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A phytosociological study of the urban woods of Rome is described. Six syntaxonomical types were identified: 1) Orno-Quercetum ilicis, an edaphic-xerophytic variant of the natural potential vegetation of the city (deciduous Quercus sp. pl. woods); 2) Aquifolio-Fagetum carpinetosum betuli, in the northern slopes of alluvial valleys; 3) Q. suber and Q. pubescens wood, ranked in Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae order 4) Quercetum ilicis galloprovinciale suberetosum; 5) coppice of Q. cerris and Q. frainetto, which belongs to the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliance; 6) mixed mesophile wood of Q. cerris and Ostrya carpinifolia which can be considered a transition between the Doronico-Fagion and the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliances. All of these six woody vegetation types are characterised by the large penetration of Mediterranean species belonging to the Quercetea and Quercetalia ilicis and the middle-European ones of the Querco-Fagetea. This mosaic of species exemplifies the bioclimatic characteristics of Rome, which is situated in a Mediterranean transitional region.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the Quercus ilex woods in the surroundings of Siena (Italy). – Numerous stands of Quercus ilex woods around Siena have been studied phytosociologically and compared to the better known similar forests of Southern France. As a rule the Siennese Quercus ilex woods (Table 1) can not be considered to belong to the association Quercetum mediterraneo-montanum Br.-Bl. 1936 because of the absence of various significant central European and montane species, nor to Quercetum galloprovinciale because of the presence of too great a number of Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae and Querco-Fagetea species. Only rarely communities similar to the first mentioned association have been found: i.e. on Mount Cetona at 1.800 feet and in two particularly cool and humid localities at a lower height (Table 2). Taking into account the way these woods have been managed for centuries it can be concluded that they are mixed formations of Quercetum galloprovinciale and an oakwood association belonging to the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae; the exploitation techniques have caused the evergreen oak to become dominant therefore creating conditions favourable to the more thermophilous and shade loving plants characterics of Q. ilex woods and at the same time bringing about a sharp decrease in the number of the light demanding species typical of deciduous oakwoods.  相似文献   

Using the Braun-Blanquet approach, a syntaxonomical revision of the order ofQuercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, based on the synthesis of 634 relevés, distinguished three alliances of the thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: (1)Quercion pubescenti-petraeae (3 communities:Pruno mahaleb-Quercetum pubescentis, Lathyro versicoloris-Quercetum pubescentis, Corno-Quercetum), which includes peri-alpine and peri-Carpathian oak forests on calcareous bedrock, (2)Aceri tatarici-Quercion (2 communities:Quercetum pubescenti-roboris, Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris), which comprises Pontic-Pannonian oak forests on loess or sand that occur in southern Moravia only, (3)Quercion petraeae (5 communities:Potentillo albae-Quercetum, Brachypodium pinnatum-Quercus robur community,Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum, Genisto pilosae-Quercetum petraeae, Asplenio cuneifolii-Quercetum petraeae), which includes Central European thermophilous oak forests distributed outside the range ofQuercus pubescens and some other submediterranean species.  相似文献   

C. Blasi  G. Pelino 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):357-385

The vegetation communities of the karst-tectonic basins of the Majella massif alpine belt were studied using the phytosociological methods, and analysed from coenological, synchorological and syntaxonomical viewpoints. During the field-work, 115 relevés were performed using the phytosociological approach of Braun-Blanquet, and these relevés were further subjected to multivariate analyses. Eight clusters of relevés resulted from the numerical classification. The plant communities identified in the study area were ascribed to the following five associations, two sub-associations and one community type: Leontopodio – Seslerietum juncifoliae (ass. nova); Helianthemo – Festucetum italicae (ass. nova); Gnaphalio – Plantaginetum atratae; Taraxaco – Trifolietum thalii gnaphalietosum magellensis (subass. nova); Luzulo italicae – Nardetum, Carici – Salicetum retusae; Saxifrago – Papaveretum julici, Saxifrago – Papaveretum androsacetosum (subass. nova), Plantago atrata and Leontodon montanus community. The distribution of these communities within the karst basins was found to be related to variations in topographic and geomorphological parameters, such as altitude, slope, soil availability and stoniness. All the new associations proposed in this paper belong to the suballiance Leontopodio – Elynenion and to the alliance Seslerion apenninae, both of which are endemic to the central Apennines. In order to compare the plant community types identified within the Majella massif to similar associations found in the rest of the Apennine chain, synoptic tables were constructed. Finally, a comparative phytogeographical analysis of the alpine belt vegetation of the Apennines, Dinarides, southern Balkans and eastern Alps is presented.  相似文献   

