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To study the role of CD8 T cells in the control of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) reactivation, we developed multimeric major histocompatibility complexes to identify VZV-specific CD8 T cells. Potential HLA-A2 binding peptides from the putative immediate-early 62 protein (IE62) of VZV were tested for binding, and peptides with sufficient binding capacity were used to generate pentamers. Patients with VZV reactivation following stem cell transplantation were screened with these pentamers, leading to the identification of the first validated class I-restricted epitope of VZV. In 42% of HLA-A2 patients following VZV reactivation, these IE62-ALW-A2 T cells could be detected ex vivo.Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infects about 95% of the population, persists throughout life, and may lead to herpes zoster when the virus reactivates. After T-cell-depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation (TCD alloSCT), reactivation of the virus leads to considerable morbidity (10). Primary infection elicits both humoral and cellular responses, but cellular immunity is essential for preventing herpes zoster. The VZV genome comprises more than 70 unique open reading frames that encode proteins that are coordinately expressed during replication. The product of open reading frame 62, the immediate-early 62 (IE62) protein, is required for the initiation of VZV replication (9) and is expressed at high levels before viral replication has occurred (8). Previous research has demonstrated that IE62-specific T cells were detected after primary VZV infection and in immune subjects (2, 4). In addition, T cells recognizing various other IE proteins and glycoproteins of VZV, as demonstrated by gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production upon stimulation with peptides or lysate derived from these proteins, have been described (1, 6, 13). The VZV-specific memory T cells found in these studies were predominantly CD4 T cells, while no VZV-specific CD8 T cells were demonstrated without prior in vitro expansion, possibly due to the low frequency of VZV-specific CD8 T cells or to the low sensitivity of the screening methods used to detect CD8 T cells by IFN-γ production upon stimulation. Frey et al. described CD8 epitopes of IE62 detected following in vitro restimulation. However, the HLA restriction and specificity of these T cells were not confirmed (4). Due to the lack of validated VZV-derived immunodominant peptides for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, the analysis of VZV-specific CD8 T-cell responses is hampered (14). To be able to analyze the role of CD8 T cells in VZV reactivation, we therefore set out to identify epitopes for VZV by using VZV-IE62-specific MHC class I peptide complexes.The predictive algorithms BIMAS (11) and SYFPEITHI (12) were used to select potential HLA-A2 binding peptides from the IE62 protein. Peptides with a score of ≥3 (BIMAS) or ≥20 (SYFPEITHI) were considered to have potentially significant binding affinity. The 81 resulting 9-mer peptides were synthesized and tested for binding affinity with the REVEAL MHC-peptide binding assay (ProImmune, Oxford, United Kingdom). HLA-A2 binding affinity was determined by the ability of the peptides to stabilize the HLA-peptide complex. Based on the binding affinity measurements, 34 high- to medium-affinity HLA-A2 binding peptides were selected and used to generate ProVE MHC pentamers (ProImmune, Oxford, United Kingdom). To enable screening of this large number of pentamers, the pentamers were divided into five pools, each containing six or seven pentamers. In the initial screening with pooled pentamers, four HLA-A2-positive patients were screened after a clinical diagnosis of VZV reactivation after TCD alloSCT. The presence of viral DNA in plasma at the time of clinical observations of VZV reactivation was confirmed by real-time PCR on plasma samples as previously described (7). After informed consent was obtained, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were cryopreserved and thawed and 0.5 × 106 cells were incubated with pentamers at a concentration of 0.03 mg/ml for 10 min at room temperature in RPMI medium supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum. After the cells were washed twice, 8 μl of FluoroTag-phycoerythrin (PE) was added for 20 min of incubation at 4°C and the cells were counterstained with CD4, CD40, and CD19-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Flow cytometric analysis was performed on a FACScalibur fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS; Becton-Dickinson [BD], San Jose, CA). In one of four patients, pentamer pool 6, containing pentamers 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, and 67, was positive (0.06% of CD8 T cells); no other positive signals were observed. Staining with the individual pentamers revealed that pentamer 66, containing the epitope ALWALPHAA derived from the IE62 protein of VZV (IE62-ALW-A2) was responsible for the positive signal (0.06% of CD8 T cells, Fig. Fig.1B1B).