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In this paper we describe the effects of manipulating two kinds of sensory input in neonatal rats upon the development of the macrovibrissae—that movable subset of the rodent mystacial vibrissae. In an initial study of normal whisker development, data on whisker size were obtained from neonatal, perinatal, and adult rats. Data on whisker size were also obtained from rats sustaining either neonatal sensory or motor denervation of the whiskers and from both rats and mice bilaterally enucleated as neonates (BEN). In normally reared rats, most whiskers attain their final size over the first three postnatal weeks but development of rows 6 and 7 are not completed until after the first month. In normal animals we found a significant correlation both between body weight and whisker size and between the size of a whisker and the size of its corresponding cortical barrel. Rats sustaining neonatal denervation of the whiskers have shorter and thinner whiskers as adults than normally reared animals. In both rats and mice bilaterally enucleated as neonates a subset of the macrovibrissae are significantly larger than those of normal controls but no such effect is seen if the enucleation is carried out in adults. Moreover, BEN rats exposed to a novel stimulus environment whisk at a significantly higher frequency than normally reared animals. Mechanisms which might mediate these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The rat's ability to vary its whisking "strategies" to meet the functional demands of a discriminative task suggests that whisking may be characterized as a "voluntary" behavior--an operant--and like other operants, should be modifiable by appropriate manipulations of response-reinforcer contingencies. To test this hypothesis we have used high-resolution, optoelectronic "real-time" recording procedures to monitor the movements of individual whiskers and reinforce specific movement parameters (amplitude, frequency). In one operant paradigm (N = 9) whisks with protractions above a specified amplitude were reinforced (Variable Interval 30 s) in the presence of a tone, but extinguished (EXT) in its absence. In a second paradigm (N = 3), rats were reinforced on two different VI schedules (VI-20s/VI-120s) signaled, respectively, by the presence or absence of the tone. Selective reinforcement of whisking movements maintained the behavior over many weeks of testing and brought it under stimulus and schedule control. Subjects in the first paradigm learned to increase responding in the presence of the tone and inhibit responding in its absence. In the second paradigm, subjects whisked at significantly different rates in the two stimulus conditions. Bilateral deafferentation of the whisker pad did not impair conditioned whisking or disrupt discrimination behavior. Our results confirm the hypothesis that rodent whisking has many of the properties of an operant response. The ability to bring whisking movement parameters under operant control should facilitate electrophysiological and lesion/behavioral studies of this widely used "model" sensorimotor system.  相似文献   

During 'active touch' the rodent whiskers scan the environment in a series of repetitive movements ('whisks') generating afferent signals which transform the spatial properties of objects into spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity. Based upon analyses carried out in a single movement plane, it has been generally assumed that these trajectories are essentially uni-dimensional, although more complex movements have been described in some rodents. The present study was designed to examine this assumption and to more precisely characterize whisking topography by monitoring whisking trajectories along both the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes. Using optoelectronic monitoring techniques with high-spatio-temporal resolution, movement data were obtained from a population of vibrissae sampled at different locations on the mystacial pad in head-fixed rats isolated from the perturbing effects of contact. For a substantial proportion of the population of whisking movements sampled, the trajectories generated by a single whisker is most accurately described as occupying an expended two-dimensional space in which the A-P component predominates. However, the whisker system exhibits a considerable range of trajectory types, suggesting a high degree of movement flexibility. For each vibrissa position, it was possible to delineate a 'trajectory' domain -- that portion of the animal's whisking space which is scanned by the movements of that vibrissa during whisking. Since the 'domains' of adjacent whiskers in the same row tend to overlap, synchronized movements of a subset of whiskers could generate a set of overlapping somatosensory fields analogous to overlapping retinal receptive fields. The organization of such trajectory domains within the rats' whisking space could provide the spatial component of the spatio-temporal integration process required to extract information about environmental features from the inputs generated by its recursive whisking movements.  相似文献   

