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Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is an effective idiobiont ectoparasitoid of the psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), vector of the huanglongbing (HLB). We examined the olfactory responses of T. radiata to volatiles emanating from D. citri or plant volatiles using a custom designed T-maze olfactometer and open arena bioassays. We also examined the behavioral response of male and female T. radiata to conspecifics of the opposite sex to determine whether olfactory signals mediate mate location. T. radiata adults exhibited a sexually dimorphic response to volatiles emanating from D. citri and citrus. Female T. radiata responded positively to the odors emanating from D. citri nymphs in both olfactometer and open arena bioassays. However, female wasps showed no response to odors emanating from D. citri adults, D. citri honey dew secretions, intact citrus or orange jasmine leaves. Odors emanating from D. citri damaged citrus were not attractive to T. radiata females but stimulated attraction of wasps to D. citri on damaged plants. T. radiata females were not attracted to D. citri immatures when they were presented as visual cues. Male T. radiata did not show attraction to D. citri nymphs or other putative odors that were attractive to female T. radiata. In olfactometer bioassays, more male T. radiata responded to the odor of female conspecifics than blank controls in the absence of associated citrus host plant volatiles. Odors emanating from female T. radiata were not attractive to male T. radiata. Male or female T. radiata were not attracted to the odors emanating from same sex conspecifics. Both male and female T. radiata adults showed positive phototactic behavior. Collectively, our results provide behavioral evidence that: 1) female T. radiata use volatiles emanating from D. citri nymphs to locate its host and: 2) female T. radiata release a volatile pheromone that attracts male conspecifics.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the primary vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. bacteria that cause citrus greening, a disease of worldwide importance. Olfactometry was employed to test responses of D. citri to odours from intact citrus plants (Mexican lime, Citrus aurantifolia, sour orange, Citrus aurantium, Marsh grapefruit, Citrus paradisi and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis), citrus plants previously infested with D. citri, and odours of conspecifics including nymphs, adult insects of same and opposite sex, and their products (honeydew), both alone and in combination. In contrast to other studies, psyllids of both sexes were attracted to volatiles of undamaged Mexican lime leaves, whereas undamaged grapefruit attracted only females, and leaves of Valencia and sour orange did not attract either sex. All four plant species attracted female psyllids when previously infested, but only Mexican lime and sour orange‐attracted males. Thus, Citrus species appear to vary in the production of both constituitive and induced volatiles that attract adult psyllids. Volatiles emitted by nymphs did not attract either sex, but psyllid honeydew was attractive to males, likely due to female pheromone residues. Males oriented to the odour of females, whereas the reverse was not true, and neither males nor females oriented to same‐sex volatiles. The addition of conspecific cues (adults, nymphs or honeydew) did not increase female attraction to previously infested leaves, but male response was increased by the presence of adults and honeydew, regardless of plant species. Thus, female psyllids appear to orient more strongly to volatiles of plant origin, whereas males respond more strongly to cues emanating from females and conspecific excretions. These results suggest that female psyllids drive the initial colonization of host plants, whereas males orient to females and infested plants. Identification of the specific volatiles involved may permit their use in monitoring and management of this pest.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is an important worldwide pest of citrus. It vectors three phloem-restricted bacteria in the genus Candidatus Liberibacter that cause huanglongbing (citrus greening disease). Studies were conducted to examine the behavioral responses of male and female D. citri to conspecifics of the same and opposite sex, with and without associated citrus host plants, in both open-air arena choice assays and Y-tube olfactometer assays. Virgin and mated male D. citri colonized citrus plants that were currently or had been previously colonized by virgin or mated female D. citri in greater numbers than control plants without females. However, males or females did not accumulate more on plants colonized by conspecifics of the same sex compared to uninfested plants, and females showed no preference for plants pre-infested with males compared with uninfested controls. In complementary Y-tube olfactometer assays, virgin and mated males chose arms with odor sources from mated females compared with blank controls in the absence of associated citrus host plant volatiles. In both behavioral assays, mated female D. citri appeared more attractive than virgin females. The vibrational calling behavior of male D. citri was reduced when males were challenged by the odors of conspecific mated females relative to when males were challenged by the odor of other males. Collectively, our results provide behavioral evidence for a female-produced volatile sex attractant pheromone in D. citri . Future identification and synthesis of a sex attractant pheromone will be an important contribution to current monitoring and management practices for D. citri .  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is an invasive pest of citrus in the United States. The psyllid feeds and reproduces primarily on new flush growth of citrus and other rutaceous plants. Because it vectors the bacterial causal agents of the deadly citrus greening disease, D. citri is potentially a pest of economic importance in all citrus growing areas where it occurs together with the disease. We investigated the diurnal patterns of its flight activity in the field and the effects of light on its host selection and egg laying behaviors. The numbers of adult psyllids caught on yellow sticky traps were 3 to 4-fold higher during daytime than nighttime. Daytime flight activity of D. citri adults also varied with time of the day with peak catches occurring at midday from 1200 to 1500 h. Illumination of the traps at night increased their attractiveness to adult psyllids by 5-fold. Similarly, light significantly increased plant colonization by adults and female egg deposition on potted plants in the laboratory. These results showed that the flight activity and host selection behavior of adult psyllids are regulated by light and circadian rhythms. Thus, adult psyllids utilize light as visual cues in their host-plant selection process.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Wind tunnel and vertical open Y-shaped olfactometer studies are used to test whether volatile cues from the host plant ( Vicia faba ), from conspecific bugs, and from a plant–conspecifics combination, would elicit behavioural responses in mated males and females of Lygus rugulipennis . In the olfactometer, females move towards volatiles from healthy plants but they do not respond to volatiles released by oviposition- and/or feeding-damaged plants without conspecifics, nor to conspecifics alone. Both in the wind tunnel and olfactometer, females respond to volatiles emitted by the plant–insect complex. By contrast, in the wind tunnel, both sexes move significantly towards damaged host plants, even if the presence of conspecifics on these plants enhances only the female response. However, the presence of eggs from conspecifics on host plants reduces the responses of both sexes in the wind tunnel. Finally, males, as well as females, are less responsive to conspecifics alone compared with damaged plants, especially when conspecifics are present on the host plants (host plant– Lygus complex). The results suggest that volatiles emitted by plants and conspecifics influence L.   rugulipennis behaviour, giving information to both sexes on the presence of suitable host plants that have been colonized by other conspecifics acting as pioneers, or providing information on the presence of an already exploited host plant (presence of eggs), thus preventing competition. Males also can use this information to increase the probability of encountering mature females.  相似文献   

