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The purpose of this study was to use functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to examine patterns of both activation and deactivation that occur in the frontal lobe in response to noxious stimuli. The frontal lobe was selected because it has been shown to be activated by noxious stimuli in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. The brain region is located behind the forehead which is devoid of hair, providing a relative ease of placement for fNIRS probes on this area of the head. Based on functional magnetic resonance imaging studies showing blood-oxygenation-level dependent changes in the frontal lobes, we evaluated functional near-infrared spectroscopy measures in response to two levels of electrical pain in awake, healthy human subjects (n = 10; male = 10). Each subject underwent two recording sessions separated by a 30-minute resting period. Data collected from 7 subjects were analyzed, containing a total of 38/36 low/high intensity pain stimuli for the first recording session and 27/31 pain stimuli for the second session. Our results show that there is a robust and significant deactivation in sections of the frontal cortices. Further development and definition of the specificity and sensitivity of the approach may provide an objective measure of nociceptive activity in the brain that can be easily applied in the surgical setting.  相似文献   

恶性胶质瘤年发病率约为5/100,000。美国每年有超过14,000例的新发恶性脑胶质瘤患者。治疗主要以手术治疗为主,手术肿瘤的切除程度影响患者的预后。外科手术治疗脑肿瘤需要精确定位脑肿瘤组织在正常脑组织中的位置以便能够获得精确的组织活检和肿瘤的完全切除。量子点是稳定存在的,产生荧光的可视化半导体纳米晶体。静脉注射量子点伴随着网状内皮系统和巨噬细胞的隔离。巨噬细胞可渗入到肿瘤组织并且能够吞噬通过静脉注射的光量子来产生可视化的肿瘤标记。通过巨噬细胞介导,将光量子运输至肿瘤组织展现了一种新兴技术来标记术前肿瘤组织。由于肿瘤组织中的光量子可以被光学成像和光谱学工具来探测,因此在脑肿瘤组织活检和切除中可以为外科医生提供可视化得实时反馈。  相似文献   

When paired with dart biopsying, quantifying cortisol in blubber tissue may provide an index of relative stress levels (i.e., activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) in free-ranging cetacean populations while minimizing the effects of the act of sampling. To validate this approach, cortisol was extracted from blubber samples collected from beach-stranded and bycaught short-beaked common dolphins using a modified blubber steroid isolation technique and measured via commercially available enzyme immunoassays. The measurements exhibited appropriate quality characteristics when analyzed via a bootstraped stepwise parallelism analysis (observed/expected = 1.03, 95%CI: 99.6 – 1.08) and showed no evidence of matrix interference with increasing sample size across typical biopsy tissue masses (75–150mg; r2 = 0.012, p = 0.78, slope = 0.022ngcortisol deviation/ultissue extract added). The relationships between blubber cortisol and eight potential cofactors namely, 1) fatality type (e.g., stranded or bycaught), 2) specimen condition (state of decomposition), 3) total body length, 4) sex, 5) sexual maturity state, 6) pregnancy status, 7) lactation state, and 8) adrenal mass, were assessed using a Bayesian generalized linear model averaging technique. Fatality type was the only factor correlated with blubber cortisol, and the magnitude of the effect size was substantial: beach-stranded individuals had on average 6.1-fold higher cortisol levels than those of bycaught individuals. Because of the difference in conditions surrounding these two fatality types, we interpret this relationship as evidence that blubber cortisol is indicative of stress response. We found no evidence of seasonal variation or a relationship between cortisol and the remaining cofactors.  相似文献   

