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The microspatial distribution of carabid beetles in a pristine alluvial Quercus-Ulmus forest along the river Elbe (north Germany) was investigated using 152 pitfall traps over a study period of 28 d. Traps were set in an area of only 100 × 120 m which comprised a wide range of microhabitats due to an extremely heterogeneous microrelief. Composition of the ground beetle assemblage was strongly influenced by microclimatic parameters and vegetation structure within a few metres: specifically soil moisture, light intensity. pH as well as cover of leaf litter and herbs. TWINSPAN analyses indicated a sensitive segregation of carabids into distinct microhabitats on a small scale. PCA and subsequent RDA distinguished two distinct species groups: species of wet deciduous woodland and species of wet open marsh habitats. The fringes of small temporary waters within the alluvial forest were of particular value for nature conservation, providing habitat for a high number of rare species. Although there was a shift in species composition over time and the assemblages reorganised spatially, the main environmental parameters governing the community remained the same as indicated by discriminant analyses, namely soil moisture, leaf litter cover and light intensity.  相似文献   

Relationships between microhabitat variables; understory light conditions in summer and winter, altitude, slope inclination and topographic categories (valley, ridge, and slope) and the distribution of Aucuba japonica Thunb. (Cornaceae), a common understory shrub species in Japan were examined using non-contagious 66, 20 × 20 m2 quadrats. The Morishita’s I δ suggested that A. japonica distributions were strongly heterogeneous among the quadrats. Therefore positive spatial autocorrelation of A. japonica at a within-quadrat level (≤20 m) was obvious. Moran’s I statistics showed a significant positive spatial autocorrelation in A. japonica abundance within the distance shorter than 60 m. But the partial Mantel tests suggested that the mass effect from neighboring quadrats would little explain A. japonica abundance in a quadrat. The partial Mantel tests also clearly showed that A. japonica distributions were strongly structured by topography and understory light conditions. Using Monte Carlo randomization tests, we found that A. japonica was aggregately distributed in quadrats in valley which were covered by deciduous canopies. Better understory light conditions in winter together with valley edaphic conditions may increase the abundance of A. japonica there. It is concluded that habitat niche specialization is important in structuring distribution of A. japonica in this forest community.  相似文献   

Many areas in Europe are dominated by agricultural land use, and as a consequence, many typical forest plant species suffer from habitat loss and fragmentation. Hedgerows, one of the common elements of rural landscapes, have been considered as potential refuges for these species. The main objective of this study was to examine whether forests and hedgerows differ in environmental conditions, and whether important life-history attributes of the populations differ between the two habitat types. We selected five species commonly found in the region in both forests and hedgerows (Adoxa moschatellina, Anemone nemorosa, Circaea lutetiana, Polygonatum multiflorum and Stellaria holostea), and sampled data on 10 populations of each species in each habitat type, including measurements of light and various soil factors. Hedgerows had higher relative light availability and tended to have higher soil nutrient contents and lower soil water values than forests. The comparison of plant performance values between habitat types did not show consistent patterns across species. Anemone and Polygonatum performed equally well in hedgerows and forests, whereas Stellaria appeared to have a higher fitness in hedgerows. In contrast, Circaea showed a higher reproduction under forest conditions. For Adoxa, the results were somewhat contradictory: whereas the reproductive output of this species was higher in forests, population density was higher in hedgerows. The abiotic factors most closely related to the performance values were relative light and soil water availability. The majority of plant performance values did not differ between hedgerows and forests. We therefore conclude that the tested forest species are capable of growing also in hedgerows and will survive equally well in forest and its “surrogate” habitat.  相似文献   

Niche differentiation with respect to habitat has been hypothesized to shape patterns of diversity and species distributions in plant communities. African forests have been reported to be relatively less diverse compared to highly diversed regions of the Amazonian or Southeast Asian forests, and might be expected to have less niche differentiation. We examined patterns of structural and floristic differences among five topographically defined habitats for 494 species with stems ≥1 cm dbh in a 50-ha plot in Korup National Park, Cameroon. In addition, we tested for species–habitat associations for 272 species (with more than 50 individuals in the plot) using Torus translation randomization tests. Tree density and basal area were lowest in areas with negative convexity, which contained streams or were inundated during rainy periods and highest in moist well-drained habitats. Species composition and diversity varied along the topographical gradient from low flat to ridge top habitats. The low depression and low flat habitats were characterized by high diversity and similar species composition, relative to slopes, high gullies and ridge tops. Sixty-three percent of the species evaluated showed significant positive associations with at least one of the five habitat types. The majority of associations were with low depressions (75 species) and the fewest with ridge tops (8 species). The large number of species–habitat associations and the pronounced contrast between low (valley) and elevated (ridgetop) habitats in the Korup plot shows that niche differentiation with respect to edaphic variables (e.g., soil moisture, nutrients) contributes to local scale tree species distributions and to the maintenance of diversity in African forests.  相似文献   

