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A common assumption in comparative genomics is that orthologous genes share greater functional similarity than do paralogous genes (the "ortholog conjecture"). Many methods used to computationally predict protein function are based on this assumption, even though it is largely untested. Here we present the first large-scale test of the ortholog conjecture using comparative functional genomic data from human and mouse. We use the experimentally derived functions of more than 8,900 genes, as well as an independent microarray dataset, to directly assess our ability to predict function using both orthologs and paralogs. Both datasets show that paralogs are often a much better predictor of function than are orthologs, even at lower sequence identities. Among paralogs, those found within the same species are consistently more functionally similar than those found in a different species. We also find that paralogous pairs residing on the same chromosome are more functionally similar than those on different chromosomes, perhaps due to higher levels of interlocus gene conversion between these pairs. In addition to offering implications for the computational prediction of protein function, our results shed light on the relationship between sequence divergence and functional divergence. We conclude that the most important factor in the evolution of function is not amino acid sequence, but rather the cellular context in which proteins act.  相似文献   

The function of most proteins is not determined experimentally, but is extrapolated from homologs. According to the "ortholog conjecture", or standard model of phylogenomics, protein function changes rapidly after duplication, leading to paralogs with different functions, while orthologs retain the ancestral function. We report here that a comparison of experimentally supported functional annotations among homologs from 13 genomes mostly supports this model. We show that to analyze GO annotation effectively, several confounding factors need to be controlled: authorship bias, variation of GO term frequency among species, variation of background similarity among species pairs, and propagated annotation bias. After controlling for these biases, we observe that orthologs have generally more similar functional annotations than paralogs. This is especially strong for sub-cellular localization. We observe only a weak decrease in functional similarity with increasing sequence divergence. These findings hold over a large diversity of species; notably orthologs from model organisms such as E. coli, yeast or mouse have conserved function with human proteins.  相似文献   

A recent paper (Nehrt et al., PLoS Comput. Biol. 7:e1002073, 2011) has proposed a metric for the "functional similarity" between two genes that uses only the Gene Ontology (GO) annotations directly derived from published experimental results. Applying this metric, the authors concluded that paralogous genes within the mouse genome or the human genome are more functionally similar on average than orthologous genes between these genomes, an unexpected result with broad implications if true. We suggest, based on both theoretical and empirical considerations, that this proposed metric should not be interpreted as a functional similarity, and therefore cannot be used to support any conclusions about the "ortholog conjecture" (or, more properly, the "ortholog functional conservation hypothesis"). First, we reexamine the case studies presented by Nehrt et al. as examples of orthologs with divergent functions, and come to a very different conclusion: they actually exemplify how GO annotations for orthologous genes provide complementary information about conserved biological functions. We then show that there is a global ascertainment bias in the experiment-based GO annotations for human and mouse genes: particular types of experiments tend to be performed in different model organisms. We conclude that the reported statistical differences in annotations between pairs of orthologous genes do not reflect differences in biological function, but rather complementarity in experimental approaches. Our results underscore two general considerations for researchers proposing novel types of analysis based on the GO: 1) that GO annotations are often incomplete, potentially in a biased manner, and subject to an "open world assumption" (absence of an annotation does not imply absence of a function), and 2) that conclusions drawn from a novel, large-scale GO analysis should whenever possible be supported by careful, in-depth examination of examples, to help ensure the conclusions have a justifiable biological basis.  相似文献   

How gene function evolves is a central question of evolutionary biology. It can be investigated by comparing functional genomics results between species and between genes. Most comparative studies of functional genomics have used pairwise comparisons. Yet it has been shown that this can provide biased results, as genes, like species, are phylogenetically related. Phylogenetic comparative methods should be used to correct for this, but they depend on strong assumptions, including unbiased tree estimates relative to the hypothesis being tested. Such methods have recently been used to test the “ortholog conjecture,” the hypothesis that functional evolution is faster in paralogs than in orthologs. Although pairwise comparisons of tissue specificity (τ) provided support for the ortholog conjecture, phylogenetic independent contrasts did not. Our reanalysis on the same gene trees identified problems with the time calibration of duplication nodes. We find that the gene trees used suffer from important biases, due to the inclusion of trees with no duplication nodes, to the relative age of speciations and duplications, to systematic differences in branch lengths, and to non-Brownian motion of tissue specificity on many trees. We find that incorrect implementation of phylogenetic method in empirical gene trees with duplications can be problematic. Controlling for biases allows successful use of phylogenetic methods to study the evolution of gene function and provides some support for the ortholog conjecture using three different phylogenetic approaches.  相似文献   

