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演习林是日本通过农林院校管辖和运行的自然林地与人工林, 兼具科教、生物多样性保护、生态旅游与林木生产等功能。演习林的责、权、利明确, 能够实现长期、稳定的保护与利用, 与自然保护区、国家公园既有区别又相辅相成, 是日本经济协调发展与快速实现生态恢复的一个重要保障。目前, 日本约有30所高等院校拥有演习林, 演习林面积约占日本森林总面积的5‰, 其中东京大学的演习林建立最早、运行与管理机制最为完善。演习林主要有三大功能: 教学实践、科学研究、社会服务。演习林主要负责人是大学教师, 教师既参与科教也参与管理, 实现了教授治校、科教与社会服务的协调发展。当前, 我国正处于生物多样性保护的转型期和国家公园试点建设的关键阶段, 农林类高校或研究所可借鉴日本演习林制度, 主动参与到国家“绿水青山就是金山银山”的绿色发展理念和实践中; 涉及生物学与农林学科的科学工作者应积极承担当地自然保护区、森林公园、国家公园等的建设与管护。政府可以引导和吸纳有着充足研究经费、学术水平较高的农林与生物学类高校(特别是相关学科被列入“世界一流学科”建设行列的高校)在有条件的自然保护区或城市周边开辟高校直辖林地, 实现教学实践、研究与保护、社会服务等共建共存模式, 提升我国高校农林与生物学科研究水平, 促进我国生物多样性的可持续保护和国家公园的高标准建设。  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(2):123-130
Criteria and indicators are used in a number of sectors to assess progress towards specified goals or targets. The adoption by the Australian Government of a modified set of Montreal Process criteria and indicators to report Australia's progress towards sustainable forest management, at national and sub-national levels, has improved the ability to report comprehensively and consistently, on economic, environmental and social values. The establishment of Australia's Montreal Process Implementation Group, with members from all States and Territories representing forest conservation, production, public and private forest management, provides a strong regional ownership and guidance of the framework. The adoption of the framework by State government agencies, involved in both production and conservation forests, for reporting sustainable forest management demonstrates the framework's relevance at national and sub-national levels. A major development was the implementation, for the first time, of Australia's sustainable forest management reporting framework in Australia's State of the Forest Report 2003. The implementation process revealed issues of relevance to indicators at national and regional levels, data availability, duplication, ambiguity and gaps between some indicators. A national review of the framework is underway to improve the reporting of progress towards sustainable forest management reporting in Australia.  相似文献   

任海  文香英  廖景平  郑祥慈  杨明  周桔 《生物多样性》2022,30(4):22113-R1078
植物资源是自然生态系统的基本组成部分, 是经济社会可持续发展的重要物质来源, 植物多样性是关系到国家生态安全和生物安全的战略资源。就地保护和迁地保护是植物多样性保护的两种主要方法, 构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系是就地保护的主要形式, 构建以国家植物园为引领的植物园体系是迁地保护的主要形式, 二者相辅相成, 共同形成我国较为完整的植物多样性保护体系。通过建设国家植物园体系对我国植物多样性进行迁地保护, 同时开展科学研究、园林展示、科普教育和资源开发利用, 对深入推进生态文明建设和高质量发展具有重要意义。本文回顾了植物园的功能变迁、全球和中国植物园分布与数量以及植物迁地保护现状,讨论了植物园与植物迁地保护的关系, 在此基础上, 提出了我国国家植物园的定义及设立标准, 进而讨论了建设国家植物园体系的意义、挑战、统筹迁地保护和就地保护等问题, 最后提出了我国国家植物园体系的建设目标、管理体制、空间布局和认证等方面的建议, 以期为我国的国家植物园体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

中国生物多样性就地保护的研究与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马建章  戎可  程鲲 《生物多样性》2012,20(5):551-558
中国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,但面临着较大的生态衰退风险。中国生物多样性受到的威胁来自包括人口众多、经济发展模式单一落后、工业化进程加快、气候变化和外来物种入侵等多种因素。生物多样性的就地保护对于维护国家生态安全具有重要意义,同时也是中国可持续发展的需要。本文就中国生物多样性就地保护的研究成果和保护成就进行了回顾,提出了未来应该着重加强的研究领域。中国生物多样性的就地保护研究与实践主要集中在生物多样性资源调查、濒危物种管理和自然保护区建设等方面。中国政府在生物多样性就地保护领域开展了大量卓有成效的工作,发布实施了一系列的保护行动规划,不断提高了生物多样性的保护水平。中国的生物多样性就地保护经过了由数量发展到质量发展的阶段后,未来的研究重点应该集中在生物多样性形成与维持机制、生物多样性受胁原因与响应机制、生物多样性长期监测与评估、自然保护区有效管理和自然保护区立法等方面。  相似文献   

