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Summary 1. The ability of various divalent metal ions to substitute for Ca2+ in activating distinct types of Ca2+-dependent K+ [K+(Ca2+] channels has been investigated in excised, inside-out membrane patches of human erthrocytes and of clonal N1E-115 mouse neuroblastoma cells using the patch clamp technique. The effects of the various metal ions have been compared and related to the effects of Ca2+.2. At concentrations between 1 and 100 µM Pb2+, Cd2+ and Co2+ activate intermediate conductance K+(Ca2+) channels in erythrocytes and large conductance K+(Ca2+) channels in neuroblastoma cells. Pb2+ and Co2+, but not Cd2+, activate small conductance K+(Ca2+) channels in neuroblastoma cells. Mg2+ and Fe2+ do not activate any of the K+(Ca2+) channels.3. Rank orders of the potencies for K+(Ca2+) activation are Pb2+, Cd2+>Ca2+, Co2+>>Mg2+, Fe2+ for the intermediate erythrocyte K+(Ca2+) channel, and Pb2+, Cd2+>Ca2+>Co2+>>Mg2+, Fe2+ for the small, and Pb2+>Ca2+>Co2+>>Cd2+, Mg2+, Fe2+ for the large K+(Ca2+) channel in neuroblastoma cells.4. At high concentrations Pb2+, Cd2+, and Co2+ block K+(Ca2+) channels in erythrocytes by reducing the opening frequency of the channels and by reducing the single channel amplitude. The potency orders of the two blocking effects are Pb2+>Cd2+, Co2+>>Ca2+, and Cd2+>Pb2+, Co2+>>Ca2+, respectively, and are distinct from the potency orders for activation.5. It is concluded that the different subtypes of K+(Ca2+) channels contain distinct regulatory sites involved in metal ion binding and channel opening. The K+(Ca2+) channel in erythrocytes appears to contain additional metal ion interaction sites involved in channel block.  相似文献   

Ca2+-activated K+ channels play an important role in Ca2+ signal transduction and may be regulated by mechanisms other than a direct effect of Ca2+. Inside-out patches of the apical membrane of confluent transformed rabbit cortical collecting duct cells cultured on collagen were subjected to patch clamp analysis. Two types of K+ channel, of medium and high conductance, were observed. The latter channel was characterized by a K+/Na+ permeability ratio of 10, an inwardly rectified current, a conductance of 80 pS at 0 mV, and an open probability dependent on both voltage and Ca2+. Guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP) but not a guanosine 5-diphosphate (GDP) analogue, adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP), cytidine 5-triphosphate (CTP), or inosine 5-triphosphate (ITP), inhibited the activity of this Ca2+-activated K+ channel. The inhibitory effect of GTP was dose dependent, with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 10–5 m in the absence of Mg2+. In the presence of Mg2+ (1 mm), which is required for the binding of GTP to G proteins, the 50% inhibitory concentration decreased to 3×10–12 m. Pertussis toxin or cholera toxin (each at 10 ng/ml) did not prevent the inhibitory effect of GTP. After removal of GTP from the medium bathing an inhibited channel, subsequent application of Ca2+ failed to activate the channel. Ca2+-activated K+ channels of smooth muscle cells and proximal tubule cells did not respond to GTP. Thus, the Ca2+-activated K+ channel in the apical membrane of collecting duct cells is inhibited by GTP, which appears to exert its effect via a G protein that is insensitive to both cholera and pertussis toxins.  相似文献   

