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Preserved clinical material is a unique source for proteomic investigation of human disorders. Here we describe an optimized protocol allowing large scale quantitative analysis of formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. The procedure comprises four distinct steps. The first one is the preparation of sections from the FFPE material and microdissection of cells of interest. In the second step the isolated cells are lysed and processed using ''filter aided sample preparation'' (FASP) technique. In this step, proteins are depleted from reagents used for the sample lysis and are digested in two-steps using endoproteinase LysC and trypsin. After each digestion, the peptides are collected in separate fractions and their content is determined using a highly sensitive fluorescence measurement. Finally, the peptides are fractionated on ''pipette-tip'' microcolumns. The LysC-peptides are separated into 4 fractions whereas the tryptic peptides are separated into 2 fractions. In this way prepared samples allow analysis of proteomes from minute amounts of material to a depth of 10,000 proteins. Thus, the described workflow is a powerful technique for studying diseases in a system-wide-fashion as well as for identification of potential biomarkers and drug targets.  相似文献   

Microdissection has been used for the examination of tissues at DNA, RNA, and protein levels for over a decade. Laser capture microscopy (LCM) is the most common microdissection technique used today. In this technique, a laser is used to focally melt a thermoplastic membrane that overlies a dehydrated tissue section1. The tissue section composite is then lifted and separated from the membrane. Although this technique can be used successfully for tissue examination, it is time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, the successful completion of procedures using this technique requires the use of a laser, thus limiting its use. A new more affordable and practical microdissection approach called mesodissection is a possible solution to the pitfalls of LCM. This technique employs the MESO-1/MeSectr system to mill the desired tissue from a slide mounted tissue sample while concurrently dispensing and aspirating fluid to recover the desired tissue sample into a consumable mill bit. Before the dissection process begins, the user aligns the formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) slide with a hematoxylin and eosin stained (H&E) reference slide. Thereafter, the operator annotates the desired dissection area and proceeds to dissect the appropriate segment. The program generates an archived image of the dissection. The main advantage of mesodissection is the short duration needed to dissect a slide, taking an average of ten minutes from set up to sample generation in this experiment. Additionally, the system is significantly more cost effective and user friendly. A slight disadvantage is that it is not as precise as laser capture microscopy. In this article we demonstrate how mesodissection can be used to extract RNA from slides from FFPE granulomas caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).  相似文献   

Autophagy assures cellular homeostasis, and gains increasing importance in cancer, where it impacts on carcinogenesis, propagation of the malignant phenotype and development of resistance. To date, its tissue-based analysis by immunohistochemistry remains poorly standardized. Here we show the feasibility of specifically and reliably assessing the autophagy markers LC3B and p62 (SQSTM1) in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded human tissue by immunohistochemistry. Preceding functional experiments consisted of depleting LC3B and p62 in H1299 lung cancer cells with subsequent induction of autophagy. Western blot and immunofluorescence validated antibody specificity, knockdown efficiency and autophagy induction prior to fixation in formalin and embedding in paraffin. LC3B and p62 antibodies were validated on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded cell pellets of treated and control cells and finally applied on a tissue microarray with 80 human malignant and nonneoplastic lung and stomach formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue samples. Dot-like staining of various degrees was observed in cell pellets and 18/40 (LC3B) and 22/40 (p62) tumors, respectively. Seventeen tumors were double positive for LC3B and p62. P62 displayed additional significant cytoplasmic and nuclear staining of unknown significance. Interobserver-agreement for grading of staining intensities and patterns was substantial to excellent (kappa values 0.60-0.83). In summary, we present a specific and reliable IHC staining of LC3B and p62 on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded human tissue. Our presented protocol is designed to aid reliable investigation of dysregulated autophagy in solid tumors and may be used on large tissue collectives.Key words: Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, LC3B, p62, cancer  相似文献   

Immunoperoxidase staining was performed for estrogen and progesterone receptors in 93 cases of primary breast carcinoma. Breast tumor samples were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Antigen retrieval was performed by microwave heating in citrate buffer, pH 6.0, using precisely defined and reproducible conditions. The cases studied included material from the current year and from paraffin blocks retrieved from archival storage dating back to 1981. In all cases, estrogen and progesterone receptor values determined by biochemical assay were available for comparison with the immunohistochemical results. We found 94% agreement of results between the two methods.  相似文献   