The vast array of in silico resources and data of high throughput profiling currently available in life sciences research offer the possibility of aiding cancer gene and drug discovery process. Here we propose to take advantage of these resources to develop a tool, TARGETgene, for efficiently identifying mutation drivers, possible therapeutic targets, and drug candidates in cancer. The simple graphical user interface enables rapid, intuitive mapping and analysis at the systems level. Users can find, select, and explore identified target genes and compounds of interest (e.g., novel cancer genes and their enriched biological processes), and validate predictions using user-defined benchmark genes (e.g., target genes detected in RNAi screens) and curated cancer genes via TARGETgene. The high-level capabilities of TARGETgene are also demonstrated through two applications in this paper. The predictions in these two applications were then satisfactorily validated by several ways, including known cancer genes, results of RNAi screens, gene function annotations, and target genes of drugs that have been used or in clinical trial in cancer treatments. TARGETgene is freely available from the Biomedical Simulations Resource web site (http://bmsr.usc.edu/Software/TARGET/TARGET.html).  相似文献   

BackgroundCurrent pathological diagnostics include the analysis of (epi-)genetic alterations as well as oncogenic pathways. Deregulated mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling has been implicated in a variety of cancers including malignant gliomas and is considered a promising target in cancer treatment. Monitoring of mTORC1 activity before and during inhibitor therapy is essential. The aim of our study is to provide a recommendation and report on pitfalls in the use of phospho-specific antibodies against mTORC1-targets phospho-RPS6 (Ser235/236; Ser240/244) and phospho-4EBP1 (Thr37/46) in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded material.ConclusionHere we provide a recommendation for phospho-specific immunohistochemistry for patient-orientated therapy decisions and monitoring treatment response.  相似文献   

The human brain is a complex system whose topological organization can be represented using connectomics. Recent studies have shown that human connectomes can be constructed using various neuroimaging technologies and further characterized using sophisticated analytic strategies, such as graph theory. These methods reveal the intriguing topological architectures of human brain networks in healthy populations and explore the changes throughout normal development and aging and under various pathological conditions. However, given the huge complexity of this methodology, toolboxes for graph-based network visualization are still lacking. Here, using MATLAB with a graphical user interface (GUI), we developed a graph-theoretical network visualization toolbox, called BrainNet Viewer, to illustrate human connectomes as ball-and-stick models. Within this toolbox, several combinations of defined files with connectome information can be loaded to display different combinations of brain surface, nodes and edges. In addition, display properties, such as the color and size of network elements or the layout of the figure, can be adjusted within a comprehensive but easy-to-use settings panel. Moreover, BrainNet Viewer draws the brain surface, nodes and edges in sequence and displays brain networks in multiple views, as required by the user. The figure can be manipulated with certain interaction functions to display more detailed information. Furthermore, the figures can be exported as commonly used image file formats or demonstration video for further use. BrainNet Viewer helps researchers to visualize brain networks in an easy, flexible and quick manner, and this software is freely available on the NITRC website (www.nitrc.org/projects/bnv/).  相似文献   

The neurotoxic effect of manganese (Mn) establishes itself in a condition known as manganism or Mn induced parkinsonism. While this condition was first diagnosed about 170 years ago, the mechanism of the neurotoxic action of Mn remains unknown. Moreover, the possibility that Mn exposure combined with other genetic and environmental factors can contribute to the development of Parkinson''s disease has been discussed in the literature and several epidemiological studies have demonstrated a correlation between Mn exposure and an elevated risk of Parkinson''s disease. Here, we introduce X-ray fluorescence imaging as a new quantitative tool for analysis of the Mn distribution in the brain with high spatial resolution. The animal model employed mimics deficits observed in affected human subjects. The obtained maps of Mn distribution in the brain demonstrate the highest Mn content in the globus pallidus, the thalamus, and the substantia nigra pars compacta. To test the hypothesis that Mn transport into/distribution within brain cells mimics that of other biologically relevant metal ions, such as iron, copper, or zinc, their distributions were compared. It was demonstrated that the Mn distribution does not follow the distributions of any of these metals in the brain. The majority of Mn in the brain was shown to occur in the mobile state, confirming the relevance of the chelation therapy currently used to treat Mn intoxication. In cells with accumulated Mn, it can cause neurotoxic action by affecting the mitochondrial respiratory chain. This can result in increased susceptibility of the neurons of the globus pallidus, thalamus, and substantia nigra pars compacta to various environmental or genetic insults. The obtained data is the first demonstration of Mn accumulation in the substantia nigra pars compacta, and thus, can represent a link between Mn exposure and its potential effects for development of Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   



To describe three DBS cases which presented with new side effects or loss of benefit from stimulation after long-term follow-up and to discuss the potential contributing factors.


