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Nine states have legislated impaired physician programs administered by state medical boards (2), by independent agencies (4), or by medical societies through contracts with medical boards (3). All other state programs are administered by medical societies. California''s diversion program has been in effect for more than 10 years. It was the first program for alcohol- and drug-addicted physicians in the country administered by the state agency that also disciplines physicians. Of the physicians who enrolled in this program, 72% have completed it successfully. A total of 618 physicians have been accepted into the program since its inception, with 247 physicians currently participating.  相似文献   

The obvious results of a mass chest x-ray survey from a health officer''s viewpoint are:1. The early discovery of unknown cases of pathologic conditions of the chest—tuberculosis, neoplasms, heart abnormalities.2. Increase in the community''s awareness of its tuberculosis problem.3. Opportunity to work closely with the medical society and the individual private physicians.4. Stimulation of all agencies in a community, health and non-health, to work together on a health project for the good of all of the people.5. Increased cooperation between the local department of public health and other health agencies in a community.6. Opportunity to underline to a staff of a local department of public health the importance of thinking in terms of the department as a whole, rather than in terms of respective divisions or bureaus.7. Opportunity to focus the awareness of the community on its public health services.In relation to costs, there are three aspects from a health officer''s viewpoint:1. The planning, together with other agencies, of an adequate budget with full recognition of community resources.2. The planning for estimated expansion of tuberculosis control services both in terms of increased expense for maintenance and operation, and of assignment of personnel to survey staff with resulting curtailment or postponement of other programs.3. The planning for completion of the follow-up program of the x-ray survey and of future continued extension of the total tuberculosis control program as the result of increased community awareness of the tuberculosis problem.  相似文献   

School-based influenza immunization programs are increasingly recognized as a key component of community-based efforts to control annual influenza epidemics. Computer modeling suggests that immunizing 70% of schoolchildren could protect an entire community from the flu. Most of the school-based influenza immunization programs described in the literature have had support from industry or federal grants. This article describes a program that used only community resources to administer live, attenuated influenza vaccine supplied by the state health department. Beginning in 2006, the Alachua County Health Department and school system, working in collaboration with the University of Florida, began exploration of a non-mandatory community-wide school-based influenza immunization program, with the goal of achieving high levels of immunization of the ~22,000 public and private pre-K through grade 8 students in the county. In 2009-10 the program was repeated. This report describes the procedures developed to achieve the goal, the barriers that were encountered, and solutions to problems that occurred during the implementation of the program. Preliminary data suggest that the crude immunization rate in the schools was approximately 55% and that at least 10% more students were immunized by their health providers. At an operational level, it is possible to achieve high immunization rates if the stakeholders share a common vision and there is extensive community involvement.  相似文献   

The multiplication of separate governmental agencies providing health services to California''s children, the increasing difficulties in staffing tax-supported health agencies and the recent studies of the quality of care under these programs, have all pointed to an urgent need for prompt decisions on certain basic questions about the function of tax-supported medical care for children of dependent families.Fourteen separate kinds of health services are currently provided through public funds at an annual cost to California taxpayers of $52,000,000. These funds underwrite an uncoordinated, fragmented, patchwork quilt of medical care for some 500,000 children. Coordination and integration of these services through “one door” with uniform eligibility requirements and maximum utilization of private physicians'' services that meet appropriate standards is needed now. California physicians have an urgent responsibility to provide leadership in the development of more effective and more economical organization and distribution of higher quality medical care services for California''s children dependent on public support.  相似文献   



In July 2000, the province of Ontario, Canada, initiated a universal influenza immunization program (UIIP) to provide free seasonal influenza vaccines for the entire population. This is the first large-scale program of its kind worldwide. The objective of this study was to conduct an economic appraisal of Ontario''s UIIP compared to a targeted influenza immunization program (TIIP).

Methods and Findings

A cost-utility analysis using Ontario health administrative data was performed. The study was informed by a companion ecological study comparing physician visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths between 1997 and 2004 in Ontario and nine other Canadian provinces offering targeted immunization programs. The relative change estimates from pre-2000 to post-2000 as observed in other provinces were applied to pre-UIIP Ontario event rates to calculate the expected number of events had Ontario continued to offer targeted immunization. Main outcome measures were quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), costs in 2006 Canadian dollars, and incremental cost-utility ratios (incremental cost per QALY gained). Program and other costs were drawn from Ontario sources. Utility weights were obtained from the literature. The incremental cost of the program per QALY gained was calculated from the health care payer perspective. Ontario''s UIIP costs approximately twice as much as a targeted program but reduces influenza cases by 61% and mortality by 28%, saving an estimated 1,134 QALYs per season overall. Reducing influenza cases decreases health care services cost by 52%. Most cost savings can be attributed to hospitalizations avoided. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is Can$10,797/QALY gained. Results are most sensitive to immunization cost and number of deaths averted.


