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The effects of ethanol exposure on Danio rerio have been studied from the perspectives of developmental biology and behavior. However, little is known about the effects of ethanol on the prey-predator relationship and chemical communication of predation risk. Here, we showed that visual contact with a predator triggers stress axis activation in zebrafish. We also observed a typical stress response in zebrafish receiving water from these conspecifics, indicating that these fish chemically communicate predation risk. Our work is the first to demonstrate how alcohol effects this prey-predator interaction. We showed for the first time that alcohol exposure completely blocks stress axis activation in both fish seeing the predator and in fish that come in indirect contact with a predator by receiving water from these conspecifics. Together with other research results and with the translational relevance of this fish species, our data points to zebrafish as a promising animal model to study human alcoholism.  相似文献   

Public concerns on phthalates distributions in the environment have been increasing since they can cause liver cancer, structural abnormalities and reduce sperm counts in male reproductive system. However, few data are actually available on the effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP) in female reproductive system. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of DEHP on zebrafish oogenesis and embryo production. Female Danio rerio were exposed to environmentally relevant doses of DEHP and a significant decrease in ovulation and embryo production was observed. The effects of DEHP on several key regulators of oocyte maturation and ovulation including bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP15), luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR), membrane progesterone receptors (mPRs) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 (ptgs2) were determined by real time PCR. The expressions of BMP15 and mPR proteins were further determined by Western analyses to strengthen molecular findings. Moreover, plasma vitellogenin (vtg) titers were assayed by an ELISA procedure to determine the estrogenic effects of DEHP and its effects on oocyte growth. A significant reduction of fecundity in fish exposed to DEHP was observed. The reduced reproductive capacity was associated with an increase in ovarian BMP15 levels. This rise, in turn, was concomitant with a significant reduction in LHR and mPRβ levels. Finally, ptgs2 expression, the final trigger of ovulation, was also decreased by DEHP. By an in vitro maturation assay, the inhibitory effect of DEHP on germinal vesicle breakdown was further confirmed. In conclusion, DEHP affecting signals involved in oocyte growth (vtg), maturation (BMP15, LHR, mPRs,) and ovulation (ptgs2), deeply impairs ovarian functions with serious consequences on embryo production. Since there is a significant genetic similarity between D.rerio and humans, the harmful effects observed at oocyte level may be relevant for further molecular studies on humans.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of ibutilide on canine cardiac sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes (AVNs). For this purpose, 18 mongrel dogs were injected intravenously with ibutilide and the changes in heart rate, sinus node recovery time, and AVN were measured. Our data show that ibutilide administration caused significant suppression of the sinus atrial node, the peak response time was 20?C30?min, and the heart rate was restored to pre-drug administration level. After receiving ibutilide, 1 animal had a 5?s sinus pause, and after 5?min of ibutilide administration, 1 dog showed 2:1 atrioventricular conduction. Therefore, it was concluded that ibutilide had a suppressive effect on the sinoatrial node and AVN.  相似文献   

The endothermic state of mammals and birds requires high heart rates to accommodate the high rates of oxygen consumption. These high heart rates are driven by very similar conduction systems consisting of an atrioventricular node that slows the electrical impulse and a His-Purkinje system that efficiently activates the ventricular chambers. While ectothermic vertebrates have similar contraction patterns, they do not possess anatomical evidence for a conduction system. This lack amongst extant ectotherms is surprising because mammals and birds evolved independently from reptile-like ancestors. Using conserved genetic markers, we found that the conduction system design of lizard (Anolis carolinensis and A. sagrei), frog (Xenopus laevis) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) adults is strikingly similar to that of embryos of mammals (mouse Mus musculus, and man) and chicken (Gallus gallus). Thus, in ectothermic adults, the slow conducting atrioventricular canal muscle is present, no fibrous insulating plane is formed, and the spongy ventricle serves the dual purpose of conduction and contraction. Optical mapping showed base-to-apex activation of the ventricles of the ectothermic animals, similar to the activation pattern of mammalian and avian embryonic ventricles and to the His-Purkinje systems of the formed hearts. Mammalian and avian ventricles uniquely develop thick compact walls and septum and, hence, form a discrete ventricular conduction system from the embryonic spongy ventricle. Our study uncovers the evolutionary building plan of heart and indicates that the building blocks of the conduction system of adult ectothermic vertebrates and embryos of endotherms are similar.  相似文献   

