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The root system architecture of young Greek fir (Abies cephalonica Loudon) trees was studied in Evritania, Central Greece. A sample of naturally regenerated fir plants were uprooted and divided into three age groups of 5 (5–6 years), 10 (9–11 years) and 15 (15–16 years) years old. Root architectural data (e.g. root length and volume, topology, branching structure) were obtained with a 3D digitizer (3SPACE Fastrak, Polhemus). In all nine trees the largest vertical root originating from the stump was selected, measured and coded as a taproot. The topological and geometrical information from the data file was analysed by computing the characteristics of each root segment. The AMAPmod software was used, providing the user with various tools for encoding, exploring and modelling plants. The findings showed that the age of fir trees is an important parameter that affects root architecture. Topological analysis revealed that the root system of Greek fir have almost a typical herringbone pattern during the first 10 years of tree life, and then the root systems changes to a less herringbone pattern. The root system is expanded with the tree age; however, the total root length and the total number of roots seems to increase in a linear trend, while the root volume appears to increase in a geometric way.  相似文献   

The phloeo‐cambiophagous buprestid Melanophila knoteki knoteki (Reitt.) var. hellenica (Obenberger.) is not a primary factor of fir decline problem although the beetle substantially contributes to Greek fir Abies cephalonica Loud. var. graeca (Fraas) Liu mortality. By using mapping depiction of the exit holes of the insect on a set of fir trees located on a line transect in a randomized point‐centred quarter scheme and employing pattern analysis techniques we were able to reveal various scales of the infestation pattern. Four scales were recognized, two of them corresponding to the pattern of microsite selection on the bark of a fir tree. While the dispersed exit holes exhibited a statistically significant random dispersion on the bark, within each aggregation the pattern was uniform. The area of compartments created by Dirichlet partition approximated very well the sizes of the actual larval galleries. The Dirichlet tessellation of the bark space and the analysis of the parameter of the resulting partitions showed the predominance of the hexagonal conformation of the larval spaces when space was limited. When some exit holes were positioned close together it was found that they were directed away from each other so the resulting galleries were well separated. Several hypotheses are presented as to the mechanisms underpinning the observed patterns. The allocation of space is in accordance with the widely accepted ‘central place theory’ of W. Christaller, a general theory of pattern generated in the geographical dispersion of human settlements. The revealed pattern was also in accordance with the predictions of the theory of ‘central place foraging’ of R. H. MacArthur and the theory of ‘resource concentration hypothesis’ of R. Root.  相似文献   

The genus Abies is represented in southern Balkans by A. alba, A. cephalonica, and A. borisii-regis. To infer the status of southern-Balkans firs, as well as the extent and patterns of introgression within this taxonomical complex, we analyzed genetic variation patterns of 29 indigenous fir populations in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, and Calabria using a combination of maternally and biparentally inherited markers. Three mitochondrial lineages were observed, one comprising Calabrian populations and two distributed in the Balkans, coinciding with A. alba and A. cephalonica. The boundary between lineages is sharp; only two populations containing a mixture of haplotypes were found. Bayesian analysis of population structure based on seven nuclear microsatellite (nSSR) loci revealed the existence of two clusters whose proportions exhibited a latitudinal cline with a width of 2.3° ( ≈ 255 km). Populations in the center of the latitudinal cline exhibit the most symmetrical, the flattest, and the broadest distributions of cluster proportions within individual tree genomes. A neighbor-net network reflects the cline resulting from the Bayesian analysis. The observed variation patterns are not consistent with the hypothesis of A. borisii-regis as a monophyletic taxon or a stabilized hybridogenous species resulted from ancient hybridization; the taxon rather is a product of recent introgression.  相似文献   

