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A quantitative decatenation assay for type II topoisomerases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Type II topoisomerases catalyze decatenation of the catenated network of kinetoplast DNA [J. C. Marini, K. G. Miller, and P. T. Englund (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 4976-4979]. The individual DNA circles and small catenanes produced during the decatenation reaction can be separated from the large network of substrate DNA by 5 min centrifugation at 13,000g and quantitated. The appearance of these decatenated DNA molecules which appear in the supernatant first showed a lag, whose duration depended on the enzyme concentration, and then increased linearly with time until it reached a plateau. The slope of the linear part of the kinetic curve was directly proportional to the enzyme concentration, whether a purified or crude preparation of type II topoisomerase from mammalian cells was used. These findings led us to a rapid quantitative assay of type II topoisomerases not involving electrophoresis. The method was developed with purified enzyme but was also useful for assay of the activity in crude extracts. Surprisingly, the type I topoisomerase, even when present in large excess, failed to decatenate the nicked DNA circles often present in the kinetoplast DNA. This renders the assay virtually free from interference by type I enzyme. The method is sensitive and allowed quantitative estimation of the enzyme activity present in the crude extracts corresponding to that derived from 500 to 700 cultured mammalian cells. Since various type II topoisomerases from procaryotic, eucaryotic, and viral sources decatenate kinetoplast DNA and generate similar DNA products, the assay method is likely to be generally applicable.  相似文献   

Type II DNA topoisomerases (Topo II) are essential enzymes implicated in key nuclear processes. The recent discovery of a novel kind of Topo II (DNA topoisomerase VI) in Archaea led to a division of these enzymes into two non-homologous families, (Topo IIA and Topo IIB) and to the identification of the eukaryotic protein that initiates meiotic recombination, Spo11. In the present report, we have updated the distribution of all Topo II in the three domains of life by a phylogenomic approach. Both families exhibit an atypical distribution by comparison with other informational proteins, with predominance of Topo IIA in Bacteria, Eukarya and viruses, and Topo IIB in Archaea. However, plants and some Archaea contain Topo II from both families. We confront this atypical distribution with current hypotheses on the evolution of the three domains of life and origin of DNA genomes.  相似文献   

Bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are selective targets of fluoroquinolones. Topoisomerase IV versus gyrase and Gram-positive versus Gram-negative behavior was studied based on the different recognition of DNA sequences by topoisomerase–quinolone complexes. A careful statistical analysis of preferred bases was performed on a large number (>400) of cleavage sites. We found discrete preferred sequences that were similar when using different enzymes (i.e. gyrase and topoisomerase IV) from the same bacterial source, but in part diverse when employing enzymes from different origins (i.e. Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae). Subsequent analysis on the wild-type and mutated consensus sequences showed that: (i) Gn/Cn-rich sequences at and around the cleavage site are hot spots for quinolone-mediated strand breaks, especially for E. coli topoisomerases: we elucidated positions required for quinolone and enzyme recognition; (ii) for S. pneumoniae enzymes only, A and T at positions −2 and +6 are discriminating cleavage determinants; (iii) symmetry of the target sequence is a key trait to promote cleavage and (iv) the consensus sequence adopts a heteronomous A/B conformation, which may trigger DNA processing by the enzyme–drug complex.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli topoisomerases I and III can decatenate double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecules containing single-stranded DNA regions or nicks as well as relax negatively supercoiled DNA. Although the proteins share a mechanism of action and have similar structures, they participate in different cellular processes. Whereas topoisomerase III is a more efficient decatenase than topoisomerase I, the opposite is true for DNA relaxation. In order to investigate the differences in the mechanism of these two prototypical type IA topoisomerases, we studied DNA decatenation at the single-molecule level using braids of intact dsDNA and nicked dsDNA with bulges. We found that neither protein decatenates an intact DNA braid. In contrast, both enzymes exhibited robust decatenation activity on DNA braids with a bulge. The experiments reveal that a main difference between the unbraiding mechanisms of these topoisomerases lies in the pauses between decatenation cycles. Shorter pauses for topoisomerase III result in a higher decatenation rate. In addition, topoisomerase III shows a strong dependence on the crossover angle of the DNA strands. These real-time observations reveal the kinetic characteristics of the decatenation mechanism and help explain the differences between their activities.  相似文献   

