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Incorporation of 3-fluorotyrosine and site-specific mutagenesis has been utilized with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography to elucidate active-site structure and the role of an active-site residue Tyr34 in human manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Calculated harmonic frequencies at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory for L-tyrosine and its 3-fluorine substituted analog are compared to experimental frequencies for vibrational mode assignments. Each of the nine tyrosine residues in each of the four subunits of the homotetramer of human MnSOD was replaced with 3-fluorotyrosine. The crystal structures of the unfluorinated and fluorinated wild-type MnSOD are nearly superimposable with the root mean-square deviation for 198 alpha-carbon atoms at 0.3 A. The FTIR data show distinct vibrational modes arising from 3-fluorotyrosine in MnSOD. Comparison of spectra for wild-type and Y34F MnSOD showed that the phenolic hydroxyl of Tyr34 is hydrogen bonded, acting as a proton donor in the active site. Comparison with crystal structures demonstrates that the hydroxyl of Tyr34 is a hydrogen bond donor to an adjacent water molecule; this confirms the participation of Tyr34 in a network of residues and water molecules that extends from the active site to the adjacent subunit.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A manganese containing superoxide dismutase from bovine heart mitochondria was isolated and characterized.
  • 2.2. It has a molecular weight of about 86,000 and is composed of 4 noncovalently bound subunits of equal size.
  • 3.It appears to contain 2 mole manganese per mole enzyme.
  • 4.The carbohydrate content is very low.
  • 5.The specific activity and amino acid composition are similar to those of other mitoehondrial superoxide dismutases.
  • 6.The enzyme forms complexes with ampholytes and can therefore not be analysed by isoelectric focusing.

Germin is a hydrogen peroxide generating oxalate oxidase with extreme thermal stability; it is involved in the defense against biotic and abiotic stress in plants. The structure, determined at 1.6 A resolution, comprises beta-jellyroll monomers locked into a homohexamer (a trimer of dimers), with extensive surface burial accounting for its remarkable stability. The germin dimer is structurally equivalent to the monomer of the 7S seed storage proteins (vicilins), indicating evolution from a common ancestral protein. A single manganese ion is bound per germin monomer by ligands similar to those of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Germin is also shown to have SOD activity and we propose that the defense against extracellular superoxide radicals is an important additional role for germin and related proteins.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase is an important antioxidant defense metalloenzyme that protects cells from damage by the toxic oxygen metabolite, superoxide free radical, formed as an unavoidable by-product of aerobic metabolism. Many years of research have gone into understanding how the metal cofactor interacts with small molecules in its catalytic role. In contrast, very little is presently known about how the protein acquires its metal cofactor, an important step in the maturation of the protein and one that is absolutely required for its biological function. Recent work is beginning to provide insight into the mechanisms of metal delivery to manganese superoxide dismutase in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

A new method for the purification of manganese superoxide dismutase from human liver is described. The procedure involves essentially three steps: DEAE-cellulose, hydroxylapatite, and butyl-Toyopearl chromatographies. The method has several advantages: (i) its simplicity and rapidity (it takes less than 3 days), (ii) its high yield (62%) with a high specific activity (5660 units/mg of purified SOD), and (iii) its suitability for both large- and small-scale purifications.  相似文献   

Gamma interferon-inducible thiol reductase (GILT) is an enzyme involved in the initial steps of antigen processing and presentation. Recently we have shown that GILT is also expressed in mouse T cells, where it exerts an inhibitory role on T cell activation. In this study, we identified mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2) as one of the key intermediaries affected by GILT expression in fibroblasts. Expression and activity of SOD2 is reduced in the absence of GILT because of reduced SOD2 protein stability. The forced increase in SOD2 expression in the absence of GILT restores fibroblast proliferation to wild-type levels. Thus, GILT appears to have a fundamental role in cellular proliferation mediated through its influence on SOD2 protein activity and expression.  相似文献   