李愈哲  黄麟  樊江文 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2646-2659
灌丛是中国山地和干旱地区的常见植被类型,分布范围广泛、生态功能多样、经济价值可观。然而,自然资源、生态环境、国民经济等相关部门多将灌丛拆分归属于森林或草原,其重要性未能充分体现。学术界有关灌丛资源的概念、内涵未有明确统一共识,基于资源属性特点的灌丛资源分区分类体系尚未建立。草原灌丛化的发生范围、速度及其生态影响不够明确,严重影响灌丛资源的高效保护、科学管理与可持续利用。这已然成为亟需凝聚共识和深入探究的理论技术难点与实践问题。建议在科学界定灌丛资源的概念内涵、建立健全灌丛资源分类体系基础上,深入发展和应用灌丛植被多基遥感和人工智能识别技术,科学掌握不同区域灌丛变化特别是草原灌丛化的过程及原因,全面系统地评估灌丛化的生态经济影响,优化分区分类灌丛管理利用策略,促进灌丛资源可持续管理和利用。  相似文献   

This article examines the perception of the Bhotiya tribal community on the use and conservation of natural resources in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR), north-western Himalaya in India with an objective of identifying the bottlenecks in the sustainable management of forest resources of NDBR through people’s participation. Despite, 85% of the respondents supporting the concept of conservation of forest resources, management decisions such as ban on mountaineering activities by creation of the Nanda Devi National Park (NDNP) in 1982 and NDBR in 1988, developed negative attitude among local people towards NDBR management, mainly because of restricted access to the forest resources for their livelihood. Promotion of some alternative income generating activities to reduce the dependence on natural resources was responded positively by the local people.  相似文献   

中国实施2020年全球生物多样性目标的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对日益严峻的生物多样性丧失形势,国际社会于2010年通过了《生物多样性战略计划》(2011-2020年)。该战略计划确定了2020年全球生物多样性目标。采用“压力-状态-惠益-响应”模型,建立了评估2020年目标进展的指标体系。该指标体系包括生物多样性现状、生态系统服务、压力和响应4个方面,涉及17个一级指标、42个二级指标。研究表明,除目标2、16和18因缺乏相应指标无法评估外,目标1、3、4、5、7、10、11、14、15、17、19、20的相关评估指标均有不同程度的改善,表明这些目标的实施正沿着正确的轨道推进,特别是目标3(鼓励措施)、目标5(减少生境退化和丧失)、目标11(强化保护区系统和有效管理)、目标14(恢复和保障重要生态系统服务)、目标15(增强生态系统的复原力和碳储量)进展较大;但目标5中的草原生态系统保护,目标6(可持续渔业)、目标8(控制环境污染)、目标9(防治外来入侵物种)、目标12(保护受威胁物种)、目标13(保护遗传资源)的相关评估指标大多呈现恶化的趋势,表明虽然已开展了大量工作,但尚需采取更加有效的策略和措施才能实现这些目标。今后应进一步开发生物多样性价值、可持续消费、生态退化、农林渔业对生物多样性的影响、气候变化对生物多样性的影响、保护区的生态代表性和管理有效性、遗传资源和相关传统知识的获取与惠益分享等方面的指标,更加重视生态功能和生物多样性的恢复,重视濒危物种和遗传资源的保护以及外来入侵物种的防控。  相似文献   

