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In adipocytes, lipolysis is a highly regulated process involving hormonal signals, lipid droplet-associated proteins, and lipases. The discovery of new lipid droplet-associated proteins added complexity to the current model of lipolysis. In this study, we used cultured human adipocytes to demonstrate that fat-specific protein 27 (FSP27), an abundantly expressed protein in adipocytes, regulates both basal and stimulated lipolysis by interacting with adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL, also called desnutrin or PNPLA2). We identified a core domain of FSP27, amino acids 120–220, that interacts with ATGL to inhibit its lipolytic function and promote triglyceride storage. We also defined the role of FSP27 in free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in adipocytes. FSP27 depletion in human adipocytes increased lipolysis and inhibited insulin signaling by decreasing AKT phosphorylation. However, reducing lipolysis by either depletion of ATGL or expression of exogenous full-length FSP27 or amino acids 120–220 protected human adipocytes against the adverse effects of free fatty acids on insulin signaling. In embryonic fibroblasts derived from ATGL KO mice, exogenous free fatty acids did not affect insulin sensitivity. Our results demonstrate a crucial role for FSP27-ATGL interactions in regulating lipolysis, triglyceride accumulation, and insulin signaling in human adipocytes.  相似文献   

Biochemical and cell-based studies have identified the G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2) as a selective inhibitor of the key intracellular triacylglycerol hydrolase, adipose triglyceride lipase. To better understand the physiological role of G0S2, we constructed an adipose tissue-specific G0S2 transgenic mouse model. In comparison with wild type animals, the transgenic mice exhibited a significant increase in overall fat mass and a decrease in peripheral triglyceride accumulation. Basal and adrenergically stimulated lipolysis was attenuated in adipose explants isolated from the transgenic mice. Following fasting or injection of a β3-adrenergic agonist, in vivo lipolysis and ketogenesis were decreased in G0S2 transgenic mice when compared with wild type animals. Consequently, adipose overexpression of G0S2 prevented the “switch” of energy substrate from carbohydrates to fatty acids during fasting. Moreover, G0S2 overexpression promoted accumulation of more and larger lipid droplets in brown adipocytes without impacting either mitochondrial morphology or expression of oxidative genes. This phenotypic change was accompanied by defective cold adaptation. Furthermore, feeding with a high fat diet caused a greater gain of both body weight and adiposity in the transgenic mice. The transgenic mice also displayed a decrease in fasting plasma levels of free fatty acid, triglyceride, and insulin as well as improved glucose and insulin tolerance. Cumulatively, these results indicate that fat-specific G0S2 overexpression uncouples adiposity from insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health through inhibiting adipose lipolysis and decreasing circulating fatty acids.  相似文献   

The protein G0/G1 switch gene 2 (G0S2) is a small basic protein that functions as an endogenous inhibitor of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), a key enzyme in intracellular lipolysis. In this study, we identified a short sequence covering residues Lys-20 to Ala-52 in G0S2 that is still fully capable of inhibiting mouse and human ATGL. We found that a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region inhibits ATGL in a noncompetitive manner in the nanomolar range. This peptide is highly selective for ATGL and does not inhibit other lipases, including hormone-sensitive lipase, monoacylglycerol lipase, lipoprotein lipase, and patatin domain-containing phospholipases 6 and 7. Because increased lipolysis is linked to the development of metabolic disorders, the inhibition of ATGL by G0S2-derived peptides may represent a novel therapeutic tool to modulate lipolysis.  相似文献   

