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A rapid and effective semi-automated screening method has been developed for the development of growth media for mammalian cell culture. The method has proven to be a powerful tool for preliminary evaluation and comparison of new media formulations, but has some inherent disadvantages, which are important to recognise in order to interpret the results.  相似文献   

Differentiation of immature osteoblasts to mature osteoblasts in vitro initially was induced by supplementing the medium with β-gylcerophosphate and dexamethasone. Later, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, vitamin K3 and TGFβ1 were used in varying concentrations as supplements to generate a mature osteoblast phenotype. We tested the effects of several combinations of cell culture media, seeding protocols and osteogenic supplements on osteogenic differentiation of human primary osteoblasts. Osteogenic differentiation was analyzed by staining alkaline phosphatase (ALP) with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate/nitro blue tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) and by von Kossa staining of deposited calcium phosphate. The combinations of culture media and supplements significantly influenced osteogenic differentiation, but the seeding protocol did not. Staining of ALP and calcium phosphate could be achieved only if our own mix of osteogenic supplements was used in combination with Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium or if a commercial mix of osteogenic supplements was used in combination with osteoblast growth medium. Especially for von Kossa, we observed great variations in the staining intensity. Because osteogenic differentiation is a complex process, the origin of the osteoblasts, cell culture media and osteogenic supplements should be established by preliminary experiments to achieve optimal differentiation. Staining of ALP or deposited calcium phosphate should be supplemented with qRT-PCR studies to learn more about the influence of specific supplements on osteogenic markers.  相似文献   

The in vitro culture of human hematopoietic cells has many research and therapeutic applications. Traditionally, human hematopoietic cultures have been conducted using serum-containing media. The disadvantages inherent in the use of serum could be eliminated by the use of serum-free media. In this review, we summarize and discuss the current status of serum-free media for both mature and immature human hematopoietic cells. The mature hematopoietic cells discussed are of lymphoid (e.g., lymphokine activated killer cells and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes) and myeloid origin (e.g., monocytes/macrophages). The cultures of immature hematopoietic cells discussed are clonogenic and long-term cultures. In addition, we briefly review the types of human hematopoietic cells, their clinical applications, and the basic strategies and components used to formulate serum-free media, Finally, we outline future requirements and directions in the development of serum-free media for primitive hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The uptake of mineral nutrients from two media with different mineral composition, a classical MSA medium and a modified MH2 medium, by Saponaria officinalis (soapwort) cells was studied over a growth cycle of 14 days, by continuous measurement of mineral consumption without opening the culture flasks. The mineral composition of the MH2 medium was found to be better suited to S. officinalis cells. Culture on MSA medium showed that copper is probably a factor limiting growth, that phosphate is rapidly exhausted from this medium, that its strong ammonium concentration is antagonistic to the absorption of potassium and, lastly, that sodium and chlorine may be considered as non-essential elements. Received: 13 March 1998 / Revision received: 9 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1998  相似文献   

BackgroundExtracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by neuronal cells in vitro have promising therapeutic potential for brain diseases. Optimization of cell culture conditions and methodologies for high-yield isolation of EVs for preclinical and clinical applications, however, remains a challenge.ObjectiveTo probe the cell culture conditions required for optimal EV secretion by human-derived neuronal cells.MethodologyFirst, we optimized the EV purification protocol using human mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) cultures. Next, we compared the effects of different variables in human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived neuronal cultures on EV secretion. EVs were isolated from cell conditioned media (CCM) and control media with no cells (NCC) using ultrafiltration combined with size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). The hPSC neurons were cultured in 2 different media from which EVs were collected at 2 maturation time-points (days 46 and 60). Stimulation with 25 mM KCl was also evaluated as an activator of EV secretion by neurons. The collected SEC fractions were analyzed by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), protein concentration assay, and blinded transmission electron microscopy (TEM).ResultsA peak in cup-shaped particles was observed in SEC fractions 7–10 of MSC samples, but not corresponding media controls, indicating successful isolation of EVs. Culture medium had no significant effect on EV yield. The EV yield of the samples did not differ significantly according to the culture media used or the cell maturation time-points. Stimulation of neurons with KCl for 3 h reduced rather than increased the EV yield.ConclusionsWe demonstrated successful EV isolation from MSC and neuronal cells using an ultrafiltration-SEC method. The EV yield from MSC and neuronal cultures exhibited a large batch effect, apparently related to the culture media used, highlighting the importance of including NCC as a negative control in all cell culture experiments.  相似文献   

