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The influence of afforestation with cedars on field layer vegetation and on the germinable soil seed-bank were investigated along a 60-m transect merging from open grassland to sparse and dense canopy cover. A total of 132 species were found, 76 in the seed-bank and 109 in the vegetation, with 53 species in common. Conifer cover was not found to be associated with a decrease in total number of species in the vegetation or seed-bank, but the mean number of species in the vegetation, total cover in field layer vegetation and mean number of individuals in the seed-bank decreased significantly from grassland to forest stands. The grassland seed-bank was dominated by Saxifraga tridactylites and Veronica agrestis; the seed-bank of plots of scattered cedars was dominated by Trifolium incarnatum ssp. molinerii; and that of dense cedar plantations was dominated by Campanula rapunculus. The number and cover of grassland species of field layer vegetation decreased in the forest, with respect to open grassland, and the same trend was found for density of individuals in the seed-bank. It is concluded that grassland restoration by cutting cedars cannot rely on the presence of grassland species in the soil seed-bank.  相似文献   

The germinable soil seed-store of the northern jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest was found to average 767 seeds m?2 (range:377–1579 seeds m?2) over six randomly selected plots within a range of forest sites. A total of 68 different taxa of vascular plants were recognized following heating and glasshouse tray germination tests of field-collected soils. Both the qualitative and quantitative composition of the soil seed-bank were dominated by annuals and sub-shrubs. Because less than 10% of the seed of the soil was from species of the dominant tree and woody shrub strata, there were major floristic differences between the existing flora and the composition of the soil seed-bank. The influences of the soil seed-bank on rehabilitation of disturbed jarrah forest lands and current fire management are discussed.  相似文献   

Genet survival in seeds of Acacia suaveolens was examined through both dispersal and dormancy in the soil in populations near Sydney. Following initial passive seed-fall, the majority of seeds lie within a 1 m radius of the stem of the parent. Further dispersal is predominately mediated by ants. A. suaveolens seeds possess an elaiosome which attracts ants. When elaiosomes are removed, the potential for further dispersal of seeds is greatly reduced. Three species of ant disperse seeds of A. suaveolens and the fate of seeds following ant dispersal was observed to depend on the particular species of ant involved. Ants of both Iridomyrmex sp. and Pheidole sp. B are too small to drag seeds and, instead, ants of these species usually remove the elaiosome in situ, with little dispersal of the-seed resulting. Ants of Pheidole sp. A are larger and disperse seeds further, frequently taking them into their nests where the elaisosome is removed. Seeds are retained inside the nests and incorporated into the floors and walls of passageways and chambers. Several supposed ‘advantages’ of myrmecochory were examined but none were verified. Instead, two distinct ‘disadvantages’ were identified. These were: burial of seeds by ants of Pheidole sp. A into ‘unsafe sites’; and too deep a burial of seeds in nests for seeds to receive a stimulus to germinate during fires, and for seedlings to emerge successfully. Outside nests of Pheidole sp. A. seeds are concentrated in the top 5 cm of the soil, whilst within nests of these ants, seeds are found up to 15 cm deep. The dynamics of various components of the soil seed-bank were examined using seeds buried in nylon mesh containers. The seed-bank is persistent without annual recruitment to seedlings, enabling a population to persist as seeds after all above-ground plants have perished.  相似文献   

