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Genetic data suggest that the littoral and pelagic forms of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in Lake Bondi are two populations with partial reproductive isolation and non-random mating. Genetic differentiation between the two groups was supported by differences in allele frequencies and by deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium when the two groups were pooled; no such deviation was observed when fish were divided into littoral and pelagic groups. In contrast to Lake Bondi, no clear evidence of genetic differentiation was observed in Lake Ledoux. Discriminant function analyses of morphological characters support the existence of littoral and pelagic groups in Bondi and Ledoux Lakes. In Lake Bondi, the two groups differed significantly in two shape variables (pelagic fish had shorter dorsal fins, and longer body length posterior to the dorsal fin than littoral ones) whereas in Lake Ledoux, the groups differed in four shape variables (pelagic fish had shorter pectoral fins, shorter dorsal fins, and a shorter and higher caudal peduncle than littoral ones). Discriminant analyses of these characters were effective in reclassifying fish into their appropriate groups in both populations, with an efficiency of 78% for juveniles in Lake Bondi and 69% for adults in Lake Ledoux. Differences in morphology between the two forms are consistent with adaptations required to forage in each zone, i.e. benthic form in the littoral zone and planktivorous form in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

The abundance, growth, spatial distribution, and feeding habits of five allopatric brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, populations (young-of-the-year, 0+ juveniles; YOY) were compared with five other populations living sympatrically with white sucker, Catostomus commersoni. The study was made in oligotrophic lakes of the Laurentian Shield (Québec, Canada) during three sampling periods in 1989 (July, August and September). The abundance of YOY charr was significantly higher in allopatric than in sympatric populations (45·3 ± 3·8 vs 3·4 ± 3·8 fish/lake caught in 1773 m2 of gillnets; P<0·005). The mean length of YOY charr did not differ among allopatric and sympatric populations at each sampling period; July: 60·2 ± 3·0 vs 60·0 ± 4·5 mm; August: 61·9 ± 4·5 vs 63·2 ± 4·1 mm; September: 77·9 ± 8·7 vs 77·3 ± 7·8 mm respectively. Horizontal distribution of allopatric YOY charr did not differ from that of sympatric charr, 65% of the fish being captured within the first 2 m depth and the rest between 2 and 7 m depth. In contrast, the vertical distribution of allopatric YOY charr from both communities was significantly different; 81% of allopatric charr were captured within 0·5 m from the substrate compared to 64% for sympatric charr (P<0·001). Differences in vertical distribution of the fish were related to differences in diet; allopatric charr fed mainly on benthic and large planktonic organisms whereas sympatric charr fed less on these organisms and more on terrestrial organisms. In the lake where YOY charr were most abundant, individuals were spatially segregated into two groups; one ‘littoral’, found in 0–2m depth, and one ‘profundal’, found in 3–6 m depth. Growth, condition, and feeding habits of charr from the two groups were different, especially during the last sampling period.  相似文献   

濒危植物七子花种内与种间竞争的数量关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
七子花为国家2 级重点保护植物, 现野生资源极少。利用Hegyi 单木竞争指数模型对分布在浙江天台山的七子花种群的种内、种间竞争关系进行定量分析。结果表明:七子花种内竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小, 种内竞争较之与其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈。七子花种内、种间竞争强度大小顺序为:种内 > 苦枥木 > 红脉钓樟 > 青钱柳 > 青榨槭 > 暖木 > 细齿绸李 > 柳杉 > 赤杨叶。竞争强度与对象木的胸径大小服从幂函数关系, 利用模型可预测七子花种内、种间的竞争强度, 从预测结果可知当七子花的胸径达到20 cm 后, 竞争强度变得很小, 且变化幅度不大。  相似文献   

分析不同比例组成的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)-木荷(Schima superba)混交林树木间的竞争关系,可为营造种间关系协调的马尾松混交林提供参考依据.以马尾松-木荷混交林为研究对象,根据其混交比例分别类型Ⅰ(对照,10马)、类型Ⅱ(8马2木)、类型Ⅲ(7马3木)、类型Ⅳ(6马4木)4种类型设置标准地...  相似文献   