The use of cell walls to produce cellulosic ethanol from sugarcane bagasse is a new challenge. A better knowledge of proteins involved in cell wall remodelling is essential to improve the saccharification processes. Cell suspension cultures were used for this first cell wall proteomics study of sugarcane. Proteins extracted from cell walls were identified using an adapted protocol. They were extracted using 0.2 M CaCl2 and 2 M LiCl after purification of cell walls. The proteins were then identified by the innovative nanoACQUITY UPLC MS/MS technology and bioinformatics using the translated SUCEST EST cluster database of sugarcane. The experiments were reproduced three times. Since Sorghum bicolor is the closest plant with a fully sequenced genome, homologous proteins were searched for to complete the annotation of proteins, that is, prediction of subcellular localization and functional domains. Altogether, 69 different proteins predicted to be secreted were identified among 377 proteins. The reproducibility of the experiments is discussed. These proteins were distributed into eight functional classes. Oxidoreductases such as peroxidases were well represented, whereas glycoside hydrolases were scarce. This work provides information about the proteins that could be manipulated through genetic transformation, to increase second‐generation ethanol production.  相似文献   

The NucleoCounter is a novel, portable cell counting device based on the principle of fluorescence microscopy. The present work establishes its use with animal cells and checks its reliability, consistency and accuracy in comparison with other cytometric techniques. The main advantages of this technique are its ability to handle a large number of samples with a high degree of precision and its simplicity and specificity in detecting viable cells quantitatively in a heterogeneous culture. The work addresses and overcomes the problems of subjectivity, and some of the inherent sampling errors associated with using the traditional haemocytometer and Trypan Blue exclusion method. NucleoCounter offers reduced intra- and inter-observer variation as well as consistency in repetitive analysis that establishes it as an efficient and highly potential device for at-line monitoring of animal cell processes. Furthermore, since the only manual steps required are sample aspiration and mixing with two reagents, it is feasible that the whole method could be automated and brought on-line for process monitoring and control.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from diploid and tetraploid Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were examined after anisotonic fixation. Morphological anomalies, such as membrane rupture, detached tails, and the formation of tail vesicles (typically associated with damage attributable to procedures such as cryopreservation) were observed; the Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square test indicated a strong association between the anomalies and fixative osmolality (P<0.001). The present study also indicated that media in a range of 800 to 1,086 mOsm/kg could be assumed to be functionally isotonic to Pacific oysters, and osmolalities below or above this caused severe cell damage. For example, the maximum volume of flagella obtained after hypotonic fixation was approximately twice the volume of the flagella in isotonic fixation. Sperm cell flagellar volumes after hypertonic fixation (1,110 mOsm/kg) were 32% smaller than those in isotonic fixation, and sperm heads were 25% smaller. Although the damage associated with anisotonic fixation was evident in all parts of the sperm cells, the most vulnerable locations were the plasma membrane and flagellum motor apparatus. The formation of tail vesicles after hypotonic fixation was also examined. Because of water uptake, oyster sperm became swollen in hypotonic fixative, and bending or coiling of the axoneme within the tail vesicles led to the appearance of multiple axonemal structures in cross sections when observed by transmission electron microscopy. This phenomenon might be generally misinterpreted as the presence of double tails. This and other fixation artifacts can lead to the misinterpretation of damage caused by cryopreservation in ultrastructure studies of sperm of aquatic species, especially those in marine species.This work was supported in part by funding from the USDA-SBIR program, 4Cs Breeding Technologies, and the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program.  相似文献   

Heinz Rennenberg 《Phytochemistry》1976,15(10):1433-1434
Conditioned media of suspension cultures of Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun contain 0.15-0.20 mmol/l glutathione. These concentrations correspond closely to the intracellular content of glutathione and represent about three to four times the amount of glutathione needed to maintain the intracellular level of glutathione. In contrast to the GSH:GSSG ratio inside the cells, the amount of GSSG in the media rises to 20% of the GSH content.  相似文献   

