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1 IntroductionAmongthefourMiocenehominoidsitesofKaiyuan ,Lufeng ,YuanmouandBaoshaninYunnanProvinceofChina ,LufengandYuanmouaretherichestfossilsites .Sinceitsfirstdiscoveryin 1 975,manycolleaguesaroundtheworldhavebeeninvolvedinthestudyofLufengpithecusfossils .However,noagreementhasbeenreachedontherelationshipofLufengpithecustootherMiocenehominoidsfoundaroundtheworldoronitsphylogeny .WuRukangbelievesthatthereareaseriesofmorphologicaldif ferencesbetweenLufengpithecusandtheSivapithecusspecimensfoundinTurkeyandP...  相似文献   

Fieldwork in the Yuanmou Basin of southern China has uncovered a large assemblage of late Miocene hominoid fossils assigned to Lufengpithecus hudienensis. Two mandibular first molars from this species were made available for histological analysis as part of a larger ongoing study on the ontogeny of dental development in Miocene to Recent hominoids. Results are compared with published and unpublished data on tooth growth in a wide range of extant and extinct hominoids. The Yuanmou molars are smaller than those of Lufengpithecus lufengensis and have markedly shorter crown formation times, overlapping slightly with Pan, but most similar to Proconsul and Dryopithecus. In other aspects of molar development (including enamel extension rates and enamel thickness), L. hudienensis shows similarities with all extant hominoids, in particular, Pongo. Ultimately, charting the ontogeny of molar crown formation may help shed light on the relationship of Lufengpithecus hudienensis to orangutans, and other Miocene to Recent hominoids.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a new form ofSinoadapis from the Lufeng hominoid Locality, assigned toSinoadapis shihuibaensis sp. nov. Holotype PA 882 A fragment of right mandible with C,−M3. Other materials. PA 903 A fragment of left maxilla with P3−M3. PA 959 Left lower tooth row with I1−P2, P4. PA 902 Right upper tooth row with C′−P3. PA 964 An isolated left I1. PA 907 An isolated right I3. PA 972 An isolated right M3.  相似文献   

A unique juvenile skull bearing both milk premolars and unerupted but fully developed permanent premolars and molars (observed using X-ray microcomputed tomography), and some isolated upper cheek teeth, all from the Late Miocene hominoid fauna of the Yuanmou Basin (Yunnan, China), closely resemble craniodental material of Acerorhinus yuanmouensis Zong, 1998 from the same locality, and are referred to this species. A phylogenetic analysis based on 214 craniodental morphological characters scored for 31 terminal taxa reveals that A. yuanmouensis should be assigned to the genus Acerorhinus indeed. The newly discovered specimens improve our understanding of this species, especially with respect to the morphology of the milk premolars and premolars. Two intraspecific variations in the upper premolars are noted: a lingual bridge may be present or absent, and the lingual cingulum continuous or reduced. The analysis also indicates that: the phylogenetic status of Acerorhinus lufengensis Deng and Qi, 2009 should be reconsidered; “Aceratheriumhuadeensis Qiu, 1979 does neither belong to Aceratherium nor Acerorhinus, and its phylogenetic status remains debatable.  相似文献   

Two mandibular fragments with associated milk teeth assigned to the late Miocene hominoid primate Ouranopithecus macedoniensis are analyzed. The fossils, which belong to a single individual, were found in the Vallesian locality of "Ravin de la Pluie" of the Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece). The material is described here and compared with extant and extinct hominoids, allowing assessment of the evolutionary trends in the deciduous lower dentition within the Hominoidea. Hylobatids represent the more primitive pattern. Gorilla is slightly more derived than hylobatids, but less derived than Pongo and Pan, the latter being the most derived. With relatively smaller deciduous canines and more molarized deciduous premolars, Ouranopithecus is more derived than both Pan and Gorilla. Among the fossil hominoids, Proconsul, representing the primitive condition, has a very simple dp(3)and a dp(4)that has a trigonid that is taller than the talonid and which lacks a hypoconulid. Griphopithecus is more derived than Proconsul in having a dp(4) with a lower trigonid, a hypoconulid, and a less oblique cristid obliqua. Australopithecus and Paranthropus possess a similar morphology to that of Homo, while Ardipithecus appears to be more primitive than the latter genera. Ouranopithecus has a more derived lower milk dentition than Proconsul and Griphopithecus, but less derived than Australopithecus and Paranthropus. The comparison of the lower milk dentition of Ouranopithecus confirms our previous conclusions suggesting that this fossil hominoid shares derived characters with Australopithecus and Homo.  相似文献   

