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Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome proteins (WASP) are a family of proteins that all catalyze actin filament branching with the Arp2/3 complex in a variety of actin-based motile processes. The constitutively active C-terminal domain, called VCA, harbors one or more WASP homology 2 (WH2) domains that bind G-actin, whereas the CA extension binds the Arp2/3 complex. The VCA·actin·Arp2/3 entity associates with a mother filament to form a branched junction from which a daughter filament is initiated. The number and function of WH2-bound actin(s) in the branching process are not known, and the stoichiometry of the VCA·actin·Arp2/3 complex is debated. We have expressed the tandem WH2 repeats of N-WASP, either alone (V) or associated with the C (VC) and CA (VCA) extensions. We analyzed the structure of actin in complex with V, VC, and VCA using protein crystallography and hydrodynamic and spectrofluorimetric methods. The partial crystal structure of the VC·actin 1:1 complex shows two actins in the asymmetric unit with extensive actin-actin contacts. In solution, each of the two WH2 domains in V, VC, and VCA binds G-actin in 1:2 complexes that participate in barbed end assembly. V, VC, and VCA enhance barbed end depolymerization like profilin but neither nucleate nor sever filaments, in contrast with other WH2 repeats. VCA binds the Arp2/3 complex in a 1:1 complex even in the presence of a large excess of VCA. VCA·Arp2/3 binds one actin in a latrunculin A-sensitive fashion, in a 1:1:1 complex, indicating that binding of the second actin to VCA is weakened in the ternary complex.  相似文献   

Actin-related proteins (Arps) are a highly conserved family of proteins that have extensive sequence and structural similarity to actin. All characterized Arps are components of large multimeric complexes associated with chromatin or the cytoskeleton. In addition, the human genome encodes five conserved but largely uncharacterized "orphan" Arps, which appear to be mostly testis-specific. Here we show that Arp7A, which has 43% sequence identity with β-actin, forms a complex with the cytoskeletal proteins Tes and Mena in the subacrosomal layer of round spermatids. The N-terminal 65-residue extension to the actin-like fold of Arp7A interacts directly with Tes. The crystal structure of the 1-65(Arp7A)·LIM2-3(Tes)·EVH1(Mena) complex reveals that residues 28-49 of Arp7A contact the LIM2-3 domains of Tes. Two alanine residues from Arp7A that occupy equivalent apolar pockets in both LIM domains as well as an intervening GPAK linker that binds the LIM2-3 junction are critical for the Arp7A-Tes interaction. Equivalent occupied apolar pockets are also seen in the tandem LIM domain structures of LMO4 and Lhx3 bound to unrelated ligands. Our results indicate that apolar pocket interactions are a common feature of tandem LIM domain interactions, but ligand specificity is principally determined by the linker sequence.  相似文献   

Most mammalian cell types depend on multiple Src family kinases (SFKs) to regulate diverse signaling pathways. Strict control of SFK activity is essential for normal cellular function, and loss of kinase regulation contributes to several forms of cancer and other diseases. Previous x-ray crystal structures of the SFKs c-Src and Hck revealed that intramolecular association of their Src homology (SH) 3 domains and SH2 kinase linker regions has a key role in down-regulation of kinase activity. However, the amino acid sequence of the Hck linker represents a suboptimal ligand for the isolated SH3 domain, suggesting that it may form the polyproline type II helical conformation required for SH3 docking only in the context of the intact structure. To test this hypothesis directly, we determined the crystal structure of a truncated Hck protein consisting of the SH2 and SH3 domains plus the linker. Despite the absence of the kinase domain, the structures and relative orientations of the SH2 and SH3 domains in this shorter protein were very similar to those observed in near full-length, down-regulated Hck. However, the SH2 kinase linker adopted a modified topology and failed to engage the SH3 domain. This new structure supports the idea that these noncatalytic regions work together as a “conformational switch” that modulates kinase activity in a manner unique to the SH3 domain and linker topologies present in the intact Hck protein. Our results also provide fresh structural insight into the facile induction of Hck activity by HIV-1 Nef and other Hck SH3 domain binding proteins and implicate the existence of innate conformational states unique to individual Src family members that “fine-tune” their sensitivities to activation by SH3-based ligands.  相似文献   