面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标体系构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家公园具有生态系统保护、自然资源可持续利用等管理目标,这些管理目标的实现需要大量监测数据和信息的支持。对国家公园开展生态监测有助于了解国家公园内生态系统的动态变化并揭示管理活动的影响,从而为管理决策的规划和实施提供有用信息。为推动我国国家公园生态监测体系的建立,提出了面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标构建方法。该方法由确定国家公园生态监测目标、识别国家公园管理目标、识别国家公园关键生态过程、确定需要监测的生态过程并制定初始监测指标清单、确定最终监测指标清单5个部分组成。该方法在三江源国家公园进行了应用。三江源国家公园的管理目标包括生态系统保育、维持江河径流量持续稳定等13项,在区域、景观、生态系统和种群尺度上共识别出16个关键生态过程。通过匹配三江源国家公园的关键生态过程与管理目标,构建了一个由两级共93个指标组成的三江源国家公园生态监测指标体系,为三江源国家公园生态监测体系的构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Effective biodiversity conservation in national parks depends to a large extent on adjacent forest cover. While deforestation and forest fragmentation as a result of colonization and agriculture have been widespread in neotropical countries over the past few decades, in some places agricultural intensification, wage labor, and rural to urban migration are becoming the most important emerging trends. Changes like this have resulted in forest recovery in other places, mostly in temperate zones, but there have been few studies of this phenomenon in the tropics. This paper presents a case study from a national park buffer zone in Costa Rica. An expansion of Braulio Carrillo National Park (BCNP) in 1986 forced the closing of a frontier that had been characterized by spontaneous colonization and widespread forest-to-pasture conversion. After that time, the Sarapiquí region surrounding the northern sector of BCNP underwent a dramatic social and economic transformation. Population more than doubled, new roads created easy access to a coastal port and the capital city (San José), industrial agriculture and ecotourism enterprises expanded, and population and urbanization along major highways increased. In spite of government reforestation and forest protection programs and changes in rural people's attitudes favoring forest conservation, we find that there has been only slight detectable forest recovery in satellite imagery and that forest fragmentation continued, even in remote rural areas near BCNP with stable or shrinking population. We attribute this to the consolidation of landholdings into large cattle ranches and smaller hobby ranches, driven by an inflow of capital from urban areas and developed countries. This pattern has important implications for the management of this and other national park buffer zones. We suggest that strategies focused only on sustainable land use inside buffer zones are unlikely to succeed when carried out in a context of certain macro-level changes. Conservation of endangered biological resources will only be possible if we broaden our thinking about national parks and adjacent lands in the tropics to address new land ownership and use patterns that are occurring as a result of globalization, urbanization, and expanding wage labor employment.
John SchelhasEmail:

An extensive network of Protected Areas (PA) has been established across the Brazilian Amazon, but this PA system still suffers from a shortage of funding resources and environmental managers. New conservation strategies that successfully align social aspirations with biodiversity conservation are therefore imperative. Although approaches exist that demonstrate the value of biodiversity conservation for society and the local/national economy, these do not always manage to capture intrinsic values or local perspectives on natural resource conservation, and this can generate limitations in the use of these approaches as conservation tools. Here, we assessed the case of arapaima (Arapaima spp.) co-management, a well-consolidated community-based conservation initiative, through the lens of the Protected Areas Asset Framework (PAAF) to investigate the material and immaterial value of PA assets. Arapaima was clearly recognized as a key biophysical natural asset by local communities, with a significant role in terms of food, cultural, economic and conservation importance, in addition to its status as an iconic and emblematic species. This study reinforces the potential of the PAAF to identify the diverse range of values associated with PAs. Our results also encourage wider support to strengthen collaborative sustainable natural resource management programmes such as arapaima co-management, which is achieving remarkable social and ecological outcomes in rural Amazonia.  相似文献   

The expansion of artificial constructs with the rapid economic development in China has led to ecological and environmental emergencies. The extent of the decline in natural resources and environmental conditions has recently been recognized. Identifying “ecological protection redlines”, i.e. ecological limits, to guarantee ecological baselines for natural resources and ecosystem service functions would therefore help to coordinate economic development and to protect ecological resources in the coming years. We used remotely sensed and climatic data to delimit the ecological protection redlines for Zibo, a typical and important city in Shandong province, as an example to illustrate the principles and methodology of ecological protection redlines. The area of the ecological protection redlines for Zibo encompassed 1132.26 km2, accounting for 18.98% of the total area of Zibo, were mainly distributed in the southern regions of the municipality, and consisted of extremely important areas of ecosystem service functions, including water conservation, both soil and water conservation, windbreaks and sand fixation, and the conservation of biodiversity. This area is extremely sensitive, and development is forbidden. Strict measures of management and control should be implemented to protect the long-term effectiveness of ecological protection redlines.  相似文献   

Forests play a leading role in regional and global carbon (C) cycles. Detailed assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in C sinks/sources of China’s forests is critical to the estimation of the national C budget and can help to constitute sustainable forest management policies for climate change. In this study, we explored the spatio-temporal changes in forest biomass C stocks in China between 1977 and 2008, using six periods of the national forest inventory data. According to the definition of the forest inventory, China’s forest was categorized into three groups: forest stand, economic forest, and bamboo forest. We estimated forest biomass C stocks for each inventory period by using continuous biomass expansion factor (BEF) method for forest stands, and the mean biomass density method for economic and bamboo forests. As a result, China’s forests have accumulated biomass C (i.e., biomass C sink) of 1896 Tg (1 Tg=1012 g) during the study period, with 1710, 108 and 78 Tg C in forest stands, and economic and bamboo forests, respectively. Annual forest biomass C sink was 70.2 Tg C a?1, offsetting 7.8% of the contemporary fossil CO2 emissions in the country. The results also showed that planted forests have functioned as a persistent C sink, sequestrating 818 Tg C and accounting for 47.8% of total C sink in forest stands, and that the old-, mid- and young-aged forests have sequestrated 930, 391 and 388 Tg C from 1977 to 2008. Our results suggest that China’s forests have a big potential as biomass C sink in the future because of its large area of planted forests with young-aged growth and low C density.  相似文献   