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Screening with pentamers containing VZV-derived immunogenic epitopes. PBMCs of a patient after VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT were incubated with pentamers and then stained with FluoroTag-PE to detect the pentamer-positive cells (A and B) and counterstained with CD4-, CD40-, and CD19-FITC. Pentamer staining of the CD4-, CD40-, and CD19-negative cells is shown. (A) PBMCs stained with pentamer 67 containing the epitope ALPHAAAAV, showing no specific staining. (B) PBMCs stained with pentamer 66 containing the epitope ALWALPHAA, showing specific staining. IE62-ALW-A2-specific T-cell clones were sorted into a single cell per well and expanded nonspecifically. The clones were stained with an irrelevant tetramer (C) and the IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer (D) in combination with CD8-FITC. Clones 1 and 2 were stained with a Vβ kit (BD) to demonstrate that clone 1 (E) and clone 2 (F) express different T-cell receptors. The results demonstrate that we isolated different T-cell clones that specifically stain with the IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer.To confirm the specificity of the IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells, the pentamer-positive T cells were sorted into a single cell per well with a FACSDiva (BD) and expanded as previously described (5). The expanded T-cell clones were labeled specifically with the IE62-ALW-A2 PE-conjugated tetramer that was constructed as previously described (3) (Fig. (Fig.1D),1D), and Vβ analysis with the T-cell receptor Vβ repertoire kit (BD) showed that at least two different T-cell clones were isolated, demonstrating the oligoclonal origin of IE62-ALW-A2-positive T cells (Fig. 1E and F). To assess the cytolytic capacity of IE62-ALW-A2 T cells, chromium release assays were performed as described earlier (5). 51Cr-labeled Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) loaded with the IE62-ALW peptide were incubated with IE62-ALW-A2 T cells for 4 h. As demonstrated in Fig. Fig.2A,2A, HLA-A2-positive EBV LCLs loaded with the IE62-ALW-A2 peptide were lysed by both T-cell clones, whereas unloaded EBV LCLs were not lysed. To determine the avidity of the T-cell clones, the IE62-ALW-A2 peptide was titrated on EBV LCLs, and after 24 h of coculture, supernatants were harvested and used to determine the IFN-γ production of the stimulated T cells by standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Half-maximum IFN-γ production of the T-cell clones was observed when the stimulator cells were loaded with 10 ng/ml peptide, indicative of high-avidity T-cell clones (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). To determine whether the T cells recognized cells endogenously expressing the IE-62-encoding gene, COS-A2 cells were transfected with Lipofectamine (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) by using pcDNA vectors coding for different VZV genes, which were kindly provided by E. Wiertz (Department of Medical Microbiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands). The transfected COS-A2 cells were used 24 h after transfection as stimulator cells in this assay. After 24 h of coculture, supernatants were harvested and used to determine the IFN-γ production of the stimulated T cells. IE62-ALW-A2 T-cell clones produced IFN-γ in response to COS-A2 cells endogenously expressing the IE62 protein, as well as COS-A2 cells pulsed with the IE62-ALW-A2 peptide. No IFN-γ was produced when the COS-A2 cells were transfected with the IE63-encoding gene of VZV or pulsed with an irrelevant peptide (Fig. (Fig.2C2C).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.IE62-ALW-A2 T cells recognize IE62-ALW-A2 peptide-loaded target cells and target cells endogenously expressing IE62. (A) The cytolytic activity of IE62-ALW-A2-positive T-cell clones 1 and 2 was analyzed with the 51Cr release assay. T cells were incubated for 4 h with IE62-ALW-A2 peptide (pep)-loaded or unloaded, HLA-A2-positive EBV LCLs at an effector-to-target ratio of 10:1. (B) IE62-ALW-A2 T-cell clone 1 was stimulated with HLA-A2-positive EBV LCLs loaded with different concentrations of the IE62-ALW-A2 peptide. Release of IFN-γ (pg/ml) after 24 h of stimulation is shown. (C) IE62-ALW-A2 T-cell clones 1 and 2 were stimulated with HLA-A2-positive COS-A2 cells, left untreated, or loaded with the IE62-ALW-A2 peptide or with the IE4-ALR-B8 peptide as an irrelevant peptide or transfected with the IE63-encoding gene (COS-A2-IE63) or the IE62-encoding gene (COS-A2-IE62). Release of IFN-γ (picograms per milliliter) after 24 h of stimulation is shown.To determine whether IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells were present in healthy individuals, cryopreserved PBMCs from 18 healthy, VZV-seropositive, HLA-A2-positive individuals were screened with the PE-conjugated VZV tetramer. PBMCs were labeled with tetramers for 15 min at 37°C in RPMI medium without phenol supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum, washed, and analyzed with a FACScalibur. In 3 of these 18 serologically VZV-positive individuals, IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer-positive T cells could be detected (range, 0.01 to 0.02% of CD8 T cells). These data demonstrate that IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells can be observed and that the frequency of these T cells is low under steady-state conditions in immunocompetent persons.To assess the frequency of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells in a cohort of patient who suffered from VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT, 19 HLA-A2-positive patients after VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT were screened by using the IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer. We screened these patients at a median of 47 days after the clinical diagnosis of VZV reactivation. In 8 of these 19 patients, IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells could be directly detected ex vivo (mean, 0.04% [range, 0.01 to 0.11%] of CD8 T cells), indicating that this epitope is recognized in 42% of the HLA-A2-positive patients during VZV reactivation (Table (Table1).1). In VZV-seronegative patients (six screened), no IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer-positive cells could be detected.