When cultured anaerobically in a chemically defined medium that was treated with Chelex-100 to lower its trace metal content, Streptococcus mutans OMZ176 had no apparent requirement for manganese or iron. Manganese or iron was necessary for aerobic cultivation in deep static cultures. During continuous aerobic cultivation in a stirred chemostat, iron did not support the growth rate achieved with manganese. Since the dissolved oxygen level in the chemostat cultures was higher than the final level in the static cultures, manganese may be required for growth at elevated oxygen levels. In medium supplemented with manganese, cells grown anaerobically contained a low level of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity; aerobic cultivation increased SOD activity at least threefold. In iron-supplemented medium, cells grown anaerobically also had low SOD activity; aerobic incubation resulted in little increase in SOD activity. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell extracts revealed a major band and a minor band of SOD activity in the cells grown with manganese; however, cells grown with iron contained a single band of SOD activity with an Rf value similar to that of the major band found in cells grown with manganese. None of the SOD activity bands were abolished by the inclusion of 2 mM hydrogen peroxide in the SOD activity strain. S. mutans may not produce a separate iron-containing SOD but may insert either iron or manganese into an apo-SOD protein. Alternatively, iron may function in another activity (not SOD) that augments the defense against oxygen toxicity at low SOD levels.  相似文献   

The superoxide dismutase produced by Streptococcus mutans OMZ176 during aerobic growth in a chemically defined medium (modified FMC) that was treated with Chelex 100 (to lower trace metal contamination) and supplemented with high purity manganese was purified (162-fold) by heat treatment, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and chromatofocusing chromatography. The superoxide dismutase produced during aerobic growth in the same medium, but without manganese and supplemented with high purity iron, was similarly purified (220-fold). The molecular masses of each holoenzyme were approximately 43,000 with a subunit mass of 20,700, indicating that the enzymes were dimers of two equally sized subunits. The superoxide dismutase from manganese-grown cells was a manganese enzyme (MnSOD) containing 1.2 atoms of manganese and 0.25 atoms of iron/subunit. The superoxide dismutase from iron-grown cells was an iron enzyme (FeSOD) containing 0.07 atoms of manganese and 0.78 atoms of iron/subunit. The amino acid compositions of the MnSOD and the FeSOD were virtually identical, and their amino-terminal sequences were identical through the first 22 amino acids. Dialysis of the FeSOD with o-phenanthroline and sodium ascorbate generated aposuperoxide dismutase with 94% loss of activity; subsequent dialysis of apoenzyme with either manganese sulfate or ferrous sulfate reconstituted activity (recoveries of 37 and 30%, respectively). Electrophoretic determination of cytoplasmic radioiron distribution indicated that (during aerobic growth) manganese prevented insertion of iron into superoxide dismutase, although the iron levels of at least two other cytoplasmic fractions were not altered by manganese. Therefore, S. mutans used the same aposuperoxide dismutase to form either FeSOD or MnSOD, depending upon which metal was available in the culture medium. Such "cambialistic" enzymes (those capable of making a cofactor substitution) may represent a previously unrecognized family of superoxide dismutases.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage occur in sepsis. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) provides the main defence against oxidative stress within mitochondria. Ala9Val is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MnSOD gene, predicted to affect intra-mitochondrial transport of the enzyme. We found a significant difference in the genotype frequency between healthy subjects (n = 100) and patients with sepsis (n = 40, p = 0.009). For assessment of functionality ten healthy subjects of each homozygous genotype (A/A or V/V) were studied. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were separated and incubated for 18 h with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), followed by analysis of mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions. There was no difference between genotypes in MnSOD activity and cytochrome c concentration, and minor differences in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and mitochondrial membrane potential, which did not affect response to LPS. Despite predictions from structural enzyme studies that mitochondrial trafficking would be affected by the Ala9Val polymorphism of the MnSOD gene had little functional effect.  相似文献   