Aims The coastal Brazilian rainforest on white-sand (restinga) ranks among the most fragmented forest types in the tropics, owing to both the patchy distribution of sandy soils and widespread coastal development activities. Here we study the environmental and evolutionary determinants of a forest tree assemblage at a single restinga forest in Southeastern Brazil. We also explore the ability of competing hypotheses to explain the maintenance of species diversity in this forest type, which includes contrasting extremes of edaphic conditions associated with flooding stress.Methods The study was conducted in a white-sand forest permanent plot of 10.24 ha on the coastal plain of Southeastern Brazil. This plot was divided into 256 quadrats of 20×20 m, which were classified into two main edaphic habitats (flooded and drained). Trees with a diameter ≥1cm at breast height were identified. We assembled DNA sequence data for each of the 116 morphospecies recognized using two chloroplast markers (rbcL and matK). A phylogenetic tree was obtained using the maximum likelihood method, and a phylogenetic distance matrix was produced from an ultrametric tree. We analyzed similarity in floristic composition and structure between habitats and related them to cross-plot distances using permutation procedures. Null model torus shift simulations were performed to obtain a statistical significance level for habitat association for each species. The phylogenetic structure for the two habitats and for each 20×20 m quadrat was calculated using the mean phylogenetic distance weighted by species abundance and checked for significance using the standardized effect size generated by 5000 randomizations of phylogenetic tip labels.Important findings Our results indicate that partitioning among edaphic habitats is important for explaining species distributions and coexistence in restinga forests. Species distributions within the plot were found to be non-random: there was greater floristic similarity within than between habitats, and>40% of the more abundant species were positively or negatively associated with at least one habitat. Patterns of habitat association were not independent of phylogenetic relatedness: the community was overdispersed with respect to space and habitat type. Closely related species tended to occur in different habitats, while neighboring trees tended to belong to more distantly related species. We conclude that habitat specialization is important for the coexistence of species in restinga forests and that habitat heterogeneity is therefore an essential factor in explaining the maintenance of diversity of this unique but fragile and threatened type of forest.  相似文献   

Dependency on topographical habitat was examined for Lauraceae tree species in a lower montane forest using a large-scale research plot established at Doi Inthanon National Park, northern Thailand. Twenty species of 10 genera of Lauraceae were recorded in a 7.5-ha part of the plot; Lauraceae accounted for 18% of the total basal area. Lauraceae was the most species-rich and most abundant family in the plot. In a cluster analysis based on the matrix of spatial associations between species, two clusters were recognized. Members of one cluster seemed to associate with lower-elevation habitats, and members of the other associated with habitats on ridges. By subdividing the study plot into 20m×20m squares, a discriminant analysis could be applied to the presence–absence data for the 17 species that had sufficient population density. The predictor variables used were the relative elevation, slope inclination, slope direction (transformed to deviation from SSW) and slope convexity for each of the squares. The discriminant models were tested statistically by applying the random shift technique. The models were significant for 11 of the species (65% of the species examined) and were associated with the topographical condition of the habitat. Stepwise selection of the predictor variables for these 11 species revealed that relative elevation and slope convexity were the most important factors for predicting the presence or absence of the Lauraceae species. Both these variables were considered to indicate the hydrological condition of the habitat.  相似文献   

Large home-range size and habitat specificity are two commonly cited ecological attributes that are believed to contribute to species vulnerability. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake Crotalus adamanteus is a declining species that occurs sympatrically with the more abundant canebrake rattlesnake Crotalus horridus in a portion of the south-eastern Coastal Plain, USA. In this study, we use the ecological similarities of the two species as experimental controls to test the role of home-range size and habitat specificity in the imperilment of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. We used analysis of variance to investigate differences in home-range size between the two species, and home-range selection was modeled as habitat use versus availability with a case control sampling design using logistic regression. We failed to detect differences in home-range size between the two species; therefore, we could not identify home-range size as an attribute contributing to the imperilment of eastern diamondback rattlesnakes. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes selected pine savannas to a degree that suggests that the species is a habitat specialist. Of the two factors examined, habitat specificity to the imperiled longleaf pine ecosystem may be a significant contributor to the decline of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake.  相似文献   