Major components of the cardiac conduction system including the sinoatrial node (SAN), atrioventricular node (AVN), the His Bundle, and the right and left bundle branches are too small to be directly visualized by multidetector CT (MDCT) given the limited spatial resolution of current scanners. However, the related anatomic landmarks and variants of this system a well as the areas with special interest to electrophysiologists can be reliably demonstrated by MDCT. Some of these structures and landmarks include the right SAN artery, right atrial cavotricuspid isthmus, Koch triangle, AVN artery, interatrial muscle bundles, and pulmonary veins. In addition, MDCT has an imperative role in demarcating potential arrhythmogenic structures. The aim of this review will be to assess the extent at which MDCT can outline the described anatomic landmarks and therefore provide crucial information used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Rap1 and Rap2 are closely related proteins of the Ras family of small G-proteins. Rap1 is well known to regulate cell-cell adhesion. Here, we have analysed the effect of Rap-mediated signalling on endothelial permeability using electrical impedance measurements of HUVEC monolayers and subsequent determination of the barrier resistance, which is a measure for the ease with which ions can pass cell junctions. In line with its well-established effect on cell-cell junctions, depletion of Rap1 decreases, whereas activation of Rap1 increases barrier resistance. Despite its high sequence homology with Rap1, depletion of Rap2 has an opposite, enhancing, effect on barrier resistance. This effect can be mimicked by depletion of the Rap2 specific activator RasGEF1C and the Rap2 effector MAP4K4, establishing Rap2 signalling as an independent pathway controlling barrier resistance. As simultaneous depletion or activation of both Rap1 and Rap2 results in a barrier resistance comparable to control cells, Rap1 and Rap2 control barrier resistance in a reciprocal manner. This Rap1-antagonizing effect of Rap2 is established independent of junctional actin formation. These data establish that endothelial barrier resistance is determined by the combined antagonistic actions of Rap1 and Rap2.  相似文献   

