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The Relationship Between Growth and Oxygen Uptake in Hypoxic Rice Seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atwell, B. J. and Green way, H. 1987. The relationship betweengrowth and oxygen uptake in hypoxic rice seedlings.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 454–465. Rice seedlings (Oryza saliva L.) were grown in the dark forup to 4 d in solutions containing various concentrations ofO2. Compared with seedlings grown at 0·250 mol O2 m–3,the dry weight of the growing seedling was 14% lower at 0·110mol O2 m–3 and 60% lower at 0 mol O2 m–3. Decreasesin fresh weight were similar but not identical to decreasesin dry weight, possibly because leaf growth was suppressed evenabove 0·110 mol O2 m–3. Oxygen deficiency inhibitedroot growth more severely than coleoptile growth. Coleoptiles from seedlings grown in aerated solution were exposedto an atmosphere of pure N2 for 30 min. Anoxia caused a declinein ATP content and energy charge, suggestive of decreased oxidativephosphorylation. It is not clear whether the decline in oxidativephosphorylation was solely responsible for impaired growth inhypoxia. In seedlings growing at O2 concentrations less than 0·110mol O2 m–3, significant amounts of ethanol were synthesized.The rate of O2 uptake decreased markedly below 0·06 molO2 m–3; this was presumably near the external O2 concentrationat which oxidative phosphorylation became limited by the supplyof O2. The stage of development of the seedlings appeared toinfluence O2 uptake, possibly through changes in conductanceof the tissue to O2. Uncouplers were used to confirm that thecritical O2 concentration was dependent on O2 diffusion ratherthan enzyme kinetics. Impaired growth above 0·110 molO2 m–3 may have been due to a decreased activity of oxygenasesof relatively low affinity for O2, which in turn altered cellmetabolism. Key words: Growth, oxygen uptake, rice seedlings, hypoxia  相似文献   

Respiration measurements were made over a period of 24 h at25 °C on seeds and excised embryos maintained in Warburgflasks with partial pressures of oxygen ranging from 0 to 1atm. In the initial phase (0 to 4 h), the rate of oxygen uptake(QO2 of excised embryos increased linearly with external oxygenconcentration (CO from 0 to 0.1 atm O2 from 0.1 to 0.2 atm O2the relation was curvilinear, and from 0.2 to 1.0 atm O2 uptakewas independent of concentration. In later stages the relationbetween QO2 and Co changed, and from 20 to 24 h the rate ofoxygen uptake increased with concentration to 1.0 atm O2. Thechanges with time were associated with increase in rate of respiration,increase in cell size and cell number, and the oxidation offats. The decline in concentration of oxygen from the surfaceto the centre of embryos was calculated to be relatively smallat each external oxygen concentration. Althugh the rate of diffusionfailed to keep pace with consumption, the main parameters whichdetermined the internal oxygen status of the embryos were thesurface concentrations and the permeability of the seed coat.The resistance of the seed coat to diffusion of oxygen was foundto be very high, the coefficient of diffusion being about 10–7mm2 s–1. The concentration of oxygen and in air were estimatedto be approximately 0.04 and 0.02 atm O2, respectively. Sincea smaller concentration of oxygen (0.012 atm O2) in the tissueswas found to be sufficient for growth, the dormancy of the seedswas not due to lack of oxygen. Dormancy appeared to be due tothe activity of growth-inhibiting substances, the concentrationof which increased with decrease in oxygen supply; below 0.1atm O2 their rate of production increased with decrease in theoxygen concentration of the tissues. They accumulated withinthe testas of dormant seeds and prevented cell elongation. Extractsof the inhibitory substances were partially purifield by partitioningthe aqueous fraction with ether and separating chromatographically.The active principle(s) was not abscisic acid ((+)—AbscisinII, ‘Dormin’) or the mustard oil, allylisothiocyanate.  相似文献   