Human manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is a homotetramer of 22 kDa subunits, a dimer of dimers containing dimeric and tetrameric interfaces. We have investigated conformational mobility at these interfaces by measuring amide hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange kinetics and 19F NMR spectra, both being excellent methods for analyzing local environments. Human MnSOD was prepared in which all nine tyrosine residues in each subunit are replaced with 3-fluorotyrosine. The 19F NMR spectrum of this enzyme showed five sharp resonances that have been assigned by site-specific mutagenesis by replacing each 3-fluorotyrosine with phenylalanine; four 19F resonances not observed are near the paramagnetic manganese and extensively broadened. The temperature dependence of the line widths and chemical shifts of the 19F resonances were used to estimate conformational mobility. 3-Fluorotyrosine 169 at the dimeric interface showed little conformational mobility and 3-fluorotyrosine 45 at the tetrameric interface showed much greater mobility by these measures. In complementary studies, H/D exchange mass spectrometry was used to measure backbone dynamics in human MnSOD. Using this approach, amide hydrogen exchange kinetics were measured for regions comprising 78% of the MnSOD backbone. Peptides containing Tyr45 at the tetrameric interface displayed rapid exchange of hydrogen with deuterium while peptides containing Tyr169 in the dimeric interface only displayed moderate exchange. Taken together, these studies show that residues at the dimeric interface, such as Tyr169, have significantly less conformational freedom or mobility than do residues at the tetrameric interface, such as Tyr45. This is discussed in terms of the role in catalysis of residues at the dimeric interface.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage occur in sepsis. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) provides the main defence against oxidative stress within mitochondria. Ala9Val is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MnSOD gene, predicted to affect intra-mitochondrial transport of the enzyme. We found a significant difference in the genotype frequency between healthy subjects (n = 100) and patients with sepsis (n = 40, p = 0.009). For assessment of functionality ten healthy subjects of each homozygous genotype (A/A or V/V) were studied. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were separated and incubated for 18 h with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), followed by analysis of mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions. There was no difference between genotypes in MnSOD activity and cytochrome c concentration, and minor differences in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and mitochondrial membrane potential, which did not affect response to LPS. Despite predictions from structural enzyme studies that mitochondrial trafficking would be affected by the Ala9Val polymorphism of the MnSOD gene had little functional effect.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress triggered by photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves generation of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, including superoxide radical, accumulation of de novo-generated ceramide, and induction of apoptosis. Since PDT with the photosensitizer phthalocyanine Pc 4 induces mitochondrial damage and the superoxide scavenger manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is localized to mitochondria, here we tested genetically the role of MnSOD in apoptosis and ceramide accumulation after photosensitization with Pc 4. Jurkat cells overexpressing wild-type MnSOD were protected from Pc 4-PDT-initiated apoptosis, but not from increased ceramide response to Pc 4-PDT. In Jurkat cells overexpressing mutant MnSOD, however, DEVDase activation and ceramide formation were promoted post-Pc 4-PDT. Similarly, in MnSOD-null cells, Pc 4-PDT-induced apoptosis, as well as ceramide accumulation, were enhanced compared to their normal counterparts. The data show that MnSOD affects sensitivity of cells to Pc 4-PDT-initiated apoptosis, and partly ceramide accumulation, suggesting that the processes are superoxide-mediated.  相似文献   

To study the function of silkworm larvae powder containing superoxide dismutase and potential practical development, we investigated the safety assessment and effects on immune activity of mice such as the growth of immunity-related organs, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and charcoal particle clearance ability. The mean body weights in treated mice were significantly heavier than that of control, meanwhile, the ratio of splenocytes/body weight and the thoracic gland/body weight in treated mice was significantly enhanced after 30 days treated with silkworm larvae powder containing manganese superoxide dismutase. The treated mice resulted in a profound activation of the DTH and charcoal particle clearance, and indicated the treated mice have stronger phagocytic activity to exogenous materials. Our data also indicated the feeding treatment was safe with 360 folds of recommended human dosage in acute toxic test. In long-term test, there were no effects of silkworm larvae powder containing SOD on treated mice’s growth and inside organs as long as 90 days. Further the electronic microscope investigation showed the intestine, liver, splenocyte and stomach in mice were no obvious changes both in organs and sub-organs such as nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, Golgi and peroxisomes after treated for as long as 90 days.  相似文献   