中国生态用地研究:内涵、分类与时空格局   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
喻锋  李晓波  张丽君  徐卫华  符蓉  王宏 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4931-4943
生态用地具有重要的生态系统服务功能,是衡量一个地区国土生态环境质量好坏的"晴雨表"。在综述生态用地概念内涵基础上,划分生态用地类型、构建生态用地分类体系,基于全国土地利用变更调查数据对我国生态用地开展评估。研究表明:(1)生态用地内涵在区域尺度上主要有"生态要素决定论"、"生态功能决定论"和"主体功能决定论"3种观点,生态功能主体性应作为界定生态用地的基本准则。(2)基于生态系统服务主体功能,生态用地分类体系包括湿地、森林、草地和其他生态土地4个一级类型、19个二级类型。其中,湿地、森林、草地可统称为基础性生态用地,其他生态土地为保全性生态用地。(3)2008年我国生态用地总量7.64×106km2,约占陆域国土面积的80%,其中基础性生态用地约为5.31×106km2;基础性生态用地总量和人均基础性生态用地面积在空间上均呈现出"东南低、西北高"的特点;2002年至2008年间,我国生态用地总量与基础性生态用地面积均呈逐年下降态势,年均分别减少0.55×104km2和0.18×104km2,部分地区生态安全状况不容忽视。  相似文献   


Recent attempts to mitigate global change have brought forestry-based carbon (C) sequestration into sharp focus due to its potential to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. However, the consequences of actual forest management practices on C storage capacity are still controversial to a certain extent. Under such a perspective, a distinctive relevant issue concerns the management of forest ecosystems within areas specifically designated for nature conservation. From the analysis of biomass data from forests in the National Parks of Italy, we found that the average forest C stock and sink per unit area is relatively higher within National Parks (81.21 and 2.18 tons ha?1, respectively) than on the overall national territory (76.11 and 1.12 tons ha?1 year?1, respectively). The analysis confirms the influence of ecological conditions and management approach on C sequestration capacity. Although the results of the proposed assessment approach have to be considered as rough estimates, the trial proves interesting, given the relative lack of specific information, at least on a large scale, about C stocks and sinks within forest areas designated for nature conservation, and the direct comparison with those forest areas not designated to such an end. The C storage capacity can be enhanced by increasing the productivity of forests, minimizing the disturbance to stand structure and composition. Extending conservation strategies adopted in National Parks to other forest areas of the national territory would allow the restoration of C sequestration potential, where unsustainable management practices have degraded relatively large stocks of biomass.  相似文献   

中国灌木林-经济林-竹林的生态系统服务功能评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王兵  魏江生  胡文 《生态学报》2011,31(7):1936-1945
基于森林生态系统的长期连续定位观测数据和全国第五次、第六次、第七次森林资源清查数据,应用中华人民共和国林业行业标准《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721-2008)对灌木林、经济林、竹林的物质量与价值量进行了评估。结果表明:灌木林、经济林、竹林提供的服务功能价值分别为17953.56亿元?a-1、7569.35亿元?a-1、2659.01亿元?a-1,在全国森林生态服务功能总价值中占有重要的地位。涵养水源和生物多样性保护及固碳释氧是主要的生态服务功能。数量化统计分析得出灌木林生态服务功能价值在华中、华南地区较大,而由于气候等因素,在西北等干旱地区灌木林所占比例较大;经济林生态服务功能价值在西南地区较大;竹林生态服务功能价值在华中、华南地区较大。从第五次森林资源清查到第七次森林资源清查期间近20a来,灌木林、经济林、竹林森林生态服务功能价值变化不大,生态功能稳定。应清醒地认识到灌木林、经济林、竹林在维系和促进当地社会经济持续发展和环境保护中的巨大作用。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe sustainable development of forest ecology and forest management practices is inseparable from the support of forest surveys. Different sampling methods have an unavoidable impact on the collection of natural community characteristic information. An appropriate method reduces the cost of the investigation to the maximum degree under the premise of ensuring accuracy. Distance-based sampling methods are widely used because of their excellent performance in estimating forest population characteristics. The purpose of this study is to compare and find an efficient sampling method of natural broad-leaved forests in mountainous areas of Zhejiang, China, which is of great significance to large-scale field survey practice in similar areas.MethodOur study used census survey data from fixed monitoring sample plots of natural broad-leaved forest in Wuyanling National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang, China as an example and simulated different distance-based sampling methods, including n-tree distance (NTD), point-centered quarter (PCQ), and T-square (Ts), combined with several estimators to estimate the stand density and basal area. The results were compared with the actual mean values of the 100% survey.ResultWe found that different sampling methods and estimators significantly influenced the results. NTD1 overestimated both the stand density and basal area, while NTD2 performed the best, with the lowest RMSE. Secondary performance was obtained with Ts3, Ts5, and Ts6, with small RMSEs of density and basal area. The RMSEs of the PCQ and Ts sampling methods based on a single distance were all large.ConclusionThe NTD sampling method with the NTD2 estimator is recommended to estimate the stand density and basal area for field investigation of natural forests in the Zhejiang mountainous area.  相似文献   