A University of Florida (UF) database (INFORM) search was performed, identifying three patients, two Parkinson''s disease (PD) and one Essential Tremor (ET), with an unexpected change in long-term programming thresholds as compared to initial evaluation. Clinical follow-up, programming, imaging studies, and lead measurements were reviewed. The UF Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved this study.


A substantial increase in the 3rd ventricular width (120%), Evans index (6%), ventricular index (5%), and cella media index (17%) was uncovered. A change in thresholds across lead contacts with a decrease in current densities as well as a relative lateral change of lead location was also observed. Hardware-related complications, lead migration, and impedance variability were not identified.


Potential factors contributing to long-term side effects should be examined during a DBS troubleshooting assessment. Clinicians should be aware that in DBS therapy there is delivery of electricity to a changing brain, and atrophy may possibly affect DBS programming settings as part of long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

We describe a multi-angle rotational optical imaging (MAROI) system for in vivo monitoring of physiopathological processes labeled with a fluorescent marker. Mouse models (brain tumor and arthritis) were used to evaluate the usefulness of this method. Saposin C (SapC)-dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS) nanovesicles tagged with CellVue Maroon (CVM) fluorophore were administered intravenously. Animals were then placed in the rotational holder (MARS) of the in vivo imaging system. Images were acquired in 10° steps over 380°. A rectangular region of interest (ROI) was placed across the full image width at the model disease site. Within the ROI, and for every image, mean fluorescence intensity was computed after background subtraction. In the mouse models studied, the labeled nanovesicles were taken up in both the orthotopic and transgenic brain tumors, and in the arthritic sites (toes and ankles). Curve analysis of the multi angle image ROIs determined the angle with the highest signal. Thus, the optimal angle for imaging each disease site was characterized. The MAROI method applied to imaging of fluorescent compounds is a noninvasive, economical, and precise tool for in vivo quantitative analysis of the disease states in the described mouse models.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (VEGFRs) drive angiogenesis, and several VEGFR inhibitors are already approved for use as single agents or in combination with chemotherapy. Although there is a clear benefit with these drugs in a variety of tumors, the clinical response varies markedly among individuals. Therefore, there is a need for an efficient method to identify patients who are likely to respond to antiangiogenic therapy and to monitor its effects over time. We have recently developed a molecular imaging tracer for imaging VEGFRs known as scVEGF/99mTc; an engineered single-chain (sc) form of VEGF radiolabeled with technetium Tc 99m (99mTc). After intravenous injection, scVEGF/99mTc preferentially binds to and is internalized by VEGFRs expressed within tumor vasculature, providing information on prevalence of functionally active receptors. We now report that VEGFR imaging readily detects the effects of pazopanib, a small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor under clinical development, which selectively targets VEGFR, PDGFR, and c-Kit in mice with HT29 tumor xenografts. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that the changes in VEGFR imaging reflect a dramatic pazopanib-induced decrease in the number of VEGFR-2+/CD31+ endothelial cells (ECs) within the tumor vasculature followed by a relative increase in the number of ECs at the tumor edges. We suggest that VEGFR imaging can be used for the identification of patients that are responding to VEGFR-targeted therapies and for guidance in rational design, dosing, and schedules for combination regimens of antiangiogenic treatment.  相似文献   