Two types of potassium channels of identified (p-) neurones of the leech (Hirudo medicinalis) were investigated by using the patch-clamp technique. The openstate probability of these channels in cell-attached patches can be reduced by addition of 5-hydroxytryptamine to the bath solution. After excising the patches the application of alkaline phosphatase to the cytosolic face of the patch increases the open probability. The 5-HT1A-receptor agonist buspirone mimics the effect of 5-HT. Our experiments show that the effect of 5-HT might be due to a channel phosphorylation via a 5-HT1A-receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Outside-out configuration of the patch clamp technique was used to test whether an intracellular application of G protein activator (GTPS) affects ATP-activated Ca2+-permeable channels in rat macrophages without any agonist in the bath solution. With 145 mm K+ (pCa 8.0) in the pipette solution, activity of channels permeable to a variety of divalent cations and Na+ was observed and general channel characteristics were found to be identical to those of ATP-activated ones. Absence of extracellular ATP makes it possible to avoid the influence of ATP receptor desensitization and to study the channel selectivity using a number of divalent cations (105 mm) and Na+ (145 mm) as the charge carriers. Permeability sequence estimated by extrapolated reversal potential measurements was: Ca2+ Ba2+ Mn2+ Sr2+ Na+ K+ = 68 30 26 10 3.5 1. Slope conductances (in pS) for permeant ions rank as follows: Ca2+ Sr2+ Na+ Mn2+ Ba2+ = 19 18 14 12 10. Unitary Ca2+ currents display a tendency to saturate with the Ca2+ concentration increase with apparent dissociation constant (K d ) of 10 mm. No block of Na+ permeation by extracellular Ca2+ in millimolar range was found. The data obtained suggest that (i) activation of some G protein is sufficient to gate the channels without the ATP receptor being occupied, (ii) the ATP receptor activation results in the gating of a special channel with the properties that differ markedly from those of the receptoroperated or voltage-gated Ca2+-permeable channels on the other cell types.DeceasedThe authors are grateful to K. Kiselyov and A. Mamin for technical assistance. The work was supported by the Russian Basic Research Foundation, Grant N 93-04-21722 and was made possible in part by Grant N R4A000 from the International Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin mediates Ca2+-dependent modulation of M-type K+ channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To quantify the modulation of KCNQ2/3 current by [Ca2+]i and to test if calmodulin (CaM) mediates this action, simultaneous whole-cell recording and Ca2+ imaging was performed on CHO cells expressing KCNQ2/3 channels, either alone, or together with wild-type (wt) CaM, or dominant-negative (DN) CaM. We varied [Ca2+]i from <10 to >400 nM with ionomycin (5 microM) added to either a 2 mM Ca2+, or EGTA-buffered Ca2+-free, solution. Coexpression of wt CaM made KCNQ2/3 currents highly sensitive to [Ca2+]i (IC50 70 +/- 20 nM, max inhibition 73%, n = 10). However, coexpression of DN CaM rendered KCNQ2/3 currents largely [Ca2+]i insensitive (max inhibition 8 +/- 3%, n = 10). In cells without cotransfected CaM, the Ca2+ sensitivity was variable but generally weak. [Ca2+]i modulation of M current in superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons followed the same pattern as in CHO cells expressed with KCNQ2/3 and wt CaM, suggesting that endogenous M current is also highly sensitive to [Ca2+]i. Coimmunoprecipitations showed binding of CaM to KCNQ2-5 that was similar in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+ or 5 mM EGTA. Gel-shift analyses suggested Ca2+-dependent CaM binding to an "IQ-like" motif present in the carboxy terminus of KCNQ2-5. We tested whether bradykinin modulation of M current in SCG neurons uses CaM. Wt or DN CaM was exogenously expressed in SCG cells using pseudovirions or the biolistic "gene gun." Using both methods, expression of both wt CaM and DN CaM strongly reduced bradykinin inhibition of M current, but for all groups muscarinic inhibition was unaffected. Cells expressed with wt CaM had strongly reduced tonic current amplitudes as well. We observed similar [Ca2+]i rises by bradykinin in all the groups of cells, indicating that CaM did not affect Ca2+ release from stores. We conclude that M-type currents are highly sensitive to [Ca2+]i and that calmodulin acts as their Ca2+ sensor.  相似文献   

