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Advances in the understanding of biological radiations along tropical mountains depend on the knowledge of phylogenetic relationships among species. Here we present a species-level molecular phylogeny based on a multilocus dataset for the Andean hummingbird genus Coeligena. We compare this phylogeny to previous hypotheses of evolutionary relationships and use it as a framework to understand patterns in the evolution of sexual dichromatism and in the biogeography of speciation within the Andes. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based mostly on similarities in coloration conflicted with our molecular phylogeny, emphasizing the unreliability of color characters for phylogenetic inference. Two major clades, one monochromatic and the other dichromatic, were found in Coeligena. Closely related species were either allopatric or parapatric on opposite mountain slopes. No sister lineages replaced each other along an elevational gradient. Our results indicate the importance of geographic isolation for speciation in this group and the potential interaction between isolation and sexual selection to promote diversification.  相似文献   

While surveying chytrid diversity in lakes and streams, we found on cellulosic bait a chytrid that had both monocentric and polycentric thallus forms. We brought this chytrid into axenic culture from three sites in eastern North America, studied its thallus development and zoospore ultrastructure, and compared its 28S rDNA sequence with those of other members of the Chytridiomycota. Thallus morphology matched that described for the rare chytrid, Cladochytrium polystomum Zopf. Sporangia were spherical and produced numerous long discharge tubes. After discharge, zoospores remained in spherical clusters at the tips of the inoperculate openings of discharge tubes. After 10–30 min zoospores either swam away or encysted in place. Zoospore ultrastructural features included a cell coat, flagellar plug, and paracrystalline inclusion, features typical of members of the Chytridiales. However, the flagellar apparatus structure and organellar organization differed from that of zoospores previously described. Based on its molecular phylogeny and its zoospore ultrastructural features, we classify C. polystomum as a member of the Chytridiaceae in the Chytridiales. Because its thallus development and its ribosomal DNA sequences diverged decidedly from those of Cladochytrium tenue Nowak, the type species of Cladochytrium, we erected Zopfochytrium as a new genus for this chytrid.  相似文献   

Paxillus involutus is a model species for ecological or physiological studies of ectomycorrhizal agaricomycetes. Three to six groups or species linked to it have been ecologically and morphologically distinguished. Phylogenetic studies have revealed the existence of four species in Europe: Paxillus ammoniavirescens, Paxillus obscurisporus, P. involutus, and a fourth as yet not described species. We studied 47 collections from 24 French and Italian locations, supplemented with GenBank data, in order to genetically and taxonomically delineate these species. Phylogenetic analyses of three nuclear DNA regions (rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), tef1-α, and gpd) confirmed the four European species. Morphology, culture, and ecology features allowed us to delineate species boundaries and to describe the fourth species we named Paxillus cuprinus since it turns coppery with age. As there is no existing original herbarium specimen for P. involutus, one of our collections was chosen as the epitype. The low genetic diversity found in P. cuprinus correlates with stable morphological traits (basidiome colour, ovoid–amygdaliform spores with an apical constriction) and with ecological preferences (association with Betulaceae in open and temperate areas). In contrast, P. ammoniavirescens is characterized by a high genetic diversity and a high variation of its morphological and ecological features.  相似文献   

Verticillium fungicola, the type species of Verticillium sect. Albo-erecta, and related taxa were studied using morphological and molecular techniques. Sequences of the ITS region and SSU rDNA suggest that V. fungicola is very close to members of the genus Lecanicillium and unrelated to other species that were originally accommodated in the same section. New combinations in Lecanicillium are proposed for Verticillium fungicola and its var. flavidum at species rank, L. f. var. aleophilum is retained as a variety. These taxa can be distinguished from each other by optimum and maximum temperatures for growth, in addition to ITS sequence differences. Morphologically, L. flavidum is also distinct by repeated branching of the conidiophores, whereas the two varieties of L. fungicola have a simple conidiophore axis.  相似文献   

Aspergillus caatingaensis and A. pernambucoensis, isolated from semi-desert soil in caatinga area, the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, are described and illustrated. Aspergillus caatingaensis is characterized by its white cleistothecia, broadly lenticular ascospores with four equatorial crests and irregularly ribbed to slightly reticulate with aculeate convex surfaces, and ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a smooth wall. Aspergillus pernambucoensis is characterized by its, white cleistothecia, lenticular ascospores with two equatorial crests and irregularly ribbed with tuberculate to verrucate convex surfaces, and ovoid to broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a smooth wall. The validation of these new species is supported further by analyses of the β-tubulin, calmodulin and actin gene sequences.  相似文献   

