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Remotely-sensed vegetation indices, which indicate the density and photosynthetic capacity of vegetation, have been widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics over broad areas. In this paper, we reviewed satellite-based studies on vegetation cover changes, biomass and productivity variations, phenological dynamics, desertification, and grassland degradation in China that occurred over the past 2–3 decades. Our review shows that the satellite-derived index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) during growing season and the vegetation net primary productivity in major terrestrial ecosystems (for example forests, grasslands, shrubs, and croplands) have significantly increased, while the number of fresh lakes and vegetation coverage in urban regions have experienced a substantial decline. The start of the growing season continually advanced in China's temperate regions until the 1990s, with a large spatial heterogeneity. We also found that the coverage of sparsely-vegetated areas declined, and the NDVI per unit in vegetated areas increased in arid and semi-arid regions because of increased vegetation activity in grassland and oasis areas. However, these results depend strongly not only on the periods chosen for investigation, but also on factors such as data sources, changes in detection methods, and geospatial heterogeneity. Therefore, we should be cautious when applying remote sensing techniques to monitor vegetation structures, functions, and changes.  相似文献   

中国东部南北样带主要植被类型物候期的变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
植被物候期的变化是全球变化研究的热点问题, 因为物候过程是反映植被对气候变化响应的最直接和最敏感的生态学过程之一, 大尺度植被物候学过程主要以植被的季节动态体现其对气候变化的长期适应过程。基于NOAA/AVHRR从1982年至2006年的双周归一化植被指数NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据, 依托中国东部南北样带, 对主要植被类型的物候过程进行模拟, 并计算了主要物候现象(包括返青起始期、休眠起始期和生长季长度)的发生时间和演变趋势。结果表明: 返青起始期显著提前的植被有温带针叶林(TCF, 0.56 d·a-1)、温带草丛(TG, 0.66 d·a-1)、亚热带热带针叶林(STCF, 0.46 d·a-1)、亚热带落叶阔叶林(SDBF, 0.58 d·a-1)和亚热带热带草丛(STG, 0.89 d·a-1); 休眠起始期显著推迟的植被有寒温带温带针叶林(TCTCF, 0.32 d·a-1)、SDBF (0.80 d·a-1)和温带落叶阔叶林(TDBF, 0.18 d·a-1); 此外, 大部分植被类型的生长季长度都有所延长, 但延长的方式不同: TCF (0.77 d·a-1)是由于返青起始期显著提前造成的; TCTCF (0.38 d·a-1)和TDBF (0.36 d·a-1)是由于休眠起始期显著推迟造成的; TG (0.76 d·a-1)、STCF (0.83 d·a-1)、SDBF (1.40 d·a-1)和STG (1.30 d·a-1)等是由于返青起始期提前和休眠起始期推迟共同造成的。对温度和降水的变化进行分析发现, 温度对南北样带上植被物候的影响较大, 而降水对物候的影响相对较小, 不同植被类型对温度的响应各异。在南北样带上存在的热量梯度, 使得整条样带上植被的物候现象也表现出时间梯度, 从返青起始期发生的时间上比较, 从北向南逐渐推迟, 即寒温带植被>温带植被>亚热带植被; 休眠起始期和生长季长度则正好相反, 亚热带植被>温带植被>寒温带植被。  相似文献   

植被在全球变化中影响着地-气系统的能量平衡,是自然和人文因素对环境影响的敏感指标。分析地表植被的覆盖现状并探究影响植被变化的驱动力因素对区域生态恢复以及区域经济发展和区域生态文明建设都有促进作用。本研究基于中分辨率成像光谱仪-归一化植被指数(MODIS-NDVI)数据,结合宝鸡11个气象站的气温和降水量实测数据、净初级生产力(NPP)以及宝鸡统计年鉴数据,采用趋势分析方法、Pearson相关分析法、主成分分析方法对2001-2013年宝鸡地区植被覆盖的时空演化特征进行了分析,并对自然驱动因子和人为驱动因子双重影响下的宝鸡地区植被覆盖演化状况进行了综合评价。结果显示:(1)2001-2013年宝鸡地区年均NDVI以0.025/10a的速度上升,比三北防护林工程区1982-2006年植被覆盖的增速(0.007/10a)快,且2001-2002年、2003-2004年两个年份段为年均NDVI值的两次高恢复期;(2)植被覆盖以轻度改善为主,基本不变和中度改善次之,严重退化和中度退化最弱。植被覆盖恢复状况整体上呈稳中上升的趋势(个别地区除外);(3)自然因素中的降水量和NPP是制约植被生长的主要因素。整体来看,人为因素相对于自然因素对宝鸡全区的植被覆盖影响较大,贡献率在90%左右,呈先减小后增加的趋势。  相似文献   

