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Ten-level synthetic gene frequency maps derived from a principal component analysis of seven polymorphic loci are displayed for a large sample of North Amerindian populations. These maps are useful for assessing population affinities over broad geographical regions and perhaps, as others have argued, for inferring recent migrations. The influence of European admixture is investigated by deleting highly admixed populations and regenerating the maps. In broad outline the resultant geographic patterning, while appearing more homogeneous, preserves many features of the maps that include the highly admixed samples--especially with respect to the Eskimo/non-Eskimo dichotomy. Further, in an effort to evaluate how varying the number of display levels affects patterning as well as interpretation, the maps were replotted at 5 and 20 levels. The 5-level maps are found to accentuate differences between the full data set and the less admixed data set, while the 20-level maps tend to obscure these differences.  相似文献   

Two hundred eighty subjects comprising 112 Nuba and 168 Hawazma of the Sudan were tested for the distribution of hemoglobins, eight red cell enzymes, and four serum proteins. The Nuba, the indigenous negroid tribe, had no HbS, HbO-Arab, or GdB(Khartoum) compared to the Hawazma tribe of Negro-Arab descent. The gene frequencies of the above polymorphic systems in the latter were as follows: HbS, 0.13; HbO-Arab, 0.01; GdB(Khartoum), 0.03. The frequency of GdA was higher in the Hawazma than in the Nuba. A high frequency of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and HpO was present in both the tribes. Essentially similar gene frequencies of Hp1, TfD, PGDC, pC, and PGM1 were observed in both Nuba and Hawazma. The average heterozygosity at five polymorphic loci was the same (0.23) in both the tribes. The above results agree with the social practice whereby people of mixed Hawazma and Nuba descent are considered members of the Hawazma tribe and confirm that racial admixture between the two groups can be seen as a process of gene flow from the Nuba to the Hawazma, even though the Nuba are the indigenous group, while the Hawazma are the new settlers.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region, comprising C2, BF and C4 phenotypes, and molecular genetic data are rarely available for populations other than Caucasoids. We have investigated three Amerindian populations from Southern Brazil: 131 Kaingang from Ivaí (KIV), 111 Kaingang (KRC) and 100 Guarani (GRC) from Rio das Cobras. Extended MHC haplotypes were derived after standard C2, BF, C4 phenotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with TaqI, together with HLA data published previously by segregation analysis. C2 and BF frequencies corresponded to other Amerindian populations. C4B*Q0 frequency was high in the GRC (0.429) but low in the Kaingang. Unusual C4 alleles were found, viz. C4A*58, A*55 and C4B*22 (presumably non-Amerindian) and aberrant C4A*3 of Amerindian origin occurring with a frequency of 0.223 in the GRC. C4A*3 bands of homo- and heterozygous individuals carrying this variant were Rodgers 1 positive and Chido 1,3 positive, showed a C4A specific lysis type and a C4A like α-chain. Polymerase chain reaction studies and sequencing showed that this is based on a C4A*3 duplication with a regular C4A*3 and a partially converted C4A*0304 carrying the C4B specific epitopes Ch 6 and Ch 1,3. Associations of class III haplotypes with particular RFLP patterns were similar to those reported for Caucasoids. The previously described association between combined C4A and CYP21P deletions and the 6.4 kb TaqI fragment was not seen in these Amerindians. This fragment occurred within a regular two locus gene structure in the Kaingang, representing a “short” gene at C4 locus I. C4 and CYP21 duplications were frequently observed. The distribution of extended MHC haplotypes provides evidence for a close relationship between the KIV and KRC and a larger genetic distance between the two Kaingang groups and the GRC. Received: 6 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   