The size and species composition of the soil seed-bank in a remnant patch of each of three structurally and floristically distinct rainforests (Complex Mesophyll Vine Forest, Complex Notophyll Vine Forest and Semi-Evergreen Vine Thicket) were assessed. Seeds of 94 species germinated from 12 surface soil samples collected from each site. All three seed-banks were composed mostly of herbs characteristic of roadsides and agricultural land, and pioneer rainforest trees and shrubs. Agglomerative classifications indicated that the seed-bank samples from each rainforest remnant had a characteristic species composition and could be distinguished reliably from seed-bank samples drawn from other sites. Seeds of species present in the standing forest were poorly represented in the seed-banks except for one long-lived pioneer tree, Dendrocnide photinophylla, at one site. The seed-bank from the seasonally dry vine thicket was significantly larger (4000 seeds m-2) than those from the two moister sites (400–600 seeds m-2, contained more seeds of roadside and agricultural herbs, and fewer seeds of rainforest pioneer and secondary shrubs and trees. We suggest three explanations for the different seed-bank structure observed in the seasonally dry forest site. First, with increased deciduousness in rainforests, seed-banks are increasingly subject to invasion and domination by seeds of rapidly maturing herbs. Second, long-lived seeds that germinate in canopy gaps would be less likely to accumulate under deciduous forests because they would he exposed annually to conditions suitable for germination. Third, chronic disturbance by cattle and pigs produces sites suitable for the establishment of rapidly maturing herbs, and possibly disperses their seeds into the forest.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire-triggered release from seed dormancy is a characteristic of many Australian plant species. We investigated aspects of the seed-bank dynamics and dormancy characteristics in seeds of Grevillea barklyana, an understorey shrub of coastal sclerophyll vegetation in the Jervis Bay Region on the south coast of New South Wales. We used two soil core sizes to compare the number and distribution of stored seeds in soil cores taken from underneath and outside the limits of plant canopies at three study sites. Core size did not affect the estimate of seed density. No seeds were found outside the existing canopies. Even in under-canopy samples, seed numbers were small. Mean seed densities were estimated as 10. 9, 14. 1 and 4. 3 seeds per for the three sites. A hierarchical series of laboratory experiments was used to test the germination response of both fresh and soil-stored seeds. Likewise, we attempted to simulate ‘natural’ disturbance conditions in a glasshouse experiment. Both laboratory and glasshouse experiments indicated polymorphism in germination behaviour. A constant proportion of seeds exhibited enforced dormancy, when moist at room temperature, while a smaller number of seeds showed either an induced dormancy or a non-seed-coat linked innate dormancy. The majority (75%) of seeds were innately dormant due to a hard seed-coat. This dormancy was broken when the seed-coat was damaged, for instance, by heat. The level of polymorphic germination behaviour will be dependent on the length of the inter-fire periods. We conclude that the expression of polymorphism within and between species across a range of environments and fire regimes is an important consideration for any further study attempting to assess the role of the seed-bank.  相似文献   

Abstract It is hypothesized that plant species that produce vertebrate-dispersed seeds (fleshy fruits and brightly coloured arillate seeds) would not be common in fire-prone vegetation because seeds are deposited on the soil surface and are unlikely to survive fires. They have not previously been known to have any means of burial that would enable them to await the next fire as a buried soil seed-bank. We studied vertebrate-dispersed species in fire-prone sclerophyll vegetation to look at mechanisms used by vertebrate-dispersed plants for persisting in these environments. Seeds do not survive heating to 150°C, although species from fire-prone environments are more likely to tolerate moderate heating (80°C) without affecting viability than vertebrate-dispersed species from environments where fire is rare. Most vertebrate-dispersed species have the capacity to regenerate vegetatively, although they are not more likely to have this strategy than ant-dispersed species. Finally, ants do take vertebrate-dispersed seeds and fruits (particularly small ones) indicating the potential for the formation of a soil seed-bank. Some species only persist in fire-prone environments by recolonizing from unburnt areas.  相似文献   