Parameters relating to transport of oxygen were measured inthe pericardial blood and venous outflow from the first walkingleg of Gecarcinus lateralis. O2-equilibrium curves of the hemocyaninof G. lateralis were found to be sigmoid and, at 27°C andpH 7.45, to have a half-saturation pressure of about 17 mm Hgoxygen. Average partial pressures of oxygen as measured by O2-electrodewere 32 mm Hg in pericardial blood and 9 mm Hg in the venoussamples. Analysis of the O2-content in corresponding samplesby the Van Slyke technique revealed an average of 2.17 volumes% O2-capacity for whole blood, 1.45 volumes % for pericardialblood, and 0.61 volumes % for venous blood. Estimates basedon the Van Slyke analyses indicated an average pO2 of 29 and14 mm Hg in pericardial and venous samples, respectively. Thesefigures agree fairly well with those obtained by means of O2-electrodes.Of the oxygen carried to the tissues, about 94% is carried asoxyhemocyanin and about 6% is carried in physical solution.As the blood passes through the gills, the hemocyanin, on anaverage, becomes 80–85% saturated with oxygen and returnedfrom the tissues 18–45% saturated with oxygen. These resultsindicate that the blood of G. lateralis has a higher O2-capacitythan the blood of most other decapod crustaceans for which similarinformation is available. In addition, the blood of G. lateralistransports more oxygen to the tissues per unit volume than doother crustacean bloods.  相似文献   

Barley was grown at a range of oxygen concentrations (0.5–9mg l–1), in nutrient solutions. Growth of both shootsand seminal roots was restricted by O2 concentrations lowerthan 2–3 mg l–1) but nodal root growth was not. Root porosities were increased even at those O2 concentrationswhich did not restrict growth, and were inversely proportionalto the protein levels of the roots. Sugar concentrations increasedappreciably only at those O2 concentrations which also restrictedgrowth. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, root porosity, sugar, protein, oxygen concentration  相似文献   

Photosynthetic oxygen evolution in an acido- and thermo-philicunicellular alga, Cyanidium caldarium, was measured under variousconditions, using a Clark-type oxygen electrode. 1). Maximum Hill reaction activity with p-benzoquinone as theHill oxidant was obtained at 45°C in a wide pH range from1.0 to 7.0. 2) The pH activity curve showed two peaks at pH3.0 and 7.0. The Hill activity had an optimum at pH 3.0 in cellspreilluminated under strong light (300,000 lux, 30 min, 40°C).Sonication of algal cells abolished the pH 3.0 component ofthe Hill reaction producing an activity maximum at pH 7.0. 3)Endogenous O2 evolution in the absence of the Hill oxidant,which lasted for several minutes after illumination, had a maximumat pH 7.0. 4) This endogenous O2 evolution was abolished bysonication. 5) KCN inhibited endogenous O2 evolution, but notthe Hill reaction in the presence of p-benzoquinone. (Received August 19, 1974; )  相似文献   

In whole filaments of Anabaena cylindrica dark nitrogen-fixingactivity (measured as acetylene reduction) and respiration increasedwith the light intensity of a fixed period of preillumination,saturating at ca. 10,000 lux. With saturating light during preillumination,the amount and duration of dark nitrogen-fixing activity increasedwith length of preillumination, but respiration declined rapidlyin the dark. At dark respiration rates below 250 nmol O2 uptake mg protein–1?h–1(State 1) no significant nitrogen-fixing activity is observed.From 250 to 550 nmol O2 uptake?mg protein–1?h–1(State 2), nitrogen-fixing activity depends on O2 uptake whileabove 550 nmol O2 uptake?mg protein–1?h–1 (State3), nitrogen-fixing activity no longer increases with furtherincrease in O2 uptake rate. (Received June 18, 1983; Accepted November 10, 1983)  相似文献   

Atwell, B. J. and Greenway, H. 1987. Carbohydrate metabolismof rice seedlings grown in oxygen deficient solution.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 466–478. Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were grown in the dark forup to 4 d in solutions containing various concentrations ofO2. The rate of depletion of the endosperm was most rapid inaerated solution (0·25 mol O2 m–3), largely dueto the inhibition of growth of seedlings at very low O2 concentrations.Earlier suggestions that there is a deficit of sugars for growthand energy generation in O2 deficient coleoptiles were tested. Coleoptiles, shaking in aerated solution, respired about one-thirdof the endogenous sugars to CO2 and incorporated the rest intostructural compounds. In contrast, the proportion of carbonwhich went to growth in anoxia was very low. Consistent withthese results, endogenous sugar levels were generally highestat low O2 concentrations. Even so, coleoptiles grown and testedas low as 0·03 mol O2 m–3 showed appreciable metabolismof exogenous 14C-glucose to CO2, soluble and insoluble compounds,suggesting that a minimal O2 supply was sufficient to sustainsome growth. Furthermore, glucose feeding caused little or norise in O2 uptake or tissue sugar levels. Similarly, the specificactivity of the evolved CO2 was not markedly different in coleoptilesgrowing at 0·03 and 0·25 mol O2 m–3 Further evidence was obtained to show that endogenous substrateswere adequate for growth and respiration at both low and highO2 concentrations. Exogenous glucose and malate did not stimulateO2 uptake at any stage of growth in aerated coleoptiles. Therewas sufficient endogenous substrate to sustain a 35–45%rise in O2 uptake induced by uncoupling and enrichment withO2. Exogenous glucose did not stimulate growth of intact seedlingsat any O2 concentration. Key words: Rice seedlings, carbohydrate metabolism, oxygen deficient solution  相似文献   

