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Mealybugs have strong associations with their host plants due to their limitations for dispersal. Thus, environmental conditions and host quality may impact the biological traits of mealybugs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report on the biology of a Brazilian population of the striped mealybug Ferrisia virgata Cockerell (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), which has recently been reported to infest cotton in Brazil. We evaluated the development and reproductive performance of F. virgata reared under different temperatures (25, 27, and 28°C) and mating status. The type of reproduction was also studied with insects reared on a factitious host and on cotton plants. Shorter development was obtained at 28°C as follows: nymphs generating males and females exhibited three and four instars with a mean duration of 19.1 and 20.5 days, respectively. The nymphal viability ranged from 77 to 96%, and was highest at 25°C. Females reared at 28°C initiated reproduction earlier (16.4 days), but the reproductive period was similar in all temperatures (~16.2 days). Females produced more nymphs at 27 and 28°C (440 and 292 neonates) than at 25°C (277 neonates), although they lived longer at 25°C (63 days). Ferrisia virgata females exhibited only sexual reproduction. Thus, only mated females produced offspring, whereas unmated females died without reproducing. Therefore, the studied population of F. virgata exhibited only sexual reproduction with high survival and offspring production when fed cotton. Furthermore, pumpkin is a feasible host for mass rearing this mealybug species in the laboratory, an opening avenue for future studies.  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧生物学特性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
朱艺勇  黄芳  吕要斌 《昆虫学报》2011,54(2):246-252
扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是近年在我国新发现的一种重要外来入侵害虫, 特别是对我国棉花生产具有潜在的巨大威胁,本文研究了实验室条件下(27±1℃, RH 70%±5%)该虫在棉花上的发育历期、 繁殖能力及各虫态的形态特征。结果表明:扶桑绵粉蚧雌虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、2龄若虫、3龄若虫和雌成虫;雄虫生活史包括卵、1龄若虫、 2龄若虫、预蛹、 蛹和雄成虫。卵期很短,雌虫若虫期15~20 d,总历期约为47~59 d;雄虫若虫和蛹期17~22 d,总历期约为20~26 d;雌虫寿命明显长于雄虫。该蚧虫繁殖能力强,雌成虫产卵量200~862粒/头,平均产卵458粒/头。各虫态主要形态特征为:卵呈长椭圆形,橙黄色, 略微透明; 1龄若虫,淡黄绿色,行动活泼;2龄若虫体缘突起显现, 尾瓣突出,至末期可根据体表黑斑的可见程度区分雌、 雄虫;3龄雌若虫, 体表有薄层蜡粉, 在前、中胸背面亚中区和腹部1~4节背面亚中区可见清晰斑点, 形成纵向黑色条斑, 外表形似雌成虫。雌成虫呈卵圆形,体表蜡粉厚实,胸、腹背面的黑色条斑在蜡粉覆盖下呈成对黑色斑点状,体缘蜡突明显,共18对,其中腹部末端2~3对较长; 雄虫蛹包裹于松软的白色丝茧中;雄成虫,虫体较小,黑褐色;触角细长,具一对发达透明前翅,后翅退化为平衡棒,腹部末端具2对白色长蜡丝。本文通过对扶桑绵粉蚧的基本生物学特性和各个龄期发育的形态特征的研究, 为该虫的进一步研究和科学防控提供了基本资料,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Previous allozyme and DNA nucleotide sequence studies of the mealybug genus Ferrisia Fullaway (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), although limited, have suggested greater species diversity than is recognized by the current morphology‐based taxonomy. Here we analyse nucleotide sequence data from one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and two nuclear (EF‐1α and 28S D2D3) genes and recover ten well‐supported groups that allow us to reassess the taxonomic utility of morphological characters used for species recognition. We report on previously used morphological characters for which states are highly variable within genetic groups and identify new characters (of the wax‐exuding cuticular ducts and pores) with taxonomically informative states. The widespread pest species F. virgata (Cockerell), commonly called the striped mealybug, should be diagnosed more narrowly. From samples identified as F. virgata, we recover six clades that we equate with species and that can be distinguished with the newly identified morphological characters. We determine that five of the ‘electrophoretic species' identified informally by the late Uzi Nur based on electrophoretic mobility of 20 enzymes correlate with four of our genetic groups. This matching of Nur's putative species with ours was possible only because some of Nur's slide‐mounted voucher specimens were deposited in a museum and thus available for morphological study. Species confused with F. virgata are either new to science or were placed erroneously in synonymy with F. virgata by earlier authors: they will be described elsewhere. The most important characters of the adult female for distinguishing these species from F. virgata are the positions and characteristics of minute discoidal pore(s) associated both with the ventral oral‐collar tubular ducts and with the sclerotized area surrounding each dorsal enlarged tubular duct, and the number of sizes of the ventral oral‐collar tubular ducts. In addition, we determine that adult females of F. gilli Gullan from different populations on different host plants vary substantially in the number and size of clusters of small ventral oral‐collar ducts on the body margins – features previously suspected to indicate distinct species.  相似文献   

