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MicroRNAs play important regulatory roles in eukaryotic lineages. In this paper, we employed deep sequencing technology to sequence and identify microRNAs in M. incognita genome, which is one of the important plant parasitic nematodes. We identified 102 M. incognita microRNA genes, which can be grouped into 71 nonredundant miRNAs based on mature sequences. Among the 71 miRANs, 27 are known miRNAs and 44 are novel miRNAs. We identified seven miRNA clusters in M. incognita genome. Four of the seven clusters, miR-100/let-7, miR-71-1/miR-2a-1, miR-71-2/miR-2a-2 and miR-279/miR-2b are conserved in other species. We validated the expressions of 5 M. incognita microRNAs, including 3 known microRNAs (miR-71, miR-100b and let-7) and 2 novel microRNAs (NOVEL-1 and NOVEL-2), using RT-PCR. We can detect all 5 microRNAs. The expression levels of four microRNAs obtained using RT-PCR were consistent with those obtained by high-throughput sequencing except for those of let-7. We also examined how M. incognita miRNAs are conserved in four other nematodes species: C. elegans, A. suum, B. malayi and P. pacificus. We found that four microRNAs, miR-100, miR-92, miR-279 and miR-137, exist only in genomes of parasitic nematodes, but do not exist in the genomes of the free living nematode C. elegans. Our research created a unique resource for the research of plant parasitic nematodes. The candidate microRNAs could help elucidate the genomic structure, gene regulation, evolutionary processes, and developmental features of plant parasitic nematodes and nematode-plant interaction.  相似文献   

In order to study Brassica napus fatty acid (FA) metabolism and relevant regulatory networks, a systematic identification of fatty acid (FA) biosynthesis-related genes was conducted. Following gene identification, gene expression profiles during B. napus seed development and FA metabolism were performed by cDNA chip hybridization (〉8000 EST clones from seed). The results showed that FA biosynthesis and regulation, and carbon flux, were conserved between B. napus and Arabidopsis. However, a more critical role of starch metabolism was detected for B. napus seed FA metabolism and storage-component accumulation when compared with Arabidopsis. In addition, a crucial stage for the transition of seed-to-sink tissue was 17-21 d after flowering (DAF), whereas FA biosynthesis-related genes were highly expressed pri- marily at 21 DAF. Hormone (auxin and jasmonate) signaling is found to be important for FA metabolism. This study helps to reveal the global regulatory network of FA metabolism in developing B. napus seeds.  相似文献   

T Li  J Chen  S Qiu  Y Zhang  P Wang  L Yang  Y Lu  J Shi 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43451


To date, several studies have indicated a major role for microRNAs (miRNAs) in regulating plant development, but miRNA-mediated regulation of the developing somatic embryo is poorly understood, especially during early stages of somatic embryogenesis in hardwood plants. In this study, Solexa sequencing and miRNA microfluidic chips were used to discover conserved and species-specific miRNAs during somatic embryogenesis of hybrid yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera×L. chinense).

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 17,214,153 reads representing 7,421,623 distinct sequences were obtained from a short RNA library generated from small RNAs extracted from all stages of somatic embryos. Through a combination of deep sequencing and bioinformatic analyses, we discovered 83 sequences with perfect matches to known miRNAs from 33 conserved miRNA families and 273 species-specific candidate miRNAs. MicroRNA microarray results demonstrated that many conserved and species-specific miRNAs were expressed in hybrid yellow poplar embryos. In addition, the microarray also detected another 149 potential miRNAs, belonging to 29 conserved families, which were not discovered by deep sequencing analysis. The biological processes and molecular functions of the targets of these miRNAs were predicted by carrying out BLAST search against Arabidopsis thaliana GenBank sequences and then analyzing the results with Gene Ontology.