Two superoxide dismutases (SOD I and SOD II) were purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii and characterized for several biochemical properties. Analysis of the primary structure and inhibition studies revealed that SOD I is iron SOD (Fe-SOD), with a molecular mass of 50 kDa, and SOD II is copper-zinc SOD (Cu,Zn-SOD), with a molecular mass of 38 kDa. Both enzymes have a homodimeric structure consisting of 2 identical subunits, each with a molecular mass of 26 and 19 kDa for SOD I and SOD II, respectively. The isoelectric points of SOD I and SOD II were 6.4 and 3.5, respectively, and there were no isoenzyme forms detected. Both enzymes show a broad optimal pH of 7.0-11.0. Because no differences were observed in the apparent molecular weight of SOD I after addition of the reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol, the subunits do not appear to be linked covalently by disulfide bonds. However, the subunits of SOD II were covalently linked by intra- and interdisulfide bonds. Western blot analyses showed that the 2 enzymes have different antigenicity. Both enzymes occur as cytoplasmic and detergent-extractable fractions. These enzymes may be potential virulence factors of A. castellanii by acting both as antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents. These enzymes may be attractive targets for chemotherapy and immunodiagnosis of acanthamoebiasis.  相似文献   

A complex medium supported good growth of the type strain of Streptococcus suis irrespective of the presence or absence of a high concentration (1 microM) of the iron chelating agent, ethylenediamine di-o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Good growth was also obtained using a complex medium that had been treated with Chelex-100 to reduce the iron content, but only if this medium was supplemented with manganese; supplementation with iron had little effect. Collectively, these results indicate that S. suis requires manganese, but not iron, for growth. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell extracts followed by activity staining revealed the presence of a single manganese-cofactored superoxide dismutase; activity staining and enzyme assays revealed that manganese availability during growth affected the activity of the superoxide dismutase in cell extracts. The results are discussed with respect to the capacity of S. suis to avoid damage by reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Invited review: manganese superoxide dismutase in disease   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is essential for life as dramatically illustrated by the neonatal lethality of mice that are deficient in MnSOD. In addition, mice expressing only 50% of the normal compliment of MnSOD demonstrate increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and severe mitochondrial dysfunction resulting from elevation of reactive oxygen species. Thus, it is important to know the status of both MnSOD protein levels and activity in order to assess its role as an important regulator of cell biology.

Numerous studies have shown that MnSOD can be induced to protect against pro-oxidant insults resulting from cytokine treatment, ultraviolet light, irradiation, certain tumors, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and ischemia/reperfusion. In addition, overexpression of MnSOD has been shown to protect against pro-apoptotic stimuli as well as ischemic damage. Conversely, several studies have reported declines in MnSOD activity during diseases including cancer, aging, progeria, asthma, and transplant rejection. The precise biochemical/molecular mechanisms involved with this loss in activity are not well understood. Certainly, MnSOD gene expression or other defects could play a role in such inactivation. However, based on recent findings regarding the susceptibility of MnSOD to oxidative inactivation, it is equally likely that post-translational modification of MnSOD may account for the loss of activity. Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that MnSOD is tyrosine nitrated and inactivated during human kidney allograft rejection and human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. We have determined that peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is the only known biological oxidant competent to inactivate enzymatic activity, to nitrate critical tyrosine residues, and to induce dityrosine formation in MnSOD. Tyrosine nitration and inactivation of MnSOD would lead to increased levels of superoxide and concomitant increases in ONOO- within the mitochondria which, could lead to tyrosine nitration/oxidation of key mitochondrial proteins and ultimately mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. This article assesses the important role of MnSOD activity in various pathological states in light of this potentially lethal positive feedback cycle involving oxidative inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary An Escherichia coli K-12 strain deleted for sodA and sodB (manganese and iron superoxide dismulases) was constructed and characterized by Southern blotting, enzyme assays, and physiological analyses. The sod deletion strain was used to clone the iron superoxide dismutase gene of Legionella pneumophila by complementation to paraquat resistance.  相似文献   

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