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Abstract The leaves of olive are long lived and likely to experience both chilling and high temperature stress during their life. Changes in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation resulting from chilling and high temperature stress, in both dim and high light, are investigated. The quantum yield (φ) of photosynthesis at limiting light levels was reduced following chilling (at 5°C for 12 h), in dim light by approximately 10%, and in high light by 75%; the difference being attributed to photoinhibition. Similar reductions were observed in the light-saturated rate of CO2 uptake (Amax). Decrease in Amax correlated with a halving of the leaf internal CO2 concentration (ci), suggesting an increased limitation by stomata following photoinhibition. Leaves were apparently more susceptible to photoinhibitory damage if the whole plant, rather than the leaf alone, was chilled. On return to 26 °C, I he photosynthetic capacity recovered to pre-stress levels within a few hours if leaves had been chilled in high light for 8 h or less, but did not fully recover from longer periods of chilling when loss of chlorophyll occurred. Leaves which were recovering from chilling in high light showed far more damage on being chilled a second time in high light. Three hours in high light at 38 °C reduced φ by 80%, but φ recovered within 4h of return to 26 °C. Although leaves of Olive are apparently less susceptible to photoinhibitory damage during chilling stress than the short-lived leaves of chilling-sensitive annual? crops, the results nevertheless show that photoinhibition during temperature stress is potentially a major factor influencing the photosynthetic productivity of Olive in the field.  相似文献   

灌水量和滴灌施肥方式对温室黄瓜产量和品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以黄瓜为试验材料,研究灌水量和滴灌施肥方式对日光温室黄瓜生长、产量和品质的影响.设两个水分水平(100%ET0,W1;75%ET0,W2)和4种滴灌施肥方式处理,不同滴灌施肥方式处理按推荐施肥量(N∶P2 O5∶K2 O分别为360∶180∶540 kg·hm-2)的100%、66.6%、33.3%、0%(Z100、Z66、Z33、Z0)分8次滴灌施肥,剩余肥料一次性基施;另设不施肥处理为对照(CK).结果表明:滴灌施肥比例和水分与黄瓜的株高、叶面积、干物质量、产量和品质均呈正相关关系.W1 Z100处理的产量最高(67760 kg·hm-2);W2处理的平均水分利用效率比W1处理高9.4%,其中W2Z100处理的水分利用效率最高(47.71 kg·m-3),其产量比最高产量低3.4%却节水25%.与Z0相比,Z100的黄瓜产量和干物质量分别增加15.3%和16.8%;同时,黄瓜果实中维生素C、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量增加;水分利用效率增加19.1%.W2Z100处理为温室黄瓜高产、优质、节水的最佳处理.  相似文献   

The olive tree is a traditionally nonirrigated crop that occupies quite an extensive agricultural area in Mediterranean-type agroecosystems. Improvements in water-use efficiency of crops are essential under the scenarios of water scarcity predicted by global change models for the Mediterranean region. Recently, irrigation has been introduced to increase the low land productivity, but there is little information on ecophysiological aspects and quality features intended for a sagacious use of water, while being of major importance for the achievement of high-quality products as olive oil. Therefore, deficit irrigation programmes were developed to improve water-use efficiency, crop productivity and quality in a subhumid zone of Southern Italy with good winter–spring precipitation. The response of mature olive trees to deficit irrigation in deep soils was studied on cultivars Frantoio and Leccino by examining atmospheric environment and soil moisture, gas exchange and plant water status, as well as oil yield and chemical analysis. Trees were not irrigated (rainfed) or subjected to irrigation at 66% and 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETC), starting from pit hardening to early fruit veraison. Improvements in the photosynthetic capacity induced by increasing soil water availability were only of minor importance. However, plant water status was positively influenced by deficit irrigation, with 66% and 100% of ETC treatments hardly differing from one another though consistently diverging from rainfed plants. The effect of water stress on photosynthesis was mainly dependent on diffusion resistances in response to soil moisture. Leccino showed higher instantaneous water-use efficiency than Frantoio. Crop yield increased proportionally to the amount of seasonal water volume, confirming differences between cultivars in water-use efficiency. The unsaturated/saturated and the monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios of the oil also differed between cultivars, while the watering regime had minor effects. Although irrigation can modify the fatty acid profile, polyphenol contents were scarcely affected by the water supply. Irrigation to 100% of ETC in the period August–September might be advisable to achieve high-quality yields, while saving consistent amounts of water.  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of drin pesticides from aqueous solution onto acid treated olive stones (ATOS) was investigated using stir bar sorptive extraction and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy. The effects of sorbent particle size, adsorbent dose, contact time, concentration of pesticide solution and temperature on the adsorption processes were systematically studied in batch shaking sorption experiments. Maximum removal efficiency (94.8%) was reached for aldrin (0.5 mg L−1) using the fraction 63–100 μm of ATOS (solid/liquid ratio: 1 g L−1). Experimental data were modeled by Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) isotherms. The Freundlich isotherm model (R2 = 0.98–0.99) fitted the equilibrium data better than the Langmuir and D–R isotherm models, with low sum of error values (SE = 1.4–9.2%). The mean adsorption free energy derived from the D–R isotherm model (R2 = 0.95–0.99) showed that the adsorption of drin pesticides was taken place by weak physical forces, such as van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding. The calculated thermodynamic parameters, ΔH, ΔS and ΔG prove that drin pesticides adsorption on ATOS was feasible, spontaneous and exothermic under examined conditions. The pseudo first order, pseudo second order kinetic and the intra-particle diffusion models were used to describe the kinetic data and rate constants were evaluated.  相似文献   