Transmission of plant pathogens by insect vectors is a complex biological process involving interactions between the plant, insect, and pathogen. Pathogen-induced plant responses can include changes in volatile and nonvolatile secondary metabolites as well as major plant nutrients. Experiments were conducted to understand how a plant pathogenic bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), affects host preference behavior of its psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) vector. D. citri were attracted to volatiles from pathogen-infected plants more than to those from non-infected counterparts. Las-infected plants were more attractive to D. citri adults than non-infected plants initially; however after feeding, psyllids subsequently dispersed to non-infected rather than infected plants as their preferred settling point. Experiments with Las-infected and non-infected plants under complete darkness yielded similar results to those recorded under light. The behavior of psyllids in response to infected versus non-infected plants was not influenced by whether or not they were carriers of the pathogen. Quantification of volatile release from non-infected and infected plants supported the hypothesis that odorants mediate psyllid preference. Significantly more methyl salicylate, yet less methyl anthranilate and D-limonene, was released by infected than non-infected plants. Methyl salicylate was attractive to psyllids, while methyl anthranilate did not affect their behavior. Feeding on citrus by D. citri adults also induced release of methyl salicylate, suggesting that it may be a cue revealing location of conspecifics on host plants. Infected plants were characterized by lower levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, and iron, as well as, higher levels of potassium and boron than non-infected plants. Collectively, our results suggest that host selection behavior of D. citri may be modified by bacterial infection of plants, which alters release of specific headspace volatiles and plant nutritional contents. Furthermore, we show in a laboratory setting that this apparent pathogen-mediated manipulation of vector behavior may facilitate pathogen spread.  相似文献   