三种不同方法固定的石蜡切片中RNA的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究在 10 %中性福尔马林、丙酮、甲醇 氯仿 冰醋酸 3种方法固定的石蜡切片中提取RNA的质量和数量 .取 2 5 0g体重的Wistar大鼠的肾脏 ,分别采用 10 %中性福尔马林、丙酮、甲醇 氯仿 冰醋酸 3种方法固定 ,石蜡包埋 ,H E染色 ;采用RNA裂解液、TRIZOL试剂 2种方法提取切片RNA ,逆转录为cDNA ,采用普通PCR和SYBRGREEN 1定量PCR分析RNA质量和数量 .结果表明 ,3种固定方法都可保持组织良好的结构和形态 ;采用 2种提取方法 ,均可经RT PCR扩增出 180bp大鼠磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶 (G3PDH)、5 6 5bpβ肌动蛋白 (β actin)、10 0bp纤溶酶系活化剂抑制物 1(PAI 1) ;但采用RNA裂解液时 ,比TRIZOL试剂可提取更多的RNA .  相似文献   

A recently developed matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) method to spatially profile the location and distribution of multiple N-linked glycan species in frozen tissues has been extended and improved for the direct analysis of glycans in clinically derived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Formalin-fixed tissues from normal mouse kidney, human pancreatic and prostate cancers, and a human hepatocellular carcinoma tissue microarray were processed by antigen retrieval followed by on-tissue digestion with peptide N-glycosidase F. The released N-glycans were detected by MALDI-IMS analysis, and the structural composition of a subset of glycans could be verified directly by on-tissue collision-induced fragmentation. Other structural assignments were confirmed by off-tissue permethylation analysis combined with multiple database comparisons. Imaging of mouse kidney tissue sections demonstrates specific tissue distributions of major cellular N-linked glycoforms in the cortex and medulla. Differential tissue distribution of N-linked glycoforms was also observed in the other tissue types. The efficacy of using MALDI-IMS glycan profiling to distinguish tumor from non-tumor tissues in a tumor microarray format is also demonstrated. This MALDI-IMS workflow has the potential to be applied to any FFPE tissue block or tissue microarray to enable higher throughput analysis of the global changes in N-glycosylation associated with cancers.  相似文献   



Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) offers a way to implement testing of multiple genetic aberrations in diagnostic pathology practice, which is necessary for personalized cancer treatment. However, no standards regarding input material have been defined. This study therefore aimed to determine the effect of the type of input material (e.g. formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) versus fresh frozen (FF) tissue) on NGS derived results. Moreover, this study aimed to explore a standardized analysis pipeline to support consistent clinical decision-making.


We used the Ion Torrent PGM sequencing platform in combination with the Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2 to sequence frequently mutated regions in 50 cancer related genes, and validated the NGS detected variants in 250 FFPE samples using standard diagnostic assays. Next, 386 tumour samples were sequenced to explore the effect of input material on variant detection variables. For variant calling, Ion Torrent analysis software was supplemented with additional variant annotation and filtering.


Both FFPE and FF tissue could be sequenced reliably with a sensitivity of 99.1%. Validation showed a 98.5% concordance between NGS and conventional sequencing techniques, where NGS provided both the advantage of low input DNA concentration and the detection of low-frequency variants. The reliability of mutation analysis could be further improved with manual inspection of sequence data.


Targeted NGS can be reliably implemented in cancer diagnostics using both FFPE and FF tissue when using appropriate analysis settings, even with low input DNA.  相似文献   



Understanding the three-dimensional (3-D) micro-architecture of lung tissue can provide insights into the pathology of lung disease. Micro computed tomography (µCT) has previously been used to elucidate lung 3D histology and morphometry in fixed samples that have been stained with contrast agents or air inflated and dried. However, non-destructive microstructural 3D imaging of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues would facilitate retrospective analysis of extensive tissue archives of lung FFPE lung samples with linked clinical data.


FFPE human lung tissue samples (n = 4) were scanned using a Nikon metrology µCT scanner. Semi-automatic techniques were used to segment the 3D structure of airways and blood vessels. Airspace size (mean linear intercept, Lm) was measured on µCT images and on matched histological sections from the same FFPE samples imaged by light microscopy to validate µCT imaging.