During 'active touch' the rodent whiskers scan the environment in a series of repetitive movements ('whisks') generating afferent signals which transform the spatial properties of objects into spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity. Based upon analyses carried out in a single movement plane, it has been generally assumed that these trajectories are essentially uni-dimensional, although more complex movements have been described in some rodents. The present study was designed to examine this assumption and to more precisely characterize whisking topography by monitoring whisking trajectories along both the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes. Using optoelectronic monitoring techniques with high-spatio-temporal resolution, movement data were obtained from a population of vibrissae sampled at different locations on the mystacial pad in head-fixed rats isolated from the perturbing effects of contact. For a substantial proportion of the population of whisking movements sampled, the trajectories generated by a single whisker is most accurately described as occupying an expended two-dimensional space in which the A-P component predominates. However, the whisker system exhibits a considerable range of trajectory types, suggesting a high degree of movement flexibility. For each vibrissa position, it was possible to delineate a 'trajectory' domain-that portion of the animal's whisking space which is scanned by the movements of that vibrissa during whisking. Since the 'domains' of adjacent whiskers in the same row tend to overlap, synchronized movements of a subset of whiskers could generate a set of overlapping somatosensory fields analogous to overlapping retinal receptive fields. The organization of such trajectory domains within the rats' whisking space could provide the spatial component of the spatio-temporal integration process required to extract information about environmental features from the inputs generated by its recursive whisking movements.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the quinacrine fluorescence technique to investigate the embryonic and early postnatal development of two distinct populations of Merkel cells in the rat whisker pad and the consequences of neonatal deafferentation on their subsequent development. Annular clusters of Merkel cells first appear in the epidermis near the caudal margin of the mystacial region between embryonic days E14 and E15 at dome sites located on horizontal ridges where the primordial vibrissal follicles develop. The development of these cells progresses in a caudorostral sequence across the whisker pad as does the development of the vibrissal follicles. Each cluster eventually forms a conical ridge or collar of about 130 Merkel cells that surrounds the vibrissal hair shaft as it penetrates the overlying pad epidermis. In the vibrissae, which develop as downgrowths from the horizontal ridges at the dome sites, Merkel cells first appear (caudally) between E16 and E17 and form a cylindrical cuff within the outer root sheath; cells are added progressively until about the end of the first postnatal week when a plateau level of about 750-800 cells is reached. Following unilateral transection of the infraorbital nerve at 24-36 hr after birth, these vibrissal Merkel cells continued to develop along a time course that was indistinguishable from normal, at least over the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. In contrast, all or most of the Merkel cells that normally develop within collars or annular clusters in the pad epidermis (around both the vibrissal and intervibrissal or pelage hairs) either disappeared within a few days or failed to develop. Other light and electron microscopic procedures supported the main findings and confirmed that the denervation was successful. Thus, the vibrissal Merkel cells, like those in the glabrous hindpaw, behaved as a distinct class which develops postnatally and is maintained (at least over a 2-week period) without the presence of sensory nerves. Since both the mystacial vibrissae and glabrous hindpaw have specialized cortical representations, a possible relationship between these findings and the organization of the somatosensory cortex during development is discussed.  相似文献   

Functional enucleation is removal or denaturation of an oocytes DNA without piercing the zona pellucida. Two experiments were conducted in this study to determine the effects of centrifugation, and ultraviolet (UV) light on metaphase II bovine oocytes. Experiment 1 evaluated the effects of centrifugation (12,000 x g for 4 min) on the cleavage rate of in vitro matured oocytes. Centrifugation decreased (P < 0.05) the cleavage rate of oocytes (79.5 vs 70.4%). In addition, it was noted that there were two types of ooplasm after centrifugation, stratified and granular. Developmental potential, as represented by cleavage percent, of the two types of ooplasm was not significantly different. Experiment 2 was conducted to determine the interactive effects of centrifugation (as above) and UV light (254 nm) on cleavage rate of oocytes exposed as metaphase II oocytes. The UV light decreased (P < 0.07) oocyte cleavage rates (35.4 vs 25.2%). Centrifuging metaphase II oocytes also decreased (P < 0.07) cleavage rates (34.1 vs 26.5%). In addition, we determined the fate of chromosomes of oocytes centrifuged and(or) exposed to UV light. Both centrifugation and UV light alone affected (P < 0.05) chromosome placement at 42 +/- 3 h after fertilization. Furthermore, centrifugation and UV light interactively increased (P < 0.05) the percentage of non-cleaved oocytes with their DNA located in the perivitelline space (17.4, 15.5, 13.1, and 49.2, respectively, for control, UV exposed, centrifuged, and UV *centrifuged). Collectively, these data indicate that bovine oocytes at the metaphase II stage can be functionally enucleated with centrifugation and exposure to UV light; however, developmental potential may be diminished by those techniques.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that partial denervation of extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) in the rat at 3 days of age causes an increase in the activity of the intact motoneurons. The originally phasic pattern of activity of EDL became tonic after partial denervation. These modifications of motoneuron activity were associated with the change in the phenotype of the muscle from fast to slow contracting and with a conversion of the muscle fibres from a fast to a slow type. The present study investigates whether the size of the cell body of the active EDL motoneurons change in parallel with the altered muscular activity. The study involved partial denervation of rat EDL muscle by section of the L4 spinal nerve at 3 days of age. Then the remaining motoneurons from L5 spinal nerve supplying the EDL muscle were retrogradly labelled with horseradish peroxidase two months later. The results show a reduction in motoneuron size in parallel with an increase in activity of the motoneurons after partial denervation of EDL muscle.  相似文献   

After axonal injury on postnatal day 14 (P14), but not P21, motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) do not display their normal response to circulating testosterone levels. This could result from a permanent disruption of communication between motoneurons and their testosterone-sensitive target muscles. We assessed the extent of reinnervation of one of these target muscles, the levator ani (LA) muscle, 5 months after the pudendal nerve was cut either on P14 or P21. The number of motoneurons innervating the LA in control and nerve cut animals was determined using retrograde labeling procedures. Functional recovery of the LA muscle was determined via the testing of its in situ contractile properties. Compared to control muscles, reinnervated LA muscles were smaller, had fewer muscle fibers, generated a lower maximum tetanic tension, and were more fatigable. In spite of the fact that fewer motoneurons reinnervated the LA muscle after nerve cut on P14 than on P21, there were no differences in the weight or contractile properties of the LA muscle between these two groups. These data suggest that motoneurons that survived injury on P14 innervated more muscle fibers than normal and exhibited a similar ability to functionally reinnervate the target muscle as those motoneurons that survived injury on P21.  相似文献   

While it recently has been demonstrated that it is possible to modify the phenotypic expression of murine dystrophy (dy/dy) (i.e., prevent myofiber loss) by subjecting the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of 14-day-old dy/dy mice to transient neonatal denervation (Moschella and Ontell, 1987), the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon has not been determined. Since it has been suggested that the effects of dystrophy vary according to fiber type, the fiber type frequency in 100-day-old normal (+/+) and dy/dy EDL muscles subjected to transient neonatal denervation has been determined by immunohistochemical analysis of their myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. This frequency has been compared with that found in the EDL muscles of 14 -and 100-day-old unoperated +/+ and dy/dy mice, in order to determine whether the reinnervation of transiently denervated neonatal muscle results in a preponderance of fibers of the type that might be spared dystrophic deterioration. In unoperated dy/dy muscle there is a progressive decrease in the frequency and in the absolute number of fibers that express MHC2B, with 100-day-old dy/dy muscles having ~32% of the number of myofibers fibers containing MHC2B as is found in age-matched +/+ muscles. The number of fibers containing the other fast isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X) is similar in +/+ and dy/dy muscles at this age, indicating that fibers with MHC2B are most affected by the dystrophic process. Reinnervation following transient neonatal denervation of both the +/+ and the dy/dy EDL muscles results in a similar decrease (~62%) in the number of myofibers containing MHC2B and an increase in myofibers containing the other fast MHC isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X). The selective effect of dy/dy on fibers containing MHC2B and the sparing of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscle (which contains a reduced frequency of fibers containing MHC2B) are consistent with, although not direct proof of, the hypothesis that alterations in the fiber type may play a role in the failure of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscles to undergo dystrophic deterioration. Evidence is presented suggesting that neurons that supply myofibers containing MHC2B may be at a selective disadvantage in their ability to reinnervate neonatally denervated muscles. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to test the hypothesis that carotid chemoreceptor activity is necessary for postnatal maturation of the ventilatory control system. By using a lateral surgical access, 17 piglets were carotid body denervated (CBD) and 14 were sham denervated at 3-25 days of age. After surgery, there was no irregular breathing in any group. There was no significant hypoventilation when CBD was performed at less than 5 days of age (n = 5) and only a mild (arterial PCO(2) 5 Torr; P < 0.05) to moderate, transient (arterial PCO(2) 8 Torr; P < 0.5) hypoventilation in piglets denervated at 10-15 (n = 6) and 20-25 (n = 6) days of age, respectively. Three weeks after surgery, both breathing of a hypoxic gas mixture and jugular venous NaCN injections elicited a hyperpnea in the CBD piglets that was attenuated compared with that in sham CBD piglets. In the CBD piglets, there was no response to injections of NaCN in the carotid arteries, but there was a response to NaCN injected into the proximal descending aorta, suggesting the residual peripheral chemosensitivity was of aortic origin. Carotid chemoreceptor-intact piglets had carotid and aortic NaCN chemosensitivity by 2 days of age. The carotid response persisted for the 40 days of the study, but the aortic reflex persisted only until approximately 8 days of age. We conclude that 1) the major effect of CBD per se in neonatal piglets is age-dependent hypoventilation and 2) there is a high degree of plasticity in peripheral chemosensitivity in neonates that may contribute to minimizing the changes in breathing after CBD.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine in goats whether carotid body denervation (CBD) at 1-3 days of age causes permanent changes in breathing greater than those that occur after CBD in adult goats. Goats underwent CBD (n = 6) or sham CBD (n = 3) surgery at 1-3 days of age. In addition, one unoperated control animal was studied. Bolus intravenous injections of NaCN 2 days postsurgery verified successful CBD surgery. However, at 3, 11, and 18 mo of age, the CBD goats had regained a NaCN response that did not differ (P > 0.10) from that of intact goats. Intracarotid NaCN injections elicited a hyperpnea in the sham CBD but not the CBD goats. Only one animal exhibited highly irregular breathing [characterized by prolonged (>9-s) apneas] after CBD, and the irregularity disappeared by 3 mo of age. One CBD goat died at 35 days of age, and autopsy revealed that death was associated with pneumonia. After 3 mo of age, there were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.10) between sham and CBD goats in eupneic breathing, hypoxia and CO(2) sensitivity, and the exercise hyperpnea. It is, therefore, concluded that CBD at 1-3 days of age in goats does not appear to affect selected aspects of respiratory control after 3 mo of age, conceivably because of the emergence of other functional chemoreceptors that compensate for the loss of the carotid chemoreceptor.  相似文献   

While it recently has been demonstrated that it is possible to modify the phenotypic expression of murine dystrophy (dy/dy) (i.e., prevent myofiber loss) by subjecting the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of 14-day-old dy/dy mice to transient neonatal denervation (Moschella and Ontell, 1987), the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon has not been determined. Since it has been suggested that the effects of dystrophy vary according to fiber type, the fiber type frequency in 100-day-old normal (+/+) and dy/dy EDL muscles subjected to transient neonatal denervation has been determined by immunohistochemical analysis of their myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. This frequency has been compared with that found in the EDL muscles of 14- and 100-day-old unoperated +/+ and dy/dy mice, in order to determine whether the reinnervation of transiently denervated neonatal muscle results in a preponderance of fibers of the type that might be spared dystrophic deterioration. In unoperated dy/dy muscle there is a progressive decrease in the frequency and in the absolute number of fibers that express MHC2B, with 100-day-old dy/dy muscles having approximately 32% of the number of myofibers fibers containing MHC2B as is found in age-matched +/+ muscles. The number of fibers containing the other fast isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X) is