Lei Cai  Kevin D. Hyde 《Mycoscience》2007,48(5):290-296
This article describes two new anamorphic fungi from freshwater habitats, Dictyosporium tetrasporum sp. nov. and Exserticlava yunnanensis sp. nov., based on morphological characters. Both species are illustrated with light micrographs and compared with similar taxa. Pseudofuscophialis lignicola and Pseudobotrytis terrestris are reported as new records from freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

通过对文字衣科黑文衣属形态学、解剖学、化学与分子生物学的研究,发现中国新记录种1种,即变黄黑文衣(Phaeographis flavescens Dal-Forno&Eliasaro),该种主要特征为地衣体壳状,表面浅黄绿色,无光泽,光滑;子囊盘弯曲,多分支,聚生于假子座中;盘缘黑色,相邻线盘之间有小缝隙,盘面较平坦,黑色,覆有白色粉霜;子囊层无色透明,侧丝顶端分支;子囊含8个子囊孢子;子囊孢子褐色,横隔透镜型,(4~)6胞室,大小19~25.5μm×6~7μm,I+紫红色。该种分布于云南和福建,该研究丰富了对中国黑文衣属物种组成与分布的认知。  相似文献   

Aspergillus huiyaniae, a new teleomorphic species isolated from desert soil in Xinjiang, China, was described and illustrated. Aspergillus huiyaniae is characterized by its yellowish white to pale yellow cleistothecia, broadly lenticular ascospores with two equatorial crests and irregularly ribbed to slightly reticulate convex surfaces, and subglobose to ovate or broadly ellipsoidal conidia with smooth walls. This species was supported further by the analyses of the β-tubulin, calmodulin and actin gene sequences.  相似文献   

Fomitiporia punicata sp. nov., collected from Shaanxi Province, northern China, and so far exclusively on Punica granatum (Punicaceae), is described and illustrated, and its preliminary phylogenetic relationships are inferred based on sequence data from the ribosomal ITS-5.8S regions. Fomitiporia punicata belongs to the F. robustaF. punctata complex, but is characterized by an effused–reflexed to pileate basidioma with triquetrous to ungulate pilei, pale yellowish brown to cinnamon brown pore surface, moderately thick-walled skeletal hyphae in the context, which are partly collapsed on drying, lack of setae, presence of fusoid to subulate cystidioles, and growth on Punica. It also forms a distinct clade within Fomitiporia, and is related to some species from the temperate or Mediterranean zone of the northern hemisphere. An identification key to the species of Fomitiporia recorded in China is provided. Fomitiporia tibetica is transferred to Pseudoinonotus.  相似文献   

【目的】对我国西部地区土壤中嗜热毁丝霉属真菌资源进行调查。【方法】采集西部地区各省市不同环境的土壤样品,采用富集培养法,从土样中分离毁丝霉属菌株;再采用经典形态学及分子系统学方法相结合对获得的菌株进行鉴定。【结果】共从采集的样品中分离获得12株毁丝霉属菌株,其中G10菌株为异宗毁丝霉Myceliophthora heterothallica,EB6301M菌株为棉毛毁丝霉Myceliophthora vellerea,其余10株菌为嗜热毁丝霉Myceliophthora thermophila。【结论】棉毛毁丝霉和异宗毁丝霉均为我国新记录种。  相似文献   

The Rhizophydiales is the most recently circumscribed order in the Chytridiomycota. Past studies focused on soil chytrids from North America and Australia to determine the range of diversity within this clade of chytrids and established three families (Rhizophydiaceae, Terramycetaceae, and Kappamycetaceae) in the new order. Although Rhizophydiales contains seemingly simple chytrids morphologically, analyses of ribosomal gene sequences and zoospore characters have demonstrated unexpected genetic and ultrastructural diversity, highlighting the need for broader habitat and geographic sampling to reveal the actual diversity within this new order. To enlarge our sampling, in this study we investigated 38 newly cultured chytrids collected from aquatic habitats in Argentina, a territory under-explored for chytrid diversity. From analyses of thallus morphology, zoospore ultrastructure, and 28S and ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 ribosomal gene sequences, we expand the concept of Rhizophydiales, describing seven new families (Alphamycetaceae, Angulomycetaceae, Aquamycetaceae, Globomycetaceae, Gorgonomycetaceae, Pateramycetaceae, and Protrudomycetaceae) and eight new genera (Alphamyces, Angulomyces, Aquamyces, Globomyces, Urceomyces, Gorgonomyces, Pateramyces, and Protrudomyces). Results of this study underscore that even more extensive sampling from varied habitats and geographies is needed to adequately ascertain the diversity of chytrids in the Rhizophydiales.  相似文献   

