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Thaler JP  Lee SK  Jurata LW  Gill GN  Pfaff SL 《Cell》2002,110(2):237-249
LIM homeodomain codes regulate the development of many cell types, though it is poorly understood how these factors control gene expression in a cell-specific manner. Lhx3 is involved in the generation of two adjacent, but distinct, cell types for locomotion, motor neurons and V2 interneurons. Using in vivo function and protein interaction assays, we found that Lhx3 binds directly to the LIM cofactor NLI to trigger V2 interneuron differentiation. In motor neurons, however, Isl1 is available to compete for binding to NLI, displacing Lhx3 to a high-affinity binding site on the C-terminal region of Isl1 and thereby transforming Lhx3 from an interneuron-promoting factor to a motor neuron-promoting factor. This switching mechanism enables specific LIM complexes to form in each cell type and ensures that neuronal fates are tightly segregated.  相似文献   

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The vertebrate nervous system performs the most complex functions of any organ system. This feat is mediated by dedicated assemblies of neurons that must be precisely connected to one another and to peripheral tissues during embryonic development. Motor neurons, which innervate muscle and regulate autonomic functions, form an integral part of this neural circuitry. The first part of this review describes the remarkable progress in our understanding of motor neuron differentiation, which is arguably the best understood model of neuronal differentiation to date. During development, the coordinate actions of inductive signals from adjacent non-neural tissues initiate the differentiation of distinct motor neuron subclasses, with specific projection patterns, at stereotypical locations within the neural tube. Underlying this specialisation is the expression of specific homeodomain proteins, which act combinatorially to confer motor neurons with both their generic and subtype-specific properties. Ensuring that specific motor neuron subtypes innervate the correct target structure, however, requires precise motor axon guidance mechanisms. The second half of this review focuses on how distinct motor neuron subtypes pursue highly specific projection patterns by responding differentially to spatially discrete attractive and repulsive molecular cues. The tight link between motor neuron specification and axon pathfinding appears to be established by the dominant role of homeodomain proteins in dictating the ways that navigating motor axons interpret the plethora of guidance cues impinging on growth cones.  相似文献   

The genetic program that underlies the generation of visceral motoneurons in the developing hindbrain remains poorly defined. We have examined the role of Nkx6 and Nkx2 class homeodomain proteins in this process, and provide evidence that these proteins mediate complementary roles in the specification of visceral motoneuron fate. The expression of Nkx2.2 in hindbrain progenitor cells is sufficient to mediate the activation of Phox2b, a homeodomain protein required for the generation of hindbrain visceral motoneurons. The redundant activities of Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2, in turn, are dispensable for visceral motoneuron generation but are necessary to prevent these cells from adopting a parallel program of interneuron differentiation. The expression of Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2 is further maintained in differentiating visceral motoneurons, and consistent with this the migration and axonal projection properties of visceral motoneurons are impaired in mice lacking Nkx6.1 and/or Nkx6.2 function. Our analysis provides insight also into the role of Nkx6 proteins in the generation of somatic motoneurons. Studies in the spinal cord have shown that Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2 are required for the generation of somatic motoneurons, and that the loss of motoneurons at this level correlates with the extinguished expression of the motoneuron determinant Olig2. Unexpectedly, we find that the initial expression of Olig2 is left intact in the caudal hindbrain of Nkx6.1/Nkx6.2 compound mutants, and despite this, all somatic motoneurons are missing. These data argue against models in which Nkx6 proteins and Olig2 operate in a linear pathway, and instead indicate a parallel requirement for these proteins in the progression of somatic motoneuron differentiation. Thus, both visceral and somatic motoneuron differentiation appear to rely on the combined activity of cell intrinsic determinants, rather than on a single key determinant of neuronal cell fate.  相似文献   