论生态保护红线的类型划分与管控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态保护红线划定的目的是为了保护支撑人类经济社会可持续发展的自然生态系统, 实施最为严格的管控措施, 不断改善生态系统服务功能。本文根据《环境保护法》规定和国内相关研究与实践积累, 明确了生态保护红线的概念, 提出了以重点生态功能区保护红线、生态敏感区/脆弱区保护红线、禁止开发区保护红线为核心的生态保护红线体系构成。并进一步将重点生态功能区保护红线区分为陆地重点功能区(包括水源涵养区、水土保持区、防风固沙区和生物多样性维护区)和海洋重点功能区(包括海洋水产种质资源保护区、重要滨海湿地、特殊保护海岛、珍稀濒危物种集中分布区、重要渔业水域等); 将生态敏感区/脆弱区保护红线区分为陆地生态敏感区/脆弱区(土地沙化区、水土流失区、石漠化区、盐渍化区)和海洋生态敏感/脆弱区(海岸带自然岸线、红树林、重要河口、重要砂质岸线、沙源保护海域、珊瑚礁及海草床等); 禁止开发区则包含了自然保护区、世界自然文化遗产地、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园、湿地公园、饮用水水源地等类型。基于国家关于生态保护红线管控的最新要求, 提出了分级划定、分类管理的生态保护红线基本管控思路与措施, 按照管理分级和围绕生态功能保护来确定具体管控措施, 旨在为增强生态保护效果, 优化国土空间开发格局, 促进生态文明建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Enhancement and conservation of inland fisheries resources in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inland aquatic ecosystem in China have been largely influenced by large-scale economic activities and over-exploitation of aquatic resources. Fisheries resource enhancement and conservation activities have been carried out throughout China. These activities include establishing artificial fish habitat and hatchery, releasing juvenile fish to rivers and lakes, forbidding illegal fishing, and setting up natural reserves. The purpose of these activities is to restore the quantity of inland fisheries resources, guarantee sustainable development of fisheries, maintain biological diversity and keep an ecological balance. These activities, conducted with a variety of methods, numerous species, extensive water areas and large scale programs have played an active role in fisheries resource enhancement and conservation. As a consequence the inland water environment has been improved; the biological diversity and fish catch increased, and the social, ecological and economic benefits have been significantly improved. However, problems such as inappropriate technology and nonstandard operations continue to affect fisheries resource enhancement, conservation and ecological stability. This paper reviews the history and practice of inland fisheries resource enhancement and conservation in China, analyzes the existing problems and deficiencies in the activities, and finally make some recommendations on technology and procedures to sustain inland fisheries resources.  相似文献   

The current interest in non-timber forest products as an economic option for the Brazilian Amazon represents a radical departure from the policies that have guided development in the region during recent decades. Despite this interest, little is currently known about the forms of resource management or economic strategies practiced by populations dependent on such resources. In this study, we measured the annual income and expenditures of ten households on Combu Island, located in the Amazon estuary near the major port city of Belém; in addition, we documented local uses and management of natural resources on the island Average annual income per household was found to be over U.S. $4000, derived primarily from the harvest and sale of non-timber forest products. The results of this study show that the combination of proximity to a major market and appropriate resource management can lead to high and apparently sustainable economic returns.Formerly Senior Researcher at the Museu Paraense Emílio GoeldiFormerly Student Fellow at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi  相似文献   

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