similar in +/+ and dy/dy muscles at this age, indicating that fibers with MHC2B are most affected by the dystrophic process. Reinnervation following transient neonatal denervation of both the +/+ and the dy/dy EDL muscles results in a similar decrease (approximately 62%) in the number of myofibers containing MHC2B and an increase in myofibers containing the other fast MHC isoforms (MHC2A and MHC2X). The selective effect of dy/dy on fibers containing MHC2B and the sparing of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscle (which contains a reduced frequency of fibers containing MHC2B) are consistent with, although not direct proof of, the hypothesis that alterations in the fiber type may play a role in the failure of myofibers in transiently denervated dy/dy muscles to undergo dystrophic deterioration. Evidence is presented suggesting that neurons that supply myofibers containing MHC2B may be at a selective disadvantage in their ability to reinnervate neonatally denervated muscles.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine biochemical and functional (in vivo) adaptations of the rodent neonatal heart in response to a training program of endurance running. Ten day-old rats were progressively trained on a treadmill (final intensity, 21 m/min, 30% grade, 1 h/day) until 75 days of age. The training program induced 14, 57, and 24% increases in relative heart mass, skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity, and whole-body maximal O2 uptake, respectively (P less than 0.05). Cardiac myosin (ATPase) and Ca2+-regulated myofibril ATPase were both reduced by approximately 15% in trained vs. sedentary animals (P less than 0.05). In the majority of trained hearts examined, the myosin isozyme profile reflected an estimated 14 +/- 3% shift toward the V3 or low ATPase isozyme. Left ventricular functional indices during submaximal exercise, derived from a fluid-filled indwelling cannula, indicated that the trained animals maintained similar left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure, LV + the time derivative of pressure, and systemic arterial mean blood pressure compared with their sedentary counterparts. These functional parameters were maintained even though the trained animals performed with lower submaximal exercise heart rate. These findings suggest that maximal exercise capacity can be enhanced in neonatal rats even though the biochemical potential for ATP degradation in the cardiac contractile system is lowered. We speculate that the trend to maintain the myosin isozyme pattern further in the direction of the V3 isozyme in the trained neonatal rat heart may reflect a means to economize cross-bridge cycling while maintaining normal levels of ventricle performance at a given submaximal work load.  相似文献   

Despite more than 50 years of effort, the causes and mechanisms of small rodent population fluctuations remain unknown. The two major questions are as follows: (1) what is the cause of population decline and (2) what is the cause of cyclicity and its geographical variation? At present, no hypothesis can provide answers to both these questions. Recently, progress has been made by Boonstra (1994), who proposed the senescence hypothesis to explain the cause of cyclic decline in population numbers. Here, we tested the main prediction that voles in decline are older than in other phases of the cycle, by analysing changes in age structure in a fluctuating population of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). The results generally support this prediction; however, the differences in absolute age seem to be too small to explain the occurrence of senescent animals exclusively in declines. We propose a new model to explain changes in age structure and the mechanisms behind the decline and geographic variation in cyclicity. It is based on the idea that voles are oldest in declines, developed independently of Boonstra. However, it differs in three respects: (1) it is more general and thereby applicable to the whole cycle; (2) density-dependent changes in age structure are based on the bimodality in a female's age at first reproduction; and (3) it stresses developmental rather than physiological changes in the quality of decline of animals as being relevant to the rate of senescence. We propose that seasonality of the environment is a principal candidate to explain geographical variation in cyclicity. We present substantial theoretical and empirical evidence to indicate that in more seasonal environments with shortened vegetation periods, population dynamics is inevitably less stable due to increased variation in two critical parameters – age at first reproduction and the length of the breeding season – which determine population growth rates. Any external perturbation may then easily destabilize population numbers. The general applicability of the seasonality-senescence hypothesis to other mammalian species decreases with declining r and increasing life span. The hypothesis is falsifiable, and testable predictions are provided.  相似文献   

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