A rapid and convenient procedure was developed for isolatingguard cell protoplasts (GCPs) from epidermal strips of Viciafaba L. The mean rates of O2 uptake in the dark and evolutionin light of the isolated GCPs were 200 and 290 µmol O2mg–1 Chl h–1, respectively, showing net O2 evolutionin light. Photosynthetic O2 evolution was suppressed completelyby 5 µM DCMU. Addition of 5 µM DCMU to the incubationmedium after 30 min of light exposure also suppressed the light-inducedswelling of GCP, indicating possible participation of PS IIin volume regulation in GCP. 4Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, The NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Yatabe machi, Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305, Japan. (Received December 17, 1983; Accepted March 21, 1984)  相似文献   

3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and flavonols were oxidizedby externally added H2O2and the oxidation was inhibited by KCN(5 mM) in protoplasts of mesophyll cells of Viciafaba. DOPAwas also oxidized by light in the presence of methyl viologen(MV), which can stimulate formation of O2 and H2O2 invivo, both in the light and in the dark, in isolated mesophyllcells. The light-dependent oxidation of DOPA was partially inhibitedby removal of MV or addition of NaN3 (10 mM), an inhibitor ofperoxidases, suggesting the participation of H2O2, generatedin vivo, in the oxidation. The effects of light on the levelof flavonols in isolated mesophyll cells were rather complicated.Level of flavonols increased by about 10–20% in the darkin the presence of MV. The levels in the light in the presenceof MV were lower than those in the dark. The data suggest thatflavonols can be oxidized by O2 and/or H2O2 generatedin cells. Based on the data, the role of H2O2 in the metabolismof phenolics in mesophyll cells is discussed. (Received June 8, 1988; Accepted January 13, 1989)  相似文献   

Root growth of 7-d-old wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Gamenya)seedlings was impaired at dissolved O2 concentrations of 0.01and 0.055 mol m–3 O2, while growth at 0.115 mol m–3O2 was the same as that in continuously aerated controls (0.26mol m–3 O2). Oxygen uptake by apical (0–2 mm), expanding (2–4mm) and expanded (10–12 mm) tissues of the roots decreasedbelow 0.16, 0.09 and 0.05 mol m–3 O2, respectively. Thishierarchy is consistent with the metabolic rates of these tissues.There was a small (c. 9%) inhibition of O2 uptake and some netsynthesis of ethanol and alanine in root apices at 0.115 molm–3 O2. Significant amounts of anaerobic end-productsaccumulated at 0.055 mol m–3 O2 and even more so at 0.01mol m–3 O2, indicating that oxidative phosphorylationwas strongly inhibited. Net alanine synthesis increased in fully expanded (10–16mm) tissues exposed to <0.003–0.01 mol m–3 O2,and this increase was accompanied either by a proportionallysmaller increase in the concentration of other free amino acidsor by a net decrease in free amino acid levels excluding alanine.This suggests that alanine was synthesized as an end-productof anaerobic catabolism and did not accumulate simply becauseof decreased net protein synthesis. Comparing the carbon flow to CO2, ethanol, lactate and alaninein roots at 0.01 mol m–3 O2 with carbon loss as CO2 inaerated roots suggests that carbon flow to products of metabolismwas not greatly enhanced due to O2 deficiency. This infers,but does not prove that, in wheat, generation of energy duringperiods of O2 deficiency is not enhanced due to a Pasteur effect. Key words: Anaerobic, fermentation, oxygen, wheat  相似文献   