Cai Q  Zhu Z  Li H  Fan X  Jia N  Bai Z  Song L  Li X  Liu J 《Life sciences》2007,80(7):681-689
Prenatal stress is known to cause neuronal loss and oxidative damage in the hippocampus of offspring rats. To further understand the mechanisms, the present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of prenatal stress on the kinetic properties of high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca(2+) and K(+) channels in freshly isolated hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons of offspring rats. Pregnant rats in the prenatal stress group were exposed to restraint stress on days 14-20 of pregnancy three times daily for 45 min. The patch clamp technique was employed to record HVA Ca(2+) and K(+) channel currents. Prenatal stress significantly increased HVA Ca(2+) channel disturbance including the maximal average HVA calcium peak current amplitude (-576.52+/-7.03 pA in control group and -702.05+/-6.82 pA in prenatal stress group, p<0.01), the maximal average HVA Ca(2+) current density (-40.89+/-0.31 pA/pF in control group and -49.44+/-0.37 pA/pF in prenatal stress group, p<0.01), and the maximal average integral current of the HVA Ca(2+) channel (106.81+/-4.20 nA ms in control group and 133.49+/-4.59 nA ms in prenatal stress group, p<0.01). The current-voltage relationship and conductance--voltage relationship of HVA Ca(2+) channels and potassium channels in offspring CA3 neurons were not affected by prenatal stress. These data suggest that exposure of animals to stressful experience during pregnancy can exert effects on calcium ion channels of offspring hippocampal neurons and that the calcium channel disturbance may play a role in prenatal stress-induced neuronal loss and oxidative damage in offspring brain.  相似文献   

Ion channels in the plasma membrane of root cell protoplasts of Plantago media L. were studied with the patch clamp technique in the cell-attached patch and outside-out patch configuration. An outward rectifying potassium channel was dominantly present in the plasma membrane. It appears responsible for the diffusional part, dominated by the K+ diffusion potential, of the cell membrane potential, in vivo. This channel is activated at potentials near to and more positive than the K+ diffusion potential. The dependence of this ion channel on K+ activity and voltage has been characterized. The current-voltage relationships of the open channel at various K+ concentrations are described by a four-state model. The membrane potential of intact protoplasts appears either dominated by the K+ diffusion potential, the protoplast is then said to be in the K state, or by the pump potential generated by the plasma membrane-bound proton pump/H+ ATPase, the P state. An experimental procedure is described to determine in cell-attached patch mode the state of the protoplast, either K or P state.Institution paper no.: ECOTRANS publication no. 45.  相似文献   

目的:观察新生SD大鼠原代培养皮层神经元的钙激活钾通道(Kca)在黎芦碱致神经元损伤模型上的激活、抑制效应.方法:采用细胞贴附和内面向外两种膜片钳单通道记录方法记录新生SD大鼠原代培养皮层神经元的Kca电生理活动.结果:黎芦碱在胞外可激活Kca.在有钙浴液内,细胞贴附式,钳制膜电位 30 mV,加入不同浓度黎芦碱(μmol/L:15、25、50、75),通道开放概率由0.005分别增加为0.014±0.003、0.085±0.010、0.132±0.016、0.059±0.006(P<0.01),在50μmol/L以内表现出浓度依赖性.无钙浴液内,细胞贴附式膜片上,钳制膜电位 50 mV,随药物浓度(μmol/L)增加为15、40、60、100时,通道开放概率由0.005分别增加为0.014±0.010、0.113±0.006、0.141±0.004、0 295±0.009(P<0.05).6例内面向外式膜片上,钳制膜电位 40 mV,分别加入黎芦碱25 μmol/L、50μmol/L 3 min后,通道开放概率由0.011±0.008分别增加为0.010±0.010、0.012±0.007(P>0.05).黎芦碱在胞内Kca开放概率,平均开放/关闭时间,电流幅值均无明显变化.结论:黎芦碱通过影响胞内游离钙水平间接调节Kca,在缺血缺氧早期,胞内游离钙增高激活Kca开放.  相似文献   

The effects of three divalent metal cations (Mn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+) on high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ currents were studied in acutely dissociated pyramidal neurons of rat piriform cortex using the patch-clamp technique. Cu2+, Mn2+, and Co2+ blocked HVA currents conducted by Ba2+ ( IBa) with IC50 of approximately 920 nM, approximately 58 micro M, and approximately 65 micro M, respectively. Additionally, after application of non-saturating concentrations of the three cations, residual currents activated with substantially slower kinetics than control IBa. As a consequence, the current fraction abolished by the blocking cations typically displayed, in its early phase, an unusually fast-decaying transient. The latter phenomenon turned out to be a subtraction artifact, since none of the pharmacological components (L-, N-, P/Q-, and R-type) that constitute the total HVA currents under study showed a similarly fast early decay: hence, the slow activation kinetics of residual currents was not due to the preferential inhibition of a fast-activating/inactivating component, but rather to a true slowing effect of the blocker cations. The percent IBa-amplitude inhibition caused by Mn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+ was voltage-independent over the whole potential range explored (up to +30 mV), hence the slowing of IBa activation kinetics was not due to a mechanism of voltage- and time-dependent relief from block. Moreover, Mn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+ significantly reduced I(Ba) deactivation speed upon repolarization, which also is not compatible with a depolarization-dependent unblocking mechanism. The above results show that 1) Cu2+ is a particularly potent HVA Ca2+-channel blocker in rat palaeocortical neurons; and 2) Mn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+, besides exerting a blocking action on HVA Ca2+-channels, also modify Ca2+-current activation and deactivation kinetics, most probably by directly interfering with channel-state transitions.  相似文献   

