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Because alignment of the amino acid sequences of chick skin collagen α2-CB3 (1) with the relevant portion of chick skin collagen α1-CB7 (2) suggested that a Gly-X-Y triplet may have been missed in the latter, the peptide TM-2, produced by tryptic digestion of maleylated α1-CB7, was reinvestigated. Cleavage by trypsin at the unblocked lysine at position 18, and isolation of the resulting COOH-terminal peptide, showed this to be a 15-residue peptide containing a previously unrecognized Gly-Pro-Hyp triplet. Sequencing of the peptide showed this to occupy positions 4 through 6, or 56 through 58 of α1-CB7. The latter thus has 271 instead of 268 residues, and the α1[I] chain 1055 instead of 1052.  相似文献   

We have characterised a point mutation causing the substitution of serine for glycine at position 661 of the 1(I) chain of type I collagen in a child with a severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta. An identical glycine substitution in the 2(I) chain was previously detected in a woman with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Two of her sons were heterozygous for the mutation and the third son was homozygous as a result of uniparental isodisomy. Biochemical profiles of the type I collagen heterotrimers were studied in each of the patients and compared with a control. Medium and cell-layer collagens were overmodified in all patients. Overmodification was obvious in the patient with the 1(I) mutation but mild in the patients with the 2(I) mutation, being slightly less evident in the heterozygote than in the homozygote. Investigation of the melting curves of the mutant collagen trimers in all three patients showed the same slight decrease in thermal stability and, hence, a lack of correlation with phenotypic severity. In contrast, the degree of overmodification of the collagen alpha chains was correlated with the phenotypic severity. The clinical observations in these patients illustrate the possibly predominant role of mutations in the collagen 1(I) chains over the same mutations in the 2(I) chains in determining the clinical outcome.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of γ-crystallin (fraction II) from calf lens   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
The amino acid sequence of gamma-crystallin (fraction II) from calf lens has been determined; this indicates it to be a single-chain polypeptide of 165 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Pig articular cartilage, from which protein-polysaccharides soluble in iso-osmotic sodium acetate had been removed, was extracted in three further stages with 8m-urea in 2m-sodium acetate and with tris-HCl buffer after bacterial collagenase digestion, followed by the same urea-sodium acetate solution, thus leaving only 2% of the original uronic acid in the tissue. The histological appearance of the cartilage was unaltered until after collagenase digestion. The collagenase used did not affect the viscosity or molecular size of a protein-polysaccharide preparation obtained previously. The protein-polysaccharides in each extract differed in size, amino acid composition and protein content, but protein and keratan sulphate contents were not related to hydrodynamic size, in contrast with protein-polysaccharides extracted previously before collagenase digestion. Hydroxyproline could not be removed from those obtained by the first urea-sodium acetate extraction until degraded by heat. The galactosamine/pentose molar ratio agreed closely with the galactosamine/serine molar ratio that was destroyed on treatment with 0.5m-sodium hydroxide, showing that chondroitin sulphate was attached only to serine residues. From these molar ratios the chondroitin sulphate chains were calculated to be of the same average length in protein-polysaccharides in all three extracts although somewhat shorter than in protein-polysaccharides extracted previously. Some threonine residues were also destroyed on alkali treatment suggesting that keratan sulphate may be attached to threonine. These findings together with previous results show that differences in size, composition and physical state extend to all the protein-polysaccharides in cartilage.  相似文献   

1. Chondromucoprotein from bovine nasal cartilage was purified by cetylpyridinium chloride or by bismuth nitrate in acetone. 2. Amino acid compositions of crude and purified preparations were compared and few differences were found, in spite of the decrease in protein content on purification. 3. Amino acid analysis of bismuth-purified material revealed the existence of four groups of amino acids. Within each group, the amino acids were present in approximately equimolar concentrations. 4. Amino end-group assay on the same material showed six alpha-DNP derivatives. 5. A molecular weight of 6.3x10(5) for the protein-polysaccharide complex was calculated from the latter analysis.  相似文献   