Oxygen- and carbon-14-based primary production estimates from9–16 h in vitro incubations were compared in lakes Huronand Michigan. For surface mixing layer compansons, gross O2/14Cphotosynthetic quotients (gross PQ) averaged 2.2, and net O2/14Cphotosynthetic quotients (net PQ) averaged 1.4. The mean grossPQ is consistent with a theoretical P0 based on the CO2 andNO3 assimilation ratio. However, within the deep chlorophylllayer, gross PQ and net PQ averaged 4.9 and 2.8 respectively.These higher values were likely due to excess NO3 reductionat the expense of CO2 uptake. Thus, during short experimentsunder low light conditions, oxygen evolution and CO2 uptakemay not be tightly coupled. In vitro and in situ O2 productionestimates were compared in four diurnal (dawn to dusk) experimentsin Lake Huron. In situ production estimates were determinedby measuring water-mass oxygen changes and oxygen transfer acrossthe air-water interface. In situ production estimates were approximatelytwice in vitro production estimates for both surface mixinglayer and deep chlorophyll layer comparisons. The differencebetween estimates was attributable to containment effects manifestin 13–16 h bottle incubations. Short-term (1–2 h)in vitro production was also compared to diurnal in vitro production.Rates of short-term production were {small tilde}1.6 times higherthan rates of diurnal production, suggesting that short-termin vitro production experiments may provide reasonable estimatesof in situ primary production.  相似文献   

In "air-grown" Chroomonas sp. cells, low concentrations of DCMU(less than 0.1 µM) could prevent the inhibition of 14CO2fixation by anaerobiosis under light-saturating conditions (morethan 40 W.m–2), with phenazine methosulfate showing asimilar effect. Antimycin A, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP), and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide strongly inhibitedanaerobic photosynthesis at concentrations which did not significantlyinhibit the rate under 2% O2 at high light intensity (200 W.m–2),although 0.2 µM CCCP stimulated the rate under 2% O2 tosome extent. On the other hand, KCN inhibited the rate muchmore strongly under 2% O2 than N2, although it inhibited therate very strongly at concentrations above 5 µM both underN2 and 2% O2. These results suggest that the inhibition of photosynthetic14CO2 fixation by anaerobiosis in this alga result from ATPdeficiency caused by over-reduction of electron carriers ofthe cyclic electron flow and that oxygen can prevent the over-reduction.Cyclic electron flow seems to be necessary to provide additionalATP for CO2 reduction under anaerobic conditions, although itseems to be less necessary under aerobic conditions. (Received July 21, 1983; Accepted January 23, 1984)  相似文献   

Rice seedlings germinated in the dark in O2-deficient and normalair environments manifest dimorphism and are designated hereas d and d+ plants. Both d and d+ seedlings lackchlorophyll but the d plants are stark-white whereasthe d+ plants are yellow or yellow-green in appearance. Riceseedlings germinated in the light under O2 deficiency also lackchlorophyll and manifest the same developmental characteristicsas the d dark-germinated seedlings. Thus, in an O2-deficientenvironment, light-germinated rice seedlings behave as thoughthey were germinated in the dark under O2 deficiency. Exposureof the dark-germinated d and d+ seedlings and the light-germinatedd seedlings to normal air in the light brings about chlorophyllformation and normal morphogenetic development in all threetypes of germinating seedlings. Thus O2 exerts a critical influenceon the response of germinating rice seedlings to light energywith respect to their normal morphogenetic development.  相似文献   

The CO2 compensation point at 25 °C and 250 µEinsteinsm–2 s–1 wasmeasured for 27 bryo-phyte species, andwas found to be in the range of 45–160 µl CO2 I–1air. Under the same conditions Zea mays gave a value of 11 µlI–1 and Horde um vulgare 76 µI–1. The rate of loss of photosyntheticallyfixed 14CO2 in the light and dark in six bryophytes (three mosses,two leafy liverworts, one thalloid liverwort) was determinedin CO2-free air and 100% O2. The rate of 14CO2 evolution inthe light was less than that in the dark in CL2-free air, butin 100% O2 the rate in the light increased, so that in all butthe leafy liverworts it was greater than that in the dark. Raisingthe temperature tended to increase the rate of 14CO2 evolutioninto CO2-free air both in the light and dark, so that the light/dark(L/D) ratio did not greatly vary. The lower rate of loss of14CO2 in the light compared tothe dark could be due to partialinhibition of ‘dark respiration’ reactions in thelight, a low rate of glycolate synthesis and oxidation, or partialreassimilation of the 14CO2 produced, or a combination of someor all of these factors.  相似文献   

