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A discussion of the impact of escalating regulatory requirements is provided, from the point of view of the administration of the institutional review board of an academic institution, and from clinical investigators who conduct studies at that same institution. Current and anticipated future issues are discussed.  相似文献   

Most cancer researchers regularly practice the responsible conduct of research (RCR) without consciously considering it. As professional scientists, we simply do what we are trained to do. However, as we train a new generation of cancer researchers in our laboratories, we must be vigilant against undue complacency. In an age when misconduct in research is receiving more media attention than ever before, we should periodically take a moment of pause and reflect upon the meaning and practice of responsibly conducting research. Rather than meeting minimum standards in a compliance-driven manner, we should practice forethought and periodically consider how we can improve. We, as leaders in cancer research, must then push our peers to do the same. By embedding RCR into the culture of cancer research through a multilayer approach, including regular assessment at the levels of individual research groups, departmentally, and institutionally, we will become a model discipline in the responsible conduct of research.  相似文献   

Captive male brown-headed cowbirds exposed to long days exhibit gonadal growth and have elevated plasma testosterone (T) levels. This photoperiodic response is enhanced if males are housed with female cowbirds: Photostimulated males with females increase plasma testosterone levels sooner than do individually housed photostimulated males. Peak plasma T levels are similar in both groups, although peak levels are maintained longer in males housed with females. The gonadal cycle is similarly affected; males in the presence of females have earlier gonadal recrudescence and maintain mature gonads longer than do photostimulated males without females. Plasma corticosterone levels increase in the unpaired males, suggesting that removal of social cues is stressful for these birds. Free-living paired males have significantly higher plasma testosterone levels than do unpaired/unknown males early in the season, when social relationships are being established; the levels are similar thereafter. There is no difference between the two groups in testicular maturation rates; nor do they differ in plasma corticosterone levels at any time of the season. These results suggest that social stimuli are important in modulating the secretion of testosterone in males early in the season when pairing occurs, and possibly late in the season as well, probably to prevent termination of breeding prior to that of females.  相似文献   

电针治疗老年性痴呆对其认知电位影响的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:本研究旨在临床观察针刺治疗对老年性痴呆(AD)患者P300认知电位的影响。方法与结果:马P300引入针刺治疗AD的研究领域,发现AD患者其认知电位P300的N2,P3潜伏期较正常组明显延长、波幅明显降低。针刺有明显兴奋AD患者认知电位P300的作用。结论:P300可作为AD的诊断与疗效评定指标,针刺疗法可以影响AD患者认知电位P300。  相似文献   

The influence of sociality on the conservation biology of social insects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Social insects (ants, bees, wasps and termites) as a group are species rich and ecologically dominant. Many are outstanding "ecological engineers", or providers of "ecosystem services", or potential bioindicator species. Few social insects are currently formally classified as Threatened, but this is almost certainly due to a lack of information on population sizes and trends in scarce species. The main influence that sociality has on threats faced by social insects is in reducing effective population sizes, increasing population genetic subdivision and possibly reducing levels of genetic variation relative to solitary species. The main influence that sociality has on threats from social insects is via its role in the ecological success of invasive species, which frequently pose a major hazard to native biotas. In some cases, social features underpinning ecological success in the original range almost certainly contribute to the success of invasive social insects. However, recent studies show or strongly suggest that, in some of the most notoriously invasive populations of ants, bees and wasps, novel social traits have arisen that greatly enhance the rate of spread and ecological competitiveness of these populations. Sociality can therefore represent either a liability or an asset in its contribution to the persistence of social insect populations.  相似文献   

This study explores how muscle and liver energy stores are linked with social status and the social environment in Neolamprologus pulcher, a cooperatively breeding fish that lives in colonies comprised of up to 200 distinct social groups. Subordinate muscle energy stores were positively correlated with the number of neighbouring social groups in the colony, but this pattern was not observed in dominant N. pulcher. Furthermore, liver energy stores were smaller in dominants living at the edge of the colony compared with those living in the colony centre, with no differences among subordinates in liver energy stores. Subordinate N. pulcher may build up large energy stores in the muscles to fuel rapid growth after dispersal, which could occur more frequently in high‐density environments. Dominant N. pulcher may use the more easily mobilized energy stores in the liver to fuel daily activities, which could be more energetically demanding on the edge of the colony as a result of the increased predation defence needed on the edge. Overall, this study demonstrates that both subordinate and dominant physiology in N. pulcher varies with characteristics of the social environment. Furthermore, dominant and subordinate energy storage strategies appear to differ due to status‐dependent variation in daily activities and variation in the need to prepare for future reproductive or dispersal opportunities.  相似文献   



Life cycle assessment (LCA) has become a standard for assessing what impacts do products and/or services have throughout their entire life cycle. Since the inception of LCA technique, studies have been conducted in different parts of the world, including Tanzania. This study describes the current status of LCA, capacities, and networking in Tanzania. The study has identified what has already been done and potential research gaps that could be explored in future LCA studies.