Presence of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells in HLA-A2 patients after VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT
PatientNo. of days after:
% IE62-ALW-A2+ T cells (SD)
TCD alloSCTVZV reactivationBefore IVSaAfter IVSb
118046Negative0.22 (0.15)
2190380.03 (0.01)0.51 (0.21)
429452Negative0.12 (0.06)
618316Negative0.01 (0.01)
7176810.02 (0.01)0.44 (0.06)
899350.11 (0.02)0.22 (0.04)
960188Negative0.01 (0.01)
14173200.03 (0.01)0.22 (0.12)
15514210.03 (0.01)NDc
16635400.02 (0.01)ND
18174480.01 (0.00)0.02 (0.01)
1992490.04 (0.01)0.06 (0.02)
Open in a separate windowaMean percentages of IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer-positive cells of CD8 T cells of three tetramer stainings performed on different days are shown.bPBMCs were in vitro stimulated (IVS) for 7 days with IE62-ALW-A2 peptide, and the mean percentages of tetramer-positive cells of three to six stimulations are shown. A negative result was defined as <0.01% of CD8+ T cells.cND, no PBMCs were available to do the analysis.To verify the presence of the IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells in the patient and donor cohort and to investigate whether individuals negative for IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells were unable to mount a response against the epitope or whether the frequency of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells was too low to detect by FACS, the presence of these T cells was further measured after in vitro stimulation. PBMCs were cultured at a concentration of 1 × 106/ml in 24-well plates in Iscove''s modified Dulbecco''s medium supplemented with 10% human serum in the presence of IE62-ALW peptide (1 μg/ml), interleukin-2 (IL-2; 50 IU/ml), and IL-15 (10 ng/ml). After stimulation for 7 days, the presence of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells was reassessed by tetramer labeling. These in vitro stimulations demonstrated that IE62-ALW-A2 CD8 T cells were detectable in another four patients and confirmed the presence of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells in eight patients and three healthy, VZV-seropositive individuals with ex vivo-detectable IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells (Table (Table1;1; Fig. 3A to D). Thus, in 12 (63%) of 19 patients, IE62-ALW-A2 CD8 T cells could be detected either by direct tetramer labeling or after in vitro expansion, indicating that this HLA-A2-restricted epitope is commonly used in HLA-A2-positive individuals.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Detection and kinetics of IE62-ALW-A2-specific T cells. PBMCs with detectable IE62-ALW-A2 T cells (A, left side), a low level of detectable tetramer-positive cells (B, left side), or no detectable tetramer-positive cells (C and D, left side) were in vitro stimulated for 7 days with IE62-ALW-A2 peptide (I μg/ml) in the presence of IL-2 and IL-15 (A to D, right side). Cells were stained with CD4-FITC, CD40-FITC, and IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer, and the percentages of CD8+ T cells that were IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer positive are indicated. CD8+ T cells are defined as CD4 CD40 lymphocytes. (E) PBMCs of a patient during the course of VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT were stained with the IE62-ALW-A2 tetramer in combination with CD8-FITC. The percentages of IE62-ALW-A2-specific CD8 T cells before, during, and after VZV reactivation are shown. In the box, the presence of viral DNA in peripheral blood is shown as measured by real-time PCR at various time points. The bold line illustrates the use of valaciclovir to treat the VZV reactivation.To study whether the immune response against the IE62-ALW-A2 epitope correlated with clinical reactivation, the percentage of IE62-ALW-A2-positive T cells was analyzed during the course of VZV reactivation in one patient. To determine the presence of viral DNA in plasma before and during the course of VZV reactivation, real-time PCR was performed on plasma samples derived at different time points. Six days prior to clinical signs of VZV reactivation, only 0.03% of the CD8 T cells were IE62-ALW-A2 specific. At 42 days after the onset of VZV reactivation, 0.23% of the CD8 T cells were IE62-ALW-A2 specific. After the VZV infection resolved, the percentage of IE62-ALW-A2-specific CD8 T cells declined to 0.09% at day 49 and 0.03% at day 145 after reactivation (Fig. (Fig.3D).3D). The T cells present at the peak of the response were predominantly HLA-DR positive, CD45RA negative, CCR7 negative, CD28 negative, and CD27 positive, consistent with an activated effector memory phenotype.In this study, we demonstrate that CD8 T cells specific for VZV are detectable without prior in vitro stimulation in patients with VZV reactivation following TCD alloSCT. We identified the ALWALPHAA peptide derived from the IE62-encoding gene of VZV as the first validated VZV-specific HLA class I-restricted immunogenic epitope by a pentamer-based epitope discovery method. The detection of the IE62-ALW peptide as an immunogenic peptide for VZV-specific CD8 T cells demonstrates the usefulness of this procedure for discovering new immunogenic virus- or tumor-specific epitopes. We demonstrated that, despite the low frequency, it is possible to detect VZV-specific CD8 T cells, allowing ex vivo analysis of the immune response to VZV infection, reactivation, and possibly VZV vaccination.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immune evasion protein, UL40, shares an identical peptide sequence with that found in the leader sequence of many human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C alleles and when complexed with HLA-E, can modulate NK cell functions via interactions with the CD94-NKG2 receptors. However the UL40-derived sequence can also be immunogenic, eliciting robust CD8+ T cell responses. In the setting of solid organ transplantation these T cells may not only be involved in antiviral immunity but also can potentially contribute to allograft rejection when the UL40 epitope is also present in allograft-encoded HLA. Here we assessed 15 bilateral lung transplant recipients for the presence of HLA-E-restricted UL40 specific T cells by tetramer staining of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). UL40-specific T cells were observed in 7 patients post-transplant however the magnitude of the response varied significantly between patients. Moreover, unlike healthy CMV seropositive individuals, longitudinal analyses revealed that proportions of such T cells fluctuated markedly. Nine patients experienced low-grade acute cellular rejection, of which 6 also demonstrated UL40-specific T cells. Furthermore, the presence of UL40-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood was significantly associated with allograft dysfunction, which manifested as Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS). Therefore, this study suggests that minor histocompatibility antigens presented by HLA-E can represent an additional risk factor following lung transplantation.  相似文献   