万红莲  王静 《生态学报》2018,38(19):6941-6952
利用宝鸡地区11个气象站点1974—2013年逐月气温和降水量数据,基于标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),结合土地利用/覆盖数据,从干旱发生频率、发生强度及与植被NDVI相关性等角度,探讨了近40年来干旱时空变化格局及其对植被覆盖的响应。结果显示:宝鸡地区年均SPEI指数以-2.50%/a的速度下降,干旱趋势明显增强。自20世纪末以来,全区年均干旱指数呈明显的上升趋势,以2007—2010年增大趋势最为显著(超过0.05临界线);近40年来,春季干旱发生频率达60%及以上的有21 a,达90%以上的有9a。1981—1986年起伏变化最为剧烈。秋季平均干旱发生频率为46.29%,为春、夏、秋、冬4个季节中最低。从干旱发生强度来看,全区年际、四季及月6个时间尺度上干旱强度高、低值区域分布均比较集中;秋季强度最弱的区域面积表现最高,占总面积的75.47%。干旱发生最严重的是春季,占总面积的11.90%。全区干旱与植被覆盖相关性均表现较好(均通过0.05显著性水平检验),林地、草地负相关性最为显著(除夏季),夏季、秋季、月尺度上,耕地、水域、城乡地区干旱与植被覆盖的相关性与土地利用类型无关。  相似文献   

Climate and biophysical regulation of terrestrial plant production and interannual responses to anomalous events were investigated using the NASA Ames model version of CASA (Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach) in a transient simulation mode. This ecosystem model has been calibrated for simulations driven by satellite vegetation index data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) over the mid-1980s. Relatively large net source fluxes of carbon were estimated from terrestrial vegetation about 6 months to 1 year following El Niño events of 1983 and 1987, whereas the years 1984 and 1988 showed a drop in net primary production (NPP) of 1–2 Pg (1015 g) C from their respective previous years. Zonal discrimination of model results implies that the northern hemisphere low latitudes could account for almost the entire 2 Pg C decrease in global terrestrial NPP predicted from 1983 to 1984. Model estimates further suggest that from 1985 to 1988, the northern middle-latitude zone (between 30° and 60°N) was the principal region driving progressive increases in NPP, mainly by an expanded growing season moving toward the zonal latitude extremes. Comparative regional analysis of model controls on NPP reveals that although Normalized Difference Vegetation Index “greenness” can alone account for 30%–90% of the variation in NPP interannual anomalies, temperature or radiation loading can have a fairly significant 1-year lag effect on annual NPP at middle- to high-latitude zones, whereas rainfall amount and temperature drying effects may carry over with at least a 2-year lag time to influence NPP in semiarid tropical zones.  相似文献   

Understanding spring phenology changes in response to the rapid climate change at biome‐level is crucial for projecting regional ecosystem carbon exchange and climate–biosphere interactions. In this study, we assessed the long‐term changes and responses to changing climate of the spring phenology in six temperate biomes of China by analyzing the global inventory monitoring and modeling studies (GIMMS) NOAA/AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and concurrent mean temperature and precipitation data for 1982–2006. Results show that the spring phenology trends in the six temperate biomes are not continuous throughout the 25 year period. The spring phenology in most areas of the six biomes showed obvious advancing trends (ranging from ?0.09 to ?0.65 day/yr) during the 1980s and early 1990s, but has subsequently suffered consistently delaying trends (ranging from 0.22 to 1.22 day/yr). Changes in spring (February–April) temperature are the dominating factor governing the pattern of spring vegetation phenology in the temperate biomes of China. The recently delayed spring phenology in these temperate biomes has been mainly triggered by the stalling or reversal of the warming trend in spring temperatures. Results in this study also reveal that precipitation during November–January can explain 16.1% (< 0.05), 20.9% (< 0.05) and 14.2% (< 0.05) of the variations in temperate deciduous forest (TDF), temperate steppe (TS), temperate desert (TD) respectively, highlighting the important role of winter precipitation in regulating changes in the spring vegetation phenology of water–limited biomes.  相似文献   