Imaging techniques are becoming increasingly important in the study brain function. Among them, two-photon laser scanning microscopy has emerged as an extremely useful method, because it allows the study of the live intact brain. With appropriate preparations, this technique allows the observation of the same cortical area chronically, from minutes to months. In this video, we show a preparation for chronic in vivo imaging of the brain using two-photon microscopy. This technique was initially pioneered by Dr. Karel Svoboda, who is now a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at Janelia Farm. Preparations like the one shown here can be used for imaging of neocortical structure (e.g., dendritic and axonal dynamics), to record neuronal activity using calcium-sensitive dyes, to image cortical blood flow dynamics, or for intrinsic optical imaging studies. Deep imaging of the neocortex is possible with optimal cranial window surgeries. Operating under the most sterile conditions possible to avoid infections, together with using extreme care to do not damage the dura mater during the surgery, will result in successful and long-lasting glass-covered cranial windows. Download video file.(54M, mov)  相似文献   

Native fluorescence, or autofluorescence (AF), consists in the emission of light in the UV-visible, near-IR spectral range when biological substrates are excited with light at suitable wavelength. This is a well-known phenomenon, and the strict relationship of many endogenous fluorophores with morphofunctional properties of the living systems, influencing their AF emission features, offers an extremely powerful resource for directly monitoring the biological substrate condition. Starting from the last century, the technological progresses in microscopy and spectrofluorometry were convoying attention of the scientific community to this phenomenon. In the future, the interest in the autofluorescence will certainly continue. Current instrumentation and analytical procedures will likely be overcome by the unceasing progress in new devices for AF detection and data interpretation, while a progress is expected in the search and characterization of endogenous fluorophores and their roles as intrinsic biomarkers.Key words: Endogenous-fluorophores, energeticmetabolism, functionality-monitoring  相似文献   

Axenic Pelodera strongyloides matured in a completely defined culture medium were homogenized and the homogenate separated into "nuclear," "mitochondrial," and supernatant fractions. Medium, homogenate and fractionates were analyzed using standard biochemical techniques. Ammonia was the only purine catabolite detected in the medium, but the electrolytes and enzymes of the major metabolic pathways in warm-blooded animals were found in the homogenate and fractionates. Nine months of artificial selection of an X-ray-induced mutant P. strongyloides yielded a strain with a 16-fold greater incidence of endotokia matricida (death of the mother due to internal birth of the young). Crossing with recently isolated wild-type individuals (low endotokia) reduced the frequency of endotokia in the succeeding generations to the level observed in the wild populations. The authors conclude P. strongyloides will be a suitable nematode for metabolic and genetic investigations when improved fully-defined media are developed.  相似文献   

Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) of colorectal origin is associated with a poor prognosis. However, cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is available for a selected group of PC patients, which significantly increases overall survival rates up to 30%. As a consequence, there is substantial room for improvement. Tumor targeting is expected to improve the treatment efficacy of colorectal cancer (CRC) further through 1) more sensitive preoperative tumor detection, thus reducing overtreatment; 2) better intraoperative detection and surgical elimination of residual disease using tumor-specific intraoperative imaging; and 3) tumor-specific targeted therapeutics. This review focuses, in particular, on the development of tumor-targeted imaging agents. A large number of biomarkers are known to be upregulated in CRC. However, to date, no validated criteria have been described for the selection of the most promising biomarkers for tumor targeting. Such a scoring system might improve the selection of the correct biomarker for imaging purposes. In this review, we present the TArget Selection Criteria (TASC) scoring system for selection of potential biomarkers for tumor-targeted imaging. By applying TASC to biomarkers for CRC, we identified seven biomarkers (carcinoembryonic antigen, CXC chemokine receptor 4, epidermal growth factor receptor, epithelial cell adhesion molecule, matrix metalloproteinases, mucin 1, and vascular endothelial growth factor A) that seem most suitable for tumor-targeted imaging applications in colorectal cancer. Further cross-validation studies in CRC and other tumor types are necessary to establish its definitive value.  相似文献   

Patients with high-grade gliomas and glioblastomas (GBMs) have poor survival despite optimal surgical and drug therapy. Minimally invasive diagnostic biomarkers would enable early diagnosis and tumor-specific treatments for ‘personalized targeted’ therapy, and would create the basis for response tracking in patients with GBM. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolated from cerebrospinal fluid and blood contain glioma-specific molecules, including tumor-derived EV RNAs that are detectable in small copy numbers in these biofluids. EV RNA mutations or expression changes are also detectable, the analysis of which gives rise to ‘liquid biopsy’ tumor profiling.  相似文献   



Visualization of tumor angiogenesis using radionuclide targeting provides important diagnostic information. In previous study, we proved that an arginine-arginine-leucine (RRL) peptide should be a tumor endothelial cell specific binding sequence. The overall aim of this study was to evaluate whether 99mTc-radiolabeled RRL could be noninvasively used for imaging of malignant tumors in vivo, and act as a new molecular probe targeting tumor angiogenesis.