Fan LM  Wang YF  Wu WH 《Protoplasma》2003,220(3-4):143-152
Summary.  Patch-clamp whole-cell and single-channel recording techniques were used to investigate the regulation of outward K+ channels by external and internal protons in Brassica chinensis pollen protoplasts. Outward K+ currents and conductance were insensitive to external pH (pHo) except at pH 4.5. Maximal conductance (G max) for the outward K+ currents was inhibited at acidic external pH. Half-activation voltage (E 1/2) for the outward K+ currents shifted to more positive voltages along with the decrease in pHo. E 1/2 can be described by a modified Henderson–Hasselbalch equation expected from a single titratable binding site. The activation kinetics of the outward K+ channels was largely insensitive to pHo. An internal pH (pHi) of 4.5 significantly increased outward K+ currents and conductance. G max for the outward K+ currents decreased with elevations in pHi. In contrast to the effect of pHo, E 1/2 was shifted to more positive voltages with elevations in pHi. The outward K+ currents, G max and E 1/2 can be described by the modified Henderson–Hasselbalch equation. Furthermore, acidifying pHi accelerated the activation of the outward K+ currents significantly. The differences in electro-physiological properties among previously reported and currently described plant outward K+ channels may reflect differences in the structure of these channels. Received May 7, 2002; accepted July 9, 2002; published online November 29, 2002  相似文献   

Castillo K  Bacigalupo J  Wolff D 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1675-1682
Olfactory cilia contain cyclic nucleotide-gated and Ca2+-dependent Cl- conductances that underlie excitatory chemotransduction, and a Ca2+-dependent K+ (KCa) conductance, apparently involved in inhibitory transduction. Previous single-channel patch-clamp studies on olfactory cilia revealed four different KCas, with different conductances and kinetics. Here, we further characterized these channels in planar bilayers, where blockers could be properly tested. All four ciliary KCas were observed: The 16 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=40 microM and apamin-sensitive; the 30 and 50 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=59 microM, clotrimazole-sensitive and charybdotoxin-insensitive; the 60 pS channel, clotrimazole-sensitive and charybdotoxin-insensitive; and the 210 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=63 microM, blocked by charybdotoxin and iberiotoxin. The presence of the 16 and 210 pS channels was confirmed by immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Summary In cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells, elementary K+ currents were studied in cell-attached and inside-out patches using the standard patch-clamp technique. Two different cationic channels were found, a large channel with a mean unitary conductance of 150±10 pS and a small channel with a mean unitary conductance of 12.5±1.1 pS. The 150-pS channel proved to be voltag- and Ca2+-activatable and seems to be a K+ channel. Its open probability increased on membrane depolarization and, at a given membrane potential, was greatly enhanced by elevating the Ca2+ concentration at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane from 10–7 to 10–4 m. 150-pS channels were not influenced by the patch configuration in that patch excision neither induced rundown nor evoked channel activity in silent cell-attached patches. However, they were only seen in two out of 55 patches. The 12-pS channel was predominant, a nonselective cationic channel with almost the same permeability for K+ and Na+ whose open probability was minimal near –60 mV but increased on membrane hyperpolarization. An increase in internal Ca2+ from 10–7 to 10–4 m left the open probability unchanged. Although the K+ selectivity of the 150-pS channels remains to be elucidated, it is concluded that they may be involved in controlling Ca2+-dependent cellular functions. Under physiological conditions, 12-pS nonselective channels may provide an inward cationic pathway for Na+.  相似文献   