Rap1 and SPA-1 in hematologic malignancy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rap1 is a member of the Ras family of GTPases and, depending on the cellular context, has an important role in the regulation of proliferation or cell adhesion. In lymphohematopoietic tissues, SPA-1 is a principal Rap1 GTPase-activating protein. Mice that are deficient for the SPA-1 gene develop age-dependent progression of T-cell immunodeficiency followed by a spectrum of late onset myeloproliferative disorders, mimicking human chronic myeloid leukemia. Recent studies reveal that deregulated Rap1 activation in SPA-1-deficient mice causes enhanced expansion of the bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors, but induces progressive unresponsiveness or anergy in T cells. Rap1 and its regulator, SPA-1, could, therefore, provide unique molecular targets for the control of human hematologic malignancy.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence indicates that early mitotic inhibitor 1 (Emi1) is essential for genomic stability, but how this function relates to embryonic development and cancer pathogenesis remains unclear. We have identified a zebrafish mutant line in which deficient emi1 gene expression results in multilineage hematopoietic defects and widespread developmental defects that are p53 independent. Cell cycle analyses of Emi1-depleted zebrafish or human cells showed chromosomal rereplication, and metaphase preparations from mutant zebrafish embryos revealed rereplicated, unsegregated chromosomes and polyploidy. Furthermore, EMI1-depleted mammalian cells relied on topoisomerase IIα-dependent mitotic decatenation to progress through metaphase. Interestingly, the loss of a single emi1 allele in the absence of p53 enhanced the susceptibility of adult fish to neural sheath tumorigenesis. Our results cast Emi1 as a critical regulator of genomic fidelity during embryogenesis and suggest that the factor may act as a tumor suppressor.Successful cell division requires faithful replication of the genome, and defects in this process can contribute to genomic instability and subsequent malignant transformation (23). A key regulator of the normal cell cycle is the early mitotic inhibitor 1 (EMI1/FBXO5), a zinc finger protein expressed by a variety of adult tissues and especially in proliferating Ki-67-positive cells (39). Studies of the mammalian and Xenopus homologues of EMI1 have shown that it inhibits the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), a ubiquitin ligase complex that targets cell cycle-regulated proteins, such as the S- and M-phase cyclins (A and B), securin, and geminin (13, 25, 31). Depletion of EMI1 by small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown in cell lines or immunodepletion in cycling Xenopus extracts results in the untimely degradation of APC/C substrates, delaying G1/S- and M-phase progression and inducing rereplication (6, 21, 25, 31). Such rereplication is a consequence of decreased levels of the APC/C substrates cyclin A and geminin, which are regulators of replication licensing (6, 21). The result of EMI1 depletion in some cell lines is senescence (39).Despite these insights into the molecular underpinnings of EMI1 function, little is known about the role of this protein in development. Knockout of murine Emi1 results in an embryonic-lethal phenotype prior to implantation, while a deficiency of Emi1 in cultured pronuclear zygotes leads to multipolar and tangled spindle structures, orphan chromosomes, large nuclei, and apoptosis by the 16-cell stage (17). Otherwise, the dynamic influence of EMI1 on early vertebrate development remains undefined. We sought to close this gap by taking advantage of the zebrafish model system. Zebrafish embryos harboring homozygous mutations of emi1 (emi1m/m) develop beyond the onset of circulation, providing a unique opportunity to examine the developmental roles of Emi1 in vivo. The zebrafish emi1 mutant (hi2648) line was originally identified by a proviral insertional mutagenesis screen designed to identify genes that are necessary for normal morphological development in embryos (1, 8, 9). Subsequent studies showed that the insertion was located between the first and second exons of the emi1 gene (2). The morphological defects in emi1m/m embryos at 2 days postfertilization (p.f.) are described in the public access zebrafish model organism database (http://zfin.org). Briefly, abnormalities in emi1m/m embryos can be identified as early as 20 h p.f. and include slightly smaller heads and a lack of ventral curving of the posterior presomitic mesoderm. By 25 h p.f., the tail is more ventrally curved than in normal embryos, and increased cell death is observed throughout the central nervous system. Mutant embryos have circulating blood cells, although the onset of circulation is delayed. We became interested in this mutant because it harbors defects in the numbers and morphology of granulocytes, an important myeloid cell type within the innate immune system.There is evidence that EMI1 may function in cancer pathogenesis, and a variety of human tumors express this factor very highly, although in some cases this may be a consequence of elevated proliferation rates (11, 18). In fact, the human homologue of emi1 resides within chromosome 6q25, a region often deleted in leukemia, which, together with the cell cycle-regulatory role of EMI1, suggested that this factor may also function as a tumor suppressor whose loss of function could promote genetic instability. Thus, in addition to investigating the role of zebrafish emi1 in zebrafish development, with particular emphasis on hematopoiesis, we examined mammalian cells to identify mechanisms that may be important in EMI1-related malignant transformation and explored a putative tumor suppressor role for this cell cycle-regulatory protein.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap1 has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes including the control of cell morphology, proliferation, and differentiation. Stimulation of a large variety of cell surface receptors results in the rapid activation of Rap1, i.e. an increase in the GTP-bound form. This activation is mediated by second messengers like calcium, cAMP, and diacylglycerol, but additional pathways may exist as well. Here we describe a ubiquitously expressed guanine nucleotide exchange factor of 200 kDa that activates Rap1 both in vivo and in vitro. This exchange factor has two putative regulatory domains: a domain with an amino acid sequence related to cAMP-binding domains and a PDZ domain. Therefore, we named it PDZ-GEF1. PDZ-GEFs are closely related to Epacs, Rap-specific exchange factors with a genuine cAMP binding site, that are directly regulated by cAMP. The domain related to cAMP-binding domains, like the cAMP binding site in Epac, serves as a negative regulatory domain. However, PDZ-GEF1 does not interact with cAMP or cGMP. Interestingly, PDZ-GEF1 also activates Rap2, a close relative of Rap1. This is the first example of an exchange factor acting on Rap2. We conclude that PDZ-GEF1 is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, specific for Rap1 and Rap2, that is controlled by a negative regulatory domain.  相似文献   