We described, classified, and mapped the functional heterogeneity of temperate South America using the seasonal dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from NOAA/AVHRR satellites for a 10-year period. From the seasonal curves of NDVI, we calculated (a) the annual integral (NDVI-1), used as an estimate of the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation absorbed by the canopy and hence of primary production, (b) the relative annual range of NDVI (RREL), and (c) the date of maximum NDVI (MMAX), both of which were used to capture the seasonality of primary production. NDVI-1 decreased gradually from the northeastern part of the study region (southern Brazil and Uruguay) toward the southwest (Patagonia). High precipitation areas dominated by rangelands had higher NDVI-1 and lower RREL values than neighboring areas dominated by crops. The relative annual range of NDVI was maximum for the northern portion of the Argentine pampas (high cover of summer crops) and the subantarctic forests in southern Chile (high cover of deciduous tree species). More than 25% of the area showed an NDVI peak in November. Around 40% of the area presented the maximum NDVI during summer. The pampas showed areas with sharp differences in the timing of the NDVI peak associated with different agricultural systems. In the southern pampas, NDVI peaked early (October–November); whereas in the northeastern pampas, NDVI peaked in late summer (February). We classified temperate South America into 19 ecosystem functional types (EFT). The methodology used to define EFTs has advantages over traditional approaches for land classification that are based on structural features. First, the NDVI traits used have a clear biological meaning. Second, remote-sensing data are available worldwide. Third, the continuous record of satellite data allows for a dynamic characterization of ecosystems and land-cover changes. Received 6 October 1999; accepted 2 April 2001.  相似文献   

祁连山国家公园地处青藏、蒙新、黄土三大高原交汇地带的祁连山北麓,作为国家公园体制试点之一,是我国重要的生态功能区、水源涵养地和生物多样性保护优先区域,其生态功能不可忽视。以祁连山国家公园2000—2019年归一化植被指数(NDVI)和净初级生产力(NPP)数据为基础,结合气温、降水、土地利用、矿产开采和旅游发展数据,利用泰尔-森趋势分析(Theil-Sen趋势分析)、曼-肯德尔检验(Mann-Kendall显著性检验)、土地转移概率矩阵和多元残差分析方法,分析该区域的植被时空分布特征、变化趋势特征及其对气候变化和人类活动的响应。结果表明:(1)2000—2019年祁连山国家公园内NDVI和NPP在空间上呈现出东南高西北低,由东南向西北递减的格局。时间上呈现上升趋势,上升速率分别为0.0053/a和0.0014/a;(2)祁连山国家公园内NPP提高、降低和稳定区域分别占总面积的87.29%、0.40%和12.30%。降低区域零星分布于整个国家公园,其中在走廊南山和冷龙岭交汇处,靠近甘青两省交界边缘分布最为集中。提高区域分布广泛,尤其以国家公园东部最为明显;(3)祁连山国家公园NDVI与气...  相似文献   

江原  郝媛媛  黄祎宸 《生态学报》2022,42(10):3974-3988
开展针对黄河上游甘青宁地区城市建成区空间发展模式及其植被变化特征的研究,可为构建科学合理的城市发展体系、维护区域生态安全屏障提供重要的参考依据。以DMSP/OLS和统计数据为基础,运用统计数据比较法提取了甘青宁地区21座地级市(州)的城市建成区边界,并从城市空间扩展特征、扩展速度、动态度、紧凑度和重心迁移5个方面对城市扩展特征进行分析;在此基础上,引入SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI数据,以年均NDVI作为表征城市建成区植被状况的指标,从NDVI总和、均值、比值及其变化量、年际变化率及其变化百分率和稳定性5个方面对研究区2002—2013年城市建成区的植被变化进行研究。结果表明:1)采用统计数据比较法提取获得的研究区城市建成区精度较高,误差率在6.7%以内;2)城市用地围绕河西走廊及黄河上游地区形成不连续的“几”字型空间形态,并具有点状、线状和面状3种不同的分布模式;3)城市扩展年均速及动态度大体呈上升趋势,且2010—2013年的城市扩展速度(4.53 km~2/a)是2006—2010年的2倍;4)除酒泉、海西、白银、天水、石嘴山和兰州外,其他城市建成区紧凑度指数均较高;5...  相似文献   