The µCT imaging protocol provided contrast between tissue and paraffin in FFPE samples (15mm x 7mm). Resolution (voxel size 6.7 µm) in the reconstructed images was sufficient for semi-automatic image segmentation of airways and blood vessels as well as quantitative airspace analysis. The scans were also used to scout for regions of interest, enabling time-efficient preparation of conventional histological sections. The Lm measurements from µCT images were not significantly different to those from matched histological sections.


We demonstrated how non-destructive imaging of routinely prepared FFPE samples by laboratory µCT can be used to visualize and assess the 3D morphology of the lung including by morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

In the era of targeted therapy, mutation profiling of cancer is a crucial aspect of making therapeutic decisions. To characterize cancer at a molecular level, the use of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue is important. We tested the Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2 and nCounter Copy Number Variation Assay in 89 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded gastric cancer samples to determine whether they are applicable in archival clinical samples for personalized targeted therapies. We validated the results with Sanger sequencing, real-time quantitative PCR, fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Frequently detected somatic mutations included TP53 (28.17%), APC (10.1%), PIK3CA (5.6%), KRAS (4.5%), SMO (3.4%), STK11 (3.4%), CDKN2A (3.4%) and SMAD4 (3.4%). Amplifications of HER2, CCNE1, MYC, KRAS and EGFR genes were observed in 8 (8.9%), 4 (4.5%), 2 (2.2%), 1 (1.1%) and 1 (1.1%) cases, respectively. In the cases with amplification, fluorescence in situ hybridization for HER2 verified gene amplification and immunohistochemistry for HER2, EGFR and CCNE1 verified the overexpression of proteins in tumor cells. In conclusion, we successfully performed semiconductor-based sequencing and nCounter copy number variation analyses in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded gastric cancer samples. High-throughput screening in archival clinical samples enables faster, more accurate and cost-effective detection of hotspot mutations or amplification in genes.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2009,4(11)


Detection of critical cancer gene mutations in clinical tumor specimens may predict patient outcomes and inform treatment options; however, high-throughput mutation profiling remains underdeveloped as a diagnostic approach. We report the implementation of a genotyping and validation algorithm that enables robust tumor mutation profiling in the clinical setting.


We developed and implemented an optimized mutation profiling platform (“OncoMap”) to interrogate ∼400 mutations in 33 known oncogenes and tumor suppressors, many of which are known to predict response or resistance to targeted therapies. The performance of OncoMap was analyzed using DNA derived from both frozen and FFPE clinical material in a diverse set of cancer types. A subsequent in-depth analysis was conducted on histologically and clinically annotated pediatric gliomas. The sensitivity and specificity of OncoMap were 93.8% and 100% in fresh frozen tissue; and 89.3% and 99.4% in FFPE-derived DNA. We detected known mutations at the expected frequencies in common cancers, as well as novel mutations in adult and pediatric cancers that are likely to predict heightened response or resistance to existing or developmental cancer therapies. OncoMap profiles also support a new molecular stratification of pediatric low-grade gliomas based on BRAF mutations that may have immediate clinical impact.


Our results demonstrate the clinical feasibility of high-throughput mutation profiling to query a large panel of “actionable” cancer gene mutations. In the future, this type of approach may be incorporated into both cancer epidemiologic studies and clinical decision making to specify the use of many targeted anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Staining of paraffin embedded sections with periodic acid-Schiff reagent and fast green before paraffin removal resulted in differentiation of barley seed and leaf tissue from fungal structures of Rhynchosporium secalis. Crystal violet, toluidine blue O and aniline blue also successfully stained fungal structures of R. secalis in barley leaf tissues. Staining of embedded sections before paraffin removal allows simple processing of a series of sections, saves time and reduces solvent consumption.  相似文献   

Many alternative methods for immunopathological evaluation of kidney tissue are now available. Immunofluorescent or immunoperoxidase staining of kidney can be performed after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. This is also possible after fixation with formol-sublimate (Stieve's fluid) using the immunoperoxidase technique or by immunofluorescence after removal of mercury. Reduction of strong nonspecific fluorescence caused by the mercury fixative parallels the elimination of mercury as verified by X-ray microanalysis of the sections. Using a mouse model with injection of graded dilutions of antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies, immunofluorescent staining after Stieve fixation and embedding in Paraplast was about 60% of that in cryostat sections. Immunofluorescent staining after mercury removal can be followed by silver staining for detailed morphologic study of the same 1 μm Paraplast sections. A case of antiglomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis is illustrated in more detail to show the necessity of alternative methods, including the technique presented, pre-embedding immunofluorescent staining of Epon sections, and electron microscopy, to make a reliable diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