Sister chromatids are topologically intertwined at the onset of anaphase: their segregation during anaphase is known to require strand-passing activity by type II DNA topoisomerase. We propose that the removal of the intertwinings involves at the same time the traction of the mitotic spindle and the activity of topoisomerases. This implies that the velocity of the chromatids is compatible with the kinetic constraints imposed by the enzymatic reaction. We show that the greatest observed velocities (about 0.1 microns s-1) are close to the theoretical upper bound compatible with both the diffusion rate (calculated here within a probabilistic model) and the measured reaction rate of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We performed numerical simulations of DNA chains to understand how local geometry of juxtaposed segments in knotted DNA molecules can guide type II DNA topoisomerases to perform very efficient relaxation of DNA knots. We investigated how the various parameters defining the geometry of inter-segmental juxtapositions at sites of inter-segmental passage reactions mediated by type II DNA topoisomerases can affect the topological consequences of these reactions. We confirmed the hypothesis that by recognizing specific geometry of juxtaposed DNA segments in knotted DNA molecules, type II DNA topoisomerases can maintain the steady-state knotting level below the topological equilibrium. In addition, we revealed that a preference for a particular geometry of juxtaposed segments as sites of strand-passage reaction enables type II DNA topoisomerases to select the most efficient pathway of relaxation of complex DNA knots. The analysis of the best selection criteria for efficient relaxation of complex knots revealed that local structures in random configurations of a given knot type statistically behave as analogous local structures in ideal geometric configurations of the corresponding knot type.  相似文献   

It was found recently that bacterial type II DNA topoisomerase, topo IV, is much more efficient in relaxing (+) DNA supercoiling than (-) supercoiling. This means that the DNA-enzyme complex is chiral. This chirality can appear upon binding the first segment that participates in the strand passing reaction (G segment) or only after the second segment (T segment) joins the complex. The former possibility is analyzed here. We assume that upon binding the enzyme, the G segment forms a part of left-handed helical turn. This model is an extension of the hairpin model introduced earlier to explain simplification of DNA topology by these enzymes. Using statistical-mechanical simulation of DNA properties, we estimated different consequences of the model: (1) relative rates of relaxation of (+) and (-) supercoiling by the enzyme; (2) the distribution of positions of the G segment in supercoiled molecules; (3) steady-state distribution of knots in circular molecules created by the topoisomerase; (4) the variance of topoisomer distribution created by the enzyme; (5) the effect of (+) and (-) supercoiling on the binding topo II with G segment. The simulation results are capable of explaining nearly all available experimental data, at least semiquantitatively. A few predictions obtained in the model analysis can be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

It was found recently that DNA catenanes, formed during replication of circular plasmids, become positively (+) supercoiled, and the unlinking of such catenanes by type IIA topoisomerases proceeds much more efficiently than the unlinking of negatively (−) supercoiled catenanes. In an attempt to explain this striking finding we studied, by computer simulation, conformational properties of supercoiled DNA catenanes. Although the simulation showed that conformational properties of (+) and (−) supercoiled replication catenanes are very different, these properties per se do not give any advantage to (+) supercoiled over (−) supercoiled DNA catenanes for unlinking. An advantage became evident, however, when we took into account the established features of the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the topoisomerases. The enzymes create a sharp DNA bend in the first bound DNA segment and allow for the transport of the second segment only from inside the bend to its outside. We showed that in (−) supercoiled DNA catenanes this protein-bound bent segment becomes nearly inaccessible for segments of the other linked DNA molecule, inhibiting the unlinking.  相似文献   

It was discovered 12 years ago that type IIA topoisomerases can simplify DNA topology—the steady-state fractions of knots and links created by the enzymes are many times lower than the corresponding equilibrium fractions. Though this property of the enzymes made clear biological sense, it was not clear how small enzymes could selectively change the topology of very large DNA molecules, since topology is a global property and cannot be determined by a local DNA–protein interaction. A few models, suggested to explain the phenomenon, are analyzed in this review. We also consider experimental data that both support and contravene these models.  相似文献   

