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The striated muscles of Derocheilocaris typica consist of mononucleated cells, each containing one filament bundle. Large muscles consist of two or more cells adjacent to each other. The mitochondria line up along the filament bundle on one side. The nucleus is situated in the mitochondrial row and has a small cytoplasmic area around it filled with glycogen. The sarcomeres are between 3 and 6 μm long. The Z-line and H band are present. Six thin filaments surround one thick filament. All muscles belong to the phasic type. The tubular system emanates from the ends of the muscle cell and penetrates the whole cell. The tubules are formed as cisterns, which also open at the cell membrane at the level of the I bands. They have sarcoplasmic cisterns on both sides forming a continuous triad system. Partially transformed epidermal cells mediate muscle insertions on the cuticle. Tendons are formed with the transformed epidermal cells being supplemented by fibroblasts forming collagen fibers. Dorsal and ventral abdominal muscles are innervated from the dorso-lateral nerve arising from the nerve chain. Each muscle cell receives one axon, which forms one synapse on the mitochondrial-free side of the muscles. Axons form terminal spines, which make axo-axonal synapses.  相似文献   

Carp show a partial compensation in metabolic rate and activity following temperature acclimation. In the present study crucian carp, Carassius carassius , were acclimated for eight weeks to either 2deg; C or 28deg; C. The effects of temperature acclimation on muscle fibre ultrastructure has been investigated. The fractional volume (%) of each fibre type occupied by mitochondria and myofibrils was determined using a point counting morphometric method. Mitochondrial density was found to be higher in the muscles of cold (red fibres 25%; pink fibres 20% and white fibres 4%) than in those of warm acclimated fish (red fibres 14%, pink fibres 11%, white fibres 1%). The proportion of subsarcolemmal to intra-myofibrillar mitochondria was significantly lower in the red fibres of cold acclimated fish. Metabolic compensation to low temperatures are therefore associated with an increase in the number of mitochondria per cell. In contrast, the fractional volume occupied by myofibrils actually decreased following cold acclimation. Evidence is reviewed that temperature compensation of contractile activity results from qualitative rather than quantitative changes in myofibrillar proteins.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy was conducted on the digestive epithelium of the crustacean ectoparasite Dolops ranarum to elucidate its ultrastructure for the first time, both in a nourished and starved condition. Specimens were collected from the Limpopo Drainage System in South Africa, and the specimens were killed and dissected in Todd's fixative. The anterior midgut is composed mostly of absorptive cells or R cells, while the diverticula are composed of R cells and of F cells, which are moderately abundant in rough endoplasmic reticulum. They are probably responsible for producing digestive enzymes. The posterior midgut is composed of papilliform B cells with large apically located vesicles and R′ cells devoid of cell inclusions. Under starvation, specimens survive for a maximum of 12 days; R cells show the most conspicuous changes in ultrastructural characteristics. It is concluded that D. ranarum has adapted to short-term survival only without a host.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the red and white myotomal muscles of a marine teleost, the coalfish Gadus virens, has been examined and ultrastructural measurements and analyses carried out. The sarcomere lengths of the red and white fibres were found to be 1.60 minimum, 1.82 maximum and 1.70 minimum, 1.85 maximum, respectively. No significant difference was found between the red and white fibres in their percentage of sarcoplasmic reticulum and T system. Both were found to have regularly occurring triads at the Z disk level, to have distinctive M lines and to be multiply innervated. Ultrastructurally the two fibres can be distinguished by the thicker Z line and more abundant mitochondria of the red fibre, and by the ribbon-shaped peripheral myofibrils of the white fibres. The structure of the fibres in these two types of muscle is discussed in relation to their possible role in swimming.This work was supported by a research grant from the National Environmental Research Council.  相似文献   

The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) seems unique among vertebrates in its ability to maintain cardiac performance during prolonged anoxia. We investigated whether this phenomenon arises in part from a myocardium tolerant to severe acidosis or because the anoxic crucian carp heart may not experience a severe extracellular acidosis due to the fish's ability to convert lactate to ethanol. Spontaneously contracting heart preparations from cold-acclimated (6-8°C) carp were exposed (at 6.5°C) to graded or ungraded levels of acidosis under normoxic or anoxic conditions and intrinsic contractile performance was assessed. Our results clearly show that the carp heart is tolerant of acidosis as long as oxygen is available. However, heart rate and contraction kinetics of anoxic hearts were severely impaired when extracellular pH was decreased below 7.4. Nevertheless, the crucian carp heart was capable of recovering intrinsic contractile performance upon reoxygenation regardless of the severity of the anoxic + acidotic insult. Finally, we show that increased adrenergic stimulation can ameliorate, to a degree, the negative effects of severe acidosis on the intrinsic contractile properties of the anoxic crucian carp heart. Combined, these findings indicate an avoidance of severe extracellular acidosis and adrenergic stimulation are two important factors protecting the intrinsic contractile properties of the crucian carp heart during prolonged anoxia, and thus likely facilitate the ability of the anoxic crucian carp to maintain cardiac pumping.  相似文献   