The lack of a robust taxonomy in the genus Saprolegnia is leading to the presence of incorrectly named isolates in culture collections and of an increasing number of misassigned sequences in DNA databases. Accurate species delimitation is critical for most biological disciplines. A recently proposed approach to solve species delimitation (taxonomic diagnosis system) of difficult organisms is the definition of molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs). We have used 961 sequences of nrDNA ITS from culture collections (461 sequences) and GenBank (500 sequences), to perform phylogenetic and clustering optimization analyses. As result, we have identified 29 DNA-based MOTUs in agreement with phylogenetic studies. The resulting molecular clusters support the validity of 18 species of Saprolegnia and identify 11 potential new ones. We have also listed a number of incorrectly named isolates in culture collections, misassigned species names to GenBank sequences, and reference sequences for the species. We conclude that GenBank represents the main source of errors for identifying Saprolegnia species since it possesses sequences with misassigned names and also sequencing errors. The presented taxonomic diagnosis system might help setting the basis for a suitable identification of species in this economically important genus.  相似文献   

微孢子虫(Microsporidia)是一类专性细胞内寄生的单细胞真核生物,在科研、医疗、农业、商业等领域具有重要影响。由于其不具有某些典型的真核生物细胞结构,如线粒体、过氧化物酶体、高尔基体、鞭毛,曾将其归属于古真核生物谱系,认为其进化历程先于这些细胞器的起源,该假说也得到了一些生物化学和分子生物学研究证据的支持。然而,在最近十年里,通过更深入的研究,尤其是基于分子序列的系统进化分析,表明微孢子虫和真菌具有一定亲缘关系,并认为其结构的简约性恰好体现了微孢子虫营寄生生活的高度退化现象。目前对微孢子虫的系统进化仍存在各种不同意见,对其进化研究历史进行探讨有着重要意义。本文将按照时间顺序回顾微孢子虫进化分类研究过程中的各种研究成果,并讨论为什么微孢子虫独特的细胞和基因组特性会导致众多的学者在其进化分类问题上争执这么久。  相似文献   

Three new species of Tilletia are described from species of Eriachne (Poaceae) in the arid tropics of north-western Australia. In Western Australia, T. mactaggartii sp. nov. infects E. burkittii, and T. geeringii sp. nov. infects E. festucacea. Tilletia marjaniae sp. nov. infects E. pulchella subsp. dominii in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. These species are the first records of Tilletia on Eriachne. Phylogenetic relationships of these species were inferred from internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal RNA region and large subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences.  相似文献   

猪尾鼠属(Typhlomys)是啮齿类中的孑遗类群,片段化分布于我国南方和越南最北部的山地森林。前期我们基于形态和分子系统学的方法将猪尾鼠属现生类群划分为4个物种。但该分类系统仍存在争议和有待于解决的问题:一方面,有学者对大娄山猪尾鼠等是否应属于种级分类单元抱有疑问;另一方面,秦岭、南岭和广西周边的猪尾鼠种群的分类地位仍未有定论。因此,本研究采用核型分析以及分子系统学分析的方法,对我国猪尾鼠的分类及分布进行进一步梳理。本研究首次报道了中华猪尾鼠和大娄山猪尾鼠的G带核型和Ag-NORs的数目和分布,其中中华猪尾鼠2n=36,核型为14(M, SM) + 20 (A),XY (SM, A),Ag-NORs 6个;大娄山猪尾鼠2n=56,核型为2 (SM) + 52 (A),XX (SM, SM ),Ag-NORs 4个。上述核型与已报道的沙巴猪尾鼠核型(2n=38)存在显著差异,支持上述类群均为独立物种。基于线粒体Cyt b,ND2COⅠ基因的进化关系分析,秦岭种群应属于大娄山猪尾鼠、南岭种群应属于中华猪尾鼠。而来自红河以东的云南南部的种群以及贵州南部的种群情况复杂,暗示云南、贵州和广西的喀斯特地区可能还存在未知的分类单元。  相似文献   

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