Survivorship in Acacia suaveolens was assessed through seedling and adult stages. Moisture stress was found to be the critical factor limiting early seedling survival. Both seedling and adult populations were characterized by periods of low mortality interspersed with pulses of high mortality. A composite survivorship curve for A. suaveolens based on nine sites predicts that some 20–25 years after afire, established plants should disappear from the above-ground flora if another fire does not occur. Fecundity and survivorship data were used to estimate the flux of seed in the soil over time in a hypothetical A. suaveolens population. From this it was predicted that, following establishment of plants after a fire, the seed-bank would rapidly reach a maximum after 6 years and thereafter slowly decline, until after 60 years there would be only as many seeds as there were original parental plants. The situation would vary with predispersal seed predation, seed predation on the soil surface, seed dispersal by ants to ‘unsafe sites’ and the size of the initial seed-bank prior to establishment. Only after a very long inter-fire period would A. suaveolens be eliminated from a site. Elimination of the species is also possible under very frequent fires. A 2–5 year fire-free period is needed for plants to reach maturity and another 6 years are needed to maximize seed input into the soil seed-bank. In addition, seedling recruitment following cool burns is low to non-existent as dormancy is not broken for most seeds in the soil during such burns.  相似文献   


On the moors studied Vaccinium myrtillus produced many berries containing highly viable seed, yet seedlings were rare. Offtake of berries by birds or mammalian herbivores was apparently minor, most berries simply falling from the bushes when ripe. Fallen berries quickly disappeared, probably being removed by small rodents. Berries were fed experimentally to captive field voles and capercaillies, and it was found that only c. 1% of the seeds survived. For the voles, most of these viable seeds probably resulted from contamination of the droppings with partially-eaten berries or discarded extracted seeds, processes which must contribute to dispersal in the wild. The soil seed-bank was shown to be small, and the viability of buried seed declined from c. 90% to c. 20% in 3 years, due to decay in the soil H horizon and premature germination in the litter layer. Fewer seedlings established from experimental sowings on grass and Vaccinium myrtillus turf than on bare peat. We conclude that Vaccinium myrtillus has a seed-dispersal strategy which secures some long-distance movement by frugivores at the expense of much lost seed, and that the small seed-bank and low numbers of seedlings result from poor defence of the seeds and weak competitive ability of the seedlings; other attributes of Vaccinium myrtillus, e.g. efficient vegetative reproduction, compensate for these losses and enable it to be a successful species.  相似文献   

Mediterranean ecosystems comprise the second biodiversity hotspot area after tropical rain forests and will be most affected by global climate change. Therefore, it is important to understand community dynamics for effective conservation in this region. We investigated the relationships between soil moisture, nitrogen forms and community structuring in Quercus ilexL., Erica arborea L. and Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach communities, representing different successional stages, distributed as Mediterranean enclaves on the Sinop Peninsula (Turkey). The soil moisture, ammonium, nitrate and nitrite content were measured seasonally. Differences in these abiotic parameters within and between communities over seasons were tested. Previously collected biotic data were then used to analyze the relationship between soil parameters and community structure. Significant differences in soil parameters within and between seasons were found within and between communities. Our results show that there are different relationships between soil moisture, nitrogen forms and community structure in Mediterranean plant communities representing different successional stages. Differentiation in vegetation structure during succession cause changes especially in the water and nitrate content of the soil, and these changes in turn affect the continuity of community structure in Mediterranean plant communities.  相似文献   

The role of the individual origin of seeds in the variability of demographic parameters within a seed-bank has been little studied despite the recognition of its important contribution to species adaptation strategies to environmental constraints. This study analyzed the seed-bank dynamics of Cytisus scoparius, a small woody species with a high aptitude for colonization and dominance. Our experimental setup made it possible to monitor seed emergence dynamics in situ for maternal individuals within the study population. In addition to the characteristic traits of the species (maximum seed life span between 4 and 5 years in 75 % of the cases), there was a high variability of the emergence dynamics between individuals, distinguished both by their total emergence rate and profile. The total emergence rate of seeds was correlated with their quality (seed weight and number of seeds per pod), but was unrelated to either maternal age or fecundity. Different emergence profiles can be recognized between two distinct patterns: on one hand, a strategy that concentrates on emergence in the second year and, on the other, a regular decrease of the germinant number over time. The coexistence of different seed-bank strategies between individuals results in the ability for the population to face to disturbances and environmental variability.  相似文献   