Yang  Yang  Xu  Zhuangdi  Song  Dandan 《BMC bioinformatics》2016,17(1):109-116
Missing values are commonly present in microarray data profiles. Instead of discarding genes or samples with incomplete expression level, missing values need to be properly imputed for accurate data analysis. The imputation methods can be roughly categorized as expression level-based and domain knowledge-based. The first type of methods only rely on expression data without the help of external data sources, while the second type incorporates available domain knowledge into expression data to improve imputation accuracy. In recent years, microRNA (miRNA) microarray has been largely developed and used for identifying miRNA biomarkers in complex human disease studies. Similar to mRNA profiles, miRNA expression profiles with missing values can be treated with the existing imputation methods. However, the domain knowledge-based methods are hard to be applied due to the lack of direct functional annotation for miRNAs. With the rapid accumulation of miRNA microarray data, it is increasingly needed to develop domain knowledge-based imputation algorithms specific to miRNA expression profiles to improve the quality of miRNA data analysis. We connect miRNAs with domain knowledge of Gene Ontology (GO) via their target genes, and define miRNA functional similarity based on the semantic similarity of GO terms in GO graphs. A new measure combining miRNA functional similarity and expression similarity is used in the imputation of missing values. The new measure is tested on two miRNA microarray datasets from breast cancer research and achieves improved performance compared with the expression-based method on both datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the biological domain knowledge can benefit the estimation of missing values in miRNA profiles as well as mRNA profiles. Especially, functional similarity defined by GO terms annotated for the target genes of miRNAs can be useful complementary information for the expression-based method to improve the imputation accuracy of miRNA array data. Our method and data are available to the public upon request.  相似文献   

Clustering of main orthologs for multiple genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of orthologous genes shared by multiple genomes is critical for both functional and evolutionary studies in comparative genomics. While it is usually done by sequence similarity search and reconciled tree construction in practice, recently a new combinatorial approach and high-throughput system MSOAR for ortholog identification between closely related genomes based on genome rearrangement and gene duplication has been proposed in Fu et al. MSOAR assumes that orthologous genes correspond to each other in the most parsimonious evolutionary scenario, minimizing the number of genome rearrangement and (postspeciation) gene duplication events. However, the parsimony approach used by MSOAR limits it to pairwise genome comparisons. In this paper, we extend MSOAR to multiple (closely related) genomes and propose an ortholog clustering method, called MultiMSOAR, to infer main orthologs in multiple genomes. As a preliminary experiment, we apply MultiMSOAR to rat, mouse, and human genomes, and validate our results using gene annotations and gene function classifications in the public databases. We further compare our results to the ortholog clusters predicted by MultiParanoid, which is an extension of the well-known program InParanoid for pairwise genome comparisons. The comparison reveals that MultiMSOAR gives more detailed and accurate orthology information, since it can effectively distinguish main orthologs from inparalogs.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) are two of the most commonly used inbred mouse strains in neuroscience research. However, the only currently available mouse genome is based entirely on the B6 strain sequence. Subsequently, oligonucleotide microarray probes are based solely on this B6 reference sequence, making their application for gene expression profiling comparisons across mouse strains dubious due to their allelic sequence differences, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the RNA-Seq application provides a clear alternative to oligonucleotide arrays for detecting differential gene expression without the problems inherent to hybridization-based technologies. Using RNA-Seq, an average of 22 million short sequencing reads were generated per sample for 21 samples (10 B6 and 11 D2), and these reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome, allowing 16,183 Ensembl genes to be queried in striatum for both strains. To determine differential expression, 'digital mRNA counting' is applied based on reads that map to exons. The current study compares RNA-Seq (Illumina GA IIx) with two microarray platforms (Illumina MouseRef-8 v2.0 and Affymetrix MOE 430 2.0) to detect differential striatal gene expression between the B6 and D2 inbred mouse strains. We show that by using stringent data processing requirements differential expression as determined by RNA-Seq is concordant with both the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms in more instances than it is concordant with only a single platform, and that instances of discordance with respect to direction of fold change were rare. Finally, we show that additional information is gained from RNA-Seq compared to hybridization-based techniques as RNA-Seq detects more genes than either microarray platform. The majority of genes differentially expressed in RNA-Seq were only detected as present in RNA-Seq, which is important for studies with smaller effect sizes where the sensitivity of hybridization-based techniques could bias interpretation.  相似文献   

Park SH  Shin YK  Suh YH  Park WS  Ban YL  Choi HS  Park HJ  Jung KC 《Gene》2005,353(2):177-188
The human pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) is essential for the obligatory X-Y crossover in male meiosis. Despite its critical role, comparative studies of human and mouse pseudoautosomal genes have been limited owing to the scarcity of genes conserved between the two species. Human CD99 is a 32-kDa cell surface protein that is encoded by the MIC2 gene localized to the PAR1. Although several sequences such as CD99L2, PBDX, and CD99L1 are related to CD99, its murine ortholog, Cd99, has not yet been identified. Here we report a novel mouse Cd99, designated D4, which shows overall sequence homology to CD99, with the highest conservation between the two genes being found in the transmembrane regions. In addition, the D4 protein displays biochemical characteristics, functional homology, and expression patterns similar to those of CD99. The D4 gene is localized on an autosome, chromosome 4, reflecting a common mapping feature with other mouse orthologs of human PAR1 genes. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of CD99-related genes confirmed that the D4 gene is indeed an ortholog of CD99 and exhibits the accelerated evolution pattern of CD99 orthologs, as compared to the CD99L2 orthologs. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that CD99 belongs to the ancient PAR genes, and that the rapid interspecies divergence of its present sequence and map position is due to a high recombination frequency and the occurrence of chromosomal translocation, supporting the addition-attrition hypothesis for PAR evolution.  相似文献   