Liver steatosis is a common health problem associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and an important risk factor for the development of liver fibrosis and cancer. Steatosis is caused by triglycerides (TG) accumulating in lipid droplets (LDs), cellular organelles composed of neutral lipids surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids. The HCV nucleocapsid core localizes to the surface of LDs and induces steatosis in cultured cells and mouse livers by decreasing intracellular TG degradation (lipolysis). Here we report that core at the surface of LDs interferes with the activity of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), the key lipolytic enzyme in the first step of TG breakdown. Expressing core in livers or mouse embryonic fibroblasts of ATGL−/− mice no longer decreases TG degradation as observed in LDs from wild-type mice, supporting the model that core reduces lipolysis by engaging ATGL. Core must localize at LDs to inhibit lipolysis, as ex vivo TG hydrolysis is impaired in purified LDs coated with core but not when free core is added to LDs. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that core does not directly interact with the ATGL complex but, unexpectedly, increased the interaction between ATGL and its activator CGI-58 as well as the recruitment of both proteins to LDs. These data link the anti-lipolytic activity of the HCV core protein with altered ATGL binding to CGI-58 and the enhanced association of both proteins with LDs.  相似文献   

The release of fatty acids from plasma triglycerides for tissue uptake is critically dependent on the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Hydrolysis of plasma triglycerides by LPL can be disrupted by the protein angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4), and ANGPTL4 has been shown to inactivate LPL in vitro. However, in vivo LPL is often complexed to glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) on the surface of capillary endothelial cells. GPIHBP1 is responsible for trafficking LPL across capillary endothelial cells and anchors LPL to the capillary wall during lipolysis. How ANGPTL4 interacts with LPL in this context is not known. In this study, we investigated the interactions of ANGPTL4 with LPL-GPIHBP1 complexes on the surface of endothelial cells. We show that ANGPTL4 was capable of binding and inactivating LPL complexed to GPIHBP1 on the surface of endothelial cells. Once inactivated, LPL dissociated from GPIHBP1. We also show that ANGPTL4-inactivated LPL was incapable of binding GPIHBP1. ANGPTL4 was capable of binding, but not inactivating, LPL at 4 °C, suggesting that binding alone was not sufficient for ANGPTL4''s inhibitory activity. We observed that although the N-terminal coiled-coil domain of ANGPTL4 by itself and full-length ANGPTL4 both bound with similar affinities to LPL, the N-terminal fragment was more potent in inactivating both free and GPIHBP1-bound LPL. These results led us to conclude that ANGPTL4 can both bind and inactivate LPL complexed to GPIHBP1 and that inactivation of LPL by ANGPTL4 greatly reduces the affinity of LPL for GPIHBP1.  相似文献   

Apolipoproteins (apo) C-I and C-III are known to inhibit lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, but the molecular mechanisms for this remain obscure. We present evidence that either apoC-I or apoC-III, when bound to triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, prevent binding of LPL to the lipid/water interface. This results in decreased lipolytic activity of the enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that hydrophobic amino acid residues centrally located in the apoC-III molecule are critical for attachment to lipid emulsion particles and consequently inhibition of LPL activity. Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins stabilize LPL and protect the enzyme from inactivating factors such as angiopoietin-like protein 4 (angptl4). The addition of either apoC-I or apoC-III to triglyceride-rich particles severely diminished their protective effect on LPL and rendered the enzyme more susceptible to inactivation by angptl4. These observations were seen using chylomicrons as well as the synthetic lipid emulsion Intralipid. In the presence of the LPL activator protein apoC-II, more of apoC-I or apoC-III was needed for displacement of LPL from the lipid/water interface. In conclusion, we show that apoC-I and apoC-III inhibit lipolysis by displacing LPL from lipid emulsion particles. We also propose a role for these apolipoproteins in the irreversible inactivation of LPL by factors such as angptl4.  相似文献   

目的:本文旨在探讨动物体内水平驱动蛋白-1在脂肪组织糖、脂代谢中的作用。方法:通过Cre/Loxp重组系统构建脂肪组织特异性敲除驱动蛋白-1的小鼠模型,在生理水平观察驱动蛋白-1表达缺陷对小鼠糖代谢、脂代谢和脂肪因子分泌的影响。结果:与六月龄对照组小鼠相比,同月龄驱动蛋白-1敲除小鼠的体重、脂肪组织重量和空腹血糖水平没有显著差异,但是其血清胰岛素水平显著升高;使用葡萄糖耐量试验(GTT)和胰岛素耐量实验(ITT)对小鼠的糖代谢水平进行评估,结果显示驱动蛋白-1敲除小鼠表现为葡萄糖不耐受、胰岛素不耐受;进一步血清检测显示驱动蛋白-1敲除小鼠表现为高甘油三酯血症和血清脂联素水平降低。结论:驱动蛋白-1在脂肪组织中参与调节糖、脂代谢过程,其表达或功能障碍是2型糖尿病等代谢性疾病的一个重要的发病因素。  相似文献   

