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Our application concerns the automated detection of vessels in retinal images to improve understanding of the disease mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of retinal and a number of systemic diseases. We propose a new framework for segmenting retinal vasculatures with much improved accuracy and efficiency. The proposed framework consists of three technical components: Retinex-based image inhomogeneity correction, local phase-based vessel enhancement and graph cut-based active contour segmentation. These procedures are applied in the following order. Underpinned by the Retinex theory, the inhomogeneity correction step aims to address challenges presented by the image intensity inhomogeneities, and the relatively low contrast of thin vessels compared to the background. The local phase enhancement technique is employed to enhance vessels for its superiority in preserving the vessel edges. The graph cut-based active contour method is used for its efficiency and effectiveness in segmenting the vessels from the enhanced images using the local phase filter. We have demonstrated its performance by applying it to four public retinal image datasets (3 datasets of color fundus photography and 1 of fluorescein angiography). Statistical analysis demonstrates that each component of the framework can provide the level of performance expected. The proposed framework is compared with widely used unsupervised and supervised methods, showing that the overall framework outperforms its competitors. For example, the achieved sensitivity (0:744), specificity (0:978) and accuracy (0:953) for the DRIVE dataset are very close to those of the manual annotations obtained by the second observer.  相似文献   


An improved version of the H-phosphonate approach to RNA-synthesis is presented and the studies that led to alterations in the protecting group strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Acetate concentrations in marine and freshwater matrices were measured by an enzymatic technique which coupled the synthesis of acetyl coenzyme A to AMP production. The resulting AMP was assayed by a sensitive and relatively rapid high-pressure liquid chromatography method, using an aqueous, isocratic mobile phase for elution. The method was insensitive to the presence of seawater salts and required no sample prepurification or distillation. Propionate caused a minor, but statistically insignificant, interference when equimolar with acetate; butyrate caused no interference, even at relatively high concentrations. Detection limits for acetate were approximately 100 nM with a precision of about 5%. Pore waters from two intertidal sediments contained approximately 1 to 12 μM acetate; the concentrations were linearly but inversely correlated with porewater sulfate.  相似文献   

Changes in the electrical properties of tissue during healing should affect the electric field and current density distributions produced by applied electric or magnetic fields. The electric field produced at a fracture site by surface electrodes is found using a finite-difference method, implemented with a commerically-available spread-sheet program on a microcomputer. The method is first validated by application to a two-layer cylinder. The model considered is the healing of a tibia fracture in an irregularly-shaped, anisotropic model of the human calf. Variations of the three components of the electric field throughout the calf due to the healing are examined. Significant changes are found at the fracture site and in its vicinity. Similar results should be observed with other forms of electromagnetic stimulation.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The velocities of the positive and negative streamers in the air at atmospheric pressure are experimentally, theoretically, and computationally studied at the discharge of...  相似文献   



In this study, we develop a microdensitometry method using full width at half maximum (FWHM) analysis of the retinal vascular structure in a spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) image and present the application of this method in the morphometry of arteriolar changes during hypertension.


Two raters using manual and FWHM methods measured retinal vessel outer and lumen diameters in SD-OCT images. Inter-rater reproducibility was measured using coefficients of variation (CV), intraclass correlation coefficient and a Bland-Altman plot. OCT images from forty-three eyes of 43 hypertensive patients and 40 eyes of 40 controls were analyzed using an FWHM approach; wall thickness, wall cross-sectional area (WCSA) and wall to lumen ratio (WLR) were subsequently calculated.


Mean difference in inter-rater agreement ranged from -2.713 to 2.658 μm when using a manual method, and ranged from -0.008 to 0.131 μm when using a FWHM approach. The inter-rater CVs were significantly less for the FWHM approach versus the manual method (P < 0.05). Compared with controls, the wall thickness, WCSA and WLR of retinal arterioles were increased in the hypertensive patients, particular in diabetic hypertensive patients.