Important pre-Inca civilizations, known by their great political and religious structures, inhabited the northern coast of Peru. Archeological and anthropological studies have shown that people from these villages have hierarchical strata, but the genetic structure has been poorly studied. Here, we aimed to perform a molecular characterization of the Amerindian maternal lineages and the amelogenin gene in skeletons collected from three archeological sites in Lambayeque. Ancient DNA (aDNA) samples were analyzed with conventional PCR to assess the nine-base pair (9 bp) deletion corresponding to mitochondrial haplogroup B and the identification of haplogroups A, C, and D were obtained with PCR-RFLP experiments. The sex was characterized via amplification of the AMEL(X/Y) locus. Haplogroup frequencies were compared with available data from other ancient and modern civilizations from the Peruvian coast and highlands using statistical methods. Our results showed that haplogroup C had the highest frequency, while haplogroup B showed variable diversity in the analyzed populations. The meta-analysis revealed a positive correlation among some coastal villages. We concluded that ancient populations analyzed in our study showed the presence of four Amerindian mitochondrial haplogroups, which is consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

Antigenic variants of Mycoplasma gallisepticum major surface lipoprotein, pMGA, are encoded by a large gene family. In this study sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified pMGA genes showed two types of sequences similar to the pMGA1.2 gene in M. gallisepticum strains. They differed in the sequence encoding a proline-rich region (PRR) at the N-terminus of the pMGA protein. The type A genes had sequences similar to the published pMGA1.2 gene sequence of strain S6, whereas the type B genes lacked the second repetitive segment encoding PTPN sequence within PRR and were similar to the published sequence of PG31 strain. Low in vitro passages of M. gallisepticum strains isolated recently in Slovenia from four avian species showed very different expression patterns of pMGA1.2 and pMGA1.9 genes. Among isogenic populations of S6(B) and IHB1 strains a high frequency of pMGA antigenic variants lacking an epitope for monoclonal antibody (mAb) 71 was found. Strain IHB1 clones, which synthesized pMGA recognized by mAb 71, transcribed pMGA genes whose partial sequence encoded the amino acid sequence (262)TNGDEPRSVS of the mAb 71 epitope. Other IHB1 clones synthesized pMGA variants with different isoelectric points, lacking the epitope for mAb 71, but expressing downstream epitopes for other mAbs. Our study suggests that a molecular basis for pMGA antigenic variation lies in the corresponding changes at the DNA level.  相似文献   

We report the prevalence of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) variants in women with cervical lesions from the Federal District, Central Brazil. We analyzed 34 HPV-16 samples, identifying the sequence variations of E6 and L1 genes and correlating variant frequency with disease status. The most prevalent HPV-16 variant was the European (50%), followed by Asian-American (41.2%), African-1 (5.9%), and African-2 (2.9%). European and non-European variants appeared in equal frequencies among the cytological types of lesions - atypical squamous or glandular cells of undetermined significance, cytological alterations suggesting HPV infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasias, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Nine inbred strains of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) were screened for differences in electrophoretically detectable proteins. Interstrain variation was observed for 7 of 26 proteins. Three of these variants have not been described previously: leucine aminopeptidase (Lap-1), major urinary protein (Mup-1), and seminal vesicle protein (Svp-2). Genetic analysis revealed two autosomal alleles for each of these polymorphisms. The loci Lap-1, Mup-1, and Svp-2 are linked neither to one another nor to the previously described Svp-1 and Es-4 loci. Each of the nine strains can be identified now by a specific set of monogenic markers.  相似文献   

BackgroundDNA repair mechanisms play a major role in cancer risk and progression. Germline variants in DNA repair genes may result in altered gene function and/or activity, thereby causing inter-individual differences in a patient's tumor recurrence capacity. In genes of the DNA repair pathway the gene variants RAD51 rs1801320 G > C, XRCC2 rs3218536 G > A and XPD rs13181 A > C have been previously related to genetic predisposition and prognosis of various cancer entities. In this study we investigated the association between these polymorphisms and time to recurrence (TTR) and overall survival (OS) in soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) patients after curative surgery.MethodsTwo hundred sixty STS patients were included in this retrospective study. Germline DNA was genotyped by 5′-exonuclease (TaqMan) technology. Kaplan Meier curves and multivariate Cox proportional models were calculated for TTR and OS.ResultsA statistically significant association was observed between tumor grade and adjuvant radiotherapy and TTR and between tumor grade and OS. No association was found between RAD51 rs1801320 G > C, XRCC2 rs3218536 G > A and XPD rs13181 A > C and TTR and OS in univariate and multivariate analysis.ConclusionOur results underline a prognostic effect of tumor grade and adjuvant radiotherapy in STS patients but indicate no association between RAD51 rs1801320 G > C, XRCC2 rs3218536 G > A and XPD rs13181 A > C and clinical outcome in STS patients after curative surgery.  相似文献   