Adipose phospholipase A2 (AdPLA or Group XVI PLA2) plays an important role in the onset of obesity by suppressing adipose tissue lipolysis. As a consequence, AdPLA-deficient mice are resistant to obesity induced by a high fat diet or leptin deficiency. It has been proposed that AdPLA mediates its antilipolytic effects by catalyzing the release of arachidonic acid. Based on sequence homology, AdPLA is part of a small family of acyltransferases and phospholipases related to lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT). To better understand the enzymatic mechanism of AdPLA and LRAT-related proteins, we solved the crystal structure of AdPLA. Our model indicates that AdPLA bears structural similarity to proteins from the NlpC/P60 family of cysteine proteases, having its secondary structure elements configured in a circular permutation of the classic papain fold. Using both structural and biochemical evidence, we demonstrate that the enzymatic activity of AdPLA is mediated by a distinctive Cys-His-His catalytic triad and that the C-terminal transmembrane domain of AdPLA is required for the interfacial catalysis. Analysis of the enzymatic activity of AdPLA toward synthetic and natural substrates indicates that AdPLA displays PLA1 in addition to PLA2 activity. Thus, our results provide insight into the enzymatic mechanism and biochemical properties of AdPLA and LRAT-related proteins and lead us to propose an alternate mechanism for AdPLA in promoting adipose tissue lipolysis that is not contingent on the release of arachidonic acid and that is compatible with its combined PLA1/A2 activity.  相似文献   

脂肪酶的固定化及其性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹国民  盛梅 《生物技术》1997,7(3):14-17
采用吸附与交联相结合的方法国定化脂肪酶,研究了脂肪酶固定化的工艺条件,并考察了固定化脂肪酶的催化性能和稳定性。试验结果表明,WA20树脂固定化脂肪酶的最适条件是:酶液pH7.0、给酶量300IU/g树脂、固定时间8h,所得固定化脂肪酶的活力约为165IU/g树脂;固定化酶稳定性较高,在冰箱内贮存6个月活力没有下降,操作半衰期约为750h,而未用戌二醛文联的固定化脂肪酶操作半衰期仅约290h;固定化脂肪酶催化橄榄油水解的最适条件是:PH8.0、温度55℃、底物浓度60%(V/V)、搅拌转速500r/m。  相似文献   