  • 1 We reviewed worldwide spatial patterns in the food habits of the brown bear Ursus arctos in relation to geographical (latitude, longitude, altitude) and environmental (temperature, snow cover depth and duration, precipitation, primary productivity) variables.
  • 2 We collected data from 28 studies on brown bear diet based on faecal analysis, covering the entire geographical range of this widely distributed large carnivore. We analysed separately four data sets based on different methods of diet assessment.
  • 3 Temperature and snow conditions were the most important factors determining the composition of brown bear diet. Populations in locations with deeper snow cover, lower temperatures and lower productivity consumed significantly more vertebrates, fewer invertebrates and less mast. Trophic diversity was positively correlated with temperature, precipitation and productivity but negatively correlated with the duration of snow cover and snow depth. Brown bear populations from temperate forest biomes had the most diverse diet. In general, environmental factors were more explicative of diet than geographical variables.
  • 4 Dietary spatial patterns were best revealed by the relative biomass and energy content methods of diet analysis, whereas the frequency of occurrence and relative biomass methods were most appropriate for investigating variation in trophic diversity.
  • 5 Spatial variation in brown bear diet is the result of environmental conditions, especially climatic factors, which affect the nutritional and energetic requirements of brown bears as well as the local availability of food. The trade‐off between food availability on the one hand, and nutritional and energetic requirements on the other hand, determines brown bear foraging decisions. In hibernating species such as the brown bear, winter severity seems to play a role in determining foraging strategies. Large‐scale reviews of food habits should be based on several measures of diet composition, with special attention to those methods reflecting the energetic value of food.

Aim To examine the geographical patterns of the interception of photosynthetically active radiation by vegetation and to describe its spatial heterogeneity through the definition of ecosystem functional types (EFTs) based on the annual dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a spectral index related to carbon gains. Location The Iberian Peninsula. Methods EFTs were derived from three attributes of the NDVI obtained from NOAA/AVHRR sensors: the annual integral (NDVI‐I), as a surrogate of primary production, an integrative indicator of ecosystem functioning; and the intra‐annual relative range (RREL) and month of maximum NDVI (MMAX), which represent key features of seasonality. Results NDVI‐I decreased south‐eastwards. The highest values were observed in the Eurosiberian Region and in the highest Mediterranean ranges. Low values occurred in inner plains, river basins and in the southeast. The Eurosiberian Region and Mediterranean mountains presented the lowest RREL, while Eurosiberian peaks, river basins, inner‐agricultural plains, wetlands and the southeastern part of Iberia presented the highest. Eurosiberian ecosystems showed a summer maximum of NDVI, as did high mountains, wetlands and irrigated areas in the Mediterranean Region. Mediterranean mountains had autumn–early‐winter maxima, while semi‐arid zones, river basins and continental plains had spring maxima. Based on the behaviour in the functional traits, 49 EFTs were defined. Main conclusions The classification, based on only the NDVI dynamics, represents the spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem functioning by means of the interception of radiation by vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula. The patterns of the NDVI attributes may be used as a reference in evaluating the impacts of environmental changes. Iberia had a high spatial variability: except for biophysically impossible combinations (high NDVI‐I and high seasonality), almost any pattern of seasonal dynamics of radiation interception was represented in the Peninsula. The approach used to define EFTs opens the possibility of monitoring and comparing ecosystem functioning through time.  相似文献   

植被叶面积指数遥感反演的尺度效应及空间变异性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
陈健  倪绍祥  李静静  吴彤 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1502-1508
遥感作为宏观生态学研究中数据获取的一种便捷手段,有助于把握较大尺度内生态学现象的特征.应用遥感数据反演LAI时,由于像元的异质性,不同尺度遥感数据之间的转换是遥感发展的一个重要问题.以河北省黄骅市为研究区,在利用TM和MODIS遥感数据对芦苇LAI反演误差产生原因进行分析的基础上,利用半变异函数对像元空间异质性进行了定量描述.发现NDVI算法的非线性带给LAI尺度转换的误差很小,而LAI的空间异质性则是引起LAI尺度效应的根本原因.并且当像元内空间异质性很大时半变异函数的基台值比纯像元要大得多,空间自相关的程度是引起LAI尺度转换误差的主要原因;反之,像元内空间异质性不大时,随机误差是引起LAI尺度转换误差的主要原因.当像元为纯像元时,由像元异质性引起的反演误差基本可以忽略.此外,研究区芦苇的空间相关有效尺度约为360m,超过此距离空间相关性则不复存在.  相似文献   