Rap proteins are Ras-like small GTP-binding proteins that amongst others are involved in the control of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. Several Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RapGEFs) function to activate Rap. These multi-domain proteins, which include C3G, Epacs, PDZ-GEFs, RapGRPs and DOCK4, are regulated by various different stimuli and may function at different levels in junction formation. Downstream of Rap, a number of effector proteins have been implicated in junctional control, most notably the adaptor proteins AF6 and KRIT/CCM1. In this review, we will highlight the latest findings on the Rap signaling network in the control of epithelial and endothelial cell-cell junctions.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been implicated in cardiac arrhythmia, although a causal relationship remains undefined. We have recently demonstrated a marked up-regulation of NADPH oxidase isoform 4 (NOX4) in patients with atrial fibrillation, which is accompanied by overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we investigated the impact on the cardiac phenotype of NOX4 overexpression in zebrafish. One-cell stage embryos were injected with NOX4 RNA prior to video recording of a GFP-labeled (myl7:GFP zebrafish line) beating heart in real time at 24–31 h post-fertilization. Intriguingly, NOX4 embryos developed cardiac arrhythmia that is characterized by irregular heartbeats. When quantitatively analyzed by an established LQ-1 program, the NOX4 embryos displayed much more variable beat-to-beat intervals (mean S.D. of beat-to-beat intervals was 0.027 s/beat in control embryos versus 0.038 s/beat in NOX4 embryos). Both the phenotype and the increased ROS in NOX4 embryos were attenuated by NOX4 morpholino co-injection, treatments of the embryos with polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase, or NOX4 inhibitors fulvene-5, 6-dimethylamino-fulvene, and proton sponge blue. Injection of NOX4-P437H mutant RNA had no effect on the cardiac phenotype or ROS production. In addition, phosphorylation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was increased in NOX4 embryos but diminished by polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase, whereas its inhibitor KN93 or AIP abolished the arrhythmic phenotype. Taken together, our data for the first time uncover a novel pathway that underlies the development of cardiac arrhythmia, namely NOX4 activation, subsequent NOX4-specific NADPH-driven ROS production, and redox-sensitive CaMKII activation. These findings may ultimately lead to novel therapeutics targeting cardiac arrhythmia.  相似文献   



An adult zebrafish heart possesses a high capacity of regeneration. However, it has been unclear whether and how myocyte hyperplasia contributes to cardiac remodeling in response to biomechanical stress and whether myocyte hypertrophy exists in the zebrafish. To address these questions, we characterized the zebrafish mutant tr265/tr265, whose Band 3 mutation disrupts erythrocyte formation and results in anemia. Although Band 3 does not express and function in the heart, the chronic anemia imposes a sequential biomechanical stress towards the heart.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Hearts of the tr265/tr265 Danio rerio mutant become larger than those of the sibling by week 4 post fertilization and gradually exhibit characteristics of human cardiomyopathy, such as muscular disarray, re-activated fetal gene expression, and severe arrhythmia. At the cellular level, we found both increased individual cardiomyocyte size and increased myocyte proliferation can be detected in week 4 to week 12 tr265/tr265 fish. Interestingly, all tr265/tr265 fish that survive after week-12 have many more cardiomyocytes of smaller size than those in the sibling, suggesting that myocyte hyperplasia allows the long-term survival of these fish. We also show the cardiac hypertrophy process can be recapitulated in wild-type fish using the anemia-inducing drug phenylhydrazine (PHZ).