Bacterial type II DNA topoisomerases are essential enzymes for correct genome functioning and cell growth. Gyrase is responsible for maintaining negative supercoiling of bacterial chromosome, whereas topoisomerase IV acts in disentangling daughter chromosomes following replication. Type II DNA topoisomerases possess an ATP binding site, which can be treated as a target for antibacterial drugs. Resolving crystal structures of protein fragments consisting of an ATP binding site complexed with ADPNP/antibiotics have proven to be valuable for the understanding of the mode of action of existing antibacterial agents and presented new possibilities for novel drug design. Coumarins, quinolones and cyclothialidines are diverse group of antibiotics that interfere with type II DNA topoisomerases, however their mode of action is different. Recently a new class of antibiotics, simociclinones, was characterized. Their mechanism of action towards gyrase is entirely distinct from already known modes of action, therefore demonstrating the potential for development of novel anti-bacterial agents.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that topoisomerases could be important targets for drugs used in several diseases. This prompted us to purify and characterize the topoisomerases I and II present in the erythrocytes of protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, in order to later use these enzymatic systems in antimalarial drug assays. The topoisomerases were purified from Plasmodium berghei, a parasite of mouse red cells. The Plasmodium topoisomerase II consists of two subunits with a molecular weight of about 160K. The enzyme is ATP- and Mg2+-dependent. The conditions for the reactions of relaxation, unknotting, decatenation, and catenation were found to be similar to those observed with enzymes from other eukaryotic cells. The Plasmodium topoisomerase I is a monomeric enzyme with a Mr of 70K-100K. It is ATP-independent and K+- or Na-dependent. Mg2+ is not required for relaxation but stimulates the reaction. Topoisomerase II was more sensitive to drug action than topoisomerase I. The most active drugs were the ellipticine derivatives. The antimalarial drugs, currently used in human clinical therapy, were poor inhibitors. Some antitumoral drugs stimulated the double-stranded DNA cleavage activity of Plasmodium topoisomerase II, like that of mammalian topoisomerases II. Antimalarial drugs had no stimulating activity. It is therefore suggested that Plasmodium topoisomerases are not good targets for antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

The epitopes of about 100 monoclonal antibodies against human type II DNA topoisomerase were mapped along the enzyme molecules. Although they were randomly and independently established, epitope sites were unevenly distributed the toward N-terminal or C-terminal region. We suggest that the central catalytic domain is hidden inside the molecule and inaccessible to the antigen recognition sites. Using antibodies, we demonstrate the distinct localization of isoforms of Topo II in cultured cells. Some particularly useful antibodies are listed.  相似文献   

Numerous antitumor and antibacterial agents inhibit type II DNA topoisomerases, yielding, in each case, a complex of enzyme covalently bound to cleaved DNA. We are investigating the mechanism of inhibitor action by using the type II DNA topoisomerase of bacteriophage T4 as a model. The T4 topoisomerase is the target of antitumor agent 4'-(9-acridinylamino)-methanesulfon-m-anisidide (m-AMSA) in T4-infected Escherichia coli. Two m-AMSA-resistant phage strains were previously isolated, one with a point mutation in topoisomerase subunit gene 39 and the other with a point mutation in topoisomerase subunit gene 52. We report here that the wild-type T4 topoisomerase is inhibited by six additional antitumor agents that also inhibit the mammalian type II topoisomerase: ellipticine, 9-OH-ellipticine, 2-me-9-OH-ellipticinium acetate, mitoxantrone diacetate, teniposide, and etoposide. Further, one or both of the m-AMSA-resistance mutations alters the enzyme sensitivity to each of these agents, conferring either cross-resistance or enhanced sensitivity. Finally, the gene 39 mutation confers on T4 topoisomerase a DNA gyrase-like sensitivity to the gyrase inhibitor oxolinic acid, thus establishing a direct link between the mechanism of action of the anti-bacterial quinolones and that of the antitumor agents. These results strongly suggest that diverse inhibitors of type II topoisomerases share a common binding site and a common mechanism of action, both of which are apparently conserved in the evolution of the type II DNA topoisomerases. Alterations in DNA cleavage site specificity caused by either the inhibitors or the m-AMSA-resistance mutations favor the proposal that the inhibitor binding site is composed of both protein and DNA.  相似文献   