Solexa sequencing and microarray hybridization were used to discover 232 candidate conserved miRNAs from 61 miRNA families and 273 candidate species-specific miRNAs in hybrid yellow poplar. In these predicted miRNAs, 64 conserved miRNAs and 177 species-specific miRNAs were detected by both sequencing and microarray hybridization. Our results suggest that miRNAs have wide-ranging characteristics and important roles during all stages of somatic embryogenesis in this economically important species.  相似文献   

植物miRNA在调控基因表达、细胞周期、生物体发育、抗逆等方面起重要作用。为研究胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)的耐盐机制,以1年生胡杨无性系幼苗为材料,构建具有空间代表性的盐胁迫胡杨cDNA文库,利用二代测序技术测定NaCl胁迫下和正常培养条件下胡杨叶和根miRNA表达情况。结果表明,不同的miRNA之间表达量存在明显差异,表达丰度最高的miRNA有miR156、miR157、miR165、miR166和miR167等,合计占总表达量的90%以上。胡杨根部存在特异表达的miRNA,在整个耐盐调控机制中发挥着生理调节、分子调控和信号传导等极为重要的作用。盐处理样品中发现大量响应盐胁迫的miRNA,对这些转录因子进行靶基因预测和注释后,发现很多盐胁迫响应的miRNA与NAC和SPL等重要转录因子家族相关,与前人的结论一致,另外还发现许多miRNA的调控对象是ATP酶和激素响应因子。  相似文献   

microRNA是一类长约22nt的内源非编码小分子RNA,在线虫、果蝇、家鼠、人体及拟南芥等生物中普遍存在,并对其生长发育起着重要的调控作用。目前通过实验和计算机的方法在植物和动物中发现了越来越多的microRNA。通过对识别和鉴定新microRNA的主要方法策略的总结可以为microRNA今后的研究和发展提供一些思路和启发。  相似文献   

I A Parkin  D J Lydiate 《Génome》1997,40(4):496-504
The patterns of chromosome pairing and recombination in two contrasting Brassica napus F1 hybrids were deduced. One hybrid was from a winter oilseed rape (WOSR) x spring oilseed rape cross, the other from a resynthesized B. napus x WOSR cross. Segregation at 211 equivalent loci assayed in the population derived from each hybrid produced two collinear genetic maps. Alignment of the maps indicated that B. napus chromosomes behaved reproducibly as 19 homologous pairs and that the 19 distinct chromosomes of B. napus each recombined with unique chromosomes from the interspecific hybrid between Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. This result indicated that the genomes of the diploid progenitors of amphidiploid B. napus have remained essentially unaltered since the formation of the species and that the progenitor genomes were similar to those of modern-day B. rapa and B. oleracea. The frequency and distribution of crossovers were almost indistinguishable in the two populations, suggesting that the recombination machinery of B. napus could cope easily with different degrees of genetic divergence between homologous chromosomes. Efficient recombination in wide crosses will facilitate the introgression of novel alleles into oilseed rape from B. rapa and B. oleracea (via resynthesized B. napus) and reduce linkage drag.  相似文献   

High-density genetic markers are the prerequisite for understanding linkage disequilibrium (LD) and genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of complex traits in crops. To evaluate the LD pattern in oilseed rape, we sequenced a previous association panel containing 189 B. napus inbred lines using double-digested restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) and genotyped 19,327 RAD tags. A total of 15,921 RAD tags were assigned to a published genetic linkage map and the majority (71.1%) of these tags was uniquely mapped to the draft reference genome “Darmor-bzh.” The distance of LD decay was 1,214 kb across the genome at the background level (r2 = 0.26), with the distances of LD decay being 405 kb and 2,111 kb in the A and C subgenomes, respectively. A total of 361 haplotype blocks with length > 100 kb were identified in the entire genome. The association panel could be classified into two groups, P1 and P2, which are essentially consistent with the geographical origins of varieties. A large number of group-specific haplotypes were identified, reflecting that varieties in the P1 and P2 groups experienced distinct selection in breeding programs to adapt their different growth habitats. GWAS repeatedly detected two loci significantly associated with oil content of seeds based on the developed SNPs, suggesting that the high-density SNPs were useful for understanding the genetic determinants of complex traits in GWAS.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana CONSTANS (CO) gene which promotes flowering in long days was recently isolated by chromosome walking. The mapping of QTLs controlling flowering time in Brassica species has identified genomic regions that contain homologues of the CO gene. Four genes homologous to the Arabidopsis CO gene were isolated from a pair of homoeologous loci in each of two doubled-haploid Brassica napus lines displaying different flowering times, N-o-1 and N-o-9. The four genes, BnCOa1, BnCOa9, BnCOb1 and BnCOb9, are located on linkage groups N10 and N19, and are highly similar to each other and to the Arabidopsis CO gene. Two regions of the proteins are particularly well conserved, a N-terminal region with two putative zinc fingers and a C-terminal region which may contain a nuclear localization signal. All four genes appear to be expressed in B. napus. The BnCOa1 allele was shown to complement the co-2 mutation in Arabidopsis in a dosage-dependent manner causing earlier flowering than in wild type under both long- and short-day conditions.  相似文献   