The spread of vector-transmitted pathogens relies on complex interactions between host, vector and pathogen. In sessile plant pathosystems, the spread of a pathogen highly depends on the movement and mobility of the vector. However, questions remain as to whether and how pathogen-induced vector manipulations may affect the spread of a plant pathogen. Here we report for the first time that infection with a bacterial plant pathogen increases the probability of vector dispersal, and that such movement of vectors is likely manipulated by a bacterial plant pathogen. We investigated how Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) affects dispersal behavior, flight capacity, and the sexual attraction of its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama). CLas is the putative causal agent of huanglongbing (HLB), which is a disease that threatens the viability of commercial citrus production worldwide. When D. citri developed on CLas-infected plants, short distance dispersal of male D. citri was greater compared to counterparts reared on uninfected plants. Flight by CLas-infected D. citri was initiated earlier and long flight events were more common than by uninfected psyllids, as measured by a flight mill apparatus. Additionally, CLas titers were higher among psyllids that performed long flights than psyllid that performed short flights. Finally, attractiveness of female D. citri that developed on infected plants to male conspecifics increased proportionally with increasing CLas bacterial titers measured within female psyllids. Our study indicates that the phytopathogen, CLas, may manipulate movement and mate selection behavior of their vectors, which is a possible evolved mechanism to promote their own spread. These results have global implications for both current HLB models of disease spread and control strategies.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama has a host range of about 20 species of the family Rutaceae, including Citrus spp. However, few studies have reported on its host preference. This study evaluated the host-choice behavior of ACP in curry leaf (Murraya koenigii L.), through free-choice test and bioassays with a type ‘Y’ olfactometer, and also characterized the volatiles involved in attracting the ACP. In the free-choice test, the number of adults per plant on curry leaf was higher than the number on citrus plants. When the ACP was tested in the olfactometer, the females showed preference for curry leaf over citrus plants. Sixteen volatile compounds were identified in citrus and curry leaves. Qualitative and quantitative differences in the compounds released by citrus and curry leaves were determined. The volatiles present in these hosts may play an important role in the attraction of D. citri. With this information, further studies should be done to develop new management strategies for the ACP.  相似文献   

Although specialist herbivorous insects are guided by innate responses to host plant cues, host plant preference may be influenced by experience and is not dictated by instinct alone. The effect of learning on host plant preference was examined in the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri; vector of the causal agent of citrus greening disease or huanglongbing. We investigated: a) whether development on specific host plant species influenced host plant preference in mature D. citri; and b) the extent of associative learning in D. citri in the form of simple and compound conditioning. Learning was measured by cue selection in a 2-choice behavioral assay and compared to naïve controls. Our results showed that learned responses in D. citri are complex and diverse. The developmental host plant species influenced adult host plant preference, with female psyllids preferring the species on which they were reared. However, such preferences were subject to change with the introduction of an alternative host plant within 24–48 hrs, indicating a large degree of experience-dependent response plasticity. Additionally, learning occurred for multiple sensory modalities where novel olfactory and visual environmental cues were associated with the host plant. However, males and females displayed differing discriminatory abilities. In compound conditioning tasks, males exhibited recognition of a compound stimulus alone while females were capable of learning the individual components. These findings suggest D. citri are dynamic animals that demonstrate host plant preference based on developmental and adult experience and can learn to recognize olfactory and visual host plant stimuli in ways that may be sex specific. These experience-based associations are likely used by adults to locate and select suitable host plants for feeding and reproduction and may suggest the need for more tailored lures and traps, which reflect region-specific cultivars or predominate Rutaceae in the area being monitored.  相似文献   

We investigated feeding and oviposition behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, when exposed to the foraging trails of the convergens ladybird beetle, Hippodamia convergens. Diaphorina citri females feeding on citrus leaves directly exposed to the ladybird adults or treated with trail extract excreted significantly less honeydew droplets than controls. The trail chemicals of the ladybird beetle also decreased oviposition by D. citri females on citrus. In a no-choice experiment, D. citri females preferred to oviposit on control flush and plants than those with ladybird trail-extract treatments. In two-choice experiments, 68.0% of D. citri released into cages exhibited strong selection preference for settling and eventual oviposition on control plants than plants treated with ladybird trail extract. Diaphorina citri eggs were found on all new leaf flush of control plants, whereas only 29.5% of flush on treatment plants were selected for oviposition. The trail chemical deposited by the convergens ladybird beetle elicits repellency of D. citri feeding and oviposition. Therefore, the trail chemicals my contain components that could be useful for behavior-based management of D. citri and HLB disease by reducing psyllid feeding and oviposition.  相似文献   

