrelationen zwischen dem Chorda-Mesodermkomplex und der Morphohistogenese des Rückenmarks zu studieren.Es wird vor allem festgestellt, daß der Neuralstrang, der sich aus der explantierten Neuralplatte bildet, auch ohne Mitwirkung der Chorda oder irgendeines Stützorgans verlängerungsfähig ist.Von großer Bedeutung für die Morphohistogenese des Neuralstranges scheint die Chorda zu sein, und gewissermaßen auch das Mesoderm.Fehlt das Mesoderm, so schmelzen die Ganglien zu einer einzigen Masse zusammen, ventral zum Neuralstrang; die Struktur des Neuralstranges erleidet aber dadurch keine Veränderung.Fehlt die Chorda dagegen, so treten sehr wichtige Veränderungen im Neuralstrang ein, d. h. übermäßige große der Neuralröhre oder mehrfache Röhrenbildung, Zerstörung der Zellen- und Fasernanordnung, Neuroblastenabsonderung aus dem Rumpfteil des Neuralstranges.Wenn aber, auch bei fehlender Chorda, der Neuralstrang von Mesodermmassen begleitet wird, ist seine Struktur viel regelmäßiger.Es scheint also, daß das Mesoderm, außer die Wirkung auf die Zerteilung der Ganglienanlagen, auch gewissermaßen die ausgebliebene Wirkung der Chorda ersetzen kann.  相似文献   

Summary The authors have studied the histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase activity in the dog's ciliary ganglion by using the modified Koelle and Friedenwald technique. For better localisation of the structures stained by the histochemical method, some sections were in addition submitted to the Feulgen reaction, stained with Neutral red or impregnated according to the method of Bielschowsky.The results showed that if the pH of the incubating medium was 6,4, the pre- and postganglionic nerve branches as well as the nerve cell bodies react with a mean intensity only; the pericellular capsules, the sheathes formed by the satellite cells round the short processes and round the proximal part of the axone as well as the neurilemma of the nerve fibers between the ganglionic cells react as if they were the site of a very high enzymatic activity.At pH 5,2 of the incubating medium the authors observed the copper sulphide precipitate due to enzymatic activity to form a pattern resembling fibrillar woofs, sheathes, cords and rings of various dimensions; it now seems to be situated close to the ganglionic cell bodies and to the arches of its fenestrations and the precipitations appear to be in intimate contact with the deep side of the satellite cell sheath.The authors believe that the different results obtained in the first case may be explained by admitting that at pH 6,4 a massive staining of the satellite cells' capsules and sheathes may occur as the result of diffusion of the enzyme or of intermediate products from the preganglionic nerve fibers, which are the site of high acetylcholinesterase activity.  相似文献   

Duilio Lausi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):293-296

Mediterranean relicts at the mouth of karstic caves. — Far away from the mediterranean maquis stretched along the coast of Trieste, we can still find some groups of rank evergreen-oaks with several other mediterranean species.

The survival of these thermophile species is probably due to warm ascensional drafts, coming just in winter from the underneath caves.  相似文献   


Inhibiting effect of antiauxins on some dehydrogenare enzyme systems in the soluble and in the particulate fractions of extracts from plant tissues.

The effect of several antiauxins (trans-cinnamic acid, diphenylacetic acid, 2–4 dichloroanisole, b-phenylpropionic acid, maleic hydrazide) on dehydrogenasic systems in enzymic preparations from higher plant tissues (cauliflower, pea, artichocke) has been investigated. Dehydrogenase activity has been determined, in the soluble (glucose-6-phosphate) as well as in the particulate (malic TPN linked, malic DPN linked, succinic dehydrogenases) fraction of the protoplasma, by the tetrazolium (used «in vacuum») and the Thunberg methods. Mitochondrial preparations have been obtained through repeated precipitations at 20.000 × g., in the cold, in 0,5 M sucrose.

All of the antiauxins tested, at concentrations ranging between 60 and 400 p. p. m., clearly inhibited dehydrogenase activity, both in the soluble as in the mitochondrial systems. Inhibition appeared non competitive, and indipendent from coenzyme concentration; it was more evident at lower pH values, and it increased with pretreatment of the enzyme with the antiauxins, in the absence of substrate.

These results are interpreted as an evidence for the capacity of antiauxins to act directly on fundamental metabolic systems, even in absence of auxin.

The lack of specificity and the characteristics of the inhibiting action of antiauxins on dehydrogenase systems suggest that they could act through the inactivation of some chemical group of general diffusion and importance among the enzymes of the class here investigated; very probably, of -SH groups.  相似文献   


CHANGES IN THE ACTIVITY OF CHLOROGENIC ACID OXIDASE AND OTHER ENZYMES INVOLVED IN OXIDATION AND REDUCTION OF TPN IN AGEING POTATO TUBER SLICES. — The activation of respiration, and in particular of the pentose phosphate pathway, during incubation of potato tuber slices could depend on the increase of activity of oxidative enzymes mediating electron transfer from Gl. 6-P to oxygen.

The present report deals with the activity changes, in the first period of incubation, of the following enzymes: Gl. 6-P-dehydrogenase, TPNH-glutathione reductase, gluta-thione-dehydroascorbate reductase, chlorogenic acid oxidase and a TPNH diaphorase utilizing tetrazolium salts as electron acceptors.

The activity of all of these enzymes, with the exception of TPNH diaphorase, was found to bs, at all stages of incubation, in large excess respect that required to account for the estimated contribution of the pentose phosphate pathway to respiration.

Gl. 6-P dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase and chlorogenic oxidase activities markedly incresed during incubation; but their increase appeared to be clearly delayed (of some hours) respect that of oxygen uptake. This seems to indicate that the increase in activity of these anzymes is rather a consequence than a cause of the respiratory activation.

TPNH diaphorase showed a very low activity in the fresh slices, and it increased quite significantly already in the very first period (5 hours) of incubation. This behaviour suggests the possibility that this enzyme could limit TPNH oxidation, and thus the pentose phosphate pathway activity, and that its activation could be correlated with that of oxidative metabolism in the ageing slices. Further investigation of this hypothesis requires the identification of the natural electron acceptor of this enzyme.  相似文献   


In Ceratonia Siliqua the development of the female gametophyte is of the normal monomegasporial, eightnucleated type. The albumen is nuclear. The microspore tetrads divide simultaneously.  相似文献   

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