Acute graft-versus-host-disease (aGvHD) is the major cause of non-relapse mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Recently, diagnostic biomarkers for aGvHD have been shown to play important roles in evaluating disease status and mortality risk after allo-HSCT. To identify plasma biomarkers for aGvHD with high sensitivity and specificity, a quantitative proteomic approach using 8-plex isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (8-plex iTRAQ) was employed to screen differentially expressed proteins in peripheral blood before and after the onset of aGvHD. Four target proteins, ceruloplasmin (CP), myeloperoxidase (MPO), complement factor H (CFH), and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), were chosen for preliminary validation with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 20 paired samples at both the time of diagnosis of aGvHD and the time of complete response. The most promising candidate, ceruloplasmin, was further validated at fixed time points after allo-HSCT and during aGvHD. The plasma ceruloplasmin levels were significantly increased during the period of aGvHD onset and were markedly decreased as aGvHD resolved. The plasma ceruloplasmin levels at different time points post-transplant in the aGvHD (+) group were significantly higher than those in the aGvHD (−) group (p<0.001). The elevation of ceruloplasmin level in patients with active aGvHD was independent of infection status. Patients whose ceruloplasmin levels were elevated above 670 μg/ml at 7, 14 and 21 days after allo-HSCT had a remarkably increased probability of subsequently developing aGvHD. In conclusion, our results suggest that plasma ceruloplasmin is a potential plasma biomarker of aGvHD, and it also has prognostic value for risk-adapted prophylaxis during the consecutive time points monitored in the first month after allo-HSCT.  相似文献   