As the vector of the global disease of citrus greening or huanglongbing, Asian citrus pysllids, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), are the greatest threat to the worldwide citrus industry. Critical to management of D. citri and huanglongbing is optimization of surveillance methodologies. Although phytophagous insects may find host plants by multimodal cues, some appear to primarily use visual cues. In this study, we examined the behavior of Asian citrus psyllids toward light from light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) in the insect visible spectrum. The periodicity of attraction of psyllids to visual cues was evaluated in the field (yellow sticky traps) and laboratory (multi‐colored LEDs) with a strong peak of activity during the afternoon in both the field and the laboratory (both 14:00 to 18:00 hours). In laboratory evaluations of psyllids to differently colored LEDs, strongest attraction was to LEDs emitting ultraviolet (390 nm), green (525 nm), and yellow (590 nm) light. Male and female psyllids did not differ significantly in their responses to visual cues. These findings provide the basis for formulating better traps that reflect UV and yellow light and potentially incorporate UV LEDs for monitoring psyllids and a better understanding of Asian citrus psyllid visual behavior.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, vectors the causal pathogen of huanglongbing (HLB), which is likely the most important disease affecting worldwide citrus production. Interplanting citrus with guava, Psidium guajava L., was reported to reduce D. citri populations and incidence of HLB. We describe a series of investigations on the response of D. citri to citrus volatiles with and without guava leaf volatiles and to synthetic dimethyl disulphide (DMDS), in laboratory olfactometers and in the field. Volatiles from guava leaves significantly inhibited attraction of D. citri to normally attractive host‐plant (citrus) volatiles. A similar level of inhibition was recorded when synthetic DMDS was co‐released with volatiles from citrus leaves. In addition, the volatile mixture emanating from a combination of intact citrus and intact guava leaves induced a knock‐down effect on adult D. citri. Compounds similar to DMDS including dipropyl disulphide, ethyl‐1‐propyl disulphide, and diethyl disulphide did not affect the behavioural response of D. citri to attractive citrus host plant volatiles. Head‐space volatile analyses were conducted to compare sulphur volatile profiles of citrus and guava, used in our behavioural assays, with a gas chromatography‐pulsed flame photometric detector. DMDS, produced by wounded guava in our olfactometer assays, was not produced by similarly wounded citrus. The airborne concentration of DMDS that induced the behavioural effect in the 4‐choice olfactometer was 107 pg/ml. In a small plot field experiment, populations of D. citri were significantly reduced by deployment of synthetic DMDS from polyethylene vials compared with untreated control plots. Our results verify that guava leaf volatiles inhibit the response of D. citri to citrus host plant volatiles and suggest that the induced compound, DMDS, may be partially responsible for this effect. Also, we show that field deployment of DMDS reduces densities of D. citri and thus may have potential as a novel control strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract  The Asiatic citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri Kuwayama [Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae]) is a vector of huanglongbing (citrus greening), a devastating disease of citrus caused by phloem-limited bacteria. Growing guava ( Psidium guajava ) as an intercrop appears to be a successful means of reducing psyllid numbers within citrus orchards; however, the mechanism by which such a reduction is achieved is unknown. To determine the repellent effect of guava leaf and factors attributed to this activity, responses of adult psyllids to guava leaf and its odor were evaluated in cage tests and Y-tube olfactometer test. The results showed that guava leaf possessed a repellent effect against the adult citrus psyllids. Fewer psyllids were found on citrus leaves in the presence of guava foliage than in its absence. Young and old guava leaf showed equal repellent activity. By covering the guava shoots with net cloth, it was revealed that the repellent effect of guava leaf against adult psyllids on citrus was attributed to the volatile compounds, rather than physical factors. The olfactometer response of adult psyllids to guava leaf odor was dosage-dependent. Between guava odor and control, only 35.00%, 25.00% and 16.25% of the psyllids moved toward guava odor when presented with 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 g of guava shoots, respectively. The olfactometer experiments also showed that both male and female psyllids responded similarly to the guava leaf odor.  相似文献   