The Multiple Use Natural Reserve of Monterrico lies on the Pacific coast of the southwest Guatemala in the Chiapas Sector of the Chiapaneca-Hondureña Province. It belongs to the Guatemalan System of Protected Areas and has a predominantly estuarine and coastal marine ecosystem. We took 218 vegetation relevés that contained 72 species belonging to 138 genera and 69 plant families. Multivariate analysis techniques have led to the determination of seven different associations. Three of them are mangrove swamp associations (Lagunculario-Rhizophoretum manglis; Lagunculario-Avicennietum germinantis Peinado, Alcaraz, Delgadillo, De la Cruz, Álvarez and Aguirre, 1994; Rhizophoretum manglis Cuatrecasas, 1958). Three new associations are proposed. These are one reed–bulrush association (Typho domingensis-Phragmitetum australisass. nova) and two sand-dwelling associations, one made up of evergreen grasses dominated by Canavalia rosea which grows on mobile dunes (Thephrosio-Canavalietum roseaeass. nova) and a dry forest phytocoenosis dominated by deciduous and some evergreen species, such as Pithecellobium dulce, that grow on more consolidated sandy soils (Gliricidio-Pithecellobietum dulcisass. nova). Finally, special mention must be made of the presence of the pleustohelophytic association Eichhornietum crassipedis Samek and Moncada, 1971. This is the first time that these mangrove swamp associations and this hydrophytic association have been recorded in Guatemala.  相似文献   

The montane coniferous forests and their degraded syntaxa included either in theQuercetalia ilicis or in theQuercetalia pubescenti-petraeae of the Meso- up to the Mountain-Mediterranean vegetation belts of Mount Killini, have been studied using the Braun-Blanquet method with 69 phytosociological relevés. The application of classification and ordination methods resulted in the recognition of seven forest and two scrub plant communities. These communities could be arranged along an altitudinal gradient. Their syntaxonomy and structure are described and the present horizontal and vertical arrangement of the coniferous syntaxa is mapped. From these syntaxa, 3 new associations and 1 new subassociation are described. The main factors influencing the differences in floristic composition, are altitude and human impact resulting in degradation of the coniferous forest associations. In addition, differences in soil parameters like pH, the presence of organic matter and nutrients appear to be important. Information on the site characteristics, structure and syndynamical position of the communities is given.  相似文献   

The forests in the Spa?va Basin are a complex of lowland forests in the region of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). The present state of the forests is strongly influenced by intensive exploitation and hydro-ameliorative activities carried out in the past. The aim of this study was to consider the extent of changes in species composition, and the extent of environmental changes in forest communities of the Spa?va Basin in relation to research conducted between 1969 and 1971. The species composition of four communities (Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris, Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris aceretosum tatarici, and caricetosum remotae, and Leucojo-Fraxinetum angustifoliae) is studied by comparing 41 old and 57 new relevés. Changes were estimated using ordinations (RDA, CCA, DCA) and changes in species frequency and cover. A general trend of moisture reduction was noticeable among all communities. All vegetation types are becoming floristically more similar. An increase in frequency and cover of flood intolerant woody species (such as Carpinus betulus, Cornus sanguinea, Tilia tomentosa, and Acer tataricum) as well as a decrease of vernal species related to wet habitats are particularly evident. The succession of all studied communities is resulting in loss of the mosaic community pattern characteristic of lowland alluvial forests.  相似文献   

Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) stands were sampled in central Yukon, Canada (61.5–64°N latitude), which represented the northernmost 9% of the tree's North American range. Within this area, lodgepole pine occupied only ? 2% of the landscape. This study determined: 1) what forest sociations occurred (i.e. structural dominance‐types); 2) how plant growth form composition and richness differed from the central portion of the species’ geographical range; and 3) if stands were biased towards occurring on more thermally favorable south‐facing slopes. Five lodgepole pine sociations were recognized among 100 relevés: Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador tea); Cladonia arbuscula (green reindeer lichen); Calamagrostis purpurascens (purple reedgrass); Hylocomium splendens (stairstep moss) and Alnus viridis (green alder, n = 4 relevés). Rhododendron stands were proportionally more common on low gradient sites and had more total plant cover than the other sociations. Cladonia and Calamagrostis stands were typically associated with dry coarse‐textured soils and warm dry sites, respectively; whereas the composition of the Hylocomium sociation reflected the detrimental influences of atypically dense forest canopies on understory vascular plants. Only the Calamagrostis sociation was unique to the study region. Species richness among common northern lodgepole pine sociations averaged 16–19 taxa per relevé (p > 0.05). Northern compared to central range (n = 1394) relevés were compositionally different based on little overlap of their datasets in the ordination space. Northern vegetation had less (p < 0.001) total plant (129% vs 184%), deciduous shrub (9% vs 26%), broad‐leaved herb (5% vs 25%), and bryophyte (27% vs 54%) cover; had greater macro‐lichen cover (13% vs 5%) and lower floristic richness (11 vs 24 taxa) and was less than half as phytosociological diverse. Lodgepole pine stands in the northernmost portion of their range were not biased towards occurring on south‐facing slopes, which suggested an ecological potential for range expansion.  相似文献   