The effector and regulatory T cell subpopulations involved in the development of acute rejection episodes in lung transplantation remain to be elucidated. Twenty-seven lung transplant candidates were prospectively monitored before transplantation and within the first year post-transplantation. Regulatory, Th17, memory and naïve T cells were measured in peripheral blood of lung transplant recipients by flow cytometry. No association of acute rejection with number of peripheral regulatory T cells and Th17 cells was found. However, effector memory subsets in acute rejection patients were increased during the first two months post-transplant. Interestingly, patients waiting for lung transplant with levels of CD8+ effector memory T cells over 185 cells/mm3 had a significant increased risk of rejection [OR: 5.62 (95% CI: 1.08-29.37), p=0.04]. In multivariate analysis adjusted for age and gender the odds ratio for rejection was: OR: 5.89 (95% CI: 1.08-32.24), p=0.04. These data suggest a correlation between acute rejection and effector memory T cells in lung transplant recipients. The measurement of peripheral blood CD8+ effector memory T cells prior to lung transplant may define patients at high risk of acute lung rejection.  相似文献   

The role of CD4+ helper T cells in modulating the acquired immune response to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) remains ill defined; in particular, it is unclear whether CD4+ T cells are needed for the generation of the protective HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell response. This study examined the contribution of CD4+ T cells in the generation of the primary CD8+-T-cell responses following acute infection with HSV-1. The results demonstrate that the CD8+-T-cell response generated in the draining lymph nodes of CD4+-T-cell-depleted C57BL/6 mice and B6-MHC-II−/− mice is quantitatively and qualitatively distinct from the CD8+ T cells generated in normal C57BL/6 mice. Phenotypic analyses show that virus-specific CD8+ T cells express comparable levels of the activation marker CD44 in mice lacking CD4+ T cells and normal mice. In contrast, CD8+ T cells generated in the absence of CD4+ T cells express the interleukin 2 receptor α-chain (CD25) at lower levels. Importantly, the CD8+ T cells in the CD4+-T-cell-deficient environment are functionally active with respect to the expression of cytolytic activity in vivo but exhibit a diminished capacity to produce gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Furthermore, the primary expansion of HSV-1-specific CD8+ T cells is diminished in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help. These results suggest that CD4+-T-cell help is essential for the generation of fully functional CD8+ T cells during the primary response to HSV-1 infection.Infection due to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) results in a wide spectrum of clinical presentations depending on the host''s age, the host''s immune status, and the route of inoculation (47). HSV-1 typically causes mild and self-limited lesions on the orofacial areas or genital sites. However, the disease can be life-threatening, as in the case of neonatal and central nervous system infections (18). The host''s immune responses, particularly CD8+ T cells, play an important role in determining the outcome of HSV infections in both the natural human host (18, 19, 28) and experimental murine models (11, 43). Immunodepletion and adoptive transfer studies have demonstrated the role of CD8+ T cells in reducing viral replication, resolving cutaneous disease, and providing overall protection upon rechallenge (6, 25, 26). CD8+ T cells play a particularly important role in preventing infection of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the reactivation of latent virus from neurons in the sensory ganglia of infected mice (21, 24, 36). The mechanisms that CD8+ T cells employ include gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production and functions associated with cytolytic granule content at the sites of primary infection (23, 31, 38). In the PNS of infected mice, the mechanisms primarily involve IFN-γ secretion (16, 20, 29), particularly against infected neurons expressing surface Qa-1 (41). Histopathological evidence from HSV-1-infected human ganglion sections show a large CD8+-T-cell infiltrate and the presence of inflammatory cytokines, suggesting that the presence of activated, effector memory cells within the PNS is important for maintaining HSV-1 latency in the natural human host (10, 42).The generation of a robust CD8+-T-cell response is essential for the control of various infectious pathogens. Some studies suggest that a brief interaction with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) is sufficient for CD8+-T-cell activation and expansion into functional effectors (44). However, the magnitude and quality of the overall CD8+-T-cell response generated may be dependent on additional factors (49). Recent evidence suggests that CD4+ T cells facilitate the activation and development of CD8+-T-cell responses either directly through the provision of cytokines or indirectly by the conditioning of dendritic cells (DC) (8, 48, 51). Those studies suggested that the latter mechanism is the dominant pathway, wherein CD4+ T cells assist CD8+-T-cell priming via the engagement of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells and CD40 expressed on DC (4, 30, 33). This interaction results in the activation and maturation of DC, making them competent to stimulate antigen-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (35, 37).The requirement for CD4+-T-cell help in the generation of primary and secondary CD8+-T-cell responses to antigen varies. Primary CD8+-T-cell responses to infectious pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), influenza virus, and vaccinia virus, can be mounted effectively independently of CD4+-T-cell help (3, 12, 22, 34). In contrast, primary CD8+-T-cell responses to nonmicrobial antigens display an absolute dependence on CD4+-T-cell help (4, 5, 30, 33, 46). This observed difference in the requirement for CD4+-T-cell help may ultimately be a product of the initial inflammatory stimulus generated following immunization (49). Microbial antigens trigger an inflammatory response that can lead to the direct activation and priming of APCs, such as DC, thereby bypassing the need for CD4+-T-cell help. Nonmicrobial antigens, however, trigger an attenuated inflammatory response that does not directly activate and prime DCs. In the absence of this inflammation, CD4+ T cells are thought to condition and license DC functions through CD154/CD40 interactions, which leads to the subsequent activation of antigen-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (5, 49). Even in the case of pathogens where primary CD8+-T-cell responses were independent of CD4+-T-cell help, the secondary responses to these pathogens were found to be defective in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help (3, 12, 34, 40).The requirement for CD4+-T-cell help in priming CD8+-T-cell responses against HSV-1 infection is not well defined. Earlier studies with HSV-1 suggested that CD4+ T cells play an important role in the generation of primary CD8+-T-cell responses, detected in vitro, to acute infection with HSV-1 (14), principally through the provision of interleukin 2 (IL-2) for optimal CD8+-T-cell differentiation and proliferation. Subsequent studies, utilizing an in vivo approach, indicated that CD4+ T cells were not required for CD8+-T-cell-mediated cytolytic function (23). CD4+ T cells are thought to provide help by conditioning DC in a cognate, antigen-specific manner, thereby making them competent to stimulate HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (37). By contrast, findings from other studies show that CD4+-T-cell-depleted mice were able to fully recover from acute infection with HSV-1 (38). These studies imply that the absence of CD4+ T cells does not prevent priming of CD8+ T cells in vivo.Studies from this laboratory have identified two distinct HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell subpopulations generated during the primary response, based upon the ability to synthesize IFN-γ following antigenic stimulation in vitro (1). To better understand the need for CD4+-T-cell help, we examined the functional characteristics and phenotypes of these CD8+-T-cell populations generated during a primary response to acute infection with HSV-1 in mice lacking CD4+ T cells. Our findings show that primary CD8+-T-cell responses to HSV-1 are compromised in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help. Specifically, the HSV-1 gB-specific CD8+ T cells produced in the absence of CD4+ T cells were found to be active with regard to cytolysis in vivo but were functionally impaired in the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α compared with intact C57BL/6 mice. Virus-specific CD8+ T cells were also reduced in number in CD4-depleted mice and in B6 mice lacking major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression (B6-MHC-II−/−) compared to wild-type (WT) mice. In addition, our data showed higher virus burdens in the infectious tissues obtained from mice lacking CD4+ T cells than in those from intact mice. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that CD4+-T-cell help is essential for the generation of primary CD8+-T-cell responses following acute cutaneous infection with HSV-1.  相似文献   