Universal immunization against seasonal influenza was estimated to be an economically attractive intervention. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

M F Shapiro 《CMAJ》1997,156(3):359-361
As Dr. Joel Lexchin makes painfully obvious in this issue (see pages 351 to 356), regulatory processes governing pharmaceutical advertising in Canada and elsewhere are seriously compromised. However, the remedial measures Lexchin proposes are not sufficient. Financial sanctions against improper advertising are likely to be regarded by manufacturers as the cost of doing business, and any regulatory body that includes drug industry representatives or individuals receiving financial support from the drug industry cannot be genuinely independent. Moreover, manufacturers are now using promotional strategies that are particularly difficult to regulate. These include providing drugs at lower than the usual cost to ensure their inclusion in managed-care formularies, and using direct-to-consumer advertising to take advantage of the public''s lack of sophistication in interpreting scientific evidence. Our best hope of counteracting the power and influence of the drug industry lies in regulation by government agencies, whose interest is the protection of the public.  相似文献   

Lea C. Steeves 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):758-761
Continuing medical education is an essential feature of the practice of modern medicine since it furnishes the means to maintain the doctor''s ability to provide quality patient care.To ensure that continuing medical education is provided efficiently and in the best quality, and utilized fully, it is necessary that: (1) the medical faculty inculcate in the student the concept of lifelong learning; (2) the practitioner adopt less time-consuming patterns of practice, to free more of his time for learning; (3) community hospital-based clinical teaching be provided universally; and (4) research be conducted to determine the best of current teaching methods and develop better ones. Conflicting efforts to meet these needs by practitioners (whose primary responsibility it is) and by organized medicine, specialty societies, voluntary health agencies and others have led to inefficient use of medical faculty teachers. The key parties in continuing medical education—practitioner and teacher—can learn best in medical school-administered programs, which need be supported by all other interested organizations.  相似文献   

Michael A. Stanger 《CMAJ》1967,96(14):1045-1049
The current state and future development of Canada''s North present significant medical problems. The medical facilities available at present are inadequate and, although they are improving rapidly, they must keep pace with the coming expansion of the North. Arctic regions of other northern countries do not show the great discrepancies in health standards that Canada''s North does in comparison to her southern areas. To improve the situation adequate communication, transportation, personnel and facilities are needed. It is proposed that residents in hospital training programs work for a period in the North to supplement recommendations of the Hall Commission in this connection and to broaden their own training.  相似文献   

A program for the cerebral palsied child has been developed in California which has been made possible through the cooperation of the state and local departments of education, the state and local departments of health, the Children''s Hospital and Orthopedic Hospital at Los Angeles and the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco. An attempt is being made to deal with not only the medical and educational needs of the cerebral palsied but also the social and emotional aspects.  相似文献   

The distinctive feature of a community mental health program is the comprehensive responsibility assumed for the mental health as well as the psychiatric needs of a particular area. Not only must programs provide psychiatric services but, in addition, they are concerned with assessing the community''s psychiatric and mental health status; with preventive services; with mental health education; with contributions directed toward the solution of certain social problems; as well as with a variety of other indirect services, including, importantly, mental health consultation. This form of consultation can support and help the large number of community care-takers whose contribution is vital to the promotion of community mental health.  相似文献   

从产业经济角度,包括医药工业总产值、医药工业销售收入、医药工业盈利水平、医药流通行业销售规模、医药商业效益水平、  相似文献   

Though the Nuremberg medical trial was a United States military tribunal, British forensic pathologists supplied extensive evidence for the trial. The BMJ had a correspondent at the trial, and he endorsed a utilitarian legitimation of clinical experiments, justifying the medical research carried out under Nazism as of long term scientific benefit despite the human costs. The British supported an international medical commission to evaluate the ethics and scientific quality of German research. Medical opinions differed over whether German medical atrocities should be given publicity or treated in confidence. The BMJ''s correspondent warned against medical researchers being taken over by a totalitarian state, and these arguments were used to oppose the NHS and any state control over medical research.  相似文献   



Large state tobacco control programs have been shown to reduce smoking and would be expected to affect health care costs. We investigate the effect of California''s large-scale tobacco control program on aggregate personal health care expenditures in the state.