Here we outline a next-generation RNA sequencing protocol that enables de novo assemblies and intra-host variant calls of viral genomes collected from clinical and biological sources. The method is unbiased and universal; it uses random primers for cDNA synthesis and requires no prior knowledge of the viral sequence content. Before library construction, selective RNase H-based digestion is used to deplete unwanted RNA — including poly(rA) carrier and ribosomal RNA — from the viral RNA sample. Selective depletion improves both the data quality and the number of unique reads in viral RNA sequencing libraries. Moreover, a transposase-based ''tagmentation'' step is used in the protocol as it reduces overall library construction time. The protocol has enabled rapid deep sequencing of over 600 Lassa and Ebola virus samples-including collections from both blood and tissue isolates-and is broadly applicable to other microbial genomics studies.  相似文献   

福尔马林对固定标本DNA提取和扩增的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏颖哲  盛岩  陈宜瑜 《四川动物》2006,25(3):662-665
福尔马林被广泛应用于生物标本的长期保存。由于福尔马林可能影响标本DNA的质量,因此需要对福尔马林固定标本DNA的提取和扩增过程进行改进。影响从福尔马林保存标本中提取的DNA质量的主要因素包括福尔马林导致的DNA与蛋白质之间、蛋白质与蛋白质之间、DNA与DNA之间的交联,福尔马林溶液的化学成分、pH值及浓度,标本保存的时间和温度,标本保存部位等。本文总结了目前常用的对标本DNA提取和扩增过程的改进措施及其优点。  相似文献   

With the decreasing cost of next-generation sequencing, deep sequencing of clinical samples provides unique opportunities to understand host-associated microbial communities. Among the primary challenges of clinical metagenomic sequencing is the rapid filtering of human reads to survey for pathogens with high specificity and sensitivity. Metagenomes are inherently variable due to different microbes in the samples and their relative abundance, the size and architecture of genomes, and factors such as target DNA amounts in tissue samples (i.e. human DNA versus pathogen DNA concentration). This variation in metagenomes typically manifests in sequencing datasets as low pathogen abundance, a high number of host reads, and the presence of close relatives and complex microbial communities. In addition to these challenges posed by the composition of metagenomes, high numbers of reads generated from high-throughput deep sequencing pose immense computational challenges. Accurate identification of pathogens is confounded by individual reads mapping to multiple different reference genomes due to gene similarity in different taxa present in the community or close relatives in the reference database. Available global and local sequence aligners also vary in sensitivity, specificity, and speed of detection. The efficiency of detection of pathogens in clinical samples is largely dependent on the desired taxonomic resolution of the organisms. We have developed an efficient strategy that identifies “all against all” relationships between sequencing reads and reference genomes. Our approach allows for scaling to large reference databases and then genome reconstruction by aggregating global and local alignments, thus allowing genetic characterization of pathogens at higher taxonomic resolution. These results were consistent with strain level SNP genotyping and bacterial identification from laboratory culture.  相似文献   

The discovery of new target treatments for NSCLC has led to a search for new genetic and epigenetic markers able to selectively predict response to these new drugs. Somatic mutations in EGFR and KRAS genes are routinely analyzed to predict response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), used in the treatment of NSCLC patients, whose efficacy depend on the presence or the absence of specific mutations. MicroRNA (miRNA) expression evaluation has been recently analyzed because of the involvement of these molecules in lung cancer pathogenesis and in drug resistance. Only 30 % of NSCLC patients present a resectable stage at time of diagnosis so tissue samples cannot be the only starting material for genetic and epigenetic analysis. Therefore, the possibility to use cytological sampling already used for diagnosis also for molecular testing is emerging. The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time in lung cancer the use of liquid-based cytology both for EGFR and KRAS mutational testing and for the expression trend of some miRNAs involved in lung cancer pathogenesis: miR-21, miR-155, miR-7, and let7a. We enrolled 20 fine-needle aspirate (FNA) samples diagnosed as NSCLC, 10 FNAs without neoplastic cells, and tissue samples coming from 5 of the 20 patients who underwent surgery after FNA NSCLC diagnosis. All Thin-Prep processed FNA samples were evaluable for DNA and RNA analysis and results were compared with those of the small group of patients whose matched tumor histology was available. The mutational status of the EGFR and KRAS genes and the expression profile of the selected miRNA showed comparable results between FNA samples and histological tissues. Our results underline that cytological samples could give the same genetic information as that obtained from histological specimens and so could be collected to create a nucleic acids bank.  相似文献   