Chiang Muan is the first Miocene fossil site in Southeast Asia, from which large-bodied Miocene hominoids have been discovered (Kunimatsu et al., Primate Res 16:299, 2000a). In this article, we describe a hominoid lower molar (CMu15-501) recovered from the Upper Lignite Member of Chiang Muan. The age of Chiang Muan is estimated to be latest Middle or earliest Late Miocene (around 11 Ma), based on the mammalian fauna.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

The middle Miocene sediments assigned to the Muruyur Beds have yielded abundant faunal remains which indicate an age somewhere near the early part of the middle Miocene, perhaps being earlier in time than Fort Ternan but probably coeval or slightly later than Maboko. Available radioisotopic age determinations suggest that the beds are between 13.5 and 14 m.y. old, which seems to be too young when compared with the biostratigraphic estimate. The importance of Muruyur Beds lies in their rich fossil content which includes hominoids of an age which is in general poorly represented in East Africa’s fossil record. This article places the fossil discoveries on record, and discusses their geological context.  相似文献   

A hamate and the proximal part of a first metacarpal from the type locality of the Nagri Formation in Pakistan, and attributed to Sivapithecus parvada, are described. In overall proportions, the hamate is rather robust, showing most similarity to that of Gorilla. Unlike extant hominoids it lacks a well-developed hamulus, and its triquetral facet is morphologically dissimilar to that in extant anthropoids. The morphology of the hamate indicates effective weight transmission through the ulnar side of the wrist, limited ulnar deviation and restricted extension in the triquetrohamate joint, and stability of the hamatometacarpal joints. The morphology of the partial first metacarpal is most similar to that of Pan. Previously described postcranial bones of S. parvada indicate that its locomotor behaviour included both quadrupedalism and climbing. This is consistent with the limited evidence of the first metacarpal, whereas the hamate strongly emphasizes the quadrupedal aspect of the locomotor repertoire.  相似文献   

There are four hominoid localities in the Yuanmou basin. There is no appreciable difference of fossil mammals collected from them respectively. On the other hand, judging from the occurrence of the strata and the characteristics of the deposits as well as from the trace of the neotectonics, the “homo layers” are identical to “Ramapithecus layers” in their occurrence. Thus the Hominoid fossils are exactly the same age.  相似文献   

报道了云南省凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物2新记录,即睫毛萼凤仙花(I.blepharosepala Pritz.ex Diels)和红雉凤仙花(I.oxyanthera Hook.f.),并提供了形态描述及其图片,凭证标本保存于重庆三峡学院生命科学与工程学院植物标本馆。该报道的睫毛萼凤仙花花色为白色,红雉凤仙花植株茎、叶皆被微柔毛,茎有分枝,小枝细,丰富了2个物种的形态描述。  相似文献   

The Ramapithecinae are an extinct, mainly Miocene group of hominoids, whose relationship to modern taxa is disputed. Some regard them as hominids, while others view them as ancestral toPongo,or even as the group ancestral to both hominids and extant apes. In this paper a systematic revision of Ramapithecinae is undertaken. Sivapithecus sivalensis andRamapithecus punjabicus are considered the same species, with the former name having priority. A new Indian species,Sivapithecus simonsi,is recognized. Ramapithecine anatomy is reviewed and compared with that of gracileAustralopithecus, early and middle MioceneProconsul andDryopithecus, and living pongidsPan, Gorilla, andPongo.Ramapithecines are shown to be much more primitive or “ape-like” than some have argued. Anatomical data are evaluated cladistically with several results. Parallel evolution in the jaws, teeth, and facial structure of hominoids appears to be the rule rather than the exception. Bearing this in mind, nevertheless, from the available evidence of anatomy, ramapithecines are cladistically hominids.  相似文献   