Aberrant expression of the type V collagen α1(V) chain can underlie the connective tissue disorder classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and autoimmune responses against the α1(V) chain are linked to lung transplant rejection and atherosclerosis. The α1(V) collagenous COL1 domain is thought to contain greater numbers of post-translational modifications (PTMs) than do similar domains of other fibrillar collagen chains, PTMs consisting of hydroxylated prolines and lysines, the latter of which can be glycosylated. These types of PTMs can contribute to epitopes that underlie immune responses against collagens, and the high level of PTMs may contribute to the unique biological properties of the α1(V) chain. Here we use high resolution mass spectrometry to map such PTMs in bovine placental α1(V) and human recombinant pro-α1(V) procollagen chains. Findings include the locations of those PTMs that vary and those PTMs that are invariant between these α1(V) chains from widely divergent sources. Notably, an unexpectedly large number of hydroxyproline residues were mapped to the X-positions of Gly-X-Y triplets, contrary to expectations based on previous amino acid analyses of hydrolyzed α1(V) chains from various tissues. We attribute this difference to the ability of tandem mass spectrometry coupled to nanoflow chromatographic separations to detect lower-level PTM combinations with superior sensitivity and specificity. The data are consistent with the presence of a relatively large number of 3-hydroxyproline sites with less than 100% occupancy, suggesting a previously unknown mechanism for the differential modification of α1(V) chain and type V collagen properties.  相似文献   

1. The uptake of (14)C-labelled alpha-aminoisobutyric acid by 5-day-old chick embryo hearts was investigated in vitro, together with the effect of insulin thereon. 2. At equilibrium the distribution ratio of this amino acid analogue between intracellular and extracellular water attained values greater than unity. Insulin enhanced the rate of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation and increased the value of its final concentration in the cell water. 3. The rate of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation and the effect of insulin on it were independent of the presence of glucose in the incubation medium. Bovine and chicken insulin were equally effective, and the action of the hormone was specifically prevented by an anti-insulin serum but not by puromycin. 4. A linear relationship was observed between the intracellular accumulation of the analogue and the logarithm of the insulin concentration in the range 50muunits-100m-units/ml. of incubation medium. 5. Evidence was obtained for the occurrence of two different transport processes for alpha-aminoisobutyric acid in the chick embryo heart: one subject to saturation and one that was not saturated by reasonable concentrations of the analogue. Insulin increased the effectiveness of the saturable component, increasing the maximal velocity of transport without altering the concentration for half-maximal velocity of transport, and decreased the contribution of the non-saturable component.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of type I collagen containing α1(I) and α2 chains at a ratio of 2:1, and of type III collagen consisting of α1 (III) chains are known. A statistical analysis of the sequences of these α chains is presented. The inter-chain comparison showed a high level of homology between the three α chains. The interactive amino acids, such as the polar charged and part of the hydrophobic residues responsible for the assembly of the molecules, are strongly conserved. The intra-chain analysis revealed that the α chains are divided into four related D units, each with a length of 234 residues. Between the D units within a chain the polar residues show a higher variability than the hydrophobic amino acids.Besides the D units, other periodicities such as D3 (78 residues), D6 (39 residues), solD11 (21 residues) and solD13 (18 residues) were observed, particularly in α1 (I) and α1 (III). The D unit is a functional repeat that is formed by the interactive polar charged and hydrophobic residues and which determines the aggregation of the molecules. The solD3 unit is mainly pronounced by the non-interactive residues such as proline and alanine and appears to be a reminiscence of a primordial gene. The smaller periodic repeating units may be considered as additional genetic units or as structural units, which determine the triplehelical pitch and thus the lateral aggregation of the molecules.In contrast to α1 (I) and α1 (III), the α2 chain shows less regularity in its internal structure.  相似文献   

Two kinds of dotriacontapeptides corresponding to C-terminal sequence 30–61 of human liver metallothionein, both containing 11 cysteine residues, were synthesized by the conventional fragment condensation method employing the HF deprotection or MSA deprotection method at the final step. Their heavy metal (Zn, Cd, or Cu) binding activity was examined, and it was found that their heavy metal binding properties were quite similar to those of native human liver thionein.  相似文献   

