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  • 1 Temporal constancy in the structure of grasshopper assemblies (about forty-five species each) from two types of North American grasslands was assessed; one site was followed 25 years and the other 7 years.
  • 2 Densities and relative abundances varied but composition of assemblies based on ranks suggested significant structure when three or more species were included in the analysis.
  • 3 Results compared favourably with other insect herbivore assemblies which have been examined; variability in population change was intermediate along the spectrum of organisms which have been studied.

利用组织学方法,观察了黄胫小车蝗Oedaleus infernalis 受精囊的显微与亚显微结构。结果表明,黄胫小车蝗受精囊为单个,由高度卷曲的受精囊管和蚕豆状的端囊构成。受精囊壁主要由表皮层、上皮层、基膜和肌肉层构成;上皮层包含上皮细胞、导管细胞和腺细胞。上皮细胞在靠表皮层的边缘有大量的微绒毛,两相邻上皮细胞的细胞膜相互嵌入,并有细微的突起延伸在导管细胞及腺细胞之间,直到基膜,达基膜处的上皮细胞膜折叠,与腺细胞膜的折叠,一起形成迷宫样的指状突起,附着在基膜上。导管细胞有一个较大的核和分泌导管,连接于腺细胞的细胞腔和受精囊腔,将腺细胞中分泌物运输到受精囊腔中。腺细胞具有典型的分泌细胞特征: 含发达内质网、高尔基复合体及不同大小的囊泡。肌肉层位于受精囊最外层,附在基膜上。在受精囊不同部位的结构有差异。在交配前和交配后,受精囊腺细胞的亚显微结构也有差异。  相似文献   

Rapid, reversible colour change is unusual in animals, but is a feature of male chameleon grasshoppers (Kosciuscola tristis). Understanding what triggers this colour change is paramount to developing hypotheses explaining its evolutionary significance. In a series of manipulative experiments the author quantified the effects of temperature, and time of day, as well as internal body temperature, on the colour of male K. tristis. The results suggest that male chameleon grasshoppers change colour primarily in response to temperature and that the rate of colour change varies considerably, with the change from black to turquoise occurring up to 10 times faster than the reverse. Body temperature changed quickly (within 10 min) in response to changes in ambient temperature, but colour change did not match this speed and thus colour is decoupled from internal temperature. This indicates that male colour change is driven primarily by ambient temperature but that their colour does not necessarily reflect current internal temperature. I propose several functional hypotheses for male colour change in K. tristis.  相似文献   

黄胫小车蝗受精囊内含物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用组织化学、亲和组织化学方法研究了黄胫小车蝗 Oedaleus infernalis Saussure交配前后受精囊内含物的化学组成。结果表明,黄胫小车蝗受精囊内含物有蛋白质、脂类和碳水化合物。交配前后黄胫小车蝗受精囊腔及腺细胞中蛋白质、碳水化合物的含量有较大差异,交配后的含量明显高于交配前的,说明交配活动启动了受精囊腺细胞的分泌,使受精囊腔及受精囊管中积聚大量的碳水化合物及蛋白质。交配前后受精囊脂类含量没有明显变化。用亲和组织化学方法对交配后受精囊进行染色分析,表明受精囊腔内含物的碳水化合物、蛋白质主要以糖蛋白形式存在,糖残基主要有半乳糖、甘露糖及α-葡萄糖。  相似文献   

Individuals of two polyphagous grasshopper species,Melanoplus differentialis andSchistocerca albolineata, were reared under standardized conditions to eliminate prior experience as an influence on feeding behavior. Individuals were offered four plants in simultaneous choice tests from 8 to 14 times during development to adulthood. Individual insects varied in the preferred plant and the strength of preference, in the strength of the preference hierarchy among the four plants, and in breadth of feeding in choice tests. Average feeding diversity in choice tests increased significantly in later instars, but the sexes did not differ in feeding pattern. In both species a significant preference for one plant was generally but not invariably associated with a consistent preference hierarchy. Breadth of feeding in all tests was inversely related to the strength of preference and of the preference hierarchy. Although the two species differed in feeding diversity and in the relationship between preference and strength of preference hierarchy, evidence suggests that these differences were due to the specific plants used rather than to true interspecific differences. The existence of such variation under highly standardized rearing conditions suggests that genetic variation for these characteristics may exist in natural populations of polyphagous grasshoppers.  相似文献   