It is related on some phytocenoses of the southerly Florence hills, lying on the boundary of the two basal biochores of peninsular vegetation. Although the proximity and the chorographical analogy at the south-westerly ones and at Ceceri Mount, which are included yet in the » Quercetum Ilicis « ambit, these hills are whereas sensible displaced in the » Quercetum pubescentis «. They have microtherme elements of higher planes, but they have in yet the marks of littoral biochore, for instance Smilax aspera, abundantly penetrating in hedges and in a pine-grove but non in coppices of Quercus Cerris.  相似文献   

Abstract. Up to now the syntaxonomy of the Fagus woods of the southern Balkans is far less known than that of beech communities in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula and in central and western Europe. A set of 607 phytosociological relevés from southeastern Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and northern and central Greece was subjected to numerical classification and ordination. These results were used for a syntaxonomic revision of Fagus, Fagus‐Abies and Fagus‐Acer woodland communities of the southwestern Balkans. The Doronico columnae‐Fagenion (seven associations from Serbia, the F.Y.R.O.M., and high altitudes in northern Greece) and the Doronico orientalis‐Fagenion (four associations from northern and central Greece) were distinguished. The results of ordination by Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) showed a very distinct phytogeographical pattern of differentiation between community types. The floristic composition of Fagus woods changes markedly along the north‐south gradient. The share of Subbalkan, Balkan, Submediterranean and Mediterranean species increases significantly towards the south, while the Central‐European, European, Euro‐Siberian, Euro‐Asiatic and Circumpolar species decrease in the same direction. The syntaxonomic differentiation of the Fagus woodlands and their classification into regional suballiances reflects this gradient. With the rise in altitude, the number of Balkan, Mediterranean, Submediterranean, European and Euro‐Asiatic species declines.  相似文献   

Hédl  Radim 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(2):243-265
From 1941–;1944 nearly 30 phytosociological relevés were completed by F. K. Hartmann in the Rychlebské Mountains, a typical mountainous area in northeastern Czech Republic. Of the original plots still covered with adult grown beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest, 22 were resampled in 1998 and 1999. In order to describe the recent vegetation variability of the sites 57 relevés were recorded. Changes in vegetation were estimated using relative changes in species density and ordinations (PCA, RDA). Environmental changes were assessed using Ellenberg indicator values when no direct measurements were available. A decline in species diversity has been documented, particularly, many species occurring frequently in deciduous forests with nutrient and moisture well-supplied soils around neutral have decreased. In contrast, several light-demanding, acid- and soil desiccation-tolerant species have increased. Natural succession, quantified as forest age, contributed slightly to these changes. In Ellenberg indicator values, a decline in F (soil moisture), R (soil calcium) and N (ecosystem productivity), and an increase in L (understorey light) were shown. This is interpreted as the influence of modified forestry management and of airborne pollutants. Intensified logging caused the canopy to open and soil conditions to worsen. The latter is most likely also due to acid leaching of soil cations (Ca, K, Na). This caused a decline in soil productivity, thus the effect of nitrification could not be detected. The original relevés may have differed in size influencing the results. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Question: Which are the gradients of floristic differentiation in Greek beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests? Which is the role of geographical and ecological factors in this differentiation? Location: Beech forests of the plant geographical regions Northeast, North Central and East Central Greece. Methods: A total of 1404 published and unpublished phytoso‐ciological relevés were used in the analyses. TWINSPAN and DCA were applied to classify and ordinate the relevés. Altitude, Indicator Values of relevés and their X and Y coordinates were used in a posteriori interpretation of the ordination axes. Kendall's correlation coefficients were calculated between DCA relevé scores and explanatory variables. Multiple linear regression was used to partition the variation explained by the first two DCA axes, between the geographical and the ecological variables. Results: Classification resulted in 14 vegetation units defined by species composition. Two types of gradients, ecological and geographical, were revealed by the DCA of all releves. The partition of the variation accounted for by the first and second DCA axis was attributed mainly to ecological and geographical variables, respectively. Conclusions: Beech forests of northeast and Central Greece show phytogeographical differences, while ecologically similar vegetation units occur in both regions. A west‐east gradient is revealed in Greek beech forest vegetation. The extent of the study area, its position along regional gradients and the comprehensiveness of the data set that is analysed determine the types of the gradients which can be revealed in a vegetation study.  相似文献   