The cellular compartment and purpose of the proteolytic processing of the prion protein (PrP) are still under debate. We have studied ovine PrP constructs expressed in four cell lines; murine neuroblastoma cells (N2a), human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y), dog kidney epithelial cells (MDCK), and human furin-deficient colon cancer cells (LoVo). Cleavage of PrP in LoVo cells indicates that the processing is furin independent. Neither is it reduced by some inhibitors of lysosomal proteinases, proteasomes or zinc-metalloproteinases, but incubation with bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of vacuolar H+/ATPases, increases the amount of uncleaved PrP in the apical medium of MDCK cells. Mutations affecting the putative cleavage site near amino acid 113 reveal that the cleavage is independent of primary structure at this site. Absence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and glycan modifications does not influence the proteolytic processing of PrP. Our data indicate that PrP is cleaved during transit to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Process intensification of monoclonal antibody production is leading to more concentrated feed media causing issues with precipitation of solids from the media solution. This results in processing problems since components in the precipitate are no longer in solution, changing the media composition and leading to variability in cell culture performance. The goal of this work is to characterize the feed media precipitate, and in particular to identify the precipitated components so that mitigation strategies can be developed. From the conducted analysis, the precipitate was predominately found to be organic and was analyzed with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) to identify the constituent components. Up to ten amino acids were identified with tyrosine (approximately 77 wt.%) and phenylalanine (approximately 4 wt.%) being the most prevalent amino acids. Elemental analysis with ICP-OES revealed that inorganic components were accounted for less than one weight percentage of the solid precipitate with metal sulfates being the predominant inorganic components.  相似文献   

Positive genotoxicity results are often observed using mammalian cells in culture with agents that are not in vivo genotoxins. We here illustrate one possible explanation: interaction of test chemicals with the cell-culture media used. We find that the toxicity and clastogenicity of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) to Chinese Hamster ovary (CHO) cells is affected by the culture medium used and appears largely or entirely due to variable rates of formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by chemical reactions of EGCG with the culture media. Catalase decreased EGCG toxicity substantially. Of seven different types of commonly used media evaluated, F-10 and F-12 nutrient mixtures were the least prone to produce this artefact. Although it generated H2O2 in the culture media, ascorbate was not toxic to CHO cells because the H2O2 levels achieved were insufficient to kill these cells. Thus, the culture medium, the cell type and the presence or absence of catalase (e.g. its variable amounts in S9 fractions) must be taken into account in in vitro genotoxicity testing.  相似文献   

A non-transformed (Vero) and two tumor cell lines (HepG2 and MCF-7) were treated with 10nM to 100 microM formaldehyde. Lower doses (10nM to 10 microM) enhanced the viability of the cultured cells, measured by MTT assay. Higher doses (75-100 microM) decreased viability of the cells by 50% or more. The 100 microM concentration of HCHO has been chosen for combination treatment of the three cell lines with a series of concentrations (0.2-100 microM) of resveratrol, a phytoestrogen occurring in various fruits. Resveratrol decreased the cytotoxicity of formaldehyde depending on cell line and point of time, especially in case of MCF-7 cells at 24 and 72 h, Vero cells at 24h and HepG2 cells at 48 h after treatment. Possible modes of interactions are discussed, considering the role of resveratrol in formaldehyde metabolism and also the estrogen receptor positivity of MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   

Summary An undefined, serum-free medium was developed for use with fish cell cultures. Lactalbumin hydrolyzate, trypticase-soy broth, Bacto-peptone, dextrose, yeastolate, and polyvinylpyrrolidone were initially combined in 100 ml of distilled H2O, autoclaved, and added to 5% of the final volume of Medium 199. In addition, filter sterilized bovine pancreatic insulin, glutamine, and nonessential amino acids were added to the medium. The addition of insulin was observed to be unnecessary. Five fish cell lines [goldfish-derived CAR cells, fathead minnow (FHM) cells, epithelioma papillosum cyprini (EPC) cells, chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) cells, and a new cell line from goldfish air bladders (ABIII)] were all capable of growth in the serum-free medium at rates equivalent to cells grown in fetal bovine serum (FBS). The morphology of all cell lines, except CHSE-214 cells, was identical to cells grown in FBS. All cell lines were capable of long-term growth in the serum-free medium. The CAR, ABIII, EPC, and CHSE-214 cells in the serum-free medium supported the replication of goldfish virus-2 at levels equivalent to cells grown in FBS.  相似文献   

测定昆虫细胞存活或死亡的MTT方法的改进   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周青春  洪华珠 《昆虫知识》1998,35(3):165-167,159
MTT方法具有灵敏、简便、稳定可靠、不需同位素等特点。为了摸索测定昆虫细胞存活(或死亡)的MTT方法的各种最适条件,本文以中国棉铃虫细胞系为对象,确定了一些基本参数、并比较了三种MTT测定方法。结果表明:改进的方法所选用的溶剂——pH为4.5的3%SDS异丙醇效果最好,溶解甲所需时间短、OD值高。测定昆虫细胞范围为每孔500~60000细胞,测试波长为560nm,参考波长为690nm.  相似文献   