Defective lipolysis in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase provokes severe cardiac steatosis and heart dysfunction, markedly shortening life span. Similarly, cardiac muscle (CM)-specific Plin5 overexpression (CM-Plin5) leads to severe triglyceride (TG) accumulation in cardiomyocytes via impairing TG breakdown. Interestingly, cardiac steatosis due to overexpression of Plin5 is compatible with normal heart function and life span indicating a more moderate impact of Plin5 overexpression on cardiac lipolysis and energy metabolism. We hypothesized that cardiac Plin5 overexpression does not constantly impair cardiac lipolysis. In line with this assumption, TG levels decreased in CM of fasted compared with nonfasted CM-Plin5 mice indicating that fasting may lead to a diminished barrier function of Plin5. Recent studies demonstrated that Plin5 is phosphorylated, and activation of adenylyl cyclase leads to phosphorylation of Plin5, suggesting that Plin5 is a substrate for PKA. Furthermore, any significance of Plin5 phosphorylation by PKA in the regulation of TG mobilization from lipid droplets (LDs) is unknown. Here, we show that the lipolytic barrier of Plin5-enriched LDs, either prepared from cardiac tissue of CM-Plin5 mice or Plin5-transfected cells, is abrogated by incubation with PKA. Notably, PKA-induced lipolysis of LDs enriched with Plin5 carrying a single mutation at serine 155 (PlinS155A) of the putative PKA phosphorylation site was substantially impaired revealing a critical role for PKA in Plin5-regulated lipolysis. The strong increase in protein levels of phosphorylated PKA in CM of Plin5 transgenic mice may partially restore fatty acid release from Plin5-enriched LDs, rendering these hearts compatible with normal heart function despite massive steatosis.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the regulation of testicular retinoic acid synthesis is crucial for understanding its role in spermatogenesis. Bisdichloroacetyldiamines strongly inhibit spermatogenesis. We reported previously that one of these compounds, WIN 18,446, potently inhibited spermatogenesis in rabbits by inhibiting retinoic acid synthesis. To understand how WIN 18,446 inhibits retinoic acid synthesis, we characterized its effects on human retinal dehydrogenase ALDH1A2 in vitro as well as its effects on retinoid metabolism in vivo using mice. WIN 18,446 strongly and irreversibly inhibited ALDH1A2 in vitro. In vivo, WIN 18,446 treatment completely abolished spermatogenesis after 4 weeks of treatment and modestly reduced adiposity in mice fed a chow diet. Effects of WIN 18,446 on retinoid concentrations were tissue-dependent. Although lung and liver retinyl ester concentrations were lower in WIN 18,446-treated animals, adipose retinyl ester levels were increased following the treatment. Interestingly, animals treated with WIN 18,446 had significantly higher circulating retinol concentrations compared with control mice. The effect on spermatogenesis by WIN 18,446 was not prevented by simultaneous treatment with retinoic acid, whereas effects on other tissues were partially or completely reversed. Cessation of WIN 18,446 treatment for 4 weeks reversed most retinoid-related phenotypes except for inhibition of spermatogenesis. Our data suggest that WIN 18,446 may be a useful model of systemic acquired retinoic acid deficiency. Given the effects observed in our study, inhibition of retinoic acid biosynthesis may have relevance for the treatment of obesity and in the development of novel male contraceptives.  相似文献   

In two experiments with growing-finishing pigs six different dietary fats were added to a conventional diet (control - C) to study the effects of dietary monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the fatty acid composition of backfat and kidney fat at similar amounts of double bonds in feed (Exp. 1:7% pork fat - PF, 4.95% olive oil - OO, 3.17% soybean oil - SO) or a constant amount of 5% of processed fats (Exp. 2: partially hydrogenated fat - SAT, fractionated pork fats: olein - OLE, stearin - STE). Compared with the control, PUFA were only slightly increased in backfat of pigs fed PF, OLE, STE or OO, although dietary PUFA intake was up to 70% higher. With SO PUFA were significantly increased in adipose tissues, predominantly at the expense of MUFA. Consequently, a non-linear relationship was found between PUFA intake and proportion in backfat. MUFA were incorporated at the expense of SFA, therefore, adipose tissues of OO fed animals were lowest in SFA. Despite comparable amounts of double bonds in feed (Exp. 1), the degree of unsaturation measured as fat score (sum of double bonds) was in the order SO > OO > PF > C. In contrast, the proportion of SFA was C > PF = SO > OO. Regarding the decisive role of SFA for fat consistency it may be concluded that MUFA should also be considered in feeding recommendations for pigs. Furthermore, in case of a high dietary supply of MUFA, a simple index of double bonds might not be sufficiently conclusive to judge pig fat quality.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors mediate responses to a myriad of ligands, some of which regulate adipocyte differentiation and metabolism. The sweet taste receptors T1R2 and T1R3 are G protein-coupled receptors that function as carbohydrate sensors in taste buds, gut, and pancreas. Here we report that sweet taste receptors T1R2 and T1R3 are expressed throughout adipogenesis and in adipose tissues. Treatment of mouse and human precursor cells with artificial sweeteners, saccharin and acesulfame potassium, enhanced adipogenesis. Saccharin treatment of 3T3-L1 cells and primary mesenchymal stem cells rapidly stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and downstream targets with functions in adipogenesis such as cAMP-response element-binding protein and FOXO1; however, increased expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α was not observed until relatively late in differentiation. Saccharin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation at Thr-308 occurred within 5 min, was phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent, and occurred in the presence of high concentrations of insulin and dexamethasone; phosphorylation of Ser-473 occurred more gradually. Surprisingly, neither saccharin-stimulated adipogenesis nor Thr-308 phosphorylation was dependent on expression of T1R2 and/or T1R3, although Ser-473 phosphorylation was impaired in T1R2/T1R3 double knock-out precursors. In mature adipocytes, artificial sweetener treatment suppressed lipolysis even in the presence of forskolin, and lipolytic responses were correlated with phosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase. Suppression of lipolysis by saccharin in adipocytes was also independent of T1R2 and T1R3. These results suggest that some artificial sweeteners have previously uncharacterized metabolic effects on adipocyte differentiation and metabolism and that effects of artificial sweeteners on adipose tissue biology may be largely independent of the classical sweet taste receptors, T1R2 and T1R3.  相似文献   