1. Releases of non‐native fish into the wild is an increasing problem posing considerable ecological and genetic threats through direct competition and hybridisation. 2. We employed six microsatellite markers to identify first generation hybrids and backcrosses between native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and introduced goldfish (C. auratus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the U.K. We also investigated the genetic characteristics of the taxonomically controversial gibel carp (Carassius spp.) from sites across Europe. 3. Natural hybridisation between goldfish and crucian carp occurs frequently, although hybrids between all other species pairs were observed. Only 62% of British crucian carp populations (n = 21) consisted exclusively of pure crucian carp. In some populations hybrids were so frequent, that no pure crucian carp were caught, indicating a high competitive ability of hybrids. 4. Most hybrids belonged to the F1 generation but backcrossing was evident at a low frequency in goldfish × crucian carp hybrids and goldfish × common carp hybrids. Furthermore, some local populations had high frequencies of backcrosses, raising the opportunity for introgression. 5. Gibel carp from Germany and Italy belonged to two triploid clonal lineages that were genetically closely related to goldfish, whereas all individuals identified from British populations proved to be crucian carp × goldfish hybrids. 6. Our study suggests that the release of closely related exotic cyprinids not only poses a threat to the genetic integrity and associated local adaptations of native species, but may also contribute to shifts in community structure through competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Some ectothermic vertebrates show unusually good tolerance to oxygen shortage and it is therefore assumed that they might, as a defense mechanism, decrease number or activity of ion channels in order to reduce membrane leakage and thereby ATP-dependent ion pumping in hypoxia. Although several studies have provided indirect evidence in favor of this channel arrest hypothesis, only few experiments have examined activity of ion channels directly from animals exposed to chronic hypoxia or anoxia in vivo. Here we compare the inwardly rectifying K+ current (IK1), a major leak and repolarizing K+ pathway of the heart, in cardiac myocytes of normoxic and hypoxic crucian carp, using the whole-cell and cell-attached single-channel patch-clamp methods. Whole-cell conductance of IK1 was 0.5 ± 0.04 nS/pF in normoxic fish and did not change during the 4 weeks hypoxic (O2 < 0.4 mg/l; 2.68 mmHg) period, meanwhile the activity of Na+/K+ATPase decreased 33%. Single-channel conductance of the IK1 was 20.5 ± 0.8 pS in control fish and 21.4 ± 1.1pS in hypoxic fish, and the open probability of the channel was 0.80 ± 0.03 and 0.74 ± 0.04 (P > 0.05) in control and hypoxic fish, respectively. Open and closed times also had identical distributions in normoxic and hypoxic animals. These results suggest that the density and activity of the inward rectifier K+ channel is not modified by chronic hypoxia in ventricular myocytes of the crucian carp heart. It is concluded that instead of channel arrest, the hypoxic fish cardiac myocytes obtain energy savings through action potential arrest due to hypoxic bradycardia.  相似文献   

In long-term experimental anoxia (up to 140 days) crucian carp excreted ethanol and acetic acid. The maximum concentration of ethanol found in fish blood was ca 0.1%. The excretion rate of ethanol at temperatures from -0.5 to +5 degrees C was ca 25 micrograms/g fish wet wt/hr, but increased rapidly with increasing temperature. At 2 and 5 degrees C the ethanol excretion rate was independent of fish size, but at 12 and 18 degrees C a higher rate was observed in smaller fish. The decrease of water pH below 5 in the experimental vial during long anoxia was assumed to be due to excretion of acid compounds by the fish.  相似文献   

Both mitochondrial DNA sequence and two nuclear microsatellite markers were used to confirm the identity of the first record of Carassius auratus gibelio in the western (Swedish) Baltic Sea region. A total of 49 fishes were analysed, where 22 were from three Swedish sites connected to the Baltic Sea. The D-loop mitochondrial DNA sequences showed that 16 of 22 Swedish fishes were related to C. a. gibelio. The phylogenetic analysis of these sequences showed that these fish are probably not native, but represent different lineages of C. a. gibelio from China, Japan and Russia. All except three of these 16 fishes had microsatellite alleles suggesting hybridization with Carassius carassius. These findings suggest that a cryptic invasion of C. a. gibelio might be in progress.  相似文献   