The common pathogen Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transforms normal human B cells and can cause cancer. Latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) of EBV supports activation and proliferation of infected B cells and is expressed in many types of EBV-associated cancer. It is not clear how latent EBV infection and cancer escape elimination by host immunity, and it is unknown whether LMP2A can influence the interaction of EBV-infected cells with the immune system. We infected primary B cells with EBV deleted for LMP2A, and established lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). We found that CD8+ T cell clones showed higher reactivity against LMP2A-deficient LCLs compared to LCLs infected with complete EBV. We identified several potential mediators of this immunomodulatory effect. In the absence of LMP2A, expression of some EBV latent antigens was elevated, and cell surface expression of MHC class I was marginally increased. LMP2A-deficient LCLs produced lower amounts of IL-10, although this did not directly affect CD8+ T cell recognition. Deletion of LMP2A led to several changes in the cell surface immunophenotype of LCLs. Specifically, the agonistic NKG2D ligands MICA and ULBP4 were increased. Blocking experiments showed that NKG2D activation contributed to LCL recognition by CD8+ T cell clones. Our results demonstrate that LMP2A reduces the reactivity of CD8+ T cells against EBV-infected cells, and we identify several relevant mechanisms.  相似文献   

The study of T cell responses and their consequences during allo-antigen recognition requires a model that enables one to distinguish between donor and host T cells, to easily monitor the graft, and to adapt the system in order to answer different immunological questions. Medawar and colleagues established allogeneic tail-skin transplantation in mice in 1955. Since then, the skin transplantation model has been continuously modified and adapted to answer specific questions. The use of tail-skin renders this model easy to score for graft rejection, requires neither extensive preparation nor deep anesthesia, is applicable to animals of all genetic background, discourages ischemic necrosis, and permits chemical and biological intervention. In general, both CD4+ and CD8+ allogeneic T cells are responsible for the rejection of allografts since they recognize mismatched major histocompatibility antigens from different mouse strains. Several models have been described for activating allogeneic T cells in skin-transplanted mice. The identification of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules in different mouse strains including C57BL/6 mice was an important step toward understanding and studying T cell-mediated alloresponses. In the tail-skin transplantation model described here, a three-point mutation (I-Abm12) in the antigen-presenting groove of the MHC-class II (I-Ab) molecule is sufficient to induce strong allogeneic CD4+ T cell activation in C57BL/6 mice. Skin grafts from I-Abm12 mice on C57BL/6 mice are rejected within 12-15 days, while syngeneic grafts are accepted for up to 100 days. The absence of T cells (CD3-/- and Rag2-/- mice) allows skin graft acceptance up to 100 days, which can be overcome by transferring 2 x 104 wild type or transgenic T cells. Adoptively transferred T cells proliferate and produce IFN-γ in I-Abm12-transplanted Rag2-/- mice.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate CMV-specific T cell responses in vivo are poorly understood. During murine CMV infection of B6 mice, primary responses in the spleen are dominated by CD8 T cells reactive with antigenic epitopes in M45, M57, and m139 murine CMV gene products. However, during the later persistent phase of infection, CD8 T cell responses to epitopes in m139 and M38 viral gene products predominate. The basis for this shift in CD8 T populations is unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that OX40, a TNFR superfamily member, specifically regulates the accumulation of CD8 T cells reactive with the persistent-phase epitopes. Defective CD8 T cell responses in OX40(-/-) mice were replicated in MHC class II(-/-) mice implying that CD4 T cells in part controlled the differentiation of the CD8 T cell clones responsive to these epitopes during persistent infection. Furthermore, treatment of infected mice with an agonist OX40 Ab induced expansion of protective primary virus-specific CD8 T cells independent of CD4 T cell help, but CD4 T cells were crucial for anti-OX40 to promote CD8 T cells reactive to the persistent dominant epitopes. Collectively, these results indicate manipulation of OX40 may be useful in improving cellular immunotherapy regimes for treatment of persistent virus infections.  相似文献   

All Yersinia species target and bind to phagocytic cells, but uptake and destruction of bacteria are prevented by injection of anti-phagocytic Yop proteins into the host cell. Here we provide evidence that CD8+ T cells, which canonically eliminate intracellular pathogens, are important for restricting Yersinia, even though bacteria are primarily found in an extracellular locale during the course of disease. In a model of infection with attenuated Y. pseudotuberculosis, mice deficient for CD8+ T cells were more susceptible to infection than immunocompetent mice. Although exposure to attenuated Y. pseudotuberculosis generated TH1-type antibody responses and conferred protection against challenge with fully virulent bacteria, depletion of CD8+ T cells during challenge severely compromised protective immunity. Strikingly, mice lacking the T cell effector molecule perforin also succumbed to Y. pseudotuberculosis infection. Given that the function of perforin is to kill antigen-presenting cells, we reasoned that cell death marks bacteria-associated host cells for internalization by neighboring phagocytes, thus allowing ingestion and clearance of the attached bacteria. Supportive of this model, cytolytic T cell killing of Y. pseudotuberculosis–associated host cells results in engulfment by neighboring phagocytes of both bacteria and target cells, bypassing anti-phagocytosis. Our findings are consistent with a novel function for cell-mediated immune responses protecting against extracellular pathogens like Yersinia: perforin and CD8+ T cells are critical for hosts to overcome the anti-phagocytic action of Yops.  相似文献   

