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The nucleosome remodeling activity of ISW1a was dependent on whether ISW1a was bound to one or both extranucleosomal DNAs. ISW1a preferentially bound nucleosomes with an optimal length of approximately 33 to 35 bp of extranucleosomal DNA at both the entry and exit sites over nucleosomes with extranucleosomal DNA at only one entry or exit site. Nucleosomes with extranucleosomal DNA at one of the entry/exit sites were readily remodeled by ISW1a and stimulated the ATPase activity of ISW1a, while conversely, nucleosomes with extranucleosomal DNA at both entry/exit sites were unable either to stimulate the ATPase activity of ISW1a or to be mobilized. DNA footprinting revealed that a major conformational difference between the nucleosomes was the lack of ISW1a binding to nucleosomal DNA two helical turns from the dyad axis in nucleosomes with extranucleosomal DNA at both entry/exit sites. The Ioc3 subunit of ISW1a was found to be the predominant subunit associated with extranucleosomal DNA when ISW1a is bound either to one or to both extranucleosomal DNAs. These two conformations of the ISW1a-nucleosome complex are suggested to be the molecular basis for the nucleosome spacing activity of ISW1a on nucleosomal arrays. ISW1b, the other isoform of ISW1, does not have the same dependency for extranucleosomal DNA as ISW1a and, likewise, is not able to space nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Linker DNA was found to be critical for the specific docking of ISW2 with nucleosomes as shown by mapping the physical contacts of ISW2 with nucleosomes at base-pair resolution. Hydroxyl radical footprinting revealed that ISW2 not only extensively interacts with the linker DNA, but also approaches the nucleosome from the side perpendicular to the axis of the DNA superhelix and contacts two disparate sites on the nucleosomal DNA from opposite sides of the superhelix. The topography of the ISW2-nucleosome was further delineated by finding which of the ISW2 subunits are proximal to specific sites within the linker and nucleosomal DNA regions by site-directed DNA photoaffinity labeling. Although ISW2 was shown to contact approximately 63 bp of linker DNA, a minimum of 20 bp of linker DNA was required for stable binding of ISW2 to nucleosomes. The remaining approximately 43 bp of flanking linker DNA promoted more efficient binding under competitive binding conditions and was functionally important for enhanced sliding of nucleosomes when ISW2 was significantly limiting.  相似文献   

Exonuclease III was used to uniformly trim DNA ends of micrococcal nuclease-prepared chromatin fragments down to the first major impediment encountered by the enzyme, which arises from the interaction of H1 with the nucleosome. This trimming, when performed on nucleosome dimers, allowed one to quantitatively determine the center-to-center distance of nucleosomes. This distance, of mean 198 base pairs, was found to essentially vary between about 180 and 215 base pairs, with extremes of 165 and 230 base pairs. Trimming of trimers further revealed that the overall arrangement of nucleosome center-to-center distances along the chromatin fiber is that expected on a statistical basis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA is packaged into condensed nucleoprotein suprastructures, yet the DNA can be accessed as needed within this structural context. Recently, progress has been made concerning how the nucleosomal subunits of chromatin fibers are disassembled and reassembled in vitro and in vivo. At the level of the chromatin fiber, the conformational organization of condensed 30 nm secondary structures has been elucidated. A great deal of progress also has been made toward understanding how chromatin architectural proteins, such as MeCP2, MENT, polycomb and HP1alpha, assemble different specific types of secondary and tertiary chromatin structures. The emerging picture is that the inherent dynamics of nucleosomal assemblages at all structural levels are a key link between the condensed domains found in eukaryotic genomes and the functions that take place within them.  相似文献   

Thorough quantitative study of nucleosome repeat length (NRL) distributions, conducted in 1992 by J. Widom, resulted in a striking observation that the linker lengths between the nucleosomes are quantized. Comparison of the NRL average values with the MNase cut distances predicted from the hypothetical columnar structure of chromatin (this work) shows a close correspondence between the two. This strongly suggests that the NRL distribution, actually, reflects the dominant role of columnar chromatin structure common for all eukaryotes.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between DNA replication and chromatin assembly, we have purified a factor termed Drosophila chromatin assembly factor 1 (dCAF-1) to approximately 50% homogeneity from a nuclear extract derived from embryos. dCAF-1 appears to consist of four polypeptides with molecular masses of 180, 105, 75, and 55 kDa. dCAF-1 preferentially mediates chromatin assembly of newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA during T-antigen-dependent simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro, as seen with human CAF-1. Analysis of the mechanism of DNA replication-coupled chromatin assembly revealed that both dCAF-1 and human CAF-1 mediate chromatin assembly preferentially with previously yet newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA. Moreover, the preferential assembly of the postreplicative DNA was observed at 30 min after inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin, but this effect slowly diminished until it was no longer apparent at 120 min after inhibition of replication. These findings suggest that the coupling between DNA replication and chromatin assembly may not necessarily involve a direct interaction between the replication and assembly factors at a replication fork.  相似文献   

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