王国栋  陈云  梁飞  张磊  郭斌  曾胜和 《生态学杂志》2016,27(8):2499-2506
为探讨北疆绿洲区滴灌春玉米的高产栽培水分管理模式,以‘郑单958’(ZD958)和‘垦玉2号’(KY02)为试验材料,研究了控墒补灌对滴灌春玉米大喇叭口期(V12)至蜡熟期(R5)叶片SPAD值以及灌浆期(R3)穗叶色素、光合和荧光等参数的影响.结果表明: 土壤墒度过低或过高均会显著(P<0.05)降低V12-R3期叶片SPAD值,R5期宜保持在田间持水量的65%以上.灌浆期土壤墒度<75%时玉米叶绿素a、b及叶绿素总含量、类胡萝卜素、叶绿素a/b显著下降,但土壤墒度>85%时差异并不显著;土壤墒度<75%时玉米净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)及气孔导度(gs)显著下降,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)显著上升,但土壤墒度>85%时并未观察到gs的降低.土壤墒度过高或过低均可显著降低最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、潜在活性(Fv/Fo)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPS)、光化学淬灭(qP)和光合电子传递速率(rETR)等荧光参数,热耗散量子比率(Fo/Fm)、非光化学淬灭(NPQ)显著升高;通径分析发现,Pn降低主要由Fv/ForETR的下降导致,最终表现为产量的降低.这表明各生育时期土壤墒度保持在V6>60%、V12 >70%、R1 >75%、R3 >80%、R5 >65%是本地区滴灌春玉米获得高产的最佳水分管理模式.  相似文献   

为研究高产优质甜瓜的有机管理模式,以甜瓜为试材,采用基质盆栽方式,设3种有机营养液灌溉频次(施用8次,每次每株750 mL, F1; 施用12次,每次每株500 mL, F2; 施用16次,每次每株375 mL, F3)与2种单株灌水量(果实膨大前按120%日蒸腾蒸发量(ET)灌溉,之后按140%ET灌溉, W1; 果实膨大前按140%ET灌溉,之后按160%ET灌溉, W2),共6个试验处理,随机区组试验设计,研究了不同处理对设施甜瓜光合特性、产量、品质及肥水利用效率的影响.结果表明: 少量多次施用有机营养液可以显著提高甜瓜叶片光合速率,低灌水量显著提高果实产量和水分利用效率;高灌水量和中等有机营养液灌溉频次可使肥料利用率达到最高;少量多次有机营养液施用且相对适宜的水分供给提高了果实品质.回归分析发现,甜瓜果实维生素C含量与有机营养液灌溉频次呈指数函数y=0.214e0.18x (R2=0.851)相关.综合考虑产量、品质、水分利用效率等因素,F3W1处理可在保证产量的前提下,提高果实品质,且水分利用效率最大,可以实现设施有机甜瓜肥水高效管理.  相似文献   