Studies in the past decade have proven the Shanita fauna to be an excellent marker of the northern peri-Gondwana tectonic blocks. Thus, a study of the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area in western Yunnan Province, China, could provide pivotal paleontological evidence for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Baoshan block. We systematically analyzed the composition and the age of the Shanita fauna from the Permian Da’aozi Formation in Woniusi Section of the Baoshan area. Results suggested that the characteristic genera Shanita and Hemigordiopsis in this fauna comprised eight species (including two new species), and ten genera of other nonfusulinid foraminifera were also recognized from this fauna. Further comparative study showed that the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area were probably late Maokouan (Lengwuan) to Wuchiapingian in age. In general composition, this fauna is comparable to those Shanita faunas from Shan State of Burma, Peninsular Thailand, and Nagri of Tibet, China. However, the relatively low generic diversity and occurrence of some endemic species, as well as the absence of fusulinids, indicate certain regional features of the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area. Translated from Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2005, 44(4): 545–555 [译自: 古生物学报]  相似文献   

A distal tibia, YGSP 1656, from the early Late Miocene portion of the Chinji Formation in Pakistan is described. The fossil is 11.4 million years old and is one of only six postcranial elements now assigned to Sivapithecus indicus. Aspects of the articular surface are cercopithecoid-like, suggesting some pronograde locomotor activities. However, YGSP 1656 possesses an anteroposteriorly compressed metaphysis and a mediolaterally thick medial malleolus, ape-like features functionally related to orthograde body postures and vertical climbing. YGSP 1656 lacks specializations found in the ankle of terrestrial cercopithecoids and thus Sivapithecus may have been primarily arboreal. Nevertheless, the morphology of this tibia is unique, consistent with other interpretations of Sivapithecus postcranial functional morphology that suggest the locomotion of this ape lacks a modern analog. Based on the limited postcranial remains from S. indicus, we hypothesize that this taxon exhibited substantial body size dimorphism.  相似文献   

报道了采自云南省的锈革菌属(Hymenochaete)2个中国新记录种,即长矛锈革菌(H. contiformis)和红边锈革菌(H. rufomarginata)前者的主要特点是解剖结构中无皮层和菌丝层,刚毛长且孢子大; 后者的主要特点是子实层具大量的侧丝,刚毛和孢子较小。提供了这两个种的野外标本照片、显微结构绘图以及详细的形态学描述,并给出了云南省锈革菌属30个种的检索表。  相似文献   

红杉属植物在中国云南中新世首次发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化石标本采自中国云南省中部楚雄市吕合煤矿的石鼓村层 ,该层为灰色至浅灰色细砂岩至粗砂岩、粉砂质粘土层和褐煤层 ,地质时代属中新世 ① 。石鼓村层的孢粉组合以被子植物占绝对优势(90 % ) ,其中热带、亚热带植物成分类型较多 ,如金缕梅科、棕榈科等 ,温带植物成分类型较少 ,如榆科、桦木科等 ;裸子植物花粉占整个孢粉组合的 9% ,主要是松科和杉科花粉 ;蕨类植物孢子仅占整个孢粉组合的 1% ,以水龙骨单缝孢为主。本次发现的标本小枝长约 2 .8cm ,宽约 1.6cm ,小枝基部稍膨大。叶螺旋状排列 ,基部扭转 ,在同一平面排成 2列 ,以 30~ 70…  相似文献   