J Roca  J C Wang 《Cell》1992,71(5):833-840
The binding of linear and circular forms of DNA to yeast DNA topoisomerase II or its complex with AMPPNP, the nonhydrolyzable beta,gamma-imido analog of ATP, was carried out to probe the ATP analog-induced conformational change of the enzyme. Binding of the ATP analog is shown to convert the enzyme to a circular clamp with an annulet, through which only a linear DNA can pass; subsequent circularization of the bound linear DNA forms a salt-stable catenane between the protein circular clamp and the DNA ring. Analysis of catenane formation between a small DNA ring originally bound to the topoisomerase and a large DNA ring subsequently added, under conditions such that the two do not exchange, supports a model in which a second DNA double-helix can enter the open jaws of a DNA-bound protein clamp, and the closure of the jaws upon ATP-binding traps the second duplex and transports it through an enzyme-operated gate in the first DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Decatenation of kinetoplast DNA by topoisomerases   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Kinetoplast DNA is the mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomatids such as Crithidia fasciculata. This DNA is in the form of networks containing thousands of DNA circles which are apparently catenated (interlocked). Some topoisomerases, such as T4 phage topoisomerase and DNA gyrase, catalyze a decatenation of the networks to form individual covalently closed circles.  相似文献   

Antibacterial fluoroquinolones trap a cleavage complex of gyrase and topoisomerase (topo) IV inducing site-specific DNA breakage within a bent DNA gate engaged in DNA transport. Despite its importance for drug action and in revealing potential sites of topoisomerase catalysis, the mechanism of DNA selectivity is poorly understood. To explore its functional basis, we generated mutant versions of the strongly cleaved E-site and used a novel competitive assay to examine their gemifloxacin-mediated DNA breakage by Streptococcus pneumoniae topo IV and gyrase. Parallel studies of Ca2+-induced cleavage distinguished ‘intrinsic recognition’ of DNA cleavage sites by topo IV from drug-induced preferences. Analysis revealed strong enzyme-determined requirements for −4G, −2A and −1T bases preceding the breakage site (between −1 and +1) and enzyme-unique or degenerate determinants at −3, plus drug-specific preferences at +2/+3 and for +1 purines associated with drug intercalation. Similar cleavage rules were seen additionally at the novel V-site identified here in ColE1-derived plasmids. In concert with DNA binding data, our results provide functional evidence for DNA, enzyme and drug contributions to DNA cleavage at the gate, suggest a mechanism for DNA discrimination involving enzyme-induced DNA bending/helix distortion and cleavage complex stabilization and advance understanding of fluoroquinolones as important cleavage-enhancing therapeutics.  相似文献   

The condensin complex is a key determinant of mitotic chromosome architecture. In addition, condensin promotes resolution of sister chromatids during anaphase, a function that is conserved from prokaryotes to human. Anaphase bridges observed in cells lacking condensin are reminiscent of chromosome segregation failure after inactivation of topoisomerase II (topo II), the enzyme that removes catenanes persisting between sister chromatids following DNA replication. Circumstantial evidence has linked condensin to sister chromatid decatenation but, because of the difficulty of observing chromosome catenation, this link has remained indirect. Alternative models for how condensin facilitates chromosome resolution have been put forward. Here, we follow the catenation status of circular minichromosomes of three sizes during the Saccharomyeces cerevisiae cell cycle. Catenanes are produced during DNA replication and are for the most part swiftly resolved during and following S-phase, aided by sister chromatid separation. Complete resolution, however, requires the condensin complex, a dependency that becomes more pronounced with increasing chromosome size. Our results provide evidence that condensin prevents deleterious anaphase bridges during chromosome segregation by promoting sister chromatid decatenation.  相似文献   

Type II topoisomerases are essential enzymes that are also the primary cellular targets for a number of important anticancer drugs. These drugs act by increasing levels of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage. Recent studies indicate that endogenous forms of DNA damage, such as abasic sites and base mismatches, also stimulate the DNA scission activity of the enzyme. To extend our understanding of how type II topoisomerases react to DNA damage, the effects of abasic sites, and oxidized and alkylated bases on DNA cleavage mediated by human topo-isomerase IIα and β were determined. Based on experiments that incorporated random abasic sites into plasmid DNA, human type II enzymes can locate lesions even within a background of several thousand undamaged base pairs. As determined by experiments that utilized site-specific forms of DNA lesions, oxidized or monoalkylated purines that allow base pairing and induce little distortion in the double helix have modest effects on topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage. In contrast, 1,N6-ethenoadenine, a bulky lesion that disrupts base pairing, enhanced DNA cleavage ~10-fold. 1,N6-Ethenoadenine is the first lesion found to rival the stimulatory effects of apurinic sites on the DNA scission activity of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases.  相似文献   

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