The airborne pollens can produce asthma andrhinoconjuctivitis (pollinosis). Sincegeographic and climatic factors influence thequality and quantity of pollen counts invarious countries and between seasons, the aimof the study was to record major seasonalallergenic pollens; grasses, olive, parietariaand cypress in Athens during five consecutiveseasons throughout the years 1995–1999. Thedaily pollen count was carried out every yearfrom March to October using a Burcardvolumetric weekly spore trap, which was placedabout 20 m from the ground, in Athens citycentre. Daily values were expressed as numberof pollen grains/m3 of air. The meanmonthly values of pollens/m3 were used tocompare the results of the consecutive years.Recording of the major pollen allergens inAthens area for five consecutive years led tothe assessment of the pollination period foreach of these plants and confirmed thevariations in the amount of pollen per plantper year.  相似文献   

王海青  田育红  黄薇霖  肖随丽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3225-3232
人工草地建设是缓解内蒙古地区草地生存压力的必要途径,而水分短缺是该区人工草地建设中牧草生长的主要限制因素,适量的人工补水以实现牧草的高产节水是解决这一问题的关键。以当地主要牧草冰草和紫花苜蓿为研究对象,开展单播和混播条件下不同灌溉量对牧草产量、光合性能和水分利用效率影响的对比试验。研究结果表明:(1)豆禾混播有利于提高冰草和紫花苜蓿的产量;(2)8月初现蕾期是冰草和紫花苜蓿收割的最佳季节,此时牧草产量最高;(3)灌溉量达到田间持水量的45%(包含降雨量在内的单位面积灌溉量在7月初达到903.8 m3/hm2,在8月初达到1812.4 m3/hm2)是牧草高产节水的最佳补水选择;(4)6—8月水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的长期水分利用效率(long-term water use efficiency,WUEL),开花期后补水对提高牧草WUEL的作用开始显著;(5)在牧草产量最高的8月初水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的瞬时水分利用效率(instantaneous water use efficiency,WUEI),而在7月初光照强烈、水分蒸发量大时,较多地补水更有利于提高牧草的WUEI。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区春小麦对有限灌溉的反应及其生理生态基础   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
鄢Xun  王俊 《西北植物学报》2001,21(4):791-795
从对黄土高原地区有限灌溉条件下作物生理生态反应的众多研究中得出:(1)水分轻度亏缺时,作物可通过根信号物质ABA调节叶片的气孔导度。非水力根信号作用太强,可因降低光合作用而减少干物质生产和影响干物质分配模式而影响产量和水分利用效率,故削弱非水力根信号的作用将有利于提高产量。(2)浅层根系占根系总量比值越高,对干旱越敏感,表现为根信号能力增强;深层根系所占比例越高,越有利于土壤深层水分利用,并可削弱根信号,同理,给土壤中下层补水或采用播种前灌溉,可因为减少了无效蒸发,且削弱根信号而提高水分利用率。(3)本地区有限灌溉的最佳时期由于降水变率较高而变得较为复杂,不同降水年型,最佳灌溉时期差异很大,对有限灌溉进行科学管理还需要做更多的研究工作。  相似文献   

灌水模式对冬小麦光合特性、水分利用效率和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验于2013—2014和2014—2015年连续2个生长季在自动控制干旱棚内的隔离池中进行,拔节期设3个灌水梯度,灌水量分别为0(J_0)、37.5(J_1)、75 mm(J_2),扬花期设3个灌水梯度,灌水量分别为0(F_0)、37.5(F_1)、75 mm(F_2),灌浆期所有处理均按75 mm灌溉,共9个处理,研究不同灌溉模式对小麦中后期不同生育阶段植株生长、耗水量、水分利用效率、光合特性和产量构成因素的影响.结果表明:拔节期干旱(0和37.5 mm)显著降低了小麦扬花期的净光合速率和拔节后的叶面积,扬花期的灌水量直接影响扬花期后的旗叶净光合速率;拔节期干旱扬花期补水和扬花期干旱灌浆期补水都可以有效提高植株的干物质量;拔节期灌水量越多,全生育期耗水量越大;除J_1F_2外,全生育期灌水量越大,耗水量越大,产量也越高;J_1F_2处理产量和水分利用效率最高.扬花期充足的灌水量使J_1F_2处理具有较高的花后旗叶净光合速率,此期补偿性灌溉加快了干物质积累,也保证了较高的穗粒数,使其最终产量高于J_2F_2处理或与之持平,同时J_1F_2拔节期较低的灌水量降低了小麦生育中后期的耗水量,其水分利用效率也显著高于其他处理.综上,J_1F_2是小麦生育中期理想的水分处理组合.  相似文献   