Vitiligo is an acquired hypomelanotic skin disorder characterised by circumscribed depigmented macules resulting from the loss of functional melanocytes from the cutaneous epidermis. Conditions that might result in epidermal oxidative stress and consequently damage to pigment cells have been reported in the skin of vitiligo patients, including low catalase activity and increases in hydrogen peroxide levels. However, the cause of the decrease in catalase activity has not been equivocally determined. Several allelic variants in the catalase gene, a number of which have deleterious effects upon the expression or function of the enzyme, have been described and the aim of the present work was to assess the relevance of catalase gene variants in patients with vitiligo. Associations between ten separate allelic variants in the catalase gene and a predisposition to vitiligo were investigated in case-control studies with 166 English patients and 169 ethnically-matched controls using DNA sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction methods. Of the ten allelic variants analysed, only a C/T single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 9 of the catalase gene was associated with vitiligo. The C/T genotype was significantly over-represented in the vitiligo patient group compared with the control cohort. Of 166 vitiligo genotypes, 66 (39.8%) had the C/T variant compared to 45/169 (26.6%) control genotypes (P = 0.030). No evidence for an association between other allelic variants in the catalase gene and vitiligo susceptibility was found. The low catalase activity in vitiligo patient epidermis is more likely to result from environmental conditions such as inhibitory levels of hydrogen peroxide rather than allelic variations in the catalase gene which affect either expression or function of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Polymeric elastin provides the physiologically essential properties of extensibility and elastic recoil to large arteries, heart valves, lungs, skin and other tissues. Although the detailed relationship between sequence, structure and mechanical properties of elastin remains a matter of investigation, data from both the full‐length monomer, tropoelastin, and smaller elastin‐like polypeptides have demonstrated that variations in protein sequence can affect both polymeric assembly and tensile mechanical properties. Here we model known splice variants of human tropoelastin (hTE), assessing effects on shape, polymeric assembly and mechanical properties. Additionally we investigate effects of known single nucleotide polymorphisms in hTE, some of which have been associated with later‐onset loss of structural integrity of elastic tissues and others predicted to affect material properties of elastin matrices on the basis of their location in evolutionarily conserved sites in amniote tropoelastins. Results of these studies show that such sequence variations can significantly alter both the assembly of tropoelastin monomers into a polymeric network and the tensile mechanical properties of that network. Such variations could provide a temporal‐ or tissue‐specific means to customize material properties of elastic tissues to different functional requirements. Conversely, aberrant splicing inappropriate for a tissue or developmental stage or polymorphisms affecting polymeric assembly could compromise the functionality and durability of elastic tissues. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a study that assesses the consequences of known polymorphisms and domain/splice variants in tropoelastin on assembly and detailed elastomeric properties of polymeric elastin.  相似文献   

Using gene frequency data for the ABO locus so far available, gene differentiation and gene identity between 20 castes and 22 tribes of Andhra Pradesh were determined. The interpopulation gene diversity is 1.4 and 1.6% of total genic variation in castes and tribes, respectively. Difficulties in interpreting genetic diversity using just one genetic system is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of Guaymi Indians of Panama for the occurrence of genetic variants of 25 proteins of the erythrocytes and sera have revealed, in addition to seven well-known genetic polymorphisms, four rare variants and two "private polymorphisms," the latter involving erythrocyte acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. The significance of such private polymorphisms in tribal populations to the interpretation of rare variants in civilized populations is emphasized.  相似文献   