This study assessed baits for eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea guttata (Houttuyn). When offered a choice among several grain-based baits (rolled oats, wheat bran, oat bran, yeast, corn meal, cornflakes) and vegetable oils (canola, corn, peanut, soybean), eastern lubber grasshopper adults preferred bait consisting of wheat bran carrier with corn oil as an added phagostimulant. Other carriers were accepted but consumed less frequently. Discrimination by eastern lubber grasshoppers among oils was poor. Similarly, addition of flavorings (peppermint, anise, lemon, banana) resulted in few significant effects. The carbaryl, wheat bran, and oil bait developed in this study was effective at causing eastern lubber grasshopper mortality in field-cage studies. Significant mortality occurred even though grasshoppers had to locate dishes of bait in a large cage, and could feed on daylilies, or grass growing through the bottom of the cage, rather than on the bran flakes. Consumption of as little as a single carbaryl-treated bran flake could induce mortality, although individuals varied greatly in their susceptibility. The bait matrix developed in this study was readily consumed when in the presence of some plant species. We expect that wheat bran and corn oil bait would be most effective as protection for less preferred plants (tomato, pepper, eggplant, leek, parsley, fennel, daylily, lily of the Nile, and canna lily) because baits were readily consumed in the presence of these plants. Plants that are readily consumed in the presence of bait (preferred plants) included butter crunch lettuce, carrot, yellow squash, cauliflower, collards, green onion, chive, cucumber, cabbage, cantalope, endive, red leaf lettuce, society garlic, caladium, and amaryllis. Baits are likely to be less effective in the presence of such plants. On average, vegetables in Solanaceae (i.e., tomato, pepper, and eggplant) and Apiaceae (i.e., fennel and parsley) elicited high levels of bait-feeding activity, indicating that these vegetables were not highly preferred. The plants tested from Liliaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Asteraceae, and Brassicaceae elicited an intermediate-to-low level of bait feeding.  相似文献   

The visual behavior of adult Melanoplus sanguinipesF. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) was investigated by placing individuals in the center of an arena and recording their orientation responses to visual targets at the perimeter of the arena. Targets that reflected more 540- to 570-nm light were approached more frequently; however, when reflectance in the 540 -to 570-nm region was combined with reflectance in the 400- to 520-nm region, orientation responses were reduced significantly. This suggests that spectral discrimination in M. sanguinipesinvolves at least two classes of photoreceptors, which respond to different regions of the wavelength spectrum. In addition, grasshoppers oriented to vertical, but not horizontal, contrasting stripes. However, when vertical stripes were added to targets reflecting 520- to 650-nm light, responses to verticals on these targets were not enhanced relative to verticals presented against a target background of 400- to 520-nm + 520- to 650-nm light. Thus, spectral discrimination and vertical stripe fixation appear to be two distinct visual behaviors, controlled by outputs from two classes of photoreceptors and a single class of photoreceptors, respectively, and may be used in different physiological or ecological contexts.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of final-instar nymphs of Schistocerca americanato a variety of acceptable and unacceptable plants were recorded. Palpation occurred on all plants and the palps are involved in both acceptance and rejection. On most unacceptable plants, rejection was at first dependent on biting the leaf, but subsequently on Lantana, Machaeranthera, Moms,and Physalis,rejection often occurred after palpation of the surface alone. This is consistent with the suggestion that associative learning occurs. This response did not wane even when the insects had been without food for over 2 h. There was also some evidence of an innate response to the surface characteristics of Physalis.The features of the surfaces that produced these responses were not determined.  相似文献   

The brachypterous grasshopper Podisma sapporensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) is distributed throughout the Sakhalin, Kunashir and Hokkaido Islands. Karyotypes of this species consist of two major chromosomal races with different sex chromosome systems, XO/XX and XY/XX. Molecular phylogeographic analysis of the chromosome races and subraces confirms the genetic divergence of the races and subraces in P. sapporensis. Here we first report that P. sapporensis is infected with Wolbachia consisting of three variants on wsp locus, while gatB locus was monomorphic. Furthermore, observation of cell tissue of P. sapporensis using electron microscopy confirmed the infection of Wolbachia that was inferred from polymerase chain reaction and revealed the distribution of the bacteria in the head, thorax and abdomen of P. sapporensis embryos. Our finding may shed new light on Wolbachia as a possible agent causing hybrid dysfunction resulting from experimental crosses between chromosome races or subraces of P. sapporensis.  相似文献   