Aims Remote sensing technology has been proved useful in mapping grassland vegetation properties. Spectral features of vegetation cover can be recorded by optical sensors on board of different platforms. With increasing popularity of applying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to mapping plant cover, the study aims to investigate the possible applications and potential issues related to mapping leaf area index (LAI) through integration of remote sensing imagery collected by multiple sensors.  相似文献   

基于植被覆盖度的植被信息遥感变化检测已成为研究植被及其相关生态系统变化的主要途径,但由于云覆盖等天气条件的影响,很难获得不同年份同一季节覆盖整个研究区的光学遥感影像来进行植被变化检测,而采用季节差异的影像必然会影响植被变化检测的结果.为此,本研究利用中高分辨率遥感数据的空间分辨率优势和MODIS遥感数据的时间分辨率优势,基于二者关系的拟合,提出一种植被信息季节变换的方法,将不同季节影像的植被覆盖度变换到研究所需的季节上.结果表明: 将该方法应用到福建敖江流域连江片区发现,植被信息变换的效果较好,经过将覆盖研究区的2007年冬季和2013年春季的中高分辨率影像的植被信息统一变换到夏季后,2007年的植被覆盖度由66.5%上升到79.7%,2013年由58.6%上升到77.9%,有效消除了因季节差异而对植被覆盖度估算产生的误差,提高了结果的准确性.  相似文献   

周婷  张勇  严力蛟 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4800-4808
生态补偿政策绩效评价对完善政策调控和促进植被恢复具有重要意义。分析了临安2001—2015年植被覆盖的时空格局和变化,建立了植被退化地区土地利用变化矩阵。在Arc GIS软件中建立了临安地区归一化植被指数(NDVI)、国家级和省级公益林覆盖边界(重点生态公益林补偿边界)、道路、海拔、中心城镇用地边界、重点森林保护区、河流边界和地形湿度指数的多要素地理空间数据集。采用多元回归模型量化了重点生态公益林补偿政策、自然因素、城市化和其他人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响。结果表明,2001—2015年间,临安大约有97%的林地呈现出不同程度的退化,其中中等退化程度的林地所占比例最高。多元线性回归模型的结果表明重点生态公益林补偿政策、海拔、河流距离、重点森林保护区距离和中心城镇距离对植被退化有抑制作用,道路和地形湿度指数对植被退化有促进作用。海拔在所有的外部影响因素中对植被退化的影响最大。政策覆盖地区的植被退化面积在每一个退化等级上都小于无政策覆盖地区。生态公益林补偿政策的实施对加强植被的保护,限制不合理的林地利用和改善区域环境质量具有十分重要的积极作用。  相似文献   

We review the literature and find 16 studies from across Africa''s savannas and woodlands where woody encroachment dominates. These small-scale studies are supplemented by an analysis of long-term continent-wide satellite data, specifically the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series from the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) dataset. Using dry-season data to separate the tree and grass signals, we find 4.0% of non-rainforest woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa (excluding West Africa) significantly increased in NDVI from 1982 to 2006, whereas 3.52% decreased. The increases in NDVI were found predominantly to the north of the Congo Basin, with decreases concentrated in the Miombo woodland belt. We hypothesize that areas of increasing dry-season NDVI are undergoing woody encroachment, but the coarse resolution of the study and uncertain relationship between NDVI and woody cover mean that the results should be interpreted with caution; certainly, these results do not contradict studies finding widespread deforestation throughout the continent. However, woody encroachment could be widespread, and warrants further investigation as it has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and land–climate interactions.  相似文献   