O-Glycosylation of hydroxylysine (Hyl) in collagen occurs at an early stage of biosynthesis before the triple-helix has formed. This simple post-translational modification (PTM) of lysine by either a galactosyl or glucosylgalactosyl moiety is highly conserved in collagens and depends on the species, type of tissue and the collagen amino acid sequence. The structural/functional reason why only specific lysines are modified is poorly understood, and has led to increased efforts to map the sites of PTMs on collagen sequences from different species and to ascertain their potential role in vivo. To investigate this, we purified collagen type I (Col1) from the skins of four animals, then used mass spectrometry and proteomic techniques to identify lysines that were oxidised, galactosylated, glucosylgalactosylated, or glycated in its mature sequence. We found 18 out of the 38 lysines in collagen type Iα1, (Col1A1) and 7 of the 30 lysines in collagen type Iα2 (Col1A2) were glycosylated. Six of these modifications had not been reported before, and included a lysine involved in crosslinking collagen molecules. A Fourier transform analysis of the positions of the glycosylated hydroxylysines showed they display a regular axial distribution with the same d-period observed in collagen fibrils. The significance of this finding in terms of the assembly of collagen molecules into fibrils and of potential restrictions on the growth of the collagen fibrils is discussed.  相似文献   

Selective protein labeling with a small molecular probe is a versatile method for elucidating protein functions under live-cell conditions. In this Letter, we report the design of the binuclear Ni(II)–iminodiacetic acid (IDA) complex for selective recognition and covalent labeling of His-tag-fused proteins. We found that the Ni(II)–IDA complex 1-2Ni(II) binds to the His6-tag (HHHHHH) with a strong binding affinity (Kd = 24 nM), the value of which is 16-fold higher than the conventional Ni(II)–NTA complex (Kd = 390 nM). The strong binding affinity of the Ni(II)–IDA complex was successfully used in the covalent labeling and fluorescence bioimaging of a His-tag fused GPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) located on the surface of living cells.  相似文献   

Prediction of the tertiary structure of a 34 residue N-terminal fragment of parathyroid-hormone-related protein was carried out by the island model. This peptide is known as a major causative agent of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy, but structural information studied by X-ray diffraction has not been reported. We adopted the secondary structure determined by NMR and packed on the basis of island model of protein folding developed by us. Predicted structure is discussed in connection with the interaction of active sites.  相似文献   

The role of proline residues in the folding of the trypsin inhibitor derivative RCAM(14–38) has been studied by testing for slow-folding species of the unfolded protein, which could result from the introduction of wrong proline isomers after unfolding. The unfolded protein at 25 °C contains chiefly fast-folding (UF) molecules: they refold with a time constant of 40 milliseconds at pH 6.8 in 1.9 m-guanidinium chloride. At least one minor slow-folding (Us) species has been found, using fluorescence to monitor refolding. The reaction in which this Us species is formed after unfolding shows the properties expected for the cis: Irans isomerization of a proline residue. When refolding is monitored by tyrosine absorbance, two minor slow reactions are found. The faster reaction is in the same time range (15 s at 25 °C) as that studied by fluorescence, and the slower reaction is quite slow (200 s at 25 °C). It is not known whether the slower reaction results from a second Us species. There are four trans proline residues in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor: the proportion of slow-folding molecules (not more than 25% at 25 °C) is smaller than expected if every proline residue can produce a Us species and if the cis to trans ratio of each residue after unfolding is at least 0.1:0.9.Criteria based on folding kinetics are given for classifying the types of folding reaction shown by unfolded molecules containing a single wrong proline isomer. Levitt (1980) has classified three types of proline residues according to the energy difference (small, intermediate or large) between the native protein and the predicted minimum energy structure containing a wrong proline isomer. He suggests that these three types of proline residues can be recognized by the types of folding reactions they produce. Only type II (intermediate) folding reactions have thus far been characterized by the criteria introduced here. We point out that the type of folding reaction depends also on the folding conditions, and a possible explanation for this effect is given.  相似文献   