Esashi, Y., Hase, S. and Kojima, K. 1987. Light actions in thegermination of cocklebur seeds. V. Effects of ethylene, carbondioxide and oxygen on germination in relation to light.–J.exp. Bot. 38: 702–710. Effects of ethylene, CO2 and O2 on the germination of after-ripenedupper cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds wereexamined in relation to pre-irradiation by red (R) or far-red(FR) light In order to remove the pre-existing Pfr, seeds weresoaked in the dark for various periods prior to light irradiationand gas treatments. Regardless of light, 0.3 Pa C2H4 promotedgermination at 23 ?C, but it strongly inhibited germinationwhen applied at 33 ?C, the optimal temperature for the germinationof this seed. However, delayed application of C2H4 during 33?C incubation stimulated germination independently of lightin a similar manner to that seen at 23 ?C. It is, therefore,suggested that the germination-regulating action of C2H4 iscompletely independent of phytochrome. In contrast, the germination-promoting effect of 3–0 kPaCO2 was pronounced only when the seeds were previously irradiatedby R, regardless of temperature, suggesting that CO2 actionto promote germination depends upon Pfr. A synergism betweenCO2 and C2H4 at 23 ?C was observed only in the germination ofseeds pre-irradiated by R, while at 33 ?C an antagonism occurredindependently of light. The stimulation of C2H4 production byCO2 was most striking in the cotyledonary tissue pre-irradiatedby R. However, the R-dependent enhancement of CO2-stimulatedC2H4 production was negated by the subsequent FR and it wasnot found in the presence of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC). Moreover, the R dependency of the germination-promotingCO2 effect disappeared in the presence of C2H4. The R-dependentC2H4 production enhanced by CO2 may thus be involved, at leastpartially, in some step of conversion from methionine to ACC. The germination-promoting effect of C2H4, but not CO2, was enhancedby O2 enrichment regardless of light. However, the germination-promotingeffect of pure O2 itself appeared to depend upon pre-irradiationwith R Key words: Carbon dioxide, cocklebur seed, ethylene, far-red light, germination, oxygen, red light, Xanthium pennsyloanicum  相似文献   

A mild heat shock (hyperthermia) protects cells from apoptotic and necrotic deaths by inducing overexpression of various heat shock proteins (Hsps). These proteins, in combination with the activation of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme, play important roles in the protection of the myocardium against a variety of diseases. In the present work we report that the generation of potent reactive oxygen species (ROS), namely ·OH in cardiac H9c2 cells, is attenuated by heat shock treatment (2 h at 42°C). Western blot analyses showed that heat shock treatment induced overexpression of Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp25. The observed ·OH was found to be derived from the superoxide (O2·) generated by the mitochondria. Whereas the manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity was increased in the heat-shocked cells, the mitochondrial aconitase activity was reduced. The mechanism of O2· conversion into ·OH in mitochondria is proposed as follows. The O2· leaked from the electron transport chain, oxidatively damages the mitochondrial aconitase, releasing a free Fe2+. The aconitase-released Fe2+ combines with H2O2 to generate ·OH via a Fenton reaction and the oxidized Fe3+ recombines with the inactivated enzyme after being reduced to Fe2+ by other cellular reductants, turning it over to be active. However, in heat-shocked cells, because of higher MnSOD activity, the excess H2O2 causes irreversible damage to the mitochondrial aconitase enzyme, thus inhibiting its activity. In conclusion, we propose that attenuation of ·OH generation after heat shock treatment might play an important role in reducing the myocardial ischemic injury, observed in heat shock-treated animals. proteins; free radicals; spin trapping; reactive oxygen species  相似文献   

The regulation of senescence by oxygen-concentration, lightirradiance and H2O2 has been studied in leaf segments of Avenasativa L. cv. Suregrain. The development of the components of the senescence process,for example chlorophyll breakdown, proteolysis (as soluble aminoacids), hydroperoxides (as malondi-aldehyde) and permeability(as conductivity) is accelerated in light as the O2-tensionincreases. In darkness, 0.3% O2 accelerates increases in hydroperoxides,permeability and proteolysis and delays the chlorophyll break-down,but 0.0005% O2 delays all the components studied. In every casethe hydroperoxide content, permeability and proteolysis areclosely related. Any treatment inducing an increase in membranepermeability causes chlorophyll bleaching (photo-oxidation)if leaf segments are then treated with light in an atmospherecontaining oxygen. Light has a modulating effect on the senescenceprocess. An irradiance lower or higher than 40 W m–2 hasan accelerating effect on the senescence process. (Received September 7, 1985; Accepted July 30, 1985)  相似文献   