Body size and the adoption of a migratory tactic in brook charr   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of a conditional strategy based on size attained before migration and a sex-ratio at migration biased towards females were explored in a population of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in the Sainte-Marguerite River, Quebec Province, Canada, where anadromous and resident forms live sympatrically. Seaward migration in the system occurred at 1 and 2 years old. Comparisons between backcalculated size-at-age of migrant and resident fish revealed that smaller fish at age 1 year delay migration to the following year and that bigger fish either migrated at age 1 year or remained resident for the rest of their life-cycle. Slow growth was associated with migration later in life (age 2 years) at a bigger size, which is consistent with the hypothesis of a threshold size for migration. No difference in size at age 1 year between migrant and resident fish suggests that other factors, such as growth efficiency and the presence of heritability of the tactics, are involved. Overall the sex ratio was equal for migrant and resident fish, while an age-specific bias was found: more males migrated at age 1 year and more females at age 2 years. These differences suggest that different tactics are adopted by different sexes.  相似文献   

Brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis , exhibited depressed plasma sodium and elevated plasma glucose concentrations in untreated acid mine drainage effluent (AMD), at two dilutions. Plasma sodium and glucose concentrations remained stable in treated AMD, pulsed, fluidized beds of limestone and carbon-dioxide pre-treatment of influent, and in AMD-free water. Results indicate that effluents produced by this treatment system were not toxic to these fish, despite still containing moderate concentrations of manganese (3–4 mg l-1 following dilution in exposure systems), and provide justification for field deployment and further biological testing of this treatment in the field.  相似文献   

Reciprocal-removal experiments with two replicates were conducted to test for the role of interspecific competition in the coexistence ofApodemus argenteus andA. speciosus. Population density, rate of appearance of new (unmarked) individuals, reproduction, survival rate and habitat use were monitored during pre- and removal periods. In both removal experiments, the removal ofA. argenteus had little effect onA. speciosus, while that ofA. speciosus affected several population characteristics ofA. argenteus. Namely, the removal ofA. speciosus shifted the distribution ofA. argenteus to the habitat with a denser shrub cover in one experiment. Also, the removal increased the population densities and appearance rates of new individuals ofA. argenteus in another experiment. Interspecific interactions between the two species appeared to be a one-way action fromA. speciosus toA. argenteus. In removal periods in both experiments, the rates of appearance of new individuals in each species were the highest on the grid where that species was removed. These results suggest that, though interspecific competition occurred between the two species, intraspecific competition had greater effects than interspecific competition on the abundance and habitat use ofA. argenteus andA. speciosus. This implies that the fundamental niches ofA. argenteus andA. speciosus differ potentially, which may play an important role in the coexistence of the two species.  相似文献   

Cooperative social groups rely on the ability to distinguishmembers from nonmembers. Accordingly, social insects have evolveda variety of systems that allow discrimination of nest matesfrom non–nest mates. In this study, we show that experiencecan modify patterns of intraspecific aggression in Argentineants (Linepithema humile). In laboratory experiments, we foundthat aggression between colonies was often asymmetrical, butin all five cases, this asymmetry shifted to symmetrical aggressionafter contact with a hostile colony. Moreover, in the field,aggression between workers collected from colony borders wassymmetrical, whereas polarized aggression occurred between workerscollected 500 m away from colony borders. Coinciding with thisshift in aggression symmetry, we also observed an increase inboth the overall level of aggression and the frequency of aggressionin both the field and laboratory bioassays. We found littleevidence for colony-level competitive asymmetries stemming frompolarities in aggression at the worker level, either in thelaboratory or in the field. These results illustrate that recognitionsystems in Argentine ants are surprisingly dynamic and provideexperimental evidence for how recognition can be adjusted inresponse to specific circumstances—in this case the presenceof intraspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Many interspecifically territorial species interfere with each other reproductively, and in some cases, aggression towards heterospecifics may be an adaptive response to interspecific mate competition. This hypothesis was recently formalised in an agonistic character displacement (ACD) model which predicts that species should evolve to defend territories against heterospecific rivals above a threshold level of reproductive interference. To test this prediction, we parameterised the model with field estimates of reproductive interference for 32 sympatric damselfly populations and ran evolutionary simulations. Asymmetries in reproductive interference made the outcome inherently unpredictable in some cases, but 80% of the model’s stable outcomes matched levels of heterospecific aggression in the field, significantly exceeding chance expectations. In addition to bolstering the evidence for ACD, this paper introduces a new, predictive approach to testing character displacement theory that, if applied to other systems, could help in resolving long‐standing questions about the importance of character displacement processes in nature.  相似文献   