Summary Cortical oleoresin composition of lateral shoots (mono- and sesquiterpenes) was analysed by gas chromatography on 18 Mediterranean fir populations grown in experimental fields in southern France: 13 Abies cephalonica Loudon provenances and one A. borisii regis Mattfeld provenance from Greece, 2 A. alba Miller provenances from Romania and Bulgaria, 1 Abies bornmuelleriana Mattfeld provenance and 1 A. equi trojani Ascherson and Sintenis provenances from Turkey. Terpenes with the highest between-provenance variability were limonene, -pinene, longifolene, -cadinene and -humulene. Both similarity in terpene composition of all the firs studied and paleogeographical data demonstrated the possible existence of a unique Eastern Mediterranean tertiary ancestor for present-day Aegean species. The Pliocene marine transgression of the Aegean basin could have caused this geographical disjunction. According to this hypothesis, A. alba would have appeared in the Northern part of the Aegean and then colonized all of Europe while A. bornmuelleriana would have appeared in its Eastern part. Frequent Pleistocene contacts between the two species could have contributed to the individualization of A. equi trojani and given rise to the particular morphology of the south-eastern ecotypes of A. alba. In the western part of the basin, A. cephalonica populations would have appeared. Southern migrations of A. alba during the Ice Age and contact with A. cephalonica in refugia probably led to the development of A. borisii regis hybrid populations. Evidence for an A. alba gene flow can be found in the southernmost A. cephalonica populations.  相似文献   

We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite markers from the Sachalin fir (Abies sachalinensis Masters). The number of alleles per locus ranged from eight to 31, with an average of 21.4. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.656 to 0.937 and from 0.710 to 0.945, respectively. These markers will be available for population genetic studies and parentage analysis.  相似文献   

Current season needle necrosis (CSNN) has been a serious foliage disorder on true fir Christmas trees and bough material in Europe and North America for more than 25 y. Approximately 2–4 weeks after bud break, needles develop chlorotic spots or bands that later turn necrotic. The symptoms have been observed on noble fir (Abies procera), Nordmann fir (A. nordmanniana) and grand fir (A. grandis) on both continents. CSNN was reported as a physiological disorder with unknown aetiology from USA, Denmark, and Ireland, but was associated with the fungus Kabatina abietis in Germany, Austria and Norway. In 2007, a fungus that morphologically resembled K. abietis was isolated from symptomatic needle samples from Nordmann fir from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and USA. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA of these cultures, plus a K. abietis reference culture from Germany (CBS 248.93), resulted in Hormonema dematioides, the imperfect stage of Sydowia polyspora, and thus the taxonomy is further discussed. Inoculation tests on Nordmann fir seedlings and transplants with isolates of S. polyspora from all five countries resulted in the development of CSNN symptoms. In 2009, S. polyspora was also isolated from symptomatic needles from Nordmann fir collected in Slovakia.  相似文献   

Patrick J. Shea 《Oecologia》1989,81(1):104-110
Summary The insect complex colonizing white fir (Abies concolor [Gord. and Glend.] Lindl.) cones is composed of eleven species that can be separated into three feeding guilds: the seed-mining guild, Megastigmus pinus Parfitt, M. rafni Hoffmeyer, Earomyia abietum McAlpine; the cone-and seed-mining guild, Dioryctria abietivorella Grote, Eucosma prob. siskiyouana (Kearfoot), Cydia prob. bracteatana (Fernald), Barbara sp.; the scale-and bract-feeding guild, Asynapta hokinsi (Felt), Dasineura prob. abiesemia Foote, Ressiliella conicola (Foote), Lasiomma abietis Huckett). In three of four study sites the cone crop decreased from one year to the next. As cone crop size decreased there was a concomitant increase in the percent of cones with more than one species. In addition, there was a shift toward an increased co-occurrence of members of different guilds within a single cone. Both positive and negative interactions were detected between selected species-pairs. Present-day competition was only inferred between species-pairs belonging to the cone and seed-mining guild. Decreasing resources over time, combined with increasing insect populations and the absence of acceptable alternate hosts appeared to be important factors for setting conditions conducive to interspecific competition. It is hypothesized, that the aperiodicity of white fir cone crops was important in keeping insect populations below levels which would result in interspecific competition. The possible elimination of aperiodicity in cone crops of white fir, such as might occur in managed seed orchards, may lead to decreased species diversity via competitive exclusion and thereby simplify development of IPM programs.  相似文献   