miRNAs are a class of non-coding endogenous small RNAs. They play vital roles in plant growth, development, and response to biotic and abiotic stress by negatively regulating genes. Mulberry trees are economically important species with multiple uses. However, to date, little is known about mulberry miRNAs and their target genes. In the present study, three small mulberry RNA libraries were constructed and sequenced using high-throughput sequencing technology. Results showed 85 conserved miRNAs belonging to 31 miRNA families and 262 novel miRNAs at 371 loci. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis confirmed the expression pattern of 9 conserved and 5 novel miRNAs in leaves, bark, and male flowers. A total of 332 potential target genes were predicted to be associated with these 113 novel miRNAs. These results provide a basis for further understanding of mulberry miRNAs and the biological processes in which they are involved.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure was studied of imbibed non-aged winter rape(Brassica napus L.) seeds in comparison with that of artificiallyaged seeds in which viability was partially or completely impaired.In parallel, measurements were made of lipid-phosphorus content,the leakage of phosphate from the seeds and their vigour andgerminability. Decreases in lipid-phosphorus which accompaniedthe loss of viability corresponded to an increase in phosphateleakage, suggesting damage to cellular membranes. Three ultrastructuralsymptoms possibly related to age-induced membrane deteriorationwere observed: (i) the lowering of electron contrast in allcellular membranes excluding plasmalemma; (ii) coalescence ofsmall storage lipid bodies to larger units presumably as a resultof the degradation of enclosing half-unit membranes; and (iii)the appearance of protoplasmic inclusions inside the storageprotein bodies, possibly resulting from rupture of the enclosingunit membranes. It is suggested that the presence of enlarged fibrillar centresin nucleoli of low viability seeds observed here for the firsttime in aged seed material may be the morphological manifestationof age-induced damage to nucleic acids. Brassica napus L, seeds, accelerated ageing, ultrastructure, leakage  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short-nucleotide RNA molecules that function as negative regulators of gene expression in various organisms. However, miRNAs of Pinctada martensii have not been reported yet. P. martensii is one of the main species cultured for marine pearl production in China and Japan. In order to obtain the repertoire of miRNAs in P. martensii, we constructed and sequenced small RNA libraries prepared from P. martensii by Solexa deep sequencing technology and got a total of 27,479,838 reads representing 3,176,630 distinct sequences. After removing tRNAs, rRNAs, snRNAs, and snoRNAs, 10,596,306 miRNA reads representing 18,050 distinct miRNA reads were obtained. Based on sequence similarity and hairpin structure prediction, 258 P. martensii miRNAs (pm-miRNA) were identified. Among these pm-miRNAs, 205 were conserved across the species, whereas 53 were specific for P. martensii. The 3′ end sequence of U6 snRNA was obtained from P. martensii by 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA end PCR reaction and sequence-directed cloning. Eight conserved pm-miRNAs and two novel pm-miRNAs were validated by stem-loop quantitative real-time PCR with U6 snRNA as an internal reference gene. pm-miRNAs and the reported biomineralization-related genes were subjected to target analysis by using target prediction tools. Some of the pm-miRNAs, such as miR-2305 and miR-0046, were predicted to participate in biomineralization by regulating the biomineralization-related genes. Thus, this study demonstrated a large-scale characterization of pm-miRNAs and their potential function in biomineralization, providing a foundation to understand shell formation.  相似文献   

Camelina sativa is an annual oilseed crop that is under intensive development for renewable resources of biofuels and industrial oils. MicroRNAs, or miRNAs, are endogenously encoded small RNAs that play key roles in diverse plant biological processes. Here, we conducted deep sequencing on small RNA libraries prepared from camelina leaves, flower buds and two stages of developing seeds corresponding to initial and peak storage products accumulation. Computational analyses identified 207 known miRNAs belonging to 63 families, as well as 5 novel miRNAs. These miRNAs, especially members of the miRNA families, varied greatly in different tissues and developmental stages. The predicted miRNA target genes are involved in a broad range of physiological functions including lipid metabolism. This report is the first step toward elucidating roles of miRNAs in C. sativa and will provide additional tools to improve this oilseed crop for biofuels and biomaterials.  相似文献   

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