Abstract. The soil seed bank composition was determined at four sites in the dune slack ‘Koegelwieck’ on the Dutch Wadden Sea island of Terschelling. At three different sites in the slack, where sod-cutting experiments down to the mineral sand had been carried out, the established vegetation and seed bank were assessed after 5, 9 and 39 yr of undisturbed development, respectively. In addition, a fourth site in the slack was investigated, where vegetation development had proceeded for 80 yr since plant colonization of bare soil and where nowadays a vegetation dominated by Calamagrostis epigejos and Salix repens occurs. Together these four sites can be regarded as a chronosequence of dune slack formation. Clear time sequences were detected in the seed bank data. Many late successional species showed a significant increase in the number of seeds during the succession. Some of the early successional basiphilous pioneer species such as Anagallis minima, Centaurium littorale, Littorella uniflora, Radiola linoides and Samolus valerandi, showed either a decrease during the time of succession or an optimum in the vegetation while remaining present in the seed bank in low but detectable numbers. They could, therefore, play a role in re-establishment of the vegetation after sod-cutting. One of the target species, Schoenus nigricans, established within a few years after removal of the sod. However, no seeds of this species have been detected in the soil below either of the successional stages. Based on the species disappearance from the established vegetation and based on the independent data of Thompson et al. (1997) an estimation of seed longevity could be made for several Red List species of wet dune slacks.  相似文献   

采用长期定位观测的方法,研究了祁连山北坡退化林地人工抚育下2001-2008年间植被群落的自然恢复过程和土壤特征变化。结果表明:人为干扰消除后,退化林地群落环境逐渐优化,群落的科、属、种均明显增加,物种成员更替频繁;灌木和乔木物种出现后,群落垂直高度增大,群落结构出现成层现象;群落总体多样性指数呈不断增大的趋势,在空间结构上,Patrick丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson优势度指数表现出:草本层>灌木层>乔木层的规律,而Pielou均匀度指数变化相反;土壤含水量、土壤有机碳和全氮含量随植被恢复均不断增加。在实施封育禁牧措施后,退化林地实现了由草本群落-灌木群落-乔木群落方向的快速演替,当恢复到早期的先锋乔灌混交阶段时,群落的物种组成、结构和多样性趋于复杂化,土壤性状也得到一定改善,显示出相对较好的适应性和恢复效果。  相似文献   

干旱荒漠白刺灌丛植被演替过程土壤种子库变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马全林  卢琦  魏林源  靳虎甲 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2285-2294
土壤种子库是反映气候与土地利用变化的指示器,也是荒漠植被更新与恢复的基础。典型荒漠白刺灌丛植被广泛分布于我国西北绿洲边缘地带,对保护绿洲免受风沙危害发挥着重要作用。但是,对干旱荒漠白刺灌丛植被土壤种子库仍未见研究报道。应用空间代替时间的方法,选择石羊河下游白刺灌丛植被演替的初始阶段、稳定阶段、衰退阶段与严重衰退阶段样地,研究了白刺灌丛植被演替过程的土壤种子库物种组成、时空分布和数量变化特征。结果表明:石羊河下游白刺灌丛植被演替过程中,土壤种子库共出现9科18种植物,其中草本植物占到55%—80%,是白刺灌丛植被土壤种子库的主体。不同演替阶段土壤种子库密度以稳定阶段最高,达到660.7粒/m2,是初始阶段、衰退阶段和严重衰退阶段的5.6、14.5倍和6.2倍。不同沙堆部位,土壤种子库密度以迎风坡中部与背风坡中部最高,分别达到329粒/m2和309粒/m2;沙堆土壤种子库密度是堆间地的1.9倍,土壤种子库主要分布于灌丛沙堆上。不同演替阶段土壤种子库间的相似性系数均在0.6以下,除稳定阶段外,其他阶段间均属于中等相似水平;土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性系数均在0.5以上,达到中等相似或极相似水平。该研究进一步证明了灌丛沙堆和土壤种子库在白刺灌丛植被中的重要性,也说明人为干扰损害了白刺灌丛地下潜在植被及其恢复潜力。因此,需要开展人工种子库或人工植被建设以控制干旱荒漠白刺灌丛沙堆活化,并实现退化白刺灌丛植被恢复。  相似文献   