Proteins with Src homology 2 (SH2) domains play major roles in tyrosine kinase signaling. Structures of many SH2 domains have been studied, and the regions involved in their interactions with ligands have been elucidated. However, these analyses have been performed using short peptides consisting of phosphotyrosine followed by a few amino acids, which are described as the canonical recognition sites. Here, we report the solution structure of the SH2 domain of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) in complex with a longer phosphopeptide from the Csk-binding protein (Cbp). This structure, together with biochemical experiments, revealed the existence of a novel binding region in addition to the canonical phosphotyrosine 314-binding site of Cbp. Mutational analysis of this second region in cells showed that both canonical and novel binding sites are required for tumor suppression through the Cbp-Csk interaction. Furthermore, the data indicate an allosteric connection between Cbp binding and Csk activation that arises from residues in the βB/βC loop of the SH2 domain.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 complex is an important actin filament nucleator that creates branched actin filament networks required for formation of lamellipodia and endocytic actin structures. Cellular assembly of branched actin networks frequently requires multiple Arp2/3 complex activators, called nucleation promoting factors (NPFs). We recently presented a mechanism by which cortactin, a weak NPF, can displace a more potent NPF, N-WASP, from nascent branch junctions to synergistically accelerate nucleation. The distinct roles of these NPFs in branching nucleation are surprising given their similarities. We biochemically dissected these two classes of NPFs to determine how their Arp2/3 complex and actin interacting segments modulate their influences on branched actin networks. We find that the Arp2/3 complex-interacting N-terminal acidic sequence (NtA) of cortactin has structural features distinct from WASP acidic regions (A) that are required for synergy between the two NPFs. Our mutational analysis shows that differences between NtA and A do not explain the weak intrinsic NPF activity of cortactin, but instead that cortactin is a weak NPF because it cannot recruit actin monomers to Arp2/3 complex. We use TIRF microscopy to show that cortactin bundles branched actin filaments using actin filament binding repeats within a single cortactin molecule, but that N-WASP antagonizes cortactin-mediated bundling. Finally, we demonstrate that multiple WASP family proteins synergistically activate Arp2/3 complex and determine the biochemical requirements in WASP proteins for synergy. Our data indicate that synergy between WASP proteins and cortactin may play a general role in assembling diverse actin-based structures, including lamellipodia, podosomes, and endocytic actin networks.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens depend on the activities of bacterial effector proteins that are delivered into eukaryotic cells via specialized secretion systems. Effector protein function largely depends on specific subcellular targeting and specific interactions with cellular ligands. PDZ domains are common domains that serve to provide specificity in protein-protein interactions in eukaryotic systems. We show that putative PDZ-binding motifs are significantly enriched among effector proteins delivered into mammalian cells by certain bacterial pathogens. We use PDZ domain microarrays to identify candidate interaction partners of the Shigella flexneri effector proteins OspE1 and OspE2, which contain putative PDZ-binding motifs. We demonstrate in vitro and in cells that OspE proteins interact with PDLIM7, a member of the PDLIM family of proteins, which contain a PDZ domain and one or more LIM domains, protein interaction domains that participate in a wide variety of functions, including activation of isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). We demonstrate that activation of PKC during S. flexneri infection is attenuated in the absence of PDLIM7 or OspE proteins and that the OspE PDZ-binding motif is required for wild-type levels of PKC activation. These results are consistent with a model in which binding of OspE to PDLIM7 during infection regulates the activity of PKC isoforms that bind to the PDLIM7 LIM domain.  相似文献   

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