Located at northern latitudes and subject to large seasonal temperature fluctuations, boreal forests are sensitive to the changing climate, with evidence for both increasing and decreasing productivity, depending upon conditions. Optical remote sensing of vegetation indices based on spectral reflectance offers a means of monitoring vegetation photosynthetic activity and provides a powerful tool for observing how boreal forests respond to changing environmental conditions. Reflectance-based remotely sensed optical signals at northern latitude or high-altitude regions are readily confounded by snow coverage, hampering applications of satellite-based vegetation indices in tracking vegetation productivity at large scales. Unraveling the effects of snow can be challenging from satellite data, particularly when validation data are lacking. In this study, we established an experimental system in Alberta, Canada including six boreal tree species, both evergreen and deciduous, to evaluate the confounding effects of snow on three vegetation indices: the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), and the chlorophyll/carotenoid index (CCI), all used in tracking vegetation productivity for boreal forests. Our results revealed substantial impacts of snow on canopy reflectance and vegetation indices, expressed as increased albedo, decreased NDVI values and increased PRI and CCI values. These effects varied among species and functional groups (evergreen and deciduous) and different vegetation indices were affected differently, indicating contradictory, confounding effects of snow on these indices. In addition to snow effects, we evaluated the contribution of deciduous trees to vegetation indices in mixed stands of evergreen and deciduous species, which contribute to the observed relationship between greenness-based indices and ecosystem productivity of many evergreen-dominated forests that contain a deciduous component. Our results demonstrate confounding and interacting effects of snow and vegetation type on vegetation indices and illustrate the importance of explicitly considering snow effects in any global-scale photosynthesis monitoring efforts using remotely sensed vegetation indices.  相似文献   

马超  王夏冰  刘畅 《生态学报》2019,39(20):7709-7721
罗山自然保护区孑遗生境具有过渡性、稀有性和脆弱性,其生态走向关乎濒危物种的延续与北方干旱荒漠带宁夏段的生态平衡。利用Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI(1977—2017年)数据、SRTM DEM和罗山周边气象站点(1977—2017年)年均气温和降水数据,对流域内典型人文要素(人口、耕地、居民建设用地面积)和自然生态要素(NDVI)进行了定量化表达及相关性分析。研究发现:流域视角下罗山保护区一些人文、生态、景观地理学指标发生了变化,41年来(1977—2017年)真形(依比例)居民建设用地面积增加了3.09倍;生态移民使局部地区人口增长了34.30倍;土地利用方式发生了根本变化,旱作耕地大部分退耕还林,小部分转移为水浇地;近5a(2013—2017年)罗山自然保护区NDVI最大值、NDVI总和虽有轻微上升趋势,但仍低于历史较好时期。结果表明:(1)公路、铁路、围栏的建设将狭小的生态保护区分割包围,使景观格局严重破碎化,使动植物栖息环境高度隔离化。(2)红寺堡移民区快速城市化和高强度的农业开发,使流域人-地关系愈加紧张,加重了区域生态风险。  相似文献   

Mountainous areas in China account for two‐thirds of the total land area. Due to rapid urbanization, rural population emigration in China's mountainous areas is very significant. This raises the question to which degree such population emigration influences the vegetation greenness in these areas. In this study, 9,753 sample areas (each sample measured about 64 square kilometers) were randomly selected, and the influences of population emigration (population pressure change) on vegetation greenness during 2000–2010 were quantitatively expressed by the multivariate linear regression (MLR) model, using census data under the condition of controlling the natural elements such as climatic and landform factors. The results indicate that the vegetation index in the past 10 years has presented an increasing overall trend, albeit with local decrease in some regions. The combined area of the regions with improved vegetation accounted for 81.7% of the total mountainous areas in China. From 2000 to 2010, the rural population significantly decreased, with most significant decreases in the northern and central areas (17.2% and 16.8%, respectively). In China's mountainous areas and in most of the subregions, population emigration has significant impacts on vegetation change. In different subregions, population decrease differently influenced vegetation greenness, and the marginal effect of population decrease on vegetation change presented obvious differences from north to south. In the southwest, on the premise of controlling other factors, a population decrease by one unit could increase the slope of vegetation change by 16.4%; in contrast, in the southeastern, northern, northeastern, and central area, the proportion was about 15.5%, 10.6%, 9.7%, and 7.5%, respectively, for improving the trend of NDVI variation.  相似文献   

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