 Naturally occurring ectomycorrhizas of silver fir (Abies alba Miller) were studied in two stands, one natural and one artificial, situated in Central Italy. A total of 25 mycorrhizal types was classified, for eight of which the mycobiont was identified at the species level. Analysis of macroscopic and microscopic features and matching of field-collected carpophores with associated mycorrhizas led to the tentative identification of several other types encountered during this study, at least at the genus level. No significant differences were noticed between natural and artificial stands in the relative richness of mycorrhizal types found on A. alba, indicating the maturity of the artificial stand with regard to succession of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used for visualization of mycorrhizal structures formed by Lactarius spp., without the need for specific staining with a fluorochrome, thanks to latex autofluorescence. This technique allowed observation of several structures in greater detail than with conventional light microscopy. Accepted: 13 February 1998  相似文献   

米蛾体内Wolbachia的wsp基因序列测定与系统发育分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Wolbachia是广泛分布于节肢动物体内的一类共生菌, 它们参与多种调控寄主的生殖活动机制。通过对wsp基因的特异性扩增和测序,发现了Wolbachia在米蛾Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)体内的感染。利用所测序列和其他已发表的序列建立系统树,结果表明米蛾体内Wolbachia属于B大组的Pip类群,与其寄生物茧蜂及赤眼蜂中的Wolbachia各株系遗传距离相差较远。据此推测米蛾体内感染的Wolbachia不是由寄生物(茧蜂、赤眼蜂)水平传播所致。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on natural Korean fir forests (Abies koreana) growing In Mount Halla in Jeju Island, Korea (33°13-36′ N and 126° 12-57′ E). Mount Halla is the highest mountain (1950 m a.s.l.) in South Korea. On the Korean fir forests near the top of Mount Halla in Korea, we established permanent plots between dieback and healthy population. Each permanent plot includes both dieback and relatively healthy Korean fir individuals. Three sites in this study showed similar altitude, topographic position, aspects, slope, diameter at breast height, average height and ages. Net photosynthetic rates (PN) on different temperature regimes were evaluated to explain the forest dieback phenomenon on Korean fir populations. Light response curves were determined on three different temperature regimes: 15℃, 20℃and 25℃. The Irradiance response curve showed higher values in lower air temperatures. Generally, Irradiance response curves of healthy Korean fir populations were higher than the dieback population at all sites.  相似文献   

The plants of the genus Abies are dominant and key species in dark conifer forest in the Northern Hemisphere. There are 52 species, 1 subspecies and 12 varities of genus Abies in the world. The history and modern distribution ofAbies were discussed at present paper. The genus has 3 modern distributional centers: South Europe, North America and East Asia. These areas are also rich in fossil records. The vertical distribution regions of Abies are from sea level to 4 700m, concentrated in 1 000 - 2 000 m (15 species ) and 2 500 - 4 000 m ( 13 species ). In China, the genus distributes in 20 provinces, especially abundant in the Hengduan Mountians. Meanwhile endemic and relic phenomea are obvious in this genus. There are 7 relical species with both limited individuals and limited distributed regions. Based on the fossil records and the newest phylogenetic data, the following hypothesis was proposed: Abies originated from the mid- and high altitude of the Northern Hemisphere in the Middle Cretaceous and it was dispersed forward to the south area in the Eocene due to global climate cooler down. The distribution of Abies was deeply impacted by geological events such as upleft of Himalaya, Alps, Rocky Mountains, the occurrence of Aisan Monsoon as well as Quaternary glaciers. Finally the currentdistribution pattern appeared at the Quaternary. The genus Abies has similar fossil history and modern distribution pattern with Cathaya and Pseudolarix.  相似文献   

Growth response of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) to climate was studied across its local geographical and elevation range in the Olympic Mountains, Washington. A dendroecological analysis of subalpine fir across a range of elevations (1350-1850 m) and annual precipitation (125-350 cm y?1), was used to compare environmental factors affecting growth. Climate-growth relationships were explored using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients; partial correlation analysis was used to assess relationships among site chronologies and climatic variables. Radial growth is negatively correlated with winter precipitation at high elevation and wet sites, but not at low and middle elevation dry sites. Growth is positively correlated with current growing season temperature at all sites; however, growth is negatively correlated with previous year August temperature, indicating that climate affects growth in subsequent years. Positive correlations between growth and summer precipitation during the growing season at low and middle elevation dry sites suggest that soil moisture is partially limiting to growth on these sites. If the climate of the Pacific Northwest becomes warmer and drier, then subalpine fir growth may increase at high elevation and wet sites, but may decrease at lower elevation dry sites in the Olympic Mountains. However, the growth response of subalpine fir to potentially rapid climate change will not be uniform because subalpine fir grows over a wide range of topographic features, habitats, and local climates at different geographical scales. A comparison of growth response to current growing season temperature suggests that the temperature-related growth response of subalpine fir is not adequately described by the parabolic curve used in JABOWA-based models.  相似文献   