Insight into the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism is important to our understanding of life history, ecology, and evolution in primates. This study applied a three-dimensional method, Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis, to investigate sexual dimorphism and its diachronic changes in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) skulls. Twenty-one landmarks in four functional areas of the craniofacial skeleton were digitized from macaques of known age and sex from the Cayo Santiago collections. Then, a series of mean form matrices, form difference matrices, and growth matrices were computed to demonstrate growth curves, rates and duration of growth, and sexual dimorphism within the neurocranium, basicranium, palate, and face. The inclusion of fully adult animals revealed a full profile of sexual dimorphism. Additionally, we demonstrate for the first time diachronic change in adult sexual dimorphism caused by extended growth in adult females. A quicker growth rate in males from ages 2 to 8 was offset by a longer duration of growth in adult females that resulted in diminished dimorphism between the ages of 8 and 15. Four functional areas showed different sex-specific growth patterns, and the rate and duration of growth in the anterior facial skeleton contributed most to the changing profiles of sexual dimorphism. The late maturation in size of the female facial skeleton corresponds to later and less complete fusion of facial sutures. The prolongation of growth in females is hypothesized to be an evolutionary response to high levels of intrasexual competition, as is found in other primate species such as common chimpanzees with similar colony structure and reproductive behavior. Further investigation is required to determine (1) if this phenomenon observed in craniofacial skeletons is linked to sexual dimorphism in body size, and (2) whether this diachronic change in sexual dimorphism is species specific. The changing profile of sexual dimorphism in adult rhesus macaques suggests caution in studying sexual dimorphism in fossil primate and human forms.  相似文献   

The external morphology of a fragmentary right proximal femur from southwestern Uganda is described here. Discovered in the Kikorongo Crater of Queen Elizabeth National Park in 1961, this specimen was informally assigned to Homo sapiens (although never described) and tentatively dated to the late Pleistocene. However, because aspects of the external morphology of the femur align the fossil with the African great apes, we suggest that the Kikorongo femur may be the first postcranial fossil of the genus Pan. Like the African apes, the Kikorongo specimen lacks both an obturator externus groove and an intertrochanteric line. It has a short femoral neck with a circular cross section, and a narrow and deep superior notch. Using resampling statistics and discriminant function analysis, the Kikorongo femur clustered with the genus Pan, as opposed to Gorilla or Homo. However, if the specimen is from Pan, it would be large for this taxon. Furthermore, features that clearly distinguish the external morphology of Plio-Pleistocene hominin proximal femora from African ape femora, such as the shape of the femoral neck in cross section and femoral neck length, have converged in Holocene humans and African apes. Unfortunately, the internal morphology of the femoral neck of the Kikorongo fossil was not discernable. Although we hypothesize that the Kikorongo femur is from the genus Pan, there is such variability in the proximal femora of modern humans that, although it would be an unusual human, it remains possible that this fossil represents H. sapiens.  相似文献   

A study on three new species of the genus Hedotettix Bolivar (namely, Hedotettix grossivalva sp. nov., Hedotettix brachynota sp. nov., and Hedotettix xueshanensis sp. nov.) from Yunnan Province, China, was performed. All their specimens are deposited in the insect specimen laboratory of the Department of Resources, Southwest Forestry College (Kunming, China). The appendix presents a catalog of subcategories of Hedotettix Bolivar from China. Translated from the Journal of Shaanxi University (Natural Science), 2005, 33(1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

This paper deals with strategies for agrobiodiversity conservation and promotion based on studies on four plant groups (selected from 50 plant groups) occurring in the Yunnan Province of China. These plants are edible konjac (Amorphophallus), medicinal Paris, Musella lasiocarpa and wild tea (Camellia sinensis and its wild relatives), including their cultivars and wild populations. After analyzing the target plants, we conclude that the following strategies should be adopted to conserve and promote agrobiodiversity: (1) in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity, including habitat protection of wild populations, maintenance of native species and varieties in traditional agroecosystems, and relevant environmental education; (2) ex situ conservation and promotion of agrobiodiversity, including establishment of living collections and germplasm banks, and introduction of species and varieties into agroecosystems for agricultural practice; and (3) promotion and conservation of agrobiodiversity through sustainable uses, including technique development of propagation, cultivation, pest and disease control, on farm and off farm management, and other activities such as new variety breeding and scientific studies. Strategies developed here will be helpful to conserve and promote agrobiodiversity at agroecosystem, species, variety or landrace, and management system levels.  相似文献   

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