Summary Antiserum produced in rabbits against purified myelin contains antibodies that bind to the surface of cells having multiple branched processes in live cultures of cerebral hemispheres of newborn rats. The identity of these cells was determined by double immunolabelling experiments with other specific antigenic markers (W1 Wolfgram protein, myelin basic proteins, glial fibrillary acidic protein). It was demonstrated that the cells are a subclass of oligodendrocytes which have reached a certain degree of maturation; nearly all of them contain basic proteins. Indeed, a number of oligodendrocytes, that contain the W 1 protein, and may or may not have processes, are not surface-labelled in similar conditions. The usefulness of such an anti-myelin serum in the isolation of pure oligodendrocytes is discussed.J.L.N. is Chargé de Recherche au CNRSDirector: Professor Guy Vincendon  相似文献   

Summary In cell cultures of the rat cerebellum, electron-dense material has been found occasionally between adjacent cells. More often than not, presynaptic elements on one side of the dense material faced either neuronal or nonneuronal cells on the other side. The 20 nm thick material was stained either with the osmium-uranyl-lead (OsUL) procedure or with the ethanolic phosphotungstic acid (E-PTA) procedure. To determine the source of the dense material, various compounds were added to cultures at 7 days in vitro. Only a crude nuclear fraction was able to duplicate the appearance of the dense material associated with the apparent presynaptic elements. It was concluded that apparent presynaptic elements were associated with the polybasic dense material and that this type of association may duplicate an interaction in the normal development of synaptic contacts.Support for this research came from the National Institutes of Health Grant No. NS 09641 from the NINCDS to Dr. Robert S. Lasher and USPH Grant No. NS 12590 to Dr. John G. Wood. Additional support came from the USPHS grant through NINCDS, NS 15894 (RWB)The author is deeply indebted to Drs. Robert S. Lasher and John G. Wood in whose laboratories parts of this work were carried out  相似文献   

In standardMurashige-Skoog medium, particularly at pH higher than 5.0 and after heat sterilization, there is a tendency for turbidity or a sediment to appear, and for the acidity to increase by 0.2 to 0.5 degrees pH. The sediment is an amorphous precipitate of ferric phosphate and partly also of ferrous phosphate. In a stock iron solution prepared by chelation of ferrous sulphate with an equimolar quantity of the complexone Na2EDTA. up to 10% free FeII ions could be detected. By titration of a concentrated complexon solution it was found that in the presence of an excess of Na2EDTA (at the approximate molar ratio FeII: Na2EDTA 1: 2) chelation of this free iron takes place to such an extent that its concentration falls to as little as 0.1%. Media with iron stabilized in this way are quite clear and maintain the adjusted pH for up to several weeks. The heat sterilization, too, does not lead to any precipitation or to a shift in pH within the broad range of adjusted values pH 4.8 – 6.0. We also attempted to increase the relatively low buffering capacity of Murashige-Skoog medium. The addition of sodium citrate (1.25 mmol 1-1) and particularly of citrate-phosphate buffer (at a final concentration of 1.97 mmol citric acid and 6.07 mmol dibasic sodium phosphate per litre of medium) to the Murashige-Skoog medium considerably increased its buffering capacity, so that at the end of the subculture interval of tobacco cell suspensions the adjusted acidity changed only slightly (pH 5.40 ± 0.15). A thorough evaluation of the growth parameters of tobacco batch cultures (cell counts, vital staining, kinetics of DNA and protein synthesis) failed to reveal any negative effect either of additional chelation or of the buffering components.  相似文献   

Changes in the limiting porosity of cell walls, i.e. the size limit for permeation of neutral molecules through the wall, were studied in several higher-plant cell-suspension cultures. For this purpose, samples of biomass fixed at different cultivation times were investigated using a method based on size-exclusion chromatography of polydisperse dextrans before and after equilibration with the extracted cell clusters. In suspension cultures of Chenopodium album L., Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. and Medicago sativa L., the mean size limit (MSL; critical Stokes' radius for exclusion of neutral polymers from half of the intracellular space) was found to vary between 2.4 and 3.8 nm. It decreased significantly during transition from the growth phase to the stationary phase. In the case of the C. album culture this change was found to be irrespective of whether sucrose in the medium was completely depleted at the end of the growth phase or not. The MSL was kept constant for long periods of the stationary phase if cell viability was maintained by repeated sucrose supplement. In a suspension strain of Triticum aestivum L., the MSL of cell wall permeation was comparatively small (1.75 nm) and remained constant during all cultivation phases. Relations between limiting porosity and cell wall growth, loss of pectic compounds to the medium, cross-linking activities and cell wall stiffening are discussed. Received: 19 December 1996 / Accepted: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

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