The RRL peptide was designed and radiosynthesized with 99mTc by a one-step method. The radiolabeling efficiency and radiochemical purity were then characterized in vitro. 99mTc-RRL was injected intravenously in HepG2 xenograft-bearing BALB/c nude mice. Biodistribution and in vivo imaging were performed periodically. The relationship between tumor size and %ID uptake of 99mTc-RRL was also explored.


The labeling efficiencies of 99mTc-RRL reached 76.9%±4.5% (n = 6) within 30–60 min at room temperature, and the radiochemical purity exceeded 96% after purification. In vitro stability experiment revealed the radiolabeled peptide was stable. Biodistribution data showed that 99mTc-RRL rapidly cleared from the blood and predominantly accumulated in the kidneys and tumor. The specific uptake of 99mTc-RRL in tumor was significantly higher than that of unlabeled RRL blocking and free pertechnetate control test after injection (p<0.05). The ratio of the tumor-to-muscle exceeded 6.5, tumor-to-liver reached 1.98 and tumor-to-blood reached 1.95. In planar gamma imaging study, the tumors were imaged clearly at 2–6 h after injection of 99mTc-RRL, whereas the tumor was not imaged clearly in blocking group. The tumor-to-muscle ratio of images with 99mTc-RRL was comparable with that of 18F-FDG PET images. Immunohistochemical analysis verified the excessive vasculature of tumor. There was a linear relationship between the tumor size and uptake of 99mTc-RRL with R2 = 0.821.


99mTc-RRL can be used as a potential candidate for visualization of tumor angiogenesis in malignant carcinomas.  相似文献   

采用影像学技术活体评价肿瘤的血管生成是近年来肿瘤影像学的一个研究热点,主要的成像技术包括CT灌注(CT perfu-sion,CTP)成像、磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI),超声及正电子发射体层摄影(position emission tomography,PET)等.本文就目前胶质瘤血管生成影像学的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

目的:运用功能性磁共振成像技术观察正常人脑中枢对针刺得气感的反应特点,探索针刺得气的物质基础。方法:按照纳入排除标准收集男、女健康志愿者各35例,随机分为2组,针刺组40人,假针刺组30人,分别以外关穴针刺与假针刺作为刺激因素。采用Block方法设计刺激程序,运用功能性磁共振成像技术收集脑中枢反应信号。扫描完毕随即使用针刺感觉量表评价受试对象的感觉,依据感觉量化结果将图像数据分为针刺得气感组与无感觉对照组,以P≤0.0001,uncorrected,K10为统计检验显著性标准,以对照无感觉组为基线,在Matlab平台上采用SPM2.0软件包对图像数据进行处理和分析。结果:(1)得气效应:针刺组29人、假针刺组1人以酸麻胀重等得气指征为主,VAS评分4.62±3.05;针刺组2人轻微刺痛感,假针刺组21人无感觉、5人轻微刺痛感。(2)脑中枢激活效应:针刺得气激活的脑功能区有双侧额上回(BA6)、额下回(BA47)、缘上回(BA40),左侧额中回(BA47)、中央前回(BA10)、颞中回(BA21),右侧额中回(BA10)、顶下小叶(BA40)、中央前回(BA6)、颞上回(BA10)、颞中回(BA39)、颞下回(BA20)。结论:针刺得气感能特异性的激活正常人脑功能区,针刺得气效应与脑中枢密切相关。  相似文献   

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