Pioneer herbivorous insects may find their host plants through a combination of visual and constitutive host‐plant volatile cues, but once a site has been colonized, feeding damage changes the quantity and quality of plant volatiles released, potentially altering the behavior of conspecifics who detect them. Previous work on the pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), demonstrated that this insect can detect and orient to constitutive host plant volatiles released from pepper [Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae)]. Here we investigated the response of the weevil to whole plants and headspace collections of plants damaged by conspecifics. Mated weevils preferred damaged flowering as well as damaged fruiting plants over undamaged plants in a Y‐tube olfactometer. They also preferred volatiles from flowering and fruiting plants with actively feeding weevils over plants with old feeding damage. Both sexes preferred volatiles from fruiting plants with actively feeding weevils over flowering plants with actively feeding weevils. Females preferred plants with 48 h of prior feeding damage over plants subjected to weevil feeding for only 1 h, whereas males showed no preference. When attraction to male‐ and female‐inflicted feeding damage was compared in the Y‐tube, males and females showed no significant preference. Wind tunnel plant assays and four‐choice olfactometer assays using headspace volatiles confirmed the attraction of weevils to active feeding damage on fruiting plants. In a final four‐choice olfactometer assay using headspace collections, we tested the attraction of mated males and virgin and mated females to male and female feeding damage. In these headspace volatile assays, mated females again showed no preference for male feeding; however, virgin females and males preferred the headspace volatiles of plants fed on by males, which contained the male aggregation pheromone in addition to plant volatiles. The potential for using plant volatile lures to improve pepper weevil monitoring and management is discussed.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most destructive disease of citrus worldwide. The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is the vector of the phloem‐inhabiting bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, which is presumed to cause HLB in Florida citrus. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to examine the behavioral responses of male and female D. citri to their cuticular extracts. In olfactometer assays, more male D. citri were attracted to one, five, or 10 female cuticular extract equivalent units than blank controls. The results were confirmed in field studies in which clear or yellow traps baited with 10 female cuticular extract equivalent units attracted proportionately more males than clear traps baited with male cuticular extract or unbaited traps. Analyses of cuticular constituents of male and female D. citri revealed differences between the sexes in chemical composition of their cuticular extracts. Laboratory bioassays with synthetic chemicals identified from cuticular extracts indicated that dodecanoic acid attracted more males than clean air. Traps baited with dodecanoic acid did not increase total catch of D. citri as compared with blank traps at the dosages tested; however, the sex ratio of psyllid catch was male biased on traps baited with the highest lure loading dosage tested (10.0 mg).  相似文献   

Exochomus flaviventris Mader is considered to be the most active predator of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile–Ferrero in Central Africa. The response of experienced gravid female coccinellids to the odor of cassava plant (var. Zanaga), unparasitized mealybugs, plant–mealybug complex with or without feeding prey (parasitized or not), and plant–mealybug complex with or without conspecific coccinellids was investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer. The odor of uninfested cassava plants was not more attractive than clean air. Dual-choice tests revealed that mealybug-infested plants were preferred to mealybugs alone and mealybug-damaged plants and were the major sources of volatiles that attract females coccinellids to the microhabitat of its prey. The emission of volatile chemicals did not appear to be limited to the infested parts of the plant but did occur systemically throughout the plant. The presence of conspecific coccinellid larvae or adult males did not modify the attractiveness of the mealybug-infested plants. However, when an infested plant with conspecific predator females (alone or with conspecific males) was compared to an infested plant or infested plant with conspecific males, E. flaviventris females showed a preference for the last two sources of odor. The uninfested plant with conspecific males was also preferred to the uninfested plant with conspecific females. In addition, the odor of conspecific males was preferred over that of conspecific females. Female predators preferred the plant infested with unparasitized mealybugs over the plant infested with mealybugs previously parasitized. These results showed that E. flaviventris females use herbivore-induced plant volatiles during foraging and can detect via olfaction the presence of conspecific gravid females and parasitized prey, thus assessing patch suitability from a distance.  相似文献   