Two subspecies of Cistus incanus L. occurring in the southern Balkans were studied: C. incanus L. ssp. incanus and C. incanus ssp. creticus (L.) Heywood. After studying the morphological differences, the communities dominated by these two subspecies were sampled according to the central European method. The localities of the relevés show the distribution pattern of the two subspecies. The typical subspecies can be found in the area of distribution of thermophilous deciduous forests of Carpinion orientalis, whereas the subspecies creticus grows in the area of the evergreen broad‐leaved forests of Quercetea ilicis. The communities were classified as Diantho–Cistetum incani Micevski et Matevski ex ?arni, Matevski et ?ilc ass. nova hoc loco and Calicotomo villosae–Cistetum cretici Oberdorfer 1954. Analyses of traits (life span, life form, proportion of certain families, bioindicator values and chorotypes) reveal that the harshest site conditions prevail within Diantho–Cistetum incani, which appears as an initial stage of the vegetation succession. Calicotome–Cistetum cretici is a subsequent stage of succession, since the extreme degradation of vegetation on these sites results in ephemeral communities dominated by Poa bulbosa assigned to Romulion.  相似文献   

J. Moravec 《Plant Ecology》1985,59(1-3):39-45
The 10 Fagion associations bound to the western part of Czechoslovakia are conditioned both ecologically and chorologically in their species differentiation as well as geographical distribution. The division of the alliance into suballiances follows primarily the ecological phenomena. Within the Eu-Fagenion the associations form 3 groups conditioned by ecological factors.The Tilio platyphylli-Fagetum, Tilio cordatae-Fagetum, Melico-Fagetum and Carici pilosae-Fagetum represent associations of the submontane belt. The Tilio platyphylli-Fagetum is characterized by overlapping of Fagion and Carpinion species and by the absence of any Dentaria species due to chorological causes. The Tilio cordatae-Fagetum does not show any chorological phenomena in the species composition, however, it is limited to central, southern and western Bohemia only. The Melico-Fagetum is characterized by dominant Melica uniflora which is absent in the western and southern part of Bohemia. The Melico-Fagetum has even a more limited distribution occurring in northern and eastern Bohemia and in northern and central Moravia only. The Carici pilosae-Fagetum is characterized by Carex pilosa (dominant), Cephalanthera longifolia and Euphorbia amygdaloides; it is confined to the Carpathian province.The Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum, Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum and Violo reichenbachianae-Fagetum represent a group of vicarious associations of the montane belt. The Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum occurs mainly in the geographical province eská vysoina. Its eastern limit lies in the westernmost part of the Carpathian province where it forms a special subassociation and contacts the Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum. The latter association is characterized primarily by Dentaria glandulosa, a Carpathian endemic species. The Violo reichenbachianae-Fagetum is conditioned chorologically by the absence of any Dentaria species; it occurs in the mountains Kruné hory and Doupovské hory only.The Festuco-Fagetum is the single representant of the third group conditioned mainly by ecological factors.Nomenclature of species follows rothmaler et al. (1970).  相似文献   

Background: Most studies on tropical bryophytes deal with epiphytic species. This is the first ecological study of tropical forests that focuses specifically on terrestrial bryophytes.

Aim: To investigate the differences between slope and ridge environments in upper montane forests of southern Ecuador in terms of species diversity (richness, abundance), species composition and life forms of terrestrial bryophytes.

Methods: We used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) to group bryophyte relevés by study location, habitat type and exposure class. Species indicator values were calculated and compared for different habitats.

Results: In total, 140 species were recorded, the majority being liverworts. NMDS analyses and Mantel correlations clearly separated between slope and ridge relevés, and between sunny and shaded microhabitats on ridges. Bryophyte life forms also showed different distribution patterns in slope and in ridge habitats. Mosses were more prominent in sunny than in shaded microhabitats.