Hyvönen  Terho  Salonen  Jukka 《Plant Ecology》2002,159(1):73-81
Alternative cropping practices can be expected to increase the diversity and change the species composition of weed communities. In a six-year field experiment we compared species diversity and species composition in the weed community of cereal fields cultivated by conventional and by low-input cropping methods. In the conventional cropping both mineral fertilizers and herbicides were applied but in the low-input cropping the fertlizer was manure and herbicides were avoided altogether. The level of nitrogen fertilization was higher in conventional cropping. A five-year crop rotation comprising rye, oat-pea, barley and two-year grasslands was used in both cropping methods. We found that the species pool was larger (42 vs 35 species) and the average number of species higher (20.2 vs 13.1 species) in low-input than in conventional cropping. This was the case both in the data pooled across crops and in each crop separately. Herbicides affected species diversity and species composition more than did nitrogen fertilization. Species susceptible to the herbicides applied declined in abundance, which resulted in more skewed dominance patterns in the communities of conventional fields than in those of low-input fields. The crop affected the species composition of weed communities more than did the cropping method. Our results suggest that weed species diversity could be promoted by using low-intensity cropping practices.  相似文献   

The effects of summer drought, dew deposition on leaves and autumn rainfall on plant water relations and diurnal variations of photosynthesis were measured in two evergreen shrubs, rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) and lavender ( Lavandula stoechas ), grown in Mediterranean field conditions. Withholding water for 40 d caused a similar decrease in predawn shoot water potential (ψpd) from c. −0.4 to c. −1.3 MPa in both species, but a 50% decrease in the relative leaf water content in L. stoechas compared with 22% in R. officinalis . A similar decrease in CO2 assimilation rates by c. 75% was observed in water-stressed plants of both species, although L. stoechas showed smaller photosynthesis: stomatal conductance ratio than R. officinalis (35 vs 45 μmol CO2:mol H2O). The relative quantum efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry also decreased by c. 45% at midday in water- stressed plants of both species. Nevertheless, neither L. stoechas nor R. officinalis suffered drought-induced damage to photosystem II, as indicated by the maintenance of the ratio F v: F m throughout the experiment, associated with an increase in the carotenoid content per unit of chlorophyll by c. 62% and c. 30%, respectively, in water-stressed plants. Only L. stoechas absorbed dew by leaves. In this species the occurrence of 6 d of dew over a 15-d period improved relative leaf water content by c. 72% and shoot water potential by c. 0.5 MPa throughout the day in water-stressed plants, although the photosynthetic capacity was not recovered until the occurrence of autumn rainfall. The ability of leaves to absorb dew allowed L. stoechas to restore plant water status, which is especially relevant in plants exposed to prolonged drought.  相似文献   

Quantification of the species richness and diversity is important when comparing sites; these variables are influenced by local and regional factors. The structure of assemblages of dung beetles as well as their species composition and diversity were compared between two sites on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea (France FR and Tunisia TN). From a total of 132 traps, 15,778 specimens were collected belonging to 86 species (46 in FR vs. 40 in TN). Species composition varied highly between FR and TN (only 10 species in common). The temporal occurrence of Aphodiidae and Scarabaeidae showed different patterns due to several factors: phenology of species, geographical distribution and local ecological requirements. When quantifying the beta diversity, the turnover of species was for almost cases higher within the same season than between seasons. Moreover, seasonal turnover was different at both sites. Evenness and rank-abundance analyses demonstrated that autumn-winter was the most constraining season in FR, with one dominant species (Agrilinus constans) in winter assemblages (96.8% of individuals). Conversely summer was the most constraining season in TN, with Onthophagus taurus as dominant species in assemblages (87.7%). The influence of local and historical factors is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of stoned olive cake and rolled linseed in a concentrate-based diet for lambs on the fatty-acid composition of polar and non-polar intramuscular lipids of the longissimus dorsi muscle. To achieve this objective, 32 Appenninica lambs were randomly distributed into four groups of eight lambs each and were fed conventional cereal-based concentrates (diet C); concentrates containing 20% on a dry matter (DM) basis of rolled linseed (diet L); concentrates containing 35% DM of stoned olive cake (diet OC); and concentrates containing both rolled linseed (10% DM) and stoned olive cake (17% DM; diet OCL). The concentrates were administered together with grass hay at a 20:80 forage:concentrate ratio. Growing performances and carcass traits were evaluated. The fatty-acid composition was analysed in the total intramuscular lipids, as well as in the polar and neutral lipids. The average feed intake and the growth performance of lambs were not affected by the dietary treatments, as a consequence of similar nutritional characteristics of the diets. The inclusion of rolled linseed in the L and OCL diets increased the content of C18:3 n-3 in intramuscular total lipids, which was threefold higher in meat from the L lambs and more than twofold higher in meat from the OCL lambs compared with the C and OC treatments. The n-6:n-3 ratio significantly decreased in the meat from lambs in the L and OCL groups, reaching values below 3. The L treatment resulted in the highest level of trans-18:1 fatty acids in the muscle. Regardless of the dietary treatment, the t10-18:1 was the major isomer, representing 55%, 45%, 49% and 45% of total trans-18:1 for C, L, OC and OCL treatments, respectively. Neutral lipids from the OC-fed lambs contained the highest amount of c9-18:1 (more than 36% of total fatty acids); however, the content of c9-18:1 did not differ between the OC and C lambs, suggesting an intensive biohydrogenation of dietary c9-18:1 in the case of OC treatment. The highest content of c9,t11-18:2 was detected in the intramuscular fat from the L-fed lambs, followed by the OCL treatment. A similar trend was observed in the neutral lipid fraction and, to a lower extent, in the polar lipids.  相似文献   