A two-year field study was conducted in an orange grove in the United States (Florida) to characterize the phenology of the entomopathogen Hirsutella citriformis Speare infecting adults of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. On the average, 23% of adults observed on mature leaves were killed by H. citriformis. These dead psyllids were characterized as being mummified and covered to various extents by synnemata produced by the fungus. Mummified cadavers were most abundant on citrus leaves during the fall and winter months, with the maximal percentage of mummified psyllids sometimes exceeding 75% of the total number of adults observed. Mummified cadavers were nearly absent each spring, presumably because relative humidity levels were suboptimal for the fungus at this time. Based on dispersion analyses, a monitoring plan for mummified cadavers would best include multiple samples in individual trees as well as multiple tree samples throughout a grove. Mummified cadavers with synnemata, which serve as point sources for new infections of the fungus in psyllids, were observed to remain on leaves for a mean of 68?days (one cadaver remained on a leaf for 168?days). Rainfall was positively correlated with the number of days mummies remained on leaves while mean daily air temperature was negatively correlated. Mummified cadavers were abundant in the summer during 2006 but not during 2007. This may have been a density-dependent consequence of low psyllid host populations in the grove in 2007. Alternatively, combination sprays of oil and copper applied during 2007 may have suppressed the fungus. This latter possibility prompted a laboratory investigation into the toxicity to H. citriformis of six chemicals commonly used in citrus. Copper hydroxide, petroleum oil, and elemental sulfur at maximum label rates each significantly reduced the infectivity of a laboratory culture of H. citriformis while copper sulfate pentahydrate, aluminum tris and alpha-keto/humic acids did not. This finding indicates that citrus growers interested in capitalizing on H. citriformis as a biological control agent of D. citri should avoid applying high rates of copper hydroxide, oil or sulfur.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of citrus huanglongbing, is now present in all citrus‐producing states in the USA and Mexico. In addition to citrus, the insect can reproduce on several other plant species in the Rutaceae family; orange jasmine (Murraya spp.) and curry leaf (Bergera koenigii) are among its preferred hosts. There are several indigenous Rutaceae species in North America, and some are popular ornamentals. A study was therefore initiated to determine the suitability of some of these plants for feeding and development of the psyllid in choice and no‐choice experiments. D. citri was found to reproduce successfully on Choisya ternata, C. arizonica and Helietta parvifolia in no‐choice tests, but preferentially selected orange jasmine and curry leaf for feeding and reproduction, in choice tests. On Amyris madrensis, A. texana and Zanthoxylum fagara, adult psyllids laid eggs which hatched, but no successful nymphal development was recorded beyond the first instars. No oviposition was recorded on Esenbeckia berlandieri, Ptelea trifoliata and Casimiroa tetrameria, although adult psyllids were able to survive on these species for several days. Results showed that C. ternata, C. arizonica and H. parvifolia can serve host plants of D. citri and this constitutes the first report of these plants serving as host for D. citri. The findings of the present study suggest that native rutaceous host plants can serve as host plants and thus affect D. citri population dynamics and the epidemiology of Huanglongbing, the deadly citrus greening disease whose pathogen is vectored by D. citri. Thus, area‐wide management of this pest also should target these riparian habitats where these host plants are present with D. citri biological control agents for sustainable management of this pest.  相似文献   

The effects of five differently-colored sticky traps in capturing adult Diaphorina citri were evaluated in citrus orchards. Trap catches of D. citri were monitored fortnightly on blue, green, red, white and yellow sticky cards placed on three citrus varieties during D. citri active flight period from April to July in south Texas. Evaluation of mean trap catches of each color by repeated measures analysis of variance produced three separate groups: yellow traps caught significantly more D. citri adults than the other four traps; red and green traps caught significantly more D. citri than blue and white traps, which were not significantly different. Although the number of adult psyllid captured on all trap types significantly increased with time during the trapping period, the performance of traps did not change with time. Trap catches were also significantly influenced by the citrus species; traps placed on lemon trees captured more D. citri than those placed on sweet orange and grapefruit, suggesting that plant preference exhibited by D. citri may influence the performance of traps. The ratio of trap reflectance between the 680 to 700 nm and the 450 nm was significantly correlated with total trap catches in all host species studied. Thus, this index was a good indicator of the attractiveness of adult D. citri to colored traps. Additionally, we compared the reflectance values of young versus mature flush shoots of the three host plants used in this study as related to densities of D. citri recorded in colored traps. We discussed the importance of visual cues in the host finding behavior of adult D. citri.  相似文献   

1. The response of a phytopathogen vector to pathogen‐induced plant volatiles was investigated, as well as the response of the phytopathogen vector's parasitoid to herbivore‐induced plant volatiles released from plants with and without drought stress. 2. These experiments were performed with Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri), vector of the plant pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) and its parasitoid Tamarixia radiata as models. Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus is the presumed causal pathogen of huanglongbing (HLB), also called citrus greening disease. 3. Diaphorina citri vectors were attracted to headspace volatiles of CLas‐infected citrus plants at 95% of their water‐holding capacity (WHC); such attraction to infected plants was much lower under drought stress. Attraction of the vector to infected and non‐stressed plants was correlated with greater release of methyl salicylate (MeSA) as compared with uninfected and non‐stressed control citrus plants. Drought stress decreased MeSA release from CLas‐infected plants as compared with non‐stressed and infected plants. 4. Similarly, T. radiata was attracted to headspace volatiles released from D. citri‐infested citrus plants at 95% of their WHC. However, wasps did not show preference between headspace volatiles of psyllid‐infested and uninfested plants when they were at 35% WHC, suggesting that herbivore‐induced defences did not activate to recruit this natural enemy under drought stress. 5. Our results demonstrate that herbivore‐ and pathogen‐induced responses are environmentally dependent and do not occur systematically following damage. Drought stress affected both pathogen‐ and herbivore‐induced plant volatile release, resulting in concomitant decreases in behavioural response of both the pathogen's vector and the vector's primary parasitoid.  相似文献   

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