Ionotropic purinergic receptors (P2X) are expressed in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. ATP acting on smooth muscle P2X receptors is able to induce vasoconstriction in different kind of vessels. However, to our knowledge, there are no reports that directly show the activity of these purinergic receptors in native human vascular smooth muscle cells. In this work, we describe for the first time an ATP-induced current in freshly isolated human umbilical artery (HUA) smooth muscle cells. The current was measured by patch-clamp technique in whole-cell condition on cells clamped at -50 mV. At 100 μM of ATP the current showed a rapid activation and desensitization, and was carried by both Na(+) and Ca(2+). The current was completely blocked by suramin (300 μM) and partially blocked by 100 μM of Zn(2+) without affecting the kinetic of desensitization. All these properties suggest that the ATP-induced ionic currents are mediated through P2X(1)-like receptors. Moreover, we show that ATP transiently increased cytosolic Ca(2+) in "in situ" smooth muscle cells of intact HUA segments and that this response is dependent of extracellular and intracellular Ca(2+). These data expand the knowledge of purinergic receptors properties in vascular smooth muscle cells and the probable role of ATP as a paracrine modulator of contractile tone in a human artery which is fundamental for feto-placental blood flow.  相似文献   

In the present study, the whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to investigate the influence of co-application of zinc ions and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) on the SPC-induced shift of the activation midpoint and slowing of activation kinetics of Kv1.3 channels in human T lymphocytes. The results obtained provided evidence that the effects exerted by SPC and Zn were not additive. The shift was significantly diminished in a concentration-dependent manner upon co-application of 10 M SPC and Zn in the concentration range 10–300 M. However, the shift was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn co-applied with SPC. It was shown that the extent of the shift upon SPC and Zn co-application was similar to the shift observed for Zn applied without SPC. The slowing of the activation kinetics was also diminished upon SPC and Zn co-application; however, no clear dependence on concentration was observed. Moreover, the slowing was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn. It was shown that the slowing of the activation kinetics upon Zn and SPC co-application was primarily due to the effect exerted by SPC. The steepness of the voltage dependence of steady-state activation of the channels was not changed upon SPC and Zn co-application. Possible mechanisms underlying the observed phenomena and their possible physiological significance are discussed.Abbreviations 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - SPC sphingosylphosphorylcholine - TL human T lymphocyte  相似文献   

Summary The properties of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in the apical membrane of theNecturus choroid plexus were studied using single-channel recording techniques in the cell-attached and excised-patch configurations. Channels with large unitary conductances clustered around 150 and 220 pS were most commonly observed. These channels exhibited a high selectivity for K+ over Na+ and K+ over Cs+. They were blocked by high cytoplasmic Na+ concentrations (110mm). Channel activity increased with depolarizing membrane potentials, and with increasing cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. Increasing Ca2+ from 5 to 500nm, increased open probability by an order of magnitude, without changing single-channel conductance. Open probability increased up to 10-fold with a 20-mV depolarization when Ca2+ was 500nm. Lowering intracellular pH one unit, decreased open probability by more than two orders of magnitude, but pH did not affect single-channel conductance. Cytoplasmic Ba2+ reduced both channel-open probability and conductance. The sites for the action of Ba2+ are located at a distance more than halfway through the applied electric field from the inside of the membrane. Values of 0.013 and 117mm were calculated as the apparent Ba2+ dissociation constants (K d (0 mV) for the effects on probability and conductance, respectively. TEA+ (tetraethylammonium) reduced single-channel current. Applied to the cytoplasmic side, it acted on a site 20% of the distance through the membrane, with aK d (0 mV)=5.6mm. A second site, with a higher affinity,K d (0 mV)=0.23mm, may account for the near total block of chanel conductance by 2mm TEA+ applied to the outside of the membrane. It is concluded that the channels inNecturus choroid plexus exhibit many of the properties of maxi Ca2+-activated K+ channels found in other tissues.  相似文献   