It is critical to study factors that are important for origin and maintenance of biological diversity. A comparative approach involving a large number of populations is particularly useful. We use this approach to study the relationship between ecological factors and phenotypic diversity in Icelandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Numerous populations of small benthic charr have evolved in lava springs in Iceland. These charr appear morphologically similar, but differ in important morphological features related to feeding. We found a clear relationship between diversity in morphology, diet, and ecological factors among populations. In particular, there were clear differences in morphology and diet between fish coming from habitats where the lava spring flowed on as a stream compared to habitats where the lava spring flowed into a pond. Our study shows that ecological factors are important for the origin and maintenance of biological diversity. The relationship between phenotype and ecological factors are observed on a fine scale, when comparing numerous populations that are phenotypically similar. This strongly suggests that for understanding, managing, and conserving biological diversity important ecological variables have to be taken into the account.  相似文献   

The reliability of environmental cues and costs of a fixed phenotype are two factors determining whether selection favors phenotypic plasticity or environmental specialization. This study examines the relationship between these two factors and the evolution of plant competitive strategies (plastic vs. fixed morphologies). In natural plant populations, shifts in light quality associated with foliar shade reliably indicate the presence of neighbors. These cues mediate plastic stem-elongation responses that often increase competitive ability and access to light. Using experimental light treatments (full sun, neutral shade, and foliar shade), genetic differences among populations of Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) in average elongation and plasticity to foliar-shade cues were examined. Six populations, two from each of three site types (fields in continuous corn cultivation, fields undergoing corn-soy rotation, and weedy sites), were exposed to the light treatments at two stages in their life history. At the seedling stage, populations derived from cornfield sites exhibited higher, average elongation than populations from either rotating corn-soy fields or weedy areas. Because seedling elongation may delay shading of velvetleaf by corn, population differences may reflect adaptive responses to directional selection imposed by competitive conditions. However, the effects of simulated foliar shade on elongation were three times as great as the average population differences, and these comparatively higher levels of elongation were associated with an allocation cost. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that phenotypic plasticity may limit the evolution of specialists; reliable environmental cues enable individuals to facultatively adopt highly elongated, costly phenotypes in crowded patches while avoiding the costs of that phenotype in less crowded microsites. At later life-history stages, populations experiencing competition with corn exhibited lower plasticity to light quality than populations derived from weedy areas. Elongation at later nodes is maladaptive in cornfields because velvetleaf is ultimately incapable of overtopping corn; individuals that elongate therefore experience the cost of allocating to stems but fail to improve leaf exposure. The decreased responsiveness of cornfield populations to light quality is consistent with theoretical predictions in which reduced plasticity is favored when environmental cues fail to mediate an adaptive response.  相似文献   

The ability of an invasive species to establish is mostly determined by its biotic interactions with native species from the recipient community. Here, we evaluate the competitive effects and responses of the invasive Eragrostis plana when interacting with native species, in order to identify possible mechanisms driving invasion in Río de la Plata grasslands. A pairwise competition experiment was performed consisting of treatments that varied in the identity of neighbour plant species: (i) control (no interaction); (ii) intraspecific interaction; (iii) interspecific interaction between native and invasive species; and (iv) interspecific interaction between two co‐occurring native species. Data analysis was separated into the effect of E. plana on the performance of three native perennial grasses (target species: Aristida laevis, Eragrostis neesii and Paspalum notatum) and the response of E. plana to natives (target species: E. plana). Separately for each target species, components of plant performance were compared between neighbouring species treatments. We found that the strength of competitive interactions depended on both target and neighbour species identity. Regarding natives, interspecific competition was stronger than intraspecific. Native species showed distinctive responses to whether the neighbour was the invasive or a co‐occurring native (Eragrostis lugens). Competition between E. plana and native species was stronger than between co‐occurring natives. We demonstrated E. plana had a greater negative effect on native's species performance than the native congener E. lugens. Regarding E. plana, intraspecific competition was stronger than interspecific, and its response was positive or neutral when interacting with natives, suggesting its high tolerance to grow in competition with neighbours. We conclude E. plana's negative effects on native species performance, and its positive or neutral responses to neighbouring native plants demonstrate its strong competitive ability in the recipient community. This may explain its invasion success in southern Brazil and in the encompassing Río de la Plata grasslands. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