Ornamental ponds are important sites for conserving threatened native fish species (e.g. crucian carp Carassius carassius L.), but pond management plans rarely include considerations of native fishes. We developed and implemented a management plan for a small (0.8 h), ornamental estate pond in Hertfordshire (England) using historical information (aquatic plant and animal surveys) and a 9-year data set on climatic variables and crucian carp body condition. Crucian carp growth was not correlated with climatic variables, but body condition decreased with increasing temperature (in degree-days), which suggests that temperature influences on growth are counter-balanced by environmental factors. Management included the removal of one fish species (to eliminate hybridization with another species) and the introduction of two native species (to re-balance the fish assemblage), a reduction in floating aquatic plants (to reduce shading of the sediments) as well as the use of a chemical agent to compact the pond’s fine sediments and barley straw to enhance invertebrate habitat and thus fish prey production. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli and S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Summary The pancreatic islets ofCarassius carassius have been studied by electron microscopy. 1. Besides A-, B- and D-cells, two new cell types, the fourth and the fifth, have been identified. The fourth cell type is numerous; it occurs interposed among the other types of islet cells or in small clusters. The secretory granules (90–280 mg in diameter) are round or oval and usually with much lower electron density than α- and δ-granules. The secretory granules of the fifth type of cell (approximately 140–240 mμ in diameter) contain finely granular material and an electron dense core that is round or often tetra- or hexagonal. 2. The islet cells with clear cytoplasmic matrix generally contain large numbers of fine, agranular and cored vesicles 400–680 ? in diameter. They appear, in bead-like chains, or randomly scattered throughout the cytoplasm, or often clustered in aggregates close to the secretory granules and show evidence of incorporation into the secretory granules. The two types of vesicles may be formed by constriction or pinching-off of the tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Synopsis A pronounced seasonal cycle in the activity of the intestinal alkaline phosphatase indicated a 6 month pause in feeding by crucian carp in an anoxic pond during winter. Zero enzyme activity was not reached until ice cover of the pond was complete, although even in the preceding two months no food was found in the guts of the fish. The summer diets of four size classes of fish consisted of varying proportions of planktonic and benthic arthropods, including Odonata which were consumed exclusively by the largest size class of crucian carp. Chironomid larvae were consumed even by the smallest fish investigated, although planktonic Cladocera were preferred by this size class. Benthic Cladocera were almost totally absent in the diet of fish> 10 cm. Habitat segregation between size classes developed synchronously with the shift to benthic food. The stunting of crucian carp populations in small ponds is interpreted as resulting from limited resources.  相似文献   

Morphometric and genetic variation were examined in parental Carassius auratus gibelio and Carassius carassius individuals, and their natural hybrids. Of meristic traits, only the number of gill rakers clearly distinguished hybrids (39·4 ± 1·4) from parental C. a. gibelio (48·3 ± 0·7) and C. carassius (28·6 ± 1·1). MtDNA sequences showed that the hybrids were descendants of female C. a. gibelio . Microsatellite analysis confirmed the presence in hybrids of variants typical of C. a. gibelio and C. carassius .  相似文献   

Isoenzyme patterns and the polymorphism of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were investigated in 3 fish species of family Cyprinidae, i.e. tench ( Tinea tinea ), crucian carp ( Carassius carassius ) and carp ( Cyprinus carpio). The isoenzyme patterns were tissue and species specific. In crucian carp subunits with different electro-phoretic mobility are present, which are genetically controlled from the B1, B2, A1, A2and C loci, while the set of loci in carp is B1, B2, A, C1and C2and in tench B, A, C. The locus B of LDH in tench, the locus B2in crucian carp, and the loci B1, C1and C2in carp are polymorphic and have two different alleles in each case. The polymorphism did not affect the total LDH activity in the tissues. All the populations investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The genetic control of the polymorphism in B1and C1loci in carp was proved by test matings. The polymorphism in B loci tested in erythrocytes may be utilized as genetic markers in the fish breeding.  相似文献   

The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) can tolerate anoxia for days to months, depending on the temperature. In this study, we applied 1H-NMR-based metabolomics to polar extracts of crucian carp brain, heart, muscle and liver samples obtained from fish exposed to either control normoxic conditions, acute anoxia (24 h), chronic anoxia (1 week) or reoxygenation (for 1 week following chronic anoxia) at 5 °C. Spectra of the examined tissues revealed changes in several energy-related compounds. In particular, anoxic stress resulted in decreased concentrations of phosphocreatine (muscle, liver) and glycogen (liver) and ATP/ADP (liver, heart and muscle) and increased concentrations of lactate (brain, heart, muscle) and beta-hydroxybutyric acid (all tissues). Likewise, increased concentrations of inhibitory compounds (glycine, gamma-amino butyric acid or GABA) and decreased concentrations of excitatory metabolites (glutamate, glutamine) were confirmed in the anoxic brain extracts. Additionally, a decrease of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), an important neuronal marker, was also observed in anoxic brains. The branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) valine/isoleucine/leucine increased in all anoxic tissues. Possibly, this general tissue increase can be due to an inhibited mitochondrial function or due to protein degradation/protein synthesis inhibition. In this study, the potential and strength of the 1H-NMR is highlighted by the detection of previously unrecognized changes in metabolites. Specifically, myo-inositol substantially decreased in the heart of anoxic crucian carp and anoxic muscle tissue displayed a decreased concentration of taurine, providing novel insights into the anoxia responses of the crucian carp.  相似文献   