As an initial step in constructing a quantitative biomechanical model of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis), we determined the passive properties of its body wall over the physiological range of dimensions. The major results of this study were:
  1. The ellipsoidal cross section of resting leeches is maintained by tonic muscle activation as well as forces inherent in the structure of the body wall (i.e., residual stress).
  2. The forces required for longitudinal and circumferential stretch to maximum physiological dimensions were similar in magnitude. Cutting out pieces of body wall did not affect the passive longitudinal or circumferential properties of body wall away from the edges of the cut.
  3. The strain (i.e., the percentage change in dimension) of different body segments when subject to the same force was identical, despite differences in muscle crosssections.
  4. Serotonin, a known modulator of tension in leech muscles, affected passive forces at all physiological muscle lengths. This suggests that the longitudinal muscle is responsible for at least part of the passive tension of the body wall.
  5. We propose a simple viscoelastic model of the body wall. This model captures the dynamics of the passive responses of the leech body wall to imposed step changes in length. Using steady-state passive tensions predicted by the viscoelastic model we estimate the forces required to maintain the leech at any given length over the physiological range.

Inhibition in the mammalian cerebral cortex is mediated by a small population of highly diverse GABAergic interneurons. These largely local neurons are interspersed among excitatory projection neurons and exert pivotal regulation on the formation and function of cortical circuits. We are beginning to understand the extent of GABAergic neuron diversity and how this is generated and shaped during brain development in mice and humans. In this review, we summarise recent findings and discuss how new technologies are being used to further advance our knowledge. Understanding how inhibitory neurons are generated in the embryo is an essential pre-requisite of stem cell therapy, an evolving area of research, aimed at correcting human disorders that result in inhibitory dysfunction.  相似文献   

The mode of interaction of Cro repressor with specific and nonspecific sites on DNA was explored by chemical modification and protection of lysine and tyrosine residues. Cro has 8 lysines. In the presence of DNA, lysines 32 and 56 are fully protected and lysines 21, 62, and 63 are partially protected from alkylation. However, the terminal amino group and lysines 8, 18, and 39 are not protected. Location of the protected and unprotected lysines on the three-dimensional Cro structure defines a DNA-binding region. The results provide direct experimental support for a mode of interaction between Cro and DNA, in which Cro buries its 2-fold related alpha-helices in consecutive DNA major grooves (Anderson, W. F., Ohlendorf, D. H., Takeda, Y., and Matthews, B. W. (1981) Nature 290, 754-758; Ohlendorf, D. H., Anderson, W. F., Fisher, R. G., Takeda, Y., and Matthews, B. W. (1982) Nature 298, 718-723). In the model, the carboxyl-terminal part of Cro was tentatively presumed to interact with the DNA minor groove. Protection of lysines 62 and 63 confirms the involvement of the carboxyl terminus in DNA binding. Although nonspecific and specific DNA protect the same lysine residues, there are differences in the nature of the interaction of Cro with nonspecific and specific DNA. Cro-nonspecific DNA interaction is salt-sensitive, suggesting that the interaction is predominantly electrostatic. On the other hand, Cro-specific DNA interaction is salt-resistant, suggesting that the interaction may include nonelectrostatic components (hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions) as well. Protection experiments of tyrosine residues (against iodination) suggest that the conformation of Cro repressor changes in two stages: first, when Cro binds at nonspecific sites, and, second, when Cro binds to specific sites on DNA.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic mechanisms of the connection between the interneuron in the visceral ganglion initiating bursting activity in RPal and B7 neurons and these neurons themselves were investigated in the snail (Helix pomatia). Using voltage clamping at the membrane of these cells, stimulation of the interneuron gave rise to a slow inward current with a 2 sec latency; it rose in amplitude as stimulation increased in duration. Reducing the temperature from 25 to 5°C diminished the rise and decay rate of this current with a temperature coefficient of about 10. The current-voltage relationship of the slow inward current was nonlinear, with a maximum of –65 mV. Reducing the concentration of sodium ions in the extracellular fluid increased the amplitude of the current. While hyperpolarization of the burster neuron membrane produced a burst of inward current prior to stimulation, this same hyperpolarization induced a pulse of outward current at the peak of the slow inward current. Stimulating the interneuron is thus thought to activate at least two types of ionic channel in the cell body of the burster neurons: a steady sodium and a voltage- and time-dependent channel for outward current. This process could well be mediated by a biochemical cytoplasmic chain reaction.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 28–36, January–February, 1987.  相似文献   