We describe the 2.3 ? (1 ?=0.1?nm) X-ray structure of α1m (α1-microglobulin), an abundant protein in human blood plasma, which reveals the β-barrel fold typical for lipocalins with a deep pocket lined by four loops at its open rim. Loop #1 harbours the residue Cys34 which is responsible for covalent cross-linking with plasma IgA. A single disulfide bond between Cys72 and Cys169 connects the C-terminal segment to the β-barrel, as in many other lipocalins. The exposed imidazole side chains of His122 and His123 in loop #4 give rise to a double Ni2+-binding site together with a crystallographic neighbour. The closest structural relatives of α1m are the complement protein component C8γ, the L-prostaglandin D synthase and lipocalin 15, three other structurally characterized members of the lipocalin family in humans that have only distant sequence similarity. In contrast with these, α1m is initially expressed as a bifunctional fusion protein with the protease inhibitor bikunin. Neither the electron density nor ESI-MS (electrospray ionization MS) provide evidence for a chromophore bound to the recombinant α1m, also known as 'yellow/brown lipocalin'. However, the three side chains of Lys92, Lys118 and Lys130 that were reported to be involved in covalent chromophore binding appear to be freely accessible to ligands accommodated in the hydrophobic pocket. A structural feature similar to the well-known Cys-Pro haem-binding motif indicates the presence of a haem-binding site within the loop region of α1m, which explains previous biochemical findings and supports a physiological role in haem scavenging, as well as redox-mediated detoxification.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The amino acid sequence of the parvalbumin V of chub has been determined using digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin and staphylococcal protease.
  • 2.2. The polypeptide chain has 106 amino acid residues and its amino acid sequence has been compared to the amino acid sequences of parvalbumin II and III of carp belonging to two immunologically distinct subgroups β.
  • 3.3. The parvalbumin V of chub belongs to a third subgroup. A topology of the phylogenetic three corresponding to the Cyprinidae parvalbumins is proposed.

Lipopolysaccharides were isolated from the phenol layer on aqueous phenol extraction of cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa O11 (Lányi classification), strains 170021 and 170040. On mild acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharides, with the subsequent gel-filtration on Sephadex G-50, neutral O-specific polysaccharides made up of 6-deoxysugars alone were obtained. Two 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-galactose (LFucNAc), 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucose (DQuiNAc) and L-rhamnose (LRha) residues were found to be the components of the strain 170021 polysaccharide repeating units; those of strain 170040 contained the same monosaccharides, but, instead of 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucose residue, that of 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (DFucNAc) was present. On the basis of the 13C nuclear magnetic resonance data, methylation analysis and three successive Smith degradations the following structures were determined for the polysaccharide repeating units: strain 170021----2) LRha(alpha 1----3)LFucNAc(alpha 1----3)LFucNAc(alpha 1----3)DQuiNAc(beta 1----; strain 170040,----2)LRha(alpha 1----3)LFucNAc-(alpha 1----3)LFucNAc(alpha 1----3)DFucNAc(beta 1----; differing from one another by configuration of C-4 of 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-hexopyranose only.  相似文献   

Fibromodulin from bovine articular cartilage has been subjected to lectin affinity chromatography by Sambucus nigra lectin which binds α(2-6)- linked N-acetylneuraminic acid, and the structure of the keratan sulphate in the binding and non-binding fractions examined by keratanase II digestion and subsequent high pH anion exchange chromatography. It has been confirmed that the keratan sulphate chains attached to fibromodulin isolated from bovine articular cartilage may have the chain terminating N-acetylneuraminic acid residue α(2-3)- or α(2-6)-linked to the adjacent galactose residue. Although the abundance of α(2-6)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid (ca. 22%) is such that this could cap one of the four chains in almost all fibromodulin molecules, it was found that ca. 34% of the fibromodulin proteoglycan molecules from bovine articular cartilage were capped exclusively with α(2-3)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid. The remainder of the fibromodulin proteoglycans, which bound to the lectin had a mixture of α(2-3)- and α(2-6)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid capping structures. The keratan sulphates attached to fibromodulin molecules capped exclusively with α(2-3)- linked N-acetylneuraminic acid were found to have a higher level of galactose sulphation than those from fibromodulin with both α(2-3)- and α(2-6)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid caps, which bound to the Sambucus nigra lectin. In addition, both pools contained chains of similar length (ca. 8–9 disaccharides). Both also contained α(1-3)-linked fucose, showing that this feature does not co-distribute with α(2-6)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid, although these two features are present only in mature articular cartilage. These data show that there are discrete populations of fibromodulin within articular cartilage, which may have differing impacts upon tissue processes.  相似文献   

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