The hydraulic architecture of balsam fir (Abies balsamea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf-specific conductivities (LSCs – hydraulic conductivity per dry weight of supplied leaves). Huber values (transverse sapwood area per dry weight of supplied leaves), specific conductivity (hydraulic conductivity per transverse sapwood area) and tracheid diameters were measured throughout the trunk and crown of 20-year-old trees of Abies balsamca (L.) Mill. Measured specific conductivity was proportional to the radius to the fourth power of tracheids. LSCs, which indicate the relative water availability to different plant parts, are much higher in the trunk than in first order branches, and lowest in second order branches. The structural basis for this "hydraulic hierarchy" lies both in Huber values and in tracheid diameters. For similar diameter stem segments, there was no statistically significant difference for trunks versus branches in specific conductivity. However, in old parts of the tree, trunks are wider than supported branches and producer wider tracheids resulting in greater specific conductivities than in branches. In vigorous trees with strong apical control, Huber values were 12.0 times greater in the trunk than in similar diameter branch segments. In slow-growing trees with weak apical control, Huber values were 2.2 times greater in the trunk versus similar branch segments.  相似文献   


The somaclonal variation analysis was conducted on callus of 57 lines obtained by the method of somatic embryogenesis from six zygotic embryos (with different genotypes) of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) located in two mountain regions in the south of Poland. The somaclonal variation at the DNA level was estimated using RAPD markers and the data produced were used to estimate the level of similarity using Jaccard’s coefficient. For RAPD analysis, 24 ten‐nucleotide primers from the groups OPA, OPB and OPG were used. Two genotypes deriving from Krynica and My?lenice showed high genetic similarity (Jaccard’s coefficient 0.74 and 0.83), which provides a substantial chance for producing firs with the parental genotype. The remaining four genotypes showed somaclonal variation (average Jaccard’s coefficient approx. 0.5). The significance in variation of the research sites was ascertained by the ANOVA statistical test, which showed the impact of genotype, type of medium and phytohormones included in it on the variation among the fir lines bred in vitro. The somaclonal variation data in silver fir could be useful for its propagation through in vitro culture, and in generating detailed genetic maps of this species.  相似文献   


Peroxidase activity was monitored during somatic embryogenesis of white fir (Abies concolor Gord. et Glend) starting from a non-embryogenic callus. Results revealed profound differences between non-embryogenic and embryogenic calli with an elevated level of enzyme activity in non-embryogenic ones. Precotyledonary, early cotyledonary and late cotyledonary stages of somatic embryogenesis were characterized by a substantially reduced peroxidase activity compared to callus tissues and regenerated plantlets. Changes in peroxidase activity are as a rule paralleled by variation in isoenzyme composition. The utility of the enzyme in the induction stage of somatic embryogenesis in white fir is proposed.  相似文献   

Aims Age structure and regeneration dynamics have been used to infer population response to environmental events and reconstruct forest development history. The aim of this study was to characterize and examine the differences of the age structure and regeneration dynamics of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest across the altitudinal range in the north and south aspects in the Shennongjia Mountains, central China.Methods Ten plots (20×20 m) at each altitudinal zone (i.e. the low elevation, the middle elevation and the high elevation) were established in both the north and south aspects of the Shennongjia Mountains, central China. Dendroecological techniques were applied to obtain information about ages of the trees in the plots. The population age structure was analyzed to investigate the regeneration dynamics across the altitudinal range.Important findings Fir regeneration dynamics and age structure were similar in both aspects, and a unimodal population age structure was found at different altitudinal sites of both aspects, indicating that environmental factors might play an important role in shaping the regeneration dynamics and age structure of A. fargesii across its altitudinal range. There was a sustained recruitment during the 19th century, but the regeneration was rarer in the last century at low and midelevations. A significant greater number of fir seedlings and saplings recruited at high elevations in the last century, and fir tree density at high elevations was significantly higher than that at low elevations. Thus, the fir population at the high elevations showed a significant increase in recruitment and stem density in the last century, and we propose that the gradual infilling of fir seedlings might result in changes in regeneration dynamics and stand structure of the subalpine fir forest at high elevations in the Shennongjia Mountains, central China.  相似文献   