Bootettix argentatus (Orthoptera : Acrididae) is a monophagous grasshopper in the subfamily Gomphocerinae. The numbers of chemoreceptors in most groups on the mouthparts increase with each molt and are generally similar in the 2 sexes. There are fewer sensilla in the A3 groups than in other gomphocerine grasshoppers, and the possibility that this is related to host-plant specificity is discussed. Only very small numbers of sensilla are present on the pulvillar pads of the tarsi and on the arolia. The number of sensilla on the antennae is proportional to the length of the flagellum and coeloconic sensilla comprise 30–35%. Most of the remainder are multiporous basiconic sensilla. Adult males have more antennal sensilla than adult females.  相似文献   

Studies of herbivorous insects have played a major role in understanding how ecological divergence can facilitate genetic differentiation. In contrast to the majority of herbivorous insects, grasshoppers as a group are largely polyphagous. Due to this relative lack of intimate grasshopper-plant associations, grasshopper-plant systems have not played a large part in the study of host-associated genetic differentiation. The oligophagous grasshopper, Hesperotettix viridis (Thomas), is endemic to North America and feeds on composites (Asteraceae) within the tribe Astereae. Previous work has shown both preference and performance differences between H. viridis individuals feeding on either Solidago mollis or Gutierrezia sarothrae. Using 222 AFLP markers, we examined the genetic relationships among 38 H. viridis individuals feeding on these plants both in sympatry and allopatry. Neighbour-joining analysis resulted in two distinct host-associated clades with 71% bootstrap support for host-associated monophyly. Analyses of molecular variation (amova) revealed significant genetic structuring with host plant accounting for 20% of the total genetic variance while locality accounted for 0%. Significant genetic differentiation was detected between S. mollis-feeders and G. sarothrae-feeders even when the two were present at the same locality. These results are consistent with observed differences in preference and performance between H. viridis grasshoppers feeding on either G. sarothrae or S. mollis and indicate that H. viridis is comprised of at least two genetically distinct host plant-associated lineages.  相似文献   

Dry, oligotrophic ecosystems are highly threatened in Europe due to massive changes in land use and eutrophication. The conservation of these xeric habitats has received much attention, whereas the ecotones between xeric habitats and other habitat types are often disregarded. One species which mainly inhabits the transition zone between pine forests and adjacent xeric habitats is the heath grasshopper, Chorthippus vagans. This species is endangered in large parts of Europe. One of the largest populations in northern Germany is found on a degraded inland dune near Hanover. This population is threatened by dense growth of deciduous trees and litter accumulation. We analyzed changes in the distribution of this population after the implementation of conservation measures (thinning out the forest and removal of leaf litter). Moreover, we examined dispersal distances of the species in order to assess its colonization potential. We also studied the microhabitat preferences of C. vagans to assess key factors influencing its local distribution. Our data show a substantial growth in population size, which might be a consequence of the conservation measures. New patches on the dune were colonized, promoting dispersal between the subpopulations. We propose that restoration of forest-dune ecotones should be considered more often in landscape planning and conservation management.  相似文献   

Danner BJ  Joern A 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):352-359
In response to increased exposure to predators when searching for food, many prey increase the frequency of antipredator behaviors, potentially reducing foraging rate and food intake. Such direct, nonlethal interactions between predators and prey resulting in reduced food intake can indirectly influence lifecycle development through effects on growth, developmental rate, and survival. We investigated the general hypothesis that individual performance of a herbivorous insect can be negatively affected when exposed to nonlethal predation risk, and that the response can be mediated by food quality. This hypothesis was tested using the common rangeland grasshopper Ageneotettix deorum with and without exposure to common wolf spider predators (Lycosidae, Schizocosa spp.) on both untreated natural and fertilized vegetation. All spiders were rendered temporarily incapable of direct feeding by restricting function of the chelicerae with beeswax. Detectable responses by grasshoppers to spiders indicate indirect consequences for lifecycle development. Grasshopper performance was measured as hind femur growth, duration of nymphal lifecycle stages, and survivorship in a caged field experiment conducted over 2 years. Grasshoppers developed faster and grew 3–5% larger when allowed to forage on fertilized vegetation in the absence of risk from a spider predator. Failure-time analysis illustrated enhanced survival probability in response to elevated food quality and the negative effects of grasshopper susceptibility to nonlethal predation risk. Performance on food of relatively low, ambient quality with no predation risk equaled that of grasshoppers caged with high quality vegetation in the presence of a modified spider. Increased resource quality can clearly moderate the negative life history responses caused by the behavioral modification of grasshoppers when exposed to spider predation risk, a compensatory response.  相似文献   