Decomposition rates, initial chemical composition, and the relationship between initial chemistry and mass loss of fine roots and foliage were determined for two woody tropical species, Prestoea montana and Dacryodes excelsa, over a gradient of sites in two watersheds in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. At all locations, fine roots decayed significantly more slowly than foliage during the initial 6 months.Substrate quality of the initial tissue showed marked differences between roots and foliage when using cell wall chemistry, secondary chemistry and total elemental analysis as indices. Quantity of acid detergent fiber (ADF) (non-digestible cell wall fiber) and lignin content were higher for roots than leaves: D. excelsa roots had 55.3% ADF and 28.7% lignin while leaves had 36.2% ADF and 11.8% lignin; P. montana roots had 68.0% ADF and 26.8% lignin while leaves had 48.5% ADF and 16.1% lignin. Aluminum concentrations were higher in fine roots (843 mg kg–1 in D. excelsa, 1500 mg kg–1 in P. montana) than leaves (244 mg kg–1 in D. excelsa, 422 mg kg–1 in P. montana), while calcium concentrations were higher in foliage (5.5 mg g–1 in D. excelsa, 7.8 mg g–1 in P. montana) than roots (3.4 mg g–1 in D. excelsa, 3.1 mg g–1 in P. montana). Nitrogen did not show any trend with tissue or species type. A linear model between mass remaining after 6 months and initial tissue chemistry could be developed only for calcium (r2=0.64).  相似文献   

The first replicated productivity trials of the C4 perennial grass Miscanthus × giganteus in the United States showed this emerging ligno‐cellulosic bioenergy feedstock to provide remarkably high annual yields. This covered the 5 years after planting, leaving it uncertain if this high productivity could be maintained in the absence of N fertilization. An expected, but until now unsubstantiated, benefit of both species was investment in roots and perennating rhizomes. This study examines for years 5–7 yields, biomass, C and N in shoots, roots, and rhizomes. The mean peak shoot biomass for M. × giganteus in years 5–7 was 46.5 t ha?1 in October, declining to 38.1 t ha?1 on completion of senescence and at harvest in December, and 20.7 t ha?1 declining to 11.3 t ha?1 for Panicum virgatum. There was no evidence of decline in annual yield with age. Mean rhizome biomass was significantly higher in M. × giganteus at 21.5 t ha?1 compared to 7.2 t ha?1 for P. virgatum, whereas root biomass was similar at 5.6–5.9 t ha?1. M. × giganteus shoots contained 339 kg ha?1 N in August, declining to 193 kg ha?1 in December, compared to 168 and 58 kg ha?1 for P. virgatum. The results suggest substantial remobilization of N to roots and rhizomes, yet still a substantial loss with December harvests. The shoot and rhizome biomass increase of 33.6 t ha?1 during the 2‐month period between June and August for M. × giganteus corresponds to a solar energy conversion of 4.4% of solar energy into biomass, one of the highest recorded and confirming the remarkable productivity potential of this plant.  相似文献   

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