Methane is one of the strongest of the greenhouse gases, being 30-fold more radiatively active than carbon dioxide on a molar basis. In addition, its atmospheric concentrations have increased by 1% per year since the Industrial Revolution. As such, the dynamics of methane is of great importance for the prediction of global climatic changes caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. One of the most important biological sinks for methane is forest soils, where methanotrophic bacteria oxidize methane to carbon dioxide. Based on data mined from a review of the literature, we determined that the mean methane oxidation rate was 1.90 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 and that the main variables controlling this rate were soil water content and inorganic nitrogen in the soils. In contrast, the effects of temperature and pH are minimal. In addition to reviewing the literature, we monitored methane oxidation rates in a temperate forest soil in Korea on a monthly basis for a year, using a static chamber method. The mean oxidation rate was 1.96 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 and was positively correlated with nitrate concentration in the soil.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat loss on local species richness depend on the characteristics of the endangered system (including its total species pool and the distribution of species among the habitats). The present study focuses on the species-poor southern Baltic marine benthic biota. Macrobenthic samples were collected in three habitats: (1) soft bottom covered with vegetation; (2) stony reefs; (3) unvegetated sands. Fourty one percent of 54 observed macrozoobenthic species were habitat specific, while 30% occurred in all three habitats. There were no significant differences in total species richness among the three habitats. The accumulation curves plotted for subsets of data with selected habitats excluded lay below the curve plotted for the whole dataset, but only in one case the 95% confidence intervals of the subset curve did not overlap with those plotted for the whole dataset. The exclusion of samples from selected habitats produced a species richness drop ranging from 9 to 13%. The present study showed that habitat loss in a species-poor area with a relatively large ratio of generalist species cannot produce local species richness declines similar to those predicted for diverse marine systems. However, it must be emphasized that in species-poor systems, the loss of ecological function accompanying habitat loss could be disproportionally higher than that predicted based on decreases in species richness, as some functions are performed by a single species.  相似文献   

In order to assess the management success of river rehabilitation measurements it is necessary to have representative target species and objective statistical methods. In this study we, tested the validity of habitat suitability models for the riparian carabid beetle Bembidion velox in the evaluation of river bank management along the River Elbe, Germany. On the basis of seven independent data sets from different sites and years we have proven the robustness of logistic regression models with respect to their explanatory and predictive power and their applicability in the field. All models had robust explanatory power and described a strong association of B. velox with semi-terrestrial sandy open soil habitats. Transfers of model results for adult beetles to their larvae and vice versa were highly significant with “sand content” and “stem distance” as the main habitat factors for both life stages. To broaden the local explanatory power towards general predictions we performed model cross-validation in space and time. Spatial transfers produced models with excellent discrimination properties, measured by Area Under Curve (AUC) values of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) plots, independent of sampling designs and trapping methodology. However, the applicability of habitat models for B. velox is defined by the validity period, as the availability of suitable habitats for this species is highly temporally variable and dependent on water level. Model transfers between species also demonstrated that the chosen target species is representative for carabids with similar distribution patterns, as the single species model had high predictive power for the occurrence of a multi-species carabid group.  相似文献   

In recent decades we have seen rapid and co‐occurring changes in landscape structure, species distributions and even climate as consequences of human activity. Such changes affect the dynamics of the interaction between major forest pest species, such as bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), and their host trees. Normally breeding mostly in broken or severely stressed spruce; at high population densities some bark beetle species can colonise and kill healthy trees on scales ranging from single trees in a stand to multi‐annual landscape‐wide outbreaks. In Eurasia, the largest outbreaks are caused by the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (Linnaeus), which is common and shares a wide distribution with its main host, Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.). A large literature is now available, from which this review aims to synthesize research relevant for the population dynamics of I. typographus and co‐occurring species under changing conditions. We find that spruce bark beetle population dynamics tend to be metastable, but that mixed‐species and age‐heterogeneous forests with good site‐matching tend to be less susceptible to large‐scale outbreaks. While large accumulations of logs should be removed and/or debarked before the next swarming period, intensive removal of all coarse dead wood may be counterproductive, as it reduces the diversity of predators that in some areas may play a role in keeping I. typographus populations below the outbreak threshold, and sanitary logging frequently causes edge effects and root damage, reducing the resistance of remaining trees. It is very hard to predict the outcome of interspecific interactions due to invading beetle species or I. typographus establishing outside its current range, as they can be of varying sign and strength and may fluctuate depending on environmental factors and population phase. Most research indicates that beetle outbreaks will increase in frequency and magnitude as temperature, wind speed and precipitation variability increases, and that mitigating forestry practices should be adopted as soon as possible considering the time lags involved.  相似文献   