The striped mealybug, Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a cosmopolitan pest of a variety of agricultural crops including cotton. To investigate the biological control potential of the predatory ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) against this pest, we evaluated its developmental and reproductive fitness when feeding on F. virgata reared on pumpkin fruits or on cotton leaves and compared this to a diet of Planococcus citri Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) reared on pumpkin fruits. F. virgata and P. citri reared on pumpkins were equally suitable prey for the pre‐imaginal stages of C. montrouzieri. Duration of total immature development was 1 day longer in C. montrouzieri offered F. virgata reared on cotton as compared with F. virgata or P. citri reared on pumpkin, whereas no significant difference was observed in survival rates. Diet significantly influenced the reproductive fitness of C. montrouzieri. Females offered P. citri reared on pumpkin had significantly shorter pre‐oviposition periods and higher fecundity and fertility than those given F. virgata reared on pumpkin or cotton leaves. F. virgata grown on cotton leaves supported the reproduction of C. montrouzieri better than F. virgata reared on pumpkin. Our study established that C. montrouzieri can successfully complete its development and reproduction when fed exclusively on F. virgata and indicates its potential as a biological control agent of this emerging cotton pest.  相似文献   

The rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 4 mealybug species, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret), P. longispinus (Targiono-Tozzetti), P. calceolariae (Maskell), and P. similans (Lidgett), was isolated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, cloned, and sequenced. In this region of the genome there were numerous differences, including nucleotide substitutions, insertions, or deletions between P. viburni, P. longispinus, and P. calceolariae, whereas P. calceolariae and P. similans were very similar. Based on sequence differences between the ITS regions, we designed PCR primers that were able to differentiate the 4 mealybug species and that correlated with morphological differences found between adult females of these species. The PCR amplification by using the species-specific primers enabled the differentiation of not only adult females but also eggs, juveniles, and adult males, which was not previously possible by using conventional identification methods.  相似文献   

This study characterized several parameters associated with reproductive behaviors of a Californian population of the grape mealybug, Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn). Experiments with caged adults confirmed that females from this population could not reproduce parthenogenetically. Both sexes were capable of mating multiple times on the same day and on sequential days. Median times between copulations were short (< 10 min) on the first day that males were presented with females, but tended to increase with sequential copulation events. Unmated females lived for up to 19 wk, whereas mating and oviposition resulted in reduced longevity. We hypothesized that constant exposure to pheromone might stimulate males to leave their cocoons sooner and increase their activity levels compared with males that were not exposed to pheromone, resulting in shortened life-spans. However, whereas exposure to pheromone did stimulate males to emerge slightly sooner than control males, pheromone exposure had no effect on the longevity of males. The implications of the results of these experiments for pheromone-based methods of detection and control of mealybugs are discussed.  相似文献   

载体植物系统(Banker plant system, BPS)通过建立自然天敌的自我维持机制以持续控制田间及保护地害虫。本研究分别以玉米蚜Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)和小麦Triticum aestivum L.作为替代猎物和载体植物,构建龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica (Thunberg)载体植物系统防控桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer),通过正交试验设计优化该载体植物系统中各因子的组合,并对该系统繁殖的龟纹瓢虫对玉米蚜和目标害虫桃蚜的取食选择性进行研究。结果显示,龟纹瓢虫成虫获得量最大的组合是小麦播种后第四天接蚜720头,待蚜虫扩繁5天后,投入龟纹瓢虫初孵幼虫30头。取食选择性试验结果表明小麦载体植物扩繁的龟纹瓢虫对靶标害虫桃蚜具有良好的捕食作用。  相似文献   