Disorders of estrogen-responsive tissues are frequently associated with aberrations in steroid metabolism due to altered expression of synthesizing and metabolizing enzymes. For instance, overexposure to unopposed 17β-estradiol has been associated with the pathogenesis of endometrial proliferative disorders, such as endometriosis. Investigations into the metabolic conversion in tissues and cells have been rather limited. This is mostly due to fact that such studies have to make use of radioactive steroid hormones and expensive equipment to obtain sufficient sensitivity.

We adapted a sensitive non-radioactive HPLC method to study estrogen metabolism in more detail. This HPLC method is based on the solid phase extraction of estrogens and the derivatization of the steroids with 2-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole. The technique is sensitive, robust and is useful for the detection of aromatase, 17β-HSD types 1 and 2 and sulfatase activities in lysates of placenta and endometrium.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the sex‐dependent differences in the response of key parameters involved in thermogenesis and control of body weight in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and white adipose tissue (WAT) in postcafeteria‐fed rats, a model of dietary obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: BAT and WAT were obtained from male and female control and postcafeteria‐fed Wistar rats. Postcafeteria‐fed rats were initially fed with cafeteria diet from day 10 of life until day 110 (cafeteria period) and with standard chow diet from then until day 180 of life (postcafeteria period). Body mass and energy intake were evaluated. Biometric parameters were analyzed in interscapular BAT (IBAT). Levels of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), α2‐adrenergic receptor (AR), and β3‐AR proteins and UCP1, UCP2, UCP3, β3‐AR, and leptin mRNAs, in IBAT or WAT, were studied by Western blot and Northern blot analyses, respectively. Results: Rats attained 59% (females) and 39% (males) increase in body weight at the end of the cafeteria period. During the postcafeteria period, the rats showed a loss of body weight, which was higher in females. Postcafeteria‐fed female rats also presented higher activation of thermogenic parameters in IBAT, including UCP1, UCP2, and UCP3 mRNAs. Female control rats showed lower levels of both α2 and β3‐ARs in BAT compared with male rats, but these levels in postcafeteria‐fed female and male rats were the same, because males tended to down‐regulate them. Levels of leptin mRNA in response to the postcafeteria state depended on gender and the specific WAT depot studied. Discussion: It is suggested that in postcafeteria‐fed female rats, BAT thermogenic capacity becomes more efficiently activated than in males. Female rats also showed a bigger weight loss. The parallel regulation of the levels of UCP2 and UCP3 mRNAs, with respect to UCP1 mRNA, with higher activation in female postcafeteria‐fed rats, suggests a possible role of both UCP2 and UCP3 in the regulation of energy expenditure and in the control of body weight. The distinct responses to overweight of α2 and β3‐ARs—which were sex dependent—and leptin mRNA—which depended on both sex and WAT depot—also support the different response of thermogenesis‐related parameters between overweight males and females.  相似文献   

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