We describe morphological variation within and among three species of Percichthys (Perciformes, Percichthyidae) inhabiting two reservoirs within a single river drainage (Limay River) in Argentina. Two small-mouthed percas, P. vinciguerrai and P. trucha were found in both reservoirs (Alicura and Piedra del Aguila), and a third species, the large-mouthed perca, P. colhuapiensis, was found in Piedra del Aguila. There was some specialization in diet where the three species coexisted. The large-mouthed perca ate a higher proportion of large prey (>25 mm) and a smaller proportion of small prey (< 15 mm) than did the small-mouthed species, suggesting some diet specialization based on prey size. Percichthys trucha and P. vinciguerrai had smaller gapes, as indicated by shorter heads and jaws, and narrower mouths, in Piedra del Aguila where they coexisted with the large-mouthed species, than in Alicura where the competitor was virtually absent. Thus the direction of morphological changes in trophic-related characters in P. trucha and P. vinciguerrai is consistent with the hypothesis of character shift due to interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The early stages of intraspecific diversity are important for the evolution of diversification and speciation. Early stages of diversification can be seen in individual specialization, where individuals consume only a portion of the diet of the population as a whole, and how such specialization is related to phenotypic diversity within populations. Here, we study the strength of the relationship between morphological and dietary distances among individuals in eighteen populations of Icelandic small benthic charr. We furthermore studied if the strength of the relationship could be related to variation in local ecological factors these populations inhabit. In all the populations studied, there was a clear relationship between morphological and dietary distances, indicating that fish that had similar morphology were at the same time‐consuming similar food items. Our findings show a systematic variation in the relationship between morphology and diet at early stages of diversification in a highly specialized small benthic charr morph. The results show the importance of fine scale comparisons within populations and furthermore the value that systematic comparisons among populations under parallel evolution can contribute toward our increased understanding of evolutionary and ecological processes.  相似文献   

李晓玲  温浩然  王雪松  杨进  黄成名 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3581-3591
探究中华蚊母树在不同生境水文节律下的生态适应性——表型可塑性,以及它的土壤环境影响因子,对其在异质生境下的生存适应策略具有重要的生态学意义。调查中华蚊母树在自然消落带、反季节消落带及无消涨节律生长区等3种异质生境下36个不同种群叶片主要结构性状叶长(LL)、叶宽(LW)、叶面积(LA)、叶干物重(LDW)以及比叶面积(SLA)的可塑性及其土壤环境影响因子。对各异质生境下中华蚊母树叶片性状的差异显著性进行分析,将LL、LW、LA、LDW之间的异速生长关系用经典异速方程来描述。运用典范对应分析(CCA)研究中华蚊母树叶片性状与土壤环境因子之间的关系。结果显示,中华蚊母树种群的LL、LW、LA、LDW及SLA等5个叶片功能性状在异质生境之间均有显著性差异(P0.05),变异系数平均值在4.80%—26.12%之间,其中LA和SLA在各生境中变异系数最大。各异质生境下中华蚊母树LW与LL、LDW与LL、LW及LA均呈显著的幂函数异速生长关系。其异速系数lgβ均表现极显著差异(P0.01),但其异速指数ɑ却表现相同的规律:LW与LLɑ1,LDW与LL、LWɑ1,LDW与LAɑ≈1,即在不同生境下叶片各性状的生长速率均表现为:LA≈LDWLLLW。各异质生境中叶片较大的表型可塑性和一致的异速生长规律表明了中华蚊母树面对不同的水文节律具有较宽的生态幅,且表现出生长的一致性。CCA排序结果显示,全磷(TP)、水解氮(AN)、速效钾(AK)及土壤含水量(SWC)是中华蚊母树叶片表型可塑性的主要影响因素,中华蚊母树主要通过这些土壤环境因子的驱动改变叶片结构性状使其能在不同水文节律的异质生境中表现出最佳的适合度。  相似文献   

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