Many cyprinid fish are able to compensate for a decrease in ambient temperature by process of physiological adaptation in the function of muscles. In the winter habitat of crucian carp (Carassius carassius L.), low temperature is associated with simultaneous oxygen shortage. Because of the oxygen deprivation, there is probably little space for compensatory adaptation because positive thermal compensation would increase energy demand and accelerate depletion of glycogen reserves. Thus, we assumed that the crucian carp, unlike many other cyprinid fish, would not show positive thermal compensation but either no compensation or inverse compensation in muscle function. To test this hypothesis in the relaxation system of skeletal muscles, we determined the parvalbumin content and the activity of sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca-ATPase in white myotomal muscle of winter- and summer-acclimated crucian carp. In the laboratory, the winter fish were kept at 2 degrees C and the summer fish at 22 degrees C for a minimum of 3 weeks before the experiments. The specific activity of SR Ca-ATPase at low experimental temperature (2 degrees C) was similar in summer- and winter-acclimated fish (0.26 +/- 0.04 vs. 0.25 +/- 0.04 mM/mg/min; P > 0.05). Because of the bigger Q(10) of cold-acclimated carp, the enzyme activity at 30 degrees C was higher in cold-acclimated winter fish than in warm-acclimated summer fish (7.42 +/- 0.90 vs. 5.18 +/- 0.53 mM/mg/min; P < 0.05). In contrast, the yield of SR protein was 70% higher in summer than winter fish (0.315 +/- 0.045 vs. 0.187 +/- 0.017 mg/g; P < 0.001). Because of these opposing changes, total Ca-ATPase activity of SR (per gram muscle weight) remained relatively constant. Similarly, the parvalbumin content of the myotomal muscle was not different between summer (4.09 +/- 0.95 mg/g) and winter (3.70 +/- 0.60 mg/g) fish. Although there were no seasonal changes in the total relaxing system of the crucian carp white myotomal muscle, the same activity of SR Ca-ATPase in winter fish was obtained with less amount of SR pump protein, owing to the increased catalytic activity of the enzyme. The higher catalytic activity of winter fish SR Ca-ATPase might be caused by differences in fatty acid composition noted in membrane lipids; i.e., fewer saturated fatty acids and more n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), at the expense of n-3 PUFAs, were present in the SR of cold-acclimated winter fish. Temperature-induced changes in enzyme protein, however, cannot be excluded. Thus, the present results indicate the absence of positive thermal compensation in the relaxing system of crucian carp white muscle. It seems, however, that lipid composition of SR membranes and temperature dependence of SR Ca-ATPase are altered by seasonal acclimation.  相似文献   

Isoenzyme patterns and the polymorphism of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were investigated in 3 fish species of family Cyprinidae, i.e. tench (Tinca tinca), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio). The isoenzyme patterns were tissue and species specific. In crucian carp subunits with different electrophoretic mobility are present, which are genetically controlled from the B1, B2, A1, A2 and C loci, while the set of loci in carp is B1, B2, A, C1 and C2 and in tench B, A, C. The locus B of LDH in tench, the locus B2 in crucian carp, and the loci B1, C1 and C2 in carp are polymorphic and have two different alleles in each case. The polymorphism did not affect the total LDH activity in the tissues. All the populations investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The genetic control of the polymorphism in B1 and C1 loci in carp was proved by test matings. The polymorphism in B loci tested in erythrocytes may be utilized as genetic markers in the fish breeding.  相似文献   

1. Monoamines (which all demand oxygen for their synthesis) and monoamine metabolites were quantified in 6 brain regions of the extremely anoxia tolerant crucian carp (Carassius carassius L.).2. The norepinephrine levels were generally twice as high as the dopamine levels. No epinephrine was found.3. The major dopamine metabolite seemed to be homovanillic acid. No 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was found.4. Serotonin occurred at about the same levels as dopamine. The levels of the main serotonin metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, were about 10% of that of serotonin.5. All three monoamines had a similar distribution, with the highest concentrations in hypothalamus and the lowest in cerebellum and vagal lobes.6. The distribution and levels of monoamines agreed with that of anamniote vertebrates in general, suggesting that the crucian carp has not adapted to anoxia by abandoning or minimizing the use of monoaminergic systems.  相似文献   

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