Effects of stilbene disulfonates on single KATP channel currents were investigated in inside-out and outside-out membrane patches from guinea pig ventricular myocytes. All drugs tested, 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene, 2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS), 4-acetamido0-4′-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (SITS), 4,4′-dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DNDS), and 4,4′-diaminostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DADS), inhibited the KATP channel when they were applied to the intracellular, but not extracellular side of the membrane patch. Inhibitory actions of DIDS and SITS were irreversible, whereas those induced by DNDS and DADS were reversible. KATP channel inhibition was concentration dependent with an order of potency of DIDS>SITS ≈ DNDS > DADS; the Hill coefficient was close to unity for each drug. No change in channel conductance was observed during exposure to DIDS or DNDS; however, channel kinetics was altered. Distribution of the open time within bursts and that between bursts could be described by a single exponential relation in the absence and presence of DIDS or DNDS. The time constant of the open time within bursts was not altered, but that between bursts was decreased by DIDS (from 40.0±8.1 to 29.8±6.7 msec, P< 0.05) and by DNDS (from 43.1±9.3 to 31.9±7.1 msec, P<0.05). Distributions of closed time within bursts were also fitted to a single exponential function both in the absence and presence of drugs, while those of the closed time between bursts were fitted to a single exponential function in the absence of drugs, but a double exponential function was required in the presence of drugs. The rates of onset and development of channel inhibition by DIDS and DNDS appeared to be concentration dependent; a longer time was required to reach a new steady-state of channel activity as drug concentration was decreased. Inhibition by DIDS or DNDS was regulated by intracellular pH; inhibition was greater during acidic conditions. For DIDS (0.1 mm), the open probability (P o) expressed as a fraction of the value before drug application was 42.9±8.3% at pH 7.4 and 8.2±6.6% at pH 6.5 (P<0.01); corresponding values for DNDS (1 mm) were 39.6±17.6 and 8.9 ±5.8%, respectively (P<0.01). From these data, we conclude that stilbene disulfonates block the KATP channel by binding to their target site with one-to-one stoichiometry. Similar to glibenclamide, the binding of stilbene disulfonates may reflect interpolation in an “intermediate lipid compartment” between the cytosolic drug and the site of drug action.  相似文献   

Contryphan-Vn is a D-tryptophan-containing disulfide-constrained nonapeptide isolated from the venom of Conus ventricosus, the single Mediterranean cone snail species. The structure of the synthetic Contryphan-Vn has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Unique among Contryphans, Contryphan-Vn displays the peculiar presence of a Lys-Trp dyad, reminiscent of that observed in several voltage-gated K(+) channel blockers. Electrophysiological experiments carried out on dorsal unpaired median neurons isolated from the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) nerve cord on rat fetal chromaffin cells indicate that Contryphan-Vn affects both voltage-gated and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channel activities, with composite and diversified effects in invertebrate and vertebrate systems. Voltage-gated and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels represent the first functional target identified for a conopeptide of the Contryphan family. Furthermore, Contryphan-Vn is the first conopeptide known to modulate the activity of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels.  相似文献   

Gating of Slo1 calcium- and voltage-gated potassium (BK) channels involves allosteric interactions among the channel pore, voltage sensors, and Ca(2+)-binding domains. The allosteric activation of the Slo1 channel is in turn modulated by a variety of regulatory processes, including oxidation. Cysteine oxidation alters functional properties of Slo1 channels and has been suggested to contribute to the decrease in the channel activity following patch excision often referred to as rundown. This study examined the biophysical mechanism of rundown and whether oxidation of cysteine residues located in the C-terminus of the human Slo1 channel (C430 and C911) plays a role. Comparison of the changes in activation properties in different concentrations of Ca(2+) among the wild-type, C430A, and C911A channels during rundown and by treatment with the oxidant hydrogen peroxide showed that oxidation of C430 and C911 markedly contributes to the rundown process.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to search for and characterize channels that mediate calcium influx through the plasma membrane of human carcinoma A431 cells. Here we present four Ca2+-permeable channel types referred to as SG, G, I and BI. With 105mm Ca2+ as the charge carrier, at 30–33°C their mean unitary conductances (in pS) are: 1.3 (SG), 2.4 (G), 3.7 (I) and 12.8 (BI). SG and G channels are activated by nonhydrolyzable analogues of guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP) applied to the inside of the membrane, suggesting an involvement of G-proteins in the control of their activity. I and BI channels are activated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). G, I, BI and possibly SG channels are activated from the extracellular side of the membrane by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and histamine. It is assumed that all identified Ca2+ channels take part in the generation of the agonist-induced intracellular Ca2+ signal. The variety of Ca-channel types seems to be necessary to tune cell responses according to the respective type and level of an external signal, on the one hand, and to the functional state of the cell, on the other.  相似文献   

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