The seed-bank dynamics of cerrado, a savanna-like vegetation type in central Brazil, was monitored for a year after a fire event in the mid-dry season. Fifty paired soil and litter samples were collected 1 day before and 1 day after the fire to record the immediate effects on the seed bank, and thereafter at monthly intervals to investigate the post-fire seed bank dynamics. The samples were hand-sorted and the intact seeds were classified as monocot or dicot and counted. All seeds underwent germination trials in a germination chamber for 1 month. Seeds that did not germinate were checked for the presence and viability of the embryo. The sorted soil samples were placed in a greenhouse for 6 months, and the count of emerging seedlings was added to the number of germinated and dormant seeds from the germination trials to estimate the total number of viable seeds per sample. The fire did not affect the total seed-bank density: 63 ± 8 seeds m?2 before the fire, and 83 ± 20 seeds m?2 (mean ± se) immediately after it. Although monocots represented 65 % of the pre-fire seed bank, 1 year after the fire, the monocot seed density did not reach the pre-fire value, whereas the density of dicot seeds increased threefold. After the fire, the viable seed density and species richness, decreased with the onset of the rainy season coinciding with germination in the field. Therefore, post-fire recruitment increases genetic variability and contributes to the persistence of plant populations in cerrado communities.  相似文献   

Seed banks are of vital importance for local plant persistence and recruitment, for maintaining both plant and genetic diversity and for habitat restoration. Yet, seed-bank dynamics, particularly on the long term and in deciduous forests, remain poorly understood. Additionally, information on compositional seed-bank differences under contrasting tree canopies remains scarce.This study aims at quantifying long-term seed-bank dynamics by sampling vegetation and seed banks along a four-stage successional chronosequence (40, 80, 120 and 250 years) using 12 10 m×10 m plots per forest stand age–class under fully developed oak–hornbeam and beech canopies.Seed banks were remarkably abundant and diverse. Species richness and seed density declined steeply with forest stand age, regardless of canopy species. Seed-bank composition differed significantly with stand age, yet also with tree species. Most likely, tree species-dependent ecosystem engineer effects on light availability and possibly also litter quality affect the seed bank through the vegetation. Compositional differences between seed banks from stands with a different canopy diminished with increasing stand age, possibly due to a gradual loss of species with a less persistent seed bank.Long-term seed-bank dynamics in deciduous forests seem to consist predominantly of a unidirectional and predictable depletion of the seed bank as long as large disturbances, which would allow seed-bank replenishment of early-successional species, are lacking. Furthermore, forest seed-banks appear to converge upon a characteristic seed bank in the later stages of forest development, irrespective of canopy composition, driven by seed-bank depletion and limited input from the herb layer.  相似文献   

  • 1 The relationship of the seed bank to the vegetation of a freshwater marsh was studied along gradients of water depth and soil organic matter content. Characters examined included standing crop, seedling density, and species composition, distribution and richness.
  • 2 The seed bank differed from the vegetation in that only nine of twenty-seven species were present in both, abundant seed-bank species were uncommon as adults, and adults showed different distributions along a gradient of soil organic matter content whereas their seeds were most abundant in soils with high organic matter.
  • 3 The seed bank resembled the vegetation in that separate multivariate analyses of the communities revealed that variation in the species composition of each was significantly correlated with water depth and soil organic matter content. Further, species richness in both communities decreased with water depth and increased with soil organic matter content. Lastly, the standing crop of the vegetation and the number of seedlings both decreased with water depth and increased with soil organic matter.
  • 4 Consideration of spatial patterns and environmental gradients revealed more similarities between vegetation and seed banks than were obtained by comparing species lists. The results suggest that artificial stimulation of seed bank germination for management purposes will not produce vegetation changes as large as those suggested by differences in species lists.