外来入侵害虫棉花粉蚧雄虫生殖能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单头雄虫与不同数量雌虫配比的方法研究了棉花粉蚧雄虫的生殖能力。结果表明,与1~7头雌虫配比,雄虫的交配成功率分别为94.4%、91.2%、85.4%、80.7%、77.7%、69.5%、66.2%;产仔雌虫数量与雌雄性比关系符合逻辑斯蒂曲线方程Ff=5.2159EXP(-2.5304EXP (-0.421739N)),1头雄虫平均可以满足4~5 头雌虫生殖需要,最多为5.22头;与单头雄虫交配后雌虫总产仔量由358.8头增大至1274.2头,其数量与雌雄性比关系符合S型增长曲线F?t=1524.589e-1.3922/N,总产仔量最大可达1525头;单雌产仔量先由358.8头上升至427.6头,其后逐渐下降至266.5头;子代性比(♀:♂)变化无规律,为1.13~1.86;子代中雌虫数量由206.1头增大到727.4头,其数量与雌雄性比关系可由F?of=840.1124e-1.2599/N描述,最大值是840头。  相似文献   

A mass rearing program was developed for the pink pineapple mealybug (PPM), Dymsicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), to provide host material for producing the encyrtid parasitoid Anagyrus ananatis (Gahan). PPM individuals produce honeydew that accumulates on heavily infested squash and entraps crawlers and older instars. A new protocol was tested to reduce accumulated honeydew with minimal mortality to PPM. Butternut and kobocha squash were placed in rearing containers and covered with coarse vermiculite (>2.36?mm diameter) after being infested with PPM. Use of vermiculite removed the honeydew from the squash surface. PPM produced using vermiculite were easily harvested from the host squash, but mealybugs produced on squash without vermiculite were embedded within the honeydew. When individual kobocha squash fruit were inoculated with 300–400 mature PPM adults (>0.6?mm length), about 700 adult PPM (appropriate for A. ananatis production) were produced for each dollar value (USA) of squash fruit (i.e., ~1500?PPM per individual squash).  相似文献   

棉花粉蚧是近年来入侵我国的重要害虫,关于该虫在我国的入侵种群的生殖方式缺乏详细研究。本文在室内条件下对棉花粉蚧浙江金华种群的生殖方式进行了观察。结果显示孤雌生殖的棉花粉蚧可以产下雌性和雄性后代。孤雌生殖的棉花粉蚧的产卵前期为14.8 d,显著长于两性生殖的6.9 d;孤雌生殖的棉花粉蚧所产后代为348.3头,显著少于两性生殖的棉花粉蚧的494.1头;孤雌生殖的棉花粉蚧的雌虫总历期为57.2 d,明显长于两性生殖的32.8 d。但这2种生殖方式产下后代的性比差异并不显著,孤雌生殖的为1.1,而两性生殖的为1.2。该棉花粉蚧种群的生殖方式为兼性产两性孤雌生殖。  相似文献   

The mealybug Phenacoccus gossypiphilous (Stanley) played havoc with the cotton crop in Pakistan during 2005. To control this pest, insecticides of different groups were evaluated in both the laboratory and in field conditions. In the laboratory, bifenthrin, profenofos and chlorpyrifos proved to be the best insecticides for mealybug control, based on their susceptibility with the leaf dip method for their LC50. In field conditions, the recommended application rates of methomyl, profenofos and chlorpyrifos provided the best control: the lethal time studies proved their efficiency for better and timely control of this sporadic pest. The present study has shown that the insecticides tested, in particular profenofos, chlorpyrifos, methomyl and bifenthrin, provide satisfactory control of the cotton mealybug. The control of the insect pest complex throughout the cotton crop predominantly depends on wise and justified use of these chemicals, and necessitates development of an integrated pest management strategy.  相似文献   

Two compounds (trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate and R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate) identified from aeration extracts of virgin female Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were synthesized and tested in field bioassays in northern Taiwan over a 1-mo period. In total, 1,492 male P. madeirensis were captured in sticky traps. Our results showed that 1 microg of synthetic trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate released from a plastic tube dispenser was attractive to the mealybugs. Different stereoisomers of chrysanthemyl 2-methylbutanoate also were tested. The insect-produced stereoisomer was the most attractive of all the isomers tested, and the stereochemistry of the acid moiety proved to be more critical than that of the alcohol moiety. The minor component found in extracts, R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate, alone was not attractive to male Madeira mealybugs nor did it act synergistically or additively with the main component.  相似文献   