The microdensitometry method using a FWHM algorithm markedly improved inter-rater reproducibility of arteriolar morphometric analysis, and SD-OCT may represent a promising noninvasive method for in vivo arteriolar morphometry.  相似文献   

Improved versions of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) sensors were created to follow intracellular InsP3 changes in single living cells and in cell populations. Similar to previous InsP3 sensors the new sensors are based on the ligand binding domain of the human type-I InsP3 receptor (InsP3R-LBD), but contain a mutation of either R265K or R269K to lower their InsP3 binding affinity. Tagging the InsP3R-LBD with N-terminal Cerulean and C-terminal Venus allowed measurement of InsP3 in single-cell FRET experiments. Replacing Cerulean with a Luciferase enzyme allowed experiments in multi-cell format by measuring the change in the BRET signal upon stimulation. These sensors faithfully followed the agonist-induced increase in InsP3 concentration in HEK 293T cells expressing the Gq-coupled AT1 angiotensin receptor detecting a response to agonist concentration as low as 10 pmol/L. Compared to the wild type InsP3 sensor, the mutant sensors showed an improved off-rate, enabling a more rapid and complete return of the signal to the resting value of InsP3 after termination of M3 muscarinic receptor stimulation by atropine. For parallel measurements of intracellular InsP3 and Ca2+ levels in BRET experiments, the Cameleon D3 Ca2+ sensor was modified by replacing its CFP with luciferase. In these experiments depletion of plasma membrane PtdIns(4,5)P2 resulted in the fall of InsP3 level, followed by the decrease of the Ca2+-signal evoked by the stimulation of the AT1 receptor. In contrast, when type-III PI 4-kinases were inhibited with a high concentration of wortmannin or a more specific inhibitor, A1, the decrease of the Ca2+-signal preceded the fall of InsP3 level indicating an InsP3-, independent, direct regulation of capacitative Ca2+ influx by plasma membrane inositol lipids. Taken together, our results indicate that the improved InsP3 sensor can be used to monitor both the increase and decrease of InsP3 levels in live cells suitable for high-throughput BRET applications.  相似文献   

Single chain variable fragment-IgGs (scFv-IgG) are a class of bispecific antibodies consisting of two single chain variable fragments (scFv) that are fused to an intact IgG molecule. A common trend observed for expression of scFv-IgGs in mammalian cell culture is a higher level of aggregates (10%–30%) compared to mAbs, which results in lower purification yields in order to meet product quality targets. Furthermore, the high aggregate levels also pose robustness risks to a conventional mAb three column platform purification process which uses only the polishing steps (e.g., cation exchange chromatography [CEX]) for aggregate removal. Protein A chromatography with pH gradient elution, high performance tangential flow filtration (HP-TFF) and calcium phosphate precipitation were evaluated at the bench scale as means of introducing orthogonal aggregate removal capabilities into other aspects of the purification process. The two most promising process variants, namely Protein A pH gradient elution followed by calcium phosphate precipitation were evaluated at pilot scale, demonstrating comparable performance. Implementing Protein A chromatography with gradient elution and/or calcium phosphate precipitation removed a sufficient portion of the aggregate burden prior to the CEX polishing step, enabling CEX to be operated robustly under conditions favoring higher monomer yield. From starting aggregate levels ranging from 15% to 23% in the condition media, levels were reduced to between 2% and 3% at the end of the CEX step. The overall yield for the optimal process was 71%. Results of this work suggest an improved three-column mAb platform-like purification process for purification of high aggregate scFv-IgG bispecific antibodies is feasible. © 2018 The Authors. Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2720, 2019  相似文献   


Using state-of-the-art quantum mechanical calculations, we investigate the spatial profile of the electric field enhancements induced within an optical cavity embedded with a variety of organic molecules. We observed marked differences in the spectral positions, spectral intensities, maximum achievable electric field, and spatial profile of the electric field with a remarkable sensitivity to the embedded molecular type. In a broader perspective, our quantum mechanical calculations provide quantitative access to the molecule-dependent electric field distributions and unveil intricate and rich optical features.


The Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) has declined by more than 90% since 1900 and is listed as endangered by IUCN. We made the first quantitative assessment of Caspian seal by-catch mortality in fisheries in the north Caspian Sea by conducting semi-structured interviews in fishing communities along the coasts of Russia (Kalmykia, Dagestan), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. We recorded a documented minimum by-catch of 1,215 seals in the survey sample, for the 2008–2009 fishing season, 93% of which occurred in illegal sturgeon fisheries. Due to the illegal nature of the fishery, accurately quantifying total fishing effort is problematic and the survey sample could reflect less than 10% of poaching activity in the north Caspian Sea. Therefore total annual by-catch may be significantly greater than the minimum documented by the survey. The presence of high by-catch rates was supported independently by evidence of net entanglement from seal carcasses, during a mass stranding on the Kazakh coast in May 2009, where 30 of 312 carcasses were entangled in large mesh sturgeon net remnants. The documented minimum by-catch may account for 5 to 19% of annual pup production. Sturgeon poaching therefore not only represents a serious threat to Caspian sturgeon populations, but may also be having broader impacts on the Caspian Sea ecosystem by contributing to a decline in one of the ecosystem’s key predators. This study demonstrates the utility of interview-based approaches in providing rapid assessments of by-catch in illegal small-scale fisheries, which are not amenable to study by other methods.  相似文献   

Sample preconcentration is an important step that increases the accuracy of subsequent detection, especially for samples with extremely low concentrations. Due to the overlapping of electrical double layers in the nanofluidic channel, the concentration polarization effect can be generated by applying an electric field. Therefore, a nonlinear electrokinetic flow is induced, which results in the fast accumulation of proteins in front of the induced ionic depletion zone, the so-called exclusion-enrichment effect. Nanofractures were created in this work to preconcentrate proteins via the exclusion-enrichment effect. The protein sample was driven by electroosmotic flow and accumulated at a specific location. The preconcentration chip for proteins was fabricated using simple standard soft lithography with a polydimethylsiloxane replica. Nanofractures were formed by utilizing nanoparticle-assisted electric breakdown. The proposed method for nanofracture formation that utilizes nanoparticle deposition at the junction gap between microchannels greatly decreases the required electric breakdown voltage. The experimental results indicate that a protein sample with an extremely low concentration of 1 nM was concentrated to 1.5×104-fold in 60 min using the proposed chip.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe soil transmitted helminths are a group of parasitic worms responsible for extensive morbidity in many of the world’s most economically depressed locations. With growing emphasis on disease mapping and eradication, the availability of accurate and cost-effective diagnostic measures is of paramount importance to global control and elimination efforts. While real-time PCR-based molecular detection assays have shown great promise, to date, these assays have utilized sub-optimal targets. By performing next-generation sequencing-based repeat analyses, we have identified high copy-number, non-coding DNA sequences from a series of soil transmitted pathogens. We have used these repetitive DNA elements as targets in the development of novel, multi-parallel, PCR-based diagnostic assays.Conclusions/SignificanceThe utilization of next-generation sequencing-based repeat DNA analysis methodologies for the identification of molecular diagnostic targets has the ability to improve assay species-specificity and limits of detection. By exploiting such high copy-number repeat sequences, the assays described here will facilitate soil transmitted helminth diagnostic efforts. We recommend similar analyses when designing PCR-based diagnostic tests for the detection of other eukaryotic pathogens.  相似文献   

目的:研究常压下强电场辐射对国稻6号DNA甲基化的影响.方法:常压下在相同时间下,以不同强度(和在相同强度下,以不同时间)辐射国稻6号种子,应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism,MSAP)技术,研究在不同辐射条件下,水稻基因组DNA甲基化的水平及差异.结果:所有强电场辐射的试验组甲基化水平都比未辐射的对照组有所降低,并与辐射的时间和强度有关.细胞DNA全甲基化、半甲基化扩增位点占总扩增位点的比例为:12.89%~13.62%,3.36%~4.63%,随着辐射强度和时间的增加有所降低.结论:说明经强电场辐射的国稻6号水稻基因组DNA甲基化较亲本发生了明显的变异,强电场能引起表观遗传变异,为研究其规律奠定了基础,也为探讨水稻甲基化对水稻生长调控的分子机理提供了帮助.  相似文献   