Free-ranging large herbivores can influence vegetation dynamics through seed dispersal within and among habitats. We investigated the content of germinable seeds in the dung (endozoochory) of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.), the most ubiquitous wild ungulate throughout the European Alps, and compared the results with the species composition of the vegetation type in which the dung was dropped. The study was conducted in the subalpine zone of the Swiss National Park and included the three most important vegetation types for red deer: (i) intensively grazed short-grass vegetation, (ii) less intensively grazed tall-grass vegetation, and (iii) adjacent conifer forest understory vegetation. Seeds of 47 species, mostly from small-seeded herbaceous species, were recorded in dung samples with three species accounting for 65% of germinated seeds. Our results confirmed the hypotheses that (H1) small-seeded species were more likely to occur in red deer dung than larger-seeded species, though seed size was unrelated to seed density, (H2) red deer dung contained mostly seeds from short-grass vegetation, with seed species composition in dung collected from any vegetation type being most similar to species composition of relevés from short-grass vegetation, and (H3) seeds were less likely to be dispersed between vegetation types than within vegetation types, with dung dropped in short-grass vegetation having a different species composition and containing over twice as many seeds as dung dropped in the other two vegetation types. These results collectively support the hypothesis that red deer endozoochory contributes to maintaining short-grass vegetation, the favoured grazing sites of hinds in the Swiss National Park, by increasing propagule pressure of seeds from herbaceous forage species adapted to endozoochory relative to other species and especially those from later stages of secondary succession.  相似文献   

The vegetation near the summit of the volcano Usu was destroyed during eruptions in 1977 and 1978 by 1–3 m thick layers of volcanic deposits. Thereafter, the vegetation gradually recovered and by 1984 134 plant species were recognized of which 95 species had established by vegetative reproduction, 18 by seed immigration from elsewhere, 5 by artificial introduction for soil erosion control and 17 species from viable seeds buried in the former topsoil. The summit area was still covered by thick layers of volcanic ash, which were however rapidly eroded by rains. Vegetatively reproducing plants such as Petasites japonicus var. giganteus and Polygonum sachalense contribute more effectively to the revegetation process than plants of other types of origin.  相似文献   

Although zonation patterns of the standing vegetation along a water depth gradient in wetlands have been well described, few studies have explored whether such patterns also occur in the seed bank. This study examined patterns of the seed bank along a water depth gradient in three vegetation types (submerged zone, floating-leaved zone, and emergent zone) of a subtropical lakeshore marsh, Longgan Lake, China. Submerged zone is the deepest water and never exposed its soil to air, and was dominant by submerged species; floating-leaved zone is waterlogged soil even during drawdown and was dominant by Nelumbo nucifera; emergent zone is rarely exceeded 1 m water depth during the wet season (summer and autumn), and the marsh soil was usually exposed to air during drawdown (winter and spring), and is dominant by Zizania latifolia, Polygonum hydropiper and Scirpus yagara. It was found that many species were ubiquitous in the seed bank. Frequency of distribution and densities of the dominant species, however, varied significantly from zone to zone. A total of 22 species was recorded in submerged zone, 20 in floating-leaved zone, and 29 in emergent zone. Germinated seedling density was 1,580, 8,994 and 20,424 seedlings m−2 in submerged zone, floating-leaved zone, and emergent zone, respectively. Submerged and floating-leaved species were significantly abundant in the submerged zone, while the emergent species were found predominantly in the emergent zone. A fern species, Ceratopsis pterioides, was the most abundant seedling in seed banks from all three zones. A TWINSPAN dendrogram and CCA ordination diagram clearly showed separation of species among sites with the emergent zone being well separated from the submerged zone and floating-leaved zone, thus revealing marked zonal patterns in species distributions in the seed bank. This pattern of zonation reflected the pattern in the standing vegetation.  相似文献   

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