The connection between an interneuron initiating pacemaker activity in the bursting RPa1 neuron and the bursting neuron itself (Pin and Gola, 1983) has been analyzed in the snail Helix pomatia. Prolonged depolarization of the interneuronal membrane produced in it a series of action potentials as well as a parallel initiation or enhancement of bursting activity in the RPa1 neuron. If the discharge in the interneuron was evoked by short current pulses of threshold amplitude, no bursting activity was seen in the RPa1 neuron. However, short stimuli delivered on the background of subthreshold depolarization of the interneuronal membrane produced bursting activity in the RPa1 neuron. Under voltage-clamp conditions a slow inward current could be recorded in the RPa1 neuronal membrane after stimulation of the interneuron with a latency of about 2 sec. Short shifts of the holding potential in the hyperpolarizing direction at the maximum of this current produced a transient outward current. Replacement of extracellular Ca2+ by Mg2+ ions, as well as addition of 1 mM CdCl2 to the external solution, prevented the response to the interneuronal stimulation in the RPa1 neuron. Electron microscopic investigation of the interneuron has shown the abundance of Golgi complexes in its cytoplasm with electron-dense granules in their vicinity. It is concluded that the connection between the interneuron and the bursting neuron is of chemical origin, based on secretion by the former of some substances which activate at least two types of ionic channels in the membrane of the RPa1 neuron.  相似文献   

Proper nuclear positioning is important to cell function in many biological processes during animal development. In certain cells, the KASH-domain-containing proteins have been shown to be associated with the nuclear envelope, and to be involved in both nuclear anchorage and migration. We investigated the mechanism and function of nuclear anchorage in skeletal muscle cells by generating mice with single and double-disruption of the KASH-domain-containing genes Syne1 (also known as Syne-1) and Syne2 (also known as Syne-2). We showed that the deletion of the KASH domain of Syne-1 abolished the formation of clusters of synaptic nuclei and disrupted the organization of non-synaptic nuclei in skeletal muscle. Further analysis indicated that the loss of synaptic nuclei in Syne-1 KASH-knockout mice significantly affected the innervation sites and caused longer motor nerve branches. Although disruption of neither Syne-1 nor Syne-2 affected viability or fertility, Syne-1; Syne-2 double-knockout mice died of respiratory failure within 20 minutes of birth. These results suggest that the KASH-domain-containing proteins Syne-1 and Syne-2 play crucial roles in anchoring both synaptic and non-synaptic myonuclei that are important for proper motor neuron innervation and respiration.  相似文献   

Evolutionarily conserved microRNAs (miRNAs) usually have high copy numbers in the genome. The redundant and specific roles of each member of a multimember miRNA gene family are poorly understood. Previous studies have shown that the miR156-SPL-miR172 axis constitutes a signaling cascade in regulating plant developmental transitions. Here, we report the feasibility and utility of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to investigate the functions of all 5 MIR172 family members in Arabidopsis. We show that an Arabidopsis plant devoid of miR172 is viable, although it displays pleiotropic morphological defects. MIR172 family members exhibit distinct expression pattern and exert functional specificity in regulating meristem size, trichome initiation, stem elongation, shoot branching, and floral competence. In particular, we find that the miR156-SPL-miR172 cascade is bifurcated into specific flowering responses by matching pairs of coexpressed SPL and MIR172 genes in different tissues. Our results thus highlight the spatiotemporal changes in gene expression that underlie evolutionary novelties of a miRNA gene family in nature. The expansion of MIR172 genes in the Arabidopsis genome provides molecular substrates for the integration of diverse floral inductive cues, which ensures that plants flower at the optimal time to maximize seed yields.

This study uses CRISPR-Cas9 technology to investigate the functions of all five miR172 genes in Arabidopsis, finding that miRNA172 family members exhibit distinct expression pattern and exert functional specificity in regulating meristem size, trichome initiation, stem elongation, shoot branching and floral competence.  相似文献   

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