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are spherical nanoparticles that naturally shed from Gram-negative bacteria. They are rich in immunostimulatory proteins and lipopolysaccharide but do not replicate, which increases their safety profile and renders them attractive vaccine vectors. By packaging foreign polypeptides in OMVs, specific immune responses can be raised toward heterologous antigens in the context of an intrinsic adjuvant. Antigens exposed at the vesicle surface have been suggested to elicit protection superior to that from antigens concealed inside OMVs, but hitherto robust methods for targeting heterologous proteins to the OMV surface have been lacking. We have exploited our previously developed hemoglobin protease (Hbp) autotransporter platform for display of heterologous polypeptides at the OMV surface. One, two, or three of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens ESAT6, Ag85B, and Rv2660c were targeted to the surface of Escherichia coli OMVs upon fusion to Hbp. Furthermore, a hypervesiculating ΔtolR ΔtolA derivative of attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL3261 was generated, enabling efficient release and purification of OMVs decorated with multiple heterologous antigens, exemplified by the M. tuberculosis antigens and epitopes from Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein (MOMP). Also, we showed that delivery of Salmonella OMVs displaying Ag85B to antigen-presenting cells in vitro results in processing and presentation of an epitope that is functionally recognized by Ag85B-specific T cell hybridomas. In conclusion, the Hbp platform mediates efficient display of (multiple) heterologous antigens, individually or combined within one molecule, at the surface of OMVs. Detection of antigen-specific immune responses upon vesicle-mediated delivery demonstrated the potential of our system for vaccine development.  相似文献   

Plating efficiency of cultured protoplasts of Solanum brevidensincreased to c. 10% after the addition of 5•0 mol m–3glutamine to the culture medium. Growth of protoplast-derivedcolonies at densities of 20 colonies cm–3 was obtainedby lowering the auxin content alter 4–6 d. A sample of50 protoplast-derived plants was examined for chromosomal variation.Twelve plants were diploid (2n=24), 26 were tetraploid (2n=48)and 12 were aneuploid at the tetraploid level (2n=48?). Tetraploidand aneuploid plants had broader leaves and set fewer or noseeds compared to the diploid regenerants which were similarin gross morphology and seed set to control plants. Key words: Solanum brevidens, protoplasts, plant regeneration, variation  相似文献   

利用卡介苗取代结核分枝杆菌阳性痰液作为实验标本,使用改良后的抗酸染液进行抗酸染色实验教学。卡介苗水溶液为标本,石炭酸复红染色液中加入5%的Tween-80进行抗酸染色。染色后,卡介苗标本片与结核菌阳性痰液标本比较,菌体形态与染色均无明显差异。此法具有染色效果好、标本来源方便、安全无污染等优点,满足抗酸染色实验教学需要。  相似文献   

The 14-3-3 proteins are a highly conserved family of homodimeric and heterodimeric molecules, expressed in all eukaryotic cells. In human cells, this family consists of seven distinct but highly homologous 14-3-3 isoforms. 14-3-3σ is the only isoform directly linked to cancer in epithelial cells, which is regulated by major tumor suppressor genes. For each 14-3-3 isoform, we have 1,000 peptide motifs with experimental binding affinity values. In this paper, we present a novel method for identifying peptide motifs binding to 14-3-3σ isoform. First, we propose a sampling criteria to build a predictor for each new peptide sequence. Then, we select nine physicochemical properties of amino acids to describe each peptide motif. We also use auto-cross covariance to extract correlative properties of amino acids in any two positions. Finally, we consider elastic net to predict affinity values of peptide motifs, based on ridge regression and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). Our method tests on the 1,000 known peptide motifs binding to seven 14-3-3 isoforms. On the 14-3-3σ isoform, our method has overall pearson-product-moment correlation coefficient (PCC) and root mean squared error (RMSE) values of 0.84 and 252.31 for N–terminal sublibrary, and 0.77 and 269.13 for C–terminal sublibrary. We predict affinity values of 16,000 peptide sequences and relative binding ability across six permutated positions similar with experimental values. We identify phosphopeptides that preferentially bind to 14-3-3σ over other isoforms. Several positions on peptide motifs are in the same amino acid category with experimental substrate specificity of phosphopeptides binding to 14-3-3σ. Our method is fast and reliable and is a general computational method that can be used in peptide-protein binding identification in proteomics research.  相似文献   

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