Methods and Findings

Cointegrating regressions were used to predict (1) the difference in per capita cigarette consumption between California and 38 control states as a function of the difference in cumulative expenditures of the California and control state tobacco control programs, and (2) the relationship between the difference in cigarette consumption and the difference in per capita personal health expenditures between the control states and California between 1980 and 2004. Between 1989 (when it started) and 2004, the California program was associated with $86 billion (2004 US dollars) (95% confidence interval [CI] $28 billion to $151 billion) lower health care expenditures than would have been expected without the program. This reduction grew over time, reaching 7.3% (95% CI 2.7%–12.1%) of total health care expenditures in 2004.


A strong tobacco control program is not only associated with reduced smoking, but also with reductions in health care expenditures.  相似文献   

John Peters and his committee had a few basic goals. One was that local, state, and federal governments needed to provide money to construct facilities, support medical research and education, and care for the poor. And they wanted experts to call the shots. Over time, Peters and the committee got what they wanted for the most part: Hill-Burton money for building the hospitals, the rise of the National Institutes of Health, Medicare, Medicaid, a Veterans Administration system, and new and expanded medical schools. The experts calling the shots included David Kessler at the Food and Drug Administration and Surgeon General C. Everett Koop. In the halcyon days of American health system reform, back in 1993, Yale''s Paul Beeson wrote about the Committee of 430 Physicians and its goals in the Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha. Beeson was optimistic and he quoted from my 1991 JAMA health system reform editorial as a sharp contrast to what Fishbein had written - although coincidentally, we both quote Lincoln. My editorial began, "''with malice toward none, with charity for all...'' so spoke Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address recognizing that he had no political consensus regarding either the constitutionality of states seceding or the morality of slavery being abolished. Nonetheless, he knew what was right and was able, through persuasive, often inspiring rhetoric, to conclude a bloody and decisive Civil War and constitute the foundation for this great republic.... Yet access to basic medical care for all of our inhabitants is still not a reality in this country. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is a long-standing, systematic, institutionalized racial discrimination.... An aura of inevitablitiy is upon us. It is not acceptable morally, ethically, or economically for so many of our people to be medically uninsured or seriously underinsured. We can solve this problem. We have the knowledge and the resources, the skills, the time, and the moral prescience. We need only clear-cut objectives and proper organization of existing resources. Have we now the national will and leadership?" Beeson''s answer to that question in 1993 was, "Yes, but not by one comprehensive act." He quoted Peters from his 1938 Annals of Internal Medicine article: "a sweeping program suddenly imposed in this country as a whole out of the head of any Jove would undoubtedly create confusion if not chaos. Thoughtful investigation and experiment promises more than grandiose projects born of emotional preconceptions. The programs must be built of an evolutionary manner, step by step." Very wise, very valid. But how long must our people wait?  相似文献   

Since the World Health Organisation''s effort in former Yugoslavia started in July 1992 it has been concerned with the public health policies of survival. It has provided advice to the United Nations High Commission for refugees, helped the voluntary agencies coordinate their work, assessed health needs, and provided practical help in the field to all parties to the conflict. Three features of the Bosnia war have particularly deplorable effects on health: ethnic cleansing, deliberate attacks on hospitals, and systematic rape. The WHO''s response has included initiatives in nutrition, winter survival, and medical supplies. This experience shows that the WHO can have a useful role complementary to that of other agencies in situations where the basic elements for survival of the population are seriously compromised by war.  相似文献   

Health economics is a relatively new discipline, though its antecedents can be traced back to William Petty FRS (1623–1687). In high-income countries, the academic discipline and scientific literature have grown rapidly since the 1960s. In low- and middle-income countries, the growth of health economics has been strongly influenced by trends in health policy, especially among the international and bilateral agencies involved in supporting health sector development. Valuable and influential research has been done in areas such as cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, financing of healthcare, healthcare provision, and health systems analysis, but there has been insufficient questioning of the relevance of theories and policy recommendations in the rich world literature to the circumstances of poorer countries. Characteristics such as a country''s economic structure, strength of political and social institutions, management capacity, and dependence on external agencies, mean that theories and models cannot necessarily be transferred between settings. Recent innovations in the health economics literature on low- and middle-income countries indicate how health economics can be shaped to provide more relevant advice for policy. For this to be taken further, it is critical that such countries develop stronger capacity for health economics within their universities and research institutes, with greater local commitment of funding.  相似文献   