The anemia-induced cardiac hypertrophy models reported here are the first adult zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models characterized. Unlike mammalian models, both cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia contribute to the cardiac remodeling process in these models, thus allowing the effects of cardiomyocyte hyperplasia on cardiac remodeling to be studied. However, since anemia can induce effects on the heart other than biomechanical, non-anemic zebrafish cardiac hypertrophy models shall be generated and characterized.  相似文献   

A notable advantage of zebrafish as a model organism is the ease of gene knockdown using morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MO). However, zebrafish morphants injected with MO for a target protein often show heterogeneous phenotypes, despite controlling the injection volume of the MO solution in all embryos. We developed a method for estimating the quantity of MO injected into each living morphant, based on the co-injection of a control MO labeled with the fluorophore lissamine. By applying this method for knockdown of cardiac troponin T (tnnt2a) in zebrafish, we could efficiently select the partial tnnt2a-depleted zebrafish with a decreased heart rate and impairment of cardiac contraction. To investigate cardiac impairment of the tnnt2a morphant, we performed fluorescent cardiac imaging using Bodipy-ceramide. Cardiac image analysis showed moderate reduction of tnnt2a impaired diastolic distensibility and decreased contraction and relaxation velocities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to analyze the role of tnnt2a in cardiac function in tnnt2a-depleted living animals. Our combinatorial approach can be applied for analyzing the molecular function of any protein associated with human cardiac diseases.  相似文献   

Slow Conduction in Cardiac Muscle: A Biophysical Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mechanisms of slow conduction in cardiac muscle are categorized and the most likely identified. Propagating action potentials were obtained experimentally from a synthetically grown strand of cardiac muscle (around 50 μm by 30 mm) and theoretically from a one-dimensional cable model that incorporated varying axial resistance and membrane properties along its length. Action potentials propagated at about 0.3 m/s, but in some synthetic strands there were regions (approximately 100 μm in length) where the velocity decreased to 0.002 m/s. The electrophysiological behavior associated with this slow conduction was similar to that associated with slow conduction in naturally occurring cardiac muscle (notches, Wenckebach phenomena, and block). Theoretically, reasonable changes in specific membrane capacitance, membrane activity, and various changes in geometry were insufficient to account for the observed slow conduction velocities. Conduction velocities as low as 0.009 m/s, however, could be obtained by increasing the resistance (ri) of connections between the cells in the cable; velocities as low as 0.0005 m/s could be obtained by a further increase in ri made possible by a reduction in membrane activity by one-fourth, which in itself decreased conduction velocity by only a factor of 1/1.4. As a result of these findings, several of the mechanisms that have been postulated, previously, are shown to be incapable of accounting for delays such as those which occur in the synthetic strand as well as in the atrioventricular (VA) node.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation of myofibril proteins constitutes an important pathway for β-adrenergic modulation of cardiac contractility and relaxation. PKA targets the N-terminus (Ser-23/24) of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C) and titin. The effect of PKA-mediated phosphorylation on the magnitude of contraction has been studied in some detail, but little is known about how it modulates the kinetics of thin filament activation and myofibril relaxation as Ca2+ levels vary. Troponin C (cTnC) interaction with cTnI (C-I interaction) is a critical step in contractile activation that can be modulated by cTnI phosphorylation. We tested the hypothesis that altering C-I interactions by PKA, or by cTnI phosphomimetic mutations (S23D/S24D-cTnI), directly affects thin filament activation and myofilament relaxation kinetics. Rat ventricular myofibrils were isolated and endogenous cTn was exchanged with either wild-type cTnI, or S23D/S24D-cTnI recombinant cTn. Contractile mechanics were monitored at maximum and submaximal Ca2+ concentrations. PKA treatment of wild-type cTn or exchange of cTn containing S23D/S24D-cTnI resulted in an increase in the rate of early, slow phase of relaxation (kREL,slow) and a decrease in its duration (tREL,slow). These effects were greater for submaximal Ca2+ activated contractions. PKA treatment also reduced the rate of contractile activation (kACT) at maximal, but not submaximal Ca2+, and reduced the Ca2+ sensitivity of contraction. Using a fluorescent probe coupled to cTnC (C35S-IANBD), the Ca2+-cTn binding affinity and C-I interaction were monitored. Ca2+ binding to cTn (pCa50) was significantly decreased when cTnI was phosphorylated by PKA (ΔpCa50 = 0.31). PKA phosphorylation of cTnI also weakened C-I interaction in the presence of Ca2+. These data suggest that weakened C-I interaction, via PKA phosphorylation of cTnI, may slow thin filament activation and result in increased myofilament relaxation kinetics, the latter of which could enhance early phase diastolic relaxation during β-adrenergic stimulation.  相似文献   

BackgroundInsulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) promotes the survival of cardiomyocytes by activating type 1 IGF receptor (IGF-1R). Within the myocardium, IGF-1 action is modulated by IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), which sequesters IGF-1 away from IGF-1R. Since cardiomyocyte apoptosis is implicated in anthracycline cardiotoxicity, we investigated the effects of the anthracycline, doxorubicin, on the IGF-1 system in H9c2 cardiomyocytes.ConclusionsDoxorubicin down-regulates IGF-1R and up-regulates IGFBP-3 via p53 and oxidative stress in H9c2 cells. This leads to resistance to IGF-1 that may contribute to doxorubicin-initiated apoptosis. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings in human cardiomyocytes and explore the possibility of manipulating the IGF-1 axis to protect against anthracycline cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a congenital disorder caused by mutations of the myotubularin gene, MTM1. Myotubularin belongs to a large family of conserved lipid phosphatases that include both catalytically active and inactive myotubularin-related proteins (i.e., “MTMRs”). Biochemically, catalytically inactive MTMRs have been shown to form heteroligomers with active members within the myotubularin family through protein-protein interactions. However, the pathophysiological significance of catalytically inactive MTMRs remains unknown in muscle. By in vitro as well as in vivo studies, we have identified that catalytically inactive myotubularin-related protein 12 (MTMR12) binds to myotubularin in skeletal muscle. Knockdown of the mtmr12 gene in zebrafish resulted in skeletal muscle defects and impaired motor function. Analysis of mtmr12 morphant fish showed pathological changes with central nucleation, disorganized Triads, myofiber hypotrophy and whorled membrane structures similar to those seen in X-linked myotubular myopathy. Biochemical studies showed that deficiency of MTMR12 results in reduced levels of myotubularin protein in zebrafish and mammalian C2C12 cells. Loss of myotubularin also resulted in reduction of MTMR12 protein in C2C12 cells, mice and humans. Moreover, XLMTM mutations within the myotubularin interaction domain disrupted binding to MTMR12 in cell culture. Analysis of human XLMTM patient myotubes showed that mutations that disrupt the interaction between myotubularin and MTMR12 proteins result in reduction of both myotubularin and MTMR12. These studies strongly support the concept that interactions between myotubularin and MTMR12 are required for the stability of their functional protein complex in normal skeletal muscles. This work highlights an important physiological function of catalytically inactive phosphatases in the pathophysiology of myotubular myopathy and suggests a novel therapeutic approach through identification of drugs that could stabilize the myotubularin-MTMR12 complex and hence ameliorate this disorder.  相似文献   

The small G-protein Rap1 plays an important role in the regulation of endothelial barrier function, a process controlled largely by cell–cell adhesions and their connection to the actin cytoskeleton. During the various stages of barrier dynamics, different guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) control Rap1 activity, indicating that Rap1 integrates multiple input signals. Once activated, Rap1 induces numerous signaling cascades, together responsible for the increased endothelial barrier function. Most notably, Rap1 activation results in the inhibition of Rho to decrease radial stress fibers and the activation of Cdc42 to increase junctional actin. This implies that Rap regulates endothelial barrier function by dual control of cytoskeletal tension. The molecular details of the signaling pathways are becoming to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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