热带拂粉蚧Ferrisia malvastra(McDaniel),是一种分布广泛的多食性害虫,可取食30科58种植物,分布29个国家和地区.2014年6月于云南省大理市一未知植物上发现该虫,这是该虫在我国的首次报道.本文重新描述了热带拂粉蚧雌成虫形态特征并附特征图,并介绍其寄主植物、地理分布、生物学及经济意义.  相似文献   

The pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a highly polyphagous pest that invaded Florida in 2002 and has recently been reported from several locations in Louisiana. Although identification of its sex pheromone in 2004 improved monitoring capabilities tremendously, the effectiveness and efficiency of different pheromone trap designs for capturing males has not been evaluated. We deployed green Delta, Pherocon IlB, Pherocon V, Jackson, and Storgard Thinline traps in Homestead, FL, and compared the number of male M. hirsutus captured per trap, the number captured per unit of trapping surface area, the amount of extraneous material captured, and the time taken to count trapped mealybugs. Pheromone-baited traps with larger trapping surfaces (green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V) captured more males per trap than those with smaller surfaces (Jackson and Storgard Thinline), and fewest males were captured by Storgard Thinline traps. However, Jackson traps captured as many or more males per square centimeter of trapping surface as those with larger surfaces, and the time required to count males in Jackson traps was significantly less than in green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V traps. Although all trap designs accumulated some debris and nontarget insects, it was rated as light to moderate for all designs. Based on our measures of effectiveness and efficiency, the Jackson trap is most suitable for monitoring M. hirsutus populations. Additionally, unlike the other traps evaluated, which must be replaced entirely or inspected in the field and then redeployed, only the sticky liners of Jackson traps require replacement, enhancing the efficiency of trap servicing.  相似文献   

王超  陈芳  陆永跃 《昆虫学报》2014,57(4):428-434
【目的】 研究阐明不同光周期条件下棉花粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley实验种群的发育历期、繁殖和数量动态规律,为制定该虫防治对策、研究治理措施等提供科学依据。【方法】 以扶桑为寄主,在温度27±1℃、相对湿度70%±5%、光照强度4 000 lx及不同光周期(8L∶16D, 10L∶14D, 12L∶12D, 14L∶10D和16L∶8D)条件下,观察了棉花粉蚧实验种群的生长发育特性和繁殖能力,组建了实验种群生命表。【结果】 不同光周期处理下棉花粉蚧1龄若虫和3龄若虫的发育历期及雌成虫产仔量均发生了变化,但不同龄期若虫存活率之间差异不大。随着光照时间增加,棉花粉蚧1龄若虫、3龄若虫发育速率加快,8 h光照时发育历期分别为5.43 d和6.35 d,而16 h光照时发育历期分别缩短至4.16 d和4.75 d;整个若虫发育历期也由8 h光照时的15.54 d缩短至16 h光照时的12.74 d,世代历期由27.75 d缩短至23.45 d。长光照时雌虫更早进入产仔期,也有利于雌虫繁殖后代,16 h光照时进入产仔期是18日龄,8 和10 h光照时均推迟至22日龄;16 h光照时单雌产仔量为417.06头,明显高于12 ,10 和8 h光照时的353.59,347.61和336.00头。长光照条件下实验种群趋势指数(I)明显较大,增长潜能更大,16,10 和8 h光照时种群趋势指数分别为 175.37,133.94和141.99。该虫生命表参数表明,随着光照时间加长净增值率(R0)呈逐渐增大趋势,8, 10,12,14和16 h光照时分别为88.57,86.85,100.77,124.16和126.86;内禀增长率、周限增长率表现类似的规律,8~16 h光照时内禀增长率(rm)为0.1616~0.2066,周限增长率(λ)为1.1754~1.2294;而种群倍增时间(t)则随着光照时加长而缩短,8~16 h光照时为4.29~3.36 d。【结论】 长光照有利于棉花粉蚧生长发育和繁殖,世代历期缩短,种群增长潜能变强。  相似文献   

Vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus, is a major pest of grapevine, which is present in at least 39 countries. According to American Vineyard Foundation, P. ficus is in the top ranks among major insect-pests of grapevine. It is the ‘top priority concerns’ by grape growers and a ‘threat to the sustainability of wine industry’ demanding a ‘high priority research’. In Douro vineyards, it is considered as an occasional insect-pest; however, its importance is increasing in some localities. The present study investigates the occurrences of P. ficus-associated fungi. Vine mealybugs were observed in two of the four surveyed farms. Out of the 183 collected mealybugs, 58 were dead of which 25 had symptoms of mycosis and 13 were parasitised. Subculturing cadavers and subsequent pathogenicity test yielded 22 entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) including yeasts. The yeast Meyerozyma (=Pichia) guilliermondii, and the EPF Sarocladium kiliense and Purpureocillium lilacinum were the most abundant, i.e. representing 18.18% (N?=?4), 13.64% (N?=?3) and 13.64% (N?=?3) of the isolates, respectively. Considering biological affinities, fungal families Nectriaceae and Microascaceae had the most similar count-data profiles. To our knowledge, this work reports the first isolations of EPF from vine mealybug worldwide; and Pseudocosmospora rogersonii in Europe and as EPF worldwide. The mortality rate originated by mycoses on P. ficus was significantly higher than by its parasitoids, suggesting that fungi as P. ficus biocontrol agents are relatively more important than considered before. Overall, this report provides new insights into the development of mycoinsecticides and conservation biocontrol strategies for P. ficus pest management.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the thermal requirements for development of the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis depending on different biological parameters on Okra leaves Abelmoschus esculentusat under two constant temperatures (20 and 30 °C) at (RH 65%, 12:12 h. light/dark). The effect of temperature on eggs was ineffective since it hatched shortly to first nymphal instars after deposition. While the tested temperature caused significant effects on nymphal durations, pupation rate (pre-male stage), females emergence %, pre-oviposition, longevity, post-oviposition periods and fecundity in females (egg deposition, ovisacs numbers and hatchability %). The thermal constant and developmental zero were calculated to be 7.29 °C and 79.9 degree-days (DDs) for eggs, 11.67 °C and 272.9 DDs for nymphal stages, 11.06 °C and 46.4 DDs for males and then 3.31 °C and 554.1 DDs for females, respectively. The duration of the life cycle was 65.6 ± 10.36 days at 20 °C; this was shortened to 35.51 ± 1.12 days at 30 °C. The thermal requirements to complete the insect development for one generation was 8.2 °C for the developmental zero and 774.1 DDs for the thermal constant. Based on the thermal requirements values, the average life cycle duration from January to December 2016 was 61.78 days and the number of annual generations was 7.143 when the average annual temperature was 23.29 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of different nitrogen fertilization regimes on body size and selected life‐history parameters (development time, survival, fecundity and fertility) of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were investigated on potted grapevines under laboratory and screenhouse conditions. In both trials, five groups of four grapevines each were supplied with 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/l of ammonium nitrate fertilizer for a month and then artificially infested with 200 first‐instar vine mealybugs (24 h of age). The concentration of nitrogen on grape leaves was measured during both experiments by a SPAD chlorophyll metre, showing statistical differences among treatments. The nitrogen fertilization significantly affected the investigated P. ficus parameters, providing consistent results in both laboratory and screenhouse trials. The vine mealybug females exhibited higher survival and fecundity, larger body size and lower development time on plants supplied with higher nitrogen fertilization rates. Survival, body size and fecundity of P. ficus were positively correlated with the leaf nitrogen concentration, whereas the development time was negatively correlated. Fertility did not vary significantly among treatments. Our results show that high nitrogen regimes increase the reproductive performance of P. ficus on grapevines and point out the importance of implementing balanced fertilization plans in grapevine IPM programs to reduce population densities and prevent insect outbreaks.  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glove, is one of the pests of cotton crop and its relation with the host seem to depend on the amount of nitrogen available to the plant. The biology of A. gossypii using different cotton nitrogen fertility regimes was studied under greenhouse conditions, in Dourados, MS. A completely randomized design with nine replications in a factorial scheme (2x4x2)+1 was used. Two nitrogen sources (sulphate of ammonium and urea), four doses of nitrogen (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1), two different times of nitrogen application and one additional treatment without nitrogen were taken as factors. The nymphal phases, the pre-reproductive, reproductive and pos-reproductive periods, longevity, the life cycle and fecundity of the cotton aphid were evaluated. The doses of nitrogen influenced the cotton aphid biology in both sources and times of application, favoring its development and fecundity.  相似文献   

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