National immunization programs carried out in the CSR are here confronted with the EPI regional targets for Europe, a component of the WHO global program "Health for all by the year 2000". The EPI target diseases to be brought under control in Europe by 1990 include measles, poliomyelitis, diphtheria and neonatal tetanus; control of congenital rubella infection is to be achieved by the year 2000. The presented data show that Czechoslovakia has succeeded in implementing this program much ahead of the WHO time schedule. The elimination of measles infection was achieved in 1982, poliomyelitis was brought under control in 1961, and the effective diphtheria control has been in effect since the mid-1960s. Cases of neonatal tetanus are absent in the CSR since 1965, the annual incidence of postnatal tetanus is permanently 0.1-0.2 per 100,000 population. The goal of achieving the rubella-free status and thus the elimination of congenital rubella cases at country level is expected to be reached in the early 1990s. Implementation of the remaining WHO recommendations pertinent to infections other than EPI target diseases appears also satisfactory. Regular immunization against whooping cough, one of the oldest immunization programs in Czechoslovakia, succeeded in effectively eliminating this infection in the early 1970s. Selective immunization campaigns against influenza infection, introduced many years ago, help protect, together with a large-scale use of available chemoprophylactics, some 200,000 individuals every year in CSR. The hepatitis B immunization program was started in 1983 and is primarily limited to health service staff, which is in line with the existing WHO recommendations. Inception of the regular immunization program against mumps is planned for the beginning of 1987.  相似文献   



Immunizations are an important component to pediatric primary care. New Mexico is a relatively poor and rural state which has sometimes struggled to achieve and maintain its childhood immunization rates. We evaluated New Mexico''s immunization rates between 1996 and 2006. Specifically, we examined the increase in immunization rates between 2002 and 2004, and how this increase may have been associated with Medicaid enrollment levels, as opposed to changes in government policies concerning immunization practices.

Methods and Findings

This study examines trends in childhood immunization coverage rates relative to Medicaid enrollment among those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in New Mexico. Information on health policy changes and immunization coverage was obtained from state governmental sources and the National Immunization Survey. We found statistically significant correlations varying from 0.86 to 0.93 between immunization rates and Medicaid enrollment.


New Mexico''s improvement and subsequent deterioration in immunization rates corresponded with changing Medicaid coverage, rather than the state''s efforts to change immunization practices. Maintaining high Medicaid enrollment levels may be important for achieving high childhood immunization levels.  相似文献   

Of all the problems facing patients released from a state hospital, the most serious one is adjustment. Failure here means a return to the hospital. The present aftercare program of the Department of Mental Hygiene does not and is not intended to meet all of the patient''s needs. It must rely upon other agencies to assist. It must rely upon the general practitioner to provide the continuity of care which is so important to successful rehabilitation.The general practitioner can often make return to a state hospital unnecessary by an accurate assessment of the patient''s problems, by effective intervention, by utilizing available consultation and by judicious referral. When services are not available, he can do much to make them available through the effective use of his professional channels.  相似文献   

Hilary A. Southall 《CMAJ》1985,133(10):1029-1039
A sample survey of Canadian Medical Association (CMA) members, conducted in early summer 1985 and designed to provide information to help guide the association''s activities and policies, shows that most Canadian physicians support involvement in political activities both by CMA and by indivudual physicians. A majority wishes to maintain the concept of extra/balance billing, to pursue the position that the health care system is underfunded and favours medicare premiums and hospital user fees as the preferred methods for increasing revenue.Most respondents believe that the number of doctors in Canada is about right but would prefer any reduction to be achieved by cutting medical school admissions or reducing postgraduate training positions open to graduates of foreign medical schools.Most of those members who know of CMA policies on a number of health care issues agree with them and also find them useful, but a significant proportion are not aware of their content.There is support for compulsory payment of dues by all licensed physicians to both their provincial medical association and CMA. A majority would like more information on pharmaceutical products and additional membership surveys.  相似文献   

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