The distribution of the mRNA of different C-terminal splice variants of the μ-opioid receptor in rat CNS was assessed by RT-PCR. The mRNA species for MOR1, MOR1A and MOR1B were readily detectable and distributed widely throughout the rat CNS, with levels of MOR1 and MOR1A mRNA being overall greater than for MOR1B. We did not find convincing evidence that significant levels of MOR1C, MOR1C1, MOR1C2 and MOR1D are present in rat CNS. To examine possible differences in the agonist-induced regulation of MOR1, MOR1A and MOR1B, we expressed these constructs in HEK293 cells along with G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K+ channel subunits and measured the rate and extent of desensitisation of ( d -Ala2, N -Me-Phe4,glycinol5)-enkephalin (DAMGO)- and morphine-induced G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K+ currents. Morphine-induced desensitisation was rapid for all three splice variants ( t ½: 1.2–1.7 min) but DAMGO-induced desensitisation was significantly slower for MOR1B ( t ½ 4.2 min). Inhibition of endocytosis by expression of a dynamin-dominant negative mutant increased the rate of DAMGO-induced desensitisation of MOR1B. These data show that some splice variants of μ-opioid receptor are widely expressed in rat CNS but question the existence of others that have been reported in the literature. In addition, whereas the rate of desensitisation of MOR1 and MOR1A is agonist-independent, that for MOR1B is agonist-dependent.  相似文献   

Models are developed for the survival, history, and spread of variant alleles, in order to consider what can, and what cannot, be inferred from this type of data. The high variances of the processes involved, and questions of sampling, place severe limitations on inferences. Nonetheless, by combining information on a number of rare variants observed in a group of interrelated populations, reliable qualitative inferences are possible. These ideas and models are developed in the context of data on five rare variants and six private polymorphisms observed in eight Chibcha-speaking tribes of Costa Rica and Panama. The decline and fragmentation of the Amerindian populations of Central America over the last 300 years create considerable difficulties in attempting inference of past genetic events. However, these tribes have been well studied genetically, anthropologically, and linguistically and thus provide an excellent framework for the study of rare-variant spread.  相似文献   

Ehrlich KC  Montalbano BG  Cary JW 《Gene》1999,230(2):249-257
AFLR is a Zn2Cys6-type sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that is thought to be necessary for expression of most of the genes in the aflatoxin pathway gene cluster in Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus, and the sterigmatocystin gene cluster in A. nidulans. However, it was not known whether AFLR bound to the promoter regions of each of the genes in the cluster. Recently, A. nidulans AFLR was shown to bind to the motif 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′. In the present study, we examined the binding of AFLR to promoter regions of 11 genes in the A. parasiticus cluster. Based on electrophoretic mobility shift assays, the genes nor1, pksA, adhA, norA, ver1, omtA, ordA, and, vbs, had at least one 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′ binding site within 200 bp of the translation start site, and pksA and ver1 had an additional binding site further upstream. Although the promoter region of avnA lacked this motif, AFLR bound weakly to the sequence 5′-TCGCAGCCCGG-3′ at −110 bp. One region in the promoter of the divergently transcribed genes aflR/aflJ bound weakly to AFLR even though it contained a site with at most only 7 bp of the 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′ motif. This partial site may be recognized by a monomeric form of AFLR. Based on a comparison of 16 possible sites, the preferred binding sequence was 5′-TCGSWNNSCGR-3′.  相似文献   

AFLR is a Zn2Cys6-type sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that is thought to be necessary for expression of most of the genes in the aflatoxin pathway gene cluster in Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus, and the sterigmatocystin gene cluster in A. nidulans. However, it was not known whether AFLR bound to the promoter regions of each of the genes in the cluster. Recently, A. nidulans AFLR was shown to bind to the motif 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′. In the present study, we examined the binding of AFLR to promoter regions of 11 genes in the A. parasiticus cluster. Based on electrophoretic mobility shift assays, the genes nor1, pksA, adhA, norA, ver1, omtA, ordA, and, vbs, had at least one 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′ binding site within 200 bp of the translation start site, and pksA and ver1 had an additional binding site further upstream. Although the promoter region of avnA lacked this motif, AFLR bound weakly to the sequence 5′-TCGCAGCCCGG-3′ at −110 bp. One region in the promoter of the divergently transcribed genes aflR/aflJ bound weakly to AFLR even though it contained a site with at most only 7 bp of the 5′-TCGN5CGA-3′ motif. This partial site may be recognized by a monomeric form of AFLR. Based on a comparison of 16 possible sites, the preferred binding sequence was 5′-TCGSWNNSCGR-3′.  相似文献   

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