The nature of the lack of oxygen inhibition of C3-photosynthesisat low temperature was investigated in white clover (Trifoliumrepens L.). Detached leaves were brought to steady-state photosynthesisin air (34 Pa p(CO2), 21 kPa p(O2), balance N2) at temperaturesof 20°C and 8°C, respectively. Net photosynthesis, ribulose1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and ATP contents, and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) activities were followed beforeand after changing to 2·0 kPa p(O2). At 20°C, lowering p(O2) increased net photosynthesis by37%. This increase corresponded closely with the increase expectedfrom the effect on the kinetic properties of RuBPCO. Conversely,at 8°C net photosynthesis rapidly decreased following adecrease in p(O2) and then increased again reaching a steady-statelevel which was only 7% higher than at 21 kPa p(O2). The steady-staterates of RuBP and associated ATP consumption were both estimatedto have decreased. ATP and RuBP contents decreased by 18% and33% respectively, immediately after the change in p(O2) suggestingthat RuBP regeneration was reduced at low p(O2) due to reducedphotophosphorylation. Subsequently, RuBP content increased again.Steady-state RuBP content at 2·0 kPa p(O2) was 24% higherthan at 21 kPa p(O2). RuBPCO activity decreased by 22%, indicatingcontrol of steady-state RuBP consumption by RuBPCO activity. It is suggested that lack of oxygen inhibition of photosynthesisat low temperature is due to decreased photophosphorylationat low temperature and low p(O2). This may be due to assimilateaccumulation within the chloroplasts. Decreased photophosphorylationseems to decrease RuBP synthesis and RuBPCO activity, possiblydue to an acidification of the chloroplast stroma. Key words: Oxygen inhibition, photosynthesis, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

Widespread use of O2 microsensors to measure O2 partial pressure(pO2) in plant tissues has been limited in part because of difficultyof construction and other technical obstacles. By modifyingpublished techniques, an O2 microsensor was constructed thatcombined the advantages of Clark-type microsensors with lesscomplicated construction techniques. The specifications andsome performance characteristics of the microsensor are: tipdiameter 1–5 µm; sensitivity 7.5–25 pA kPa–1;negligible stir-induced current; response time 540 ms. The microsensorcan be used in air or solution, and each sensor can be usedfor several experiments. The sensitivity of the microsensorwas unchanged during measurements over the physiological rangeof pO2 in intact, growing maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots,and was thus unaffected by cellular fluids and turgor pressure.Use of the microsensor to compare pO2 profiles in vermiculite-and solution-grown roots is described. The O2 microsensor couldfind application in studies in which information on tissue pO2is needed, but for which conventional O2 probes are too large. Key words: Oxygen microsensor, Zea mays L., roots, oxygen partial pressure  相似文献   

The properties of photosynthetic O2 evolution by mesophyll cellchloroplasts (MCC) and guard cell chloroplasts (GCC) isolatedfrom protoplasts of Vicia faba L. have been studied and effectson O2 evolution of factors known to regulate stomatal movementshave been compared. The O2 evolution of GCC was CO2-dependent.The saturating light intensity for O2 evolution was between150 and 200 µmol m–2s–1 for MCC and was between400 and 1,000µmol m–2s–1 for GCC. Light quality(red vs. blue) had no significant effect on O2 evolution byeither MCC or GCC. The O2 evolution rate of MCC was stronglydependent on external K+ concentration, but GCC did not respondsignificantly to variations in external K+ concentration between0 and 250 mM. The optimal external pH for O2 evolution by MCCwas approximately 7.5, and either higher or lower external pHsignificantly inhibited O2 evolution. However, O2 evolutionby GCC was only slightly enhanced when external pH was increasedfrom 6.0 to 8.0. Our observation of differential sensitivityof MCC and GCC to light intensity and to variations of cytoplasmicK+ and pH may indicate differential regulation of photosynthesisin MCC and GCC. 1Current address: Biology Department, Pennsylvania State University,208 Mueller Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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