The management of animal endangered species requires detailed information on their distribution and abundance, which is often hard to obtain. When animals communicate using sounds, one option is to use automatic sound recorders to gather information on the species for long periods of time with low effort. One drawback of this method is that processing all the information manually requires large amounts of time and effort. Our objective was to create a relatively “user‐friendly” (i.e., that does not require big programming skills) automatic detection algorithm to improve our ability to get basic data from sound‐emitting animal species. We illustrate our algorithm by showing two possible applications with the Hawai'i ‘Amakihi, Hemignathus virens virens, a forest bird from the island of Hawai'i. We first characterized the ‘Amakihi song using recordings from areas where the species is present in high densities. We used this information to train a classification algorithm, the support vector machine (SVM), in order to identify ‘Amakihi songs from a series of potential songs. We then used our algorithm to detect the species in areas where its presence had not been previously confirmed. We also used the algorithm to compare the relative abundance of the species in different areas where management actions may be applied. The SVM had an accuracy of 86.5% in identifying ‘Amakihi. We confirmed the presence of the ‘Amakihi at the study area using the algorithm. We also found that the relative abundance of ‘Amakihi changes among study areas, and this information can be used to assess where management strategies for the species should be better implemented. Our automatic song detection algorithm is effective, “user‐friendly” and can be very useful for optimizing the management and conservation of those endangered animal species that communicate acoustically.  相似文献   

植物在长期的进化和发展过程中,通过与环境相互作用形成了适应环境的形态结构及生理特征,反映了植物适应环境的生态策略;在森林群落中,地形和土壤等的变异常导致生境的异质性,从而直接或者间接影响物种的分布格局。因此,在生境异质性较强的森林群落中,植物物种分布格局与其生态适应策略有何关系,是值得关注的问题。该文以鼎湖山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林20 hm2监测样地为平台,针对两种常绿优势树种罗伞树(Ardisia quinquegona)和光叶山黄皮(Aidia canthioides),对比研究了两种植物的叶片功能性状和水力结构特征在山脊、山坡、山谷三种不同生境中的生态适应策略,以阐明物种分布格局与其生态适应策略的关系。结果表明:罗伞树主要是通过调整叶面积(LA)、木材密度(WD)及渗透调节来适应不同生境;光叶山黄皮主要通过调整比叶面积(SLA)、WD及渗透调节,采取养分有效保存(低SLA,高干物质含量)及慢生长高存活的策略以适应不同生境,适应环境能力更强,尤其是在山脊和山坡生境;而且影响两个树种叶片功能性状和水力结构的主导土壤因子有所不同。研究结果说明罗伞树和光叶山黄皮对山脊和山坡生境比山谷更为适应,但在叶片功能性状和水力结构特征方面的生境适应策略不同。  相似文献   

马金超  郭振  许昊  宁焕杉  沈家伟  张志卫 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4770-4781
单木分割对于森林资源调查具有重要的意义,不同结构复杂度的森林单木分割算法的选择以及分割参数的选取对分割精度有着很大的影响。以山东田横岛为研究区,基于无人机正射影像与激光雷达数据,首先提取海岛森林典型植被二维与三维特征,然后利用随机森林算法对不同树种的树木进行分类,最后基于分类后的点云数据,选取不同结构复杂度的森林样地,对比分析聚类算法、层堆叠算法、分水岭算法在不同复杂度林区的适用性。结果表明:(1)随机森林算法结合单木二维、三维特征可有效对混交林树木进行分类,模型总体的精度为94.51%,Kappa系数为0.9038;(2)聚类算法对结构简单的林区具有更高的分割精度(F=96.41),但依赖于分割参数的选取;面对复杂单木集群,分水岭算法总体得分波动最小(ΔF=14.56),表现出较强的稳定性;(3)混交林预先进行树种分类可有效改善单木分割环境,相比于直接进行单木分割,聚类算法、层堆叠算法、分水岭算法的分割精度均得到不同程度的提升(ΔF1=10.06,ΔF2=9.51,ΔF3=12.6)。  相似文献   



Stochastic and asymptotic methods are powerful tools in developing multiscale systems biology models; however, little has been done in this context to compare the efficacy of these methods. The majority of current systems biology modelling research, including that of auxin transport, uses numerical simulations to study the behaviour of large systems of deterministic ordinary differential equations, with little consideration of alternative modelling frameworks.  相似文献   

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