A state-of-the-art review was conducted on published articles, reports, and other materials on LCA in Tanzania (covering a time frame of 1990–2015) which were searched on databases of scientific research and the general internet using a combination of keywords: “life cycle assessment and Tanzania,” “LCA and Tanzania,” and “life cycle assessment and LCA and Tanzania.” Reviews were on current status, research gaps, and the need for future research. Information related to education or training activities and networking were also gathered and reviewed.

Results and discussion

Literature review has revealed that in Tanzania the first LCA study was published in 2007. Few articles and reports were identified in which LCA technique was used mainly for academic research in agriculture, electricity generation, charcoal, biodiesel production from jatropha oil, bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses, production of biofuels from pyrolysis of wood, and production of charcoal from sawmill residues. The very small number of LCA studies conducted in the country could be due to the lack of skilled personnel, lack of local data, and lack of research funds. Tanzania Life Cycle Assessment Network was created to link LCA practitioners and to promote and support further development of LCA in the country. Also, LCA potential is huge yet to be fully explored.


This state-of-the-art review is the first of its kind that summarizes and puts together all LCA studies in Tanzania. Most studies faced the challenge of lack of local data, which resulted to the use of secondary data from the literature. In LCA, the use of data from different geographical conditions could cause bias of the results and consequently could affect the decision made or to be made from the study. In this regard, the study recommends the establishment of national LCI database to solve this problem. Also, most studies covered only few impact categories prompting for full LCA studies in future studies. The study also found that there is a need to establish regular LCA training and courses for capacity development.

Levine AD 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,8(2):132-135
A survey of U.S. stem cell scientists shows that uncertainty following the legal challenge to the Obama Administration's hESC research policy has negative scientific and economic impacts and affects a range of stem cell scientists, not just those working with hESCs. The international implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on tergosternal muscle fibres of the house cricket Acheta domesticus. Conventional microelectrode methods were used. All the investigated fibres depolarized with time (0, 60, 120 min) in statistically significant manner. Replacing CL- in the physiological solution by carbonate prevents this depolarization. Citrate anions added to the bath depolarize the fibers. Acetate does not change the resting potential. Increasing osmolarity by adding 100 or 200 mM saccharose exerts no significant influence on the level of the resting potential. Lowering the level of sodium ions leads to a slight but significant depolarization. The present work confirmed the opinion that skeletal muscle fibers of Acheta domesticus are at rest multiionic electrodes.  相似文献   

Individual differences in shading behaviour within a flock of sheep could be due to differences in thermoregulatory capabilities or to the influence of social factors. The possible influence of social factors on shade-use is examined in this paper.Two measures of dominance were made on 39 Merino wethers. These were based on the hierarchy determined by butting during feeding and on priority of access to limited feed. Leadership was also assessed while driving the sheep to a woolshed and as the sheep entered weighing scales. These behavioural traits were compared with leadership to shade and shade-use observed on 9 days during summer in a small pastureless enclosure containing natural shade. Maximum ambient temperature on these 9 days varied between 29.0 and 39.5°C.All behavioural traits examined were significantly repeatable. The two dominance ranks were negatively correlated (P<0.05). The butting hierarchy was correlated with shading behaviour; those sheep that butted the larger proportion of the flock were seen to shade for longer periods of time (P=0.05). This relationship became more significant as environmental temperature increased. Significant (P<0.05) differences in the amount of time each sheep spent shading were evident throughout the flock, but in particular seven individuals shaded much less than others. Shade-use increased in hot weather and was slightly more strongly correlated with radiation load than with air temperature. The non-shading leadership ranks were related neither to each other nor to the leadership to shade. However, the sheep that moved to shade first remained there longest (P<0.05). Reduced motivation to feed did not appear to explain early movement to shade.Few overtly aggressive or other interactions between animals were seen to be associated with movements to or within shade. Nonetheless, the results indicate that social forces do exert some influence on shade-use.  相似文献   

The biodemographic parameters showing the influence of social factors upon the different elements of population and family structure are considered. It has been shown that the semi-generation time interval which corresponds to the duration of the active reproductive period of the generation is worth using to reveal the mechanisms of the social adaptation of the population. It has been found that socially determined differential fertility of families and genetically determined mortality in perinatal period are now the main components of the potential selection (index Crow).  相似文献   

Animal studies point to the role of two neuropeptides-oxytocin and vasopressin-in the regulation of affiliative behaviors including mating, pair-bond formation, maternal/parenting behavior, and attachment. These findings may have important implications for understanding and treating clinical disorders marked by social deficits and/or disrupted attachment. This review focuses on advances made to date in the effort to forge links between basic and clinical research in the area of neuropeptides and social behavior. The literature on oxytocin and its involvement in stress response, affiliation, and prosocial behavior is reviewed, and the implications of these findings for such disorders as autism as well as other social and stress-related disorders including social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and some personality disorders are considered. Finally, unresolved issues and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Owing to the increased cost-effectiveness of high-throughput technologies, the number of studies focusing on the human microbiome and its connections to human health and disease has recently surged. However, best practices in microbiology and clinical research have yet to be clearly established. Here, we present an overview of the challenges and opportunities involved in conducting a metagenomic study, with a particular focus on data processing and analytical methods.


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