过继免疫治疗(adoptive cell transfer,ACT)是肿瘤治疗中一种有效的免疫治疗手段,但是在没有化疗或者放疗等辅助治疗手段时,过继免疫治疗缓解肿瘤生长的效果非常短暂.为了探索一种更为有效的过继免疫治疗手段,我们使用白介素15(IL-15)体外扩增OT-ⅠCD8 T细胞,使其分化成为中央记忆性T细胞(central memory T cells,TCM),并将其过继转移至携带B16-OVA肿瘤的小鼠中.我们发现,与IL-2体外扩增的CD8 T细胞(effector T cells,TEFF)相比,TCM对肿瘤的生长具有长时间的缓解作用,而IL-2分化的TEFFs治疗肿瘤在短暂的缓解后反弹性生长.进一步的研究发现,TCM治疗的小鼠脾脏内肿瘤抗原特异性的T细胞数量和比例明显高于TEFF组,并且RT-PCR分析表明TCM治疗的小鼠肿瘤内细胞高表达MHCⅠ类分子.这些现象提示了抗原提呈对过继细胞转移治疗的效果具有重要作用.我们的研究对于发展更为有效的肿瘤免疫治疗具有提示意义.  相似文献   



End-stage renal disease patients have a dysfunctional, prematurely aged peripheral T-cell system. Here we hypothesized that the degree of premature T-cell ageing before kidney transplantation predicts the risk for early acute allograft rejection (EAR).


222 living donor kidney transplant recipients were prospectively analyzed. EAR was defined as biopsy proven acute allograft rejection within 3 months after kidney transplantation. The differentiation status of circulating T cells, the relative telomere length and the number of CD31+ naive T cells were determined as T-cell ageing parameters.


Of the 222 patients analyzed, 30 (14%) developed an EAR. The donor age and the historical panel reactive antibody score were significantly higher (p = 0.024 and p = 0.039 respectively) and the number of related donor kidney transplantation was significantly lower (p = 0.018) in the EAR group. EAR-patients showed lower CD4+CD28null T-cell numbers (p<0.01) and the same trend was observed for CD8+CD28null T-cell numbers (p = 0.08). No differences regarding the other ageing parameters were found. A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that higher CD4+CD28null T-cell numbers was associated with a lower risk for EAR (HR: 0.65, p = 0.028). In vitro, a significant lower percentage of alloreactive T cells was observed within CD28null T cells (p<0.001).


Immunological ageing-related expansion of highly differentiated CD28null T cells is associated with a lower risk for EAR.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of CD4 and CD8 molecules following T cell triggering   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
CD4 and CD8 molecules have been implicated in the regulation of T cell activation. In the present study, CD4 and CD8 were modified by increased phosphorylation when T cell clones or T cells were either exposed to phorbol-12-myristate- 13-acetate or were triggered via the CD3-T cell receptor complex. Activation of T cells through the CD2 sheep erythrocyte binding protein, using anti-T11(2) and -T11(3) antibodies, also resulted in CD4 and CD8 phosphorylation. These findings suggest that signals derived from two different receptor pathways can converge and result in similar molecular modifications of CD4 and CD8. Furthermore, phorbol myristate acetate treatment or activation via the CD2 pathway induced phosphorylation of the CD4 and CD8 molecules of thymocytes, suggesting that these molecules may be functional in thymus. Together, our findings indicate that CD4 and CD8 phosphorylation is a consequence of T cell triggering, and suggest that CD4 and CD8 phosphorylation may represent a molecular signaling mechanism among the CD3-T cell receptor complex, CD2, CD4, and CD8.  相似文献   

The theory of nuclear equivalence proposes that specializedsomatic cells of metazoans possess a gene pool identical tothat present in the zygote nucleus. We examine this theory onthe basis of nuclear transplantation experiments in amphibianoocytes and eggs. This procedure has the potential to test theentire genome and to evaluate the problem of nuclear equivalencein the context of a functioning organism. Nuclear transplantations from several differentiated somaticcell types into oocytes and eggs have revealed that their nucleistill contain the genes required for the development of prefeedingtadpoles. In addition, erythrocyte nuclei have directed theformation of feeding tadpoles that advanced to stages of hindlimb bud. Thus, the genome of several differentiated somaticcells displays genetic multipotentiality. Although evidencefor the genetic totipotency of specialized somatic cells islacking, the results of our recent experiments suggest thatthe genetic totipotency of at least some differentiated somaticcell types still remains a tenable hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although association between persistent viral infection and allograft rejection is well characterized, few examples of T-cell cross-reactivity between self-MHC/viral and allogeneic HLA molecules have been documented so far. We appraised in this study the alloreactivity of CD8 T cell lines specific for immunodominant epitopes from human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). CD8 T cell lines were generated after sorting with immunomagnetic beads coated with either pp65495–503/A*0201, BMLF1259–267/A*0201, or BZLF154–64/B*3501 multimeric complexes. Alloreactivity of the CD8 T cell lines against allogeneic class I MHC alleles was assessed by screening of (i) TNF-α production against COS-7 cells transfected with as many as 39 individual HLA class I-encoding cDNA, and (ii) cytotoxicity activity toward a large panel of HLA-typed EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines. We identified several cross-reactive pp65/A*0201-specific T cell lines toward allogeneic HLA-A*3001, A*3101, or A*3201. Moreover, we described here cross-recognition of HLA-Cw*0602 by BZLF1/B*3501-specific T cells. It is noteworthy that these alloreactive CD8 T cell lines showed efficient recognition of endothelial cells expressing the relevant HLA class I allele, with high level TNF-α production and cytotoxicity activity. Taken together, our data support the notion that herpes virus-specific T cells recognizing allo-HLA alleles may promote solid organ rejection.  相似文献   