The assignment of orthologous genes between a pair of genomes is a fundamental and challenging problem in comparative genomics, since many computational methods for solving various biological problems critically rely on bona fide orthologs as input. While it is usually done using sequence similarity search, we recently proposed a new combinatorial approach that combines sequence similarity and genome rearrangement. This paper continues the development of the approach and unites genome rearrangement events and (post-speciation) duplication events in a single framework under the parsimony principle. In this framework, orthologous genes are assumed to correspond to each other in the most parsimonious evolutionary scenario involving both genome rearrangement and (post-speciation) gene duplication. Besides several original algorithmic contributions, the enhanced method allows for the detection of inparalogs. Following this approach, we have implemented a high-throughput system for ortholog assignment on a genome scale, called MSOAR, and applied it to human and mouse genomes. As the result will show, MSOAR is able to find 99 more true orthologs than the INPARANOID program did. In comparison to the iterated exemplar algorithm on simulated data, MSOAR performed favorably in terms of assignment accuracy. We also validated our predicted main ortholog pairs between human and mouse using public ortholog assignment datasets, synteny information, and gene function classification. These test results indicate that our approach is very promising for genome-wide ortholog assignment. Supplemental material and MSOAR program are available at http://msoar.cs.ucr.edu.  相似文献   



Gene Ontology (GO) is one of the most popular bioinformatics resources. In the past decade, Gene Ontology-based gene semantic similarity has been effectively used to model gene-to-gene interactions in multiple research areas. However, most existing semantic similarity approaches rely only on GO annotations and structure, or incorporate only local interactions in the co-functional network. This may lead to inaccurate GO-based similarity resulting from the incomplete GO topology structure and gene annotations.


We present NETSIM2, a new network-based method that allows researchers to measure GO-based gene functional similarities by considering the global structure of the co-functional network with a random walk with restart (RWR)-based method, and by selecting the significant term pairs to decrease the noise information. Based on the EC number (Enzyme Commission)-based groups of yeast and Arabidopsis, evaluation test shows that NETSIM2 can enhance the accuracy of Gene Ontology-based gene functional similarity.


Using NETSIM2 as an example, we found that the accuracy of semantic similarities can be significantly improved after effectively incorporating the global gene-to-gene interactions in the co-functional network, especially on the species that gene annotations in GO are far from complete.

MOTIVATION: The result of a typical microarray experiment is a long list of genes with corresponding expression measurements. This list is only the starting point for a meaningful biological interpretation. Modern methods identify relevant biological processes or functions from gene expression data by scoring the statistical significance of predefined functional gene groups, e.g. based on Gene Ontology (GO). We develop methods that increase the explanatory power of this approach by integrating knowledge about relationships between the GO terms into the calculation of the statistical significance. RESULTS: We present two novel algorithms that improve GO group scoring using the underlying GO graph topology. The algorithms are evaluated on real and simulated gene expression data. We show that both methods eliminate local dependencies between GO terms and point to relevant areas in the GO graph that remain undetected with state-of-the-art algorithms for scoring functional terms. A simulation study demonstrates that the new methods exhibit a higher level of detecting relevant biological terms than competing methods.  相似文献   

High-throughput genomic technologies enable researchers to identify genes that are co-regulated with respect to specific experimental conditions. Numerous statistical approaches have been developed to identify differentially expressed genes. Because each approach can produce distinct gene sets, it is difficult for biologists to determine which statistical approach yields biologically relevant gene sets and is appropriate for their study. To address this issue, we implemented Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to determine the functional coherence of gene sets. An LSI model was built using over 1 million Medline abstracts for over 20,000 mouse and human genes annotated in Entrez Gene. The gene-to-gene LSI-derived similarities were used to calculate a literature cohesion p-value (LPv) for a given gene set using a Fisher's exact test. We tested this method against genes in more than 6,000 functional pathways annotated in Gene Ontology (GO) and found that approximately 75% of gene sets in GO biological process category and 90% of the gene sets in GO molecular function and cellular component categories were functionally cohesive (LPv<0.05). These results indicate that the LPv methodology is both robust and accurate. Application of this method to previously published microarray datasets demonstrated that LPv can be helpful in selecting the appropriate feature extraction methods. To enable real-time calculation of LPv for mouse or human gene sets, we developed a web tool called Gene-set Cohesion Analysis Tool (GCAT). GCAT can complement other gene set enrichment approaches by determining the overall functional cohesion of data sets, taking into account both explicit and implicit gene interactions reported in the biomedical literature. Availability: GCAT is freely available at http://binf1.memphis.edu/gcat.  相似文献   

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