Conclusions: Environmental differentiation between ridges and slopes, and small-scale variation in microclimatic conditions caused by differences in exposure, were stronger predictors of species richness and composition than geographical distance between study sites.  相似文献   

Pure and mixed beech forest vegetation of the southern Rodopi range (northeast Greece) was studied using 614 relevés and multivariate analyses (TWINSPAN and DCA). Classification of the relevés resulted in 12 vegetation units, 8 of which were ranked as associations or communities and the rest as subcommunities and variants. DCA diagrams of relevés and taxa indicated that floristic differentiation was attributed mainly to factors such as altitude (affecting temperature and humidity), soil nutrient content and substrate type (affecting physical and chemical soil properties). Differential taxa of vegetation units were chosen based on their phi coefficient values, which were calculated from three different percentage synoptic tables that corresponded to three ranks (ecological groups, associations and communities, and subcommunities and variants) of floristic differentiation. The calculation of phi coefficient on the basis of relative constancy of taxa helps to overcome the problem of the dependence of fidelity values on the number of relevés per vegetation unit and to facilitate the better investigation of the floristic differentiation even of rare vegetation units represented by a small number of relevés. Furthermore, the calculation of fidelity values for different hierarchical levels enables a more detailed and thorough investigation of the floristic differentiation of the vegetation units.  相似文献   

We conduct a study of the dry forest in areas of scant rainfall in the Dominican Republic; these are sites with particular endemic habitats, as the samples reveal a high rate of local and insular endemic species, with 84 (24.85%) endemisms. This work covers dry forests rich in coarse spiny plants and includes a statistical (multivariate analysis), phytosociological and catenal study of the vegetation. We analyse the floristic composition, ecology, distribution and richness in endemisms of each association. The bioclimatic analysis reveals the different thermotypes and ombrotypes on the island, and locates the proposed plant associations in the infra- and thermotropical thermotypes, and in the arid, semiarid and dry ombrotypes. As a result of this phytosociological analysis, we propose the new alliance Harrio nashii–Acacion skleroxylae and four plant associations: Harrisio nashii–Prosopidetum juliflorae, Crotono poitaei–Erythroxyletum rotundifolii, Lonchocarpo pycnophylli–Cylindropuntietum caribaeae and Neoabbottio paniculatae–Guaiacetum officinali; these associations connect catenally with the subhumid forest and mangrove swamps.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus spp.) represent the most important broadleaf genus with respect to forest-shaping tree species in the Mediterranean. Considering future climate scenarios (increased drought conditions), the identification of drought tolerant oak species is of great importance for future forest management in this region. The objective of the study was the comparison of physiological status of three economically and ecologically valuable oak species (Quercus ilex, Quercus frainetto and Quercus pubescens) co-existing in natural coppice stands in NE Greece, in response to seasonal drought stress. Measurements were conducted between June and September 2016, every 15–20 days until leaf falling. The parameters studied were predawn leaf water potential and fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves (OJIP test), chlorophyll content, and relative water content. Meteorological data from the area were also collected. Photosynthetic parameters such as performance indices (PIabs and PItot) reacted to summer drought conditions, with Q. frainetto showing the lowest values. The discrepancy between species increased with duration of drought period. Q. frainetto revealed the lowest predawn water potential values. The results indicate that Q. frainetto is less suitable for future forestry applications in the studied climate/elevation zone than Q. pubescens and Q. ilex.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to classify and describe all plant communities with Quercus coccifera covering the entire eastern Adriatic coast and islands from north Croatia to south Albania, and to relate their species composition, chorotypes and life forms to environmental factors using Pignatti ecological indicator values. From total 70 phytosociological relevés, we identified and described four floristically and ecologically distinctive vegetation communities (two new proposed subassociations, one association and stand each) using TWINSPAN and the Braun-Blanquet classification scheme. In Croatia and Montenegro, Q. coccifera is forming macchia within the Fraxino orni–Quercetum cocciferae pistacietosum lentisci. Quercus coccifera occurs only sparsely in south Croatia as a shrubland within Fraxino orni–Quercetum cocciferae nerietosum oleandri subassociation or macchia within the Erico arboreae–Arbutetum unedonis association. Despite the difference in biogeographic position and bioclimates, low shrubby Albanian Q. coccifera stands are more closely related to the Q. coccifera communities from the western Mediterranean. Eastern Adriatic communities appear exclusively within the Querceta ilicis vegetation zone and spread within the meso-Mediterranean belt. They nevertheless are an important part of the region's natural heritage and management plans must ensure that all forms of land are used in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

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