The staining time for mammalian skeletal muscle fixed in neutral phosphate-buffered formalin was shortened from 12-24 hr to 10-30 min. The permanganate-oxalate sequence was omitted although oxidation by periodic acid or with iodine was found to be necessary. The material was embedded in paraffin and cut 6 μ or less. Deparaffinized sections were treated with 1% alcoholic iodine for 10 rain followed by 5% Na2S2O3 for 2 min and placed in an oven at 60 C for 10-30 min to stain in a preheated mixture of 50 ml of ripened Mallory's phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin and 1 ml of 2% phosphomolybdic acid. Experiments with fixation showed that the staining procedure followed Zenker's fluid successfully but not Bouin's fluid. Oxidation by KMnO4 was effective only after Zenker fixation; oxidation by CrO3 was unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Tularemia is a highly infectious zoonosis, in Sweden usually occurring in the varying hare. The risk of human infections when diagnosing this disease in the laboratory is high. Therefore, a method for diagnosing tularemia in formalin fixed material with the FA-technique has been tested. 46 necropsied varying hares were examined using this method. 28 of the examined animals were diagnosed with tularemia based on conventional post mortem, histological and bacteriological examinations. 96 per cent of them were positive to the FA-technique test. 18 other animals infected with different bacteria and Toxoplasma were also tested. All the controls were negative.  相似文献   

Inflammation and infection of bovine mammary glands, commonly known as mastitis, imposes significant losses each year in the dairy industry worldwide. While several different bacterial species have been identified as causative agents of mastitis, many clinical mastitis cases remain culture negative, even after enrichment for bacterial growth. To understand the basis for this increasingly common phenomenon, the composition of bacterial communities from milk samples was analyzed using culture independent pyrosequencing of amplicons of 16S ribosomal RNA genes (16S rDNA). Comparisons were made of the microbial community composition of culture negative milk samples from mastitic quarters with that of non-mastitic quarters from the same animals. Genomic DNA from culture-negative clinical and healthy quarter sample pairs was isolated, and amplicon libraries were prepared using indexed primers specific to the V1–V2 region of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and sequenced using the Roche 454 GS FLX with titanium chemistry. Evaluation of the taxonomic composition of these samples revealed significant differences in the microbiota in milk from mastitic and healthy quarters. Statistical analysis identified seven bacterial genera that may be mainly responsible for the observed microbial community differences between mastitic and healthy quarters. Collectively, these results provide evidence that cases of culture negative mastitis can be associated with bacterial species that may be present below culture detection thresholds used here. The application of culture-independent bacterial community profiling represents a powerful approach to understand long-standing questions in animal health and disease.  相似文献   

The usefulness of thionin for staining cartilage sections embedded in glycol meth-acrylate (GMA) and the effect of decalcification on cartilage sections embedded in paraffin and GMA were assessed. Short decalcification periods using 5% formic acid or 10% EDTA did not influence the staining properties or the morphology of cartilage matrix and chondrocytes. The standard stain safranin O-fast green for differential staining of cartilage was used as control in these experiments. Prolonged exposure of safranin P stained sections to fast green resulted in disappearance of the safranin O stained matrix, thereby hampering the quantitative measurement of negatively charged glycosaminoglycans (GAG). Thionin stained evenly throughout all cartilage layers, independent of the staining times. In contrast to safranin 0, thionin did not show meta-chromasia in nondehydrated cartilage sections, which made it more suitable for assessing cartilage quality in GMA embedded cartilage. To evaluate the selectivity of thionin staining in cartilage, chondroitinase ABC and trypsin digestions were carried out. Thionin staining was prevented by these enzymes in the territorial matrix, representing the interlacunar network and the chondrocyte capsule. Staining with thionin of the interterritorial matrix was only slightly reduced, possibly representing keratan sulfate and hyaluronic acid in cartilage of elderly patients. Comparison of thionin stained GMA embedded cartilage with safranin O stained paraffin embedded sections showed significant similarity in optical densitometry, indicative of the specificity of thionin bound to negatively charged GAG in cartilage. In GMA embedded cartilage morphology was relatively intact compared to paraffin embedded sections due to less shrinkage of chondrocytes and the interlacunar network.  相似文献   

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