Immune dysregulation in HIV-1 infection is associated with increased expression of inhibitory molecules such as CTLA-4, TGF-β, and IL-10. In this study we examined one potential mechanism for regulating TGF-β and IL-10 expression by HIV-specific suppressor CD8+ T cells. No overlap between TGF-β, IL-10, and IFN-γ cytokine production by HIV-specific CD8+ T cells was observed. TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive cells were FOXP3 negative, CD25 negative, and displayed a heterogeneous surface expression of CD127. TGF-β and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cells did not express CTLA-4. Nevertheless, CTLA-4 blockade resulted in a significant decrease in HIV-specific TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cell responses, and a concomitant increase in HIV-specific IFN-γ positive CD8+ T cell responses. Depletion of CD4+ T cells abrogated the impact of CTLA-4 on HIV-specific TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cells. Our study suggests that CTLA-4 Signaling on CD4+ T cells regulates the inhibitory functions of the HIV-specific suppressor CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate multiparametric functional MRI to characterize acute rejection in a murine allogeneic renal transplant model and evaluate the effect of novel therapeutics.ResultsDWI showed a significant diffusion restriction in allogeneic compared to syngeneic transplants (ADC: 0.63±0.08 vs. 1.29±0.12 mm2/s*103) with decreasing diffusion restriction under therapy. DCE-MRI showed restored organ perfusion under Ciclosporin A alone and combination therapy (Plasma Flow: 43.43±12.49; 38.75±7.53ml/100ml/min) compared to syngeneic controls (51.03±12.49ml/100ml/min). Ex vivo analysis showed reduced monocytic infiltrates, attenuated levels of inflammatory cytokines under mNOX-E36 monotherapy with an additive effect of low dose Ciclosporin A. There was a significant (p<0.05) negative correlation between ADC and interstitial inflammation (r = -0.73) or macrophage infiltration (r = -0.81) and between organ perfusion and intimal arteritis (r = -0.63).ConclusionMultiparametric functional MRI is suited to detect renal allograft rejection in an experimental murine model and allows to characterize effects of immunosuppressive therapy alleviating acute rejection processes in allogeneic transplantation.  相似文献   

We here investigated the efficiency of autologous melanocyte transplantation of 23 vitiligo patients by focusing on perilesional skin homing CD8+ T lymphocytes, and studied the potential effect of dermal mesenchymal stem cells (DMSCs) on CD8+ T cell activities in vitro. Out of 23 patients with the autologous melanocyte transplantation, 12 patients (52.17%) had an excellent re-pigmentation, 6 patients (26.09%) had a good re-pigmentation, 5 patients (21.74%) had a fair or poor re-pigmentation. CD8+ T cells infiltrating was observed in the perilesional vitiligo area of all patients. Importantly, the efficiency of the transplantation was closely associated with skin-homing CD8+ T cell activities. The patients with high number of perilesional CD8+ T cells or high level of cytokines/chemokines were associated with poor re-pigmentation efficiency. For in-vitro experiments, we successfully isolated and characterized human DMSCs and skin-homing CD8+ T cells. We established DMSCs and CD8+ T cell co-culture system, where DMSCs possessed significant inhibitory effects against skin homing CD8+ T lymphocytes. DMSCs inhibited CD8+ T cells proliferation, induced them apoptosis and regulated their cytokines/chemokines production. Our results suggest that vitiligo patients’ autologous melanocytes transplantation efficiency might be predicted by perilesional skin-homing CD8+ T cell activities, and DMSCs might be used as auxiliary agent to improve transplantation efficacy.  相似文献   

The numbers and locations of virus-specific CD8+ T cells relative to the numbers and locations of their infected cell targets is thought to be critical in determining outcomes that range from clearance to chronic persistent infections. We describe here a method for assessing the spatial and quantitative relationships between immune effector (E) virus-specific CD8+ T cells and infected targets (T) that combines in situ tetramer (IST) staining to detect virus-specific CD8+ T cells and in situ hybridization (ISH) to detect viral-RNA+ cells in the tissues where the battle between immune defenses and infection takes place. The combination of IST staining and ISH, abbreviated ISTH, enables visualization and mapping of the locations of immune effector cells and targets, and facile determination of E:T ratios. These parameters in turn can then be used to determine the relationships between spatial proximity, and the timing and magnitude of the immune response that predict outcomes in early infection.Download video file.(240M, mp4)  相似文献   

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