Wang J  Abbott RJ  Peng YL  Du FK  Liu JQ 《Heredity》2011,107(4):362-370
It remains unclear how speciation history might contribute to species-specific variation and affect species delimitation. We examined concordance between cytoplasmic genetic variation and morphological taxonomy in two fir species, Abies chensiensis and A. fargesii, with overlapping distributions in central China. Range-wide genetic variation was investigated using mitochondrial (mt) and plastid (pt) DNA sequences, which contrast in their rates of gene flow. Four mtDNA haplotypes were recovered and showed no obvious species' bias in terms of relative frequency. In contrast, a high level of ptDNA variation was recorded in both species with 3 common ptDNA haplotypes shared between them and 21 rare ptDNA haplotypes specific to one or other species. We argue that the lack of concordance between morphological and molecular variation between the two fir species most likely reflects extensive ancestral polymorphism sharing for both forms of cytoplasmic DNA variation. It is feasible that a relatively fast mutation rate for ptDNA contributed to the production of many species-specific ptDNA haplotypes, which remained rare due to insufficient time passing for their spread and fixation in either species, despite high levels of intraspecific ptDNA gene flow. Our phylogeographic analyses further suggest that polymorphisms in both organelle genomes most likely originated during and following glacial intervals preceding the last glacial maximum, when species distributions became fragmented into several refugia and then expanded in range across central China.  相似文献   

Aim  Previous studies have failed to reconstruct the regional post-glacial migration pattern of Abies alba in southern France. Based on the first exhaustive compilation of palaeoecological data in this region, we present the state-of-the-art and attempt to synthesize the available information concerning glacial refugia and post-glacial migration, and analyse the information with regard to climate and orography.
Location  South-western Alps and adjacent areas, southern France.
Methods  The work compiles the available palaeoecological data in the south-western Alps (52 sites, 290 radiocarbon dates). The post-glacial migration pattern of Abies alba is reconstructed based on 22 selected palynological analyses (11 well-dated reference sites and 11 supplementary ones).
Results  The geographical patterns of approaching area limit, immigration and expansion are reconstructed at the scale of the southern French Alps.
Main conclusions  Despite previous assertions, the evidence of refugia in southern France is non-existent. The late-glacial records of fir pollen, previously interpreted in French Mediterranean regions and on adjacent foot-hills as possibly reflecting regional refugia, most probably correspond to reworking phenomena or long-distance pollen transport. Fir migration, originating in the Apennine refugia and through the south-western extremity of the Alps, was extremely rapid in the southern French Alps, only spanning a few centuries between 10,100 and 9800 cal. yr bp . The subsequent spread of fir populations was controlled by local parameters, such as the aridity of the inner valleys, which resulted in a delayed expansion in comparison to other regions. Abies almost disappeared from the south-western Alps during the Roman era, around 2000 cal. yr bp .  相似文献   

The eastern‐Mediterranean Abies taxa, which include both widely distributed species and taxa with minuscule ranges, represent a good model to study the impacts of range size and fragmentation on the levels of genetic diversity and differentiation. To assess the patterns of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among eastern‐Mediterranean Abies taxa, genetic variation was assessed by eight nuclear microsatellite loci in 52 populations of Abies taxa with a focus on those distributed in Turkey and the Caucasus. Both at the population and the taxon level, the subspecies or regional populations of Abies nordmanniana s.l. exhibited generally higher allelic richness, private allelic richness, and expected heterozygosity compared with Abies cilicica s.l. Results of both the Structure analysis and distance‐based approaches showed a strong differentiation of the two A. cilicica subspecies from the rest as well as from each other, whereas the subspecies of A. nordmanniana were distinct but less differentiated. ABC simulations were run for a set of scenarios of phylogeny and past demographic changes. For A. ×olcayana, the simulation gave a poor support for the hypothesis of being a taxon resulting from a past hybridization, the same is true for Abies equi‐trojani: both they represent evolutionary branches of Abies bornmuelleriana.  相似文献   

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