The impact of predation by the robber fly Proctacanthus milbertii Macquart on populations of adult grasshoppers from grasslands of the Nebraska sandhills was estimated. Densities of P. milbertii were estimated at 437 individuals per hectare (2 se=122). Overall densities of 23 species of grasshoppers were estimated to be 64,000 individuals per hectare with the most abundant species (Ageneotettix deorum) having a population size of approximately 15,000 individuals per hectare. Based on three estimates of predation level (ranging from 0.5 to 2 prey per day per robber fly), P. milbertii may take from 0.5% to 2% of the adult grasshoppers per day. Species of grasshoppers were taken by P. milbertii in about the same proportion in which they occurred at the study site and no size-selective component of predation was detectable.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Polymorphism has been described for a number of herbivorous insects, but little is known about whether differences in body colour cause fitness differences. In Chorthippus parallelus, three main colour morphs occur, namely brown, green, and dorsally striped. 2. The present study examined colour morph abundances and morph‐related differences in body size, oviposition rate, and offspring numbers in females of C. parallelus collected in 15 montane grasslands. The study also examined the effect of plant species richness, composition, community productivity, and solar radiation on colour morph frequency and fitness. 3. The relative frequencies of the three colour morphs was 31.7% (brown), 33.1% (green), and 35.2% (dorsally striped), but the morphs were not evenly distributed across the 15 sites. 4. There was no effect of the habitat variables on the distribution of the green and the striped morph in the study sites, however 80% of the variation in the abundances of the brown morph was explained by plant species richness and composition. 5. Grasshopper size was equal among the morphs. Brown females laid significantly more egg pods than the green and dorsally striped morphs. There were no significant differences in offspring numbers among the colour morphs. 6. Body colour in C. parallelus seems to be a fitness‐relevant trait, raising the question of the evolutionary maintenance of polymorphism.  相似文献   

Two Oedipodinae grasshopper species Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko and Angaracris baraben-sis Pall. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) are important pests on the natural grasslands in Inner Mongolia and often require insecticide treatment during outbreaks[1]. They both prefer overgrazed steppes and xerophytous habi-tats, and have thus been suggested as indicator species for steppe deterioration in typical steppe zones of In-ner Mongolia[2]. The two species have a sympatric distribution and sync…  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of male and female Oedipodinae grasshoppers, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko and Angaracris barabensis Pall to 37 plant volatile compounds were recorded. The two species have sympatric distribution and synchronous seasonal activity in Inner Mongolia Grasslands. They have different host plant preference with Oedaleus decorus asiaticus graminivorous and A. barabensis forbivorous. The EAG response profiles to 37 compounds of the two species and their both sexes were similar. Most of the green leaf volatiles elicited higher EAG responses in both species and sexes than terpenic compounds and some aromatic compounds. Strong EAG responses were elicited by 6-carbon alcohols (1-hexanol, Z-hexen-2-ol-1, E-2-hexen-1-ol, E-hexen-3-ol-1), aldehyde (E-2-hexen-1-al), ester (Z-hexen-3-yl acetate), and 7-carbon alcohols (1-heptanol) in both species and sexes. Monoterpenes with functional groups of alcohols and aldehydes were more stimulating than other monoterpenes tested. The sesquiterpenes tested elicited relatively low responses. Benzaldehyde elicited the highest responses for both species among aromatic components. Oedaleus decorus asiaticus showed higher EAG responses than A. barabensis to the green leaf volatiles, 1-decanol, 1-nonanol, 1-pentanol, hexanal, Z-hexen-3-yl acetate and to the sesquiterpenes (-)-trans-caryophyllene. Males have higher responses than females in Oedaleus decorus asiaticus. No sexual difference was observed in A. barabensis. Dose-dependent responses to six selected chemicals were observed from females. In both species, all the chemicals tested elicit EAG responses at concentration between 10-3 mol/L and 10-2 mol/L, except that the responses of A. barabensis to terpineol had a threshold concentration of 10-2 mol/L benzaldehyde and 1-hexanol had the highest slopes in dose curves, while 1-octen-3-ol showed the smallest slope in responses to the six chemicals tested. Comparative studies on the responses of two antennal sections and the whole antenna to six selected chemicals were carried out using females of both species. A significant EAG response was only recorded from the distal part of the antenna and not from the proximal seven segments.  相似文献   

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